wallaci · 1 year
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[ID: Two drawings of Gym Leader Wallace from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. Their colors are taken from their Ruby/Sapphire battle sprite.
The background on the right is pure white. The left background resembles the Gen 6 vs. Gym Leader screen with Gen 3's Rain Badge in the upper right hand corner. The text in the text box says: 'You are challenged by Leader Francine!'.
Wallace is drawn from the chest up, grinning slyly at the viewer and raising an eyebrow. They have light freckles across their face, on their chin and down their neck. The lapels of their shirt have small turquoise water droplets, and they have a matching necklace. They are drawn with breasts. End ID]
Very transgender. What a way to introduce a headmate. Hi Francine. Who hijacked the initial doodle to make it her own. Props to her about that though, that's pretty cool. Also congrats on the trans crisis midway through drawing. The drawing turned out pretty good I think. Especially all the details. Goodness me.
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king-of-thracia · 1 year
Restating this but if you have an issue with us please be direct about it! We're more than willing to listen and to try and fix it!!! We're just not good at telling when people have issues with us!!! <3
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wallaci · 1 year
...it worries me, to see the Sky Pillar in such a state of disrepair in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Most of the floors do not even exist here, only barely enough to ascend further. Is this because Rayquaza was summoned not once but twice, or because the events of both legendary combats being that much stronger?
After all, we see the tower take visible damage in the layout after Groudon and Kyogre have been dealt with in Emerald. The floor is far more cracked, a far greater puzzle to get through.
All the same, I worry.
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wallaci · 1 year
Minor Emerald au
Instead of May being sent to face Groudon, Kyogre/summon Rayquaza. It's Wallace. Not that May wasn't going to - but Wallace, despite fate and destiny. He can't send a 10 year old to go face down gods.
Even more so when he wasn't able to intervene with Aqua and Magma before it came to such events.
(yes, he does likely snatch the red/blue orbs. Probably gets a little bit fucked up from em. A mark of what shouldn't have been, but was so anyways. Maybe.)
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wallaci · 1 year
Something I find very interesting about Oras Wallace is that he says he used to, in years past, take place in contests. But not anymore... (Well. Not until that master rank beauty w/ Lisia. Which after he says he may consider again).
But still. How long ago, why may he have stopped, and what was his time in that spotlight like?
(of course, we can look to the anime about that, but still. Anime isn't quite the games.)
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wallaci · 1 year
I want to collapse.
(Just finished Violet)
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wallaci · 1 year
76 IF YOU PLEEEEASE !! :3 there is beauty to be found in all pokemon ....
76 - a pokemon that you feel is underrated
Why indeed, there most certainly is beauty to be found in all of them... Each and every.
I would have to say Seadra, so desperately overlooked as it is. One of our favorites. :)
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wallaci · 1 year
This sure is fun.
[decimating Alola's Beldum population for the second time in one day.]
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wallaci · 1 year
Hi! Hello! This is a sideblog for our Wallace fictives! God knows how we split so many, but we're here! <3.
The Steven fictives will likely also be popping up time to time. We'll have a few others that we're close to lurking and posting as well, but it's mainly for the Wallace fictives!!! :)
Tags are usually formatted like (source abbreviation)(name).txt and such! For most at least, unless they've chosen their own name!
Wallaci.txt is our collective tag, wallacule.txt is for the wallacule. Subset of a subset and all that.
Pro-Endo [Though we don't post of it.]
Doubles and Sourcemates are welcomed and encouraged to interact!
Stating this here but if you have an issue with us please be direct about it! We're more than willing to listen and to try and fix it!!! We're just not good at telling when people have issues with us!!! <3
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wallaci · 1 year
Not me mistaking multiple pokemon irl blogs as fictive blogs ☠️.
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wallaci · 1 year
Why hello, I do have question if you are willing to answer.
Wether or not you are Champion currently, you'd have the time to form an opinion on your Elite Four, yes?
How would you go about saying your opion on them?
Oh! I certainly have had some time to form an opinion, yes. Why, let us see.
As a whole I find them to be all most lovely and generally hold them all in high regard, though I am uncertain if I was ever terribly close with them.
Unfortunately I believe I was travelling quite a bit in-between matches, so didn't always have the most time to interact with any of them. Least, as far as I saw it. Do wish I'd managed to take a bit more time.
At least, I don't think? Can't say I was always the best at judging my relationships and how close I might be considered to someone.
Sidney - quite jovial. An interesting battle style that I was hoping to learn from.
Phoebe - she was the most outgoing of the bunch by far. I believe she was from Alola..?
Glacia - always quite the bookworm, much warmer in personality than I'll admit I expected.
Drake - It is a bit hard for me to describe him... Not so stoic as I'd assumed either. Rather quiet.
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wallaci · 1 year
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wallaci · 1 year
Steven Stone multigender king.
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wallaci · 1 year
Sometimes, you have those days when all the fictives of one guy are trying to doodle. It's fun!
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wallaci · 1 year
The goddamn chResto berry set Juan has, paired with double team on swift swim Kingdra. God do I hate fighting it, but man is it really fucking funny.
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wallaci · 1 year
I WANNTE DTO SAY THAT I LVEO OYU GUYS !!! oyu ar like collectively considred 'uncle wallace' to me if that is ok :3 <- It is futaber (futaba)
Oh! Why hello Futaba!
I love you as well, dear. I assure you that also extends from the others here as well. :)
That is most okay to consider us. I would consider it an honor, in fact. - Emerald
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