#we've looped back to the beginning yay
chiheiko · 6 months
Buffer depleted, I cry ;u; But at least there's an update.
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TITLE: We’ve met before, haven’t we? (Part 1)
CHAPTER TITLE: ラッキーナンバー8 (Lucky Number 8)
WARNINGS & RATINGS: No warnings apply, Teen and up rating.
FANDOM: Overwatch
SUMMARY:  These three have met the supernatural, whether they wanted to or not. It's a small world after all. (Or rather, this is the story of how three people keep running into the supernatural, and had favours and boons repaid.
The first time Hanzo met something…not natural, was when he was 10, lost in the streets of Tokyo City, his parents and Genji nowhere to be seen.
“What the hell you doin’ here kid?”  a voice, hoarse and croaky sounds from behind him.
Hanzo turns, to see a turtle like creature, with a large bald spot on the top of its head, surrounded by black, waterlogged hair. The bill was a bright, cheery yellow, which was a strange contrast to the green scales the rest of the body is covered in. Its limbs were long and gangly, with webbed fingers and toes on the end. It’s standing in the river behind him, water reaching its chest.
“Who…who are you?” Hanzo asked, not entirely sure of what the creature is.
“I’m a Kappa kiddo. Youth these days, always so uneducated, never teach the proper things and-hey! Why in the name of Sujin can you see me?” The kappa says, pointing at Hanzo in an incredulous manner.
Hanzo gives a shrug.
The Kappa blinks, before continuing “Anyway, what are you doing next to by River kid? I have a half mind to drown you.”
Hanzo blinked, before replying “I got lost. I don’t know where my parents are…”
The Kappa sighs, before coming out of the water and beginning to walk. “I can help you kid. Just…get me some fish as payment, and we’ll call it even, ya hear?”
Hanzo nods, before following after the Kappa.
(He finds his parents at a police station half an hour later. His parents buy him sashimi, and Hanzo gives a few slices of salmon and tuna to the Kappa, who cackles and leaves with a “Take care of yourself kid!”. Genji asks who he gave the fish to, and Hanzo just replies with a quiet grin.)
The second time Hanzo has met the supernatural, was in Hanamura, looking for Genji. He’s already visited the arcade, and several bars, finding nothing. He’s about to give up when a girl wearing a kimono appears, several plates surrounding her. Her hair is black and her skin is a deathly white. She’s translucent and she’s beckoning him.
“Come.”  She says, skipping away. “Follow me please. I can help you, just follow me please.”
Hanzo, with nothing left to lose, follows the girl and her floating plates to the older parts of the city, where his brother, drunk and passed out (And missing his shoes for some odd reason) on the ground. The girl giggles, and says “Far too much sake. Like my old master!”
Hanzo looks at the girl, and her floating plates and asks “What are-” before catching himself halfway, not wanting to seem rude.
The girl doesn’t mind, because she replies “I am an Okiku, the plate counting ghost.”
Hanzo blinks, before saying “Do you want something in return?”
The Okiku looks shocked for a second, before whispering “If I could get a plate, I would be rather happy. I like counting them.”
Hanzo breathes, and picks up Genji, but not before buying a plate and giving it to the Okiku. She giggles and whispers a “Thank you very much” in his ear before running off, probably to count her plates or to find someone else to serve.
Hanzo shifts Genji and drags him home.
(Later, the Okiku comes back, embarrassed, and says “I forgot to tell you, but you must be careful!”  Hanzo doesn’t understand. Genji has started to wake up, muttering about someone named Mercer and blaming him for mixing sake and whiskey together.)
The third time, is a whole year after killing Genji, and he’s lost in the Black Forest of Germany when he senses something…off.
He turns, bow raised, pointing at a hooded figure, a lamp in their hand, who says “Who are you, and why are you here?”
Hanzo is about to say his real name, but instead goes for a nickname instead. “Dragonstrike. My name is Dragonstrike.”
The hooded figure tilted their head, as if pleased. “Clever. Not giving your real name.” They pull the hood back, revealing androgynous features and pointed ears, hair, blond and short, eyes ever so slanted and cat like. They seem to glow without the hood covering their face, their own, soft yellow mixing with the oil lamp’s orange.  “I won’t give you my name either, but I can tell you what I am. I am an elf, one of the rare few you will see. You may call me Archer.” They whisper.  
Hanzo cocks his head to the side before asking “Are you fae?”
The elf chuckles, and holds the lamp a little higher. “You can consider me so, but we are much lower then them. You have been doing your research, haven’t you?”
Hanzo nods, lowering his bow and slinging it on his back.
“A noble weapon you wield there Dragonstrike, although lacking in comparison to ours, sung from the very trees that you see here.” Archer says, turning. “Come, follow me. I will lead you to the edge of the forest, and from there, you can make your way to the nearest city.”
Hanzo hurries to follow, asking his own questions. “Sung from trees?”
Archer laughs, peals ringing clear and true, and says “We sing our bows from trees, for why harm the tree when you can coax it, grow it, and sing it out of the tree?”
Hanzo ponders it for the moment, before asking, “Is your bow made in such way?”  
Archer nods, with a quiet “Sung from an ancient oak, named Blitz geschossen, or Shot Lightning in the common tongue, it is yet to be give in to my shots. But tell me about your bow, Dragonstrike.”
“It’s made out of steel, and it has been named Stormbow. It is yet to break.”
“Storm bow? An interesting name.”
Hanzo doesn’t reply.
They reach the edge of the forest, and Archer stands there, their lamp still lit as Hanzo steps into the field, drinking in the cool night air.
“I hope we meet again Dragonstrike.” Archer says, pulling their hood over their features.
Hanzo nods. “And you as well, Archer.”
(Hanzo returns a month later, only to find a quiver left in the grass, and a note written, reading “Keep your arrows in this, Dragonstrike, for your arrows will not deplete and will never break, and will always hit their mark. I only ask for a payment of food in return.”. Hanzo takes the quiver, leaving a few dried nuts and berries in return. They disappear the next day, a note reading “Thanks.” left behind.)
The fourth time, it’s deep during the Null Sector Uprising within London, the air buzzing with electricity, and Hanzo is regretting coming to the city.
He’s walking, bow drawn, careful to avoid the sensors of the Null Sector Omnics, when a small being flies into his face.
It’s a girl, about the height of his hand, hovering there on insect like wings, hair dark and short, and she’s wearing a dress that resembles an upturned lily.
“Help!” She seems to whisper, flittering in his face. “Come help, please!”
Hanzo considers for a moment, before replying “Lead me.”
The fairy loops around his head, before flying down the street, Hanzo running to keep up. She turns into an alleyway, and Hanzo follows, only to see a pair of children, a brother and his younger sister curled up in the corner. They both had pointed ears, yet, unlike the elf he met in the Black Forest, their features were more human, and they didn’t have the grace of one.
“Changelings.” The fairy he follows whispers. “Changelings who have lost their human mother and Father.”
Hanzo slings his bow on his back, and crouches down, and asks “Can I help you?”
The changelings huddle closer together, before the boy mutters “Hungry. Tired.”
Hanzo pulls out two ration bars from his pouch, offering them to the changelings. “Here.” He says, the older brother instinct kicking in. “Have them.”
The changelings quiver for a moment, before taking them, opening and devouring them hungrily, the girl breaking off a sultana bit and giving it to the fairy. She giggles, and eats the offered fruit.
“Can you walk?” Hanzo asks.
Both nod, and get up, the older brother picking up his sister, the fairy flying to sit on his shoulder.
Hanzo leads them out of the alleyway, leading them to the subway systems, escorting them out of London.
(A whole two months later, he chances of the trio again, the three of them living in Scotland. Hanzo entertains them, letting them hear his tales and adventures. “What an interesting life.” The brother says, smirking. The sister nods, and the fairy giggles, before saying “It could save you.”)
The fifth (and most definitely not the last) time he’s encountered the supernatural, was right after Genji revealed he was alive.
And it really wasn’t Hanzo’s fault. He wasn’t really expecting a large dog like sprit to launch it self and headbutt Genji in the gut, causing him to fly back onto the balcony, while the-was it even a dog? -gave a yip and stood next to Hanzo, panting.
“I am the Inugami of the Shimada Clan. Hello Hanzo-san.” The Inugami said, nosing Genji. “I made him come back! Yay!”
Hanzo sort of just stood there, while Genji groaned, and got up, looking around. “What…what happened?”
Hanzo, torn between telling Genji that he got head butted by a spirit dog, and telling him that he must have the worst luck in the world, it wasn’t hard.
“I don’t know. Maybe you made some Yokai mad, Genji.” Hanzo muttered, quiet enough for Genji to hear. The Inugami yapped, and plodded behind Hanzo saying things like “I’m going to follow Hanzo-san! And Genji-san! Yay!”
Hanzo resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose as Genji jumped away again, now fearing for his life.
Hanzo went back inside the shrine to back up, as well as gather his arrows. (He might be using the enchanted quiver the elf gave him, but he is not wasteful.)
Then her turns to leave the castle.
(The Inugami follows him to the gate, where it stopped and asked if Hanzo will come back next year. Hanzo ponders it for a bit, before nodding, knowing the guards often enjoy Hanzo coming every year. Then he turns to leave for the nearest train station, hoping to find a train to Tokyo, hoping to meet the old Kappa. He’s already seen the Okiku earlier in the night.)
The sixth time, it’s on Route 66 in America, walking down a dusty path towards a diner, when it bumps into him.
It seems like a normal snake, if it weren’t for the golden horns spiralling from its head, as well as the fact it easily reached its torso.
The snake hisses, and looks up, only to see Hanzo staring down at him. The town is mostly empty, no one noticing whatever Hanzo was doing.
The snake hisses, and tugs on Hanzo’s sleeve, trying to pull it somewhere. Hanzo, with no other choices, follows behind the horned serpent, confused at what it’s trying to show him.
Turns out, it’s a bird, one with lightning rippling down its body, a wing at an odd angle, and its squawking in pain, as it tries to move. It stills upon seeing Hanzo and the horned serpent, and silently holds it’s broken wing towards him, as if asking for him to fix it.
Hanzo, with experience of fixing bird wings from when Genji would bring him injured birds, pulls out gauze and finds a few dead branches, sets out to place a splint on the wing.
It takes a few moments to set the wing, the bird silent, and when Hanzo is done, the wing is in a splint, and the bird flaps it experimentally, thunder booming with every flap. It makes a happy sort of noise and flies off, a single feather landing in Hanzo’s hand.
(He sees the bird again, who now has introduced it self as a thunderbird, involving a lot of squawking and it pointing its healed wing towards a totem pole and the picture of a thunderbird in the book that Hanzo carries about legendary creatures with it’s beak. Hanzo finally gets it after a while, and the thunderbird seemed pleased that Hanzo understood, despite it being unable to speak.)
A seventh time happens in Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Hanzo finally joining Overwatch. While his brother is happy along side his teacher, The Shambali Monk Zenyatta, others were less trusting or cool towards him, which Hanzo didn’t really minds.
However, what he does mind is the balls of blue fire hovering several centimetres off the floor, and the fact that Hanzo is the only one that sees them, but Solider:76 has been staring at empty hallways and walls a lot, although that maybe just him being old. But then D.va does it too, and talks about voices she keeps hearing.
But, in the dead of the night, Hanzo pushes the thoughts aside to follow the balls of bright blue flame down the corridors, towards the bowels of the watchpoint.
There, the air was musty and the floor was covered in a layer of dust that rose up wherever he stepped. The walls were covered in peeling white paint, patches of steel from when the paint had chipped away reflecting the glow of the fire.
Hanzo continued to follow deeper until he’s hit with the smell of salt and water.
He presses on, stepping into a hidden cove under the watchpoint, and the fireballs have all but disappeared. He looks around before seeing the water beginning to bubble, and a man’s head pops out.
“Hello.” The man says, showing off fanged teeth, gills flared on his neck. “I am Hombre pez, the fish-man, and I want to make a deal.”
Hanzo pauses for a minute, before saying “Why should I? Someone told me I shouldn’t make deals with the supernatural.”
The fish-man cackles, a jarring and waterlogged sound, wheezing before saying “Clever boy. Listened to advice, did you? Clever.”
Hanzo cocks his head, confused.
The fish-man answers his question. “I asked the Will-o-the-wisps to guide you here, they owed me a favour, and here you are. I’m only asking for a favour, human.”
Hanzo looks at him, before saying “How can I help?”
The fish man grins, fanged teeth showing, promising lies and nightmares, and says “You need not to know now. When the time comes, archer, I will tell you, but not now.”
Hanzo nods, and gets up to leave the cove. The fish-man goes back beneath the water, and the Will-o-the-Wisps disappear, one by one.
(Later, Hanzo finds a fish scale, iridescent in a thousand different colours and smelling of sea salt and water, and a note written on dried kelp, reading “Keep it safe. Keep it close.” Hanzo doesn’t know that these kinds of scales are not freely given to humans, and it’s a talisman meant to bring luck at sea. Hanzo doesn’t know that, and instead, tucks it into a pocket, keeping it close.)
The eighth time is back in Japan, near an old abandoned Shinto Temple, a team consisting of Lucio, D.va, Hanzo, Genji, Soldier:76 and McCree, fighting against a hoard of Talon agents, Reaper in the lead.
They’re fighting a losing battle, 6 against a large number of enemies, and D.va has just lost her mech and McCree’s metal arm has been blown off by Reaper, Soldier:76’s visor had been destroyed, leaving Hanzo, Genji and Lucio tired and holding the line.
Then Hanzo feels the hairs on his neck stand on it’s end, and he turns, to see a ball of bright blue fire hit the centre of the Talon agents, exploding. Then a woman appears, wearing a kimono, white hair and 9 fox tails, a pair of ears on her head. She’s holding two balls of bright fox fire, fury in her eyes and rage fuelling her flames.
Lucio, McCree and Genji looked confused, The Solider seems angry and D.va has her mouth opened. Hanzo, is standing there, bow drawn, when he hears the woman speak.
“Send your dragons out, archer. I grow weary of these men coming to my temple.”  She speaks, and Hanzo nods, firing his dragons at Talon. Fox fire follows after spiralling in a helix shape, burning everything in their path.
Reaper and the rest of Talon flees, and Hanzo’s teammates tend their wounds, while the woman turns to Hanzo, speaking again “I am a kitsune of this temple, a guardian of this gate. You and your friends may stay if they so wish. No harm will come while I am here.”
Hanzo nods, and runs back to his team.
(When they leave the temple, a ball of fox fire follows after Hanzo, leaving a prayer slip in his hand. He looks it over, and then looks at the writing on the front. It simply reads “lucky”, and Hanzo ties it to a nearby pine tree. When he does, his soul feels lighter, and he hurries after his teammates.)
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