#wanna be carried by xie lian too but hua hua is on him like a possessive cat with claws out smh smh
hualianschild · 6 months
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kousagi7hikari · 1 year
An Enigmatic Blessing
(A TGCFxPokemon Masters EX AU)
One day, on the island of Pasio, a new trainer arrived-as they often did. This trainer was a bit unlike any other on the artificial island, however, though one wouldn’t be able to tell just by looking at him. There was something about this trainer, as though he exuded an air of royalty, or perhaps wisdom. It was as though he was a prince from a kingdom long past. Perhaps it was the way he carried himself that gave off this impression, or the way he spoke. Maybe it was his partner pokemon, a Liligant with long legs that hadn’t been seen in many, many years.
“So this is the island of Pasio!” The man, named Xie Lian, said, adjusting his well-loved bamboo hat so it cast shade over his eyes. “It’s amazing that people can build islands nowadays! Don’t you think so Lilligant?”
The pokemon beside him spun around delightedly and let out a coo of agreement.
“The invitation said to find Trista at the pokemon center once we arrived here. Let’s go.”
Liligant nodded and followed her trainer.
Once the two arrived at the center, they found Trista quite easily. “Welcome!” She said warmly. “Is this your first day on Pasio?”
“It is.” Xie Lian replied, removing his hat respectfully. “My name is Xie Lian, and this is my partner pokemon Lilligant.”
Liligant curtsied.
“It’s nice to meet you both!” Trista smiled kindly before turning to her computer and entering the name. “Here you are! And here you go!” She reached under the desk and pulled out a rectangular device that looked similar to a Porygon. “Your Poryphone with a sync stone!”
Xie Lian stared at the device awkwardly for a moment before saying. “Ah… Thank you, but I'm not very good with technology…”
“I’m sorry, but it is required for anyone participating in the PML.” Trista explained. “It’s both a safety feature, and the sync stone is important for battles conducted here.”
“What is a sync stone?” Xie Lian had heard of Mega stones and even Z crystals, but this was new to him.
“It’s a special stone that allows your partner pokemon to unleash a new kind of power!” Trista said, delightedly. “They’re only used here on Pasio. With a sync stone, the power of your bond with your partner pokemon can allow you to use a sync move! They’re really quite a sight to behold!”
Xie Lian smiled at this. “Well, that’s something I’d very much like to see!” He took the device and looked it over.
“I can teach you how to use it if you like.” Trista whispered.
Xie Lian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Yes please. Thank you.”
Later that day, elsewhere on Pasio…
Lear grimaced, holding back the urge to growl. “Who does he think he is?”
“Yeah, he’s like, soooo rude!” Rachel pouted.
“Especially to the young Master!” Sawyer agreed.
The man they spoke of was already in the midst of a battle, having all but ignored Lear’s issue for a challenge.
The man was quite enigmatic, nobody could tell which region he came from, though the Beautifly he was partnered with suggested Hoenn. His crimson clothing, adorned with silver chains, and eyepatch only added to his air of mystery.
“I did look up his PML profile like you asked.” Sawyer said. “It says his name is Hua Cheng.”
“Tres Bien! He must have come from quite far away!”
The trio turned to see Professor Bellis arriving beside them. “Do you know where he comes from?” Lear asked.
“Nein.” She shook her head. “There are many places that use a language similar to his name, so pinning it down would be quite a challenge.”
“Laaame.” Rachel said. “And he didn’t even wanna battle Master Lear? Like, does he think he’s too good or something?”
The group watched the battle progress in silence as “Hua Cheng” stood against a collector and his Hitmontop.
“Hmm… This battle is getting boring.” Hua Cheng sighed, a slight smirk grazing his lips. “Let's finish this with our sync move, Beautifly. Soul Rending Silver Wind.”
Beautifly fluttered eagerly releasing the full power of their sync move, knocking out the opposing Hitmontop in one hit.
The collector flinched in surprise. “I-I hadn’t even gotten started!”
Hua Cheng examined a fingernail as Beautifly fluttered back to his side. “Oh really? All of these battles have felt the same to me.”
The collector sneered and backed off into the crowd, carrying his pokeball back to the center.
“I mean really.” Hua Cheng practically yawned. “Isn’t there anyone here who can give me a proper challenge?”
“I’d be up to the task.”
The gathered crowd turned to see who had spoken, but Hua Cheng reacted much more quickly, his head snapping around to the sound of the voice.
Xie Lian simply smiled politely, but it widened upon making eye contact with Hua Cheng. “Hello again, San Lang.”
Hua Cheng looked surprised, but he quickly fixed his face, though some could tell he seemed to be trying to hide his true emotions. “I’m glad to see you again, Gege.”
“Gege?” Lear asked.
“San Lang?” Sawyer followed up.
“Gege is a form of familiar address to an older male.” Professor Bellis explained. “It, as well as the nickname imply that they know each other and are at least good friends.”
“Who is that guy?” Rachel added.
“It looks like he just arrived on the island today.” Sawyer said, looking up the information on his poryphone. “His name is Xie Lian.”
Xie Lian took up his spot across from Hua Cheng, his Liligant stepping out before him. “I’m looking forward to seeing how much stronger you’ve gotten, San Lang!”
Hua Cheng smiled, his Beautifly gliding out to face Lilligant. “I certainly hope I can meet Gege’s expectations.”
“As long as you don’t hold back!”
With that, the battle began. The two beautiful pokemon engaged in combat that looked more like an intricate dance than fighting. It seemed as though the two were evenly matched. For the longest time, it seemed the battle could go on forever, until Xie Lian announced. “Lilligant! Let's try our sync move!”
Lilligant crooned in response and backflipped over to her trainer, absorbing the power of their sync stone.
“Flower Crowned Petal Dance!”
The blizzard of pink petals obscured most of the area for just a few moments. When it cleared, Hua Cheng’s Beautifly lay on the ground, defeated.
However, Hua Cheng did not look angry or upset, but rather accepting of his loss. “As expected of Gege. It seems we lost.”
The crowd chattered amongst themselves. The trainer who had been defeating sync pairs left and right had been taken down by this new arrival??
Xie Lian crossed his arms, casting a look at Hua Cheng. “San Lang, I told you not to hold back!”
“I swear, I gave it my all, Gege!” He said, recalling Beautifly to its pokeball. “...Well… perhaps I did want to see your sync move with Lilligant.”
Xie Lain crossed the battlefield to Hua Cheng and gave him a light poke to the chest. “So you did hold back!”
Hua Cheng chuckled slightly. “Apologies. I promise that the next time we battle, I will give you everything I have.”
“Well, until that time comes, how about we team up?” Xie Lian’s eyebrows lifted slightly. “I’ve been told most battles here are done in teams of three.”
Hua Cheng chuckled. “It will be difficult finding someone who can keep up with us.”
“You mean someone you get along with besides me.”
“That too.”
The duo headed off, leaving Lear and his retinue very confused.
Professor Bellis, however, smiled knowingly to herself.
Once the two had gone off a significant way, to an area of town where nobody would see them, Hua Cheng leaned down and gently kissed Xie Lian on the cheek. “I missed you, Gege.”
Xie Lian smiled, touching the spot on his cheek. “I missed you too, San Lang. Perhaps… we should stay together, from now on?”
“It would be my honor.”
Xie Lian leaned up and placed a matching kiss on Hua Cheng’s cheek. “And mine as well.”
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HuaLian Ghost Hunting AU - Preview
Not really thoroughly edited or anything, but wanted to tease since it may be a hot minute before I finish the first chapter and officially post.
“Hey, gege. Wanna check that out?”
Xie Lian paused on the wooded path as Hua Cheng gestured between the dead trees towards a structure that looks like nothing more than a dark patchy blob at this distance. Xie Lian squinted at Hua Cheng skeptically before his eyes softened into a smile. He pulled the collar of his white jacket up, bracing against the chill of the night air.
“Sure, San Lang. Let’s go.”
They’re walking in the woods near Xie Lian’s apartment in the infinite hours between ten in the evening and three in the morning. A combination of Xie Lian’s recent insomnia and Hua Cheng’s nature as a night owl made this outing an almost nightly occurrence now. When Xie Lian couldn’t sleep, he found it more productive, as well as entertaining, to text Hua Cheng to come over, instead of lying in bed, awake, staring at the swirly patterns on his bedroom ceiling.
The first time, Hua Cheng just sat with Xie Lian on his couch and they talked for hours, until sunlight crept up the walls. When Xie Lian woke up, his neck throbbed from how he had slumped on the couch and he found Hua Cheng sleeping on the floor, his black leather jacket tossed over his face to shield from the sun.
The second time, Hua Cheng suggested they go for a “short walk”. Hours later, they had discovered a stream in the woods behind Xie Lian’s apartment as well as an abandoned lean-to structure that Hua Cheng theorized belonged to an industrious forest dweller while Xie Lian argued it belonged to imaginative children from the apartment complex. By the time he got back into bed, Xie Lian fell promptly asleep, barely hearing Hua Cheng lock his apartment door behind him before he let sleep devour him.
They’ve walked nightly ever since.
It was fun and a bit thrilling to pick their way through the brush in the moonlight, watching for pitfalls and muddy holes as they weaved their way through the dead woods. The trees were tall but spindly, their white bark glowing in even the faintest sliver of moonlight, looking like bony hands grasping towards the sky.
“They’re ghost woods, gege,” Hua Cheng teased a few weeks ago as he extended his hand to help Xie Lian cross the remains of a small river.
Xie Lian chuckled and stepped nimbly across the rocks, though he still grabbed Hua Cheng’s hand when he neared the bank. “Ghosts aren’t real, San Lang.”
“Shh, gege!” Hua Cheng hissed, using Xie Lian’s momentum and his grip on his hand to pull him close, his other arm encircling Xie Lian’s waist. “You’ll offend the ghosts,” Hua Cheng whispered.
Being this close, chest-to-chest, made Xie Lian’s face hot and his breath hitch. He was thankful for the shadows of the night, which washed everything in a grey monochrome so that his pink cheeks were masked.
It was not the first time Hua Cheng had flustered him. Nor would it be the last.
“Well, what do we have here?” Hua Cheng mused, bringing Xie Lian back to the present. His hands were shoved in the front pocket of his red hoodie as he circled around the structure, his boots squelching in the mud.
It was too small to be a cabin, but too large to be a shed, from Xie Lian’s guess. He hummed, circling the opposite side from Hua Cheng. He regretted wearing his Converse as he felt mud seep into the eyelets on the sides. He was at peace with the fact that they had remained bright yellow for exactly one day before he dropped a large coffee on them at work. He was more concerned now with his favorite pair of socks which had little ferrets on them in sweaters that were going to be mud stained when this night was done.
Would it be too much to ask San Lang to carry me back?
“Gege, there is a door. And it’s unlocked!” When Xie Lian turned to face Hua Cheng, he was smiling triumphantly, his single eye glinting mischievously.
“Not that it being locked would have stopped you,” Xie Lian chided as he picked his way carefully to Hua Cheng’s side. Hua Cheng did not have a lock picking kit, but Xie Lian was convinced he did not need one from what he’d seen Hua Cheng do with a credit card, a pocket knife, and a well placed kick.
“I’m a delinquent MacGyver,” Hua Cheng would boast to Xie Lian’s eternal delight.
The present Hua Cheng chuckled. “You got me there, gege.” He held out his hand expectantly as Xie Lian took a large step. “Do you want to go inside?”
“Yes,” Xie Lian replied as he took Hua Cheng’s hand. “Adventure awaits!”
Hua Cheng snorted as they crossed to the structure hand in hand. Hua Cheng placed one pale large hand on the center of the door and looked at Xie Lian with a tilt of his head.
“Ready, gege?”
Xie Lian nodded and squeezed Hua Cheng’s hand in affirmation. He braced himself as Hua Cheng pushed the door inward. Xie Lian was prepared for the smell of damp earth and natural decay. He was not prepared for the strong stench of rot that almost made him retch on the spot. He clamped his free hand over his nose and mouth and swayed precariously, his only anchor Hua Cheng’s hand in his own.
“Ick, something died,” Hua Cheng snarled, his nose wrinkling in disgust at the smell.
Xie Lian nodded. “Clearly,” his said, his voice nasally as he kept his nostrils clamped shut with his hand.
“Pretty neat, right?” Hua Cheng smirked. “Let’s see what’s inside.”
“San Lang!” Xie Lian squeaked as Hua Cheng ducked under the lintel of the door and pulled him behind him. Xie Lian squawked again as Hua Cheng abruptly stopped. There was a rustling and then the screen of Hua Cheng’s cell phone flared weakly followed by the blinding light of his cell phone flashlight.
Hua Cheng scanned the light over the interior of the structure, which Xie Lian now classified as a small cabin. There were multiple rooms within, though each seemed to be no larger than a broom closet. There were scraps of decaying paper and wood scattered about the floor and horizontal surfaces. Besides that there did not seem to be much else.
At least that’s what Xie Lian thought, until Hua Cheng’s flashlight illuminated the source of the rotting smell.
Xie Lian gasped, swallowing a mouthful of the putrid air unintentionally before he quickly buried his face in Hua Cheng’s upper arm, inhaling the cinnamon and musk that was his trademark scent. Xie Lian felt Hua Cheng stiffen under his grip as he too must have seen the half-rotted carcass of a fox. Xie Lian then felt Hua Cheng shift and take a step, pushing Xie Lian back slightly.
“I’m sorry, gege,” he said softly. “Let’s go.”
Xie Lian extracted himself from Hua Cheng’s arm when they backed out of the cabin and Hua Cheng pulled the door closed gently. Xie Lian walked away a few steps to gulp down fresh air. When he turned back and caught Hua Cheng’s wide-eyed look, he giggled once. Then twice. Then he couldn’t stop.
“Gege,” Hua Cheng said cautiously as he stepped forward, his palms up as though approaching a skittish animal, “are you okay?”
When Xie Lian finally managed to control his giggling he let out a deep sigh. “Well, I definitely won’t have trouble staying awake now,” he said breathlessly. He let out another giggle before continuing. “I think I’m going to have nightmares.”
Hua Cheng frowned, the moonlight highlighting his brows in sharp shadows. “I am sorry, gege. It’s my fault. We shouldn’t have gone in.”
“San Lang, it’s fine! I just...I’ll be okay.” Xie Lian started to backtrack his way through the woods, the sodium glow of his apartment complex a haze through the trees. “We may just need to stay up and have tea, is all.”
“I will gladly stay with gege if he wants company,” Hua Cheng replied, the rustle of the brush behind Xie Lian indicating he was following. “The least I can do considering I am at fault.”
“Stop that,” Xie Lian chided. “It’s not your fault!”
“Oh yes, it is. I am quite a terrible friend and must make it up to you somehow.”
“Oh, and how do you plan to do that?” Xie Lian asked, his fists on his hips as he turned on the trail to face Hua Cheng.
Hua Cheng grinned, the moonlight glinting off of his sharp canines.
“Oh, however gege wishes,” Hua Cheng said slowly as he sauntered up to Xie Lian and looked down at him with his dark uncovered eye. His gaze narrowed as he stepped into Xie Lian’s space and Xie Lian mimicked his expression. Xie Lian then tugged playfully at Hua Cheng’s dark braid over his left shoulder.
“You have to cuddle and watch at least one episode of Ninja Warrior with me.”
Hua Cheng pursed his lips as though seriously considering denying the request before he smiled. “If that’s what gege wishes.”
“It is,” Xie Lian said with a smug grin. “Now let’s go. My feet are cold.”
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pengiesama · 5 years
I Wanna Be Yours (Fic, TGCF, HC/XL, Modern AU)
Title: I Wanna Be Yours Series: Heavenly Official’s Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Pairing: Hua Cheng/Xie Lian
Xie Lian wants to make Hua Cheng's birthday a special one. Luckily, this is achievable as a simple four-step plan:
Step the first: go to his place. Step the second: take off your clothes. Step the third: you're wearing lingerie under your clothes. Step the fourth: tell the birthday boy to unwrap his present.
Link: AO3
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What was he doing. What was he doing. Oh, this was so foolish. Oh, this was going so wrong already.
Xie Lian was currently undergoing a crisis in the bathroom of Hua Cheng’s apartment. He’d had crises in much worse settings, certainly – at least here there was a lovely view of the city skyline from the window, and a nice big bathtub to sit in and reflect on one’s actions. But the – setting of it all only reminded Xie Lian of why he was having this crisis.
Xie Lian again caught a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror, and let out a miserable groan. He retreated to the tub for some of that aforementioned reflection time.
 It was Hua Cheng’s birthday, and Xie Lian had been at a loss. What do you get the man who has everything, especially when you’re a man who emphatically does not? He’d asked him, of course, what he wanted, and Hua Cheng had assured him that the pleasure of Xie Lian’s company would be a precious gift to last him through the year. And Xie Lian had flushed, and Hua Cheng had smiled, and kissed his knuckles, and – satisfied that he had properly flustered Xie Lian enough for the day – had walked Xie Lian back to his apartment. And.
And that had been it.
Hua Cheng was charming. He was smooth, and suave, and a complete gentleman. This much had remained the same over the years. They’d had…well, there was something there between them, when they were attending university together. Something big and mysterious and so, so tempting and so, so scary – something they’d never had the nerve to act on, back then. They’d lost touch after Xie Lian dropped out, though not through any fault of Hua Cheng’s. Xie Lian had packed a bag and walked out of the dorms without so much as a goodbye to anyone – too ashamed of everything that had led to this to give even the slightest courtesy to the few people who still gave a shit about him. It wasn’t a proud time in his life. But years later, years later, he’d found himself staring at a familiar figure at his apartment doorstep, and welcoming him in for tea.
It was a second chance that Xie Lian didn’t think he deserved. But Hua Cheng still wanted to give it to him – still felt the same about him as he did when he was a silly, lovestruck kid barely out of his teens. And oh, Xie Lian could relate, could relate to the way his skin burned when Hua Cheng offered his hand to help him out of his seat, could relate to the way his heart felt as though it would burst from his chest when Hua Cheng kissed him goodnight at his apartment door. Could relate to the way his spirits soared whenever Hua Cheng caught a glimpse of him and smiled, smiled so warm and wide no matter what they were doing. Could relate to the frustration he surely felt when they were kissing on the couch and Xie Lian’s body froze up whenever hands began to wander too far.
He wanted to give Hua Cheng more than just – handholding and forehead kisses. He himself wanted more than that. But here was the thing: he was a thirty-year-old virgin with a whole lotta baggage to unpack about intimacy. What was a lovestruck idiot such as he to do?
His first mistake was seeking the advice of Shi Qing Xuan.
“You are in the presence of a gift-giving guru,” Shi Qing Xuan assured him. “Remember what I got Ming-Xiong at our joint party last year?”
“I do,” Xie Lian said politely, hoping that Shi Qing Xuan wouldn’t force him to re-live the memories of an evening that had traumatized everyone witnessing it.
  A giant cake, being wheeled out of the kitchen. Ming Yi’s eyes going glassy and dark at the sight of it; the eyes of a shark, overcome by the smell of blood. Shi Qing Xuan, popping out of the cake in a sexy bunny-suit, only managing to sing a few notes of his birthday serenade before Ming Yi lunged in and—
Overcome, overcome by the smell of blood and fondant, and the terrible sounds of screams—
  Xie Lian shivered and tried to bring himself back to the present. He’d survived that night, as most other restaurant patrons had, and that was all that mattered in the end.
Shi Qing Xuan leaned in, giving Xie Lian a too-bright, too-manic smile. Xie Lian had half a mind to excuse himself and escape out the nearest window, but found his wrists seized before he could put that plan into action.
“We’re going lin-ger-ie shoppiiiing,” Shi Qing Xuan trilled in a sing-song voice.
 And that was how Xie Lian wound up in the tub, dressed in something vaguely resembling underwear.
The plan, as Shi Qing Xuan had outlined it (on pink, perfumed stationery), had been so simple on paper.
 Step one: go to your San Lang’s place.
Step two: excuse yourself to the bathroom!
Step three: take off your clothes!!
Step four: you’re secretly wearing your sexy new lingerie under your clothes!!!
Step five: strut your whole self out of that bathroom!!!! Pose also!!!!!
Step six: tell your birthday boy to unwrap his present!!!!!!
 Step one had been simple. Hua Cheng had welcomed him warmly at the door; pressing a kiss to his forehead, the tip of his nose, and finishing with a sweet, chaste kiss to his mouth. At the sight of the love in his expression, at the curve of his lips as he pulled back and rested his forehead against Xie Lian’s…Xie Lian immediately initiated step two and ran off to the bathroom, locking himself in.
Hua Cheng had immediately called after him, concerned, and Xie Lian had begged his pardon, his patience – he’d just – he’d eaten some bad yogurt, that was all, and he needed a few minutes. He’d be out soon.
Step three (which was also step four, honestly; Shi Qing Xuan got a little too excited to pay attention to numbers when plotting was afoot) was simple enough. It was easy to hide the…birthday surprise…under the oversized sweaters and shapeless thrift-store jeans that made up the majority of his wardrobe. The lingerie was gauzy, lacey; gleaming pearl-white and nearly translucent against his skin, such a contrast with the ever-present black choker around his neck. He slid his jeans off easily, and tried to adjust his garter belt the way Shi Qing Xuan had shown him, without ripping his thigh-high stockings in the process. He gave up after a few attempts, snapping one of the straps against his thigh irritably.
This was the point where he had first glimpsed himself in the mirror, and noticed that his panties – the ones that Shi Qing Xuan had spotted in the store and instantly insisted he wear – had a heart-shaped cutout in the back, framed with a big silky bow, showcasing his butt for the world to see. The lace was so thin, the fabric so sheer, that touching him here would hardly be any different than touching bare skin. This began the crisis that drove Xie Lian into the bathtub, preventing all hope of going through with step five in the foreseeable future. He would remain in this tub, in what passed as underwear by some bizarre standard, and proceed to ruin Hua Cheng’s birthday; just as he always knew he would.
Xie Lian heard whimpering at the bathroom door, and the sounds of pawing. This proved to be catalyst enough to prod him out of the tub. He bustled over to the door and bent down, peering under the gap between the door and the floor. A single, blood-red eye stared intently back at him. There came more whimpering, and then a pink, slobbery tongue questing under the door to swipe Xie Lian’s face.
“It’s alright,” Xie Lian soothed. “Good boy, E-ming. I’m fine, I’ll be out to pet you soon.”
The thought of having to wait a moment longer for Xie Lian to pet him seemed to only upset E-ming more, and the whimpering and crying redoubled in force and volume. Xie Lian moved away before that tongue got him again, and took a deep breath. He really had to come out, now – E-ming was the size of a direwolf and had the emotional neediness of a toddler, and Xie Lian doubted Hua Cheng’s bathroom door would be able to withstand much more pawing.
Xie Lian spotted a red silk robe hanging on a hook and took it down to shrug it on over his not-really-clothes. Hua Cheng probably wore this when he was fresh out of the shower. He was probably usually naked under it, considering the shower thing. Wet and naked. Xie Lian needed to stop thinking about this.
The moment he opened the door, E-ming’s long black snout poked through the crack, and he was able to project the sounds of his crying directly into Xie Lian’s face. Quite literally, considering he was a very big and tall boy. Xie Lian made comforting noises, and scooped him up, cradling his massive body in his arms as if he was a wee puppy.
“I kinda wanted to get you some like, lacy opera gloves to wear,” Shi Qing Xuan had said, squeezing Xie Lian’s bicep. “But I don’t think anything’s gonna fit over this gun show you’ve got going on.”
Xie Lian would pass on the opera gloves and keep his muscles, thank you very much. They were hard-won, and far more useful than some flimsy decorative gloves – for example, he would not be able to carry around three hundred pounds of crying dog otherwise.
“Gege? Are you alright?”
He heard Hua Cheng shifting around in the living room, and swallowed hard.
“I’m—I’m fine! Don’t come in here, just…go sit on the couch and close your eyes. Don’t peek.”
There was a pause as Hua Cheng processed the request, but he made no protest.
“Of course.”
Shy and awkward and completely unappealing as he felt, Xie Lian still didn’t want to spoil the surprise. And if Hua Cheng saw him wearing his silk robes, carrying his giant half-wolf-half-bear-half-horse-half-shadowbeast-probably-a-dog around like a baby, well…well, that would probably spoil the surprise? Maybe.
Xie Lian settled E-ming onto his dog bed, and stroked his head a few times before bidding him to stay put for a while. Exhausted from his emotions, E-ming sighed and settled his enormous head onto his front paws, and was asleep in seconds. Xie Lian patted him once more, smiling. Such a good, sweet boy. He couldn’t understand why more people didn’t see past his exterior – his exterior being an enormous black dog with blood-red eyes and a booming bark that could shatter glass, but still.
With E-ming tended to, there was to be no more dawdling. Xie Lian clutched at the breast of his borrowed robes and breathed deeply. Even if – even if Hua Cheng didn’t like this “present”, maybe they could at least have a good laugh about it, and Hua Cheng could tell him what he really wanted. Xie Lian could try to bake him a cake, maybe.
Hua Cheng’s penthouse apartment was large, but comparatively little of it was lived in. Hua Cheng scoffed at the idea of entertaining any guests other than Xie Lian (and occasionally Shi Qing Xuan and Ming Yi, when the former insisted on dropping in and the latter was bodily dragged along), and any guest receiving rooms seemed to be decorated with this disdain in mind: stylishly decorated with the most obnoxiously expensive and outrageously uncomfortable furniture, with unnerving and aggressively surreal artwork lining the walls. It seemed to serve less as a home, and more as a symbol of Hua Cheng’s self-made business empire.
When he and Xie Lian had first reconnected, the only room in the house that had any signs of life was his own bedroom – as if he’d never really felt the need to grow out of the art-student-in-a-rundown-studio-apartment mindset. It evoked a sort of warm nostalgia in Xie Lian, but still – he did feel the urge to suggest some…expansion. Hua Cheng’s art supplies and the fumes that accompanied them were moved to a proper studio room, his gaming equipment was hooked up in the living room, facing the couch, so Xie Lian could sit next to him and watch in polite confusion while he talked to Ming Yi over his headset and engaged in relentless trolling campaigns against foulmouthed players who had the same lack of maturity and emotional control that Xie Lian associated with his cousin. It already felt like a more comfortable place to live – and Hua Cheng deserved a comfortable, welcoming home.  
Shyly, Xie Lian peeked into the living room. True to his promise about waiting patiently, Hua Cheng was seated on the couch, hands folded politely in his lap. True to his promise about not peeking, he had swapped his eyepatch over to the other eye. Xie Lian felt a laugh bubble up from his chest, relieving some of his tension.
“San Lang.”
Hua Cheng tilted his head and twiddled his thumbs. “Hmm? I hear a lovely voice calling for me.”
Xie Lian stepped into the room properly.
“You—you can look now.”
Hua Cheng moved his eyepatch back over, opening his good eye just in time to see Xie Lian slide the robe off his shoulders; letting it pool on the ground around his feet.
“H-happy birthday.”
He’d never really noticed how chilly Hua Cheng kept his apartment. He supposed it was usually because he was dressed in more layers than…this. He shivered, and wrapped one arm around himself. Hua Cheng wasn’t saying anything, and Xie Lian couldn’t bear to look at him. He really should’ve just tried making a cake.
“It’s…it’s okay if you don’t like it, or if you don’t want to—”
“No! No, I…gege. This is…”
Xie Lian nearly jumped out of his skin at Hua Cheng’s exclamation, and finally looked over at him. His face was so, so red. He was staring at Xie Lian, jaw tense and lips just slightly parted. He looked – embarrassed, and eager. And like he was only seconds away from swooping in and pinning Xie Lian to the nearest wall.
It was encouragement enough to walk forward, and sit next to him on the couch. Hua Cheng’s molten gaze didn’t leave him for a moment. Xie Lian might be a thirty-year-old virgin, but he knew Hua Cheng, and he wasn’t stupid.
“…Shi Qing Xuan helped me pick it out,” Xie Lian quietly said, breaking the silence. He continued, trying to figure out a topic of conversation – what did you even talk about when you were about to…do this kind of thing? “And helped me figure out how to put it on. The stockings kept rolling down my legs, so we had to buy the rest of the…architecture…to keep them up. These garter things are a pain, so fiddly to get hooked up…”
Xie Lian snapped one of the garter straps against his thigh again to demonstrate, making an audible noise as the strap connected with his skin – pa! Hua Cheng swayed, glassy-eyed, and briefly looked like he was going to pass out on the spot. Xie Lian grabbed onto his shoulder to steady him, and they locked gazes for a long moment.
That was all it took. They both started laughing, helplessly, melting into each other’s arms for support, for warmth, for no reason at all other than that the other person was there to be held.
“So gege has been plotting with others!” Hua Cheng swooned dramatically backwards, sprawling on the couch with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead. “A plot most devious!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Xie Lian said. He’d allowed himself to be pulled along with Hua Cheng as he toppled himself over, and was laying across his chest. He wasn’t in any mood to move – this was a wonderful way to warm up from the chilly apartment. “There was no way I would’ve been able to figure this out on my own. Shi Qing Xuan buckled me in before I came over, and…”
Hua Cheng peeked his eye open. “…you came wearing that underneath your clothes?” he managed, after a moment or two. “You took the bus like that?”
“Well, yeah. It wasn’t very comfortable, but it wasn’t such a big deal. I might just go without underwear on the way home.”
Hua Cheng’s expression was unreadable. “…tomorrow morning, I’ll call a cab to get you home instead.”
Xie Lian instantly started to protest this generosity. “San Lang, there’s no need, I have a bus pass, I can just…”
The rest of the sentence died in his throat. Tomorrow morning, Hua Cheng had said. Xie Lian supposed that meant he’d just been invited to stay the night. Xie Lian supposed he knew what Hua Cheng wanted to do, tonight. Xie Lian certainly knew what he wanted to do. He squirmed, and buried his reddening face into Hua Cheng’s broad shoulder.
He felt Hua Cheng’s hand on his back, felt that hand and its long elegant fingers trace down, down his spine. Xie Lian’s face only burned hotter when Hua Cheng’s fingers reached the hem of his panties, and that big ridiculous silk ribbon atop his rear end.
“There’s a bow,” Hua Cheng said aloud, high-pitched and almost hysterical. “Gege, at this rate I won’t make it until my next birthday.”
Xie Lian squirmed and reached back to grab Hua Cheng’s wrist, guiding it even lower until his fingers could brush the outline of that silly heart-shaped cutout, until the palm of his hand was properly settled on the curve of his backside. He could keenly feel the heat of his touch through the gauzy material.
“…look at me.”
Face tucked into the join of his neck and shoulder, Xie Lian felt the rumble of Hua Cheng’s request more than he heard it. Slowly, he picked himself up, and managed to look Hua Cheng in the eye. It…wasn’t as difficult as he thought. Xie Lian was nervous, of course, and unsure, and shy, and completely out of his element. But he was with Hua Cheng, and there was nothing but love and adoration and care in his expression.
Hua Cheng cupped Xie Lian’s face in his hand, and Xie Lian nuzzled into his palm without even so much as a second thought.
“You don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable.” Hua Cheng’s hand slid back into his hair, and tilted his head down just so, enough for Hua Cheng to press another kiss to his forehead, his brow, his cheek. “Do you want this?”
He wanted. He wanted, and Hua Cheng made him feel like he deserved to have it and so much more. He made him feel like he was something precious, something worth treating gently, something that belonged here, in Hua Cheng’s arms. It was a difficult sentiment to put into words.
(Though, honestly, he thought he’d made himself clear when he marched out of the bathroom in lingerie and put Hua Cheng’s hand on his butt. Maybe he wasn’t being the shy one here.)
“I do,” Xie Lian breathed, turning his face so those roaming lips properly met his own. “San Lang…San Lang!”
The squeak of Hua Cheng’s name that came out of Xie Lian’s mouth sounded almost affronted. Hua Cheng had scooped him up and clambered to his feet with him in tow without so much as a warning – they were having a Moment and they were kissing and now they were not. Xie Lian pouted at Hua Cheng, expecting an explanation for this. As always, Hua Cheng thought his pouty face was just the funniest thing, and he leaned in to press a loud, wet, smacking kiss to his cheek.
“My prince. This San Lang begs your forgiveness for his presumption. Being as I am a hopeless and completely irredeemable romantic, I wish to unwrap my present in the privacy of our bedroom.”
Xie Lian eyes went wide, and his cheeks beet red. He tucked his face against Hua Cheng’s shoulder. Hua Cheng made a low noise that reverberated and shivered its way into Xie Lian’s bones.
“Does my prince accept such a proposal? May I carry you off? Throw you onto my sheets? Put my hands and mouth all over you?”
“San Lang,” Xie Lian whined desperately. The apartment definitely wasn’t chilly anymore. His whole body felt like it was prickling to life with a thousand tiny embers. “Please. Please.”
Hua Cheng was a man who kept his promises.
Alas, a bit too well.
“San—ah!” Xie Lian gasped and clutched at Hua Cheng’s thick, silky hair. This did nothing but encourage him to keep mouthing Xie Lian’s erection through the lace of his panties. The thin fabric was damp from his tongue, and clung to Xie Lian’s skin uncomfortably. “I…oh, please…please, i-it’s your birthday, I should be…I should be…”
Hua Cheng made a savoring noise, and pressed his face more insistently into Xie Lian’s crotch. He breathed in deeply, then cracked open one eye to stare at Xie Lian; his gaze wild and blazing under the mussed fall of his bangs. It made Xie Lian want to cover his face, want to hide in the red silk sheets, want to melt away into Hua Cheng’s mouth. But it was so rude of him! So rude! It was Hua Cheng’s birthday, and he was the one – p-providing service, taking care of Xie Lian. Xie Lian should be the one with his mouth on Hua Cheng; should be the one touching him and making him feel good.
Hua Cheng’s grip was relentless on his thighs; his fingers tangled under the garter straps and under the flimsy stocking fabric. His mouth climbed higher until his lips were pressed to the line of Xie Lian’s hipbone. And oh, those were his teeth –
“Gege. So beautiful, gege. I’m—” Hua Cheng shuddered into silence, and his hips jerked against the mattress. His hands twisted in the straps and lace covering Xie Lian’s body, clutching hard enough to bruise. Xie Lian’s mind raced at the thought. “—I’m sorry. I’m sorry, you deserve more, I wanted…I wanted to—”
“San Lang.” Xie Lian stroked that lovely head of his, and waited until he looked up at him again. “Lay on your back? Against the pillows.”
Stiffly, as if he could hardly control his limbs, Hua Cheng clambered into position as requested. Xie Lian crawled to him, slowly, taking in the sight before him. Pale skin, midnight-black hair, muscles shifting under Xie Lian’s touches. He was just so lovely, his San Lang. Xie Lian reached out to trace up his long legs, bidding him to bring his knees up and apart. He’d managed to get Hua Cheng’s shirt up and off his head before Hua Cheng had dove in between his legs, but hadn’t gotten the chance to free him from his trousers quite yet. Xie Lian eyed the – rather large tent in the fabric. He thought of Hua Cheng flipping him on his stomach, yanking his panties to the side, and sliding that big thing into him. His thighs shifted against each other, seeking friction to relieve the rush of want.
Hua Cheng made a small, desperate noise when Xie Lian went for his belt and zipper, carefully and gently tugging the fabric down until he could get a good hold on his erection. It was…well, it was intimidating, sure, but it was also just so cute. Xie Lian brushed his fingers against the tip, experimentally, and Hua Cheng gasped aloud and scrabbled for purchase on the sheets. Cool on the outside, but just as cute as can be on the inside. Just like all of Hua Cheng.
Xie Lian didn’t really know exactly what to do next, but, well, he was creative, and he thought it would be rather nice to have a taste of Hua Cheng. He smiled up at Hua Cheng, stuck out his tongue at him, and before Hua Cheng could try to be a gentleman and tell him he didn’t have to, he dove in and swiped his tongue across the tip of his cock.
That didn’t sound like a shout of pain, so Xie Lian figured he wasn’t doing too badly so far. He looked up at Hua Cheng, trying to carefully judge his reactions as he put his mouth more properly on his cock. Hua Cheng looked like he was – about to ascend to the heavens, about to die. About to cry, even. Xie Lian made a concerned noise, and stroked his free hand against the back of Hua Cheng’s own, where it fisted white-knuckled into the sheets. It was nice to know that he wasn’t the only one nervous, here. Xie Lian smiled up at him, lips curling around the tip of Hua Cheng’s cock—
Hua Cheng gasped, and one hand flew up to grab at Xie Lian’s hair and yank him back. Something hot and salty flooded his mouth and spilled over his lips as Hua Cheng’s cock slipped out, dribbling down his chin and onto the red sheets. Xie Lian lifted a hand to catch any further mess, only belatedly realizing that he could probably swallow instead of drooling all over himself. He gulped down the remainder of the stuff, feeling it slide thickly down his throat and into his belly. Not bad. He knew his palette was…questionable, but he didn’t hate the taste of it, not at all.
Xie Lian swiped his thumb across his chin and lower lip to try and clean himself, and was turning over the idea of licking his fingers clean before Hua Cheng lurched forward and collided into him, knocking him onto his back on the bed.
“You are going to kill me,” Hua Cheng croaked out, sounding half-dead already.
“Hmm?” Xie Lian tilted his head to the side. “Did I not manage? Should I try again?”
“Oh, please, let’s,” Hua Cheng purred in his ear. “Though I think I’d like to return the favor.”
Xie Lian had always thought his San Lang had lovely hands. Long and elegant fingers, a strong and warm grip to hold Xie Lian’s hand in turn. Those long pretty fingers proved to be talented and gentle and relentless, sliding into Xie Lian and working him open until he was ready for him, so ready, so ready, please, San Lang, put it in me, I need you.
Once he was fully seated inside him, Hua Cheng heaved a sigh that was at least partially a sob and rested his forehead against Xie Lian’s. He was such a gentleman, so kind to Xie Lian, so kind and patient, waiting until Xie Lian adjusted to that thick, hard cock of his instead of just grabbing onto his hips and fucking him inside-out.
“San Lang,” Xie Lian breathed into his ear. He squeezed down on him, and tilted his hips up, insistent. “San Lang.”
Such a gentleman, such a gentleman. He tried so hard, his sweet San Lang, to go slow, afraid of hurting him. Xie Lian kept squeezing on him, kept tugging his hair, kept crying out his praises until Hua Cheng’s patience and remaining composure finally broke. He was such a gentleman, until he wasn’t. Xie Lian found himself being nearly bent in two; his legs over Hua Cheng’s shoulders, in the perfect position for Hua Cheng to fuck him deep and hard and desperate.
His San Lang was so pretty. Xie Lian couldn’t imagine a lovelier sight than this: Hua Cheng’s furrowed brow, his eyes wild and intense and fixated directly on Xie Lian, his mouth open and wet and panting out praises, exhalations, panting Xie Lian’s name. It didn’t take long for Xie Lian to reach his own release, with the feeling of Hua Cheng’s body on his, in him. Distantly, as he was riding on the last waves of it, he felt Hua Cheng’s warmth spread inside of him, filling him up. Ah. No matter what hole he took his San Lang into, the results were so wonderfully sweet. He could get used to this.
Xie Lian cradled Hua Cheng’s head against his chest, stroking his hair and allowing him to gather his senses. After a moment or two to catch his own breath, Xie Lian turned his head to the side, frowning at the nagging sense that someone was watching.
E-ming stood at the side of the bed, waiting patiently, holding his favorite butterfly toy in his massive jaws. His tail began to wag once Xie Lian’s attention was on him, stirring up a small tornado in the room. He delicately put a paw on the bed, indicating his intent.
“E-ming,” Xie Lian said firmly. “Wait.”
E-ming began to shake and whimper, putting more weight onto his paw, pushing the issue.
“Not right now. No cuddle time. No bedtime yet.”
Hua Cheng grumbled and tried to get up. “I’ll take care of him, gege. It’s my cuddle time.”
Xie Lian cunningly distracted him with a kiss, and slipped out from under him and off the bed to escort E-ming out of the room and back to his dog bed. He heard the shower start up on the way back, and was intercepted and stripped of the lingerie that had survived the bedroom before being bustled into the shower alongside Hua Cheng to clean up.
“Was this…was this enough?”
Hua Cheng hummed happily. “The loveliest and most precious gift I have ever received. The heavens themselves could not bless me more.”
Xie Lian’s cheeks reddened, even after everything. Honestly, he’d hoped he was going to be less easy to fluster after this.
“I thought—I thought I could bake you a cake, maybe? A birthday cake.”
“That sounds delicious, gege. Did you have a recipe in mind?”
Xie Lian squirmed off the couch, straightening out the oversized shirt he was wearing that he’d borrowed from Hua Cheng to keep himself decent. “I did! You can just – you can stay in here so it’s a surprise?”
Hua Cheng smiled sweetly at him, and folded his hands on his lap like a patient schoolboy. “Of course. I can’t wait to see what gege bakes for me.”
And he had a broom closet full of fire extinguishers, just in case.
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honghuas · 5 years
Anyway, let me just drop some sad thoughts n info here about Hua Cheng’s, deep, deep battle with his self esteem and worthiness.
“I’m suffering! Everyday, I wish I’d die. Everyday, I want to kill off everyone in this world, and then kill myself! I’m living in agony! For what should I live for in this world? What does it mean to live?”
These words were such an oof when he cried them out to the small little shrine he built for Xie Lian. He was no younger than thirteen at the time, beaten and shamed and home life was clearly not good for little Hong Hong-er that he was better off sleeping in a cruddy shrine. Hua Cheng had been born with red left eye and it marked him as a monster or creature by others. It’s the reason he bandaged his head, later because the children and citizens of Xian Le went from mocking him calling him ugly, to beating and terrorizing him. 
It’s a huge point of weakness for him, this insecurity -- being seen as an outcast and ugly. It carries well into his adultlife, the deep impression of thinking “I’m ugly”.  IT’s wild to think someone that young felt that much despair, to the point even Xie Lian and his fellow gods MQ/FX were shocked by it,
Hua Cheng chuckled for a bit, and suddenly said, “If,” Xie Lian turned his head to face him, “If?”
Hua Cheng didn’t turn around, but continued to look at the dilapidated ceiling of the shrine, and Xie Lian observed the left side face of the handsome young man.
Hua Cheng said softly, “If I was ugly,” “Huh?” Xie Lian gaped.
Hua Cheng finally turned his head slightly, “If my real face is ugly, would you still want to see it?” Xie Lian was taken aback, “Is it? Although there’s no real reason, but I think your real face mustn’t be that bad.”
“Who knows,” Hua Cheng said half jokingly, “What if I’m discolored, disfigured, ugly, monstrous and horrible, what will you do?”
He deflects his insecurities often with humor  ( ex; wanna get married gege? / just joking ! ). Of course, the Hua Cheng we know in the novels is handsome as all hells, ethereal, strong and powerful to the point where multiples times random citizens and passerbys will comment on it to XL or ask if he’s married, or even try to come woo him with good cooking ( jokes on them, he likes ge ge’s burnt poison soup! ). Yet I don’t think it’s by design his ghostly form is attractive. He has an aesthetic, no doubt, but it’s only later over time that he seems to think that perhaps he is kind of good looking because he still is at random times self-deprecating to the points of thinking himself too ugly to be with Xie Lian, who to him is a walking picture of untouchable beauty.
This ghost king that shook up the heavens really is fighting his biggest demons with himself in self-esteem and a short lived, depressing childhood.
Thank Xie Lian that he spoke to that child in the ramshackle temple that day, even though speaking to followers was illegal, and telling him that he should believe in Him. That single beacon of light, that answer in a time of darkness, quite literally saved a young boy’s life a 2nd time from what it could have been.
Of course I could expand deeper on his sense of worthiness to Xie Lian, but I think that would warrant another post specifically on their relationship and Hua Cheng’s huuuuuge idol worship.
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HOB ch.25
hualian is a blessing and are meant to be and how can they be this beautiful HOW! it’s in the little things, or in how they are so carelss with themselves but fiercely protective with each other, i keep feeling like i’m intruding or something, and i’m the reader!!
“Why can’t I come down” Xie Lian asked curiously. This guy can’t possibly enjoy fighting while carrying someone?
San Lang’s answer only had two words: “It’s dirty.”
Xie Lian had never imagined that to be the answer, in all seriousness too, and thought it was kind of funny, but also made him feel kind of strange, a feeling hard to describe, only that his heart was warm.
(tho i am a bit confused by what’s happening? like, hua cheng is holding him but xie lian said something else is battling against the soldier, also he felt something hard on hc’s arm? explanation, pls?)
EDIT: I probably won’t reach the end of this novel. so, there is blood all over, it’s clear that sl killed everyone, xl is internally gathering all this information and what does he say?
Xie Lian chewed on his words and organized his thoughts before speaking up in a serious tone, “San Lang, next time you see a pit like this, don’t just jump in randomly. I couldn’t even stop you. Really, I didn’t know what to do.”
San Lang didn’t seem to expect this kind of response and let out a confused “eh?” When he spoke again, he sounded a bit odd, “You don’t want to ask anything else?” 
(like, yes, sl, that’s his top priority right now because he already knows you’re not really human- uhm, we all know, it’s kinda obvious)
“What else do you want me to ask?” Xie Lian said.
“For example, whether if I’m human.” San Lang replied.
Xie Lian rubbed his forehead, “Hmm. I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“Is it not?”
“Is it? It’s not important whether if you’re human or not.” Xie Lian said.
Xie Lian crossed his arms and said, “Relationships should depend on chance and whether if we’re on the same wavelength, not on social status. If I like you, you can be a beggar and I’ll still like you. If I dislike you, you can be the emperor and I’ll still dislike you. Shouldn’t it be like that? It’s simple logic. So, whether if you’re human is irrelevant.”
San Lang laughed out loud, “Yea. You’re very right.”
EDIT 2: plottwist, the little dead girl is the bad guy of the situation and now i wanna know who those women from the beginning of this arc are 
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