#maura cousland
queerloquial · 5 years
tagged by @loghainmactir to write the first 3 words that come to mind for each oc
jasper: sweaters, cabin, flamingo
maura: blue, shield, blood
viktel: spirit, shout, fur
sacha: tavern, lute, stone
maur: rocks, salt, travel
elliott: pristine, glow, silver
clara: pink, sparkle, parakeet
sorley: blue, beast, sigh
aodhan: light, streak, drop
ettie: faith, wait, gleam
sehris: grin, sword, flick
mia: leather, window, vanish
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domnorian · 7 years
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Inktober 2017 - Day 12: Shattered
“Who knows what will happen? I trust you completely to carry on the Cousland name if the worst should happen.”
Maura Cousland, thinking about her parents. Sorry for the feels, by the way...
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thenugking · 5 years
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Annabeth Cousland (Warden | Rogue | she/her) - When Wardens need to stop a Blight, the ends justify the means
Maura (Awakening Warden | Warrior | they/them or she/her) - Stops Annabeth from making things quite as dark as they would have been otherwise
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arcaneworrier · 3 years
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Cyberpunk 9:30 Dragon — by enbyseven a.k.a. @thaig​ ↳ a dragon age: origins novelization // cyberpunk au
The year is 9:30 Dragon. Aeducan Inc. is doing better than ever, and its heir presumptive, Ana, is about to make a move that will ensure her inheritance. Maura, the second child of the CEO of Cousland International, is being promoted. And, in Kinloch Hold, Jordan Amell is quickly rising in the ranks as a newly minted enchanter.
Then all of them are betrayed.
Their lives are saved when they're recruited into the Grey Wardens, only for most of the Ferelden order to be wiped out in one blow, along with President Cailan Theirin. Saved only by the efforts of a mysterious mage, the surviving wardens are Ferelden's only hope.
In a world of magic and machinery, of technology and spirits, of demons and AI, can they stop the Blight before it devours all of Thedas? And if they do, what will be the cost?
↳ Chapter One: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Ana Aeducan looked into the mirror, straightening her white blouse and skintight black trousers. The plunge down the front of her shirt was a little bit risqué for a formal business meeting, but there would be no fun if she couldn't scandalize a couple of the old men and women who made up the board.
The necklace that disappeared into her cleavage was made of pure platinum, a gift from her father that she made sure to wear to every board meeting of Thaig Inc. It was her responsibility as Chief Operating Officer, after all. 
The position had come along with the necklace for her eighteenth birthday. And her brothers had received similar gifts, though they had gotten watches to go with their positions. Trian was Chief Fiancial Officer, and Bhelen was Chief Marketing Officer. 
Her father was a generous man, at least when it came to his family. 
read on archive of our own.
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roguelioness · 7 years
Roguelioness Writes Masterpost
DAI NPC One-shots
Refugee Hunter
Hyndel Sr.
Widow Maura
One-eyed Jimmy
Redcliffe Storyteller
Scout Liesel
Enchanter Ellendra
Lord Berand
Elven Widower
Farmer’s Market Solas [Solas x Neria Lavellan] [NSFW]
Apples - Fruit has never quite looked so appealing before.
Strawberries - Daydreaming during a dinner date.
Oranges - Breakfast the morning after.
Pomegranate - Reshaping old memories into better ones.
Bananas - A helping hand... in more ways than one.
Grapes - Making things better after some unkind gossip.
Peaches - A vacation at the beach turns to more.
Mangoes - A gift from a friend offers a new shared experience.
Melons - Distraction has never felt better.
Apple Pie - Baking together has its advantages.
Random One-Shots
Clambering [slightly NSFW] - The reader goes rock climbing with Cullem
Still - Lavellan knows why she loves the Dread Wolf.
Bellanaris - He will not settle for ephemeral when he desires eternity.
Epicure - Lavellan doesn’t share food.
Dreaded - she would become the monster he hunted to keep him safe.
Sustenance - His dreams were torture, but they kept him going.
Recall - The Inquisitor keeps notes on all her companions.
Moving On - Lavellan searches for love after Solas breaks her heart.
Deliverance - The growth of Cullen, Templar, Knight-Captain, Commander of the Inquisition.
Perseverance - Lavellan does not shatter when Solas leaves.
Solace Sought - He kept his promise, but he paid too high a price.
Love Still Kept Open - Solas gives Lavellan the strength to keep her promise.
Vengeance - [Dark AU] Solas wants revenge for Lavellan.
Bitter, Sweet [NSFW] - A collab with @tel-abelas-mofo! Solas cannot resist Lavellan, even when he tries.
Moo-ving Shenanigans - Bull is drunk, and thinks Krem is dead [light-hearted!]
Fear - She thought she knew what lurked in the dark, but she was wrong.
Vacillation - Varric debates whether or not the Inquisition needs Hawke.
The Beginning of the End - Solas and Leana deal with the news of Mythal’s death.
The huntress and the enchanter - a non-canon fairy tale AU of Solas and Lavellan.
Once Upon A Dream - Lavellan can’t stop thinking about Solas (a gift for @designfailure56)
Linarel Laimelin
Giving In - Linarel and Minaeve’s escapade is discovered by Solas. [NSFW]
Burn - Solas fights his attraction for the Dalish outcast.
Scars - Linarel tells Solas about her past.
A Rogue’s Finesse [Daniella “Dani” Trevelyan] [Clumsquisitor]
Chapter 1 - Before The Inquisition
Chapter 2 - Haven
Chapter 3 - The Hinterlands
Fictober 2018 Masterpost
Vanessa Cousland x Alistair [canon and non-canon]
Divergence [Post- Landsmeet] - Alistair and Vanessa must live with their decisions.
Break Faith With Me - Vanessa is furious with Anora, and isn’t afraid to let the Queen know.
Not So Sneaky [College AU] - Alistair can’t quite hide his eavesdropping.
Sundered - She thought he loved her. Why would he do this?
Falling [Tower of Ismal] - This was where they would die.
Deirdre Hawke x Fenris [canon and non-canon]
Blame - Why was she held responsible for everything?
Blossom - Deirdre can’t help but think about her siblings.
Sweet Defeat [NSFW] - A sparring session becomes quite heated.
Fen’asha Lavellan x Solas [non-canon]
Forget You Had Memories, Lover Mine - Harsh truths and bitter memories.
Spider’s Web - Who is the real enemy?
Neria Lavellan x Solas [canon and non-canon]
In Your Heart Shall Burn - Fen’harel needs one more thing before he can set his plan in motion.
New Lives (Papa! Solas) - Solas anxiously awaits the arrival of his child.
Tangled In Lies - Solas learns the price of deceit.
The Length Of His Shadow - Even when he is not with her, he watches over her.
Ties That Bind [NSFW] - Lavellan entices Solas with the antaam-saar.
Temptation - Solas does not believe himself to be impulsive.
Dread [canon] - He is the monster her people made him out to be.
The Other Side [canon] - He made his choice, and he must live with it.
Bedtime Stories [canon] - Solavellan fluff. 
Chaos [canon] - Neria encounters Solas at the end of Trespasser.
Till Death Do Us Part - There is but one truth he was certain of, and now she is no longer.
The Villains They Play - He was never her enemy, but he cannot see that.
Distractions and Delays [NSFW] - Neria has a meeting with Josephine, but Solas has other plans.
Remorse - She has no place to go to, not even her sanctuary.
Amaryllis Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford
 Nightmares - Cullen comforts Amaryllis after a nightmare.
Sniffles - Amaryllis is sick, and doesn’t like it one bit.
The Lion, Her Rock - He keeps her grounded when she feels like she’s falling apart.
Heart and Home - She’s worse for wear, but will not wait to get back to him.
Reminders - Amaryllis is reminded of what’s most important to her.
Danielle [Dani] Trevelyan x Iron Bull
Exquisite - He marvels at what their relationship brings.
Megara Tabris x Zevran Aranai
Puissant - Zevran’s target isn’t as easy as he thought.
Krem x Inquisitor 
Shadows In The Spotlight - Krem watches her from the sidelines.
Realization - He wants her, but she belongs to someone else.
Krem x Maryden
Silver Tongues - Krem is fascinated by the minstrel in Haven’s tavern.
For Her - He needs to keep her safe. He must.
A Whole New World Drabbles [Samarra Bayart]
Indulgence [slightly NSFW?] - Solas’ POV from Chapter 27. Eating cake has never sounded more erotic. 
Unfading Desires [NSFW] - spin-off from Chapter 80; Samarra decides to enjoy Fen’harel’s personal chamber the best she can.
Where She Does Walk - Solas talks to Samarra about the choices she is faced with.
Stained Glass Smiles - A snippet of Samarra’s life on Earth.
The First Thing On Her Mind - When she falls, she calls for him.
Errors And Guilt - Samarra’s decision results in a near-fatal mistake.
Seduction [NSFW] - Samarra teases Solas with stockings.
Maybe - Samarra is faced with a man she knows well, but she has to hide it from him.
Tears - Samarra reminisces about her fiance.
Hawke And Co.
Red Herring - Hawke is up to no good, and Varric is along for the ride.
She Has Both Warmth And Flame - Varric is concerned about Bethany’s insistence to accompany Hawke to the Deep Roads.
Impulsive - Hawke confesses her feelings over a beer bottle.
Cognizance - Carver has some revelations about his sister.
Original Works [random]
Sorcha of Asvor [original work] - done for @designfailure56‘s original character.
Pasta Fever [original work] - Crack! fic as a result of a conversation with @kaoruyogi
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sharedheadspace · 7 years
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headmate aesthetic: maura cousland
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@pencilstab​ - Maura Hawke @cressellia1​ - Fiore Cousland
First set of smooches with Tristan
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headcanons about favorite way to sleep and how they like their morning beverage, for each of the nerds
sleeps on her stomach, arms curled under the pillow. wears proper pajamas to bed, brushes out and braids her hair beforehand so it doesnt get everywhere
likes a nice hot cup of coffee, maybe a bit of cream and sugar but its not necessary
sleeps mainly on his back, but shifts a lot on his sleep, and wakes up every couple hours. puts his hair in a ponytail, but every night it manages to come apart and he wakes up looking like cousin itt from the addams family. depending on the universe, wears sweatpants or the equivalent to bed, plus a t-shirt in fallout
prefers a nice cold glass of juice, but will take tea or coffee if thats not available. whatever it is has to be sweet though. very sweet
when he actually goes to bed the right way- as in, not passing out at his desk in whatever he was wearing all day- he sleeps halfway between his back and his side. needs silence, with just a little bit of white noise. likes to sleep in shorts and one of kaidans sweaters
coffee, with enough sugar to put a small child in a coma, topped with the equivalent of a bottle of five-hour energy
when she bothers to rest, she sprawls across the bed on her back, usually taking up most of it and some portion of either the wall or floor. remarkable, for someone her size. often sleeps in whatever clothes she wore that day, but when shes feeling safe and secure she might strip down to her underwear. will sleep on anything vaguely horizontal and not currently on fire
a nice warm mug of mead is her go-to, just because she likes the taste. she doesnt actually need to have anything at all to wake up or stay awake, her dragon soul gives her plenty of energy
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queerloquial · 6 years
okay i know the wiki says anoras marriage to cailan was first agreed on in 9:10 and that she wasnt much for playing with other kids but like
i want fic of the baby nobles being a bunch of little shits together. maura and anora and delilah running around with all the confidence and actually-rather-calculated recklessness that comes with being twelve year old girls. gilmore awkwardly trailing along behind maura because hes her best friend and shes not going to let him just sit out of their adventures. cailan being dragged along when they can sneak him out of whatever hes Supposed to be doing. sometimes nathaniel gets roped in because hes older than everyone else and they need someone who can be the vaguely-adult supervision. thomas howe is younger than everyone and so gets left out a lot but he still tries to keep up because theres no other kids his age around
and fic of the kids all growing up knowing that theyre going to have Responsibilities, some of them are going to marry each other (they just dont know who, or who they want it to be if theyd get a choice), but it hasnt like. sunk in and become Real. its a problem for when theyre grown-ups, and so they grow up more or less a very relaxed polycule that works itself out over time. maura kisses all the howes and decides she likes anora best, gilmore kisses maura and figures out he doesnt like anyone at all really, anora kisses maura and cailan and wants them both and when it sinks in that she cant have both she accepts it but on the inside she sulks for a week
and a small part of her, the twelve year old with neat braids and dirt-scuffed stockings, whispers that cant a queen do whatever she wants? but no, little one, theres expectations and reputations and an image to maintain, so she marries cailan when theyre all barely adults, and maura refuses to speak to either of them, or visit, or even reply to her letters. for seven years she doesnt see her but in flashes here and there at landsmeets, and then as soon as she blinks cailan is dead and highever in ruins and she refuses to cling to the rumors of the warden who escaped ostagar, the towering woman with bright red hair and a silver tongue to match two long gleaming daggers
but the twelve-year-old remembers the girl she loved, proud and stubborn and long freckled limbs and a smile that could get them out of almost any trouble. she hopes, and she dreams, and she stays quiet and waits
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queerloquial · 7 years
bethany gives a small groan as she stares at her reflection. she looks like a child’s attempt at dress-up. her hands ride from smoothing out the silky skirt of the dress to curl in front of her chest and twist the end of her pearl necklace between her fingers, back and forth and back again
“i- i don’t know about this...” she glances over mirror-her’s shoulder to maura’s back, outlined in a sharp fitted dark suit jacket that takes bethany’s breath away. the rise and fall of maura’s arms suggest that she’s busy adjusting her collar and tie, as she doesn’t turn around but hums reassuringly,
“you’ll be fine, darling, it’s just dinner with my brother,” bethany turns her earrings forward slightly, before putting them back, only to find that they were never quite comfortable to start with
“the why dress up like this?”
“because you look especially pretty in fine clothes” bethany’s brow twists downward as her smile curls up,
“thought you said i always look pretty.”
“you do,” maura spins on her toes and smirks into the mirror, “but now everyone else can see it, too, and know that they only get a fleeting glimpse while i have the distinct pleasure of calling you mine” bethany’s cheeks darken and her hands freeze halfway between reaching to adjust her hair ribbon. there’s a lengthy pause before she finally squeaks,
“oh. i. hm. yes, i. i suppose there might be that...” maura crosses the bedroom in two long, easy strides and bends to kiss her darkened, heated cheek
“there is also the pleasure that comes from everyone we pass knowing that i belong, body and soul, to the most beautiful girl in steelport,” her smile only grows as bethany hides her face in her hands,
“oh now you’re just… ugh!”
“and besides,”
“don’t you dare,” she peeks out through her fingers,
“half the fun of dressing up is seeing how fast you can take it all off later on”
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queerloquial · 7 years
for maura: Do we live in a world of parallels? Can there be no hope without grief? No happiness without suffering? Or is a utopia possible?
she paces before you, one slow, careful step after another, toe to heel to toe to heel. “i believe,” her brows come together, “that these are two different questions. one can know hope and happiness and fulfillment without having experienced true grief, suffering, and emptiness. a torch is more visible at night, but that does not mean the fire does not exist in the daylight. as for the concept of a utopia... i do not think that comes down to a question of parallel concepts, but of the nature of man. there always were and always will be those who perpetuate suffering whether intentionally or not, which makes a true utopia impossible. however, perfection being unattainable is no reason to not strive to better the world anyways. someone must be there to counteract the harm”
for elliott: Could you ever become your own hero? Is that a role you can fulfill or is it something you look to others for?
he stares blankly over your shoulder and idly twists a spinner ring around his finger. “i think,” he begins quietly, “i may be, the wrong person for this. sort of question. i. do not understand, the idea of. designating a hero. you will disagree with, everyone you meet. many will disappoint you, in some fashion. it is inevitable. placing anyone, on a pedestal, so to speak... it is inadvisable. better to, chart your own course, as it were. trust in your own mind, above all. learn from others, yes, their. successes and their failures. the reasons for each. but following someone else’s path, it will not save you. it cannot. you must be your own person”
for maur: you have the key to immortality in your hands. But not for free. If you want it, as a price, your worst enemy also gains immortality. Is it worth it?
she leans back in her chair and crosses her bare feet on the table before her. her nose wrinkles, “okay well technically i already got that- dragon soul, it’s immortal, this squishy body is just a vessel, blah blah blah, an also anyone really worthy of bein called my ‘worst enemy’ or whatever is also functionally immortal, so...” she tilts her head side to side and heaves a sigh, “but, in the spirit of not bein a dick about particulars... no. ain’t nothin worth livin forever an ever. you leave behind everythin you love eventually. people die, things decay, countries change, so what’ve you got left in the end? shit all, that’s what. immortality ain’t worth a thing”
for jasper: If you could jump back through time to save a loved one’s life, would you? Despite what it might to do the timeline? To everyone else? Do you believe it is their fate to die regardless?
he frowns at you specifically, squid: “i know what this is about and you are a massive dick. and yeah it’s nice to think about sometimes; what if i’d done this or that, gone these places instead of those, spoke up, stayed quiet, a hundred ideas for every situation. but things in the past had to work they way they did to get to this exact present, and that includes losing people i really wish i didn’t have to let go of. but if i’d found a way to keep them, would i still end up where i am now, with the people and life that i do have? would i be the same person? would i be willing to sacrifice who i am now for some hypothetical version of me that i may not like or even recognize? ... maybe i’m assuming a lot of ‘worsts’, but. you get my point”
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queerloquial · 7 years
an old maura cousland+bethany hawke au i just rediscovered:
morrigan’s ritual is completed and neither dies to the archdemon
everything is fine and dandy for a few years
start feeling effects of the calling
maura goes off in search of a cure, leaving bethany with the other amaranthine wardens. story continues as normal
bethany takes the place of the warden contact in da3
hawke and bethany go to adamant with the inquisition, quest runs as normal
you see where im going with this dont you
option a: bethany once again can only sit back and watch as someone else decides her fate for her, only this time the direct result is that her last surviving family member dies in her place
option b: maura returns to amaranthine exhausted but successful in her search only to find her order in disarray and a letter from leliana that starts “i’m so sorry”
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queerloquial · 7 years
idek my dude. best explanation i have is that im in a sappy mood tonight
“so, why *do* you call me ‘firefly’?” maura nudges her head back against the soft pudge of bethany’s stomach, eyes still closed. the smile at the edge of her mouth twitches wider when bethany’s hand rubs at her shoulder where the nightshirt had slipped to the side, fingers sliding under the lacy edge to rub gentle circles around scattered freckles. hawke shrugs and hums a response
“because fireflies remind me of good things,” she wants to say, “remind me of summer nights by the side of the road, sitting around a campsite with my siblings and my parents. remind me of my mothers smile before she grew old and bitter. my sister catching lightning bugs between her fingers and holding them for me to see. my father pulling me into his lap when i woke from a nightmare and humming songs to me until i fell asleep on his shoulder. fireflies remind me of feeling safe and warm and of when times were simple and happy. things that i feel here with you.“
“because fireflies are... bright like fire. and. fire is red, like your hair?” she stutters instead, grateful for the darkness that hides the sudden rush of hot color to her cheeks. maura laughs, soft and ringing, and loops one arm back to graze curled knuckles against bethany’s back
“oh, better than the time you compared my eyes to dirty water. progress! i’ll make a flirt out of you yet, dearest” bethany flicks her fingers sharply against maura’s chin, but breathes out a laugh of her own
“and why should i flirt with anyone else? i already have you, don’t i?” she’s still deciding whether to say it aloud when the words tumble from her mouth of their own volition. she doesn’t even realize they have until maura gives a comfortable sigh,
“yes, you do. always”
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queerloquial · 6 years
found part of an old ‘hawkes become wardens in addition to the existing wardens’ au with squid
ok but have you considered, in the multiple wardens au maura roping jasper into teaching her a handful of rivaini words and phrases so she can tell bethers things like 'i love you' and 'you look beautiful today' in her own language her accent needs a little work, but the words are right, and the intent consider that neither maura nor jasper let bethers know shes learning rivaini either, so its a complete surprise when maura one day scoops her up to press fluttering kisses across her cheeks and nose, whispers 'te amo, querida' in between giggles
hehehe <3
i just woke up from a nap and catapulted into wordless screaming
okay but have you considered zevran lowkey grilling bethany about what sort of presents jasper likes back
tghbjnk i had not (mm... he likes jewelry, for one; soft fabrics and sensory things; little trinkets from far-off places) (rivaini items are, nturally, his favorite, but he likes just about anything that gives him thoughts of a lifetime of traveling thedas, free to do as he pleases)
zevran disappears into certain back rooms in denerim and comes back with a travelogue of a rivaini seer grey warden alistair is appalled. where'd you get that. what. where. how. and zevran just winks i'm guessing the Mage underground trades it back and forth
most likely jasper gapes at the book, looks from zevran to it and back again, smile playing at the corners of his mouth. 'i... you... this...'
zevran tries to look utterly nonchalant but he's clearly hanging onto Jasper's every word. "i did, and it is," he confirmed, with a nervous smile
'how are you so utterly amazing?' he mutters, pulling zevran into the warmest bear hug he he can possibly manage, and if he leans down a bit to kiss his forehead that's nobody's business but their own
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arcaneworrier · 3 years
let my cries touch their hearts
Still in mourning for her family, Maura Cousland doesn't take threats lightly, and has no time for mercy. Assistance from a Chantry sister might change things.
Femslash February Prompt: Red.
Female Cousland/Leliana, Pre-Relationship.
"We surrender!"
If the sister hadn't stayed her hand, Maura knew that she would have slaughtered every last one of Howe's Loghain's men, without remorse.
There was one last man standing, the other two having been downed by her or one of her companions. Alistair was even more furious than she was about Loghain's betrayal, and Morrigan, it seemed, had no patience for those that would attack her. But Maura, the child of a Teyrn, the daughter of the Seawolf, should know better.
  Mercy, Maura. We must always have mercy on our enemies, as the Maker teaches.
She pressed her blade against his throat. It was already red with the blood of his fellows, and Maura wasn't inclined to listen to her mother's lessons at the moment.
Her mother was dead, and it was men like this who were responsible.
"Wait!" The sister rushed towards Maura, laying her hand on her right arm, stopping her blade. "Stop! Don't kill him!"
Maura could feel her lips draw back in a parody of a smile.
"Why not?" she asked, the edge of her sword - the Cousland sword - digging into his neck. "He would have killed me."
"You do not kill an unarmed man. One who has surrendered."
Maura doubted that either Loghain or his men would afford her the same courtesy. She glanced over at the sister, the woman who had fought with them and showed so much skill. Her hair was almost as short as Maura's own, and red, but not the red of blood.
The red of sunset.
read more on ao3
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queerloquial · 7 years
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above, an image recc’d to me on pinterest. below, an au rp done forever ago that played out that exact thing
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