#wait for the SEQUEL
julla · 5 years
second city bombshell is OVER. what am i supposed to do now 😥
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bringthestories · 7 years
This was a request by @delightfulness-ela (SPOILER warning for the request though)
Old Enough
Jungkook x Noona Words: ~2,400 Keywords: Age gap?
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You checked your phone. It was 8:49 pm.
You had spent your entire day with Jungkook, your good friend. That wasn’t a lie, but also not entirely true.
Truth is, you liked each other. A lot. 
You both knew that too. It was obvious. The way you two looked at each other would’ve been enough to make a blind person notice. You were always stealing glances, touching each other whenever it wouldn’t seem weird. You both knew how much you longed for each other, how much you both fantasised about being together but neither of you acted on it.
Because you were older than him. 4 years to be precise and for some reason, you had always felt that your undeniable attraction towards him was somehow wrong. That you shouldn’t see him that way. That he should be like a younger brother to you - like he used to be before he became a man right in front of your eyes. Heck, he hasn’t even been of legal age for long! 
Thoughts like that filled your mind whenever you found yourself looking at him, whenever you caught your heart beating faster at his touch. But you could never break off contact, you knew that. The guilt killed you, tortured you but it couldn’t keep you from thinking about him. It couldn’t stop you from dreaming about him every night, longing for him so much it hurt. It just made you feel shit. So you tried your best to suppress your feelings, hating yourself for not being able to, and you tried your best to keep treating him like a brother. 
He noticed that. He knew that you liked him. He knew that you hated it.  So as much as it hurt, as much as it pained him, he tried to play along. For your sake, hoping that one day you will give him a chance.
You had met him around noon. He just came back from tour the day before so you hadn’t seen him for months and you were super excited to spend some time with him again. Of course, you had texted, had talked over Skype, but seeing him in person was something else. His presence, his smell, his touch. You had missed him so much when he was gone that you were almost too ashamed to admit it to yourself.
First, you had some brunch, then you went shopping a little and then just strolled around for a while, catching up. You hit the arcade, you went bowling. Avoiding people as much as possible was not all that hard for you anymore, you learned where to go when and even if you were seen, your friendship was public but why provoke it. Dating rumours had stirred up a while ago, it wasn’t pretty, but they mostly died down quickly and things went back to normal soon. 
When it got late he had told you to go home and wait for him, he had something to take care of and would come over after to ‘watch a movie or something’ so that’s what you had done. Now, you were sitting on your sofa, waiting for him. 
You shot up from the sofa and ran to open the door. Of course, you already knew who it was, but you checked the camera anyway and a fond smile crept up on your face. You opened up quickly and waited by the door for him to make it up to your apartment.
When he got out of the elevator you saw that he was carrying-
“PIZZA!”  you squealed happily. You hadn’t really noticed that you hadn’t eaten anything since brunch, but now that you saw and smelled the pizza the feeling of hunger struck you like a truck. “Omg you’re the best, Kookie, I’m starving!” “Of course I am!” He replied with a silly cocky expression.  Once inside, you took the pizza boxes out of his hands to allow him to bend down to take off his shoes. “Top one’s yours,” he said with a smile, looking up at you.
You opened the box and smiled. Of course. It was your favourite. He always knew exactly what you liked and would always make sure you get it. You didn’t even have to tell him anymore.
Jungkook suggested a movie you could watch while eating, one that Namjoon had recommended, and you had wholeheartedly agreed. So you sat on the sofa, put the movie on and ate your pizzas, joking around and thoroughly enjoying yourselves.
He had put a pillow between his crossed legs on which he had put the hot pizza but now that you were done eating he was hugging it instead. You watched him, watched how his beautiful arms wrapped around the pillow, his eyes pinned to the screen. The movie was interesting no doubt but you just couldn’t seem to concentrate on it. What you didn’t know was that neither could he - he stared at the screen to not stare at you, partly because he could see you staring.  You hadn’t seen him in so long and your mind was clouded, consumed with thoughts of him, him cuddling the pillow… him cuddling you and before you could the memories of that one night came back to you again and made your heart pound hard.
That night, he had come over late and stayed for a long time. He stayed so long you both got really tired. You can’t recall how it went, but somehow you woke up the next morning together. In your bed. Cuddling. When you slowly woke up that day you had a smile plastered on your face. You felt safe, warm and happy. It took you a while to process your surroundings but after a while, you noticed that arms were tightly wrapped around you, your arm around someone too, your legs tangled up and a familiar, beloved scent in your nose.
Your heart started racing. 
You didn’t want to open your eyes at first, feeling like if you did you admitted you were awake and would feel obliged to move away. To break this wonderful moment. So you stayed like that for a while, trying to burn this moment into your memory, sure that it won’t ever happen again. After a while, the urge to open your eyes to see him grew too much and you gave in, opening them to the most beautiful sight you had ever seen.  There he was, right in front of you and in the bright morning light shining through the windows, laying between your white sheets with his hair ruffled up from sleeping he looked like an angel.
You suppressed your urge to either cry or kiss him and you swore to yourself you would forevermore treasure this moment, taking in every little detail, saving it in a safe place of your memory before you decided to move away, careful not to wake him up and you never spoke of it again.
Ever since then, not a night passed where you wouldn’t lay awake in your bed thinking about it. Thinking about how wondrous it was waking up next him, waking up in his soothing embrace and you dreamed about how it would be having him there with you, falling asleep in his arms.
The movie was over by now, not that either of you really watched what happened but neither of you said anything and you started cleaning up. You saw him check his phone a few times and you noticed all the messages he had. He had ignored his phone almost all day but you knew he had many responsibilities to get to. Suddenly you felt a little bad for hogging his entire day. You didn’t really plan to but time flew by and he didn’t say anything about having to go so you didn’t either. You put the last glass in the dishwasher and went back to the living room where he had put all the pillows back in place and sat down next to him once more.
He checked his phone again and sighed. “I really gotta go, Y/N…” “Oh…” you said quietly, sounding a lot sadder than you intended. “Aw come on don’t sound so sad! It’s super late already plus I really have to catch up on practice since I spent all day with you!” he chuckled and gave you his signature smile. “Whatever!” you replied, “I wasn’t even sad”, smiling back at him while getting up from your spot. “It was nice though-” you continued “-to spend time with you again.” You quietly added “I missed you so much” to yourself, sure he couldn’t hear.
You knew you had spent all day together but still- if you were honest with yourself you really didn’t want to let him go yet. That’s why you found yourself trying to extend the time you spent as much as possible.
You walked him to the door, then downstairs, then outside.  You walked down the street with him, only for a block or so, and that’s when you finally stopped.  The cool night breeze was gently blowing through your hair, blowing across your exposed skin sending a little tingling shiver through your body.
Then you were tightly hugging each other goodbye, way longer than necessary, as usual. Maybe it was the contrast between his warmth and the cold air that felt so good or maybe because you hadn’t seen him for so long but tonight, more than ever, you didn’t want to let go. You didn’t want him to leave, leave you for another night alone wishing he was there with you.
With your heads in each others neck, pressed against each other, you took in the smell of his cologne, his wonderful smell that you could never get enough of. You squeeze him tighter, longing for more closeness which you knew a hug would never satisfy. You could feel his racing heartbeat against your body, could feel his breath on your neck and you started losing yourself in his presence when suddenly he spoke. He spoke in a soft, sad voice, almost like a whisper only you could hear.
“Noona… what are we doing?”
You could feel your heart start pounding faster. You paused for a bit. “I don’t know…” you replied just as softly as he had and pulled away from the intimate embrace your goodbye hug had evolved into once again. He kept hold of your hands, keeping you from moving away too far. “I know you like me just as much as I like you,” he continued. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you quickly said, trying to act oblivious while looking down with a pained expression.
“Don’t lie to me”
You stayed quiet, still staring at your feet, not knowing what else to say to him. You didn’t dare to look at him because you know seeing his face would worsen the tightness you felt in your chest. “Noona…” he spoke again. 
“Go out with me.”
Shocked at the sudden unexpected boldness he displayed you looked up at him. His eyes locked with yours, a curious expression on his face, full of determination and longing. His voice was quiet and almost shaky but oddly sure at the same time. You sighed and looked to the side, not wanting to face him for what you were about to say. “Jungkook, you’re 4 years-” “I’m not a child!” he snapped, interrupting you before you could finish.
You looked back at him in surprise, locking eyes and you saw frustration written on his face. He mustered you for a second before he suddenly leant in, wrapped his arm around you once again and locked his lips with yours. Shocked, you didn’t move at first, not quite yet processing that Jeon Jungkook, your beloved Jeon Jungkook was kissing you. When you finally did, you kissed him back, kissed him deeply, wrapping your arms around his neck. Pulling him closer with one hand while going through his soft silky hair with the other. You could feel him follow your lead, moving a hand to the small of your back, pulling you as close as possible. The kiss grew more passionate, needier, reflecting how both of you finally fulfilled a long locked up desire, finally got to feel each other’s lips, something you only ever dared dream in secret.  The intensity of it was overwhelming. Your mind was blank while your heart was raging. You didn’t know how a person could possibly contain so many emotions swirling up at once and a tear formed in the corner of your tightly shut eye. You smiled into the kiss as the single tear rolled down your cheek.
As the initial vehemence of the kiss calmed down it grew softer, full of love and fondness for each other as you relaxed a little, releasing your tight grip on him and so did he, his hands now resting on your waist while yours were wrapped loosely around his shoulders.
“Am I still a kid to you, Noona?” he said out of breath when you finally broke the kiss. He rested his forehead on yours, your noses touching fleetingly. He removed one of his hands from your lower back, moving it up to caress your cheek and stroke your hair while he continued to speak again. “I know I’m younger than you but I love you Y/N, I only want you, only ever wanted you… You drive me crazy...” The last part was no more than a whisper, and with a soft look in eyes, he leant in for a kiss again. Only a brief loving peck on the lips this time. “I know you want to.. so please, date me already” Your heart was going crazy and for the first time, your mind wasn’t telling you to stop and back off. This time it said ‘You know what? He’s right. He’s not a kid anymore and you are not weird for liking him. Go ahead.’ You could feel your eyes wet again, happy beyond words that your mind had set you free and instead of replying you kissed him with a smile on your face.  “Okay, kid,” you said with a chuckle and he childishly pouted at your joke.
“I’ll date you.”
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teechew · 7 years
mandromeda a réagi à votre photo : New character reference for Kelutra after her...
“safe” >:3c
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quadrooncullen · 9 years
Hymn for the Missing
Reposting this because of the somewhat sequel I just wrote for it. Be prepared for the pain.
Why would you leave me like that? Were you forced to leave? What happened, and why did I have to stay behind? It’s not fair. None of this is fair.
I have found family, but there’s still a hole where you should be. Where ever you are, just know that I will never stop reaching out for you, never stop looking for you. Even if it takes me the rest of my life. I just want to see you again. I want to fly way high in the sky on your back like we used to and listen to you tell stories and eventually fall asleep under the night sky like we used to.Dad…come back to me.
Where are you now?
Are you lost?
Will I find you again?
Why did you go?
I had to stay
Now I’m reaching for you
Will you wait?
Will I see you again?
  I believe that I will see you again one day, and until that day comes, I’ll hold on to this scarf and keep moving forward. You always told me to do that and when I see you, I know you’ll be proud of me for (finally) listening. I love you, Dad. Now and always.
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