#vincent x rody mentioned
dawnthefox24 · 4 months
*Vincent is looking for his cigarette pack since he cannot find it which is making him frustrated as he going through a withdrawal *
Vincent: *Storms over too Rody* LAMOREE WHERE IS IT!!
Rody: EEP!*gets scared *
Rody: W-Wheres what Vinc-
Rody: W-what did I do...
Rody:*swallows the lump in his throat before taking a deep breathe * I..
Vincent:*glares at him* YOU WHAT!?
Rody: I threw them out Vincent! You're killing yourself like that. I know you can't taste anything but I care about you're health Vince besides I don't want to see you hurt!!
Rody:*internally* This is how I get fired huh
Vincent: ....Rody
Rody: Y-Yes Vince?
Vincent: You need to make up for what you've done...
Rody:...pleaae don't fire me I-
Vincent:*grabs him by the collar and kisses him before pulling away sighing* Much better
Rody:*RODY.E.X.E crashed and is bright red *
Vincent: Get back too work Lamoree*walks off into his office*
Rody:*is having a bi panick as his whole body turned red*...W-what...V-Vince kissed...I...um....he...wow...
-in Vincent office-
Vincent:*banging his head on the table * WHY DID I KISS HIM!?!?!
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pandalexoxo · 5 months
since i’ve watched youtubers play dead plate, it’s been on constantly my mind 😻 i’ve literally searched up gacha reactions, fanfics, edits, etc, just because i’m starting to obsess over the game. not to mention how little attraction it’s gained?! where is the fan art, the fanfics, the loveeee?!? 😭 anywho! just a little blurb i keep imagining in my head!
this takes place after ending 3 so please, keep in mind that this will contain spoilers for the third ending! you’ve been warned!
With his left hand, Rody puts pressure on where his left ear had been before Vincent had ripped it off and eaten it. He pants softly, unable to tear his gaze away from the flames that engulf the bistro.
Rody is able to break contact when he sees a shoe in the corner of his right eye. Rody’s body tenses as he looks over at the shoe, allowing his gaze to slowly move up to take in the owner of the shoe. Black leather shoes that shine bright from the fire’s light, black slacks and a white long sleeve button up underneath a black vest adorned with a black tie. Rody’s eyes widen at the face.
The persons expression is full of worry, the figure holds their hands out as if wanting to comfort Rody but feeling as if they shouldn’t overstep boundaries in such a clearly traumatic time. the figure’s mouth opens, mouthing some illegible words. Rody hasn’t realized that all this time his ears had been ringing, his brain already trying to force this moment into the back of his head.
Rody’s eyes fill up with tears and he sniffles. The ringing slowly fades out as the voice slowly registers. “Rody! Hey, are you alright? Hey, deep breathes, you don’t have to tell me what happened, let’s- here, can i lead you to my car…?” Rody feels tears flow down his cheek and drip off his chin and Rody feels like he’s breaking as he wetly smiles. “…(M/n)…”
The man, finally known as (M/n), looks relieved as Rody seems to snap out of his previous delirious state. “Rody… Hey… Let’s step away and go to my car, yeah?” Rody nods but takes one step and falls forward. (M/n) panics, stepping a few paces forwards to catch Rody.
Rody’s eyes close and he whines, letting his tears fall and openly sob as he mourns. Mourning over the truth he has learned, that his girlfriend was killed and cooked up by his boss, being served to Rody though, due to his inability to cook, he had not eaten the dish, which Rody is now thankful for. Rody finds himself surprisingly mourning over Vincent too, just wishing to make some money to whoo Manon and wanting to try to become closer to Vince, maybe even become friends. It’s too late, what’s done is done.
(M/n) sighs softly, his expression softening as he holds Rody close. He allows Rody to get all of his feelings out, hoping his friend will be able to feel better. “Rody… I don’t know what happened and you don’t need to tell me until you’re ready, but… Please … I want you to know that i’ll be here with you, for you… All the way...”
Rody’s body continues to heave from the force of his sobs but ultimately seems to be calming down. Rody is reduced to sniffles and he clears his throat to speak. “All the way…? You promise…?” (M/n) hums, rubbing Rody’s back soothingly. “All the way. I promise.”
Rody nods, feeling content before pulling away with a sheepish look, as his stomach growl. He scratches the back of his neck nervously but (M/n) breaks into laughter, causing Rody to follow suit. “(M/n)… Could we get something to eat…?” (M/n) nods, able to pull both of them up and lead Rody to his car. “Of course, my treat.”
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shirakow · 2 months
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˗ˏˋ꒰ summary ꒱ ; he wanted to practice kissing with you .
‧₊ ᵎᵎ 🍇 pair ⋅ ˚✮ ; Rody Lamoree x GN!reader . College AU pre dp
. . . words ; 1.2k+
WARNINGS ! semi-nsfw, like one mention of addiction, whiney rody, and also no genitals or gendered terms used !
⁺ ⛧ ; i made this instead of continuing to make my reviewer for like 5 tests tomorrow. Someone wish me luck and maybe I'll pop out another vincent x reader by saturday ^3^ love you guys endlessly . Also made this while listening to the an evening with silk sonic album. Def worked for motivation
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"Please?" Rody begged on his knees in front of you, his eyes pleading you for help as he clasped his hands together in a praying manner like you were his God.
You could only sigh and shake your head, "Fine. I'll practice kissing you." You murmured a bit shyly. Despite being incredibly against the idea —not that you would mind—you were just nervous because Rody was literally asking you to kiss him.
Actually, the term he used was make out but that's too embarrassing to think about.
It hit you in the wrong way because you were best friends, that's all you've ever thought of him. Sure you were glad he was comfortable enough to ask you for tips on this, but hands on teaching? Consider yourself fucked!
Perhaps there were lingering feelings in the back of your head that you never paid any mind to as you were never this nervous for a damn kiss.
Rody's eyes immediately lit up at the agreement, even if a bit hesitant. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," he tackled you into a hug, pushing you down on the couch with his full weight flush against yours.
You smacked the back of his head multiple times to get him off before he could crush you, which he did thankfully. The two of you sat faced to face, the way Rody twiddled with his fingers did not go unnoticed by your keen eyes.
"If you're nervous, you could just back out now while we still haven't done anything." Who were you kidding? By the looks of it you were even more nervous than him! By the way your feet couldn't help but bounce itself on the ground whilst you anxiously waited for his answer.
"I'm not nervous! I'm just embarrassed..."
"Same thing you nut job." You quipped with a sigh.
"Just, come on." If he wasn't gonna initiate it, then you'll do it. You could tell how much this meant to Rody, or else he wouldn't have asked you in the first place.
Because if there was one thing that Rody hated in the world aside from cleaning: it was to burden others. Besides, he's done so much for you in the past, it's only right you pay him back even if with a mere peck on the lips.
You scooted closer to Rody, your knees brushing against one another as you placed your hands on his chest. He looked down at you with his blush growing more prominent, yet you only did nothing but stare at him. "W-What're you looking at?" The almighty Rody Lamoree stuttered.
"Backing out?" You teased with a small chuckle. A grumbled curse erupted from his throat and before you knew it, his lips were against yours.
Well that was surprising.
They were soft, tentative, and more importantly: incredibly gentle. It was like he was trying to learn for his own gain but prioritizing your comfort at the same time, which was quite lovely if you do say so yourself.
Your hands on his chest moved up to caress his jaw, then his neck, then his cheek, and finally his hair which earned an unexpected whine from Rody. You fought back a smile that threatened to form on your face at the sound, and he could easily tell as your lips were connected after all.
Rody mumbled a quiet 'shut up' that was immediately drowned out when he kissed you deeper. But you noticed it was too sloppy. This caused you to pull away slightly, leaving only an inch between your lips that Rody fought to keep closed by the way he chased after you.
You put a finger against his plush lips which in turn earned another whine from the male in front of you. "Calm down big guy... Don't rush, or else you'll chase away the person you're pining for." You whispered breathlessly, and Rody pursed his bottom lip out like a pleading dog.
"I'll... I'll try..." He grumbled as you put your hand back down to his shoulder. Rody pressed his lips against yours once more, starting off slow, and gradually growing deeper like you instructed him to.
He grazed his teeth against your bottom lip, the feeling making your breath hitch. Noticing your reaction, Rody decided to tread the waters and gently bit your lip, before pulling on it while maintaining hazy eye contact.
"Sorry... Just wanted you to open your eyes and look at me while I kiss you..." Rody said in a raspy voice as his blush deepened. You hadn't even noticed that you closed your eyes, you were too busy feeling him to feel your own sight go away for just a split second.
He was starting to get the hang of it, that's for sure.
Rody's calloused hands finally found somewhere to put themselves on and that being your hips, which he then pulled onto his lap as he leaned back on the couch; his thumbs gently caressing and rubbing circles under your shirt.
You just let him do what he want, this was all just for practice anyway, right?
"Can I..." Rody trailed off as he pulled away, his face flush and mouth agape—gasping for breath. You could only imagine what you looked like right now if he was this disheveled already. "... Can I french kiss you?" Rody bit his bottom lip as he thumbed at yours.
"Wouldn't this already be considered a french kiss?" You chuckled at your pun.
Rody rolled his eyes and let out a breath that you could only guess resembled a laugh. "Yes or no is all I wanna hear... Please?" He quietly begged you, staring up at you with his pretty green eyes that were lidded from all the kissing.
"That's all you wanna hear?" Another groan from him. "You're insufferable..." He used his hand to part your lips as he stuck the tip of his tongue out, before suddenly pulling you down and shoved his tongue inside your mouth.
It made you gasp against his lips, but you leaned into it invitingly. You placed your hands on his shoulders for support as he explored every inch of you.
For someone claiming he hasn't made out with someone for the duration of his entire life: this sure didn't feel like it. Your fingers threaded through his hair and grabbed a fistful of his dirty orange locks, making him moan into the kiss, albeit a bit too loudly.
Rody made you grind against him, his hands gripping onto your hips for dear life. "Mmmm...~ feel good... keep going... please..." He whispered as he pulled away for air, before pulling you back down for another round of tongue kissing.
It was messy, but you started not to care a few minutes ago. You were completely drunk on Rody's taste, and by the looks of it—he was already long gone. "Y-You'll help me out, right?" Rody panted while throwing his head back, helping you grind on his groin.
"P-Pretty please?"
And who were you to decline such a pretty face begging for more?
Safe to say the day after that was far from normal, because now he's completely addicted to kissing you.
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© shirakow . reblogs and reposts are greatly appreciated <3 .
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terminallydiseased · 21 days
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content warning — angsty, vincent x rody, mentions of manon only (i love manon shes so pretty), mention of murder obviously.
author's note — do you think i'm gonna gain opps from this
summary — jealousy and yearning, vincent's point of view.
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one day.
maybe one day, rody will finally realize that he does like vincent. but for now, vincent will just keep bossing him around, leaving him meals, not even knowing that rody throws them away because it tastes.. weird. poor poor vincent.
he always forces himself to listen to rody gush about manon every time rody has the time to talk to vincent, oh, how he wishes he could be in manon's shoes. it pisses him off that rody talks about her all of the time. he wonders if rody ever talked about him to other people, well, if rody has other people to talk to.
how he wish he could just get rid of her. make her go missing, throw her body into the river, or maybe even cook the corpse.
he never thought he would feel such things as this, hatred, burning hatred, jealousy as well. he thinks it's off character of him to feel that way at all. but ever since rody was willing to work his ass more to get enough money for manon, giving kind and nice gestures to vincent, he felt something he never felt before.
and it was love.
it was weird for him, falling in love with the waiter who's been working for him? pathetic, really. but he couldn't help it. he's been finding rody attractive ever since he was in denial of liking him, it made him sick to his stomach. his messy, dirty orange hair, they seemed soft, if he could play with his hair and stroke it with rody's permission, he would've been doing it again and again.
these thoughts he has with rody felt so weird yet felt so right. it's confusing, he knows, but if he questions it more, it'll leave him more confused.
if he would've never met rody, he would've died without knowing how it feels to be in love. it was sickening at first for him, but he learned to accept the fact that he loves him.
but vincent knows rody doesn't love him back. he never will.
but maybe one day, just maybe, rody will walk to him and tell him that he feels the same way he feels with him.
divider, banner.
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dawnthefox24 · 4 months
*Rody noticed that Vincent isn't looking too good and noticed how he can barely keep attention not wanting to sleep but also noticed that Vincent almost passed out in front of him*
Rody: Hey Vince I think you shoul-
Vincent:*tries to cover a cough*I'm...Fine...
Rody:*presses his hand against Vincent forehead feeling how hot his temperature was* Vince you're sick
Vincent:*blushes a bit and looks away coughing a bit* R-Rody I-I'm not sick..
Rody:*rolls his eyes* Vince you look like you're going to faint
Vincent: D-Damnit Rody I-*gets a bit lightheaded*
Rody:*hold Vincent close to him* Yeah no, I'm carrying you upstairs back home got it..
Vincent:*tries to stay awake and looks away from him flustered a bit* I'm fine..
Rody:*picks Vincent up bridal style carrying him in his arms * Hush I'm gonna take care of you...
Vincent:* blushes and coughs a bit* i-idiot
Rody:*nods* yup I know.
Vincent:*slowly starts to close his eyes before falling asleep against Rody*
Vincent:*soon begins to wake up and noticed that he was being carried before falling back too sleep again*
*Vincent stirred a bit in his bed tiredly, thinking it was all just a dream not before feeling someone next too him making him jolt up awake before looking over at Rody*
Vincent:*blushed when he saw Rody sleeping next too him tiredly as he turned away from him before he started coughing a bit*
Rody:*soon woke up and looked at Vincent* You alright Vince?
Vincent:* looked over at Rody and narrowed his eyes at him* W-Why are you in my bed Lamoree...
Rody:*looks at Vincent for a moment before shooting out of his bed rubbing the back of his neck nervously* Well um...I..uh..You see I just...uh...It's not what you think....
Vincent:*rolls his eyes* out with it already Rody.
Rody: I...I thought I should take care of you...You know....
Vincent:...So why were you in my bed Lamoree
Rody:*looks away pretty embarrassed*....I uh...fell asleep while carrying you back home
Vincent: *crosses his arms a bit* So you think I'm heavy?
Vincent:*rolls his eyes* I'm kidding Lamoree
Rody:*mutters underneath his breath* didn't sound like you were kidding
Vincent: excuse m-*starts coughing again*
Rody: I'll make you soup okay
Vincent: *calms down still coughing a bit*D-do you even know how too make soup?
Vincent:...Why am I not surprised...
Rody: *pouts*Hey what is that suppose to mean
Vincent: nothing and I don't want you taking care of me since you might get sick too
Rody: Nah I don't get sick
Vincent: I'm not convinced
Rody: Trust me I don't...Oh I know I'll go out and buy you some Soup instead!
Vincent: You know I can't tas-
Rody:*cuts him off* Doesn't matter you need something anyways I'll be back okay!
Vincent:*watches Rody leave his room before he laid against the pillow and started coughing again before blushing a bit* W-What an idiot...He shouldn't take care of me....
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Okay so I had a small little theory as a what if Vincent also saw Manon spirit or something but doesn't care since he's gotten used to her haunting him.
*Vincent is lost in thought smoking outside of the bristo after brutally murdering Manon after he fed her to Rody making him smile when he saw Rody eyes lit up a bit with delight*
Vincent:*takes a drag from his cigarette before blowing out the smoke outside behind the bristo before seeing the ghastly figure of Manon.* You know Manon what you did too Rody was a bitch move, you jump at the opportunity when you saw me and left Rody heartbroken....
Vincent:*looks off into the distance * He never shuts up about you....I love him you know but you broke him I was never into you but just....Some how even in death you still managed too make him miss you....Though you didn't go too waste he actually enjoyed eating you which was good, it made me feel very happy.
Vincent: *chuckles softly and he takes another drag* He'll soon forget about you, though he was close to finding the freezer key none the less... I'll give him the locket and tell him YOU gave it too me after finding out I liked men or maybe I'll throw it in a lake...Yeah I'll do that chuck it in the lake, After all the pain you caused Rody you couldn't have at least told him too move on or told him you found someone else...
Vincent: *flicks his cigarette before crushing it with his shoe* In the end you had a choice, I also didn't read any of you sappy love letters since I gave you hints that I wasn't interested but what happened happen, So goodnight.
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Rody: Bonjour, Vincent. Voulez–vous coucher avec moi? Vincent: *feels his face heat up and looked away from him* No, I don't want to sleep with you. Rody: Is that what that means? Oh, man, I had a really gross tennis instructor. Vincent:*dies on the inside*
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dawnthefox24 · 4 months
*Rody is getting yelled at by a costumer with his wife  by the menu and is trying to explained calmly to him that it changes daily and which is beyond his control*
Rody:*is trying not to be rude to the guy*...Sir I understand how you feel but the menu changes daily if you want I-
Random lady: *looks nervous but is also embarrassed as she has her appetizer *Honey please...
Rody: I know but please lower you're voice and-
Random guy : *Throws his date's  food and dumps wine on Rody*SO USELESS, ARE YOU INCOMPETENT THAT YOU CAN'T DO YOU'RE FUCKING JOB RIGHT !!!
Random lady: *smacks her date on the head*HONEY!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU APOLOGISE TO HIM!!
Rody:*feels everyone looking at him as he stays quiet trying so hard not to break down he needed to get away*
Random lady:*looks at Rody* I'm so sorry...
Rody:*wipes some of the food off and leaves as he heads towards the kitchen * excuse me...
-Rody enters the kitchen as the chefs looked at him before walking over too Vincent quietly -
Vincent: *looks Rody and noticed the mess on him* Rody what happe-
Rody:*breaks down crying in front of him and didn't know why* C-can I...Vince...Can I go h-home...
Vincent:*eyes widen and takes his hands to get him cleaned up * come were going to the bathroom and EVERYONE GET BACK TOO WORK!!
The chef's:*freaked out and went back too cooking*
Vincent:*takes Rody too the bathroom and starts cleaning him too the best of his abilities *Deep breaths rody...what happened
Rody:*breaks down crying even more*.. I...I tried to tell...t-the costumer...t-that the menu c-c-changes daily and-
Rody:*hugs Vincent sobbing against him*
Vincent:*tensed up a bit before hugging Rody rubbing his back*I'll talk to him okay Rody stay in my office and wait their okay.
Rody:*coughs a sob but nodded against him* I-i'm sorr-
Vincent: Don't apologise Lamoree, I don't tolerate other assaulting my workers mainly you Rody.
Rody:*whispers* thank you..
Vincent: Go to my office and I'll deal with the customer okay
Vincent: *pats his head and took Rody towards his office leaving him their* Sit down and I'll make sure the chef's will make you some tea okay...
Rody:*nods softly with his head still low*...Okay.....
Vincent:*leaves Rody as he heads leaves the room* *the chef's felt very tense and scared with Vincent with how calm and angry he was as the cooked a bit faster not facing him*
Vincent:*noticed the woman and the man arguing with one another and went over too them and just stood waiting to be noticed*
Vincent:*clears his voice cutting the guy off* Was what?
Random guy: *turns his heads towards Vincent * who the fuck are yo-
Vincent:*pours a glass of water on the guy head staring at him* I'm the chef of this establishment and I don't tolerate people who harass my servers.....
Random guy:*gets up pretty pissed as he ready to punch Vincent for pouring water on him* THE FUCK IS YOU'RE PROBLEM!!!
Vincent: *has his arms crossed*Oh I see, you didn't have a problem trashing my waiter but a little bit of water ruins everything....
Vincent: *Grabs the knife and stabs it into the guy's sleeve cuts him off now glaring at him * The costumer is what? Is right?
Random guy:*is now in total fear* Y-YO..You're a psycho!! T-The fuck is wrong with YOU!?!?
Random woman:*covers her mouth in horror and seemed to be frozen in place unsure what to do*
Random guy:*in a state of fear*...yes sir...
Random guy: *closed his eyes* YES SIR!!
Vincent:*takes the knife out from the sleeve and smiles like as if nothing happened* Alright now you are banned from this place and I apologise for the inconvenience that occurred
Random guy:*gets up and leaves taking his wife with him*let's go....
Random lady:*fallows her date still shocked by what unfolded*....
Vincent:*watches them leave and went back too check up on Rody*
*Once back inside Vincent went too the office and found Rody on the couch looking down before he sat down next too him*
Vincent:....I Had a talk with them Rody, their banned from this place...
Vincent:....Do you want anything? Tea?
Rody:...Tea would be nice....Am I fir-
Vincent: No you're not fired and yes I'll make you some tea don't worry...
Rody:...The guy didn't hurt you right?
Vincent: No not at all and Rody if things like this happened again you come and get me okay
Rody:*leans against Vincent a bit and closed his eyes feeling a bit more calm * Alright...Thank you Vince
Vincent:*feels his face heat up and looked away from him a bit* Anytime and Rody take a break I'll handle the orders okay...
Rody:... I'm sorry...
Vincent:*rolls his eyes and gets up* Stop apologising you did nothing wrong besides Rody, you're the best waiter I have okay so don't let that asshole make you think other wise got it Lamoree
Rody:*looks a bit surprised at Vincent and smiles* I...You think I'm-
Vincent: *waves his hand* Yes, Yes now what type of tea do you want?
Rody:*smiles*Earl grey would be nice....
Vincent:*nods and leaves his office to make the tea* alright I prepare you some tea, just rest up Rody okay...
Rody:*nods and watches him leave before smiling softly too himself* Thanks Vince
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Vincent: Know why I called you in here? Rody: B-Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic. Vincent: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally?
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Rody:*enters Vincent office and wants too see if Vincent will do the orange peel theory test* Hey Vince can you peel my orange for me please.
Vincent: *is working on taxes not even looking up*No Rody, you can peel you're own orange.
Rody: Please Vincent I won't bother you ever again.
Vincent: thats a lie
Rody:*gets on his knees looking at him* PLEASE PEEL MY ORANGE!!!
Vincent:*gets frusterated * WHY CAN'T YOU PEEL YOU'RE DAMN ORANGE!?
Vincent:*snatches the Orange * ALRIGHT FINE I'LL PEEL THE FUCKING ORANGE!!!
Vincent:  *peels the orange perfectly and breaks it in half giving it too Rody* There happy now?
Rody: Yay! Thank you Vincent I love you~*leaves the office*
Vincent:*looks down at his paper work feeling embarrassed when Rody said I love you*....He did not just say that....
Rody:*covers his face realising what he said*...I did not just say I love you to Vince....
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dawnthefox24 · 4 months
*Vincent is staring a dog eating some of the leftover scraps but smiled softly at the mutt before him since it reminded him of Rody*
Rody:*is heading outside to theow away the garbage but stops when he see's the dog* Awe
Vincent:*gets flustered* what is it Lamoree and please throw the garbage away
Rody: *tosses the trash away*O-Oh right sorry just...I thought you didn't like strays
Vincent:*looks away from him* I still don't like them....
Rody: So why are you feeding the dog?
Vincent: He wouldn't leave me alone and pawed my leg also he was famish too...
Rody: Soo what's his name?
Vincent:....his name is Rodney but I call him Rudy....
Rody:*looks at the dog and gets slightly disturb by how eerily the dog is similar to him* haha...how...nice....
Rody: Well any who Vinny wasn't too thrilled with my apartment so he took over my bed and-Wait a minute d-did you name the dog after me!?
Vincent:*feels his face heat * I !!!
Vincent: I...What non-sense!!
*Rudy finished eating and walks over to Vincent as the pooch wags his tail happily*
Rody: *laughs* Holy crap you did, didn't know you were a softie
Vincent:*smiles angrily  at Rody* I didn't know you were asking to be fired so quickly Lamoree
Rody: HUH!? I-
Vincent: I suggest you get back to work
Rody:*sighs* Fine,fine but Vince
Vincent:...Yes Lamoree
Rody: *is about to head inside the bristo but stops before smiling at Vincent*Its nice seeing you smile, You should do it more often
Vincent:*feels his face heat up and watches Rody leave before sliding down against the wall groaning*
*without any warning Rudy went over to Vincent and started giving him kisses all over his face *
Vincent:*snorts a laughter and pushes the dog away* Stop Rudy Heel.
Vincent:*smiles softly as the dog listens too him before sighing* you're the only thing that can keep me happy you know and Rody will never know how much he means too me...
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dawnthefox24 · 4 months
*Vincent is closing up the bristo and looks at Rody for a moment watching him before sighing softly, wondering when will he notice him and finally forget about Manon*
Rody: Hey Vince you alright?
Vincent: I...I'm fine just...
Vincent:*internally* I'm jealous that even though Manon is dead you won't stop talking about her, but even in death you still love her I can't compete with someone who is dead...
Rody:*gets worried* Vince why are you crying?
Vincent:*touches his face a bit as he feels his tears rolling down his face before wiping them away* Don't worry about it...
Rody: Vince you can tell me anything
Vincent:*lies though his teeth*...I wish to taste again....
Rody: *looks down and sighs* I'm...I wish I can fix it Vince I truly do...
Vincent:....I know....
Rody:...Hey Vince...
Vincent: Yes Rody...
Rody: *smiles softly*You're a great chef...
Vincent:*is stunned* I...thank you Rody you may go home now.....
Rody: I'll see you tomorrow...
Vincent: *watches him leave and sigh softly * I haven't cried in years...I hate you Rody yet I love you....
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dawnthefox24 · 4 months
*Vincent looks at a black cat staring right back at him though found it odd that the cat alost eerily resembles him*
Vincent: Rody what the hell is this stray doing inside my bristo...
Rody: Well um I was taking out the trash and this little fella came up to me soaking wet from the rain and he isn't a stray his name is Vinny
Vincent: You did not just name it....Vinny after me
Rody: *picks up Vinny who hissed at Rody for being picked up*
Rody: Look at him how can you be mad at this face and maybe I did...
Vincent: *pinched the bridge of his nose *It hissed at you
Rody: Vinny is not an it,he's a cat. Besides he look just like you.
Vincent: *narrow his eyes at the cat* Yes I can tell.
Rody:*sets Vinny down before giving the cat chin scratches listening too the purrs*
Rody: He's quiet bipolar this cat but loves chin scratches
Vincent:*glared at the cat feeling a bit jealous at the cat*
*The cat looked at Vincent and purred extra loudly against Rody rubbing its scent all over him*
Rody:*laughs a bit* Vinny is very bipolar 1 minute he's scratching my hand the next he's giving soft kisses
Vincent: *how has a deep hatred for this cat*Y-You don't say
Rody: Anyways I'm gonna take Vinny home
*The cat looked at Vincent paws softly at Rody purring even louder*
Vincent:*slowly grabs knife but controls himself a bit* je déteste ce chat(I hate that cat)
Rody:*smiles softly and picks up Vinny petting them* Alright see you later Vince and what did you say?
Vincent: I said enjoy you're new pet...
Rody:*smiles happily and nods* Alright thanks Vince bye~ Vincent:*watches him leave* I truly hate that cat...
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