#when wally said the human race thing at the beginning of the movie
lostonehero · 3 years
Wally smiled as he handed Victor a vanilla soft serve covered in rainbow sprinkles in a cup rather then a cone. He noticed Victor had a thing about keeping his hands clean, and he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Lately he has noticed more of Vic's little quirks from how in certain light his hair glows, and how his eyes sparkle when he talks about his newest theory on anything he is working on, and how he always gets him his favorite coffee before they meet.
Wally had a slight crush on him, maybe, no he couldn't of. He sighs eating his ice cream in silence next to Victor trying to set himself straight.
"Did you know that ice cream is only popular in places where people have a tolerance to lactose. There is many clusters of this phenomenon in history as humas developed a tolerance to the dairy products in colder climates..." Victor continues on his own little speech about dairy, and the world wide conspiracy that lactose intolerance is some form of population control.
Wally just smiled watching Victor go on and on. He knew he had a stupid smile on his face but he didn't really care, granted he wasn't really paying attetion, and smacked his ice cream into his face.
Victor stopped his speech and started to giggle. This was the first time ever Wally heard his laugh in any capacity. He was stunned listening, and red filled his cheeks as embarrassment took over.
"I planned that, totally planned that." Wally goes to clean himself, but Victor takes out a napkin of his own and wipes off Wally's face.
"Better?" Victor looked into Wally's green eyes and gave a small smile.
Wally's mouth went dry as he tried to get his brain to start working. He was fast he shouldn't freeze trying to think of something to say. His mind raced as he got lost in Victor's blue eyes. "I uh er ummmm neat?"
Victor raised a brow. "Neat?"
Embarrassment flooded Wally's mind as he got up. "Maybe I should go."
Victor got up as well. "Are you sure I have more things to discuss." Wally could of swore he sounded almost hopeful that he would stay.
"I uh raincheck?" Wally sputtered out feeling ashamed, and conficted.
Victor nodded and frowns. "Oh alright I'm going home then."
Wally curses at himself watching Victor leave. He should of said yes and let him stay. He knew that he didn't just want Vic's help with the ash smell anymore, he didn't want a friendship, he really wanted to ask the man out.
He plopped down back on the bench with his head in his hands. How could he of let this happened? They only had been working together for six months now , and he was head over heels for the other man. He didn't even know of he felt the same way.
Victor sat in a dingey bar tuning his guitar with a sigh. He spotted Micheal drinking along with Gabriel who was pretending she didn't know the drunk. She gave a thumbs up to him.
It was the same everytime he performed, the two were always there cheering him on. He did enjoy it, but now it felt different there was something missing. He just couldn't figure out what was missing and it started to infuriate him. Maybe he should ask Helena for advice, she's good at social things that he is not.
Gabriel approached Victor after the show. He wasn't really paying attention to her approaching, he was more focused on cleaning his guitar.
"Hey kid sorry I haven't been around." Gabriel smiles watching Victor turn to face her.
Victor nods acknowledging her presence. He did enjoy her company but she was always disconnected when talking to him. She was never really close to him. It was more like support from a distance, she cared but she never got close enough to really see him. She was suppose to be a trickster, and a trouble maker, well that is what Micheal says, and he only took his word with a grain of salt. Micheal told him something changed with her after the war, after loosing family or something along thoes lines.
Victor kept musing in his head and was taken out of it only by a tap on his shoulder. "Don't get lost in your head kid." Gabriel smiles it seemed fake as always since sadness always was present in her eyes.
"What brings you here?" Victor sighs, she never comes without strings attached. Well more so she never comes to talk with him unless she needed something or just for conversation about him. She always kept him at arms length.
Gabriel leans back. "Micheal told me you made a friend. I wanted to ask if that is true."
Victor furrowed his brows. Did she really just come to ask him that? He had a frown on his face because this didn't feel right Gabriel never cared to ask him about his personal life before, so why now. "He is a coworker, I guess a friend from work."
This answer seemed to please the angel who just nodded. "Micheal told me that, so he wasn't lying. He never does lie about you."
His frown deepens, he hated how Gabriel talked to him, and how she referred to Micheal like he was a tragedy. She always made him uncomfortable. "Right...."
He begins to pack up his things to leave. His hair standing on end as Gabriel's eyes bore holes into his back. His pockets grew heave with the sudden appearance of cash in his pockets. He didn't need the money Gabriel always gave him. He also could not refuse it if it wasn't his pockets it was his account, and it frustrated him to no end. He wasn't a child, and he didn't need her help. He turned back to face her and she was gone.
She never did stay, and it hurt. Victor never understood why it hurt him so much that she wouldn't stay.
Wally sat in the uncomfortable metal chair waiting to see his father through the glass. He hated how this prison started to feel like a second home, even if it was just because his dad was stuck here on false charges which he can't fix without time going screwy. He sighed messing with his hands as his thoughts began to drift to other matters.
"Wally?" His dads voice rang in his ears causing him to look up.
"Hi dad I know this isn't our normal day but I wanted to talk." Wally glanced at the clock, only an hour left of this visit and counting.
"You seem off kiddo, whats wrong?" His dad asked worry filled his voice.
Wally knew even behind bars his father knew him best, well his aunt also knew him really well, and his uncle if he was still around. He shook his head. "Its not really a problem, its just I met this guy."
His father raises his brow. "Is this the same guy who talked to you for over two hours about plastic bottles?"
"Maybe...." Wally looked away already feeling his face go red.
His father smiles knowingly. "Wally I already knew you were lovestruck. Have you asked him out yet?"
Wally's face went several shades darker. "I can't we work together. Its not proper, and what if it doesn't work out then it would be awful at work."
"Well how do you know it won't work?" His dad asked a good question Wally wasn't really ready to face.
He sighs to himself, maybe he could ask Victor out. The meals they shared, movies watched together, and he was even invited to his concerts. For any other couple that would be classified as dating wouldn't it? He wasn't so sure of himself, he didn't want to ruin what they had.
"I don't know dad, I don't think I'm ready." Wally sighs and frowns.
"Nobody is ready to take a jump into love. I was terrified when I asked your mother out." His dad smiles always knowing what to say to cheer up the speedster.
Wally smiles and they both fall into a nice chatter until the time was up.
//3 weeks later
Victor didn't know how he got into this situation, what he did know was that his mask was off and he was trapped in a steel box with Huntress, Green arrow, and Black Canary. He does remember however that he wanted to tell them that they were friends, and he wanted to remove his mask and tell them about him.
The chains were some sort of metal that held them to the wall, and he wasn't claustrophobic, but Helena was. However not freaking out they all were looking at him. "Do I have something on my face?"
"Yeah your face." Oliver said point blank. "And you're a red head?"
"Well my mask didn't just hide my face." Victor sighs looking around and decides fuck it. "I do consider you guys more then coworkers so uh......" he proceeds to explain how he is a product of rape and was forced to watch the videos of said assault, and birth. He then explain how he wasn't entirely human, and he was abused as a child in the church. Then he explains as a day job he is a singer, and does a lot of stuff around hub city.
The three just stare blankly at Victor until Helena speaks up. "What made you say any of that?"
"Isn't that what friends do in terrible situations." Victor says nonchalantly.
Dinah frowns "Well in movies maybe, but er" she stopped herself when Helena glared at her.
"Well what Dinah said may be true, but we are happy you trust us enough to tell us things er personal things." Helena smiles
Victor nods and smiles softly. "Well we should get out of this now." He pulls his own chains out like they were made of paper. "Shall we get out now?"
Oliver sighs. "You could of done that this entire time? Seriously and you call me a poor choice in sports."
Victor raises his brow. "I don't like using my powers."
The three give a heavy sigh
The chaos that unfolded after they escaped and landed in the ocean of all places in a dingy. Things were kind of looking up when they saw shore. However they ended up being rescued by Batman, and everyone made excuses for Victor, they think the Bat bought it.
Frankly Victor was exhausted by the time he finally got back to his apartment, not physically mind you, but emotionally he felt like he was stabbed. Did he do something wrong being open? Was he ready to open up, and have friends? He didn't realize that he was so alone until he was honest.
He needed to mull this over.
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sebeth · 5 years
Young Justice: The Return (Animation)
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In an earlier post, I wrote my thoughts on the upcoming return of the Young Justice comic book. Now it’s time for the cartoon series.
I’ve tried to avoid most interviews but I have seen the promo images and watched the two trailers repeatedly.  I like to go in as spoiler-free as possible when watching/reading media but I only have so much self-control.
Let’s start with the main plot –
There will be a time jump between season 2 and 3 – we’re just not sure of the exact length.  
The formation of the Outsiders, along with the rescue of Terra, will be the main arc of season three.
Dick reunites with Conner and Artemis in the beginning of the season for “one last mission”.  Black Lightning accompanies the trio to Markovia to shut down the metahuman trafficking ring.  Why?  Besides the fact that human trafficking is bad.  Black Lightning has no previous connection to Young Justice but he has long-standing connections to Batman.
Has Batman already formed the Outsiders minus Geo-Force and Halo?  We briefly see Batman, Katana, and Metamorpho jump from a plane and later brawl with Deathstroke.  Batman formed the group in the comics - it would make sense for him to be behind the group’s organization in the cartoons.  A covert group for more adult missions he wouldn’t want the Young Justice children to participate in.
I’m guessing the Markovia mission reveals the metahuman trafficking ring is way more extensive than previously thought – leading Dick to reunite with - and resume leadership – of Young Justice.
The Light and the Reach experimenting with metahuman activation began in season two.  Per Wonder Woman, the Justice League “have confirmation that on multiple worlds, earth’s metahumans are being deployed by the enemy as weapons of mass destruction.”
Wonder Woman’s comment suggests the abducted metahumans are being subjected to brainwashing along with experimentation.  I highly doubt the newly activated metahumans would rampage across the universe without mind control directing their actions.
The “multiple worlds” comment ties together Bart’s “we have a mission in space” with the glimpses of the New Gods, Superboy’s brawl with Lobo, and Dick and Conner fighting Sensei/Silver Monkey on a foreign world.
New Genesis might be one of the world’s affected by the “metahumans of mass destruction”, Lobo could have been hired by the Light, and Sensei/Silver Monkey is guarding one of Ra’s Al Ghul’s headquarters.
On to the characters:
First up, the Outsiders –
Geo-Force, Katana, Halo, Metamorpho, Black Lightning
The Markov Royal Family
As I said above, I’m fairly confident Batman has already formed the Outsiders before the beginning of the season.  Possibly as a true “covert” group – as in without the Justice League’s knowledge or permission.
Young Justice was told they were a “covert” group by the Justice League but mostly it was a “training wheels” type group – smaller missions while being trained by the more experienced heroes.  They did covert missions but were still in the press and public’s eyes.
The Outsiders will be the true covert group – sticking to the shadows, away from the press, down and dirty missions, etc.
As for the individual Outsiders:
Geo-Force - Brion is an adorable big brother.  Noble, protective, eager to find his sister and stop the bad guys.  Visually his powers should be awesome – they are similar to Terra’s.
Terra – Not a member of the Outsiders but I wanted to include her with Brion.  The big question: will Terra be a villain?  I’m guessing “yes”.  Comic cannon dooms her to this fate.  I do believe it will be the result of the Light’s brainwashing instead of the general “evil” nature.  Possibly making her a tragic villain.  Will Deathstroke be involved with Terra’s brainwashing?  Comic cannon says “yes”.  Could Batman, Metamorpho, and Katana storm the island looking for Terra?  Is that why the Outsiders end up fighting Deathstroke?
Black Lightning – Jeff appears serious and mature.  Love his visual design.  Can’t wait to see him in costume.
Metamorpho – We only have a visual impression.  Very nice. I wonder if we’ll see Sapphire or Simon Stagg?  Rex will be the one who gives Deathstroke the most trouble in the upcoming fight.
Katana – Not much to go on yet except visually.  Katana’s design reminds me of a more adult version of her DC Girls attire.  Excited to see her in action.
Halo – Will be entirely different from the comics.  She is a person of color and possibly Muslim?  Let’s skip all the drama and hatred over the race change.  Please?!  She’s seems to be a new character.  I highly doubt her name is going to be “Violet Harper”.  For those unfamiliar with Halo, she wasn’t a great character.  Apologies to Halo fans.  Violet was a sociopath who was murdered by the 100, a criminal organization.  Aurakle, an alien entity, merged with Violet’s deceased body.  The “resurrection” caused amnesia.  It gets more complicated from there.  Let’s agree to start fresh and give the new Halo a chance.  Halo’s powers are light-based – different colors have different effects.  Halo’s colors were the same ones used by every color Lantern corps.  However, Halo predated the emotional spectrum Lantern corps by twenty years.  I’m betting Halo receives her powers in the cartoon due to the Light’s genetic manipulation. The one thing I would like to see carry over from the comic books is the maternal/big sister role Katana has in Halo’s life.
On to the Young Justice newbies:
Spoiler – I’m excited – I love Stephanie.  She had a brief cameo in Season Two.  How and why did she join the team? Is she involved with Tim?  Will this cause friction with Cassie?  I hope not as I would love to see Steph and Cassie bond. Cassie is very exuberant in the cartoon and Steph has the same approach to life – I would love to see the two become close friends.
Arrowette – A surprise choice since we already have Artemis, Roy, and clone Roy in the series.  Glad to see her as she was a prominent member/supporting character in the comic book series.  Will she develop a close friendship with Cassie and Bart?  Those were her two besties in the comics.
Thirteen/Traci 13 – Another surprise choice. Traci can easily step into the void Zatana left when she joined the Justice League.  Will Traci have a romance with Blue Beetle?  They were a cute couple in the pre-New 52 era.
Oracle – Not a true new character but Barbara has clearly been through some changes since season two. Will we see a Killing Joke flashback? Or did Babs become Oracle in a different way?
Static – Like Oracle, Static is a returning character but with an upgrade.  The writers seem to love electricity this season – we have Static, Black Lighting, and Live Wire also makes an appearance in the trailer.
Notable absences:
Miss Martian – I won’t miss M’gann if she’s absent this season.  She started out cute in season one, became creepy with the Conner-molding, and became worse in season two with the unrepentant mind-frying and toying with Lagoon Boy.  So no thank you unless Miss Martian has learned from her mistakes and expresses honest regret over her actions. Feeling bad for mind-frying Kaldur does not count as honest regret.  M’ganns the easiest case for a “hero goes bad” if the show writers wanted to go that route.
Aqualad, Lagoon Boy, Aquaman, etc – Atlantis has had zero representation in either trailer.  Did something happen to Atlantis during the time jump?  Will that be one of the mysteries during the season?
Miscellaneous thoughts on the upcoming season:
We are all but guaranteed a fourth and fifth season of Young Justice.  We know it’s going to be one of the heavyweights of the DC Universe streaming service so I don’t want various plotlines rushed.
Season Three will have 26 episodes.  The majority will focus on the Outsiders and the metahuman trafficking ring alongside a “mission in space”.    That leaves room for some “done in one” episodes or time for the development of various subplots.
The two big questions on fan’s minds: Will we see the return of Wally West or the debut of the Red Hood?
I would bet Wally’s return will be near the end of the season.  The writers will want a “wow” ending for the season finale and that would be it.
As for Red Hood…I feel it’s a strong possibility.  I don’t think the writers would have had Jason’s memorial hologram if they didn’t have any intention of using the Red Hood.
The writers could have Red Hood’s debut be similar to Jason’s appearance in the Teen Titans comics:  Jason attacks Tim, and leaves the “Jason Todd/Red Hood Was Here” message on the walls.  I’m not sure if the writers want to redo the entire “Under The Red Hood” storyline.  At this point, it’s been done in the comic books, an animated movie, and a video game – most fans are familiar with the details by this point.  Jason’s attack on Tim would allow Dick to fill in the rest of the team on the details of Jason’s resurrection.  Dick has been keeping his distance from the team as indicated by his “one last mission” line.  Dick’s distance would easily explain why the rest of the team is unaware of Jason’s return. Tim wouldn’t explain “Gotham business” to his teammates – he’s much more introverted and was way more intent on respecting Batman-imposed boundaries than Dick.
A developing friendship between Arsenal-Roy and Jason is a must.  Not only because of the “Outlaws” comic book but because it’s a natural development between two traumatized boys prone to lashing out.
What I Don’t Want:
A Conner-M’gann relationship – The pairing started cute but is now toxic.  Creepy molding combined with mind manipulation = abuse.
No Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Starfire, Cyborg, or Raven.  At least not this season.  We have multiple new characters debuting this season, new characters who didn’t receive much focus last season, and a possibly debuting Red Hood. The seating capacity is full – no new debuts until season four.
I’ve rambled enough for now – so excited for January!
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thefandomwriter · 6 years
Wally West X Ghoul! Reader
Regular P.o.V
   It was your second week of being on the Young Justice Team, and everything was going pretty smoothly. You had been put on the team partly for the Justice League to keep an eye on you, and your abilities you could contribute from being a ghoul. The League made you stay at the Cave for a better chance to keep close watch on you, and had offered to provide you with your 'food' when you had needed it. You hadn't told the rest of the team yet, and you had planned to keep it that way. You were terrified of how they'd react to you eating humans-their kind. Both your parents were ghouls, and killed for their meals while you found your food by other means, however you lived by yourself in Star City while your parents lived in Gotham. You never brought it up to the League, not wanting to risk your parent's safety.
    You sipped your coffee, just watching television when Wally sat down next to you with a bowl of pretzels. "You want one Y/n?" He offered, holding one up to your face. "Uh, n-no thanks I'm not very hungry."  You replied taking a sip of coffee, as Wally shot you a concerned glance. "Are you sure? I haven't seen you eat since you got here," He noted taking a bit out of a pretzel. "I'm just a shy eater, y'know? I usually eat when I'm alone," you lied, chuckling.  Wally seemed to buy it and chuckled along with you. "Shy eater? I haven't heard of that before," He spoke, eating another handful of pretzels.   An hour had past of you and Wally watching television, the whole Team had been called down by Black Canary for training. You looked over at Wally, a smirk on your face. "You wanna race?" He gave you another smirk in response before answering, "you sure you wanna do that?" Quickly, you jumped to your feet and sprinted towards the training area without warning, making Wally shout out in surprise.
    Nearing the Training Area, a bright flash of yellow and orange flew by you just as you reached the room. "Aha! I win again!" Wally bragged, sticking his tongue out at you. "Yea, well I'' beat you next time did you see how close I was?" You smiled, putting your hands on your hips. Wally playfully rolled his eyes, "that's because you had a head start!"   As you two continued to speak, the rest of the team arrived and Black Canary finally started training.
  Training had just finished, and as the others went to cool off, you felt a pang of hunger. Sighing, you decided to tell Canary that it was around the time you needed to eat this month.   Walking over to her, as she was across the room form the others, you started speaking in a hush voice. "It's around that time again.." You whispered, a slight frown on your face as you spoke. "Is it? How long do you think you could hold off for?" She also spoke quietly, as to not alert the team. "Maybe for about 5 more days before I lose it, would you be able to drop it off in my room and notify me?" Black Canary nodded, "Yes, I'll tell the others and it should be here in the next few days, alright?"     You nodded and began walking towards the living area once again. As you walked down the hallway, Conner stopped you, having heard your conversation prior. "What's being dropped off?" He questioned, giving you a skeptical glance. You narrowed our eyes in response. "None of your business that's for sure." You had to admit, you and Superboy never got along that well, but managed to set your arguments aside during missions. "It is my business when it effects the team," he spat back, glaring. You began to lose your cool. "Yea well it doesn't affect the rest of the team! It's my problem. You worry about yours, and I'll worry about mine." You growled, turning away to now go to the kitchen to make a new cup of coffee.
  "What was that about?" Kaldur questioned, walking up to to Conner. You hadn't realized your conversation with Superboy had been so loud. Superboy shrugged, and glared in the direction the you left in, "She's hiding something. I know it." He growled out, before walking towards his own room.  Sighing, Aqualad decided to leave the situation be for now.
   As you made a new cup of coffee in the kitchen, M'gann was making cookies. It was silent for the most part, until the Martian started speaking. "I overheard your argument with Superboy," she started, making you clamp up. "And what about it?" You demanded harshly, still in a bad mood. M'gann sighed before continuing. "I know you're hiding something, but I don't think you'd ever put the team in danger." After she had finished talking, you felt yourself relax a small bit. "Thanks, though I wish Superboy would see it the same way," you frowned, taking a sip of coffee. M'gann put a hand on your shoulder. "He..He just needs time to warm up to you, he'll come around eventually." She reassured sending you a friendly smile, making you smile in return.
     The rest of the night wasn't that eventful, you had spent most of it watching television and movies, while some of the others went out for pizza, you had declined and just wanted to relax in the cave.   You could begin to tire, and felt the small little nagging voice in that back of your head that signaled you were hungry. You were about to turn in for the night, when Batman's voice rang through the room.  "It's in your room. Will you last the month?" He asked, in the usual monotone voice. You nodded, and stood up from the couch. "It should, however sometimes we eat twice a month at most, but I think I'll be fine, thank you," you replied, and made your journey to your room as you and Batman both went separate ways.
   You walked the path to your room, unaware that the team had just returned. Opening your bedroom door, the sent of human hit your nose, and you felt your hunger grow a little more. You shut your door, and walked over to the body that was lying on the floor across the room, preparing yourself to eat.
    ----With the Team----
 "Man pizza is the best," Wally spoke aloud, taking a bit of slice he had in his hand. The rest of the members seemed to agree with him. "Hey! Why don't we bring some to Y/n?" M'gann suggested, carrying an extra slice that was meant for you. "Why not, I don't think she's eaten at all today," Artemis noted, nodding in agreement. "She's probably in her room, we could drop it off to her," Kaldur spoke up, looking in the direction of your room. Everyone seemed to agree with the idea, and so the team made their way to your room.      The team walked closer to the door of your room, and Wally, forgetting his manners, slammed open your door, just in time to spot you about to start eating, the whites of your eyes black, and your eye a bright red.
  "Y/n??" Wally gasped, slightly backing away. "Is-Is that a human?" Artemis questioned, also quite fearful. You looked away shamefully, not able to face them. "I knew you were hiding something! You're a threat!" Conner shouted, his anger rising. "What are you?" Robin demanded, a glare on his features. You stood up, and went to walk over when they took steps back, making you stop. "You're scared, aren't you?" You mumbled, tears pricking your eyes. Wally growled and narrowed his eyes at you. "Of course we would be! You're eating a human! A Human!!" He shouted angrily, "You should've told us! We're a team! I Can't-Ugh!" Wally crossed his arms and huffed. Kaldur put a hand on Wally's shoulder. "Maybe we need to calm down, The League wouldn't of put her here if she was a threat." However, his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as everyone filed out of your room, angrily mumbling to each other about what they saw. You sat on the ground, Kaldur giving you a pitiful look. "Y/n, I know you're not a threat, we just need time to take in what happened, alright?" As Kaldur was about to leave, he sent you another glance before closing your door, leaving you alone.
    That night was very hard for you. After eating, you sat on your bed with your head in your hands, going over the whole situation. Little to your knowledge, however, Kaldur managed to calm everyone, and Black Canary and Batman had explained your situation. You looked towards the door, and to your belongings. "I should give them their space.." You mumbled, and the look of surprise and anger of Wally's face appeared in your mind, making tears run down your face. "I should've said something, I shouldn't of been such a fucking coward," you sniffed, wiping your eyes. You kind of had a thing for the speedster, which was one of the main reasons you kept your habit a secret.   Sighing, you decided to wait until it was late to sneak out, not feeling accepted in your so-called-home anymore. "They shouldn't have to live with someone who eats their own kind..That's just terrible." You  began packing a small bag, just of clothes that you'd need as well as your mask you wore on missions before writing a small note explaining why you were leaving for a short while.
  ---Mini Skip till 1:00 AM---
  You threw your bag over your shoulder as you made your way to the Zeta Tube, not planning on a specific place. You took one final glance around the cave before turning back and walking into the Zeta Tube.    You stepped out of the Tube, and saw that you had ended up in Central City. You walked on to the main roads, and started wondering around for a safe place to set up for a few days.
  ----3 Days Later, At The Cave----
   "I can't believe she actually decided to leave," Wally frowned, sitting in the Lounge Area with the rest of the team. Black Canary was the first to realize you were gone after she went to your room to speak with you that morning about the events of the night before. "Well, tracking the Zeta Tubes coordinates she went to Central City." Robin told, looking at the group of teens. "Maybe we could do a small search party for her?" M'gann suggested, causing Artemis to nod in agreement. "Yeah, we could see if we can find any trace of her faster that way." "So it's settled, Robin, Kid Flash, and M'gann will search one part of the city, while Superboy, Artemis, and I will search the other part." Kaldur went to continue, "we caught her in a vulnerable moment, and she had every right to hide that part of her from us-we all have secrets." The team conversed more for a few minutes before departing on their search for you.
   ---With You---
   You had managed to find an alley way that was reasonably secluded and didn't hold much trash. Currently, you were huddled up in a corner as dark clouds filled the sky, signaling an impending storm. Your head was tucked in between your knees, and your eyes were red from crying so much. You were in the back corner, and wearing dark clothes so it'd be difficult for people to see you.
  "C'mon, we shouldn't leave anything unchecked," Artemis's voice rang through the streets, making you curl tighter to yourself. Luckily for you, Superboy wasn't with her so he didn't hear you, and there were some garbage cans blocking her view from you. She didn't seem to linger long, and ran off, and you could smell her scent fading away. You quickly grabbed your bag and threw it over your back.   Walking towards the main road cautiously, not being able to smell anyone's scent from the team, you bolted in the opposite direction, not stopping for anything.    As you sped off, you dodged in and our of side alleys, and soon enough, you reached the center of the city. The rain had started and you were getting wet, and it was also making the team's scents harder to detect. "Fucking rain," you muttered, walking under the big arch. You looked around for any sign of the team, and after seeing none you went to relax.  "I should keep moving, at least for a few days." You mumbled, throwing your hood over your head.   You continued to walk, and was about to go through another alley way when M'gann landed in front of you,  also soaked. You took a step back, already knowing the rest of the team would be there in a matter of minutes. "We don't wanna hurt you," She started, taking large steps towards you. "Where are the others? I'm sure you would've already set up a link," you narrowed your eyes at her, getting ready to run. " We're worried about you, Black Canary and Batman told us everything." She stated, and as she was about to take another step, you turned and ran as fast as you could.    You got away from M'gann, but you assumed that the rest of the team was already set up, and your assumptions were quickly proven. The familiar colors of red and yellow went by you, and the next thing you know you're crashing straight into Kid Flash. Both of you tumbled, with him landing on top of you and pinning your arms. "Wally! Let me go!" You struggled, and managed to break free of his grip and kicked him off you. Wally quickly recovered and got into a fighting stance. "I don't wanna fight you, but if it'll make you come back I'll do it," He spoke. You glared, and dusted yourself off. "I'm not going back Wally, I need space," You sighed, and ran a hand through your hair. By this time, the team had formed a large circle around both of you in case you tried to run. "You can have space at the cave-but you need to come back." He stated firmly, grabbing your arm. "We know what we saw-and at the time it shocked us that you'd hide it from us." You turned your gaze to the floor. "You guys shouldn't of ever known. I never wanted you guys to find out! It's disgusting and I hate that I have to do it!" You shouted, your knees beginning to buckle underneath you. Wally walked closer, and pulled you into a hug. "You're entitled to your secrets, and we understand how tough it is for you, but please, can we please go back to the cave and talk about is?" Wally pleaded with you, and you finally returned the hug. "I....Fine.." You finally gave in, and Wally seemed to hug you tighter. "Thanks."
   ---Back At The Cave---
 The team-or more so Wally- had convinced you to return to the cave, where you changed into dry clothes and had all met in the Lounge Area, where you had agreed to tell them more about your situation. You were now sitting besides Wally as he had an arm wrapped around you, as everyone else sat on either side of the two of you. "So, um, what else do you guys want to know?" You questioned, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. Aqualad was the first to speak, "are there more of your kind?" You thought more a minute. Should you really tell them? What if they hunt down your parents?  "I..Um...Yes. There are more of us out here." You confirmed, looking around the group. "Do they kill people for their meals?" Superboy demanded, his arms crossed, though M'gann shot him a glare right back.  You fell quiet, and Wally gently pulled you closer. "It..It depends, y'know? I refused to kill, so I found my victims in other ways. Other ghouls, however, will kill with no problem." "So, were your parents ghouls?" This time it was Artemis who spoke up. You nodded. "My parents are, yes. My father came from a family mixed of humans and ghouls, while my mum came form a family of ghouls. Some of the people we know are ghouls as well, though regular humans can't tell the difference between ghoul and human off of appearances." The questions seemed to end there, so you decided to tell them a little more information. "The life of a ghoul, in short, is complete hell. It's hard to keep an identity while being around humans all the time, like walking on a tight rope. Any moment someone could figure it out or become suspicious, and if you're found out both halves of your life are ruined." You were basically rambling at this point, though you didn't think the team minded. "Your parents, you said they were ghouls. Do they get their victims the same as you?" Robin asked, locking eye contact with you. You became deadly silent, and took a glance at everyone else. "They...They don't. They kill for their meals, however they try to go for older adults, never kids." You answered, your voice a little shaky. Robin nodded at your response. "Does the league know?" It was once again Robin who asked.  You shook your head. "They don't-I never brought it up, please don't tell them. I don't want my parents going to prison for something they can't control," you admitted, and your eyes teared up at the thought of loosing your parents. "They won't go to prison- but I think it'd be best if the League made contact with them, do what we do with you." Robin responded, typing something on his phone. "We could send them food so they don't need to kill-or at least get them to document whom they kill." "Killing is natural for ghouls, and my parents are off the grid-undocumented. I'm the only one aware of their last known location." You said, your voice growing stern. "I'd never betray my parents like that." Robin gave you a slight frown. "But your parents wouldn't get hurt, they'd be-" "they'd be documented. Something ghouls avoid. You're gonna have to kill me before I tell you anything about their location." Your anger began to boil, and Wally sighed. "Maybe we shouldn't talk about this now, alright? Let's all just take a breather and watch a movie or something." The rest of the team seemed to agree with him, not wanting another fight to break out.     M'gann found a movie and Artemis had went to go make the popcorn, and you and Wally didn't even bother moving. "So are you and Y/n a thing now?" Superboy directed the question to Wally, and you felt your face flush. Wally shrugged. "Maybe-I won't complain if we are-would you?" wally glanced down at you. "I don't think I'd mind either," you answered, chuckling. "KF got a girlfriend wow," Robin teased as Wally playfully rolled his eyes. "Aw is Boy Wonder jealous?" "Not in the slightest," the two boys teased each other, making you giggle.
    You woke up, drowsy with Wally's arms around you and a blanket draped over your shoulders. You looked around the room to find it empty, save for the two of you. You snuggled closer to Wally, gladly accepting the warmth the was radiating off of him. "You finally awake babe?" Wally yawned, tiredly rubbing his eyes. "Yeah I'm awake now," you smiled. "Did everyone else leave last night?" "Probably, wanna go get breakfast?"  You shook your head, and wrapped your arms around him. "No thanks I'd rather just stay like this," you mumbled. Wally chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "Fine, but only for a few more minutes-I'm starving."
(Done! So, I just started reading Tokyo Ghoul and I decided to mix these two fandoms up a little. I'm sorry if anyone is OOC or if I messed up any of the ghoul stuff. Requests for this book are open! And I'm taking commissions! Hope you enjoyed this! ~WolfWriter)
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Right Stuff: What To Expect From The Disney+ Adaptation
Actors can feel the crushing gravity of expectations when playing real-life figures, even if they’re playing astronauts. For the cast and creatives behind The Right Stuff, shooting the TV adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s iconic novel about the Mercury 7 and birth of NASA took on added historical significance during the summer of 2019, with July 20th marking the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon.
The series from National Geographic, which begins streaming on Disney+ on Oct. 9, shot at Universal Studios in Orlando, in close proximity to the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. The day the crew filmed the first mission control scene, a NASA advisor sat in on a separate rehearsal with the director and the cast, pointing out which buttons to press and the correct terminology to use, going as far to help re-write lines in the script. 
“It just made the whole thing feel so authentic,” says The Right Stuff co-producer Michael Hampton. 
The actors playing the Mercury 7 astronauts—the group of military test pilots chosen to be part of the historic mission to put a man in space—had the opportunity to make a day trip to the Florida coast to participate in pilot training (without the actual flying part) during pre-production. They jumped into cockpits and spent time with specialists at Cape Canaveral. During that time shadowing real pilots, the actors who signed on to play larger-than-life American heroes were grounded and humbled by the experience. 
“The biggest thing for me was seeing that massive, massive building where they built the rockets,” recalls actor James Lafferty, who plays astronaut Scott Carpenter. “There’s a majesty to it. It takes your breath away just seeing the size and the scope of it, just realizing how many people are in there at any given time, figuring out problems. The thing in that building goes to another planet. It goes into orbit, somewhere that we’ll never get to go.” 
The pilot episode of the TV adaption of The Right Stuff sees the U.S. government task NASA to begin Project Mercury, with the goal of putting a man in space. Seven of the military’s best test pilots—Alan Shephard, John Glenn, Gordo Cooper, Scott Carpenter, Gus Grissom, Deke Slayton and Wally Schirra—are selected as part of the program and thrust into the public spotlight. At the crux of this adaptation is the rivalry between John Glenn (played by  Patrick J. Adams) and Shepard (played by Jake McDorman) and their battle to be the first American in space (ultimately the Soviets did beat us there with Yuri Gagarin’s mission in 1961.) 
Spending time at Cape Canaveral and inside the hectic mission control set transported the producers and actors to a time where it looked all but certain that the Soviet Union would beat the United States in a race to the stars. The pressure was mounting inside the government on the heels of Soviets developing an atomic bomb in 1953 and launching Sputnik in 1957. In the original novel, Wolfe writes that House Speaker John McCormack, who led the committee on Astronautics, felt the country faced “national extinction” if it failed to catch up to the Soviet space program: “He was genuinely convinced that the Soviets would send up space platforms from which they could drop nuclear bombs at will, like rocks from a highway overpass.”
That sense of urgency is prevalent in the first hour of Nat Geo’s The Right Stuff. But it’s not all that defines this adaptation. During an era on TV and in film where remakes and reboots are boundless, there’s a G force of pressure for the producers and actors behind this adaptation of The Right Stuff to not only do justice to not only an iconic book, but also an iconic feature movie in its own right. 
Philip Kaufman’s 1983 feature film adaptation stumbled at the box office but was a critical darling, earning eight Oscar nominations. Its legacy has only grown over the years—particularly among pilots, many of whom were directly inspired to fly because of it—and was preserved by the Library of Congress in 2013. 
For the producers of the TV series, the appeal of revisiting The Right Stuff was being able to flesh out the character development of these larger-than-life figures that are so richly detailed in Wolfe’s book. Published in 1979, The Right Stuff won the National Book Award for Nonfiction in 1980. It humanized the Mercury 7 astronauts by demystifying the hero complex that surrounded them, while providing a tense and nervy account of being a test pilot—from life in the skies to the complexity of family life at home. It’s on a very short list of the greatest nonfiction works about the space program. 
“We’re going back to the book and not remaking the movie,” Hampton says. “We are sticking to the true story pretty intact. It’s what we’ve always wanted to do, it’s what Nat Geo does better than anyone, and frankly you can’t make this stuff up.” 
A show about smart men and women talking fast, intensely focused on science and technology that could change the future: Sound familiar? The producers found a perfect fit in showrunner Mark Lafferty, whose writing credits include period pieces and criminally underrated series Manhattan, about the creation of the atomic bomb, ‘80s and ‘90s computer boom drama Halt and Catch Fire, and another Nat Geo hit in Genius. Though Lafferty wasn’t available for interviews the day we were on set, the cast paraphrases his words about the media frenzy around the Mercury 7 crew being America’s “first reality show.” 
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“They were cowboys, but they also all of a sudden became the most famous people, almost on the planet,” says Colin O’Donoghue, who plays astronaut Gordon “Gordo” Cooper. 
“There’s such a difference now surrounding celebrities than there was back then,” says Elosie Mumford, who plays Trudy Cooper, Gordo’s ex-wife. “Back then, there was the ability to have an actual private life. You’re dealing with people who don’t have perfect marriages, who don’t have the sort of all-American ideal that’s being presented; and where you see the cracks of that, and they’re desperately trying to hold onto their privacy as they become massively, massively famous.”
When Den of Geek visited the set in October, the significance of shooting during the 50th anniversary of the moon landing was a recurring point of pride for the cast. And with the Nat Geo production now moving to Disney+, they’re hopeful the The Right Stuff  will land with a new generation, and it may be coming at the opportune time. 
The retelling of the story of Mercury 7 takes on new resonance during a year in which SpaceX landed a reusable rocket in a giant leap towards Mars reigniting interest in space exploration; a year where scientific innovation is essential to ending the COVID-19 pandemic and curbing climate change; and the country faces an emotionally-charged political environment as it barrels toward an all-important election. The series won’t be a remedy for all our present ills, but it could serve as a reminder about what Americans can accomplish when they come together for a common goal. 
“It harkens back to a time when America was a unified force, trying to get things done,” says Eric Ladin, who plays NASA official Chris Kraft Jr. “The pride that the country took in this space race is something that I think is really admirable. This was the last time that we had something bring us together as a country.”
Ladin, in researching the role, spoke to people who fondly recall the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions and claim “they felt more proud to be an American that day than they ever had” when they saw the U.S. put men in space.  
“One man I talked to, he was a veteran, he said, ‘I felt as proud to be an American that day as when I was on the beach in Normandy.’ And so I just think that it’s a really powerful thing that we were accomplishing then. And it didn’t matter who you were, what walk of life you were in, that was something you can get behind.”
The post The Right Stuff: What To Expect From The Disney+ Adaptation appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3iqxXWL
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