#virtaul reality
yudizblog · 1 year
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How Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Beneficial For Your Industry
Industry experts claim that Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality developments will unlock the true potential for digitalization. Read the blog to learn more about the innovations in AR.
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mematdigi-blog · 5 years
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Top Virtual Rality Products Service Company in Ithe World| Best Virtual Reality Services In India
One of the most exciting things about virtual reality is just where it is going to get to. Right now we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of potential and one of the best technologies that’s coming to intersect with virtual reality is actually something called volumetrics. The main idea of virtual reality is to replace your reality with something new, virtual computer-generated environment. It could be some game or some environment you walk around or some video that’s playing all around when you look around but the idea is to trick your brain into thinking that that’s your new reality.
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garimaminocha · 4 years
How did the history of AR and VR begin, and how do these technologies differ from one another?
“In virtual reality, a person is completely immersed in the virtual world and does not interact with the real world. Everything he sees is simulated by a computer. Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality augments the real world with virtual objects rather than replaces it entirely.” 
“The term ‘virtual reality’ was coined by the scientist Jaron Lanier in 1987. The first mention of this technology among science fiction writers is found in Stanley Weinbaum’s short story Pygmalion’s Spectacles, published in 1935. In this story, Professor Ludwig invents a device that helps Dan Berk, the protagonist, dive into virtual reality. The term ‘augmented reality’ was first suggested by Tom Codell in 1990. In science fiction, the first mention of this technology might be in the novel The Master Key written in 1901. In the novel, Frank Baum described a device that can mark people with letters and show their character in real time.” 
Where did it all begin?
The first device associated with VR is the the stereoscope created by Charles Wheatstone. 
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“A stereoscope is an optical system in which the left and right eye see different pictures. There are two pictures, or stereo cards, which show the same scene, but from a different angle, simulating the difference between how the right and the left eye would percept it. Thus, the scene seems three-dimensional.” 
Above Image: The Sensorama, the first virtaul simulator was developed by an American filmmaker and inventor Morgan Heilig in 1957. This mechanical device included a  stereoscopic 3D display, a motional chair, fans to imitate wind, etc. But this machine was too expensive and was not mass-produced. 
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Above Figure: The Sensorama, the first virtaul simulator was developed by an American filmmaker and inventor Morgan Heilig in 1957. This mechanical device included a  stereoscopic 3D display, a motional chair, fans to imitate wind, etc. But this machine was too expensive and was not mass-produced. 
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Above Figure:  The first VR-AR helmet was developed by Ivan Sutherland, a Harvard Professor and his student Bob Sproull in 1968. It was named “ The Sword of Damocles” and was a bulky device attached to the ceiling. 
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Above Image: EyeTap was the first portable AR device created in 1980. This device had a computer that was in the backpack and superimposed a picture onto the real world. 
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Above Image:  Jaron Lanier created EyePhone glasses and a DataGlove in 1987. He was also the one to coin the term ‘virtual reality’. 
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Above Image: Virtual Boy Nintendo was released in 1995 and was sold in Japan and North America for $180.
To conclude, 
VR and AR haven’t been recent discoveries as their history began in the past century and continues to evolve even today. 
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ecogoth1 · 5 years
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My new Church will be Virtaul Reality who wants to donate To my VR church i will build online i just need the equipment... and a staff.. This way i can go anywhere and hold a sermon.. So give me th tools i need like pastor Vic from Indiana remember me i carried that cross with you Thank you brothers for the Ideas.. help me build mine i could transmit from the moon and hold a sermon There see why the churches need to change Through christ .and me.. https://www.paypal.me/ecogoth1 (at Lake Henshaw Campground) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3xus98HEFZ/?igshid=18ppmsr0p3lpo
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matiasbloghh-blog · 7 years
Digi 1.4Virtuaalitodellisuus – uudenlainen digitaalinen työympäristö kaikille
Internet on tuonut valtavan määrän ajankohtaista tietoa jokaisen älypuhelimen omistajan taskuun. Virtuaalitodellisuus ja lisätty todellisuus tuo seuraavan kymmenen vuoden aikana kokemukset samalla tavalla kaikkien ulottuville. Pääset, koska tahansa kokemaan asioita, jotka eivät aikaisemmin ole olleet mahdollisia. Kävely virtuaalisessa Marsissa, kuussa ja aurinkokunnan tutkiminen on jo mahdollista tänä päivänä VR:n avulla. Virtuaalitodellisuus mahdollistaa täysin uudenlaiset kokemukset myös markkinoinnissa ja sen ympäristöissä.  
Monesti leimaamme virtaalitodellisuuden lasten leikkikaluksi, mutta harvempi vanhemman sukupolven edustaja tajuaa minkälaisten mahdollisuudet sillä on esimerkiksi opetuksessa. On arvioitu, että vuonna 2021 virtaalitodellisuuden markkinat nousisivat 108 miljardiin euroon. Tämä on yli kaksinkertainen Suomen hallituksen vuosipudjetti. 
Uusien käyttöjärjestelmien, appsien, etäpalveluiden ja tekoälyjen lisäksi uudenlaiden digitaalinen “perustavara” on lyömässä läpi teknologisen kehityksen rattaisssa. Virtuaalitodellisuuteen panostavat tällä hetkellä niin suuret pelifirmat, mutta myös suuret teknologiajätit kuten facebook, google ja microsoft. Monelle puhe virtuaalitodellisuudesta tuovat varmasti mieleen skifi-elokuvat örkkien kera, mutta todellisuus löytyy paljon lähempänä. Mobiiliteknologian ja prosessointitehon tuomat kehitykset ovat saavuttaneet sen pisteen, että vakuuttava virtuaalitodellisuus on viimeinkin mahdollista ja kohta kaikille saatavilla kaikille sopivaan hintaan.  
Milloin teknologia on kaikille saatavana? 
Vähittäiskaupoissa on jo suurilla teknologiajäteillä omat VR-lasit(Virtaul Reality) jo ulkona. Suurempana ongelmana on hinta ja laitteelle soveltuvat appsit. VR-lasit ovat vielä suhteellisen uusi käsite sisällöntuottajille ja kestää tovin ennenkuin teknologian sisältä pystytään monetisoimaan.
Valtiolla on esimerkiksi kova tahto panostaa digitaalisen terveydenhuollon kehitykseen. Virtuaaliteknologia tarjoaa kuitenkin ennen kaikkea helposti muokattavan ja kustannustehokkaan tavan tehdä havainnollistavia ympäristöjä, koska kaikki tapahtuu tietokoneen sisällä ja esimerkiksi materiaalikustannuksia teknologialla ei ole. Tämä tekee teknologiasta helposti saavutettavan ja sovellettavan. 
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vrheadsets · 6 years
VR City Teams Up With Sport Relief For Malaria Awareness Film
VR City have today announced that it has partnered with Sport Relief, the biennial fundraising campaign for Comic Relief, to produce an immersive 360-degree film.
The collaboration between the two parties aims to raised awareness of life-saving malaria treatments by taking viewers on the journey of a mosquito as it spreads malaria in Uganda. The film, which is narrated by long term Comic Relief support, Daivd Tennant, will take viewers on an immersive experience from the very start of the mosquito’s life, submerging the viewer under water to see it develop, through it’s journey to hunt for human blood. Viewers will also see what it is like for those on the front line battling against malaria, learning about the rapid diagnostic tests being carried out by local medics, to the outcome of all of the work being carried out by Sport Relief.
By using the power of immersive 360-degree, virtaul reality (VR), the film directed by VR City CCO Darren Emerson, will takes viewers to a number of different locations in Uganda, helping to build audiences understanding of the impact of the disease and the treatment that is being delivered.
Ashley Cowan, CEO and Co-Founder, VR City, said: “Comic Relief is part of the fabric of the nation – we’ve all grown up with it. So it’s an incredible honour and we are very proud to work with them to highlight what is such a significant issue. With this film we wanted to connect audiences with the threat people in Uganda are confronting every day. By using VR it is possible to feel as close to being there as possible without actually taking them there. We hope it inspires people to take action and donate to Sport Relief.”
VR City used a binaural microphone to record the menacing buzz of the flying mosquito to allow it to surround the viewer, acting as a constant reminder that just one bite is all it takes to be killed. By using this recording technique, the viewer has a heightened sense of presence within the film by enhancing their audio senses. This, along with the 360-degree of filming, has resulting in a completely immersive film that puts the viewer directly at the heart of the issue.
Bill Griffin, Executive Director of Brand & Creative at Comic Relief commented: “Malaria takes a life every two minutes in Africa. At Comic Relief, we are always looking for innovative ways to bring home this stark reality and deepen understanding of one of the world’s most deadly diseases. Collaborating with the brilliant VR City to make this immersive 360 film enables us to do exactly that, in a way which will take viewers incredibly close to the daily threat faced by so many people living across Africa”
The film, Malaria – Life on the Front Line is available to watch below in full.
VRFocus will be sure to bring you more stories like this in the future, so stay tuned for more.
from VRFocus http://ift.tt/2GQmkqV
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misentropy · 12 years
Fantasy in reality and Reality in fantasy
From a report in Slate on video-games as progaganda :
"According to Ian Bogost, a Georgia Tech professor who co-founded a company that designs games as marketing tools for clients, the most persuasive games are those that model real-world systems and give users a chance to see the consequences of different courses of action."
Author Lev Grossman on what makes for a good fantasy novel :
"...I think the special challenge for a fantasy novelist is to create a world where magic is real, but where it doesn’t solve all of the characters’ problems. Great fantasy is not pure escapism, where characters can wish their problems away. It’s a way of re-encountering the same problems we face in the real world, but in a stranger, more vivid form."
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yudizblog · 1 year
The world has been equipped with techniques that allow fiction to real world experience. AR being one of them is undoubtedly here to dominate multiple industries but can your industry be benefited by AR VR Trends in mobile application with technologies and related developments.
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ecogoth1 · 5 years
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almost ready to leave Like thank the blue Angels for keeping our safe our chopper pilots for watching over me and whoever in the shipping department in Texas who got my boots here in a Days time God bless you. no way I could leave without boots now I just need to clean socks and pack a few things and get ready to go. and I got to polish them nothing alike the old all leather regular issue combat boots exactly what I wanted and thank you very much seven I have regular gas so we're all you doubters out there there has been a purpose to all of this I am a man of God and I will be attempting to get us all to forgive each other. and then we can come together worldwide . no way I'm parachute anyways so I guess I'll keep looking for peaceful solutions all weapons of war can be turned into a thanks for Peace like combat boots. I asked for the United States of America for everybody to come together. I'm the blessed one because every race in America get so long to send us things in the mail or bring it to our houses or our medication or anything like that that you take for granted every day so I feel very blessed go berry blast have another day in live until I have this time that show you all things beyond your comprehension and all of what I've been doing will be revealed in the spring of 2020. there is beyond technology that will revolutionize the way you see the world. Virtaul reality Tv phone church you name it.. especially live action VR game's no more tvs . think of it like laser tag remember. you could do it wherever whenever you want no matter how far friends and family are you can be watching movies hanging out playing a game just anywhere you like. worldwide.. I proved it possible. even if you are in a bed hospital our brains still work or even comma and revolutionize medicine as you see it. https://goo.gl/search/disabled+population+in+the+world Disability Inclusion Overview - World Bank Group One billion people, or 15% of the world's population, experience some form of disability, and disability prevalence is higher for developing countries. One-fifth of the estimated global total, or between 110 million and 190 million people, e (at Lake Henshaw) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3LDouJH7fY/?igshid=11a8hhe0u8u84
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ecogoth1 · 5 years
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Hood morning enjoy being alive. To all my sons and daughters. I may have help create.. obviously your moms didnt tell me. or i would found you. I am sorry to any wayward children i have. i would like to know you watch you grow up family impossible to me. so i will set aside money for my other children wherever you may be.. your father stuckin he loves you i would be proud of you no matter what... If its true find a way not be psycho like me. I really am a peace warrior... something the world today probably can not understand.. This just been the test of my life this last year feel free to rewind and watch my crazynees on YouTube my story continues see you in future world i pray everyday for harmony in the world.. like its destined to be.. Through out history.. a time for all things hatred and war time is about over.. Thankyou God.. my the blessings to you all stand up unite create peace to ensure harmony and balence in our world.. 🙈🙊🙉 No more evil everyone.. oh p.s. my virtaul reality smart phone idea could be used with a smart watch. who wants to develop my ideas?😁😁😁 well its green mission and im poor right now lol plus o tend to give money away yo others in need no matter how little i have. maybe try to do the same? also I love everybody i hope i expanded all your minds and gave you hope especially other countries as insane as Americans are most of us people you dont see are wonderful people look at all my friends.... (at Lake Henshaw) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3H5IQfnzbA/?igshid=1p43v84uzq1pc
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vrheadsets · 6 years
Catan VR Has Released For Oculus Rift and Gear VR
The long awaited virtual reality (VR) release of the popular board game The Settlers of Catan has now released.
Catan VR was announced last year with the aim of bringing the classic board game title to the VR platforms and today it has finally released for Oculus. Players, both new and old, are invited to experience the award-winning Catan gameplay now in a whole new way.
Catan VR offers players a chance to sit down at a virtaul table and play a round or five of The Settlers of Catan with friends, enemies or AI opponents that are designed to fit the look and feel of the title. Should you want to play against friends that can be done over a local network or by connecting together online to start matches over the internet, with the option to use matchmaking to fill slots. This also offers multiplayer matches against other players from all over the world meaning the world-wide Catan community can compete to see how is the best player in the world.
Catan creator Klaus Teuber, commented on the release saying: “The first time I saw Catan on the Magic Table™, I was fascinated by what VR has to offer, the game I made in our living room with my family 25 years ago in Virtual Reality? It’s incredible. I never imagined actually stepping into the world of Catan when we first started making cut-outs and dreaming about exploring new lands.”
Thanks to Catan VR, players are able to watch their matches evolve before their eyes as in-game environments are animated with life for the first time. Watch clouds roll over the mountains, islands take shape and wheat sway in the wind thanks to the immersive power of VR. Once more, Catan VR also supports cross-play between Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR meaning no matter which platform you are using, you will be able to play with friends with ease.
Currently available on the Oculus Store for Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Rift, priced at £7.99 (GBP) and £10.99 (GBP) respectively. Their are plans to bring Catan VR to additional VR platforms in the future and developer Experiment 7 will release more details on these closer the time.
VRFocus be sure to bring you more on Catan VR in the future so stay tuned for more.
from VRFocus http://ift.tt/2FRm8KB
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