#hc : dignity who ? never heard of it
hualianschild · 6 months
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leafwritings · 2 years
Would you do an obey me hc with MC who takes Mammon’s tsundere comments at face value, and thinks that he ACTUALLY doesnt like them?
I don't know how many times I constantly kept deleting ad rewriting this ask, so I'm so sorry for the long wait. But here it is!
❣️Words to Heart❣️
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Mammon loves you.
He adores you so much to the point that phrases alone could never decipher how he feels for you. Unfortunately, Mammon was too much of a prideful Bastard to Admit it.
The only way he knew to express his emotion was by short snarky comments. Words that seemed harsh but were an underlying path for him to say what he was feeling.
So It wasn't much of a shock when he only let out a "Stupid Human." the moment you slip up on something simple. Nor give you a break when he would call you out as a:
"Clutz of a human" or "too weak to take care of yourself".
At first glance, you never take his word to heart, chalking him down as a tsundere type. But recently, his words started to become sharp and stuck with you long after conversing with him.
The comments dripped into your thoughts to the point of overflow. You couldn't help but conclude that Mammon hated you. That he only took you as a chore than any other.
So you began to take his words to heart.
You would frown upon him when he would make fun of you. Quivered when he insulted you and whimpered in silence whenever he would speak of you. But you tugged through all of them, denying to show your emotions to him so he could poke fun at you further.
Nevertheless, at some point. You burst.
You made an error during cooking, leaving your dinner ruined on the floor. Mammon being himself began to go on about your mishaps and once again dubbed you a "stupid human."
At the least your walls being to break. Tears brimming at the rim of your eyes, trailing down your cheek to the underside of your chin in little droplets on the floor.
That's all you were to him.
A Stupid Human
You let out slight sobs before you sprinted out of the kitchen, vacating a very confused demon behind in the mess. What Just happened? Mammon stood stunned, processing the scene that just went down just a few moments ago. What did he do?
Mammon stared in the direction you ran. He said something he didn't imply, did he?
Mammon knew he wasn't well with words, particularly when it comes to his feelings. He rather pays all his debts than say how he feels.
But his devotion for you was nearly impossible to admit. You were perfect and he was just some demon, how could he say he loves you?! It Was hard.
But the last thing he wanted to do was hurt his only human. Mammon settled to put his dignity aside for once to comfort you. Taking a breath to compose himself and jog off to find you.
When he entered your room he was on eggshells, fearing the worst of kicking him out and cursing his name to hell. But all he got were quite sobs and your tear-stricken complexion smushed upon a pillow.
Now he truly felt bad.
He took delicate strides to reach you, being as cautious and sluggish as he can be. At first, you don't shift an inch at his presence but his delicate touch coated you out of the pillow.
"Am I Just a stupid human to you?"
Mammon responded quickly to your accusation.
"No! Are ya crazy?! You're more than just a human to me!" he shouted. "Then what am I to you?"
He couldn't look you directly in the eyes, instead, he turned away with the largest blush you've seen from him.
"You're my Treasure," he mumbled. "what?" "You're my treasure." he raised his voice.  "say that one more time?" " I said You're My Treasure!"
Giving wide-eyed him at his short bursts, almost believing he was screeching at you, but luckily, you could understand the mumbled cries he was spouting.
You plastered a smile on your complexion, laying your head on his shoulders.
"I'm kidding I heard you the first time." you teased.
" Listen here ya Huma- I mean (Name). There never a time were ya won't be anything less to me than the Great Mammon's Treasure, and ya bettea' not forget it."
Mammon may not be the greatest at words but there is never a moment when he won't let you know how important you are.
His greatest Treasure of all!
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My Request box will still be open for a little bit before I close it for some other ideas I'm writing on so don't forget to ask before it too late!
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Gorgug Thistlespring Junior Year Playlist: Side A
Heres Gorgug's playlist! Literally the sweetest ever, deserves the world and more. Spoilers for Episodes 1-10
Genres Include: Alt Rock, Anti-Folk, Punk, Metal
1. Dashboard, Modest Mouse
Well, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know Oh, the dashboard melted but we still have the radio Oh, it should've been, could've been worse than you would ever know Well, you told me about nowhere Well, it sounds like someplace I'd like to go
Ok nothing made me laugh harder than the image of the Hangvan beat to shit and Gorgug still having to drive it back for two days straight. TWO DAYS STRAIGHT. Despicable. Deplorable. Hilarious.
2. The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton, Laura Jane Grace
When you punish a person for dreaming their dream Don't expect 'em to thank or forgive you The best ever death metal band out of Denton Will, in time, both outpace and outlive you Hail Satan, Hail Satan, tonight Hail Satan, hail, hail
This song is less of a 1 to 1 representation of Gorgug's situation and more like a song that, if he heard it at this specific time in his life, would utterly destroy him. I am really never gonna forgive Porter for the way he treated Gorgug, and as an educator, I never ever want to make anyone feel the way these fake people felt in their fake game. While this song is originally (and famously) by The Mountain Goats I really like the Laura Jane Grace cover. And I love it for Gorgug as a kind of wink to @rabdoidal 's transfem Gorgug hc, which is another thing I absolutely love.
3. Overbite, Sincere Engineer
Could have been a doctor if I really cared enough But I didn't have it in me I got distracted by a bunch of stuff I'm so stupid and empty My mind just wasn't in it And neither was my heart ... I'm not basing my intelligence on some fucking letters And now that it's over I did what I was told I had to do But I still feel just about as dumb as I used to I still feel just about as dumb as I used to
Gorgug Thistlespring took FOUR YEARS of classes. He did that. He did it and he fucking crit. He fucking got straight As on Artificer and didn't flunk Barbarian, which is basically a genius-level thing to do. Fuck Porter, and honestly? fuck Henry Hopclap for letting a 17-year-old do this to himself when he could have just confronted Porter himself LIKE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO LIKE AN ADULT
4. Dragged Across the Finish Line, Sincere Engineer
I'm not trying to win I'm just trying to finish I don't know when it ends But I'm counting the minutes And I'm counting on you Yeah, I'm counting on you I remember when I knew it 'cause I saw it in your eyes And I did what I had to, I dragged you across the finish line It would be so nice If you could do that for me this time
Is this the second song in a row by Sincere Engineer on this 6 song playlist? Yes, it is, and I am not apologizing for it because it's perfect. Also, Sincere Engineer sounds like a band name that Gorgug would think of because that's what he is. Also I really like the way this kind of makes a parallel to Gorgug helping his friends (it's gorgug keep going) and them helping him do well in his classes with studying and everything.
5. Terrifyer, AJJ
Then it got personal, I saw my rage I just wanted to rage, but all I got was tired I tried to walk to the building, but the beauty it brittled me I tried to talk to the waiter, but the beauty gentled me I ran away from the security guard Because security guards dishearten me I said goodbye to my dignity Said goodbye to my dignity
I know that the structure of an adventuring school is different than something in the real world, and if we were to apply the current utilitarian models of education towards a system that prioritizes people who freak out and fight stuff and not just people who can churn out content and do services, it would make sense that teachers in this system can freak out on students and that's like normal, but I'm gonna say the most lukewarm take ever and say it's fucked up that Porter kept bending the rules for Fig and didn't do fucking anything for Gorgug, just to say that it was to "make him embrace his rage"
Like if we're gonna prioritize class excellence, then Porter should have been more than happy to help Gorgug find a class in which he felt more comfortable, even if, at the end of the day, Porter thought Gorgug should ultimately drop Barbarian.
6. St. Anger, Metallica
And I want my anger to be healthy And I want my anger just for me And I need my anger not to control And I want my anger to be me And I need to set my anger free And I need to set my anger free And I need to set my anger free Set it free
I have mixed feelings about the way Gorgug finally got his MCAT signed, because, like - yes, anger and rage aren't necessarily bad, and while Gorgug initially was repressing his anger in season 1, I really think that isn't the case anymore. And yet we have Porter pushing rage so hard in the "corrupting rage" season.
I truly believe that anger can be a beautiful and natural thing, that it keeps you safe in certain situations, that it shows you when you are being mistreated and lets you advocate for yourself. And I think that that is a lesson that a lot of the bad kids need to learn, specifically Kristin, Riz, and even Adaine (with the transition to using a sword and also the whole deal with Adaine's furious fists). But Gorgug already learned that lesson. Sometimes you don't have to be angry????
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
R with Satan and fluff please? Thank you!
I’m sorry this took so dang long, you were like the third person to request but I wanted this to be good!! I’m so extremely happy you chose Satan for this, I had him in mind when I picked the word👀 I cheated slightly and built off a previous hc I have on this don’t sue me
Prompt: R- Romeo
Pairing: Satan x Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff
“Two households, both alike in dignity
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-marked love
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage—
The which, if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.”
Satan had read the entire play three times now, beginning to end, but he kept coming back to the prologue just for that one line.
“A pair of star crossed lovers”
The words etched in his brain, he had assumed he would make a connection about the two of you while reading, but he didn’t realize just how strong the connection would be.
It all started a few months back, he had been regaling you with his knowledge on why the rose was a symbolic item of romance in the human world and it’s equivalent in the Devildom, you had teased him about it when he finished.
“Okay Romeo, I just asked why they don’t grow down here, I didn’t need a romance lesson.”
You had caught him off guard, Romeo? Who’s that? Satan had been unsure if he should be offended or concerned, you confusing him with the name of someone else was not common, however your smile and laughter told him perhaps he was over reacting.
After that you had casually continued to call him by the name. Satan noticed though, you never used the name when any of his brothers were near, you only used it in a teasing manner when the two of you were alone.
He didn’t quite understand the joke but seeing the smile on your face when using the name made his heart flutter. He had been hiding his feelings for you for a long time now, always assuming you were far more interested in one of his brothers, love was a very foreign feeling to him but he knew that’s what he felt towards you. Yesterday though, things became a little more complicated.
The two of you were sitting at your desks comparing notes before class ended, the bell rang and you packed your things to leave, as you walked behind him you had softly said goodbye.
“See you back at the house, Romeo!” The name had been much quieter than the rest of your words yet it lingered the longest in his mind. Satan felt his cheeks warm up, that was the first time you had used the name outside of the HoL, he still didn’t know what it meant but he had stopped caring mostly.
Satan started to gather his things when he heard footsteps approaching, he turned to find Solomon with a shit eating grin on his face, the wizard laughed before speaking.
“How adorable, who would have thought the Avatar of Wrath would ever be compared to Romeo Montague, though it is very fitting for the situation I must say.” Boldly taking a condescending tone with the fourth born, somehow he had overheard you as you left the room.
Satan was entirely confused at this point, why was this Romeo so important? How did Solomon know about them? Were they one of your ex lovers? He felt a fire flicker in his heart at the thought. Tired of not knowing, Satan questioned why the name was so amusing.
Solomon had explained that ‘Romeo’ was a character from a very famous play in the human world, that the comparison between Romeo and the other main character Juliet to Satan and you was actually very interesting, Solomon could tell the fourth born was still confused and had offered to loan him his copy of the play.
Now here he was, alone in his room reading through the play for the fourth time, unsure of where to go from here.
This was a love story, a tragic one but still a play about two hearts in love, did you really feel the same way? Was it possible that you got the same feelings he did when the two of you were alone? Did your cheeks flush at the thought of him? Did your heart race when his hand brushed against yours in class? Was the nickname Romeo your way of revealing that you were in love with him?
He considered, for a moment, running to find you and confessing his love. He wanted to admit his feelings for you the same way the two lovers had in the play, you up on the balcony looking over the HoL’s garden and him down below looking up at you as the moonlight caressed your face, then perhaps he could finally wrap you in his embrace and know what it felt like to have you close.
But love is a cruel mistress. The more Satan thought about you the more he thought about the ending of the play. What if your love was forbidden just like theirs? What if somewhere along the way he lost control of his anger and hurt you? He could never forgive himself if he did. He wanted you happy more than anything, even if that meant keeping his feelings a secret.
After a while, Satan put the book down and decided to go for a walk to clear his mind. He was heading down the hallway when something caught his eye in the library, there amongst the rows of books stood you. He lingered in the doorway for a moment, he never knew why but something about you always captivated him, you looked just as stunning as you always did. As if you were pulling him in by an invisible rope, the fourth born started walking towards you.
“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun.”
You jumped slightly, the sudden voice startling you, Satan watched as you turned to face him. He felt his heart speed up, what the hell was he doing? His mouth went dry and his hands felt clammy, he had involuntarily quoted the line to you with no plans on how to follow up, what idiot does that?
“So you finally read the play?” The Avatar of Wrath watched a blush creep onto your cheeks, the warm smile you gave made him melt, he was in too deep to back out now.
“I did, and I hope that I’ve interpreted the theme properly,” Satan made his way towards you, gently taking your wrist and pulling you in close, lacing your fingers together in one hand and placing his other on your waist. “However, correct me if I’m wrong.”
Gathering all of his courage, the fourth born closed his eyes and leaned in, he placed a soft kiss on your lips terrified of being rejected. Satan pulled back just enough to look at you, the blush on your face now more pronounced, he felt his own face grow hot realizing what he had done.
“No, you got it right.” You gave a sheepish smile, your eyes locked on his lips, Satan was sure you could hear his heart beating in his chest.
“Good,” He wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you flush against his chest, his other hand still intertwined with yours, he locked his lips on yours once more, this time trying to convey the pure passion he had for you all along. He released your lips from his own and brushed his cheek against yours, he softly whispered against your ear. “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight, For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.”
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sekceesimps · 3 years
The Adeptus’s Temptation (Xiao x reader oneshot)
summary: Xiao watches and reacts to his darling being flirted with by a certain Geo Archon.  angst (kinda) but ends with fluff.  
a/n Hey anon, I loved your requests so I decided to do both of them… hope you enjoy it! Thanks for the love and feel free to leave another request (that goes for all of you!) 
This is sort of a more in depth version of the Xiao part in the Genshin Jealousy HCs
Also sorry for the delays between publishing, Tea and I have been busy with our personal lives, but we’re trying to write more! 
Keep liking and following us, it genuinely motivates me to write. 
 Sincerely Coffee  
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Who would have ever thought that the Conqueror of Demons, the Vigilant Yaksha, the great adeptus Xiao would ever have a significant other that was human. Certainly not you and definitely not him. 
Xiao is not someone who is easy to open up and be kind, but you managed to break through his cold and harsh demeanor. A surprise to the adeptus who had resigned himself to living his life alone and far from others. You are someone special to him in a world filled with incompetent and useless humans. 
It took some time for him to allow you to spend more days with him and even allow you to initiate physical affection. At first, it came as a relief when you were out doing commissions or just going out to work, he needed his space after all. He was worried about how fast he was falling for you and clung onto the hope that the space he left would allow him to protect himself. 
As your warmth and presence grew on him more, a part of him yearned to be at your side and let you closer to his heart. He had put up his icy walls to combat the heartbreak that comes after losing friend after friend, he was distraught with how quickly you broke through to him. He grumbled at your hand holding, but leaning into your touch nonetheless. 
Your dangerous commissions started to lessen as he refused to let you take on the most harmful of enemies without him. After all, he had no idea what he would do if he lost you. 
Xiao’s favorite thing to do with you is sit at the top of Wangshu Inn or even just the cliff sides of Liyue and bask in your attention and presence. He practically glowed under your loving gaze and from the light brushes of your hand against his. He had known the land for thousands of years and he had seen the most beautiful of landscapes in his time guarding it. He thought that he had seen every stunning thing in this world, that was at least until he met you. 
Your bravery, resilience, and overwhelming beauty had completely captured him, and as time went on he fell further and further for you. The life he envisioned the two of you to live together was a calm and peaceful one. He knew it probably wouldn’t be possible with the nature of both of your responsibilities and his own life span, but an adeptus could still dream.  
Now as much as Xiao wants to protect you, he can’t really leave Liyue. He’s able to help you when you’re here with him, but he’s essentially powerless when you go to Mondstadt. Of course, he’s entertained the thought of just leaving for a bit and staying by your side to protect you. In the end, he always lets you leave for work with a light kiss to your forehead and a heavy feeling in his heart. 
You had accustomed him to your soft affections and gentle mannerisms. He was always reluctant in letting you leave, but he trusted your abilities and simply had to stew in his reluctance when you were gone. He often told you to simply call out his name if you were in trouble and he’d be there in a moment. To this you would simply smile and reassure him with soft kisses to the top of his head. It was a miracle when he had managed to convince you to take on more commissions and bounties in the Liyue area. It made it easier for him to come to your side for aid and also to watch over you. It also allowed for more frequent dates, which made both of you incredibly happy. 
You always had the most interesting stories from your time adventuring. When you two were relaxing on loving moonlight nights, he looked forward to the smile on your face when you spoke in detail about your commissions. He was silent and let you speak, paying full attention to you. Xiao loved the silence and peace. He hated when humans would talk for hours on end, it was unnecessary and wasted his time. However, this sentiment didn’t carry on with you. 
He often urged you to talk about your day and the people you met. Xiao does everything he can to coax more of your sweet voice out. Your voice had always been like music to his ears. For you, he could bear not being alone. For you, he was carving out hours of his day to cuddle and listen to you speak. 
That was until everything changed with your adventuring routes. Previously, right after you switched from Mondstadt routes, the Guild had kept you near the Wangshu Inn and around the Qingce Village area. However, due to increased demand for your services, you had been moved South towards Liyue Harbor. The adventures you went on now were much simpler, but much more boring. You’d complain to your boyfriend about how you had to talk to too many people and how exhausting it was for you. Xiao would listen intently and offer a comforting embrace, silently happy that at least you weren’t out risking your life every day.  
His concern began when you moved on from random requests and commissions with different people to a more stable and consistent job. You had accepted a job from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor as a one time thing, but your skill and agreeability had earned you a more permanent position there. 
Your day to day job was to just assist and protect different members with finding and restoring relics across Liyue. However, it allowed you to move around more and actually engage in combat, a welcome change from before. You had helped the director herself, but your favourite employee to work with was Mr. Zhongli.  He was a tall and serious man, but he was powerful and amusing to talk to. 
The first adventure you had gone on with him, you couldn’t stop talking about it with Xiao when you came home that night. One adventure turned into ten quite quickly as the two of you made a habit of engaging in all your commissions with the parlor together. Zhongli as your companion in travel gave you a sense of stability and a feeling of safety when you were out in dangerous situations again. 
Every night you came back, you told Xiao about the mysterious and strong man’s aid to you. The passion you spoke of his power and of his intelligence in the culture of Liyue surprised him at first. As you kept talking about Zhongli, Xiao started to feel different. He was no longer eager to hear of your adventures because he felt something very strange now. 
Xiao has never felt afraid. At least, not truly. He is not afraid of death as he had accepted it long ago. Yet now you had given him something to live for and losing you would leave him back into a pit of despair, suffering, longing, and emptiness. Seeing you gush over the assistant to the funeral director filled him with a new unpleasant feeling. Heart numbing fear. 
He was careful to not let you know how he felt. He was nervous that you would view him as pitiful for what he truly felt in his heart. Bile would fill up in his throat when you talked about that man as he held your full attention. In response, Xiao would start to capture your mouth with a kiss if he sensed that you’d talk about Zhongli on your dates. It got you to shut up and restored his happiness for a moment. 
He felt guilty for interrupting you of course. Yet, he couldn’t muster up the courage to confront his own feelings of insecurity. The best he could do was try to prove to you how much he could offer. As his kisses began to get more heated, he found it fit to use his strength to carry you back to your shared bedroom. 
Out of curiosity, Xiao decided to actually look at this Mr. Zhongli one day. If he was feeling insecure before, oh man, any self confidence he had was now wrecked. The man was absolutely perfect with you. 
You were smiling and walking through the harbor-city side by side with the sharply dressed golden eyed man. The walk that the two of you had was powerful. The men and women of Liyue whispered behind you two about how cute the both of you were. Xiao silently watched as you two sat at the tea house and drank tea in silence. Zhongli had never taken his loving and intent gaze off of you. The Yaksha took in more of the man’s appearance. He was much taller than Xiao was and carried himself with a royal sort of dignity. As the two of you finished your tea, the man made a move to pay for your tea by charging it to the funeral parlor. He’s rich too, Xiao thinks sourly. What doesn’t he have? He has enough when Zhongli’s resoundingly deep voice tells you how well you fought today. If Xiao sounded like that he would never want to shut up.  
He goes back into his bad habits of distancing himself and retreating back into his own silence. His awful self loathing that you worked hard to remove has manifested itself again and begun lashing out on you. Brushing you off, short snappy responses, and hardly responding to anything. This results in you thinking you did something wrong. 
Oh how the adeptus breaks when he sees you try to make him Almond Tofu and various other small gifts to please him. He knows you didn’t do anything, but all he wants is you to free yourself from him and spend your life with someone who could provide so much more than he could. 
In your shared bedroom, he would be physically present, but he was silent and hardly even looked at you. He could hear your muffled tears at night when you thought he was asleep. It took everything within him to not turn to you and let you lay your head in his chest and leave kisses across your face after he dried away your tears. It hurt him again when he heard you asking Verr Goldet if she could help you plan a nice surprise for him. As he stayed to listen, he had to listen to the innkeeper give you kind words as you broke down explaining what it was for.
All your advances towards his forgiveness and love go rejected. He decides that it would be better for you in the long run if it was like this. He stays cold, at least until he sees something that pushes him back to your side. 
His pity party and moping is interrupted by the strangest feeling in his heart. Something painful crackles and burns inside of him. He’s not sure how he knows, but he feels that something is very wrong with you. 
Xiao was not called the adeptus of speed for no reason. The speed in which he reached you was one he had not used for hundreds of years. 
You weren’t in any life threatening danger, but the bond that you two shared was. He could see Zhongli gently move a strand of your hair behind your ear. You had a more nervous smile on your face. 
“How fascinating, Y/N” his voice breaks the silence, “Your abilities seem to get stronger every day,” he continues praising you.
Your face flushes a light pink and you look down, breaking the gaze between you two. “You’re too kind, Mr. Zhongli, but I wouldn’t have been able to grow so much without your guidance,”
The golden eyed man smiles at this as he leans in slightly closer to you, “In that case, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” 
Xiao clears his throat as he steps out from the bushes and stalks towards you with a glower on his face. You look at your lover in surprise, not seeing or hearing his voice in quite some time. 
“Actually, she’s already taken so you can take your leave now,” his words filled with venom. He doesn’t even try to be subtle as he holds his emerald spear by his side in warning to the man who tried to make a move on you. 
Zhongli nods, “I understand, sorry for intruding,” as he leaves. Xiao’s watchful gaze not leaving him until he’s far out of sight. Your adeptus moves to your side and engulfs you in a warm hug that he wishes to convey all of his feelings of love into. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have treated you like that, it was unnecessary and you didn’t even do anything wrong. Give me a chance,” he seldom begs, “please,” he adds. His golden eyes piercing into your soul and displaying such regret. 
You don’t respond, but you lean closer to him and press your lips softly against his. He forgot how much he missed this. 
Oh how stupid he was for not letting you know how much he adored you known more. Well, now he had the time to make it up to you. He brings you towards the cliffside and the two of you sit down together once more, the bond shared between you too also renewed. 
As you look at him, he lets you lean on his shoulder and look at the sun’s light beginning to wane as the sky was touched with beautiful pastel pinks and purples. 
“I love you, Y/N” he whispers softly as he nuzzles his face into your H/C hair. 
“Hmm, I love you too, Xiao,” you respond sweetly and relax under his presence.
The brown haired Archon chuckled lightly as he watched his Adeptus gently place his arm around your waist. He was happy that the cold guardian had finally found someone to love and someone to take care of him in return. When the time was necessary, Morax was ready to bring a contract to let the two of you spend the rest of eternity together, as two soulmates should. 
a/n Hope you enjoyed it! Leave a like and some feedback, please.
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singtotheskiies · 3 years
“how are you so perfect?!” // karl jacobs fluff alphabet
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a/n: the mcyt brainrot continues so i am coping with the fluffiest karl hcs my brain can summon,,,,,,, i am affection-starved send help please
summary: a look into the abcs of dating the one and only sweetheart karl jacobs!!! (fluff alphabet template by @snk-warriors)
activities - what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
karl loves doing literally anything and everything with you; he just loves your presence and company so much!! whether it’s late-night target runs, playing minecraft together, or just collapsing into your arms after a long, late-night stream, being with you instantly lifts his mood.
beauty - what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
while karl appreciates and adores everything about you, i can definitely see him being a sucker for your eyes. he loves how they sparkle in certain lights, how big and happy they are when you’re looking at him, how they crinkle when you laugh, and how your pretty eyelashes flutter against your cheeks when the two of you cuddle. he often finds himself getting all blushy when you guys maintain prolonged eye contact:)))) i think he’d also love your hands and shoulders too!!
comfort - how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
karl is no stranger to anxiety and is incredibly empathetic. the combination of these two things makes him the BEST person to have around when you’re not feeling good. if you’re sad, he’ll instinctively know just what to do to put a smile on your face again. he’ll crack stupid jokes or put on music and dance with you—anything to make you happy. if you’re anxious, he’ll talk softly to you and, if you’re feeling up to it, will hold you so you can safely come down from your panicking. he’ll definitely cradle the back of your head with his hand as he holds you close, just breathing with you.
dreams - how do they picture their future with their s/o?
karl is definitely the type to fall hard relatively quickly in a relationship. thinking about the future is sometimes scary for him, but with you in the picture, he finds it less threatening—beautiful, even. he doesn’t know exactly how he wants everything to turn out, but he does know that he wants you by his side through all of it.
equal - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
equality in a relationship is INCREDIBLY important to karl. he respects you so much and wants to make sure that your opinions and ideas are heard. the two of you 100% thrive on mutual communication and input.
fight - would they forgive their s/o easily? how do they fight?
i don’t see karl as the type to get upset easily; he’s pretty chill and is very forgiving since he hates conflict. i can see the odd argument popping up if he’s tired or stressed and accidentally snaps at you, but he’d be clinging to you five minutes later and begging for forgiveness (which, of course, you can’t resist giving him—he has an unfair amount of cute privilege).
gratitude - how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
karl is sweetie #1 and never fails to appreciate the people in his life (or let them know). you could get him a monster from the fridge and he’ll literally pepper your face with kisses while chanting “thank you thank you thank you” like you just saved his life or something. he’s such a cutie and never fails to show you just how much he appreciates everything you do:)))
honesty - do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
as i said before, karl thrives on communication. however, he’s often hesitant to tell you when he’s feeling down or upset. even though he knows you probably wouldn’t mind, he doesn’t want to drag you down or burden you with his problems. his tell for feeling down is getting really quiet, so if you notice this, a few gentle questions will get him to open up to you. he’s working on being more open because you always help him feel so much better!!
inspiration - did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? ex: trying out new things or helping them overcome personal problems?
without a doubt, you have both changed each other for the better!! he’s helped you appreciate the little things and the quiet companionship that so many people take for granted. he’s also been a huge constant and has helped you through tough times. you’ve been a huge calming-yet-brilliant force for him and have taught him that good things always come in time. y’all are really an unstoppable pair and mean so much to the other!!
jealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
karl doesn’t get jealous as much as he gets insecure. if he’s feeling uncomfortable, he’ll just get super quiet. after all, who is he to stop you from having fun?? maybe you’re better off with this person in the moment,,,, anyway, you’ll have to make it up to him with a cuddle session and reassuring him about how much you love him between soft head kisses:)))
kiss - are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
karl’s kisses are LOVELY—soft and sweet with his hands gently cupping your cheek or jaw or even holding your own. he just loves being able to feel you and be close to you. the first kiss probably happened during a cuddle session—he would just be so caught up in your presence and softness and scent that his face would move closer to yours without him even trying. you’d make soft, shy eye contact for a brief moment before his mouth met yours. help he’s so cute ajcividiahhdjfd
love confession - how would they confess to their s/o?
god, he’s SUCH a cheeseball—he’d either do it on your birthday, delivered with a shy smile and giant bouquet, or just blurt it out of nowhere at 2am while the two of you are tired and slap-happy out of your minds. either way, he says it with such hushed reverence that your heart forgets how to work for a few minutes. so many kisses after;))))
marriage - do they want to get married? how would they propose? what would the marriage be like?
like i said earlier, karl can get a bit overwhelmed when thinking about the future. however, he does know that he wants the utter joy you bring him every day to keep going. he likes the idea of a small, pretty wedding with the people you’re closest with, but he’s also fine with just enjoying what you have. as long as he gets to be with you he’s happy:)))
nicknames - what do they call their s/o?
i get the vibe that he’d call you by your first initial or “baby” when he wants to be more casual (but he somehow imbues “baby” with so much meaning,,,,, hhhh). uses “sweetie” sometimes and also “honey” after you’ve been in a relationship for a while. basically just uses the absolute CUTEST names,,, they come naturally to him bc he loves you so much:’))
on cloud nine - what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their feelings?
it is PAINFULLY obvious that karl’s in love with you. he’s always gushing about you to his mr. beast and minecraft friends, so full of fond stories that everyone groans at so much of a mention of your name (everyone secretly thinks it’s adorable tho). the two of you have had so many people compliment you on how cute of a couple you are—your joking, fond chemistry is palpable.
pda - are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag about their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?
while it’s common knowledge karl’s love language is physical touch, he’s always considerate of your boundaries while the two of you are around others. he’ll likely keep pda to hand holding and an arm slung comfortably over your shoulder. it’s just enough to let you feel each other without being too clingy.
quirk - a random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
karl is super unselfish—meaning his closet, nail polish—and yes, even his prized monster energy drinks—are also yours. he truly believes that sharing is caring, and it makes him incredibly happy when you’re wearing one of his iconic sweaters or giving him a grateful smile as he hands you half of his taco bell order.
romance - how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
karl is a complete angel and always puts others first, meaning he’s an absolute GOD when it comes to romance. he’s always laughing and joking with you, and he never runs out of fun things for the two of you to do. at the beginning of your relationship, he’ll stick to the tried-and-true formulas of giant teddy bears, chocolate, and shared sweaters. as he gets to know you better, though, he’ll take pride in giving you super personal gifts and crafting special date nights he knows you’ll love. he’s the absolute sweetest:’’))
support - do they help their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
karl is your biggest fan first and your boyfriend second. he never fails to cheer you on every step of the way and remind you just how incredible you are when you’re struggling. he truly believes you can do anything—he is an angel. an ANGEL.
thrill - do they need to try out new things to spice out their relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
the two of you have a happy, comfortable rhythm in your relationship. however, you guys definitely try things together. watching a new cartoon, trying a quirky restaurant, or doing weird challenges with each other on stream never feels too much like stepping out of your comfort zone since the two of you are so in sync. even if something backfires, you’ve got the safety net of the other person to catch you.
understanding - how well do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
karl has incredible amounts of emotional and interpersonal intelligence. he believes in the innate dignity and beauty of all people, and LOVES getting to know every single bit of who you are. he’s completely committed to you, and is the perfect person to help you with whatever you’re going through.
value - how important is the relationship to them? what is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he considers your relationship to be the best part of his life. you’ve been with him through so much, and looking back, it’s incredibly clear just how much your presence in his life has changed him for the better. he loves you so much!!!!!
wild card - a random fluff headcanon.
karl often rants happily on and on about his newest cartoon or gaming obsession while the two of you are cuddling. he’s just so cute, and more often than not you’ll end up kissing all over his freckled cheeks and soft hair. he melts into you like a cat and the two of you just breathe the other in with pure contentment:))))) send help y’all are so cute:))))
xoxo - are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
this goes without saying, but karl is a cuddlebug supreme. if you’re not super into cuddling, he’ll understand but try and ease you into it so that he can love you the way he really wants to!! copious amounts of cuddles, kisses, and affection are central to his ideal relationship.
yearning - how do they cope when they’re missing their partner?
poor karl gets so lonely without you!! you’ll facetime him when you’re gone for even a night, and he’ll pick up wearing one of your sweatshirts. “miss me that much??” you tease, and he can only nod and pout. expect millions of wish you were heres and miss you babys and can’t wait to hug u agains spam texted to you. lots of snapchats of him giving puppy dog eyes to the camera and cuddling stuffed animals will also be sent. he can’t help it—he just adores you and is constantly pouting until you’re back.
zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what will they do?
you’re karl’s everything, and he’ll do anything to make sure that your relationship is happy, healthy, and beneficial for both of you. thankfully, though, he’s such a sweetheart that making sure things are running smoothly isn’t much of a task at all!!
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Syndicate + gang leader au where Henry kills his brothers
Jacob x Henry because it’s healthier than Lanyon x Henry
Anyways <3
Gang leader / Syndicate crossover au:
Henry is the youngest of the three brothers, Raphael and Kent are nonidentical twins. Henry is two years younger than them and has always been the baby of the group. Raphael and Kent have always been protective of him and also love to mess with him.
Their parents were abusive, Raphael and Kent decided to take the opportunity to leave Glasgow the first moment they got and they took Henry with them. They moved to London and one of their uncles-- who owned and inherited quite a successful shipping company by the London docks-- gave Kent and Raphael jobs as Henry went to university. The uncle died before Henry graduated, and left the business to Raphael and Kent.
Henry did not talk a lot to his brothers while in University. He tried to reach out to them but suddenly Raphael and Kent were "incredibly busy", Henry assumed they were busy trying to keep the family business going well.
He went to visit them on their dock after he graduated and got his doctorate. He had learned a lot about the London "culture" and gangs from Robert (and Rachel) telling him everything there is about the London underground and the aristocracy. Much to his horror, he arrived at the docks to find his brothers dressed as Templars.
Henry was quickly forced into the Templar order against his will. His brothers gaslight and manipulated him into joining, other members threatened to hurt him or his friends if he didn't join, and it ended up being Henry's biggest regret.
Henry spent about 13 years in the Templar order working in secret for it. He was allowed to do as he pleased as long as he made poisons for them. In the meantime, Henry tried to make up for the guilt he had from the suffering he had caused by helping people on the street. Hungry, dirty, sick people who quickly becoming loyal to the doctor who always feeds them and gives them what they need to survive.
In this part of the au, Henry more directly creates the gang. He realizes that these people are willing to fight for him and they have placed him on a pedestal. He can't get himself down from it so he takes advantage of it. He makes sure that the Society is under constant protection and that the gang brings in money that can be spent on taking care of the members and keep the Society afloat. No Lodger cares enough for the finances to notice the sudden influx of money, and Henry merely tells Rachel and Robert that it’s “sponsors”.
It was only when the Frye Twins entered and began to liberate London that he decided that it was the perfect time to finally break free from the Templar order. He had long since lost any love he still had for his brothers and he would do anything to be free again. He ended up cornering and murdering his brothers in cold blood while his gang distracted the Blighters, and he blamed the murders on the Frye Twins afterwards, the very same Frye Twins that quickly would... Well... Realize that they did not kill these Templars and instead try to track down the murderer that blamed it on them.
In the end, they find their way to Dr. Henry Jekyll's office. Henry had done a good job and working behind the scenes and no one had really suspected him of working for the Templars, so the twins-- while hearing from Greenie that it was rumored that the Jekyll Brothers and Dr. Henry Jekyll were related-- did not know that Henry himself used to be a Templar.
Henry, however, assumed they had broken into his office to kill him. He had already resigned himself to his own death, he was not going to fight it. He had burnt every photograph and document he had that connected him to his brothers and he had merely been waiting for the twins to come and kill him. He was, honest to god, quite disappointed when the Twins seemed confused and instead asked him if he knew anything about the murder of the Jekyll brothers.
"...The murder of my brothers, the Templars? The murder committed by someone close and well trusted by them, the murder that went undetected, and that was later blamed on you? The murder that had slank past the eyes of public after a convenient gang fight right that moment?"
It does not take long for the twins to realize what he is hinting to. His voice his bitter and his body language is cold, yet it doesn't sound like he regrets it.
ahaha anyways i ended up accidentally just retelling the entire thing well time for some actual hcs about this au branch.
Henry gets extreme paranoia after having murdered his brothers. He swears he can still see their faces of terror or hear their screams of pain and agony when he closes his eyes and try to go to sleep. He constantly feels followed by them, but he is too used with Hyde, so he doesn't pay attention to "them". When he doesn’t sleep, they silently follow him with whatever other hallucinations he have at the moment, like Moreau.
He wanted to be the one to murder his brothers himself, he didn't find it dignified to have someone else do the murdering for him. He generally does not want his gang to murder people, only hurt those of necessity, and he still wanted to give his brothers the dignity of not having to be killed by a random gang member.
Something in him kinda... Died that day. His friends, the Lodgers, and his very on gang could all notice how Henry seemed... Colder, more tired, constantly exhausted. He refused to tell anyone why, though, and he still did everything he needed to do so no one could force an explanation out of him. It was not until the newspapers reported on the murder that people realized that he was acting weirdly because his brothers had been murdered. Henry debated snapping his own neck once the Lodgers began to flock to him with words of sympathy, unaware that he was the murderer.
He is extremely benevolent to his gang, something many feared he wouldn’t be at first. He has always been a kind person and that’s why people began to flock to him as it was, but some feared that he would... Ah, turn crueler after a while like most gang leaders. That never happened, though. He saw each and every one of his gang members as his family, and took care of them as such.
He and his gang began teaming up with Lucy many years before either met the twins. It was always fun when Rachel tried to introduce the two of them without telling Henry that Lucy is... Well, Queen Lucy, and it was always fun to act as if they had never met before and as if Henry hadn’t just been invited to dinner the night before. Henry is really good friends with Patrin and Elise.
Henry’s gang wear blue. The Blighters wear red and before the twins and the Rook started, Henry didn’t want his own gang associated or reminding him of Hyde. Blue it was, and it easily made his gang slip into crowds and disguise themselves to be the Scotland Yard.
Neither Brokenshire nor Abberline knew about Henry’s gang until Abberline started working with the twins and until after Henry was “recruited” by them. Depending on if Henry murdered his brothers before or after he joined the twins, Abberline and Brokenshire helped him cover up the murder. 
Ahaha wow Uhm. I keep forgetting how I format and classify these as rambles but anyways time for some Jekyll x Jacob <3 This is just going to be in general btw so <3<3
Henry was incredibly endeared by Jacob from the moment he heard about him. Something about a tall, strong ruffian bringing justice to the streets of London (and fighting Templars) was just incredibly... Ah, attractive in Henry’s eyes. He actually allowed himself to feel that because hell, he works for the Templars and Jacob is supposed to be the enemy, Henry hates the Templars, why not be incredibly gay for the assassin?
Jacob shamelessly flirted with Henry from the first moment the met. Breaking into his office to figure out who murdered his brothers and Jacob could certainly not read the room. Henry was far too gone that he merely huffed and flirted back... Well, until they came to the topic at hand. Even in other branches were Henry was recruited by them to make poisons, or where they met in a gang fight, and Jacob still shamelessly flirts with Henry.
Jacob tries so hard to be romantic. Henry is incredibly amused by it. He will be working in his office late at night and Jacob will pop by his open window to demand attention. He will come back to his office after having ran son errands and there will be bouquets of fresh lavenders, lilacs, and tulips. Jacob will constantly “force” him (or, well, bribe him to leave his work) to go on dates with him, dates that consists of wandering the rooftops of London and watch the stars at night or have a nice dinner together. He loves to spoil Henry rotten <3
Jacob loves cuddles. Henry was not very physically affectionate at first. He was afraid that Jacob would end up doing the same thing Robert did to him and while he couldn’t keep away from him, Jacob made sure to take it slow for him. Their favorite pastime is to cuddle on one of the couches in the train after exhausting missions, and Henry finds that he can’t keep away from Jacob’s touch for too long.
Rachel and Robert began to introduce Henry into the more... Ah, illegal luxuries of the London life. They take him to a fight club and are highly confused when Henry suddenly gets incredibly excited as he watches his boyfriend kick the shit out of people. He completely abandons them and practically fall into Jacob’s (sweaty and slightly bloody) arms the moment the fighting is done. Both he and Hyde love to check out Jacob fighting in fight clubs.
(Jacob post-fight is probably the hottest sight Henry has ever seen and Jacob knows that fully well. Jacob often uses the money he wins from the fights buying gifts for his lil boyfriend <3). 
Another ideal date in the eyes of Jacob is highjacking Henry’s carriage and abducting him. It’s all fun and games until he accidentally does that when Jasper, Rachel, or Robert are in the carriage too. That was not fun for Henry to explain.
After Jacob and Evie have liberated all child factories, Henry makes a spur-of-the-moment decision to adopt Clara (the child who wanted the twins to free the children in the factories). Clara ends up getting raised by two very protective and very lovely-dovely dads. She spends most of her time in the Society (while still helping the kids on the street) but Jacob visits her and Henry a lot.
Look I just want Henry and Jacob to raise a kid that won’t come back and try to murder them later on ok.
Anyways on to some other hcs. Jacob loves to make sexual jokes to Henry. Henry either acts dumb and as if he doesn’t understand them, or he will shot them right back until Jacob is the one blushing (or highly embarrassed).
Jacob loves to break into the Society and follow Henry around but make sure he doesn’t see him. He will be parkour over the ceiling beams and all the Lodgers will notice and get extremely paranoid, trying to get Henry to notice it too because clearly something is up, Henry will completely ignore him most of the time.
Jacob rarely sleeps because his work as an assassin rarely allows him to, but once he and Henry starts dating he always makes sure to visit Henry during the night (or have Henry come to the train) so that they can cuddle and sleep together, knowing Henry won’t sleep by himself.
Henry is always the tiny spoon. Always. Jacob loves to hold him. Henry is always cold and Jacob is always warm so for Henry it’s like being wrapped in a blanket and for Jacob it’s like having an ice cube chilling down his overheated body.
Henry gets overwhelmed quite easily, both in general and with their actual relationship. As dramatic and clingy Jacob can be at times, he always gives Henry the space he needs and especially in the beginning, when everything was so new and Henry had to take his time to process everything. Jacob is always patient with him.
Henry likes to create stuff for Jacob. It can be everything from new poisons to new gadgets, to something as simple as a painting or a hand-made sweater he did himself. When the gifts became more... Simple, so to speak, he worried that Jacob wouldn’t like them, but Jacob absolutely loves and treasures anything Henry does for him, although he routinely gives the sweaters and clothing back so Henry can wear them, and so Jacob can get them back and it smells like his boyfriend <3
(Evie always finds Jacob cuddled up with the sweater in the mornings when they can’t be together. She thinks that it’s stupidly adorable).
Jacob stays in London after Evie and Green get married and move to India. He would originally have thought of leaving London to return to the Assassin Order in Crawley, but ultimately decided to stay with his lover in London. After the end events of TGS, the two of them buy a horse ranch out in the countryside where they retire. Jacob occasionally returns to London as the leader of the Rooks, and soon they begin on working to expand the gang to other cities. Henry doesn’t normally return to London, but always eagerly awaits his husbands return. By the time they have retired and moved, Clara goes to University in London, but she always makes sure to visit her dads inbetween her semesters.
They get to die a peaceful death after having lived a long and fulfilling life. Henry died first, his body having gotten weaker after many years of HJ7, and Jacob died only a few days afterward. Clara made sure they got buried in the same grave, and their little farmhouse and their belongings (and their story) has been passed down from generations ever since. 
Lydia, Jacob’s canonical granddaughter that lives through ww1, is instead Greenie’s and Evie’s grandchild for this au/ship.
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uwua3 · 4 years
Hello! I'm a new follower and I just love your writing so far!! You're really good at depicting The Whole Scene™ so you made me love my favs even more 😳 It's like my heart melts when I get to the extra soft parts 💖 If it's alright, may I request some fluffy hcs of Banri and/or Juza with a soft/baby-ish s/o who likes cute things? Or in general an s/o who's kind of opposite to either of them 👉🏻👈🏻 Thank you! 💞
hi!!! welcome to my writing blog~ :D i’m so happy you said that 🥺 (i appreciate the trademark no Suing in this household) i’m so glad when it gets soft it makes your heart go 💕💞💓💗💖💘💝 always feel like that!!! i’d be more than honored to baby the two tough boys of autumn~ they are secretly Baby no i do not take criticism but you’re welcome!!!
summary: this is the one time major misunderstandings work out for the best
warnings: swearing
author’s note: hello, everyone~ it’s been 4 days since i last posted a fic TT i’m so sorry!!! i hope this makes up for the absence~ it’s a bit long! please love banri and juza with all your heart ♡ fair warning, i design both readers to have dresses on but everything else is gender–neutral :D
word count: 6,482 (total) — 3,532 (banri), 2,950 (juza)
music: liar liar – oh my girl (banri), just right – got7 (juza)
sugar, spice, and everything nice!
🍁🥇 settsu banri
banri was thrifting and saw the most god–awful, terrible piece of clothing he had ever had the misfortune of seeing in his life
it was a bublegum pink sailor uniform esque shirt, embellished with the most pastel ribbons and lacy accessories ever, and was decorated to put harajuku to shame
“who the hell would want to buy this shit?” banri muttered to himself, holding it up to grimance at the girly details that hang from the ugliest shirt he had ever came across. before he could put it back to hide amongst the clothing rack, a gentle, barely noticeable tap on his shoulder made banri turn his head with a glare
“what—” banri’s eyes widened, his jaw slightly dropping. oh my god, if there was a human embodiment of the fucking shirt he was holding, you would literally be it
you were nervously smiling at him, clad in a pastel pink lolita–styled dress, with even more bows at the corset bodice and ruffles at your poofy skirt. you had the largest singular lace bonnet in your curled hair and adorned the biggest, widest circular glasses (they had to be fake). you clasped your hands together with a high–pitched laugh, banri wanted to disappear and never come back to the store again
how could people like you just exist? you walked around like a doll everyday and for what? banri looked down at his clothing for a second, all black again. maybe, he shouldn’t be talking if he was like death everyday...
“sorry~ but are you interested in that shirt?” you asked cutely, batting your eyelashes as you looked up at banri. he blinked, not realizing he was still holding the fashion industry’s worst abonimation as he quickly tossed it towards you, not bothering to check if you even caught it
“no, bye.” banri forced out, moving from the aisle to leave the godforsaken pastels and bright colors. it was all giving him a headache, there was no way this color spectrum ever existed to someone and they liked it. everybody move over because banri was gonna puke
banri flipped through more clothes, pushing through the racks with ease, trying to push the mental image of pink out of his mind until something landed on his head
quickly pulling it off with a scowl, banri deadpanned at the shirt. pink, sailor uniform, ugly ribbons and bows, check. it was that shirt again... what the—
you stood next to him, with the most angelic smile possible despite the passive aggressive look in your eyes. banri noticed your hair was slightly messed up, that he must’ve done something. he never thought he’d fight a pastel lolita in the middle of one of his favorite thrift stores, but here he was, glaring down at you like it was a big deal
“what do you want?!” banri cursed, about to throw the shirt back to you before you forced it in his hands, surprising him with the amount of force your short self managed to produce. you smiled even bigger, and banri suddenly knew he couldn’t cause a scene because no one believe him if you started a fight
“let me pick your clothes!” you offered, yet there was no room for disagreement. oh god, this was revenge for screwing up your look, wasn’t it? banri blanked again, about to tell you to fuck off before he called security (yeah, security on the most non–threatening person here), before you shoved another outfit into his arms
“go change! i want to see you in it!” you insisted, banri’s eye twitched as he took in the colors. all various shades of pink... you did know there were other colors right?
maybe it was because he knew you would start a scene if he didn’t try, but banri mumbled something about annoying people and their loud fashion sense before slipping into a dressing room. you clapped when banri begrudgingly agreed to it, pissing him off even more
(you didn’t know why you were forcing this stranger to be pastel for once. one look at his all–black attire and you felt a part of your soul die for a second)
when you heard the most dragged–out, emphasized swear behind the door, you knew you had to see it
“are you okay in there~?” you asked, waiting patiently outside with a devious smile. revenge was sweet, you almost forgot about how that shirt had messed up your hairstyle for the day
(banri suddenly regretted ever messing with you, you were the devil in pink)
“i know we just met, but fuck you.” banri deadpanned, stepping out from behind the curtain with the resignation of a quitter. you threw your hands over your mouth, stifling your snickers as you observed him top to bottom, wondering how you even fathomed such a creation
banri stood before you in the same sailor shirt, ribbons and bows alike, that somehow fit him. you had given him basic pink shorts that clased with his giant black boots (he made a stomping sound whenever he walked)
“i hate this, i am never wearing this again.” banri admitted without difficulty, expecting you to go away so he could shop in peace but you giggled, nodding in satisfaction at your mistake. he couldn’t believe it, he was embarrassing himself and sacrificing his dignity just because some moral conscious was aware he probably ruined part of your fit
“i’ll buy it for you!” you said and banri pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing with so much exhaustion even though it was the afternoon. is this how sakyo felt dealing with three kids all day? banri was this close to calling him up just to apologize for all the batshit crazy things he’s done
“no.” banri stated, not offering an explanation before turning around, about to head back into the dressing room before you stopped him, pouting your lips with a stubborn look
“come on! why not? i’ll do anything!” you pleaded, giving him your biggest puppy dog eyes as you kept repeating “please~” loudly. banri was about to tell you off before he noticed the store customers glancing at the odd duo, groaning before he rubbed his face
“anything?” banri asked, realizing his mischevious smirk was back on his face as you narrowed your eyes at him, wondering what the hell he was planning
when you hesitantly nodded, banri wolfishly grinned as he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms and looking down at you (you would’ve burst into laughter at how banri tried to look intimidating in pink if you weren’t too plagued by your surprise at his sudden attitude change)
“okay, let me pick your next outfit.” banri said and you winced at the memory of his previous outfit, considering your options before shaking his hand, knowing whatever was about to happen would be one for your social media
it only took about two hours before you actually agreed to try anything on banri picked. it was all animal print, mismatched neon colors, and flannel. you refused every single time he held anything up, bruising banri’s ego even further
“jesus, you have no taste.” banri complained, just wanting to see the most pastel person he’s seen wear something normal for once. you two bickered easily, fighting like there was no tomorrow and warranting nervous glances from the store employees (who nearly alerted security when they saw you almost knock over a whole display chasing after banri)
finally, banri chose something you wouldn’t be caught dead in. it was close to what he had before, a black turtleneck with a silver–zip bomber jacket. he was nice enough to choose a black pleated skirt for you to wear with black oxford that had 3d white daisies
you actually liked it, believe it or not
in return, you adjusted your pick for him (much to banri’s relief when he muttered “thank god” as you put the pink sailor shirt back). you adjusted the theme to be a mixture of black & pink, picking a pink sweater with a black stitched heart surrounded by lace that read “i’ll kill you” and a pink button down underneath. you let him wear basic black pants (just so he wouldn’t have actually killed you) and found the cutest pink sneakers with black shoelaces!
by the time both of you finished, banri didn’t seem as mad and actually nodded at your choices
“not bad, punk.” banri joked as you swatted at his arm, ignoring the way he rolled his eyes at your antics. you two made your way into opposite changing rooms and went out at the same time, staring at each other wide–eyed for about three seconds before banri pushed his finger in the center of your forehead with a smirk
“see! you don’t look as bad now.” banri winked as you nearly kicked him, rubbing your forehead with a frown. you two fought all the way to the cash register, paying for each other’s new outfits as you wore them out the door, holding your originals in a bag
“happy now? gotta go or else my friends are gonna kill me.” banri rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his pant pockets as he was about to go the opposite way. you grabbed his sleeve, impatiently shoving your phone in his face as he adjusted to seeing his own pissed off expression stare back at him
“you have to take a picture with me!” you insisted, your bubbly demeanor really not fitting your “goth” approach (courtesy of banri, of course)
banri glared, knowing this wasn’t apart of the deal before you feigned sadness, wrapping your arms around yourself as you looked around like it was really unfortunate
“oh... are you not photogenic? that’s too bad...” you mocked him, pretending to not notice banri’s fists clench as he furrowed his eyebrows. of course he was good at taking photos! he’d show you, alright
“give me your phone.” banri demanded, taking it without a warning and holding it at a distance with an effortlessly cool pose, doing his usual smirk with a casual peace sign
“say ‘worst day ever’.” banri snapped the picture when you got into frame, putting your chin on his shoulder due to your height difference as you smiled cutely, contrasting his entire vibe
when you actually went through the selfies, they were perfect. damn it! of course he was good at everything, including somehow making black look good on you and be the ultimate photographer
“let me tag you, these are actually...” you were about to say something else until you noticed he was walking away, not bothering to say goodbye as you called his name
“yo, banri! what’s your instagram handle?” you yelled, holding your phone up. banri didn’t even look behind him, just throwing up a single middle finger towards you as he turned the corner. what a typical teenage boy
it was so like him, you didn’t even bother chasing after banri as you posted the set of photos you took with him with the caption “worst day ever with this emo punk, someone find him for me”
when banri made it the dorms, he took out his phone for the first time in forever and felt the vibrations. he never got this many notifications, itaru was probably telling him to get online or he’d beat his ass—oh
oh, you didn’t
kazunari (of course it was him) had tagged him in a familiar picture, with too many emoticons and exclamation points to begin with. banri scrolled through the comments, all complimenting his cool face despite being in pink (banri already knew that) and... wait... shipping you two?!
you two were completely different! if you two stood next to each other, you’d be two opposite ends of any spectrum possible. yet, banri couldn’t help but read all the comments on your post, saying how you two looked good together
banri zoomed in on the photo and moved to your face and huh... maybe they were onto something...
banri clicked on your profile and as expected, it was all soft like sanrio personally made it. you were an angel in each of your pictures, posing with stuffed animals, pastel café sweets, and anything that looked like it came out of a kid’s show. banri was scrolling mindlessly, screenshotting some as he slouched on the sofa, exhaling sharply through his nose at some childish pun you had in your captions
when banri was near the beginning of your feed, it had happened. he accidentally tapped too fast (blame it on his gamer hands), liking your picture from years ago
banri paused. after a minute, banri slowly unliked your picture, shut the app, and threw his phone across the room. it landed on the other couch with a thump as banri slid down the seat with the loudest groan ever, covering his face as he refrained from screaming
that’s what he got for stalking your entire fashion page despite hating your style
the damage had been done. you followed him and instantly dm–ed him with the full, unedited selfies of you two
(banri didn’t follow back until like, a month later for no reason other than he was petty)
banri became your immediate go–to fashion guru, believe it or not. moving past his horrific sense of animal print, he actually wasn’t that bad at picking clothes (banri said it was something about growing up with an older sister)
whenever you needed advice on an outfit, you sent him a text and got a response within minutes (the more he hated it, the more you wore it). any time you went to another up and coming clothing store, he was by your side (unwillingly holding your bags with multiple threats). banri even took your pics for your page, pretending like it was a huge nuisance whenever you asked anyone to take a photo (they always came out awful and he claimed he was tired of hearing you whine 24/7)
you and banri’s interest in fashion was the foundation of a competitive and sarcastic friendship that formed between you two. you exaggerated your pink clothes by making sure to be as pastel as possible whenever you hung out with him, and banri made a point to be all–black and dark down to his silver earrings despite the weather
you posted him more and more on your socials despite his style clashing with your feed. your followers seemed to love him, hyping up his coolness even if you two bullied each other in the comments like an old married couple. it was becoming expected to see banri’s account tagged every time you gave him credit for the post (he always used it against you just to make you mad)
over time, when banri went to see you, he didn’t insult your style anymore even if he tried to (his insults were even half–assed). he took your bags on his own accord and acted like they didn’t weigh a thing. he started taking more photos of you on his own phone, like it wasn’t a big deal he had shocks of pastel throughout his rather dark camera roll
banri didn’t know when it happened, but the moment he looked at the pink sweater you bought him the first time he met you and didn’t react, he knew
oh shit, he didn’t hate pink (or you) anymore. he might have even... liked it
(he might have even liked you)
it was nearly closing time, the employee about to close up shop before banri was seen sprinting towards them, barely out of breath as he skidded to a stop near the concerned worker (understandably so, since it was dark and a whole teenager nearly trampled them)
“oh? banri? what are you doing so late?” the employee recognized the regular customer and banri almost threw up at what he was about to request. he took a moment to compose himself before banri sighed, gesturing towards inside the store
“you remember that really ugly pink sailor shirt that is probably a fashion crime?” banri asked and it didn’t take long before the worker nodded, even grimancing at the memory of such a loud shirt
“yes, no one is really willing to buy it—” the employee was interrupted by a wad of money from inside banri’s wallet as he went through it, wincing at his own purchase that he clearly didn’t want
“i’ll take it. keep the change.” banri went home that day with the same pink shirt he swore he would never wear again
the next day, banri was dressed and the whole dorm went silent. no one dared breathe a word, and banri rolled his eyes, crossing his arms
“what’s wrong? never seen a man wear pink before?” banri raised his eyebrows, casually getting ready to go see you with his backpack strapped. once again, everyone was staring at him (when he left the dorms, the room burst into hysterical laughter)
when you saw banri in that shirt, you suddenly knew. it was as if his behavior made sense, this is way of telling you he didn’t hate you as much as he acted to
as he came up to you pretending like he was still cool in the most pastel pink shirt ever, you couldn’t help but grab him by the sailor collar and give him something long overdue
(the whole mankai company spammed your page with fairy cyberbully comments and likes when you posted a picture of banri in the sailor shirt with the caption: “best boyfriend ever”)
(you ended up keeping the sailor shirt, banri claimed it suited you a lot more than it did for him) (damn, not even one insult about how ugly it was when you expressed how much you loved it)
ever since, your feed became more of punk pastel than anything. anything you wore, banri most likely had in black. you two even shared jewelery and banri often mixed up your earrings with his own (you loved his piercings and often bought the most intricate ear cuffs just to see them on him)
despite your opposite styles, you guys actually shared many of your items together like clothes, accessories like bucket hats and backpacks, even make up! (it took quite some time before banri accepted you painting his nails though, at first it was black, now he allows the occassional pink middle finger if you ask)
(banri liked it the most when you two had matching nails, it was just satisfying to see when holding hands)
you guys were also that gamer couple. you know what i’m talking about, if you guys had a gaming room together, half the room would be pastel pink and his set up was a basic all black
(you two had matching cat headphone sets, yours obviously the pink ones and banri pretended to hate his own pair of ears)
(they really weren’t that bad, he even began wearing it around his boys despite the jokes)
(“shut up, bastard! my partner likes them!”)
as expected, you two got stares every time you went out in public. while you were bright and happy from the anime sparkles around you to your adorable, enthusiatic energy, banri was always by you looming over everyone with a sharp glare and even more aggressive tongue
but this was unexpected: you had banri whipped. wrapped around your finger, even if he would never admit it
(he could go one moment cursing someone out, threatening a fight before he talked to you with a quieter, more relaxed tone. of course he could start shit with you, but for some reason, his voice and demeanor automatically became nicer when he saw you)
(this meant he could never stay mad at you for too long)
an example of banri being absolutely soft for you would be the time you were about to dye your hair and he wanted in
while he was helping you equally do the style and making sure it fit your liking, you giggled at the sight of your boyfriend in the mirror, focusing intently on your hair and the two seperate dyes
“ri, have you ever thought of black hair?” you asked nonchalantly as banri brushed the dye on your hair, giving him a moment to think as he shrugged
“eh, i already dye my hair. never thought about that color.” banri responded, already too busy making sure your hair was completely covered (he was a good hair stylist even if he had never done it before)
“what do you think about matching hairstyles?”
it felt like deja vu. when banri walked into the dorms again, everyone was staring at him. except this time, it wasn’t his sweater (he was back to all–black this time), but his head
oh my god, his hair. his vibrant, half–pink and half–black hair now
“you like that person so much! you dyed your hair that shade of pink?!” practically everyone in mankai was aware banri was whipped for his one and only angel, even if it looked like he came out of hell himself just to be with you
whenever banri saw pink now, he didn’t hate it anymore, and he especially didn’t hate you
🍁🍰 hyodo juza
when juza saw you, he felt like he was on a sugar rush from how cute you were
it was another day helping the director with her grocery shopping and an extra amount of time allowed the two to visit the new bakery that opened downtown
while izumi was making small talk with the server, juza awkwardly hung behind her as he tried to not make it obvious he just wanted to eat every single dessert in the family business
as he was counting the tiles on the floor (how did they design them to look like it was made out of candy?!), a swish of a puffy skirt moved past his line of sight as juza glanced up, feeling like he had downed a whole box of those valentine’s candy hearts at once
you were a waitress, happily bringing customer orders to their tables with the cutest smile ever. you wore a mint green & brown uniform with a big bow at your dress shirt collar, floating around like a fairy with a trey at your hand and gracefully taking requests in the other. if “you are what you eat” was true, you would’ve only ate sweet foods because you were that adorable
then, juza noticed you had some really nice hair clips and thought they were super cute
when you looked up from writing something on your notepad (he noticed it was really elegant cursive), you caught his eye and it was like love at first sight for juza
for you, not so much
you had made eye contact with the most intimidating, tallest boy in the entire bakery. you nervously smiled, waving before hurrying into the kitchen, feeling his stare on your back as you hid in the break room with a sigh of relief
just your luck! you had met some guy who probably didn’t even like sweets, he looked like he wanted to fight you or something! why was he staring at you like that? you anxiously peeked your head from the door frame and went back immediately when you noticed he was looking for you
oh no, was some thug trying to fight you? in a bakery?
when izumi finished up her conversation and bought a speciality cake to go, juza obediently followed her outside as he glanced back behind the counter, trying to spot your unique hair accessories again
as the bell above his head rung, he knew he had to come back to see you and find out where you bought those dessert–themed clips
at first, it began with casual visits, pretending to survey the area after explaining his association with mankai in the most bare minimum way possible. you didn’t struggle convincing someone else to cover your shift quickly when you noticed the scary tall guy up front. then, it became ordering random things to go and hoping he’d at least see you to ask a simple question. you did everything to hide behind tables, hoping you wouldn’t have to confront the gangster
(“he’s back again?! how many more desserts can he order?” you whined, poking your eyes over the front desk to see his frame entering past the window)
for some reason, juza couldn’t stop thinking of your hair clips. they were sweets, for goodness sake! nothing had made him happier, they were so tiny and adorable, they brought him instant serotonin even if he had some tough image
(maybe you were also super cute too, and he just needed an excuse to see you)
after weeks or so of failed attempts to catch you working, juza began sitting down and eating in the bakery, much to your misfortune
“how can i avoid him now if he spends a hour here every afternoon?!” you panicked even though juza’s back was turned to you. he happily ate his food, getting distracted by the quality of the sweets to notice you were basically staring at him
“are you sure he wants something from you? he comes here every day, he seems like a nice boy.” the owner vouched in his favor after talking to the offstandish teen at the register. sure, he was a bit rough around the edges, but he was much more respectful than any of the rotten kids who came in the shop!
ugh! the baker didn’t get it, there was no way someone like that didn’t want to start something with you!
out in the dining area, it took all the sugar in his body to actually make juza ask for a very specific server in detail. when someone had brought him his strawberry milk, juza cleared his throat with an awkward attempt at a smile (it looked more like a grimance than anything)
“uh... do you know if, a server with candy hair pins is here?” juza murmured, looking down at the table with an embarrassed blush as the waiter didn’t think anything of it, calling your name without another warning. you squeaked, dropping behind the counter as juza tilted his head in confusion
(why were you hiding? was there something wrong? what happened? juza thought, unaware he was actually the problem)
when you heard a series of footsteps stop near you, you hesitantly looked up from your crouching position and saw juza staring down at you with a concerned expression. his eyebrows were furrowed and he had his hand out
you took his hand and closed your eyes, fearing for your life. was he gonna yank you to your feet? push you over? trip you so you’d fall for real? you weren’t ready for a fight!
yet, none of that happened. juza gently lifted you up and made sure you were fine by observing your outfit to see if anything was wrinkled, muttering something about being careful and staying safe
you blinked, trying to process how incredibly wrong you were. juza was perhaps the nicest customer you had met in your entire career as a server, even taking the time to actually confirm you were okay with no ill intentions whatsoever
(suddenly, you remembered all the times you actively avoided juza and felt the guilt as he nodded at you, unintentionally lowering his height so he’d seem more approachable)
“sorry to bother you, but uh...” juza trailed off, trying to figure out how to phrase his next sentence. before you could respond, his hand landed on your hair and a beat of silence passed between you two
“cute.” juza forced out, and wanted to slap himself. cute?! no, say cute hair clips, ask where you got them! juza was internally panicking and you were doing the same as you looked up at him with wide eyes
it was so awkward and humiliating, juza couldn’t pull his hand away because his whole body was on shutdown. oh god, what could he do now? this was possibly the worst first impression in human history
“i’m cute?” you warily asked, staring at him with a slightly amused expression as juza blanked. you felt his hand subtly shake as it was your turn to be concerned over how red his face was
“no—i mean, yes, but, not like that! i mean...” juza finally lifted his fingers to poke at your hair decorations and you let out a sound of understanding, pointing at your own clips
“oh? you mean these?” you asked and juza nodded, like he was extremely thankful you understood him. he pushed his hands behind his back, nervously leaning back and forth on his feet as he looked away like the cupcake display was the most interesting thing in the world (it probably was)
“where did you, uh, get them?” juza quietly questioned and you giggled, patting them proudly as you stood a little bit taller from the unintentional praise
“i made them! thank you for asking!” you smiled, about to move away before juza accidentally held onto your arm, releasing his hold when he saw your shock. he definitely needed to learn how to be more socially acceptable one of these days or else he was gonna get in big trouble
“can i commission you?” juza muttered and there began your friendship with the big tough delinquent juza who really adored small, cute things (like yourself!)
any time juza was particularly fascinated with a dessert on display, you would show him a sketch sample of accessories you could make based on his favorites. surprisingly, juza was very comfortable with expressing his love for sugar because you felt the same way!
every day when juza came to visit the bakery, he’d always have something new to say about your homemade accessories and seemed fascinated by your adorable fashion sense
(he had been particularly obsessed with these dangly earrings you made that looked like little dango sticks. it was like a child had been playing with your ears the entire time)
it was about a month later when you made the final designs of the hair clips juza ordered and you knew they were your best work yet
you had multiple favorite desserts and fruits of his molded in clay or shaped in resin on a various sizes of clips and pins. you decorated them with the sole goal in mind to see how pretty they would look against juza’s dark purple hair
this would be the first time you two met out of the bakery, so when juza came and saw you didn’t look any different (hair accessories and all), he thought you were so sweet
juza’s entire face practically lit up when you presented him the clips. foods like ice creams, lollipops, and popsicles were all accessible for him as he struggled to find the words to show his appreciation for your work
you two sat on a bench in the park as juza gently took the clips, turning them carefully (you looked down and almost laughed at how tiny they looked in his hands)
when you asked for a model picture for your business page, juza’s shaky hands were clearly untrained in the art of hair clips as he put one in an awkward position and tried to look up to see what it looked like
“uh... i’m not very good at this.” juza admitted, embarrassed as he stared at his feet. it didn’t take you long to take over, moving closer to giddily pin juza’s hair back
(it was soft, you were almost jealous of how everything about him was the embodiment of “gentle giant”)
“it’s okay! here, let me.” you insisted and juza gratefully passed you your work, staring at everything but you as his cheeks became even redder. you were so close and leaning over him, trying to put them in cute positions as your fingers ran through his hair
(juza felt like the first time he saw you; like he was on a sugar rush as he noticed how nimble your fingers were on him)
when you were done and leaned back with admiration, juza looked at you with a small smile as he reached up to touch the designs you put in his hair, feeling the handmade pins against his calloused fingers
“cute~” you lifted your phone up, about to take a picture. juza didn’t know why, but he covered the camera with his palm as he lowered it, looking at you with the same focus he had everytime he saw you
“you’re cute.” juza froze. oh gosh, did he actually just confess that?! you were surprised, feeling his hand over yours. yet, you didn’t want to pull away. in fact, you wish your phone was out of the way so you could completely hold his hand
“you’re cute, too.” you responded, using your other hand to brush the loose strands of hair back from his face as you smiled
when juza came back to the dorms with the cutest, most pastel, childish hair clips, no one had time to say a word as he ran to his room and threw himself onto his bed. juza rolled onto his back, placing both his hands on his hair and putting them in front of his face as if he couldn’t believe it
he just held your hand! he was your boyfriend now! you liked him even if he was the complete opposite of you! juza silently shoved his pillow over his face, kicking the air uselessly
as your boyfriend, you and juza had much more in common than you thought. juza loved your cute sense of style, always trying his best to compliment your aesthetic by wearing more of your hair accessories and modeling for your page (apparently, he had the perfect hair color for it)
(he even let you put his hair down for certain posts, his usually slicked–back hair laying flat against his forehead as he didn’t look at you, his head turned as he blushed. “it’s not that bad, right?” he’d ask and you always complimented him no matter what)
although juza kept his rather grunge neutral look, he admired the way you were so bright and liked calling you dessert–related endearments just because you were the embodiment of sweets. he 100% thought you were the most adorable thing in his life and had to be made of pure sugar
in order to support your style, juza liked coordinating his clips with yours. he’d text you the night prior just to gain insight on what type of look you were going for and come to your bakery with something similar (even if your coworkers liked poking fun at his serious, stoic face that only changed around you)
he also came in with a new phonecase and you nearly fainted from how cute he was. he had a case that had those little squishes on them, he admitted he liked feeling them whenever he got a little anxious (it was such a cute habit, you had bought him a whole stock and it was like a little kid on christmas morning)
(you also made earrings out of a pair, he would not stop touching them)
whenever he noticed kids staring, juza never failed to advertise your business like his life depended on it. yes, your customer base actually did grow, somehow thanks to your most unlikely model yet
however, juza wasn’t the only one who had adjusted his style, you did too!
you two actually had had matching letterman jackets, yours in pink & white with a “j” in large letters and his black & grey with your first name initial as well. sometimes, you guys even switched just for the fun of it
you even got to wear his usual “10” purple jacket every now and then, even though he never said anything about liking you in his clothes. he’d just casually leave it around your place, acting like you wouldn’t notice the dark outerlayer in your mass of pastels
as you two were dating, juza wanted to be the best boyfriend possible for you as he wondered what to get you for your anniversary coming up. as juza subconsciously rubbed his clips with a thoughtful look, he suddenly had a lightbulb moment
that’s it! he should make you something in return
when you began seeing juza less and less around the bakery, you were nervous as what he was up to. juza barely hid anything from you since he was such a poor liar, so it was clear when he avoided talking about what he did after school now
in reality, juza was becoming frustrated with how big his hands were. every time he tried to make something, he was too forceful and caused the line to snap. the amount of beads he had lost at this point was laughable as juza tried to not knock over the bracelet–making kit on the table
(it took yuki coming by and taking pity on his crouched over form for him to go somewhere, muttering to himself about how he needed this to be perfect or else he’d die)
(juza always had a strong respect for jewelery makers, but it increased much more once he realized how clumsy and small his attenton span was)
just when you thought juza had forgotten your anniversary coming up, he randomly texted you out of no where asking if you were free. you looked at your shift and agreed, knowing you needed a break and not questioning a thing
when you walked out of the bakery, juza was already there with a small bag, his foot tapping against the sidewalk. before you could even ask how he’d been, he shoved it into your hand with an embarrassed blush (he was so nervous, he swore his heart skipped a beat)
“happy anniversary.” juza mumbled when you opened the small mesh, drawstring bag with a gasp. you slowly pulled out the beaded bracelet with a shocked look, seeing multiple silver dessert–themed pieces hang. there were mainly purple and black beads with four white blocks spelling out “juza”
juza showed you his wrist and he was wearing a beaded bracelet in a similar style, except his was your aesthetic with various pastel shades and your name on his string ending with a cute heart
you teared up and juza winced, rubbing the back of his neck as awkwardly looked away
“that bad, huh?” before juza could die of embarrassment, you shook your head and pulled him into a hug, surprising him when you stood on your tippy–toes to give him a kiss on the cheek
“i love it, this is the sweetest gift ever.”
“only for you.”
when juza slipped the bracelet onto your wrist, you knew you were never gonna take it off
who knew the scary, intimidating boy from the bakery was the sweetest person alive?
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Heyoo sorry if this is a bother but can I can for another match up? This one is for my bestie lol
An INFJ Taurus she/her and straight.
over all a kind person sometimes sarcastic and lowkey mean but fun to be around :) understands everyone's boundaries and totally respects them. Sweet and caring and loves everyone for who they are no matter what.
calls herself "the mom friend" (she lowkey is 💀) knows when to leave someone (when they are using her or just being toxic) and she's always there when you need her AND ISTG ALWAYS HAYPES U TF UP
She says she's sensitive and has a basic style 🤨
Loves drawing and has two cats that she will take a pullet for very into vintage and cottagecore things
Basically your very open and loving mom
Thank u! Take care and dont forget to eat and drink water (づ ◕‿◕ )づ💕
🍰 for @shotosimp2 lovely friend
Romantic Matchup
Yamaguchi Tadashi
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How yall met
Ok so you were in his class
You know those friends you have in class
And ONLY in class
That was what you two were
Sure if you saw each other in the halls you would say hey
But other than that
You were practically strangers outside of the classroom
Then one day you two were talking in class
And he mentioned something about playing volleyball
And you were like oh my gerrr :0 I love volleyball
So he invited you to their next game
He wasn't expecting you to actually show up
But you did!
He was kinda embarrassed because he invited you and he's not even a starter
The game went on but SURPRISE
Yams had to go in for a pinch serve
As he held the ball in his hands he looked in your direction
You smiled and him and gave him a thumbs up
And for some reason that made him feel real fuzzy inside???
But he smiled back and tried to do a floating serve
Oh hey it went over the net
He was still a little shocked
But was snapped out of it when he heard you cheering
There was that fuzzy feeling again
He scored the team two more points with his serve
And then the other team finally received it
And scored a point...
Yams had gotten subbed out once that happened
He felt a little bad about his last serve
Until he heard your voice again
Suddenly he didn't feel so bad anymore
After the game, you made your way over to him and started going off about how cool his serve was
Yams isn't used to get compliments
Let alone compliments about his volleyball skill
So he was blushing HARD
After that day Yams made more of an effort to hang out with you
You just made him feel a way he's never felt before
Soon enough he came to the shocking realization
He had a crush on you
He was super nervous to tell you how he felt tho!
So he just crushed on you for like 2 months
Until Tsukki had had enough of this nonsense…
Tsukki legit walked up to you and was like
Yeah, you know Yamaguchi? Well, he likes you. Break his heart and I'll break your face ✋😒
Before just walking off
Leaving you there like 👁👄👁
You had told yams what happened
And that's when he told you that what Tsukki said was true
You just pulled him in for a hug and told him that you felt the same way
And omg he was literally gonna cryyyyy
Gomen Tsukki
What they love about you
He loves how supportive you are
Let's be honest
Yams is an insecure boi
But when he's getting down on himself
You always there to pull him out of that rut
Speaking of always being there
He loves how reliable you are
I swear he could text you saying he needs you
And you would be there in seconds
No matter the day the time the weather
He can count on you to be there when he needs you
He loves how you get along with Tsukki
Well kinda…
It's a love-hate relationship honesty
Yall get into little games of wit to see who can get under the other's skin
But for the most part, you guys get along
And he's very happy about that :)))
Omg he loves your preferred aesthetic
Yams is definitely a cottagecore boy
Well get into that later
Favorite things to do together
Ahem… he likes to have picnic dates with you
He likes just packing a basket full of food and taking you somewhere quiet
And just vibing with you!
And he puts some EFFORT into this picnic basket
It has all of your favorite goodies in it
Along with some homemade things as well
Yes… he spends time making things to bring on a picnic date
Such a sweet boy 10/10
Random Hc
My dude makes great pies
He made a pie to bring on a picnic date
And omg you ASCENDED it was so good
He really likes to draw with you
Granted his drawings never turn out as great as yours
But they're still pretty good
Better than my crappy art that's for sure
Every time you compliment this boy
He's literally on the verge of TEARS
Once again poor boy doesn't get a lot of compliments
And they always mean so much more when they come from you
Taurus + Scorpio
Compatibility 90%
They value life and love in a way that no other sign understands.
The depth of their belief system goes as far as planet Earth’s core and if they begin their relationship on the same page, this could be what binds them for years.
Although their perspectives differ when it comes to material and emotional values, their core is the same and everything else can be adjusted.
This emotional connection is really something to deserve.
Not only do these two represent the axis of Moon’s special dignities, exalted in Taurus and fallen in Scorpio, but they also have Venus as a ruler on one hand and the intense element of Water on the other.
When they fall in love, they become an image of eternal love. There is no better personification of Hades, the god of the underworld in ancient Greece, and Persephone – an idea of immortal love that can never die.
Overall Aesthetic
Cottagecore (duh)
You can also check out this moodboard I made a while back 👀
Strawberry blonde (Mitski)
Love like you (Rebecca sugar)
Are you bored yet (wallows)
Line without a hook (Ricky Montgomery)
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iamtheempress · 4 years
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A Vegeta x OC Fanfiction (part 4) ¤ ¤ ¤
Calamatta managed to roll out of bed and redress herself. Pulling on the suit and grabbing a spare to bring with her on her trip to To-Rot. Leaving her room she met with Nappa. "There she is!" He chugged a caffeinated hot beverage down like it was nothing, Raditz stood beside him counting his wad of cash and stuffing it in his armor. 
"Pay looks nice." She yawns and stretches making her cute tail curl and back arch abit. "37,000. Not bad but could be better. Vegeta got the most of it." Nappa nods and pushes the yawning female saiyan a mug of the hot beverage. "Thanks...gonna need it." "Damn right you are! Vegeta is still sleeping. Weird he said he was gonna get up before us.. eh whatever. Lets get your pod and stuff ready then well worry bout him." Nappa said as Calamatta shined off the mug and pushed it away.
Upon going to the pod, her coordinates were set and everything was packed into there Raditz, who was standing besides her piped up, leaning against the pod with his massive arms crossed. "Dont take this the wrong way Calamatta but… why are you so…" he moves his hands in an hour glass shape and tilts his head. Calamatta went wide eyed and fixed her suit where her ass is. 
"If thats how you flirt with women that was a strike out, good lord! And I have know idea why! Its just my body shape idiot…" she comments hearing Nappa wheeze as he fixes some wires within the pod, followed by him clanging his head leaving. "Im not! I d-dont flirt its just that… well… shes got… n-nice legs and … a great fa-" Calamatta thwipped her tail like a nervous cat. The bay door slid open and Raditz's poor excuse for flirtation was stopped DEAD in its tracks. "Stop harassing Calamatta on her body type Raditz, Saiyan women were given bodys to kill, shes built like a fine tuned weapon whether you see it or not." Vegeta points up at Raditz who scowled with a full face of blush. "Oh so you look at her too Vegeta?" Calamatta slaps her forehead and raises her voice flicking Raditz in the forehead for his really stupid comment. "Can yall stop talking about me like im not fuckin here??" She snapped annoyed and heard Nappa close up the oxygen port.
 "Ready boss?" She asked Vegeta, who nodded and got into his respective pod and punched in the coordinates manually. "Later guys!" She got in and Raditz and Nappa left the pod evac room. 
Vegeta's voice sparked to life on her scouter. "Theres a hidden base by the most recent Frieza Force there.. we should make it there in an hour so that will be our base of operation. No breaches from outside forces." She nods and for the 2nd time in her life the pod flew straight out of the mothership into the cold vacuum of space. 
She crossed her arms and watched Vegetas whiz right past her hurtling with effort and ease to the planet that only seemed to become larger.. if that wasnt already more possible.
 She marveled at it… it was amazing. It was a shame she was there for a job to do. 
It was under 50 minutes where there pods broke entry to the planets atmosphere, careening and becoming hot to the touch, cold metal heating up faster, and faster becoming scorching red hot. Then the mountain range came into view, with the ship in sight the two pods crashed right into a large cave system. 
Welding their pods into the hard rock walls to jut through with 0 damage just enough room for the pods to open on the opposite side of the mountain. Calamatta and Vegeta pushed the button to open the pod bay doors, they took one solid whif of the atmosphere and Cala sighed. "To-Rot huh.. so wheres the base ship?" Cala steps her boots onto the alien planets surface. "5 miles that way. Stay within the tree line, follow my lead." The prince cracks his neck and blasts away leaving a trail of dust and debris behind him.
 "Say no more.." she stated following close behind Vegeta. Vegetas eyes were trained ahead. Toa ship that was covered in dirt and over growth. He tapped his scouter to be sure. "Perfect.. no signs of power levels. Excellent!" He smirked, the prince and Calamatta landed outside of the ship. Vegeta punched in a code and they were both let in. "Good.. now.. lets have a look around. The recent failed mission logs should have data from their logs. Have a look around for food and whatever else when i find the log ill call for you"  Vegeta announced as the hangar door shut behind them locking followed by a robotic voice. 
'Systems Armed'
Calamatta turned on her heels and scampered to the back of the ship. Vegeta watched the eager Saiyan trot away, with a sigh and a roll of his eye he headed towards the command deck of the ship. 
Collected with dust and opened up first aid kits, Vegeta scanned the surrounding area cautiously. 3 lone scouters covered in blood sat on the front of the deck. An ominous reminder of the past couple of grunts who died here. 
He snagged the three up and turned to call for Calamatta "Found them! Get up here!"
Calamatta dropped this box of rations she found and walked quickly to the front to see him plugging in the scouters logs. An unfamiliar voice chimed to life. 
"F-Force log number 1, we have arrived at To-Rot, this area is to be our base of operation since the inhabitants cannot scale plateaus or fly. We will commence terraformation and return in a week." Vegeta clicked the 2nd video, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. 
"F-Force Log number 2… uhm.. Que, Roa, and Gil went missing yesterday. We have been here for 3 days now and i have seen hide nor tail of them... ill send a distress warning to the mother ship but i will go and find my crew." 
He pressed the last one and the room suddenly became much heavier. "F-Force number 3… i found my crew.. w-whats left of them…" he held up baren bones and armor. "This planets fucked up… if you know whats good for you send the Saiyans.. theyll do a better job.. i couldnt save my crew! This is Nutte signing off… i'm going to look for Roa.”
"Thats… not good.." Vegeta groaned and plugged in the next scouter, A new crew came up on the screen, a crew of ten. The crew was looking around, brows raised and sweat on their brow. “So we are the 4th crew to come to this planet alone, from what were aware these uh… the main population of this race is highly hostile and we need to utilize lethal force...Well update as we go along.” After that log there was no update, no commanders log. He stepped away and swiped a hand through his hair. “Last log…”  He clicked on it which was 7 full days ago. 
A Log List of all the times this one computer has been logged into popped up. It was far more then 4.
10 Crew lists came through. Crews of upwards of 5 being the smallest to 30 being the most. All vanished within days of arrival. All of them mentioning, to send someone stronger, someone more capable. The Saiyans, they begged for the Saiyans help and they were all sent on suicide missions back to back to back to back.
Vegeta slammed his hands down on the console making it glitch the screen. “Of course theyd call for us…dammit!” He barked and kept his back turned away from her. “So they sent them on suicide missions because… they didn’t want to send us?” She questioned, furrowing her brows trying to wrap her head around the situation. “Frieza didnt want to send me and the other two… He sent US on a suicide mission.” Vegeta turned quickly and stared daggers into Calamatta, the overwhelming feeling of concern rain heavy within her head, and sat uncomfortably in her stomach like something she shouldnt have eaten.
Vegeta crossed the room and pointed his finger right into her chest a deep growl emanating from behind his bared teeth. “He went and sent ME with YOU so we can both perish!” “Hey hey what the hell! Calm down abit, well make it out of here ill follow orders.” Vegeta’s vein popped out on his forehead, eyes narrowed furious.
 “Thats not my point. Your optimism is the closest thing we have to any cocky behavior! It doesnt surprise me why Frieza sent me to a month long mission..” She put up her hands and once again her heart sunk; she went wide eyed staring into the princes heartlessly infuriated black eyes.
Friezas words rattled in her skull ‘your life is as forfeit to me as it is Vegeta…’
“I dont get why he would send both of us to die.” He turned back around and walked to a table with a map on it. “You stood at Frieza’s side for as long as you have been able to speak, you wanted freedom from him, now you might as well see the harsh reality, he never had any good intentions for you Calamatta. He wants you dead, so much so hell send the both of us to a lethal planet to terraform on our own…” He said flatly, Calamatta remained silent her tail loosely hanging from her waist. Her dignity and pride feeling like it was oozing out of her very pores. “Now get over here and lets get an idea of the land… this moon has two moons and we have to plan accordingly.” The map is very detailed of the entirety of the planet from the red deserts to the lush green forests and then to the grayed out city scapes. All of them giant hot beds of activity, teaming with life as they knew it. 
His orders were direct and bland. Calamatta dragged her feet, depressed. Feeling less and less like a Saiyan by the moment, it wasnt so much Vegeta.. it was how quickly she was starting to realize Frieza was right, and goddamn did it grate her nerves to know that... The idea of freedom is going to be lightyears more heavier then she could imagine, shes not even close and this is what she has to deal with. Calamatta tightened her tail back up around her waist and listened to her Princes expertise plan of attack.
¤ ¤ ¤
Tags:  @memevember @dragonblobz @gonuclear @msgreenverse @fallen--lilith ​ @jimbobslurpnchug @dragonballcollector @nikabriefs @lilhemmo @supremeleadershitlord @thotful-writing ​ @chickiedinner @anti-jaina @lizardhipsdontlie @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit ​ @solidsock​
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stray-inu-writes · 4 years
gn!reader (or fem if that makes you more comfortable) asking atsushi on a date? hcs or scenarios, thanks ❤️
That’s so cute ! I don’t mind gn!reader at all, it’s pretty much my default actually 😊 I hope you’ll like it !
Asking Atsushi on a date
Today was the day, you had decided. Nothing would stop you from asking Atsushi out, nothing, even a Port Mafia attack. If needed, you would even talk to him about it under enemy fire. Yes, today, you would muster your courage against all odds. And if he refused ? You would walk away with your head held high, the picture of dignity, perfectly composed. Tears ? Never heard of them. Tears were for the lovestruck fools who stayed up late thinking about their crush, daydreaming about their ideal date. However, the blush that creeped on your cheeks when he glanced at your direction reminded you that you were, in fact, a lovestruck fool who did all the things previously mentioned. Consequently, you were a lot more likely to leave the office miserable and spend the evening crying with a bowl of ice cream on your lap than to find an elegant way out of your embarrassment. Okay, you thought to yourself while approaching the white-haired young man. You got this. “Hi, y/n”, he smiled. “Crazy night yesterday, right ? My throat is still sore…” Introduce a conversation in a totally inconspicuous and casual way : check. Reminiscing some songs that he tried to sing without much success, he scratched the back of his neck, pretty embarrassed. “Ah, yeah… Karaoke sure is fun.” “Uh… Atsushi-kun…” “Hmm ?” All of a sudden, your mouth couldn’t produce a single sound, and you were sure it had nothing to do with the karaoke party to which Tanizaki had dragged the youngest members of the agency. Petrified, your entire being was screaming “Abort mission !”. What were you thinking ? And why were you so nervous ? It was just a date, nothing serious… Swimming in a sea of confused thoughts, you managed to shake your head. “Nothing ! I just wanted to ask if you slept well !” Congratulations, you just made this awkward AND creepy, you lectured yourself. Fortunately for you, Atsushi’s attention was soon diverted by the mess Dazai was making. You never appreciated this agent of chaos as much as now… Truly, the use of Kunikida’s nightmare as a decoy was underrated : even a criminal could be easily weirded out by his antics. Going back to the matter at hand… Two hours later, Ranpo sent you and Atsushi to run some errands. Okay. That was your cue ! You were unstoppable ! You… He shot you a worried look. “Are you alright, y/n-san ? You’re so pale… Did you have enough sleep ?” Nevermind, you were very stoppable. Very very stoppable. Somehow, you felt like your entire body was melting as you muttered : “It’s nothing… Oh, look, some candy for Ranpo-san !” Crisis averted ! You mentally gave yourself a high-five. You couldn’t believe that this old technique still worked, though….  Several hours later, the day was approaching its end, and all you had done was to act like a coward. But you couldn’t procrastinate anymore : you had promised yourself that you were going to ask Atsushi Nakajima out, and that’s what you were going to do, no matter what. Slowly, you closed your eyes and breathed in and out. This time, it would work ! “Ah, I’m worried about you…” “Atsushi-kun, would you like to go on a date with me ?” you blurted out. A silence followed your words, before his face lights up. “Sure ! Tomorrow, after work ?” “Great ! It’s a date, then ! I mean, of course it’s a date, that was the point, but yeah…” y/n, leave before you embarrass yourself further, you thought, before making a run for the door.
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mariinara · 4 years
can you do a sailor!sam hc? :) love your writing babe, hope all is well
Oh, wow! Thank you, darling!
That's SUCH an interesting request, because:
-Sam has ALWAYS been a man of the sea. Ever since he was a child, he'd always wondered what lies beyond what his eyes can see. He was crazy about it. Adventure called for him on land, but in the sea? He knew that's where he wanted to spend the rest of his life.
-He grew up near harbors and – because he adored the smell of the sea so much – he worked as the helper of a fisherman during his teenage years. He enjoyed getting out there, in a small boat, and throwing his net and sitting there, getting his hair and his skin stained by the unforgiving sun and sea salt. He adored every second of it. Except when it was actually time to sort the fish and it was when he'd hope for a chance to actually get out there without having to stink later. Whenever he'd voice his true ambition, everyone would laugh and make fun of the lanky, teenage boy.
-He'd kept this job as he grew older, trying to support his little brother. When Nate reached the age of 23, it was when he joined Sam in this job to bring more food to their table. But when Sam finally hit the age of 28, something amazing happened. He'd known that this occurrence was very rare. A famous sailor, who was once as ambitious as Sam, had his ship in the docks, waiting on buckets and buckets of fish for sustenance.
-Sam was awestruck. The grandeur of the ship made his breath hitch in his throat. Almost 20 canons were lined up in the side of the ship and he reckoned that there were more on the other side. Men, as tall and as big as oxes, scaled down the side of the enormous ship, laughing heartily and cursing each other out.
-Sam dropped everything: The fishing net, the empty baskets that needed to be filled– everything. Even his sanity was thrown out the window. And with a grin and a suggestive stare towards his brother, who'd been trying to snap him out of his trance for a couple of minutes.
-Nathan didn't know what was going on at first, but when Sam gestured with his head towards the ship and started to walk along towards it, he begged him to stop and think this through. They argued, back and forth, until Sam made it clear that him and Nathan were to only check it out and make it out before any crew member would catch them. Hesitantly, Nathan acquiesced.
-They carefully looked around as they made it closer. The chattering of men on the docks made it easier for the two men to slip by, unnoticed. And onto the ship, they made it. Boosting each other up and pulling one another aboard the deck.
-As much as Nathan didn't quite.. fancy the situation him and his brother were in, he, too, was awestruck by it.. So much to explore, so little time.. But they paid time no mind. They snuck around and even pretended to be captain and pirate, dueling to claim a great treasure. Swords clashing, shared laughter, and merely children in men's bodies could be heard from the deck of the ship.
-And it was too late to turn back. Everyone was getting back aboard, clutching buckets and buckets of fresh fish and chum. Sam and Nathan dropped everything, finally snapping back to reality, and scurried to hide. Nathan was panicking, whilst Sam kept calm and only focused on getting them out of there.
-So far, they were doing fine and no one had spotted them as they backed away. But suddenly, they both bumped their backs against something– rather someone so big that they could be mistaken for a rough, massive object.
- "Trespassers!" The man yelled, getting a hold on Sam and Nathan, shoving them forward as they struggled against his iron grip. Everyone gathered around them, protesting in unintelligible words.
- "Stop!" Came a stern, demanding voice. Yet, it was soothing in a way– calming. Soft, even. It made everyone freeze. Sam and Nathan included. The boys watched the captain of the ship approaching them. They saw how the crowd parted into two groups, like the sea when Moses walked it. And towards them walked a beautiful woman– taking steps at the pace of molasses. Her head was held high as if she owned the world.
-And suddenly, all struggle left Sam's body and for what seemed to be the umpteenth time that day, his breath hitched in his throat once the woman looked at him. As if his very soul was sucked from his body.
- "Let them go, gentlemen." She ordered and, immediately, Sam and Nathan were let go. Questions seemed to fill her eyes as she looked up at the two brothers and they were the same. But with the power she had over that crew of large, beastly men suggested that she was – in fact – the captain of the ship.
-Sam couldn't help but stare at her in awe. She wasn't nearly as tall as he was. On the contrary, she was probably the smallest person in this sea of men that swarmed her. But with the aura that surrounded her, she seemed to tower over everyone.
-The older Drake couldn't help but allow a smirk to show on his handsome features. He enjoyed the presence of beautiful women. But he had no idea that a powerful woman would be even more intriguing than a woman who would be at his beck and call. She was by no means easy and was going to prove to be a challenge and Sam loved nothing more than a good challenge.
-Nathan, however, was the one sane enough to answer all of her questions after she'd ignored Sam's flirtatious smile and his little "Hey. How are you?" in an attempted, sultry voice that didn't even scratch the rough surface of her hardened spirit.
-She introduced herself with a firm, rough handshake that left the boys grimacing. (Y/N) was her name. She soon found out that the brothers could read maps, had knowledge about the stars, and she could tell that through the way Sam was so enthusiastically engaging with her in talks about the sea and the ocean and its wonders that he'd wanted this for a long time. It almost reminded her of how it was like being a poverty-stricken orphan, begging around in her town.
-And, hesitantly but without her authority wavering, she offered the boys to join her on her next travel across the South China sea. And maybe on every adventure there was to come.
-The brothers kindly asked for a chance to think it through and discuss it among themselves and, as soon as the cabin door closed to give them privacy, Sam was all over the place, hollering and cheering for the "chance of a lifetime" as Nathan stood with an amused smile, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched his brother prancing about, listing the opportunities and things they might stumble upon through their adventures.
-And, reluctantly, Nathan agreed with an unsure nod that made Sam pull him into a bone-crushing hug that Nathan returned with a breathless laugh, patting his back and telling him to "take it easy".
-And so it began. The ship was heading away from the docks, with two new members aboard.
-The captain was not easy, nor was she lenient. But she was kind and showed small acts of compassion that only Sam could notice. He was watching her like a hawk. He followed her every move when he thought she wasn't paying attention. While laying out her plans, Sam's focus would be all on her and he'd make suggestions that made them lock eyes for a few seconds, with Sam flashing a cocky yet warm smile that made her rip her gaze away, clear her throat, and agree to his plans.
-He was adorably charming. As cliche as it was, he had his very own sea shanties that other crew members hopped on while going about their daily, mundane chores. Everyone loved the man. He could hold his drink down, had the most ridiculous, filthiest jokes, and proved useful in almost every area, just like his little brother who was just as outgoing.
-The hardened captain couldn't help but smile lightly as she watched the tall, handsome Drake going about his day. His laugh would echo throughout the ship to infect almost every single passenger. They'd know then that he was up to his usual shenanigans with one of his crew members.
-Sam would not relent when it came to his favorite ship captain. He had dignity and knew when to back away when he left her all flustered because of one of his many ridiculous nicknames that almost cost him his life the first time he'd said it. "Sweetheart" and "Beautiful" was among the very many nicknames he used on her when he'd bombard her with grabbing her waist and dancing around before dipping her and bringing her up again in his strong arms, only to leave her with a deep frown and a frantically beating heart.
-He was very trusted by her, nonetheless. He'd sometimes give orders around and drive the ship instead of her while she got a few hours of shut-eye. This continued every night and sometimes, Nathan would cover for Sam when he'd be too drunk to function properly.
-It was one night that Sam had the wheel in his hand, his hair softly getting blown by the easy sea breeze, his eyes glued to the horizon, and a soft, content smile gracing his lips. The subtle, steady rocking of the ship from underneath them was somehow comforting to the man and he inhaled his blessing deeply, letting it all in his system before slowly breathing it out.
-He thought he was alone. But, no. There she was, emerging from the cabins behind him. She watched his back for a few seconds, her eyes twinkling at his calm posture. It was so obvious that he was deep in thought.
-She'd hate to interrupt him, but on the nights she couldn't sleep, she'd always secretly wished for company and now that he was there, it was tempting to walk up to him. And so she did, taking ginger steps up the wooden stairs that led to her newest, most trusted crew member.
-"Evening, sailor.." Came her surprisingly soft, soothing voice to snap him out of his thoughts. He whipped his head to look at her, the look on his face expressing nothing but mild surprise. She had a small, thin smile across her face as she stood next to him, her eyes glued ahead. He'd never seen her like that before. Hair draped over her shoulders. She was in an off-shoulder top and her usual black pants that had buckles everywhere, and she was barefoot. He couldn't help but smile and look ahead as well, the periodic croaking of the ship filling the silence, "Evenin', cap'n."
-They stayed in comfortable silence for a little while and Sam noticed her looking down at her hands as they picked on splinters on the wooden railing, "What're you doin' up?" He asked, to which she sighed softly. "Couldn't sleep." She simply replied, rocking on the outside of her heels a little.
-This piqued Sam's concern. He had never seen her so fidgety before. She seemed slightly shaken and timid. He had to ask. And, reluctantly, she replied. She came forward about all her reoccurring nightmares. Losing all of this– losing her crew. Her family. The people she cared for and loved for so long.
-He was taken aback by her honesty with him. She told him everything and it was so moving for him– that she trusted him THAT much.
-And just when he noticed a thin layer of held back tears, he took her hands in his and turned to her slowly. She turned to him as well, in completely different skin. She needed him. She wanted to be held and loved. She'd ignored his charming advances for almost two months, but she was still human and Sam was the only one who treated her as such.
- "Hey.." He softly spoke, looking into her eyes with utmost adoration, his hands coming up to cup her face, his thumb swiping against the skin of her cheeks that heated up at the simple, intimate gesture. It made him smile softly, "I'm here.." He assured her. And he could swear that his heart almost leapt from his mouth when her palms pressed against his chest. He took in a deep breath and shook his head, exhaling shakily, "You don't have to go through that anymore." He told her, with as much sincerity as he could manage. His fingers tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and the touch made her sniffle and become more emotional.
-She never thought she was worthy of that kind of love. And as if Sam heard her concerns, he refuted them by pressing his lips against hers, stealing her breath away.
-It was magical. She was a completely different person in his arms. And she returned the passionate kiss shortly, making Sam inhale deeply, his brows arching in desperation. He, too, was a completely different person when it came to her touch or smile or even the slight shake of her head after he throws one of his pick-up lines her way.
-And the wheel on the ship was tied with the railing with a rope, holding it in place securely, while the two got busy in the captain's very own cabin. They got lost in a fog of their desperate moans and whispers of sweet nothings under the dim candle lighting. Their grips on each other was all that tethered them to reality– to planet earth. They couldn't get nearly enough from each other and they only relented when Sam collapsed next to her, trying to catch his breath.
-It was the same way for another month. No crew member noticed, but Nathan knew everything. Sam didn't usually kiss and tell like the grown man he was, but the nights left questionable marks on his neck and chest that only Nathan noticed as he and Sam jumped into clean attire. And upon the question of what that was, Sam gave a dreamy sigh and spilled everything to his little brother.
-It was no shock. Sam was incredibly charming and could wrap anyone around his fingers, but what intrigued the younger Drake was how the captain had Sam wrapped around her fingers just as much.
-Pretty soon, everyone started noticing and gossiping and seeing the not-so-discrete kisses they shared when they thought no one was looking. For their own sakes, they kept their mouths shut about it but they knew that the two belonged to each other.
-Sam was right. He was a man of the sea. And she wore the name of captain with pride. She made sure she was worthy of the title.
-The years flew by, and soon the boat had little rascals running around. The products of the captain and Sam's many late night escapades.. They were just as fierce and as stubborn and wild as their parents and Nathan was the proud uncle of both of them.
-And as Sam watched his wife spoiling their children with kisses, a newfound glimmer in her eyes and glow on her skin, a smile would tug up on his lips.
-He was right, yet again. This proved to be the greatest adventure. The adventure of getting to fall in love with her over and over again every single day.
Tags: @missdictatorme , @samdrakeftw , @yaeji-passion , @easy-and-steady , @the-drakeboys , @the-winchesterboys , @s4mdrake , @hrgnm , @purplezebra68 , @elledrake , @writer-jamie
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ramble about your favourite fic?
oh! that’s a wild ride i have so many. im reading like 2 long form fics atm, 1 is currently being updates and one is already finished. they are so well written and just wow!! but if i have to say my ultimate favourite fic at the moment then it would be The Serving Of Servants by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle on AO3 and its sequel which is just INCREDIBLY GOOD. like??? ahhhh!!! the writing is great, the description is amazing, the characterization is done so well and the OCs are awesome characters, and ITS A SLOW BURN. The plot is super interesting and its brilliant. so if i had to choose then that would be my current absolute favourite fic. (Okay so this is a really long post so... well this a warning i guess)
There’s a bunch of other ones that are great so i’ll talk about those as well. did i mention CaffeinatedFlumadiddle??? their fics are just SO GOOD. like??? Salt of the Forsaken?? that was hilarious!! Exceptionally Exceptional??? that was a brilliant fic and i love that they focused on hunith because we didnt really see her that much on the show and this fic just makes up for that perfectly. Hunting For Dignity?? Cheers and Spirits??? YES. OH i cant forget Fool Me Once which is actually a really cool concept to explore imo. basically Uther isn’t a huge asshole in this one?? i mean he still kinda is but like its just chaotic and the relationship between uther and merlin is kinda odd because he keeps trying to find out ways to kill him and merlin is just done because he cant die and is immortal. i guess they sort of bond over that and wanting to keep arthur safe and like its a strange relationship but im living for it.
Usually uther is awful in practically all the fics ive read but there are some which sort of like make him kinda good?? like?? i mean hes still an asshole just less of it. like in About Merlin... (by LadyAuroraPendragon on AO3) Uther is still an asshole and hes against magic but like??? he ships them??? ahahhaha and everyone does too. its such a great fic. we got a wingman uther in there. A WINGMAN UTHER. uthers all like “why are so bad at flirting/courting? just tell him that you love him already JEEZ” and the funniest thing is that he thinks they’re together because of that scene in the black knight episode where merlin says that they have a bond and then he assumes that they are together and LITERALLY nothing can convince him that they are not together and its great lmao. 
Okay so ive been rambling for a veryyyy long time so I’ll just say two last things and finish off ahahha. On AO3 there’s another fic writer that I absolutely ADORE. their name is AeonTheDimensionalGirl and my goddd their fics are BEAUTFUL. LIKE??? THE WAY THEY USE THE WORD CARIAD?? OH MY GOD ITS JUST PERFECT. Their whumptober series is excellent and they use the word “cariad” which means love in welsh and its just SO amazing and heartfelt and ahhhhh. Some of my favourites include Watch you breathe in, watch you breathe out which is a fic based on the ep “servant of two masters” and how it would have switched, like instead of merlin being possessed or bewitched by the nathair, it was arthur who was trying to kill him and its just so good. super angsty but it has a happy ending that makes my heart melt.
The fic?? Off the record??? is just??? PERFECT? i absolutely love that it was from Leon’s pov that was a really interesting way of viewing it and i LOVED the hc that arthur sorta has some kind of magic (bc he was born out of magic) but it ONLY appears when merlin is fatally injured/dying and hsajdbjsbhudhbedb i thought it was great omg. Another fic written by them called Looking After You had such a good enemies to friends to lovers arc like *chefs kiss*. I also really enjoyed To Worship the Powerful (and destroy the weak), Uther’s Bane, and Et Tu, Merlin? because they were such good whumptober fics. 
did i say two last things??? okay i lied, it was three. anyways, last but not least (because i gotta stop rambling or this post will extremely long) the fics Chains Of Secrets and I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) are some of favourites because in chains of secrets its what would have happened if uther said that merlin had magic (if he wasnt cut off or IF ARTHUR ACTUALLY HEARD WHAT HE SAID AND DEDUCED IT FROM THAT) anyways i think its a great magic reveal fic, set in one of my favourite episodes “the death song of uther pendragon” so i think its just neat. 
hilariously, the fic  I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) is also based on that episode. i have a fondness for it okay? Its basically where Arthur blows the horn of cathbdhah again but gets transported to another world where Ygraine never died and ITS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL. LIKE THE DESCRIPTIONS??? THE CHARACTERS?? its amazing and i reread it alot. anyways arthur goes into that world and he has to find a way back to his own. in the fic balinor lives, lancelot and gwen had a KID. oh and merlin was a ROYAL which was just awesome. all in all its a great fic :D
So that is the end, or i will literally go on forever. sorry this is such a long answer ahaha, i really tried to make it shorter but just gave up in the end. I hope you enjoyed that?? i did and i thank you anon, for letting me ramble! If anyone wants to read the fics ive mentioned, then you can find the links below! enjoy :D
The Serving Of Servants by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Salt Of The Forsaken by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Exceptionally Exceptional by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Hunting For Dignity by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Cheers and Spirits by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Fool Me Once by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
About Merlin... by LadyAuroraPendragon
Watch You Breathe In, Watch You Breathe Out by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Off the Record by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Looking After You by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
To Worship the Powerful (And Destroy the Weak) by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Uther’s Bane by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Et Tu, Merlin? by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Merlin’s Knight by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Chains Of Secrets by magicdoses
I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) by WingedWolf121
For Want Of A Nail by ohHeyThereBigBadWolf                      
(I didn’t manage to talk about For Want Of A Nail or Merlin’s Knight but i think that they are both amazingly well written fics so im recommending it anyways.)
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squidproquoclarice · 4 years
You said Charles in the Epilogue bugs you. I don't see a post about it so can you explain?
I’ve written on this before but given it’s been a while and I usually have some new facet to consider, plus Tumblr Search is such ass, let’s do this thing!My beef with Charles in the Epilogue is how it takes a character who’s earned his independence and happy ending, and strips that away from him.  Charles in the Epilogue honestly does not make sense.  He’s Charles Ex Machina, a plot device who also knows things he logically shouldn’t.  And denying a MOC his own story to make him a tool in service to the stories of two white men (Arthur and John) is…kinda not cool.I think at the end of Chapter 6 we got a good ending for Charles.  He’s rejected the gang and all its bullshit.  He’s found his place with people who need him, who accept him.  He’ll become a protector of the Wapiti, presumably raise a family, and in my HC, also becomes an adopted son to Rains Fall, who desperately needs that himself as part of his own healing given the raw wound from the death of Eagle Flies.  He’s moving towards a brighter future, and choosing that for himself, rather than being obligated to stick around as an actor in someone else’s story.  He more or less says to Arthur, You’re my friend and I know you have to see this through, but I’m leaving.  These people need me.  I’m done with all of this.  It’s a meaningful exit, and a respectful goodbye between two friends who see they’re on very different, divergent paths in who they’re choosing to stay with and protect.  There’s a grace and dignity and agency to letting Charles make that reasonable choice, and not stay until the very end.  Charles is also one of the chars we actually get an actual exit from, unlike Mary-Beth and others who slip away sight unseen.  It’s a good farewell, and it’s respectful of Charles and Arthur both.Then in 1907, it’s all walked back.  We find him prizefighting in St. Denis, having left Canada and the tribe for reasons never specified.  His dignified choosing of a home with the Wapiti is stripped from him.  We’re told that he heard all the way up in Canada (how, precisely, when he’s had no contact with any of the gang?) that Susan and Arthur died, and then came to come bury them, when he left before the end and couldn’t even know exactly where their bodies were, particularly Arthur’s.I dunno about you, but I think it’s kinda absurd that they decided Charles needed to be all about Arthur to the point that they completely abandon plot and character logic. They don’t see how strange it is they decide he abandoned the very vulnerable living people he chose to protect, probably in winter to boot, to come on what likely had to be a weeks-long journey just to search for, find, and bury two long dead corpses.  That doesn’t sound much like the Charles Smith I know.  He loves, but he cares deeply about protecting the living first and foremost.  He wouldn’t abandon his chosen family like that.  Nor would Arthur have wanted him to–they both made that choice to protect and save the living at the Wapiti reservation.  I get that on the surface “Charles buried Arthur” works as a nice emotional beat, but when you dig into it, I think it feels cheap and unearned.  It’s tell, not show of something we were already shown: Charles and Arthur were good friends.  We don’t need Charles to drop everything important of his own to go on some epic burial quest just to prove he was a good friend.  He’s proven it already.After that, as I pointed out, in 1907 Charles’ peaceful life in Canada has been sacrificed (and never explained either).  I’m back on the gang’s bullshit I had firmly rejected, because I guess they need a strong back and Arthur’s dead.  He’s there only so he can do one thing: he’s there to help build and defend Beecher’s Hope.  He’s become an actor in John’s story, without aims or desires of his own like he had in Chapter 6. And I argue yes, it’s one thing he does in the Epilogue, two if you count our being told about burying Arthur.  He’s not even allowed to meaningfully participate in hunting down Micah, given he’s ridiculously nerfed from the fight like two seconds in by a sniper wound.  He’s not even given the dignity of being involved, because fulfilling that quest to kill Micah for the sake of the man he supposedly dropped everything for before can apparently only belong to John–and notice who’s racing up the mountain alone at the end?  Even Sadie, who actually led the whole damn thing, has to be reduced to a damsel in distress in the end.So Charles, a biracial man of color, exists in the Epilogue for two reasons: to have abandoned his chosen Native American family to worry about burying a dead white man, and to build a white man’s house and help him win his girlfriend back, all while apparently having no aims or agency of his own.  I dunno, but that’s kind of yikes?After all that, he rides off to go back to Canada again, and take up the peaceful life he should have been living all along and go have a family, still without any explanation of what happened to make him not have those things except apparently plot demanded it so he would be available.  I guess maybe he had amnesia for the past 8 years, since they don’t seem to have existed for him.So yeah, in conclusion, I will forever argue that Charles Smith was done super dirty by the Epilogue, given his role makes no sense, and there’s no char growth, there’s actually char regression given the things forced on him actually walk back a lot of his agency and growth that he had in Chapter 6.  
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kounkibou · 4 years
HC: Thoughts on Classmates
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This is going to be an extensive post about what Nagito thinks of the rest of the SDR2 cast, so strap yourselves in. We’re going to start with in general, meaning everyone as a whole. All of these are going to start similarly because really Nagito thinks highly of everyone for their talents.
Note: I’m going to generalize on Hajime because Nagito’s thoughts on him could be its own post.
The Whole Class
It’s not a secret that Nagito feels like he doesn’t belong in the same place as them. They all have these amazing talents, and he doesn’t have anything but his luck. (Which we all know he doesn’t think is an actual talent or anything good.) Compared to a mechanic or a musician, it’s totally lame.
When Nagito calls himself a “fanatic”, it’s fairly true. He’s a fanboy of people with Ultimate Talents. It makes it hard for him to actually form relationships with his classmates because no matter what, he won’t see himself as their equal. That plus his lack of social skills and his tendency to push people away in order to protect them from his luck almost guarantees that he won’t make any lasting connections.
He also takes it upon himself to be sure that everyone respects women. If there’s someone who’s harassing any of the girls, he’ll be more assertive in getting them to stop. It’s one of those situations where he isn’t afraid to get more serious. For example, if he catches Teruteru trying to be weird with any of the girls, he’ll step in to stop him. He may or may not also be prepared to smack him with something if necessary.
Post-Awakening, Nagito doesn’t want anything to do with them because Remnants of Despair. He feels disgusted with them just like he does himself. After awhile, though, he sees how dedicated they are to being better people and that feeling of “They’re better than me” comes back full force. The full Post-Awakening post will elaborate on that. (Someone remind me to link that here once I do it.)
There’s not a lot of interaction between these two. Even so, Nagito still respects Akane’s talent even if he isn’t sure how to talk to her. He wouldn’t insult her by saying she was stupid, but he wouldn’t say she’s the most intelligent either. If she asked, he’d definitely explain something she didn’t know because he doesn’t want to be useless to her. He also doesn’t want her to fall behind or be confused because she deserves to know more.
That said, Nagito doesn’t want to presume Akane needs extra help. She’s an Ultimate after all. How could someone lowly like him help an Ultimate with anything?
The only real canon interactions between them are Akane showing a lot of aggression, especially post Final Dead Room shenanigans because frankly, Nagito is an asshole. (Anyone who doesn’t want to wring his neck at that point is a saint.)
On Nagito’s end, though, even if there isn’t a lot there, it’s clear he holds respect for her because of her talent.
They really don’t know each other all that well in a non-despair setting. They don’t have any reason to interact other than as classmates. Nagito doesn’t have an interest in the same things she does, so he wouldn’t go out of his way to talk to her.
With Nekomaru, Nagito feels a bit more at ease. His aura is more welcoming than most people since he’s a Team Manager. It’s like Nekomaru wants to get along with people, and Nagito can respect that. He just isn’t good at it himself. He feels more willing to participate with someone encouraging it, but he’ll make it known he’ll probably mess it up because of his luck. I imagine talk like that makes Nekomaru get all encouraging, and then Nagito fanboys a little bit because he’s getting a pep-talk from an ultimate.
Nagito isn’t even mad when Nekomaru and Kazuichi tie him up because yeah he deserves it. Most of the time when people treat him cautiously, he agrees that it’s probably for the best. In fact, he doesn’t even hold it against them. I imagine in addition to his own apprehension, Nekomaru worked with Kazuichi because it was best for everyone if Nagito wasn’t allowed to wander around by himself because at that point, he’d proven he wasn’t working in the best interest of the group. Nagito would understand that take on it and think it was necessary even if he was uncomfortable.
In the anthology, they actually bond over their experiences of being in the hospital previously. In a non-despair setting, they could get along fairly well if they got to talking. Nekomaru is pretty forthcoming with his past, so they would end up talking about it eventually. I feel like they could be pretty good friends.
Being the Ultimate Yakuza, Fuyuhiko gets a lot more respect than some of the others because, to Nagito, his talent demands it. If he doesn’t respect him, he could end up six feet under! 
Since at first, Fuyuhiko is standoffish to everyone, Nagito respects that he wants to keep everyone away from him. He’ll inquire about him occasionally, but he won’t pester him if he doesn’t have to. Part of him doesn’t like that Fuyuhiko won’t work with everyone else. He just doesn’t feel he has any authority to tell him what he can and can’t do.
When Fuyuhiko starts to open up after Peko’s execution, Nagito still gives him a healthy distance, especially because he himself is garbage and shouldn’t be trusted. He’s really happy, though, that he got better! Watching Fuyuhiko work together with everyone fills his heart with hope!
Another important note: Nagito trusts Fuyuhiko to investigate the clocks in both parts of the Funhouse right before he heads to the Final Dead Room. I’ll let that speak for itself.
Funnily enough, Nagito wants to get along closely with Fuyuhiko. He thinks he’s a cool guy. He knows he doesn’t deserve any friendship from someone with an ultimate talent, but deep inside, he wants to be his friend. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get there, especially not with the way he behaves and with his luck. It’s just something he’d want if he was ever in the right place at the right time. He also doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Fuyuhiko, so he doesn’t try either.
Nagito respects Peko, especially since most people view swordsmanship as a primarily masculine skill. He finds her abilities both scary and fascinating! He wouldn’t want to mess with her. The amount of discipline she has is something he wishes he could have a fraction of.
Basically, he thinks she’s cool.
Like with most of the girls, Nagito does his best to make sure no one harasses Peko. Even when it comes to non-sexual things, he feels like he owes it to her to help her keep her dignity. (Hence why he tried to be delicate about how her stomach was upset in Chapter 1.) The reason for this isn’t anything spectacular. He just feels like because of how things are with her talent, people might not respect her if they saw something undignified. Nagito feels like this is the best way he can help her even if she probably doesn’t need it.
When Peko kills Mahiru, Nagito isn’t at all surprised once he makes the connection between Peko and Fuyuhiko. He does express that he wishes he could have helped her, but he understands that she wouldn’t have wanted help. Peko has a certain amount of pride, and asking for help from a lowly insect like him would wound it. (According to his thought process anyway.)
He actually misses her quite a bit once she’s gone, and he can see even from afar how it’s affected Fuyuhiko. Their bond is something he’s a bit jealous of, wishing he could have someone that important in his life. He also feels glad that Peko’s hope involved something as beautiful as love.
Non-despair-wise, if Nagito befriended Fuyuhiko, he’d likely be on fairly good terms with Peko, too. They might not be friends, but they could hold a conversation so long as Nagito didn’t get too weird about his hope craze.
Nagito thinks Mahiru’s talent is underrated. Most people would say “Anyone can take a picture and have it look decent.” (Filed under: things I’ve heard people say.) He also has an admiration for what she takes pictures of. Her portfolio consists of people and lots of smiles. To him, that screams spreading hope, and he loves it.
Mahiru doesn’t sugarcoat what she thinks, especially not of behavior she thinks is bad. Nagito accepts being told he’s not good at things, and he takes it to heart coming from someone with an Ultimate Talent. 
She has a certain kindness about her in spite of how much she goes in on the guys. That’s something Nagito doesn’t understand, but he would never tell her not to. (It’s not his place to say something like that.) That’s why he’s genuinely upset when she’s murdered. She came to check on him, someone the rest of the group had deemed dangerous enough to isolate from everyone. Mahiru thought to feed him when no one else had, and though she made Hajime do it, it wasn’t like she was just pushing it off on someone else. She actually had other plans.
When Nagito said she wouldn’t be influenced by him, he probably believed that. He likely thought it would get things moving if he mentioned the game, but it was a shot in the dark really. After what he did in the first trial, who would listen to him?
In a not-despair setting, they could probably get along as classmates. I don’t know if they’d get close, but they could have a healthy amount of respect for one another. They could be friends. (I also like to imagine Mahiru seeking an elusive, real Nagito smile as a challenge!)
Despite liking her talent, Nagito doesn’t know how to feel about Hiyoko. He can respect her talent, but he doesn’t like the way she acts. I think, out of all of his classmates, she’s a competitor for the one he likes least. That’s not to say he openly shows any disdain for her or anything. He just doesn’t mesh well with her at all. Other than Hiyoko yelling at him for getting her shoe size, I can’t really think of many other interactions between them. I attribute this to him not wanting to deal with her attitude. Even Nagito has...maybe not standards, but a standard of treatment he doesn’t want toward himself. Hiyoko oversteps that boundary, and that’s saying something.
After Mahiru’s death, Nagito feels sorry for Hiyoko. He doesn’t say much to her about it, mostly because getting a word in edgewise with her is impossible and he can’t talk to someone with her talent like that. Instead, he doesn’t try to do anything about it and lets everyone else sort that out. He does find the conflict between her and Fuyuhiko interesting, though. A sort of clash of hopes...
Losing any of his classmates in the Neo World upsets him, but part of him feels like she brought it on herself, especially since he knows who did it. Mikan, full of despair, snuffed out the remaining hope in Hiyoko as revenge for crushing her hopes by bullying her. (Not sound logic by any means, but it follows Nagito’s philosophy.)
I don’t see them getting along in any capacity. Hiyoko goes straight for the gut with the way she insults people, and I can see her saying something that might actually upset Nagito. (That’s saying something considering the things he calls himself.) If they could somehow break through that, I’d imagine maybe they could have a conversation about traditional stuff. Nagito finds it fascinating.
Ibuki’s talent is one that Nagito doesn’t know too much about. He didn’t learn how to plan an instrument or anything as a kid like a lot of rich kids seem to do. He might not be ecstatic about Ibuki’s style, but it’s closer to what he likes than pop music. (His taste is “emo kid music” for lack of a better explanation.) Her enthusiasm doesn’t necessarily rub off on him, but he does feel a bit lighter around her. She can certainly liven up a room!
They don’t have a lot of interactions either. I feel like since she does have some other interesting skills, Nagito finds her even more amazing. She pulls through for them a few times. Her hearing might have gotten him into trouble in the first trial, but he isn’t bothered by it because it’s so cool that she recognized what he said and that everyone was able to figure something out from it!
After her death, things are fairly gloomy. The whole starving-in-the-funhouse thing doesn’t make it any better. You could make a case that things get much more serious from that point on. I feel like Nagito would notice that, too, before he totally turns his back on everyone. That might be one of many reasons he was so intent on clearing the Final Dead Room to help everyone. Any little thing he could do to increase morale...
Outside of despair, I don’t know what kind of relationship they could have. Ibuki is so excitable and Nagito is so down on himself that it would be an interesting dynamic. Maybe she could pull what she did with Hajime on him and try to get him to mellow out for a little bit. Ibuki is outgoing enough that she might try to befriend him. Who knows?
Mikan is an interesting case. Her talent is something Nagito kind of knows a lot about secondhand due to his assorted health problems, so he had a more personalized respect for her. Nagito feels a bit protective of her because of how anxious she is all the time. He also gets quite alarmed when she falls in those unintentionally erotic positions. If he felt like it was his place to do something, he would help her. (Of course, his lack of any self worth makes him feel like he shouldn’t even touch someone with a talent without a good reason.) She’s a handful, but he doesn’t dislike her for it. He feels for her.
While Mikan is overcome with despair, Nagito feels extremely uncomfortable around her. As soon as he’s better, he has his suspicions about her. The look in her eyes was one that made his hopeful heart sink. The fact that they stand next to each other on the trial ground makes this even more distressing. The whole time he knows that there’s despair in her, but if he comes right out and says it, who’s going to believe him? If they’re all on the same page, there’s more of a chance of everyone choosing the path that “leads to the most hope”.
That’s why he really goes in on her after she starts freaking out. He doesn’t want to be near her or associate with her anymore. When she drops that bombshell about him not having anyone who loves him, it breaks him inside. That’s his big insecurity, one thing that he wants more than anything, and she went for it.
Non-despair-wise, they could get along. They actually have a lot of similarities I’ve noticed roleplaying them both and discussing them with another friend who plays Mikan. They want so desperately to be loved and have unconventional ways of showing it to the point of being obsessive. Neither of them have high self-esteem, and they both have quite a bit of trauma, though they’re very different traumas. Maybe they wouldn’t bond over that since neither like to talk about it, but other things? I feel like they could.
By virtue of her being a princess, Nagito absolutely gives Sonia the most respect he can. He refers to her as “Miss Sonia” as well, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. If he’s lesser than most Ultimates, he surely thinks he means nothing compared to Sonia.
In a strictly platonic and distant way, Nagito is a bit protective of Sonia. She can be a bit naïve about things, and based on some of her interactions with other classmates, he worries that they might try to take advantage of her. He’d never say it aloud, but he wonders how she doesn’t understand some things. He understands it could be the language barrier. There seems to be...more evidence that she just doesn’t know.
Funnily enough, I imagine they could get along fairly well. Nagito has experience with higher class society, so he could understand some of Sonia’s woes. She’s also interested in some of the things he is, like unrealistic slasher films for instance. If nothing else, they could have an interesting conversation comparing their experiences. She seems to have more tolerance for him than some of the others.
This would be a lot easier without all of the despair crap to make him act like that. Nagito would still be kind of weird, but at least he’d be more tolerable.
Straight up, Nagito thinks Gundham is pretty strange. (Ironic coming from him.) Of course, he admires his talent and finds it intriguing. He’d like to know more, but the biggest thing that keeps him from it is the way Gundham speaks. It isn’t that he can’t interpret his words. It’s just harder for him. It’s hard for Nagito to have good conversations with people in general because of his variant of dementia. Imagine how much harder it is when the person he’s talking to speaks with a lot of flourish. It just takes a bit longer.
Even though it happens after his realization about Ultimate Despair, Nagito has to admit Gundham has courage. All of his respect went down the drain at that point, and though he insults him at the beginning of the next chapter, he does respect that he tried to save everyone. At that point in time, he believes it bad only because they were Remnants of Despair. Otherwise, it’s an admirable sacrifice.
(Admittedly, I have a soft spot for the two of them mostly because Gundham also had the balls to play Russian Roulette.)
I think any interactions between them would be interesting. Nagito trying to decipher Gundham-speak, and Gundham being both glad and also weirded out that Nagito is respecting him like an actual overlord of ice. In any setting, they would have to build up to being friendly with one another. (Or the Gundham equivalent of friendly.) Despite Nagito’s luck with animals, he likes them and doesn’t mind talking about them or interacting with them. In that sense, they would have something to talk about.
This one is a lot. Nagito has tons of respect for him, and he makes it known during Kazuichi’s introduction. He thinks his talent is cool and useful. Kazuichi isn’t always the brightest, but Nagito wouldn’t insult him for it or anything for by now obvious reasons. He values his opinion and input as much as anyone else’s. Nagito doesn’t know a lot about mechanical things, so he would get a kick out of watching Kazuichi. 
He’s extremely respectful toward him even when met with animosity. When Kazuichi and Nekomaru knock him out and tie him up, Nagito doesn’t blame either of them for it. In fact, he thanks Kazuichi for “going easy on him”. In Chapter 4, he readily gives Kazuichi the multitool in order to help him fix the elevator. He also trusts Kazuichi to check the compass in the elevator for him when he isn’t sure he’ll be able to do it himself later. (You know, potentially dying in the Final Dead Room and all.)
If he was going to be honest, Nagito would have to say Kazuichi isn’t very bright, but that doesn’t mean he likes him any less. Sometimes, he wishes he wouldn’t muddy things with his not-so-smart suggestions during trials, but he’d never say it. Nagito also isn’t sure it’s productive of Kazuichi to keep accusing him of things, though he thinks he deserves it.
Kazuichi is another person Nagito would want to be friends with. He thinks Kazuichi is cool, too, just like Fuyuhiko. In a non-despair setting, if Kazuichi could get over how weird Nagito is, they could get along well enough. I don’t know if friendship is in the cards, but it would take effort on both sides surely. Kazuichi would have to be willing to look beyond the mask Nagito wears, and Nagito would have to dial it back a bit and understand that he would have to take steps to develop a friendship instead of being passive.
The Ultimate Imposter
Things between these two are fairly complicated. Like everyone else in-game, Nagito is under the impression that he’s dealing with the Ultimate Affluent Progeny. It doesn’t really impact his outlook on them at all as both talents would be intriguing for him. However, because he doesn’t know until much later that they’re the Ultimate Imposter, we’re working with his outlook on “Byakuya”. 
Also, a lot of this is inferred from the Imposter’s actions, and some of it comes from the manga from Nagito’s POV.
Compared to the actual Byakuya, the Imposter has a nicer personality. When they take on the role of leader, Nagito thinks it’s amazing! When they declare they’re going to protect everyone, Nagito finds this noble and something unexpected of a person of high status. In his experience with higher class people, he’s met several who only care for themselves. Of course, Nagito also finds this easy to manipulate once he’s decided he’s going to set things in motion.
There’s a certain amount of guilt I think Nagito feels after they die. He had been expecting to die, and that was why it came as such a shock to him later to find out that yes, they had been protecting him. He thinks maybe, maybe this was an instance of his luck stepping in, so it’s another layer onto his luck hurting people. (The “anyone who cares about me dies” bit.) That’s why despite offering several times for people to kill him, he doesn’t go out of his way to do it until he tries to martyr himself. He’s making up for “kill them with his luck”.
In a normal verse, Nagito could get along with the Imposter. They seem like kind of an “older sibling” type who looks after the others. It would be hard to break through the walls that they’ve built around themselves, but there’s potential for something.
There’s a lot between these two as well. Their dynamic is silly. Nagito softly threatening Teruteru for trying to take advantage of girls? A+ material. He doesn’t dislike Teruteru at all, but he does have a level of tolerance for delinquent behavior that he doesn’t approve of. He immediately transitions to using “Ultimate Chef” when Teruteru insists on it. He shows him just as much respect as anyone else.
It’s important to note that Nagito had to have noticed a weak point in Teruteru to single him out as a potential killer. His insistence that their circumstances are just a dream/not real is evidence enough. Targeting Teruteru as his killer was as much planting a seed of urgency to his actions by letting it slip what he was doing and being completely honest about it. Even though he’s the first Blackened, Teruteru knew about Nagito’s true nature first. Nagito hoped that he would take action. If his luck wouldn’t let him die by any other means, maybe he could get himself killed by an Ultimate and be useful, be a stepping stone so his idols could advance.
Imagine if it had been Nagito. Things would’ve gone differently for sure. Maybe they wouldn’t have been able to figure out who the killer was. Maybe they still would have. It would’ve been the solution he wanted, and Teruteru would have made his “dreams come true” so to speak.
(Post-game, Nagito does eventually feel guilty about starting the Killing Game in the first place, but that takes a lot of personal growth and work...)
In a non-despair verse, their relationship would probably have stayed the same. Teruteru being a little sleazy. Nagito calling him out on it. Fun stuff like that. Maybe friendship is an option. It’s worth mentioning Teruteru did do a bit of flirting, though, which Nagito totally doesn’t notice or completely ignores depending on the situation. I’m mostly imagining an interesting friendship if anything.
Though it doesn’t seem like much of a talent to a lot of people, Nagito thinks Chiaki’s talent is incredible of course! Most of the time when he plays video games, he wins because of his luck, so seeing someone actually good at them is cool.
At first, he isn’t sure what to think of her as a person, thinking of her as potentially not reliable. He’s nice enough to her, but he’s exasperated by the fact that she dozes off so often. Nagito worries about that quite a bit. As things progress, he sees that she’s a lot more than she appears. When she puts her mind to it, she’s intelligent and can find things other people, including him, miss.
Chiaki sees the good in him despite his behavior, and Nagito doesn’t know how to feel about that. She gives him the benefit of the doubt. However, she does reprimand him for the bad things. Nagito doesn’t mind that part, but he can’t understand why she’s nice to him. It’s so confusing that someone is genuinely kind to him even when he’s trash.
It’s funny how Nagito tried so hard to help Chiaki unknowingly when Chiaki didn’t want that help. In the end, he was the reason she was executed, putting another death that was his fault on the list. (Of course, he won’t know that until post game.) Chiaki’s goal wasn’t to destroy the Remnants of Despair. Nagito just interpreted it that way for his own reasons. Their in-game fates were tied together, and...I find that cool.
Non-despair-wise, I’m 100% down for them being friends. Chiaki is a sweetheart, so she’d try to be Nagito’s friend even if he’s a little strange. He probably keeps her at a distance like he does literally everyone. He appreciates it, but he doesn’t want her to get hurt. People actually like her unlike him. I can see Chiaki offering friendship and checking in periodically to see if he’s okay. Nagito probably sits with her while she plays games so he won’t feel alone for a little while. Her company is...calming.
Again, I’m gonna generalize here, but straight up, Hajime is Nagito’s favorite person. He thinks he’s amazing, attractive, and absolutely cool. From the first moment he saw Hajime, he felt the potential in him. Everything about him is exciting, and Nagito wants to be as close to him as possible. Genuinely, he wants to be his friend and form some kind of relationship with him even if it isn’t romantic. (He doesn’t deserve that, and it would absolutely make his luck want to kill Hajime.) Every bit of friendliness and kindness he showed Hajime in the beginning was genuine. He wanted to ease his worries and make him feel better.
After the Chapter 1 fiasco, Nagito is most upset that Hajime is upset with him. He didn’t expect him to be on board with his philosophy, but the hostility hurts. His heart aches because they were so close for such a short time that he had almost gotten used to having a friendly relationship. Then it was gone.
Nagito still tries his best to help Hajime and do things with him despite how Hajime really doesn’t want much to do with him. He constantly wants to be close to him. Nagito doesn’t mind sharing his past with Hajime because he keeps coming back to learn more. Maybe if he helps him to understand his point of view a bit better, he’ll want to be close. An interesting way to think about it, but that’s what Nagito wants.
In Chapter 4 when Nagito starts to give him the cold shoulder, it’s because he genuinely feels betrayed. He felt this connection with Hajime, but knowing all of them were Remnants of Despair, he can’t hold onto that. It’s hard to get rid of those feelings, so his only way to cope is to keep insulting him for being a Reserve Course Student. There’s a point where he wishes it could have been different, but he doesn’t dwell on it and carries on. He isn’t around in the Neo World long enough to think about it too much.
Without going into too much detail about it, post game Nagito doesn’t want anything to do with him or anyone else. It scares him. Izuru scares him especially. He just...doesn’t want to be near the others and doesn’t think he should. Hajime is the only person who can get through to him and help him come out of his shell. That leftover trust is key.
And finally, in a non-despair setting, Hajime and Nagito probably don’t interact a lot outside of in passing. When they do, Hajime ends up slowly getting Nagito to be less cruel about the Reserve course. They have a more even playing field here because they’re both ordinary students. One of them was just lucky. Nagito is still a total weirdo, but he’s a person who’s had a hard life. They could be friends, maybe more depending on it. As long as they get along, it makes me happy.
Final Thoughts
I guess the main takeaway here is that it depends on the person how Nagito reacts to them. He really does like all of his classmates to varying degrees. He wants to befriend them and get along, but the way he behaves keeps them at arm’s length. That’s fine with him, but...he really does crave more than just a passing relationship with people.
He wants friends and someone to love. He wants relationships. He’s just socially impaired and afraid of them being hurt.
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gerudospiriit · 4 years
One of the Lucky Ones
A Chrimbus Prezzie for @royallunatiic that I adored writing for her! <3
Basically a thing about Vegeta I’ve been entertaining in the back of my mind for several months. It’s a lot of things and very centralized in Vegeta’s head and feelings and oof. It focuses on canon and non-canon moments and kinda explores themes with Vegeta’s character I feel get overlooked inside and outside of canon material. It is also based on a mix Lau’s (royallunatiic’s) hcs and my own. I wouldn’t call it a retelling but more of a change in perspective that delves into darker themes surrounding Vegeta.
As a fair warning for others that might choose to read: this fic includes violence, gore, abuse, harsh language, some sexual content, mentions of depression, and probably things that people who hold canon as the Holy Grail will not like. It is a very rose colored glasses off kind of read. There is probably something in this that everyone won’t like but that’s the beauty of things, isn’t it? And this IS about Vegeta so :3
Also, side note, some of the formatting got lost between here and google docs and im too lazy to go through and try to fix that, so unfortunately some italic emphasis within the bulk of it will be lost, rip.
Most importantly, I hope this lives up to the hype, Lau! <3
Vegeta raised a white-gloved hand to his scouter, options flashing across red glass until he settled on the general’s name and scouter number. “Nappa, what is our estimated time of arrival?”
Several seconds of silence passed, the prince’s temper flaring a centigrade more with each impatient tap of his foot on the pod’s floor. Just as he clenched his jaw and prepared to snap at the other Saiyan and more forcefully request the information he sought, his scouter beeped followed by the unmistakable grumble of the man who served to raise him in lieu of a biological parent. 
“Let’s see…” Vegeta rolled his eyes when he heard Nappa yawn. How the large Saiyan stayed comfortable crammed into the tiny space pods even with the help of the pod’s assisted stasis setting baffled him. Less than half the other man’s size, Vegeta struggled to rest for any proper amount of time no matter his level of exhaustion or the length of the trip. Nothing a usual plague of similarly themed nightmares helped. Years of getting used to it was the usual spiel the general gave when the prince cared enough to question him. “Twelve hours, give or take. Twelve hours before we get to take revenge for Raditz and destroy that damn mud ball.”
Vegeta grunted in response. He could have laughed at their cover to keep anyone listening in on their conversations from knowing their true objective. Neither Saiyan cared to avenge their fallen comrade, Saiyan or not. Raditz foolishly set off to find his weakling of a brother and got himself killed. If such lowly warriors could best him, he was a waste of space and resources. Good riddance; Vegeta had no time for coddling the third class fool, anyway. They had Dragonballs to secure and immortality only suited the strong. To overthrow and kill an all-powerful tyrant, he would only suffer the company of the very greatest warriors.
“Very well. Rest up, Nappa. We can’t afford any mistakes.”
“Don’t tell me these Earthling’s got you scared,” the general scoffed, the creak of leather sounding as he shifted in his seat. “Raditz’s power level didn’t hold a candle to ours. We’ll blow ‘em all away, no trouble, a year of training or not. And without Kakarot, it will be a cinch. In and out, just like we planned.”
Vegeta snarled. “Watch your tongue, Nappa. I’d sooner fear Cui than a lowly Earthling.” He hoped the bastard heard that. Or that Frieza did and would relay the message to amuse himself with the soldier’s rage. “They are at least clever enough to gang up on Raditz. I would hate to see you meet your end over stupidity.”
“Fat chance.”
If Nappa had anything else to say, Vegeta missed it. He had switched his scouter off to take his own advice. Or try. His anticipation to achieve immortality, to finally avenge his people and end Frieza once and for all. Kept his mind from shutting down. To take back what was promised to him, what was rightfully his. For his own, personal revenge for the abuse and embarrassment he endured under his rule. As little more than a slave. Jaw tense at the memories, he closed his eyes. 
His nerves went into overdrive as the door slid shut behind him, the fur of his tail standing on end at his waist. A request for an audience with Frieza never bode well in past experiences. It usually meant a beating or other form of degradation in front of his cronies or for his own sick amusement. And with the weight of his planet and his race perishing still heavy on his heart and mind...what more could Frieza say or do to him?
Before he could kneel or greet the tyrant, Frieza turned from his locked view of the passing stars to the young Saiyan rooted a few feet in front of the door, trying his best to keep the hollowness he felt in his chest from his gaze. In front of Nappa and Raditz, he had tried to remain aloof. Stunned by the suddenness with a hint of anger at cruel fate and be the strong leader he now had no choice but to be to them. They answered to him, not his father. Not any more.
“Ah, Vegeta! Such shocking news!” Frieza threw his free hand in the air to complement the dramatic flare in his voice. He set the glass of wine he clutched in the other on the nearest surface and floated toward him, reptilian feet meeting tile before the Saiyan. “My condolences, of course. An asteroid of all things wipes out the Saiyan race!”
Vegeta swallowed, gloved fingers curling into his palms and his tail tightening around his waist. He did not need to be aware of Frieza’s general distaste for his people to hear the mocking undertone dripping from every word. The misfortune of his race was a cause for celebration to the tyrant.
“We will move forward,” he responded robotically, straightening his posture and meeting Frieza’s wicked, crimson eyes. His mouth went dry when he saw the humor dancing in them. “We will continue to serve as we always have.”
The emperor of the universe placed his hands behind his back, contemplating. Searching for ways to toy with the boy like a predator who had cornered its prey. “Spoken like a true prince with so much responsibility suddenly on his shoulders.” He sighed, the latter portion of his tail idly striking the tiled floor. “Such a shame to lose so many monk--I mean, soldiers. Their lives are irreplaceable.”
Rage burned hotter in his hollowed out body. It danced on his tongue and clawed at his jaw, desperately trying to pry his mouth open to retort or spit in his face or simply scream. Anything but the fear-soaked silence that pervaded. What did he have to lose? Everything he had been promised--his kingdom, his people, his planet--had all been obliterated. Dying now would grant him mercy. But the fighter in him, the angry, scorned warrior, screamed louder. He screamed for blood. For vengeance. He was young, but he didn’t believe that asteroid story. It stank worse than Nappa after a long day of training in the wastes back home. And this performance, this farcical show of compassion, only fueled such suspicions.
“Come now. Don’t look so glum, Vegeta. After all...” Frieza rested a clawed hand on his shoulder and squeezed. Tight. “You’re one of the lucky ones.”
No, no, no.
This had to be another nightmare.
Vegeta clung to the last dregs of consciousness his weakened state would allow in order to type the coordinates--any coordinates--to what he hoped would land him at a base to get patched up. His hand shook over the buttons, and his vision doubled and tripled while trying to make sense of the screen. Blood trickled down his forehead and off the tip of his nose. Every inch of him screamed in agony. A few more seconds of focus...that's all he needed….
He fell back once he thought he counted enough characters punched in, gritting his teeth as the careless motion jolted a new bolt of pain through his body. Obsidian eyes hooded, he watched the stars, asteroids, and planets whizz by in a blur through slitted gaze. He felt his consciousness fading, his mind replaying the bad dream Earth had turned to in a jumbled chronology of events. The fight with Kakarot, how the third class stood up to his every attack. That damn brat and his bald friend and the fat one interfering. Cutting off his damn tail. Squeezing the life out of that clown in his Oozaru form. Saibamen and the joy of watching those worms struggle against them and Nappa when they wouldn't give them the Dragonballs. The brat transforming. Nappa's blood on his hands for his failure. The bald one sparing him.
Spared. Not victorious. Not immortal. Broken. Beaten. Bloody. And spared by a worthless third rate warrior and his weakling friends. The great Prince Vegeta bested by a troupe of circus performers. He could have laughed at the absurdity of it all if he had the breath and fortitude for it. Pride damaged, a small part of him hoped his battered brain had typed the coordinates in wrong. Dump him off on some random planet to die alone with what little dignity he had left. Let his race perish once and for all with him. Kakarot was no Saiyan. He did not deserve the warrior blood that roared in his veins. He was an Earthling. He barely knew what it meant to be a Saiyan. The hardships he had faced. How it felt to lose everything.
Kakarot. His bloody fingers twitched as the name of that fool spun around his mind in a taunting sing-song like some sick nursery rhyme. Yet. He didn't know that feeling yet. Sparing him was the biggest mistake those Earthlings could make. He would make Kakarot suffer. He would kill each of his friends one by one in front of him. Slow. Grueling. Starting with the fat one that robbed him of his tail. Then, he would kill Kakarot. No. He would spare Kakarot. Beat him to a gurgling mess of blood and broken bones and destroy his planet with him on it. Yes, that would do nicely.
First things first: immortality. Namek. Frieza. Then, Kakarot. 
Quaking hand rose to his scouter. He sent out a distress signal. Just in case.
He convinced Nappa to let him out of his sight with relative ease and bored Raditz with some excuse about checking out the moons of the planet for vegetation types to keep him from tagging along to leave the planet they were ordered to recon alone and undisturbed. The assignment was close to the coordinates of his home planet, committed to memory in his youth. After nearly a decade, the close proximity tugged at an emotion he couldn't place. Deeper than curiosity but darker than nostalgia. A need to put to rest his doubt and disbelief, and affirm it had not all been a cruel joke Frieza played on him all these years. 
Though, as his pod flew ever closer to his destination, a dim hope flickered in the buried part of him that still mourned and despaired over the fall of his race. For that reason, he kept his eyes closed, the vision of his home planet painted on the inside of his eyelids. Until the pod slowed, and the change in motion coerced the Saiyan Prince's eyes open to see…
To see nothing. Nothing but stars and space dust.
He didn't know how long he stared, or how many times he cancelled his pod's attempts to reroute him to a place for a proper landing when the current coordinates yielded nothing solid. His chest tightened, his throat and eyes burned as he rested a gloved hand on the red glass of the pod. Tears poured from his obsidian eyes as his fingers curled into his palm and he banged his fist against the window. Gone. All gone. He had known it all along, hadn't he? What did he really expect to find out here? 
He buried his face in his hands with a shuddering breath, sliding them back into his hair before letting them fall limply at his side. He couldn't deny it now; Planet Vegeta had been obliterated along with everyone on it. Reduced to no more than space matter idly drifting among the stars. In that moment, even his memories of his youth seemed to join them as any attempt to recall them left him numb.
Another request to reroute to the nearest planet echoed too loudly in his ears. Vegeta spared the empty vacuum where his home once lay one last glance before inputting the coordinates to the planet he and the others had been assigned.
Vegeta switched off the ship’s gravity controls soon after touchdown on the long forgotten planet he had chosen for training. The gradual shift from 450 times the Earth’s gravity back to normal levels welcome after hours of pushing through the training drills. He gripped the console to steady himself and hunched over as he caught his breath, sweat dripping from his visage and pooling between switches and buttons. Every muscle, every fiber of his body ached from the strain of training at the high level of gravity. So much so that just a twitch of his fingers depleted far more energy than anything should. He slammed his fist down on the control panel and straightened up. He had no time to rest. He had to push himself, push through the pain and strain and keep going. He was running out of time. He needed to become a Super Saiyan no matter the cost.
Measured steps carried him to the bag he had packed. He rummaged around and pulled out a fresh set of armor. He tore off the sweat drenched rags his training reduced the current set to and tossed it aside, replacing it with the clean suit and chest armor. He ignored the toll the simple action took on him and yanked his boots and gloves on. He punched the button and released the door hatch to descend onto the planet’s surface. Away from the distractions of Earth, the planet that had become his chosen prison. He had to stay close to his prey, keep his enemies close. Make this unexpected resurrection count.
His second chance at life had begun with sucking in dirt before rising out of a shallow grave. Followed by witnessing a third-class warrior fill the slot in his race's history meant for him. Vegeta had stared up into a tumultuous sky as the very planet beneath his boots breathed its last breaths, erupting and quaking as a greater power threatened its very core. Awestruck, the Saiyan prince watched legend become reality. Kakarot had achieved what most wrote off as legend, aglow in gold, hair and eyes changed from dark hues to light: a Super Saiyan in the flesh. And he faced off with Frieza. Would soon kill Frieza. Both milestones he promised himself and only fit for the last living Saiyan royal. The clown snatched his birthright and vengeance for all he and his people suffered under Frieza from him in the span of hours.
The realization only settled after the whirlwind of astonishment, initial pride in the irony of a Saiyan ending Frieza, and momentary swell of invincibility with the idea of being back on top with Kakarot and Frieza both dead suddenly switched direction and whipped him into the nearest wall. The damned fool survived after all, according to those bumbling Earthlings. His mood tanked, and something akin to panic intertwined with his rage: what now? Where did he go from here?
Immortality didn't strike his fancy anymore when living forever seemed worse than death, the easy way of winning. He could cross Frieza off; he couldn't kill a dead man. That left Kakarot and his friends. He could kill the latter whenever he chose, the only one posing a possible challenge being the Namekian. But what use was that when he could not stand up to Kakarot's retaliation? The fool had thrown his whole plan off kilter! Stole everything promised to him and made him look like a fool! The Saiyan Prince would not--could not--be bested by this low class a third time. Kakarot would die by his hand, that would not change. But he needed to train first, achieve Super Saiyan and do it better. 
And so he trained. Day and night until he flirted with death. Haunted by the image of Super Saiyan Kakarot battling Frieza on a dying planet. The memory of sensing that power for the first time seemed stamped on his ki perception, a power that threatened to bring him to his knees. Bitterness, vengeance, and rage surged him onward, a man possessed. Driven by an ever present need to take his place as the most powerful being in the universe. 
And yet, despite all that, he remained unchanged. Stronger, certainly. But he still lacked the key to transformation, and that only ignited his fury further. What did that buffoon have that he lacked? How? The singular word bounced around his brain like the simulated ki blasts of his training program. What was the secret? Time ticked down until these androids meant to doom them all arrived. He refused to die to some mechanical monstrosities, not before he got his chance to prove once and for all that he was the superior warrior. 
They would serve as a testament to his strength. His ascension to legendary status. But he had to get there first.
The sky above him raged in a violent storm, lightning streaking the dark at intervals of mere milliseconds. The air around him surged with power, a reflection of the intense wrath that blazed within him. The ground shook from the force of the accompanying thunder, rattled his very being to the core. He felt awakened, his previous exhaustion forgotten as a new wave of invigoration overpowered it. 
So his training began. Unencumbered. Uninhibited. Free of the petty distractions that interrupted him on Earth. Until the meteors threatened his ship. Fine. A new training exercise. He zipped through the shower, punching and blasting his way through the chunks of space rock with precision and finesse. The warm up, he found, when a meteor half the size of the planet entered the atmosphere, parting the clouds in a fiery cascade. The Saiyan prince soared upward, confident when his previous employment required him to destroy entire planets on a whim. He pulled his arm back, energy building in his palm before he shot it toward the meteor. Though, instead of resulting in an explosion, the behemoth swallowed the light, only spraying a few chunks of matter from its surface. Another blast. A barrage of them. Still it inched closer to his only means to escape this planet. His training had left him too drained. This damn rock was going to strand him there on that empty planet. No! He wouldn’t let that happen!
Mustering every last ounce of energy he could, he pulled both hands up to his head, the back of his right hand pressed into his left palm. Purple energy built around him and in his hands. “Galick Gun, fire!” With all he had left, he shot the violet energy through his hands toward the encroaching meteor, energy bursting from his palms and striking it at near point blank range. The explosion shot him straight toward the planets surface, his used up body crashing through rock formation after rock formation before slamming into the ground.
Immense pain and the ringing in his ears were all he could register as he lay prostrate in the wide crater for countless minutes. He cracked his eyes open, squinting at the lightning streaked sky above him. He needed to move, to ensure his efforts yielded success. He pushed up with his elbows, snarling as pain ripped through him, and he shifted to his knees and dragged himself to the edge of the crater. He stretched his hand out on level ground and hoisted his upper half from the hole; it was all he could manage. The Prince of all Saiyan’s reduced to crawling, clawing his way out of a crater. Too weak to best a meteor and stay on his feet. How fucking pathetic.
Vegeta beat his bruised and bloody fist on the stone ground, the guttural growl growing in volume with each pound to echo the thunder rolling around him. How many more times did he have to fail? He failed his own race, and then couldn’t even take proper revenge for their murder. He failed Nappa and Raditz, no matter how damn weak they were. At this point, what made him any better? Kakarot bested him, too. Isn’t that why he killed Nappa? Because the bumbling idiot couldn’t even kill an Earth-raised, third rate Saiyan? Even a damn kid from the future had surpassed him! The Prince of all Saiyans! He who had been promised the universe and then some by his damnable father! What did he have to show for it? For all the pain and abuse and training? Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. He had been reduced to buying his time on a planet he should have just destroyed upon landing, surrounded by the very idiots that began his streak of shitty luck!
What had Frieza told him? “You’re one of the lucky ones.” Ha! At that moment, he would bet the universe got off on shooting him down and kicking him in the ribs.
He bowed his head as tears of rage and shame filled his eyes, though his gut boiled fiercely. He forced himself onto his feet, stumbling a step before regaining his balance. Nothing. The word echoed in his ears, roaring in the thunder as it answered the lightning. He had nothing left. Had lost it all long ago, but he refused to admit it to himself. And suddenly...everything that had driven him the past three years meant nothing. He didn’t care about Kakarot or killing him or surpassing him. He didn’t care if he left this planet. He didn’t even care if he lived. How long had he walked on borrowed time? His second chance at life was a damn joke, a literal accident, extra time for the universe to taunt him for his failings. 
Vegeta’s heart pounded in his ears, beating on his sternum like a war drum. The rest of the world fell silent around him as his rage exploded. Pure power rushed through his body and he tilted his head back to bellow his fury into the void of space above. Blinding light flared from his form and burst with a planet-quaking boom. 
Consciousness flooded back like a sea’s tide, the area around him now illuminated in a golden glow. A glow that originated from him. He raised his hands and flexed them before balling them into fists. Such power. It felt incredible. Endless. Roiling throughout every ounce of his being. His shoulders shook as laughter rumbled in his chest and finally burst from his mouth. He took to the air and shot through the angry sky, admiring his speed. He destroyed mountains as he whizzed by them, each target bigger than the last. If he didn’t need the ship, he would have destroyed the planet itself just to see how easy his new power made it.
Landing near the ship (still intact, surprisingly), he powered down, acutely aware of the toll it took on him. He would have to fix that, master the form and improve upon it. It felt surreal, like he would wake up at any moment. But he knew better. He knew he only had nightmares.
He had truly done it. He had become a Super Saiyan.
“Well, I guess there really is a first time for everything.”
Vegeta didn’t care if the bartender’s comment was meant for him or merely the young woman musing aloud; he kept his attention on the drink sitting in the open space within his crossed arms on the polished wood. He could still hear the vapid giggling of the two women as they trotted to the elevator at the back of the room, clinging on the arms of his charmed comrades. It was nothing new to the prince, especially on obvious busy work like this meant to keep them out of Frieza’s line of sight for a little while. Until he needed them again. Everyone knew years of mining and drilling by the Cold’s forces had sucked this planet dry of any valuable resources. The inhabitants ranged from an occasional surprising street fighter to abysmally weak, and very few even knew how to control Ki. The bulk of Frieza’s force there had already evacuated, sent on more fruitful endeavors for the empire. At best, this planet would be made a base, and the inhabitants would have to continue to live with Frieza’s soldiers. But, this far out, Vegeta wasn’t that optimistic.
A misstep had earned them this pointless assignment on the edges of Frieza’s claim to the universe, and they were given three days to complete a full recon and report, not counting travel time. Peeved and annoyed with the gall Frieza had to assign them busy work, even Vegeta agreed that, after finishing up the assignment in just over a day, they could use the remainder of their second day to use as they saw fit and send the report in on the morning of their third day. For Raditz and Nappa, that typically meant booze, food, and fucking whoever would have them. For Vegeta, he would likely find a space to train at his leisure. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a group of three or more men not break out into a fight over my sisters’ company. Unless you’re just not into women...I suppose I shouldn’t assume…”
Obsidian eyes finally slid over to the woman, and, in comparison to her siblings, he understood why she would not appeal to the masses as easily as her sisters. Shorter and more plainly dressed in a shabby-looking, moss green jacket (the bar blocked the rest of his view of her outfit), she appeared to prefer avoiding attention rather than grabbing it. Two, beaded braids framed her face while the rest of her tawny hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, the same braids appearing intermittently throughout. She lacked the nearing gaudy makeup her sisters donned, and freckles dotted her lightly sun-kissed cheeks and the bridge of her slightly misshapen nose. A preference for the outdoors, perhaps, if not natural. The long ears inherent of her race jutted out from the side of her face, and he noticed the rose color dusting their tips.
“Your sisters aren’t my type,” he said finally, in hopes of shutting her up. She seemed to be the type to talk more when nervous. If she didn’t continue to ramble, he could at least take some solace in the fact that her voice held a more mellow timbre than the near screech of her sisters’.  He picked up his drink and took a hearty gulp. Supposedly the strongest they had, but he knew he would need to drink these all day to even earn a buzz. 
He heard her hum and he thought she might take the hint and busy herself with cleaning the counter or glasses. Something other than making small talk with him. Wishful thinking.
“I would ask what your type is, then, but I’m going to assume you won’t answer that.” He offered her a grunt in response, though he couldn’t stop himself from casting her another glance, as if her unasked question reflexively piqued his curiosity to check if she fit such a bill (not that he really knew his type, anyway; he didn’t care to figure it out, but he always knew what wasn’t). The only features he would consider striking in her face were her eyes, an unusual shade of shimmering silver he could not recall ever witnessing. “You’re Frieza’s soldiers, right? You and your friends?”
He fixed her with a glare, insulted, but unsure of how to correct her first: the Prince of all Saiyans answered to no one unless he wanted to and he would never refer to Nappa or Raditz as a friend. However, in an attempt to avoid more pointless conversation and seem interested in talking to her, he replied with a growled, “Yes,” and drained his glass.
“So, you can fight, then?”
Vegeta slid the glass across the bar toward her--which she expertly caught, much to his surprise considering the suddenness and speed--and rose to his feet. A stupid question, and he was sure she knew it. He pulled the neck of his armor out to fish out his pay chip, intent on paying for his drink and making a hasty exit, and slapped it down on the bar.
The woman retrieved his chip, but made no immediate move to run it. “Um, this is going to sound like an odd question but would you spar with me? I need the practice…” Silver eyes darted to the tapping of his fingers on the wood, and she rushed to the terminal behind her. She returned and offered the chip back to him. However, when he reached out for it, she snatched it out of his reach. She didn’t flinch when he growled; she expected an answer.
The Saiyan prince lifted a hand to his scouter, but it hung in midair. A habit to check a prospective opponent’s power level. He lowered it again. His tongue wrapped around a haughty rejection, but held it firmly in his mouth. Such a strange request when none that he surveyed on the planet could touch even the lowliest of Frieza’s men, and most showed no signs of any fighting prowess besides. He doubted she was much different, but his boredom and curiosity convinced him to humor her. If she had the guts to challenge him, he could grant her the satisfaction of understanding just how grave her mistake was.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
Her eyes widened; she obviously expected him to refuse. A show of sharp canines in an annoyed snarl reanimated her. She slapped the chip back into his waiting palm and darted toward a door off the bar, tearing the apron from her waist and shrugging out of her jacket as she went. Vegeta tucked his pay chip away as she shouted into the next room that she was going out. She slammed the door before whoever was behind it could protest and joined him on the other side of the bar. Unencumbered by the bar and her jacket, he saw that she wore a baggy pair of pants that matched her jacket in color and a pair of boots common in style on the planet. The white shirt turned out to be a tank top that clung to her body and bore a strip of her midriff, accentuating toned arms and abdomen. Heat rose in his cheeks when his mind registered that she was...shaplier in the chest area than the jacket allowed onlookers to guess. He turned on his heel quickly to preserve his pride and class.
“Great! I know a place not far from here. Nice and open and people don’t usually hang around there.” The woman followed him outside and, before he could ask if she could fly, her feet left the dust-riddled street and she took off. He huffed and flew after her, catching up with ease. She could use ki. That at least meant this spar might scratch the surface of interesting, at least. 
“I am surprised you can leave your bar unattended on a whim, even in a backwater town like that one. Is business truly that slow?”
“My parents will handle it,” she responded shortly, her attention set in front of her. “They own the place, anyway. They’re lucky I give enough of a shit about my sisters to stick around, help out, and protect them, and they know that. They sure as hell never do it. Besides, they probably think I’m off to earn money, anyway, so of course they’re not going to question it.”
Vegeta had his suspicions about the two women when they fluttered over to the trio upon entering. His icy demeanor spurned them immediately, but Nappa and Raditz welcomed their flirtations without qualm. He heard their whispers and the exchange of terms through their giggles; he had tagged along to enough brothels to understand their inner workings, no matter how low key and whether he participated or not. However, he could not recall any where parents pimped out their children. Such vile beings this universe hosted…
They touched down in an open field, the patches of green within the nearly dried up landscape the most he had seen in miles. “Do you plan to charge me for this spar then, woman?” he asked, folding his arms over his chest. A slight smirk curled his lips. “Do you charge per punch landed? Extra for using ki?”
Her brows lowered and corners of her lips dipped downward as she stretched an arm over her chest. “You like to hear yourself talk after all, don’t you?” She snorted and switched limbs. “Obviously, I knock out or kill those who agree to spar with me and rob them blind. Requires much less calculation.”
He might have believed her if he hadn’t caught the quiver of her lips in a flash of a smile. “Ha! Well, I think you’ll find I’m much more difficult to take down. But, if you can, I’ll give you every bit of currency I have to my name.”
“Great, I’ve been eyeing a new pair of boots.” 
She sprang forward before the last word could register meaning in the Saiyan’s mind, punches and kicks flying in a flurry of speed he did not expect. He dodged them without issue, his arms remaining folded, and allowed his focus to gauge her skill level. Quick. Unpolished but confident and strong swings, suggesting she taught herself to some degree and had enough success. The ever lessening presence of her smirk further suggested the latter; she was not used to having this much trouble.
Finally, Vegeta allowed an easily dodged uppercut to connect with the underside of his chin, a test of her strength, how hard she could hit. His head snapped back, the point of contact smarting and his teeth ringing from the impact. He expected her to celebrate her small victory, but she proved him wrong. A sweep of her leg sent him skidding several feet from where he stood. He only just recovered before she attacked again. Fine, she proved clever enough. Though a piss poor strategy like wearing her opponent out wouldn’t work on him.
He ducked beneath a fist aimed for his face and caught her ankle as she attempted to follow up with a kick. He responded to her surprised gasp with a rumbling chuckle of his own. “Not bad. But I’m not just some urchin you picked a fight with off the street.”
Vegeta tugged the woman forward, taking advantage of her lack of balance, and sidestepped. He shoved and elbow hard into her spine and sent her sprawling face first into the dust. “Hmph, if that’s all you have to offer, fly home. I don’t waste time with weaklings.”
She pushed off her hands and twisted at the waist to shoot a wave of lavender ki straight for his face. He bent back to avoid it, the heat brushing past his face before he heard it explode in the cliff face behind them. His smirk widened when he found her back on her feet and charging him again. He dodged and blocked her blows once more, but he noted the significant boost in her speed and strength. Good, she was taking this seriously now. He had given her an immediate understanding of what kind of opponent she dealt with, and she rose with that challenge. Respectable, even if her power level only ranked among the middle levels of Frieza’s ranks.
Their spar continued on much the same way: Vegeta allowed her to punch, kick, and toss ki blasts his way to her heart’s content, then he would return a few blows and knock her away. Each time, she came back stronger, faster, more determined to level the playing field no matter how wide the gap between them or the blood and bruises on her body from his strikes. An admirable warrior in her own right. She impressed him, as far as the denizens of this doomed planet went.
As the daylight began to fade, the sky dyed various hues of burning orange, he noticed each time she fell, she took a few seconds longer to rise up again. Finally, a kick to her side sent her sailing sideways and skidding along the ground. Her body slammed into the bottom of the cliff, and she laid motionless for several seconds. Just when he thought he had knocked her unconscious or her body had finally given out, he heard her groan and flip over from her side to her back, a grin on her face.
“Alright, that’s it. I give in.” She forced herself to a sitting position, expression contorting in pain with every miniscule motion. “You win. But you knew you would this whole time, didn’t you?”
“Of course I did.” He cocked his head to either side, stretching the tendons in his neck. Their spar hadn’t been the most productive for him, but it hadn’t bored him either. A rarity, even with those meant to be on his skill level. “You surprised me. I would have never guessed anyone on this planet could even come close to the level you’ve achieved.”
She shifted to face him and swept her forearm over her face to rid it of sweat, blood, and grime. “It was actually a Saiyan that inspired me to learn to fight, even if I had to teach myself. I was little, but I watched a Saiyan woman fight off another of Frieza’s soldiers when he wouldn’t leave her alone. It was eye-opening when I was taught all along that women didn’t fight. Not respectable ones at least.” She shrugged a shoulder and rolled it for a stretch and Vegeta grunted; too many societies he had come into contact with believed similarly. He found it pathetic and ridiculous. “I couldn’t turn down the chance to fight one, to test myself. It’s been ages since I’ve seen another Saiyan…”
“That’s because we’re the last three.” The admission tumbled from his lips before he could stop them, and he scowled. He usually did not correct anyone ignorant of his people’s fate, kept his comments to himself when some merchant or whore wondered aloud about the last time they did business with a Saiyan. And yet, this woman had him yapping about something so personal without even trying. Must be the lack of food. When had he eaten last? That morning?
The woman’s face fell. “O-oh...I-I’m--”
“Save it.” Vegeta stomped over to her and stuck out his hand, the suddenness causing her to flinch back. She took it and he pulled her to her feet, a little rougher than he initially intended, though, if it bothered her, she said nothing. He released her hand. “Where is the best place for food here? Everything I’ve tried here tastes like molten garbage.”
“Well, there’s really not much left, as I’m sure you noticed.” She dusted herself off and pulled the strap of her tank top back into its proper place. “But...you’re welcome to stay at my place for the night. If you want. It’s quieter than the hotel, that’s for sure, more comfortable, too. Many of the rooms there haven’t been cleaned in quite a while, if you want the honest truth. My parents have yet to hire new help after skimping on paying the last batch of employees, my sisters refuse to help with that sort of work, and…”
She trailed off when she noticed his pointed look, how she hadn’t answered his question. She swallowed. “And I can cook. So you’ll get food, peace, and comfort. The offer’s open so take it if you want.”
Vegeta watched her take to the sky and mulled over the offer. With how she seemed determined to chat with him, he questioned the validity of her claim to quiet. The growl of his stomach voted in favor, proposing that almost anything could beat the trash he and his cohorts had wolfed down the day before. Comfort...his mind lingered on that word, twisting it into a more lewd definition. Images of her toned, nude body beneath him among a tangle of sheets, glistening in sweat as her moans filled the air…
White energy surrounded him and he shot into the sky after her. Fine. What did he have to lose anyway? Unless Frieza felt some sort of sentimental value toward this planet and those who roamed on it, she would likely be killed in the near future anyway. A shame, considering her potential. It was too bad there weren’t more like her. Enough to make her planet a worthwhile gem among the tyrant’s endless trove…
He wondered if she knew that...understood what his and his lackeys’ stay here likely meant for her and her home…
"We're getting married, Vegeta. That's final."
He swore the damn woman had an alarm on every door he frequented, from his bedroom in the guest wing to the gravity room. Perhaps on his bed, too, as he had just convinced himself to roll out of it, dress, and hole himself up in the gravity chamber to train until his body begged him to stop. He had just pulled the door open and there she stood, scowling and balancing her brat on her hip. The kid seemed unfazed by the aggravation in her voice, more intent on sucking his thumb.
Vegeta gripped the doorframe, the only thing to keep him from shoving her out of the way and continuing on his way. He had spent months away after Cell's defeat, once more a man lost and unsure of his purpose. His pride in tatters when even Kakarot's brat had surpassed him. Those days remained a blur in his memory as he worked through his rage until it fizzled out and he had nothing left to fuel him. Hollowed out, unfeeling, unmotivated. One moment he wanted to steal the woman's father's ship, blast off into space and challenge every powerful warrior he could find to validate his own strength. Take over the Cold empire as he was meant to. In the end, that all felt pointless. A set up for another string of unfortunate failures. Thus, he settled on the only thing that felt familiar, the only thing that brought even the remotest sense of contentment for him: training. Even if it meant suffering the woman and her worthless friends.
"Hello! Earth to Vegeta! Did you hear a word I said?" Bulma swapped the half asleep child to her other hip. "I know you decided to disappear on me and your child for months, but surely that didn't affect your hearing!"
He wished it had, her shrill shrieks unfriendly to sensitive ears and already threatening a pounding headache. "I heard you, woman," he growled, making to shove forward only for her to shift in front of him. Marriage to a weak Earth woman who could not even fight...he could hear his ancestors laughing in Hell. The only attributes she possessed he would consider remotely worthwhile were her decent looks and intellect when it came to technology. Nothing marriageable about her to a true Saiyan. Not to mention her obvious desire for Kakarot no matter how she tried to hide it. In his time there, he found Earth's ideals, especially those surrounding marriage and mating, starkly differed from those of Saiyans. And not for the better. They craved companionship and what they called love as the highest goals in their lives. They would set aside everything for it, change themselves for it, no matter how long or hard they worked to achieve whatever goals they had before. Saiyans rarely married, even his parents married as a mere show of power, the Saiyan King with their most powerful, accomplished, and terrifying general. They mated when they chose, and if a brat resulted from it, it didn't always mean they stuck around as a pair. Here he found, that was taboo. Unacceptable and improper.
"And just why do you think I would want to marry the likes of you?" he asked, hoping a thinly veiled insult would upset her and send her crying to her parents or that beta male she still fucked around with.
His words only deepened her glare and she stood her ground. "Are you kidding me?" She pointed at the brat, now babbling and tugging on the neckline of her shirt. "You knocked me up, you creep! It's the right thing to do, and you owe me and Trunks at least that!"
"Because you weren't throwing yourself at me the moment the damn Namek dragon sent us all back to Earth." He could insult her, belittle her, nearly kill her friends, treat her like utter trash and order her around like a damn servant day in and day out and she still flirted and tried to bed him. The meaner he was, the hornier it made her. Of course he caved eventually; he had needs, too. He hadn't even thought of impregnating her, his bestial instincts begging him for release in more carnal avenues and blinding him to the possibility in the moment. He stupidly forgot their races were even genetically compatible. She wanted to fuck, he needed release; the answer was simple at the time. "I don't owe you shit, woman, now get the hell out of my way before I force you out of the way."
"After I let you live, eat, and train here for free, you really think you don't owe me anything? I don't think you've ever even said thank you!" 
Vegeta rolled his eyes. He had had enough of her shit for another few months. He shoved forward only to be blocked again. His temper flared, hackles rising in warning. 
Bulma merely scoffed. "You need to man up, Vegeta. Own up to your 'mistakes'," she huffed and yanked a strand of her hair out of the child's clutches before he could stick it in his mouth. "I'm going to be straight with you since no one else--not even yourself--will. Your entitled, cocky prince act was cute at first, but it got old real quick. Your outbursts and temper tantrums are childish. Newsflash, Vegeta! You're not even a prince anymore! Your planet and people are gone, and the few left would never bow to you! You're not royalty, and no one will ever treat you like it! Get over it and stop acting like a baby. You have a child now, I'm going to be your wife, and you're going to learn to live here like a responsible, normal person!"
Had she spewed this drivel a few months, a few years ago, he might have blasted her where she stood for her disrespect. The emptiness inside him kept him from caring about her stupid opinions, her expectations of him, the grains of truth in her prattle. He did not care if she thought him a "real man." He did not even care that she insulted his title, his bloodline, or attacked a sensitive subject she could not begin to understand the gravity of. But the attack on his pride as a Saiyan, to order him to conform to her idealistic model of normalcy and perform the part of the happy husband and father, roles he didn't care to fill with the likes of her...that threatened to put her through the wall she stood in front of.
"That's rich coming from a spoiled brat like you," he snarled. She didn't know shit about him and she didn't try either. Why the hell would he want to bond himself with a woman like her? His dark eyes found her blue ones, the darkness in him bubbling to the surface. "Say one more word to me today and I'll rip your voice box from your throat."
This time, Bulma stepped back, her spine meeting the wall as she swallowed. He could smell her fear, no matter how little her stubborn frown wavered. He huffed and moved past her, stomping toward the glass doors at the end of the hall that would lead him onto the manicured lawn still drenched in the morning dew. 
"How typical! Hear something you don't like and you throw a fit! Solve all your problems with violence like the ape you are!"
Vegeta halted halfway to the door. Every muscle in his body tensed as a war for control raged inside him. His mind had converted Bulma's voice to Frieza's, the slur and similar ones echoing in his skull joined by the cruel laughter that often accompanied it. One fist slammed into the wall beside him while the other clutched his head. He had to move. Get out of that damn hallway and away from the damn woman. He could hear the brat screaming from somewhere far away, his mother trying to hush him and throwing another insult his way.
He willed his feet to walk. Once outside, he shot into the sky. Away from Capsule Corp. Away from the city. He would not suffer her shit another second that day.
Glass and bone crunched beneath his boot, fresh blood further staining once ivory leather. The screams and groans of pain had subsided, the only sounds around him the crackle of flames and the occasional whistle of the wind. The scent of death and burning flesh filled his nostrils, fueling the adrenaline still pumping through his veins. 
He kicked a corpse aside--a soldier, if the armor meant anything--and tapped the button on his scouter with bloodied fingertips to perform a scan of the area. See if any unlucky fools escaped his initial razing of the planet. He had the whole assignment to himself. Nappa had protested; the planet had been in rebellion for quite some time and housed unexpectedly powerful warriors in great numbers. How even the strongest warriors could fall when outnumbered. Vegeta ignored him and threatened to toss him out an airlock if he tried to follow without his say so. It would be a worthy test of his strength, an uninhibited and untethered display of his power, if the reports had any merit.
As it turned out, they didn’t. Not that he could see.
His scouter beeped three times as it picked up a reading, the yellow characters flashing on the red glass indicating it originated behind him. Close, weakened if ever strong. Attuned ears picked up the slow approach with one foot landing heavier on the pavement than the other, a poor attempt at stealth. One left. And here he thought he had been thorough…
“You damn monster,” the lone survivor croaked behind him. Vegeta opened his eyes enough to note the surge in his power level on his scouter, a light behind him lengthening his shadow. So, he would fight to his last breath.
The Saiyan turned on his heel to face his heckler, tongue lashing out to lick gore--his or someone else’s, he didn’t know or care--from his face. The local had definitely been caught in the crossfire, armor cracked and broken, his body littered with bruises and painted with blood. He put all his weight on his right leg, the left hanging limply beside it. He held a ball of ki in his hand, though the light guttered with the fading of his energy.
“How very original,” Vegeta drawled. Terrifying speed placed him directly in front of the dying soldier. He gripped his wrist and snapped it back in a sickening crack, sending the attack meant for him jetting into space. The man howled in pain, widening the smirk the Saiyan wore.
“Y-you’re no better than him...than Frieza!”
His smirk fell into a tight frown, and his grip tightened. “You’re right.” Vegeta raised his hand level with the soldier’s face. “I’m much, much worse.”
Vegeta fired the blast at Kakarot. Point-blank range and putting him on guard with no chance for immediate retaliation. He had to be if he wanted to protect all those people spectating in the stands behind him. He watched as the force behind the energy forced him back, back, back. Until he finally had to relent and fly out of its path. Yellow light soared into the crowd and exploded through the cement structure, a path of ruin left in its wake through the city beyond. Screams of terror and anguish filled the air, a symphony to the Saiyan’s ears.
Finally. Finally he would get what he wanted, what he craved for all these years: revenge. To best Kakarot and once and for all reclaim his rightful place as the most powerful Saiyan in existence. Babadi’s magic did no more than reach into the depths of his mind, his soul, and resurrect Vegeta. Tearing the man once feared the universe over, the savage and ruthless destroyer, from the shallow, unmarked grave he himself had shoved him into. For comfort. For ease. For conformity on this wretched planet. The fingers of the wizard’s black magic plucked the pesky attachments he developed from his mind like overzealous weeds. Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans was whole once more, beaten down pride and burning rage reignited and flaring hotter than any star.
They called his decision to succumb to Babidi’s mind control weakness. Slavery. No. The wizard had no more control of him than anyone else should have these past years. He felt more powerful than he ever had. He raised his hand again and shot another blast into the crowd. This. This was what he wanted. He would not let anyone or anything stand in the way of his battle with Kakarot. Not the Kai. Not Gohan. Not this Buu creature or Babidi. They settled this today. He would reclaim his honor, his destiny. 
He would stand in Kakarot’s shadow no longer.
Vegeta struggled against the powerful arms that restrained him, tail lashing in fury as he fought with fists, feet, and teeth against Frieza’s goons. He could hear Nappa bringing up the rear, pleading the young Saiyan’s case with Frieza: he was young and hadn’t learned to respect his betters, his mourning made him mouthier, that he would handle punishment himself and ensure it never happened again, anything other than locking him away like that, to lock him up in there instead. They both knew his words fell flat in the tyrant’s ears; Vegeta had finally crossed the line and told the emperor just what he thought of him and Frieza did not tolerate insubordination.
The soldiers tossed the young Saiyan to the back of the dark room. He roared and darted forward, only to collide with the cold metal of the door slamming in his face. He only just registered the pain it caused, already launching himself for the door again, intent on busting it open. He screamed and rammed into the door, bellowed for Nappa to let him out this instant. Deep down he knew his protests were swallowed by the darkness that encompassed him in the small space, but it didn’t stop him from yelling until his throat was raw. From bashing his full weight into the door until his small frame went numb.
Furious, he bounded back. Ki built in his palms and he shot every ounce of energy he had toward the door. The blast rebounded straight back and struck him in the chest. The force knocked the wind from his lungs and smashed him into the wall behind him. His body slid to the ground and he laid still. Limp, too weak to move.
It was too easy to lose track of time in that pitch black cell, and he did not know how long he lay there. Light filtered into the room as the door cracked open. Freedom! He willed himself to fly toward it as a tray with a paltry sum of food was set on the cold floor along with a glass of water. Vegeta nearly grasped the edge of the door but, once more, it slammed in his face and nearly took his fingers with it. He growled, his throat screeching in protest at the guttural sound. He felt along the edges of the door--or what he thought were the edges of the door--for any kind of hand hold. A way to grip it and force it open. Sealed tight, as expected. He kicked the tray into the wall in his stubborn frustration.
He counted six meals. Six failed attempts at escaping. Sometimes, he woke up from his slumber, and when he felt around the cell, he found the food waiting for him. Missed opportunities. The meals barely kept him alive and awarded him no energy. He slept more often than not, plagued by dreams of spending the rest of his life there. The deaths of his parents and people burning up in the wake of an exploding planet. Nappa and Raditz being tortured in his absence...He always woke up in a tighter ball after such nightmares, tail squeezing him in makeshift protection…
Light flared and burned his eyes, causing him to hiss and tuck his face into his chest and arms. Large hands slipped beneath him and scooped him up. His tail bristled in warning and his body stiffened, all senses on high alert. The restraints held fast, the familiar scent of the Saiyan general filling his nose and calming him. Nappa carried him out of the cell, and Vegeta buried his face in his armor, fighting the tears of anguish that threatened to fall.
Before long, he was deposited onto his bed. The young Saiyan prince squirmed beneath the blanket and faced the wall in his bunk, knees tucked to his chest. He heard Raditz shift above him but his light snoring remained uninterrupted. He held his blankets tight around him, clutching them like a lifeline and laid perfectly still. He still felt tired, drained, but his eyes remained wide open and set on the wall. He never knew he could miss a bed or a pillow so much. Or the sound of Raditz snoring. Or light.
After a long while, hours perhaps, he heard Nappa sigh; he had forgotten the general remained in the room at all. “I’m sorry, kiddo...so damn sorry.” He spoke in nearly a whisper, his typically strong and boisterous voice close to shaking. “I wish I could protect you like your parents wanted...like you deserve.”
Vegeta’s grip tightened on the blanket that failed to warm him. He felt cold. Always so cold. “Feeling sorry for yourself won’t do you any good, Nappa,” he mumbled, a half-hearted reprimand in comparison to his usual temper. He turned to face Nappa, staring him down with a blank expression and hollow eyes. “Mother, father...everyone else is dead. We survived, and we’ll keep doing it...no matter what it takes.”
He paused, swallowing the lump in his throat. “We’re the lucky ones.”
Upbeat dance music filtered up to the balcony on a light summer breeze to the balcony on the other side of Capsule Corp. where Vegeta had taken refuge from the ongoing celebration. No one noticed his exit, and he had no qualms with that. While most left him to his own devices, he tired of the idle conversation, the laughter and music. Thus, he snatched up a cooler of beer and took off to the other side of the building, settling in at a table on one of the balconies.
He tipped the bottle back and drained the rest of its contents. He threw it into the air, toward the setting sun, and blasted it into nothing. Since Majin Buu’s defeat, he felt as if he floated through space and time, a phantom going through the motions of a routine that felt more pointless by the day. Not even training held his interest long and, more often than not, he found himself flying around the planet aimlessly but pretending to have a purpose.
Kakarot had once more proven himself the better warrior and killed Buu. He swallowed his pride and accepted it, accepted the fact that he would forever be second place. In the moment, he thought acceptance would free him and perhaps it had at the time. But as time passed and he returned to life on Earth playing the role of husband for show and father and took up his training regimen...a weight bore down on him, growing heavier each day. He grew restless and craved direction, purpose. How long had he chased that dream of revenge? Of surpassing Kakarot and anyone else who challenged his birthright as the most powerful Saiyan--no, being--in existence? After losing Raditz and Nappa, being humiliated on Earth and Namek...he had clung to the only things he truly understood: rage, pride, and vengeance.
Vegeta reached down to fish out another beer from the icy confines of the cooler. He flicked the cap off with his thumb and pressed it to his lips, draining half the bottle in a single gulp. He considered the idea of taking the spaceship and wandering the universe that always lingered at the back of his mind. Search for warriors to train with, test his limits and break them and the monotony. The desire to conquer and claim what his father promised him had faded to a fever dream. He lacked the patience it required these days. As usual, he squashed the idea before it could spur him into action. 
Maybe someday he would find something that sparked the fire in him again, gave him purpose. Or he would spend the rest of his days in inanity, performing a part in a play he neither tried out for or wanted. Waiting for the next tragedy to befall the Earth or universe so he could feel alive for a day or two or until the threat was exterminated, likely by Kakarot. And then the cycle would repeat: he would train to get stronger, a new threat arises, Kakarot proves he’s more powerful. Maddening. Unfulfilling. Reality.
He let his head fall back and watched the whisps of clouds lazily sail through the darkening sky. What had Frieza told him when he found out about the destruction of his planet and people? That he was one of the lucky ones. Lucky...by Earthling standards, many had told him that for one reason or another: you have a hot, rich “wife” and don’t need to work, a place to live and food to eat, a healthy son, the fact that he was alive to live the next day. Nothing that truly mattered to him; an ideal Earth life did not appeal to his Saiyan warrior mentality. In fact, he could not think of a single moment in his life where he would consider himself lucky, even with Frieza dead and unable to be the source of his despair. 
Raised voices and laughter from inside shifted his attention to the glass doors. Kakarot had finally showed up. His friends surrounded him like flies on shit, grinning and laughing with the buffoon like he had been there all day. Even his shrew of a wife who had complained about his absence all afternoon to anyone who would listen smiled in welcome. Kakarot...the damn bastard. He drank the last of his beer and stood up. 
Vegeta had lost everything else--his title, his race, his birthright--but, as he stared down his longtime rival from behind a pane of glass, he knew he could cling to one, single truth: he was a warrior. Always would be. And he would never stop pushing and breaking his limits his way. 
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