#viktel trevelyan
queerloquial · 5 years
tagged by @loghainmactir to write the first 3 words that come to mind for each oc
jasper: sweaters, cabin, flamingo
maura: blue, shield, blood
viktel: spirit, shout, fur
sacha: tavern, lute, stone
maur: rocks, salt, travel
elliott: pristine, glow, silver
clara: pink, sparkle, parakeet
sorley: blue, beast, sigh
aodhan: light, streak, drop
ettie: faith, wait, gleam
sehris: grin, sword, flick
mia: leather, window, vanish
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luffenmeihn · 7 years
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@autisticmagpie‘s lovely Viktel Trevelyan receiving a kiss from my Kaladin Lavellan :D 
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queerloquial · 6 years
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three of my inquisitors (i never got around to playing regan actually), and a bonus jasper bc i think i did a nice job on him in this game. some other games im just never happy with his face
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pros and cons of dating viktel trevelyan
very squishy. kinda adorable
a total nerd, will talk endlessly about arcane history or theoretical magic for /hours/ if nobody stops them, its so cute how their face lights up and they get so animated~
will stand for no disparaging comments from anyone, especially regarding gender and presentation. never have to deal with transphobic asshats again
not good with words where feelings are concerned, so will often give small gifts to let their datemate know they care. prepare to always be properly hydrated and never need to go searching for that thing you needed earlier
has The Fluffiest bed, with so many pillows and blankets no datemate will ever be uncomfortable
sex-repulsed, good for datemates who dont like/want sex for any reason
often touch-averse, could be pro or con depending on the datemate
feelings-averse in general
doesnt know what this is
doesnt know if this is romance, if this is a real relationship, if they can even say they love their datemate in the “right” way
constantly questions if theyre doing this whole ‘affection’ thing correctly
are they being pushy and demanding, or not vocal enough? is it okay theyre afraid of physical contact, or should they risk triggering themselves in order for their datemate to know they care? if theyre so focused on their own comfort, do they even truly care about their datemate?
if they try to get reassurance from their datemate, will the datemate start to question whether they actually love them?
will the datemate leave them?
are they really as broken and undeserving of happiness as the chantry said they were?
stays up late reading, will absolutely bring tea to bed so they have something to drink during, never takes their teacups out of the bedroom and back to the kitchen
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O: if they are nervous/uncomfortable about touching another, do they sometimes use an object or animal as a barrier or a stepping stone to touch, such as hugging a pillow?
Viktel is really the only one who fits this question. They don’t do touch, it just never occurs to them to reach out to their partner. They’re fine having minimal physical contact. Usually. (In the mornings after sharing a bed, they are often comfortable enough to allow cuddling, but on the days they can’t quite bring their hand all the way to touch their partner, they like to grab the fluffiest pillow on the bed and hug it tight to their chest.)
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R: when first becoming comfortable in a relationship, were/are they the first to initiate affection, why and how?
Maura is very comfortable initiating affection; she’s a very self-confident person in general, and already very warm towards people she’s ‘only’ friends with. Mostly in physical contact- a hand resting on her partner’s shoulder while they talk, flitting in to quickly kiss their forehead when they pass in the hall, small gestures that always come with a flash of warm eyes and a beaming smile.
Zady initiates, usually, and she’s entirely clueless that she does. She just thinks she’s being nice, always making sure that her partner is well-taken-care-of  and knows she’s always down to listen if they need someone to vent at. She doesn’t think anything of snuggling up close by the fire, especially on a chilly night, or bringing her partner an extra treat to keep the cold at bay.
Jasper will initiate, but cautiously, especially if his partner has hang-ups about touch (bc he is a very tactile person, likes to express affection through cuddling and such). Always watching his partner for signs of discomfort, asking them fairly often if they like a thing or not, forming a solid view of what they do and do not want before he really does anything more than hold their hand.
Viktel doesn’t initiate. At all, ever. They aren’t entirely comfy with affection- the Circle hardly fostered good attitudes towards love of any sort- and take a while to warm up to their partner. Even outside of their demiromantic orientation, they have a hard time truly trusting other people and need a lot of buildup to a relationship before they can reciprocate any amount of affection.
Elliott sometimes initiates, sometimes not. For him, a relationship is only barely different from the friendship it started as, which means there’s already a good deal of comfort and familiarity when they start out. He thinks hardly anything of pulling his partner aside in the hall for a kiss or three when nobody’s looking, or resting his hand on their back as they stand side-by-side anywhere.
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4, 11, 12, and 13 for jasper and/or whoever would be the most fun to do
[from this meme]
i’ll do both the canon and fallout 4 versions of jasper, plus viktel trevelyan bc i’m currently trying to put more work into them (for shipping purposes, mostly)
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
pinterest and tumblr! here, i keep oc tags to hold on to specific headcanons or ideas that fit them (which i add to frequently; oc posts are like half my blog if you focus on the tags instead of the content), and on pinterest i have a small collection of aesthetic boards for a more general view of their personalities. a quick review of their tag or board is usually all it takes to get into the right headspace
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?
DA Jasper- he doesn’t have a favorite place so much as a favorite form. he’s a shapeshifter, and uses it mainly to deal with bad brain days, because being a fox or a bat or a deer is a lot less spoon-draining than being a human. (also, it’s easier to get sympathy cuddles as a sad-looking kitten)
FO Jasper- he’s taken over one of the sanctuary houses as his personal space. not his previous house- that one got boarded up immediately to guard against looting (and to keep himself from just sitting around wallowing in memories and self-pity)- but one with most of its walls and roof relatively intact. it’s separate from where the settlers and companions sleep, with the only furniture in the whole house being his bed, a chair, and a side table with a radio
Viktel- they like skyhold’s library. it’s calm, softly-lit, and there’s just enough of a draft to keep the place nice and cool. when their stress isn’t eased by demolishing training dummies with their spirit blade, they turn to researching magic instead. sometimes just rereading things they already know, looking for a new viewpoint on familiar information, other times seeking out new theories (and often dragging dorian in to help, or to bounce ideas off of)
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
DA Jasper- he likes the sea. in my canon, malcolm hawke was rivaini and initially raised his family there, in a coastal village, for the first few years, until the chantry started pushing more and more and made it unsafe for a family with four mages to stay in one spot (himself, jasper, jasper’s twin solveig, and bethany). so, jasper likes anything that brings back memories of being a child and playing in the ocean with friends and family, not having to constantly watch over his shoulder and second-guess everyone he meets
FO Jasper- gasoline. his family lived on the road when he was young, so he has a lot of memories of gas stations and rest stops. post-war, it’s a little less comforting, since the presence of oil usually means there’s a fire trap set up
Viktel- they’re a fan of honey, or berries and cream, but can never really place why (old memories, from when they were 3-4, raiding the gardens with their four siblings every summer. barefoot with dirt and grass stains all over and at least two leaves tangled in their hair at any given time)
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
DA Jasper- cinnamon rolls. really, anything drowned in heavy sweet icing, but cinnamon rolls take first prize. he would absolutely eat them all the time, except more than four and his teeth start hurting. there isn’t much that he actually hates eating
FO Jasper- pancakes. he was always a breakfast food fan; post-war he rather likes scrambled mirelurk eggs. not anywhere near the best thing he’s ever tasted (that honor belongs to the giant-ass stack of waffles he got at a middle-of-nowhere diner in michigan once, dripping with melted butter and absolutely drowning in rich, real maple syrup), but it’s the best he’s getting in the apocalypse
Viktel- orlesian macarons, preferably with little lavender sprigs or candied orange zest. not something they can get all the time, even as the herald of andraste (”whose damn prophet do i have to speak for to get some tiny cookies around here?!”), but they like the soft texture and the very slight sweetness of the filling
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mmhmm and viktel normally wary of touch, needing to be able to see the hand reaching for them and be able to predict where it’ll wander, shying away from giving physical affection beyond quick, light kisses to belluels forehead or upturned cheeks and the faint brush of their fingertips against her shoulder until morning comes and all barriers are lost in the soft, warm, post-sleep haze, when they roll over under the covers and snake their arm under bells to curl loosely around her chest or when bell decides to be the big spoon, shuffling close to press lingering kisses to their shoulder and run her hand under their nightshirt, gently tracing curving red stretch marks with fingertips and blunt nails until they wake up ticklish and grinning
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okay. okay. okay. most to least likely to have comfort items
1. Jasper Hawke, all versions. He’s autistic and likes to have stim toys readily available, although only ever small ones he can hide in a coat pocket bc he’s kinda embarrassed about it. Also, that bomber jacket that he has in the Sole Survivor and Saints Boss aus? Definitely a comfort item. He likes the weight of it. (In non-modern aus, he has a long heavy duster-type coat that he wears for the same reason. Never leaves without it.)
2. Viktel and Sacha Trevelyan. They’re about the same level; Viktel’s violin is their main item, while Sacha keeps a braided leather bracelet on his left wrist. Both twins turn to their item of choice when the world gets too loud and pressing to deal with.
3. Annette Trevelyan. A surprise appearance from Queen Asshole herself! She has a Sword of Mercy pendant that she wears under her armor, taking it out to hold between her fingers only in quiet moments alone when her thoughts wander and her resolve starts to weaken. 
Honorable Mention: Zady Brosca (who would probably keep comfort items if she were used to having personal belongings that aren’t armor/weapons/clothes), Maur Stormcrown (who kept a couple when she was young but ended up pawning them off for food, before she got into stealing)
Doesn’t See The Need: Maura Cousland (unless you count her armor and family sword; she would sooner die than allow anything to happen to those, she Needs to have them)
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angriest OCs
1. Viktel Trevelyan. Granted, it’s a very justified anger- directed at the Chantry, Circle structure, and Templars after a lifetime of abuse for being born a mage. They don’t just want freedom, they want vengeance, and they aren’t afraid of taking it.
2. Elliott Shepard. Technically, I’d label him more “eternally frustrated at the fact the universe does not work the way he wants it to”, but it still counts. He doesn’t mean to be a dick, but it’s hard not to run out of patience when you’re certain you know the most effective way to accomplish something but absolutely nobody will even give you the time of day.
3. Jasper Hawke, specifically, either the Champion or DA2 NPC aus. Again, due to Circles being absolute shit and Templars being worse; I have /just a few/ feelings about mage rights... Although where Viktel pushes more for a mass mage uprising, Jasper prefers more up-close and personal methods of dealing with the Order.
Honorable Mention: Mia Stone (equal parts sj activist and amoral hedonist), Boss Jasper (who’s really more generally-violent than actually-angry), Maura Cousland (who Really Dislikes having her authority questioned)
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so apparently cullen develops a crush on the inquisitor almost immediately
which is amazing because viktel actively hated him at the start
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so it turns out that, of five trevelyan children, only the oldest turned out “normal”
camilla married a starkhaven nobleman and popped out triplets. woohoo.
violetta ran away to rivain and joined a ship of apostate raiders. she’s in a relationship with three of them, including a tal-vashoth woman and the ship’s captain, who has at least one amputated limb (her arm, and she has, as sacha puts it, some very interesting attachments for her prosthetic that he could’ve gone the rest of his life without knowing about). she has been disowned by the family, although sacha still keeps up with her travels.
winona came out as trans and changed his name to winston. he’s spent the last three years going long-distance with an elven grey warden from ansburg, who gave him his joining amulet to wear. he hasn’t been disowned yet, but lady trevelyan has been pushing him to marry a local noblewoman; sacha is certain that he plans to elope with the warden as soon as possible.
viktel, previously lucia, was a circle mage who aided a violent uprising when rumors started circling of a coming annulment. they spent the two years before the conclave travelling between the free marches and redcliffe, putting their knight-enchanter and martial skills to use guarding caravans of apostates on their way to join the bulk of the rebellion. they joined the inquisition and fell for the ex-knight-commander of kirkwall, of all people
and sacha, whose hallucinations and delusions were so frequent and vivid they got him kicked out of the templars, didn’t bother to tell his /very chantry-centered family/ that he /isn’t part of the chantry anymore/ and went on a tour of thedas, paying for his meals by singing in taverns. he joined the inquisition in an effort to keep his parents happy (look! see! i’m still serving the chantry like you wanted!) and promptly fell head-over-heels for not only /a tevinter mage/ but also /a dalish healer old enough to be his father/ (another inquisitor-as-companion, ahndraas lavellan)
man, holiday dinners with the trevelyans have /got/ to be interesting
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mmkay. endgame headcanons, no matter what trespasser will prove/disprove.
ahndraas lavellan dies. he and dorian maintained contact through letters for the two years since corypheus’ end, but he never mentioned when the mark started to spread, or that it was having extremely adverse effects on him. the mark has spread to most of his body and the magic has become entwined with him. it kept him alive throughout the inquisition’s rise to power- working against the freezing cold after haven fell, against dragons and giants and everything that should definitely have killed him. to keep the mark would be to accept a slow, painful death of wasting away into the fade little by little every day until all that’s left is a fade-touched zombie. giving up the mark would also lead to a painful removal process that would, without a doubt, kill him, but would be over in a matter of minutes. he accepted his death years before and only seeks an end.
sacheverell trevelyan lives, without the mark. although he held the mark just as long as ahndraas, his templar training allowed him to resist the effects somewhat, staving off the sharpest edges and leaving something he could live with. he also kept up contact with dorian, although with the addition of multiple short visits by each other. he didn’t keep the mark’s spread a secret. giving up the mark, for him, would not have been the fatal removal it was for ahndraas. it was painful, and lasted considerably longer, but he survived. because he deserves a fucking happy ending.
viktel trevelyan lives, with the mark. they can use their magic to make the pain more manageable, and will not give up their seat as inquisitor as easily as sacha and ahndraas. the power and security it gives are vital to their personal peace and comfort as a circle survivor. having the mark also gives them protection against tranquility, if their station should fail them. they promptly retire with cullen to a lakeside cottage in crestwood.
regan hill is tranquil. although sacha could give up the mark without much relative trouble, regan’s “natural state” (for lack of a more appropriate term) is to be cut off from the fade. the mark was her only tie to it and was the only thing connecting her to her emotions, dreams, and magic. she chose to give up the mark without knowing it would mean a return to tranquility. the process was short and painful, but less in the shaking-and-screaming way of sacha and more in the frozen-in-place-and-unable-to-make-any-noise way. she returns to clerical duties for the chantry, this time serving her long-time friend, the divine, personally, and living in as much comfort as they can provide her.
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ooh, but this /is/ gonna make post-game headcanoning interesting
i still need to figure out which line im using for ahndraas’ canon. if his family lives, hes more likely to be content where he is and trying to use the inquisition as a force for positive change. if theyre dead, however, hes more self-serving and frustrated and just wants to hand the inquisition off to somebody who actually wants the job.
and viktel is probably more upset that they dont get to retire to that seaside cottage anytime soon
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the thrum of magic in the air grows more fervent the deeper they go into the forest. it’s heavy on solveig’s tongue, bright and cold and nothing at all like the frenzied, gravelly murk of kirkwall’s gallows. the tight set of cassandra’s jaw hints that she can sense it too, but if varric and sacha feel any pull of the veil, they hide it well.
it feels like hours of ducking under branches and slipping down rain-slicked hillsides before their destination comes into view: a tall, blocky fortress of moss-covered stone and patchy wooden roofs, its ramparts dotted with armored guards. she can see the veil twisting sharply around the polearms at their backs- mages. their guide pauses suddenly before a shimmering rune. with a flick of her wrist she dispels- something. “the rune is still there.” solveig notes, although she can’t feel any difference in the air.
“it’s decorative, meant to draw the eye.” the mage explains, letting the party go past her over the lines sketched in the dust, “the real danger lies in the wards around it. i only took down a couple, you’ll be fine if you don’t stray from the path.” “and if we do happen to stray, just a little?” sacha cuts in, tentatively reaching one hand towards a nearby tree trunk as if by touching it he could feel the spells anchored there.
“depends how far you go, and how close to the base. the first wave is weakness, disorientation, and horror. further on you might find yourself affected by draining spells, affliction hexes...” the warrior snatches his hand back from the trees, but she only smirks and continues, “some of our casters are fond of miasma and mortality curses. those who attempt to press further can expect explosive blood plagues, mass paralysis, demonic hallucinations-”
“okay, okay, i think churchmouse gets the point,” varric ends the woman’s rambling before she can get too into detail, “can we get moving again? we’ve still got to get back to camp after this meeting, and i’d rather not take those hills in the dark.” “very well.” 
the fort seems even bigger on the inside- training yards where enchanters practice with heavy bladed staves or sharp, precise spells; gates opened to gardens growing herbs and vegetables; tower after tower buzzing with magical activity. they’re led through a courtyard lined with stone benches where a silver-haired tranquil walks between rows of small children dragging sticks of chalk over slate boards as they learn to write. one girl, a chubby qunari with brilliant orange eyes, stares as the party continues into the main keep.
“something wrong, ser?” their guide doesn’t even turn around to inquire about the frown burrowing across sacha’s face. “no, i just… didn’t expect a rebel cell to look so much like an ordinary village.” “we are ordinary people, after all.” she halts the group and motions to a man standing guard by a side door; he gives a quick nod before disappearing inside. “well, yes, but- you see- everyone i’ve ever talked to about it said that the rebels left behind anyone who didn’t fight. the tranquil, the children, the elderly, the sick...”
“they are mages just as much as we are.” a new voice cuts in when the side door opens again. the guard returns, flanking an enchanter in a long pale leather duster. silver scales glint in the candlelight in place of sleeves as they approach, narrow golden eyes glancing over each newcomer. “should we not fight for their freedom as well as our own? although,” their tongue flicks out over their lips, “i suspect you’d rather we had left them to the mercy of your chantry swords, /templar/.” the last word drips from their mouth like bile. for once sacha holds his tongue; from his face, he’d rather be fighting a dragon while dressed in steaks and armed with a rusty spoon than standing in the middle of a mage stronghold.
“viktel, i presume?” solveig cuts in suddenly with her most placating smile, “we’re with the inquisition, you wanted to discuss a possible alliance?” the expression on viktel’s face doesn’t change at all: a lioness honed in on unsuspecting prey.
“yes. nothing official yet, of course. mostly i’m curious as to just how you and your forces intend to seal the breach in the sky. my scouts reported that you can close the smaller rifts up close,” their eyes dart to solveig’s left hand, “but it will doubtless take more than a simple handwave to repair that sort of damage.”
“we are looking into it, but the chantry is… not cooperating.” viktel’s answering wry smile relaxes solveig somewhat. “i would never have guessed they could be so difficult.” they laugh. “we have to deal with local dissenters in val royeaux before we can even begin work on the breach itself. you say your enchanters salvaged a number of tomes from your circle library?”
“we did in fact manage to recover most of our works once the templars were out of the way. ostwick’s library held centuries of research into arcane matters, i wasn’t about to let it go to waste! my proposal, as in my initial letter, is this: we combine our resources and work in partnership to further understand the events at the conclave and how to fix or prevent further damage to the veil, you receive some of my mages as soldiers for your army, and my entire cell is put under the full protection of the inquisition.”
“surely you have more terms than that?” solveig laughs, “not that i’m complaining, but it does sound like we get the better end of the bargain.” viktel only shakes their head, blonde curls dragging on their shoulders. “we want to live in peace. if we could do that without spilling blood, we would, but so many in power believe that giving mages any courtesy means giving us the world.” their eyes turn from solveig to cassandra to sacha, who had begun staring at them questioningly. “but that is a talk for another day. now, if you would rather not make the long trek back to your camp, you may stay the night here. we have a set of empty quarters just off the main barracks; not exactly spacious, but better than a bedroll on the ground, and more privacy than a tent.”
“if it’s not too much trouble, we’d be very grateful.” the warriors look less than thrilled with the prospect, but remain silent. that is, until their guide returns to show them to their rooms, and realization dawns upon sacha.
“i’ve got it!” he shouts, eyes on viktel like they’re the second coming of andraste. “you- what?” “this whole time you’ve looked so familiar but i couldn’t place how! lucia!” their eyes darken at the name and before anyone can blink their staff is swinging in their hand. “look, i don’t think-” varric tries to rein in sacha but he’s hearing none of it.
“you’re lucia trevelyan! look, it’s me, sacheverell, your brother!” he’s clearly far more elated at this ‘reunion’ than viktel, whose face is less of a joyous grin and more of a concentrating snarl. “i’m /not/ who you think i am. that girl /died/ in the circle.” “no, i’m certain! you look /just/ like mother, same face and everything! come on, lucy-”
the handle of the staff connects with his jaw hard enough to echo off the keep’s walls and send sacha sprawling to the floor. cassandra’s sword is out immediately and varric hesitantly touches bianca, but none of the mages make any further moves.
“i /told you/, my name is /viktel/.” they growl, staff blade hovering just inches from his throat, “not lucia, not lucy, and i’m /not/ a fucking /trevelyan/. don’t you /dare/ suggest otherwise, those bastards left me to rot in a glorified prison in the name of their fucking maker, i don’t want /anything/ to do with them. do you understand me?” he can only groan in reply, one hand shielding the broken section from further harm. blue light flicks along the length of viktel’s fingers and he gives a sharp cry as the bone knits back together too fast for comfort. “i said do you understand me?”
“yes, yes!” “i think that’s enough,” solveig finds her voice again and steps forward, empty hands splayed towards viktel as she steps in front of sacha. “i’m terribly sorry for this, enchanter. we’ll go ahead and make the walk back to our camp tonight.” “good.” their staff returns to its sling across their back, although their eyes never leave sacha’s face. “this one isn’t welcome here again. and if you have any more stashed away, don’t bother bringing them in the future.”
“so you’re still open to talk-” “of course i am. the threat of the breach is greater than this… incident.” they turn to leave, “i’ll send word to haven when i’ve drawn up my terms and am ready to negotiate. andraste be with you, herald.”
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I am curious about your mage Trevaylian :D What are the headcanons?^_^
Basically, that the in-game dialogue to expand on the Inquisitor’s backstory doesn’t actually apply. Life fucked them over, so they steeled up, take no shit, and live for the day they can see every Chantry burn.
Viktel was cut off from contact with their family when they came to the Circle as a small child. Any letters sent out were forged, and incoming mail was destroyed if it wasn’t useful. (This also ties in with my Twinverse, where they’re the sibling of my Templar Trevelyan, Sacha. He remembers regularly exchanging letters with his sister and having a good relationship with her, while Viktel, unaware of what was going on, grew up believing that their family abandoned them and became very angry and bitter as a result. It’s part of their individual Inquisitor-verses, but the difference is most apparent when they’re both companions to another quizzie.)
I don’t remember if it’s canon or not that Lord Trevelyan made regular donations to the Circle, but headcanon says he did and that the money went straight into Chantry pockets without making any difference. Viktel went through the same abuses as many other mages- physical, emotional, spiritual, and although it was never carried out against them, there was often a threat of sexual violence, with or without the bonus of Tranquility.
Their time at the Circle ended in a mage uprising, not simply ‘when the Templars attempted to kill [the Inquisitor]’. The Resolutionists were sick and tired of being treated like shit, so they fought back, and they /won/. Viktel actually spent the 2-3 years before the Conclave in the Hinterlands, as part of a ‘rebel’ cell. (The majority of mages in their cell were non-combatant; those that did fight were more concerned with protecting their people rather than going out and looking for trouble. Viktel themselves attended the Conclave not as a delegate, but as a guard.)
I think that’s about it for the backstory headcanons. Mostly I wanted an unapologetically angry anti-Chantry Circle mage, since BioWare is taking forever and a day to make one themselves…
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