#while the working class in the fire nation & the rest of the world are too far away
comradekatara · 5 months
chan and ruon-jian are such good characters because they’re literally just these privileged teenagers living in the imperial core, summering in their beach houses, sheltered from the realities of the atrocities being committed by their own fathers. they know that their fathers are a big deal due to their military rank, but they are disturbed and off-put by even the most distant allusion to the realities of the war because they can only imagine the war in abstract terms of prestige and glory. they are two dimensional caricatures of the popular jock archetype—a white, suburban, american construction. they are completely hollow characters, lacking any substance beyond what they materially represent to azula and zuko. and isn’t that just so apt?
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manorpunk · 9 months
A Brief Materialist History of the Former US in the Mid-21st Century
2030s: the Polycrisis. Unresolved issues of climate and pollution cause more and more intense natural disasters, which wipe out swathes of vital but poorly-maintained infrastructure. The US federal gov't is too hollowed-out at this point to fix anything, and the tangle of middlemen contractors responsible for actually building and repairing that infrastructure all try to deny responsibility, causing a massive growth spurt of federalism as state governments are forced to step in and try to put out the literal and metaphorical fires. All this embarrassing chaos tarnishes the US's economic reputation of stability, causing a feedback loop of economic contractions as more and more foreign investors pull back from US investments, causing stock market drops which make even more investors panic and pull back, etc. The decade ends with the signing of the Qingdao Accords, a sort of reverse Marshall Plan where the newly-formed Global Logistics Network pours money into infrastructure projects in exchange for creating their own tangle of middlemen contractors. The signing of the Qingdao Accords is generally taken as the end of the Second Cold War with a Chinese victory.
2040s: the Sheriff's Insurrection. A loose alliance of small-town sheriffs (as well as small-business tyrants, conspiracy theorists, retvrn types, and various opportunists, all collectively referred to as 'Sheriffs') resist the "Chinese takeover of America" in a 21st century version of the evergreen landowners-vs-industrialists conflict. They are quickly fought off by GLN-hired paramilitary forces (the same forces will go on to form the Surplus Young Men, an Armored Core/Outer Heaven style 'security force' which is technically unaligned but everyone knows they're cashing GLN checks). The Sheriffs flee to the Midwest, creating a decentralized zone of tiny feuding principalities derogatorily dubbed ‘the manors.’ Other former US states begin to unite into new regional nations - Boswash, California, Cascadia, Texaplex, and the Great Lakes Republic. These new nations actually seem like they might be here to stay, but with much less ability to go sticking their nose in the rest of the world's business, and the decade ends with a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, China’s victory in the Second Cold War proves to be a Pyrrhic victory as the death of Xi Jinping (probably of natural causes but who knows) allows the GLN to balloon in wealth and influence. The CCP takes a sharp nationalist turn, re-branding itself as the Chinese China Party and turning party politics into a game of who can dunk on Americans the most.
2050s: Things are… good? The GLN is delivering on their promise of a new economic order, an automated and algorithmic 21st century market socialism with an infrastructure-based middle class of technicians, data analysts, and civil servants. There's still a global underclass of cheap mobile labor to actually go out to the middle of nowhere and build all this stuff but, y'know, it's a smaller global underclass. The manors calm down a little as the GLN supports the formation of autochthonous American nations: the Seven Council Fires of the Lakota and Dakota in the Midwest and the Diné Nation in the southwest, along with the progressive majority-black government of Piedmont in the Atlantic South, make it feel like we might be doing something about that whole ‘foundational white supremacy’ thing (The GLN was, of course, happy to take credit for solving racism forever). The GLN gets to claim even more PR victories as various post-colonial regions peacefully unify as ‘leagues,’ EU-style intra-national coalitions that work together on economic on diplomatic matters while letting individual states largely manage their own affairs. The US nations start to wonder if it might be time to form a league of their own. (Incidentally, by this point the EU has split apart into Frankistan and Mitteleuropa, Spain has exploded again, and Punished Britain is not coping well with their fall from grace.)
2060s: Who knows? Things start getting tense as the global construction boom slows down and the money-hose starts to dry up. 'Minor' regional problems and potential long-term issues are swept under the rug because "we’ve got a good thing going here, don't fuck this up," and the once-radical new visions for the world are already beginning to seem calcified and sclerotic. The newly-formed American League is poised to be little more than a rubber stamp for GLN policy… or is it?
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shellysaurus-rex · 1 year
Fire Emblem: Engage OC Chanelle
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Basic Information:
Name: Chanelle
Age: 22
Bio: Chanelle is a simple villager born in Elusia, though is now residing in Firene. She has spent her time growing up in a sheltered life by her worrisome parents ever since she was diagnosed with a difficult heart disease. She oft works as a woodcutter and is well versed in wood craft, especially that of detailed wood carvings that she used to bide her time at home sick. 
❤ More Info Below  ❤
Ally Notebook:
Initial Page;
Initial Class: Bow Knight (Axe)
Birthday: 21st of March
Basic Info: A sheltered villager from Firene who left her home independently while in search of the Divine One. After being rescued from Corrupted she subsequently joined the Divine Dragon’s army.  
C Rank;
Likes: Woodcraft, Medicines, Almonds, Flowers, Fruits, Cute things, Animals (Especially cats)
Dislikes: Death, Sickness, Socializing, Noisy situations, Becoming tongue tied
B Rank;
Hobbies: Carving wooden animals
Talents: Attention to precise detail
Background: Born from a destitute village in Elusia, she and her family moved to Firene after she was diagnosed with an illness in search for a skilled doctor.
A Rank;
Height: 5′7″
Ring Size: 4.5 | I
Personality: Kindhearted and gentle, but flusters easily and can quickly become upset. Has an inability to socialize with others and is shy and startles easily as a result. She has a habit of saying generally incomprehensible things. The one most likely to smuggle in odd animals in the army.
S Rank;
Life with Chanelle: No longer becomes tongue tied in the presence of the Divine Dragon and feels completely at ease and safe in their loving company. Most of her devoted crafts have now become gifts for her beloved. As such she keeps the Pact Ring in an artistically crafted jewelry box of her own making.
-Divine Dragon -Framme -Etie -Louis -Jean -Anna -Alcryst -Lapis -Zelkov -Pandreo -Merrin -Mauvier -Gregory -Griss
Possible Endings:
-Voluble Spirit Chanelle As the years went on Chanelle was finally able to overcome her sickness. She then made the decision to travel the world freely on her own now that nothing held her back. Her travels lead her back to Elusia where she then settled down, starting her own wood crafting workshop where she would then deliver the toys she’d made to the children who struggled after war.
-Chanelle and Alear Alear became the new Divine Dragon Monarch. His/Her bonds with the rulers of each nation resulted in a lasting peace. With the Divine Dragon’s everlasting attentiveness, Chanelle was finally able to overcome sickness and beamed with health and happiness by her beloveds’ side for the rest of her days.
Battle Quotes:
Changing Class: “I-I’m not opposed to a little more change! Here I come!”
Leveling Up: “Yikes, not feeling too great after that…” (0 to 1) “Really seems like I’m starting to make inroads here!” (2 to 3) “I bet ma and pa will be proud to see how far I’ve come!” (4 to 5) “WOOHOO! This is better than a honey soaked almond cake!! O-Oh.. I mean I feel good..!” (6+) “Whoa, am I cured..? No, this incredible feeling is something else entirely!” (Reaching Max Level)
When Selected: “Ready..!” (Full Health) “Lead the way.” (Full Health) “A-Are you sure?” (Full Health) “I’m alright!” (Medium Health) “They’re tough.” (Medium Health) “I won’t give in.” (Medium Health) “This is bad...” (Low Health) “Need medicine…” (Low Health)
Critical Attack: “Allow me!” “You’re not gonna enjoy this!” “Back off already!” “I will not stand down!”
Defeated Enemy: “I’m so sorry!” “No turning back.” “Whoa, I did it..!” “My heart’s still pounding…” “I’ll get even stronger!”
Ally Defeats Enemy: ”Oh! Thanks I guess..!” “You’re good!”
Ally Heals: “Ah.. That’s much better…” “Th-Thanks so much!” “Much obliged.”
Emblem Engage: ”E-Emblem Engage!” “Let’s us do this! I-I mean-!”
Post-Battle Exploration:
“Thanks for this opportunity, Divine One. I’m a little nervous, but I hope that my skills – as feeble as they are – can be of any use to you and yours.” (Own Paralogue) “To think that I would meet him again here like this… Oh! Sorry Divine One… Just talking to myself again…” (Chapter 11) “I absolutely cannot forgive him no matter what… these poor people… and yet…” (Chapter 17) “I was born in Elusia but moved to Firene, did you know? Divine Dragon? Fell Dragon? None of that stuff has ever really mattered to me. You’re you, Alear.” (Chapter 20) “To think that he just stood there and watched his own comrade die with such an easygoing look… What a monster you have become, Griss…” (Chapter 21) “You gave me a right start miss/mister! You should be thankful my heart didn’t just stop altogether! But I’m glad that you’re back with us now…” (Chapter 22) “It’s done isn’t it…? He’s finally gone… I should be thankful but… I can’t stop this hollow feeling in my heart… I’m sorry Divine One, I need to be alone for a while…” (Chapter 23)
“I appreciate being able to kick back in spite of things happening; but I’d also like to do my part as well, Divine One.” (Not Deployed)
“I think I’m getting pretty used to this ‘fighting a war’ thing! Aha… That’s not to say I find the idea of war fun or anything of course…” (Deployed Numerously)
“Did you see me out there, Divine One? I’m getting pretty tough, don’t’cha think?” (Leveled Up)
“Everyone is saying that I was ferocious out there today, but I only did what I thought everyone else was doing… I’m honestly a little embarrassed…” (MVP)
“You’re getting pretty tough, Divine One. I’m glad to have stuck around with someone so dependable.” (Alear Leveled Up)
“Way to go, Divine One! You really hit a hard on their numbers! I-I mean you really hit their numbers hard…” (Alear MVP)
“That poor boy… He only wanted to become a doctor… and now we have to explain to his parents that their child won’t be coming home anymore…” (If Jean died in battle)
“To think we lost Lady Anna… she was still a little girl… This is just wrong, Divine One.” (If Anna died in battle)
“Why did we ever decide to bring children into this war Divine One!? My heart cannot take this anymore!” (If Jean and Anna died in battle)
“Gregory… Even though he was merely from another world, I still felt as close to him as… Fate is cruel, Divine One.” (If Gregory died in battle)
“Wow Divine One! I never thought I’d be able to take in sights such as these! Thank you!” (Default)
“Whoa! I could have sworn I saw some kind of kitten scamper past! Let’s go catch it!” (Default)
“Do you wanna go for a little walk together, Alear? Even a Divine Dragon should get some fresh air while they can.” (Default)
“This place is pretty right? I’ve often travelled through here with my ma when we frequent the doctors.” (Florra Mill Town)
“Oh great gravy, to be inside Firene Castle is an incredible feat for a wee ol’ villager gal like me… Am I really allowed to be in here, Divine One?” (Firene Castle)
“Goodness, I shudder to think what kind of horrors even transpired here.” (Mountain Settlement)
“What in the name of... this huge is a bridge!? Gah, I mean this is a huge bridge...!” (The Grand Crossing)
“Firene Castle was one thing, now I’m here at Brodia’s own Royal Castle too! You’re amazing, Divine One!” (Brodia Castle)
“How are you holding up, Divine One? I’m kinda used to the cold, but I suppose you were bundled warm in blankets all these years so...” (Fort on the Border)
“What a truly terrifying place to be in... let’s return to the Somniel as soon as we can, if you don’t mind.” (Destinea Cathedral)
“Such a chilling place... being here fills me with unease, but it must feel worse for you I’d bet...” (Shadowy Moor)
“I can handle the cold just fine, but this place is a little hot don’t you think so? I need to find some shade...” (Tullah Desert)
“Deserts sure are strange, during the day they’re unbearably hot but at night it feels almost as though I’m in Elusia.” (Oasis Village)
“It feels strange, but I’m getting pretty used to wandering inside palace walls now. Oh! But I must remember to remain respectful!” (Solm Palace)
“Ma and pa told me stories of places like this... they’re creepy. Let’s hope we don’t find any kind of bandage wrapped monster here.” (Northern Fortress)
“I used to go swimming in the village lakes back at home, ma and pa would get mad when I came home cold and sopping wet though...” (Azure Coast)
“Being here only reminds me of that day... such an animalistic fury in his eyes... I-I have to remain strong.” (Florra Port)
“Ugh... I feel a little dizzy. I’m gonna go and sit down for a while... do you need a drink Divine One?” (Route to Elusia)
“I wanted to check out one of the abandoned houses for any survivors... Divine One... I saw... I... I need a hug...” (Givre Port)
“Thought I’d be happy to see yet another grandiose castle, but I can’t shake the feeling that being here holds a really foreboding aura...” (Elusia Castle)
“What an awful mess… This was your home wasn’t it, Divine One? I’m so sorry…” (Lythos Castle)
“This place still makes me feel uneasy… but also as though someone is watching over me…” (Lava Fields)
“Time travel huh? Now I’ve truly seen it all... Although I doubt ma and pa will even believe me if I told them...” (Mountainous Region)
“Being here makes my chest hurt more than anything, but I’m glad that you’re here to keep me steadfast.” (Gradlon Temple) 
Death Quote:
“No.. I can’t…!” (Pre Death Quote) “Ough, that smarts… Forgive my carelessness, Divine One… I should pull back and see to a doctor now…” (Casual Mode) “Damn it… I don’t want to go yet but… It was only a matter of time before sickness took me anyways…” (Classic Mode)
In Somniel:
“I gotta admit, It was kinda scary when I first came here. But now it feels almost like a second home to me.” (Default)
“Always good to stock up before battle, I should remember to grab more elixirs while I’m here.” (Plaza)
“I usually help with the cooking at home, so it’s a little weird having others cook such nice meals for me.” (Café Terrace)
“This beats the lakes at my village by a long shot! It’s not murky and suspicious looking at all!” (Pool)
“Do you have a favorite fruit, Divine One? I’m pretty partial towards strawberries.” (Orchard)
“Pa likes to fish, he used to show me how to when I was younger. Though the big fish used to frighten me a little...” (Pond)
“I’ve gotta remember to stay in shape. Chopping wood only helps strengthen my arms after all.” (Training Yard)
“Having all these darling animals up close will make my crafts easier! And I enjoy being able to pet them like this firsthand.” (Farmyard)
“Did you come to get some fresh air too, Alear? It’s good on my chest just to get away from it all sometimes.” (Lookout Ridge)
“Oh? Is it really my birthday? I can’t believe you remembered it before me..! Th-Thank you Divine One...” (Their Birthday)
“Divine One! Happy Birthday! I know it’s not a lot, but I made this special for you!” (Alear’s Birthday)
“It still doesn’t feel real... almost like I’m floating away elsewhere. But I feel steadied again whenever I see your smile.” (Pact Ring)
“I love you, Alear. Please promise me that you’re always taking good care of yourself too... I couldn’t bear it if I lost you...” (Pact Ring)
“Oh this is ba-b-b-brilliant! I meant to say brilliant! Th-Thanks so much, Divine One!” (Disliked)
“Can I really have this? I’ll have to craft you something in return!” (Liked)
“OHMYGOSH! Thanks you so much! Guh! I mean..! Thank you so much, Divine One!” (Favorite)
Café Terrace:
“I know a thing or two about cooking! My ma and pa are excellent teachers!” (On Duty Quote)
Cooking; “That sounds a bit exquisite, but I’ll try...!” (Expert Dish) “Hmm... should be a cinch. You just kick back.” (Capable Dish) “I’ll do my absolute best!” (Eager Dish)
Results; “I-I don’t believe it myself but...” (Perfect Result) “I suppose it could be worse... or better...” (Decent Result) “Um... How do you guys like it?” (Good Result) “Something went horribly, horribly wrong...” (Bad Result)
Sharing Meal; “This meal is incredibly so good! Uh-! Wait.. I got a little excited there... l-let me try that again..!” (Favorite Dish) “This taste is better than the stuff we make together at home! Thank you!” (Neutral Dish) “U-Ugh! M-My insides... hurt?! I-I should take some medicine immediately. Before I...!” (Disliked Dish)
Introduction; ”You sure I’m cut out for this?” “Yikes! A-Are we going all out?” ”I’m Chanelle, I-I’ll do my best!”
Win; “Huh? I-I won?”
Loss; “Ahaha... Saw that one coming...”
Wake-Up Events: 
“Divine One? I’m coming in if that’s alright? Still asleep, are you? That’s okay, I can just sit here and carve to pass the time a little.”
“Ah! You’re awake already? I wonder if you can guess what animal it is that I’m making...? That’s right, it’s a puppy! Woof Woof! Ah.. I’ll be going now...”
“DAH!! Y-YOU AWOKENED UP EARLY! I-I mean you woke up early! S-Sorry, I’ll go ahead and leave you to it..!” (Waking Early)
“I wonder why it is they asked me to do this... surely there are others far more important for the task. Hm.. what a peaceful sleeper you are...”
“Gah! I-I didn’t think you’d wake up like that...! I-I’m really sorry, I didn’t disturb you with my idle ramblings did I?” 
“GUH- GREAT GRACIOUSNESS! D-Don’t sit up so suddenly like that! I thought you were some kind of undead, Divine One!” (Waking Early)
“Divine One! O-Oh! They’re asleep! I should shut up! Or... maybe I shouldn’t shut up? Sir Vander did ask that I wake you after all... Hmm....”
“Maybe if I bang together some pots and pans like ma used to... AH! H-How long have you been awake Divine One? You frightened me..!”
“Aha! You’re up and at em anyway! Perfect! Now I don’t have to decide whether I need to rouse you or not!” (Waking Early)
“Ah, sleeping as per usual I see... Reminds me of when I too spent most of my days sick in a bed... I’m sorry I got so flustered last we spoke, It’s just... so frustrating...” 
“O-Oh! Divine One! N-No I wasn’t saying anything, just coming to check in on you like everyone else in the army seems to do!”
“Eep! D-Divine One! H-How much of that did you hear exactly? How embarrassing... I-I’ll just be taking my leave now...” (Waking Early)
“Huh... It’s not even my turn to wake you up and yet I find myself coming here anyways... I suppose you’ve got that kind of effect on people though... especially me... You’re a good person, Divine One...”
“Good morning..! I hope you slept well... W-What do you mean I didn’t get startled this time? I-Is it wrong that I’m getting comfortable around you now?”
“Huh? You’re already awake? Aha, well now that you’re up why don’t I show you some more of my current crafts I’m working on?” (Waking Early)
“Hey there, Divine One... I just wanted to thank you for what you did... and those kind words you said... You’ve become very important to me, so I hope no one as wonderful as you ever has to go through a sickness like mine...”
“Ah... You must’ve heard all of that right? That’s a little embarrassing, but for some reason I don’t really mind either... Please always take care of yourself, Divine One.” 
“Oh...! Sorry, my worrisome carrying on must’ve woken you... Y-You don’t mind? It’s a relief to hear you say that, my friend.” (Waking Early)
“Hello Divine One... Uh well... I suppose if we’re partners now I should be calling you something different, right? Something more endearing I guess? Maybe.. Hello d-d-darling? N-No that’s so embarrassing..!”
“Ah! Darling, did you hear all of that!? W-Wait ‘darling’!? I-I meant to say Divine One! Honest! Oh no... I’m just as nervous as when we first met...!”
“Oh! Good morning D-D-Da-Dar-vine One! Huh? W-What was I really about to say you ask? Um... how about we talk about something else for a little while?” (Waking Early)
“Feels strange entering this place as your beloved partner rather than just being on wake-up duty again... Ah... and you’re wearing the ring that I made you too... Th-That’s fine, I can keep my cool... b-but you’re just so... so... 
“So sweet..! G’oh-! I’m sorry for stirring you..! I guess I can admit I got a little worked up seeing you wearing my ring... but as you can see, I’ve gotten your ring with me as well..! I feel at ease just knowing that a bit of you is always with me, you know what I mean?”
“Ah! Y-You gave me a start, partner..! I suppose that’s my fault for getting a little distracted though... how about we go walk together now that you’re up?” (Waking Early)
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todaygwenlearned · 1 year
Podcast: Audible Anarchist: Alexander Berkman: What is Communist Anarchism? Chapter 6: War
In this chapter Berkman describes how war is an inevitable and inherent feature of capitalism.
He calls back to the capitalist in the last chapter who couldn't find anywhere domestically to sell his shoes so he goes looking for foreign markets. But there he finds exactly the same problems of overproduction and an underpaid working class. So they too have too many shoes and a bunch of people who can't afford to buy them. What happens then is that our original capitalist competes with his foreign rivals in countries that don't have their own industries, like India and China (I snickered a bit at this but this book was, once again, written over 100 years ago.)
But capitalists are never actually content to compete with one another in the free market, are they? They may extoll its virtues to the public when it comes time to justify their power but when they compete head to head they will employ every tactic they can get away with. And so the American capitalist and his counterparts in every industrialized nation appeal to the government to make war. They frame their own profits as their country's interests and implore their governments to convince the people to join the fight. "Defend your country! Your flag is insulted!" They appeal to your patriotism and indeed this is the very purpose of patriotism. To tell you that it is a virtue to love your country and if you love your country you will fight for it.
This is very familiar to me. I have memories of American politicians and military leaders talking about defending America's interests in the Middle East. I now have it firmly in my mind that when they talk about "America's interests" what they mean is "American capitalists' profits."
We the working people of the world gain nothing from war. Less than nothing, we only lose. We get shot, maimed, dismembered, and killed. We lose our loved ones if not our own lives - parents, siblings, lovers, and friends. We get our infrastructure destroyed and then we pay for their repairs through taxation. I'm fortunate enough to be a white Canadian living in Canada so I've never experienced the direct horrors of war but I have more in common with every single Afghani, Palestinian, Iranian, and Iraqi worker than with any capitalist here in Canada.
There are some who claim that war is good because it engenders courage. Berkman says that this is stupid and it's something uttered by people who have never fought in combat. Surviving soldiers don't usually return from war with increased courage and strength - they are often diminished and broken. Modern warfare is terrifying because so often one does not see one's opponent. Long range weapons on both sides can make death appear out of the clear blue sky. This is of course something that's only gotten worse in the last 100 years. When Berkman wrote this he was speaking of his observations of the WWI. Since then missiles have gotten more accurate, guns can fire longer distances, planes became a regular feature of warfare, and now remotely controlled drones can kill people before they have any chance to sense any danger at all.
There are those who claim that war is good because it frees up available work for returning survivors. Berkman says this is a damning indictment of capitalism. Imagine supporting a system where it is considered good that some are killed off so that the rest can live better. In a sensible society this could not be. In such a society the more workers there are the easier and quicker it is to get something done, the less work each worker individually has to do.
And while capitalism itself leads to all of these horrors there are those who also profit directly from war - the weapons manufacturers and the commodities brokers who gain obscene wealth when grain becomes more scarce.
In days gone by the king would command his subjects to war and they were compelled to obey. The king, of course, risked rebellion and wise kings knew when their subjects would not tolerate it. But nowadays our politicians collude with the media to make the workers believe that their own interests align with that of the capitalists. That we want what our masters want.
This won't ever stop so long as there's capitalism. We are either slaves fit only to toil or we are cannon fodder. Both of which are for our masters' enrichment.
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