#workout!cal is just ready to kill me
bonesmoth1x · 3 months
happy march!!! new england sucks and i can’t wait for spring, and that is so much motivation for me, march is always one of my favorite months.
here’s my plan for the month, and i’ll go ahead and give this trigger warning here.
my birthday is at the end of the month and i try to give myself that as a true cheat day. i’ll probably fast the days leading to and following to help. kind of my yearly routine. for the rest of the month, i’ll do three total metab days, and those will be under 1300cals. every other day the goal is to ultimately be under 700, and an absolute max of 900. i try to liquid fast a few days a week, and those days are 300cal limits.
i will try for a total of 60hrs fasting this month. hopefully broken evenly into 4 or 5 24hr fasts.
i work out at the gym a minimum of 3 days a week, and usually aim for 4. i do home workouts whenever possible. i also do a lot of walking at work, and tend to burn about 200 per shift.
i’m a server and i’m beginning to become very blah about the food i work with, none of it is appetizing to me because i’ve seen, smelled, tasted it so many times, and honestly, things have been pretty gross lately. lots of kids and babies, and all the mess and everything that comes with that, just kills my appetite. it’s so highly mental for me.
i’m working to lose about 20 lbs this month. i think it’s so doable. i’ve been taking some supplements, i take biotin, acv tablets, in the morning and magnesium and iron at night.
my diet has recently been focused around omad’s and protein snacks. basically when i do eat i find it’s important to make sure it will be doing good for me in some way or another. protein helps me keep going, and the omad helps to keep me pretty “normal” seeming to friends and family.
my ultimate goal every time i choose something is for the cals to be as close to 0 as possible. it’s the easiest way to manage.
anyways. this ended up being much longer than expected. i am excited and ready for this month.
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hoodharlow · 4 years
When Bad Bunny said "Sé lo rica que se ve en ropa de gimnasio. A mí me encantan lo' tatuaje' en tus brazo'" I felt that bc same
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thinfairytalex · 4 years
🦴 My Ana Rules! ⚠️TW⚠️
Bad foods:
👎🏼Olive Oil
👎🏼Coconut Oil (not as bad but not suggested because it tastes gross anyways)
👎🏼Ghee (idk what this is but the internet just said it was fatty)
👎🏼Yogurt (Except greek)
👎🏼Peanut butter
👎🏼Flax Seeds
👎🏼White pasta
👎🏼Mashed Potatoes
👎🏼Ranch (but ilyyyyyyy)
👎🏼Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes
👎🏼Chips or Fries
👎🏼Candy or Icecream
👎🏼Meat other than grilled chicken (My preference)
👎🏼Buttered Popcorn (except skinny pop)
Safe Foods:
✨Fish (Salmon and Mahi are the best)
✨Grilled chicken
✨Any fruits or veggies except bananas, avocados, potatoes, corn or peas
✨Green Tea
✨Sugar Free Foods (under 100 cals)
✨Skinny Pop
✨Sugar free jello
✨Chili Peppers
✨Dark chocolate
✨Apple Cider Vinegar (If you are willing but it may effect your teeth so i’d suggest to wash you’re mouth but not brush teeth)
✨Blue Berries (BURNS FAT!!!)
✨Greek Yogurt
✨Raw Veggies
✨Straight up honey
✨Water (bruh)
✨Diet Sodas (that are 0 cal)
✨Any thing super low in fats and under 100 cals
I suggest eating fat burning items or low fat items and also low calorie items too so you can eat a bunch of them and not have to worry like fruits and veggies! This was just my foods list also the calories depend on the brand except for natural items so i didn’t include them. I usually try to stay under 300 calories when i’m not fasting. I also suggest eating more than i do and allowing more items i’m just strict on myself. 🍇
This is my personal but i like to have a total net of -1000 or -900 calories (because i’m so young this doesn’t even burn but 3-4 pounds a week), i suggest more like 300 a day net 😅
What i like to do to burn those calories are:
✨ My 500 calorie workout- You can find this in one of my 30 day thinspo challenges.
✨Take cold baths- For my average time i’m in the bath I burn around 399 calories check out one of my older posts on how many calories you burn when in the cold bath for a certain time.
~Also I exchange for every night (because i lovveeeeee hot baths) so i take a hot bath one night but i do 2 rounds of my 500 calorie workout and then if it’s a cold bath night i do one 500 workout and a cold bath to burn 399 calories, also that’s on fasting days. On my restrictive days i burn 300 (look up ways there’s a bunch) and then a cold bath and one workout or two workouts and a hot bath.
Days with none or lack of food can feel extremely lonnnggggggggg or can be extremely boring, here are something’s i do when i’m hungry, craving, or bored and trying not to eat~
✨Look at inspiration
✨Scroll on tumblr
✨Listen to music
✨Brush my teeth (stops cravings and makes ur teeth pretttyyyyy)
✨Online School (CoRoNa TiMe or if you actually do this)/Homework
✨Clean out my food hiding place (if parents aren’t home)
✨Draw or do art
✨Shop Online (or irl after quarantine)
✨Plan Outfits for tomorrow
✨Text my frenz
✨Walk my dog
✨Write down calories for when your away from the screen and around food
✨Think about how good hungry feels compared to how that food tastes
✨Hang out with friends but not if they are going out to eat (when this is over)
✨Watch fat people eating/Fat people mukbangs
✨Watch fat people cringe or dancing cringe
✨Look at the mirror
This will be referring to your questions and concerns about your eating disorder and ,if you are not ready to receive help (please do if you can), how to reply to your parental figures, families, and friends concerns and questions.
Your Questions and Concerns~
“What about my hair falling out?”
👒 If your hair is falling out i would suggest to look up ways to keep thinning hair in good condition and also buy hair strengthening products if possible. 👒
“I can’t do this!”
💞 DO NOT i repeat DO NOT DO THIS IS YOU DO NOT WANT TO! but if you want to but believe you can’t, just remember to stay strong and you got this!!! 💞
“Is it bad that i’m so cold always?”
🧤I mean it’s going to happen, it’s a symptom of not eating and also a symptom of being thin so it’s gonna happen. I suggest just putting on a jacket or a few layers of clothes on your cold area🧤
“How do i dodge meal time?”
🍽 Dodging mealtime is the worst struggle for me like ever! I just can’t do it! I also feel awful wasting food but if it comes to being thin, there’s no choice. I usually say i’m going to the bathroom and start up a conversation before and continue talking about it while leaving so they don’t notice i’m taking my plate to the bathroom and i just put it in my hiding place in my room (that’s right next to the bathroom) and if your room isn’t close to the bathroom then find a hiding place in the bathroom wether it’s putting a container under the towels or in a shelve i’ll find a place but then take a little longer and if they ask what took so long say you were fixing your hair (if you say this do it but fast) or you were trying to clean under your nails with soap, if they notice less food say you got hungry while fixing your hair (i recommend the hair one)🍽
“Why isn’t the ABC diet/Rainbow diet/other diets not working for me but others do?”
👎🏼This is because either you didn’t count cals correctly or because you didn’t workout enough but a lot of the time these are just not not for some people like a lot of diets aren’t enough for my preferred daily weight loss or are too high calorie for me to lose anything. 👎🏼
“How do i answer questions or comments my friends and family make?”
👇🏼 Answers are below! 👇🏼
Family and friends questions, comments, and concerns~
“Have you lost weight?”
-I suggest answering like “Not that i know of” or maybe “I’ve been sick” but for that one make sure your parents know you have recently so if one of them are asked by the family member who asked they say you were or lastly “I don’t think so, but i just started putting more effort into [sport you play or are practicing] recently so maybe but if any just a little.”-
“Are you okay? I’ve noticed you’ve lost weight?”
-I would say “Oh i’m totally great! I don’t think i’ve lost weight?”-
“You look great! Have you lost weight?”
-I would reply with “Oh thank you! Maybe a little, I’ve been eating healthier lately so maybe that made my skin clearer and me a little slimmer that’s all.” and the always “Not that i know of but thank you so much! May be it’s my new [clothing item], I think it flatters me!”-
“Are you sick?”
-I would say “No, I wouldn’t be at this gathering would i?” say it in a laughing tone not rude.-
“Jeez you’re a stick”/“Oh my god you’re so skinny!”
-I think you could just roll your eyes at “Jeez you’re a stick” and say “What?” at the second one.-
“Do you have an Eating Disorder?”
-This is very risky! I would only make an excuse if you are just not ready to get help yet. Please receive help if you can! but my excuse would be “What’s that, never heard of it?” and if they explain just say “Wow thats really weird i wonder why people would act like that?!”-
-Classic “I already ate.”, “No thanks maybe in a bit!” and lastly “I had a big [meal before].”-
Here are some eating disorder hygiene issues that and i will provide ways to prevent or deal with these.
•Lack of bodily functions (urination and excretion/defecation) ✨:YES I KNOW DISGUSTANG!!! as you should know under eating and drinking (which sometimes people under drink during eating disorders?) will have the effect of lack of these practices. i don’t think there are any healthy ways to prevent this if you are restricting and i DO NOT promote laxatives they can kill you! although i would deal with this simply by just not caring and maybe eating fruit which can help lol sorry i understand this is disgusting.
•Dental Hygiene ✨: as some people know the act of purging is common which can effect your dental hygiene and can even rot your teeth. i do not promote purging (or any other disordered eating acts BUT ESPECIALLY NOT PURGING!)! it is going to hurt you physically and mentally so if anything maximum restrict. but as we know you can’t just fix it by saying that so here are some tips to prevent teeth rot from purging~ {1. Don’t brush your teeth right after! this dissolves the enamel even more! 2. Floss and rinse mouth with water/mouthwash straight after 3. if you can, chew and spit an anti-acid} also anorexia can weaken bones and as we know teeth are bones so i just advise to brush your teeth every morning and night! 🦷✨
•Body Hair ✨: I understand this is also gross too but people who don’t care enough i want you to at least have good hygiene so if you starve enough to get lanugo (excess hair growth caused by cold temperatures due to starvation). You can keep these hairs or remove them i would advise to shave so you can appear nice but if you don’t care and would like to stay warm keep the hair!
This is something i find very sad because it’s very exclusive. so many POC are struggling with this evil illness are rarely seen in thinspo and if so they usually aren’t just modeling by themselves but with another pale person. I suggest that if you have a certain amazing attributes to you and your body look for thin people that are like you, and also the lack of curly hair in the industry is disappointing as well. I’d also just like to say most models are white, with blonde or brown hair and blue eyes but that literally is so exclusive so please just somebody find a diverse page. I’ll be posting some if i can find any! 🌎💞
When i find more things to write about i’ll add more xx 💖
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365-money-diary · 3 years
DAYS 43-49
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7:30 AM - Up a little early so I can close on my house. The process is pretty easy and I feel safe about it and such. We do it on the front porch with 6 foot folding table.
8:30 AM - I need to re-caulk the side door trim before I can start painting so I do that while I make my chemex. This is fun (not) because I don’t own a caulk gun. 
10:30 AM - Eat a plant yogurt
12:00 PM - Snack on chips and salsa – damn the salsa I made is so good this time. Also make salad for lunch. I’m set up in the kitchen today which is clearly a bad scene because I keep going to the pantry for more snacks. Relocate to the bedroom.
2:00 PM - I really should get my barre class out of the way today. I have a 4PM happy hour and I know I won’t want to work out after that, so I do a 10 minute low impact ride and then start class.
4:00 PM - I get done with most of the class and hop on zoom. Make refried beans in the instant pot for dinner while we chat.
5:00 PM - Finish the zoom and knock out the last 10 minutes of barre. I don’t like to split the classes up like that but oh well. 
6:00 PM - Finish making the beans as well as rice and jackfruit for burritos. K isn’t hungry so I watch an episode of The Challenge before making the burritos.
7:30 PM - Ok these are really good. Dang! I don’t want to drink tonight so I open a La Croix and try to hydrate.
8:00 AM - I’m awake and I feel really good. K is still pretty conked out and I get the idea to go to Cartel. I haven’t been in a few months because cases were super high but now seems like a good opportunity. This is the one thing I do behind K’s back. It’s contactless and it’s super safe so I don’t really consider it to be a risk but I know he isn’t ready to drink things directly out of containers they’re served in on the same day you buy them so let’s just leave this between us. Buy a hot oat milk latte and tip $10. $17.57 
10:00 AM - Make a chemex so K doesn’t suspect anything. Hang with him on the couch for a bit and then start moving around the furniture in the kitchen to start taping.
11:30 AM - Take a break to cook breakfast - tofu/egg tacos with field roast sausage.
12:15 PM - Back to taping. It takes forev, but I think I did a good job.
3:45 PM - First coat done. Watch an episode of The challenge before I apply the second.
5:30 PM - Done with the second. Watch more of the challenge.
7:00 PM - Dinner tonight is pozole. I take my time making it and drink a glass of wine while I cook.
8:00 PM - Dang this is so delicious.
9:00 AM - Woah I am SO SORE. What the hell? My quads. Make a chemex and work on putting the kitchen back together, but I run out of time and have to meet with S and her BF on zoom. K joins me and it’s a really good time. 
11:15 PM - Ok back to tape removal. 
12:15 PM - Done! / Looks good! Make more tofu tacos for breakfast.
2:00 PM - My boss is applying for citizenship in the US and she asked me to help build her a website. I have totally spaced it over the past two weeks and get cracking on it today. Make some good progress and send her what I have.
4:00 PM - Watch some episodes of The Challenge. For whatever reason this feels like the first time I’ve actually relaxed this weekend and I am here for it.
6:00 PM - We drive to a bar I DJ at on the reg during non-pandemic times to do a pick up of their Valentine’s Day special. Neither K or I are big V Day fans and we feel like this is good enough to “celebrate.” We get two veggie dogs, fries and a bottle of wine to take home. J (my friend who owns the bar) runs my card for $31ish and I tip $20. K insists he pays and he venmos me $50. $1.89
7:00 PM - I haven’t had fries in like… a year. And these ones are really delicious! The wine is good too. Spend the rest of the evening catching up on my blog. I haven’t felt very motivated to work on it this month.
8:00 PM - Get a charge from Amazon… S is buying movies again. Make a venmo request for $16 and she fulfills it. $0.19
8:30 AM - WOW I am still sore WTF. Make a chemex and notice my tea kettle has a rust spot. Damnit. At this point, I would rather just buy an electric kettle with a gooseneck spout to get rid of both of my kettles, but I’m trying to stick to my budget this month. I’ve been covering K’s groceries throughout the pandemic and he owes me around $2k at this point. Because of this, I’ve kind of cut back on clothing and other frivolous purchases until he starts to pay me back so I can still save money every month. But rust is rust and I don’t want to get sick. Buy a Stagg EKG kettle with a nice wood handle. $160.62
10:00 AM - plant yogurt, a clementine and Pure Barre weekly charge. $15
12:00 PM - It’s salad time but I’m kind of out of tempeh and am a little burnt out on the miso Asian vibe anyways. Toss together some greens, bell pepper, onion, carrots, snap peas, cucumber, and a frozen Quorn spicy chicken patty and top it with cashew ranch. It’s honestly really good. 
4:00 PM - Call M to wish him a happy bday. Tell him either next Sunday or the Sunday after that we will do a lunch thing together in his backyard to celebrate. Drink a nuun while we chat.
5:15 PM - I do a pure barre workout but make the mistake of doing it on my work computer at the post-workday slacks are coming in hot this AM. My body’s HR doesn’t really pick up but I still feel proud of myself for pushing thru the soreness.
7:00 PM - K and I eat big burritos for dinner with jackfruit, beans, rice, lettuce, tofutti sour cream, cheeze, and jalapenos with chips and salsa. They’re so good and I am sad that we’re out of tortilla chips and salsa now.
8:00 PM - Since dinner was kinda big and I had fries yesterday, I spend the evening hydrating instead of drinking wine. K and I watch a 4 part docuseries on Elisa Lam & the Cecil Hotel. At some point he goes off to work on some stuff and I wrap up this website I’m building for my boss who is working on getting her green card.
9:00 AM - Make a chemex. Finish the site and send it to my boss who approves. Hopefully I don’t have to actually post it for her. I hate dealing with hosting and such. 
10:00 AM - I don’t really want yogurt today and find a small portion of tofu scramble leftover from Sunday. Heat that up and top with truffle hot sauce.
12:00 PM - Kill the rest of the salad ingredients today by making the same dish as yesterday but with peas instead of red bell peppers. Review the site I made for my boss. She sends me a $100 amazon gift card! How sweet.
5:00 PM - Get sucked in a meeting and am not able to leave until 5:30. I’m not interested in exercising this late so I zone out on the couch for a bit and snack on some gf pretzels. Start a new season of The Challenge. Drink a glass of wine.
7:00 PM - Heat up leftover pozole for dinner. Eat with K while we “watch” a hockey game. 
8:30 PM - Pour another glass of wine and chat on the phone with Q. I end up feeling super antsy halfway through our conversation and decide to take a walk. I do a nice loop down to the lake and back to my house. Next time we decide that we will walk together.
10:30 PM - I check my phone after our conversation to see 100 slack messages from various team members. Looks like there is something going on which will affect the report I have to give tomorrow. Read thru, ask some questions and feel good about what I have to change.
8:15 AM - Up a little early today so I can adjust my report. Make a chemex while I pull numbers.
9:30 AM - Present the info. It’s good stuff! My boss is out of town so I think today should be pretty chill. Get a note from my bank that the wire of leftover funds from the mortgage stuff has been transferred to my checking totaling $1250.39. 
12:00 PM - Make broccoli fried rice for lunch. Things turn chaotic for the rest of the day and by the time I know it, it’s 4:00 PM
4:15 PM - Decide to cut out early today and take a live barre class. 20 minutes in (10 minutes before 5), I get a message from my teammate asking to hop on zoom. She has computer issues so I’m actually able to finish the class before she’s ready. 
7:00 PM - Finally done working. Rinse off and make pasta for dinner. Drink 3 glasses of wine. 
9:30 PM - K and I play Mario Kart for a while before turning in.
8:30 AM - Today has to be more chill than yesterday… It just has to be. Make a chemex. See that my hair dresser is selling shirts for her shop. Venmo her. $25
12:00 PM - Prep chicken seitan shreds. Broccoli fried rice for lunch with seltzer. 
1:30 PM - Finish making the seitan, eat an apple, gf pretzels and carrots. I realize I forgot to eat breakfast this AM. Ugh.
5:00 PM - My butt is super sore from yesterday but I do my barre workout anyways. It’s so nice to not be interrupted. My cal burn is low but I don’t even care. It’s just nice to move.
6:00 PM - Rinse off and prep dinner. We make buffalo chicken sandwiches with roasted potatoes. They turn out pretty good and I’m excited to eat them over the next few days.
8:00 PM - Drink a glass of wine. I google if I can have more since I’m getting the COVID vaccine tomorrow and it seems like one is ok but maybe not more so I decide against it.
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yorkgrossman1-blog · 5 years
Shooting processes For Beginners
I remember very little about OV, a few girls I'd been wildly infatuated with, oh yes, and also the paint incident. For some reason my mother had purchased me white pants. Within this specific day I was working this particular particular blood red paint which as you will present guessed, managed to spill it, all over my crotch so would look like some teenage girl which in fact had just got her point. I was devastated but women in their work were very accommodating in calling my mother and letting me go home immediately. It's an incredible life,released in 1946 is a classical movie which sure kindles the holiday cardiovascular system.The story revolves around Bailey,a tough-luck guy who is struck in the town he wishes to emerge from.On a Christmas night,while he tries to commit suicide he meets an angel who shows him the earth which is crammed with happiness.And the climax is amazing,which many of the modern films now lack. Lee's Once the Levees Broke aired being a four hour long documentary on the Katrina disaster replete using a appearances and comments by Lee him. The pictures were hard to and the stories were heart rending. What was harder for most Americans to resist was the obvious anti-Bush rant that Lee used the disaster as the platform out of which to blast obama. According to the police chief the 2 year old boy's mother said she'd asked her son to pay a visit to into the laundry to wash up for dinner. After he came out he fell down next on the dog and began rough playing together with dog. Your dog ended up biting modest boy hard. She was able to get the dog off the boy. He was taken to the hospital and then transferred to Portland's Maine Medical Center for a surgical operation. The child is now back home recovering from his personal injuries. Sadly the dog involved was euthanized after his ten day quarantine. From my experience, preferred class to utilize is a sniper rifle with either the intervention or the Barrett 50 cal. Essentially the most used gun is the intervention, though it is very possible to finish with the Barrett 50 cal. Once you've chosen your desired sniper rifle, is in order to make sure you have FMJ within it. It needed for in order to definitely get a one-shot kill, because you will likely be killed anyone do not kill the opposite person a single shot. In this example, let's assume that you ready to workout on the intervention with FMJ. Your secondary weapon can be whatever you choose; I typically make use of a handgun regarding the M9. You might find it in numerous section of Google Ppc. This is used like the Overture tool, simply type within your keyword and click on Get More Keywords. This search provided 225 possible keywords, a few of which I will clean out side. 먹튀검증 A nice feature of the Adwords tool is that it allows you to download the list as a CSV declare use in Excel along with other program. The Polar Express,released in 2004 possess a firm put into Christmas films as all the scenes involving movie cry out Christmas for rowdy.It is based over a book a same name and boy it's amazing how the film has outdone the make a reservation for.The pinnacle of the film is when Santa arrives,it just is likely to make you spell limit.St.Nick is played by Tom Hanks (Oh! yes.of course he has played a great characters in the same film).Just observeing the film at consider of 12 months will help you become yearn for Christmas. Second, remember how few clients you truly need noticable your business or practice flourish. Keeping that in mind, definitely will realize it really is overkill you r to industry to a wide group. In the micro-niche, there will be associated with clients as quickly as possible you busy for the following hundred years or more.
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Here are some CrossFit workouts from the past week.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 CrossFit Open 12.2
WOMEN (includes Masters Women up to 54 years old) Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 45 pound Snatch, 30 reps 75 pound Snatch, 30 reps 100 pound Snatch, 30 reps 120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible
My snatches looked excellent (I know because a bunch of people told me so, lol), but wow, I wasn't moving quickly. Who am I kidding; I never move quickly on high-rep wods. I scored 51 reps, and scaled the hell out of this.
30 x 25# 21 x 35#
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
A. Partner WOD 20 minute AMRAP:
10-20-30-40-50, etc. Calorie Row Burpee
(10 cal row, 10 burpee, 20 cal row, 20 burpee, 30 cal row, 30 burpee, and so on)
I did this with my friend John, who has slowly but surely become my burpee coach/motivator/cheerleader over the past week. Poor guy! I don't remember what we scored, but we were maybe 14 cals into our 60 calorie row when we timed out. He definitley did the majority of our burpees, because again, speed on high-rep workouts is an issue with me. So I'm going to start doing some higher rep workouts and start breaking workouts into higher sets than I would normally choose and see if that makes a difference.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Thruster/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Go through the complex without dropping the bar.
This was fun! But resetting my hands and feet between each part of the complex was rough because I don't normally combine these movements. I really need to practice push jerks more -- I felt so wonky going from push to split jerks.
My sets were: 45 - 50 - 53 - 58 - 63 - 68 - 73
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
A) In 10 minutes, build to a tough 1 rep Power Clean
B) 3 rounds for time:
10 Power Cleans @85% of 1RM 20 Burpees
Power Clean sets were:
1 x 53# 1 x 63# 1 x 73# 1 x 83# 1 x 93# 1 x 103# - I didn't count this; elbows were pretty wonky. 1 x 113# - I attempted this three times, and couldn't even drop under the bar once. Not sure if it was simply too heavy or if I was too tired. Honestly, I shouldn't have wasted time on anything under 73#.
I used 93# as my base for part B. 85 percent of 93# was 79#, so I went with 80#, which was totally fine. I finished part B in 12:04. Goal was to finish between 8 and 13 minutes, so I was happy, especially since I went a little heavier than I needed to. The burpees are what killed me. I had planned on doing sets of 7, 7 and 6 for all the burpees, and that worked okay for round one, but I must have moved too quickly in round one because I fell apart in round two. Like 2-3 burpees at a time. John noticed me struggling and came and counted out my burpees for me, which I was incredibly grateful for. I would have wasted so much time standing around resting on those if it weren't for him keeping me motivated.
We're doing tabata static holds and yoga tonight. Thank god. After four heavy barbell days in a row (Saturday-Tuesday), I am so ready to just stretch.  
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cassieminus-blog · 7 years
I’m in Nebraska. I ate well today. I’m on a nice lil 2-day workout streak and I got lots of exercise while in DC, and then tomorrow I’m getting up early to work out before I spend the day shopping, eating and visiting w relatives. Not my fave relatives but I will survive. I’m irritated cuz I’d love to eat eggs with toast but I’m saving calories because I have to eat two meals out. I convinced my mother to go somewhere w/ calorie counts and I ~think~ we’re going with Applebee’s? so as long as I save 700 calories and order off the lighter fare menu, I’ll be good. which means I have to eat 750 beforehand, or less. so I think what I’m going to do is have a couple coffees (40 cal), eat a 600 cal lunch, a 700 cal dinner, and then have 110 calories left when I get home so I can have a banana or a cheese stick or some grapes or some skinny pop popcorn if I’m hungry. ok. I feel better having written that out cuz just not having a plan stresses me out. 
I’m excited for school. I’ve been looking at grocery lists online, apartment stuff, etc. My grandma gave me $75 for shopping and $150 for my apartment and said I can have her Hamilton Beach grill thingy so that’s awesome and one less thing to buy. I’m getting so psyched for apartment life and for football games and classes and getting to spend time on my campus and live with people my age again. It’s gonna be so fun. In a week I’ll be back home and I’ll have four weeks left. The goals:
1. Lose 4 pounds
2. Learn some math so I don’t wanna die when I go back to school
3. Apply for jobs
There are other things I wanna do here and there, but those are the main ones. I think if I can just force myself to do like, 6 hours a week of math, I’ll be in a better spot than if I do nothing. And that can just mean working at Starbucks from 12pm to 2pm three times a week. I think it would add up.
Ok, I need to get some sleep cuz I’m leaving for the gym in 7.5 hours so I need to be up at 7 hours to get ready. I’m excited to kill my workout and hopefully have a fun, enjoyable day tomorrow!! 
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