#wot maths
Can we talk Moiraine and Siuan's age in the show? Book readers can chime in, I haven't read them yet.
Moiraine is maybe 10 years older than Anvaere judging by the portrait? And Anvaere is at least late 60's/70's in the show now? Which would make Moiraine likely in her late 70's/80's.
Baby fishwives at the beginning of 2x07 is twenty years ago making them (Moiraine at least) 60ish when Gitara had her vision.
If Moiraine left to come to the tower in her teens, or even early twenties, that means her and Siuan have been at the tower together maybe 40ish years? Making their relationship anything between 20-60 years long at the point we see them in the show?
Or am I way off?
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onaperduamedee · 1 year
I don't know if it's show bias, but I struggle to understand the reading of Moiraine as someone who is so driven by her mission that she doesn't care.
From the get-go, she flees the White Tower for fear of ending up Queen of Cairhien and as cruel a leader as the rulers in her family, although it would have meant control and power;
Getting knocked down and unable to channel, she stabs a former teacher to stop her from killing innocents who have little to do with her mission;
She rushes to the Blight to bond Lan and keep him from basically killing himself, even if again it is a gamble, and later on, the bond transfer is about saving him, albeit cruelly;
She uses her body as a shield to hold off a Forsaken in order to help Rand, sustaining serious injuries in the fight, although her sacrifice is mostly useless considering how overpowered she is;
Many times, she heals villagers, soldiers, Aiel, wolves, sometimes until she is on the brink of passing out;
She fights Shadowspawns in Tear, in the Waste just as bravely as Lan, despite not being battle Ajah and often being surrounded by Aiel who can do the job by themselves;
She tackles Lanfear, toppling with her inside a collapsing ter'angreal, effectively dooming herself and cutting herself from the narrative, to help Rand, Egwene and Aviendha.
Obviously, you could argue that each of these actions would bring her an advantage and in acting so, she was only playing her part in the pattern, without a care for the people she was helping, but that's such an ungenerous reading of the character given what the text provides.
Her mindset is utilitarian and pragmatic, but to see her ever-present doubts, her growing despair and raging hope in Rand and still interpret her as uncaring is mind-boggling to me.
Her whole speech in TSR regarding "People [fighting] for you who do not know it, any more than you know them" tells of someone who believes saving the world will require a lot of collaboration and awareness of each other, not merely machinations and control.
She is a hard woman, but uncaring she is not.
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 6 months
I’ve been into wheel of time for six years with nothing but my fifty year old stepda who introduced me it and mildly misogynistic middle aged men on facebook so now being on tumblr and twitter full of people who agree that mat kisses men and rand should specifically kiss asmodean spelling won’t work is that right because it would be funny is so refreshing
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mr-stottlemonk · 2 months
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made a timeline for monk tv for the folks cause it makes no sense sometimes.
[more in the tags]
[update: stottlemeyer's timeline found here]
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markantonys · 1 year
“the leader of a circle can burn the other members out against their will” is a much simpler check on the power of linking than whatever the hell is going on here
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someone who’s more attentive than me help me w/ the wheel of time timeline
So 👏 Bel Tine - spring, easy. Bel tine is actually based on Bealtaine which is May, the beginning of summer - but they say it’s spring, so let’s say spring is March.
Then they go On The Road™️ and on horseback the foliage around them eventually starts to look a bit autumn-y. Perhaps, august, early September. I wanna say august tho.
That’s like five months just travelling which feels inaccurate. THEN we have a time skip, another month, making it at least September and at most October.
Then we have two time skips - one for Mat and one for the rest. Mat is gone six months - right from that moment before the way gate. So their time in Fal Dara is 1 month.
Let’s make it October. Another five months after and it’s Bel Tine again.
Which works out fine.
But man, it is not easy to tell that between the first time skip and bel tine it’s been five/six whole months.
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
nah like imagine not having to study math and science anymore 😹😻
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sothischickshe · 2 years
Actually the funniest part of s2 is them casting charithra as simone's presumably significantly younger sibling, despite the fact that in reality she's only two years younger, bc she's short/er.
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 2 years
sigh time to turn up the grind cus my dumbass body decided it doesnt wanna work anymore
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daisychainsandbowties · 7 months
drag the stupid fletching scene on main 😌
the gay urge to see feathers wet with blood the other, gayer urge to see nynaeve go from ‘scare 🥺🥺’ to girlboss central as soon as she realises yeah gayboy you can treat the wound like a normal person oooops you did a Healing by accident
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amyrlinegwene · 10 months
Went insane trying to math somethings in wot that were probably not meant to be mathed and went through the wot wiki, companion and books (physical and ebook) for like three hours while typing on my phone and now my eyes hurt. Will probably not be posting lol because incoherent and still unfinished. But also might later who knows
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yellow0jello2 · 6 months
Since there are no math classes in Hogwarts, imagine a muggle born realizing they can flex on everyone and taking online classes in the summer to fuck with the people who think they're superior to muggles
Ravenclaw: oh, if you need any help understanding this, come to me! I won't judge you since your muggle brain might have a hard time comprehending the concept of magic. It's funny how you're so limited. You're like an ant seeing life from a human's perspective, aren't you?
Muggle born: So you know triangle congruence theorems?
Ravenclaw: ... wot-
Muggle born: Thanks for the offer, maybe I can teach you about vectors and scalars!
Ravenclaw: I-
Muggle born: Or perhaps you'd rather know the formulas to solve for the velocity and displacement of a broomstick?
Ravenclaw: ...
Muggle born: Think before you speak, you feather fluffing stale biscuit.
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moghedien · 7 months
I've seen you say a few times that a lot of modern magic systems aren't really magic and are basically science or math (or sci-fi), and specifically mention Brandon Sanderson's systems. Maybe it's just because I'm not very familiar with his work (I've only read mistborn era 1 and the first 3 books of the stormlight archive) but it seems to me his magic systems are god-given, explained to death, video-gamey magic with basically an energy bar, and I don't really understand how that'd be science, math or sci-fi. Would you mind explaining that to me? (I also don't really understand the whole hard magic vs soft magic thing. E.g., to me classic spells and wot weaving seem functionally the same yet the former is generally considered soft and the latter hard)
Describing it as video gamey is actually exactly it, because video games and even table top games that use magic are basically the same thing, because they have to be. They have very specific rules that are always going to the constant. Once you know the rules, you can minmax and manipulate scenarios around those rules, but the rules are still very much in place and very constant.
Video games are like that because they have to be, they’re programs. Table top games are like that also because they have to be to be useable for a general audience, but a GM can in theory decide to throw out said rules and decide something else happens based on vibes. That’s the simplest example I can give on the difference between hard and soft magic. Magic that follows rules is hard magic. Magic that follows vibes is soft magic.
When it comes to Sanderson, I call his magic systems math because they’re so intentionally formulaic. Doing X thing will always cause Y action. You may be able to manipulate situations around that formula in unexpected way. You may be able to throw in unexpected variables or you may unexpectedly encounter something you didn’t account for that throws off the expected outcome, but the formula is always going to be the same. No matter how many times you do it. No matter who is doing it (as long as they have the basic ability to use the magic), x+y will always equal z
The reason why I say that isn’t magic is because it’s extremely orderly and predictable. If you look at like, most magical representations in antiquity, it’s very much a chaotic force. You can try to harness it and do things with it, but you can’t control chaos and you’ll probably end up with some unexpected outcomes even if you’re skilled and careful. Also it’s largely used in like stories just to like, deliver some moral or cause some problem so it’s literally just a tool to add chaos that can’t otherwise be accounted for.
People can write “hard” magic all they want and I like Cosmere and all, but Branderson specifically as well as a lot of other fantasy writers have a problem with thinking that any magic that isn’t clearly defined for readers is bad. Branderson specifically seems to think that it’s poor writing and a mistake on the writers part if they somehow forgot to come up with never changing magic rules for the readers to obsess over.
If that’s the case though then the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit were the worst fantasy books every written because Tolkien is like THE best example of soft magic in fantasy. No one knows what the fuck the rules of magic are in those books, but somehow it still isn’t bad writing when Gandalf comes back from the dead or dropping a ring in some lava kills Satan. Like even when we get explanations it’s just like “accept this is the case for this one situation but apply it to nothing else.” A more recent example of soft magic is in the Poppy War, which is a book I would love to hear Branderson or his fans try to say is poorly written because of the magic
Wheel of Time has a sort of combination of hard and soft magic though, which is where a lot of the criticism toward Branderson came up because he seems to ignore this when discussing the books/show. Weaves and channeling and such are on the harder side and have rules that do largely remain constant (except when they don’t), but then there’s things like Tel’aran’rhiod and the Ogier and ter’angreal in general and the horn of Valere and the heroes attached to it and taveren where it’s just largely like “yeah this is how it is don’t worry about it”
Anyway, all this to say I really do actually hate the terms hard and soft magic but they’re the most useful terms we have
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girlonthelasttrain · 5 months
I don't exactly know what Wheel of Time is trying to do by suggesting that Liandrin was subjected to so much (gendered) violence as a girl. I don't know that this show can support a complex plotline about a victim ultimately turning into a perpetrator without falling into oversimplification. (The fact that they made up a secret son as a backstory for Liandrin does not bode well, imho. Talk about clichés.)
The most generous interpretation I can give is that Liandrin has lived all her life in fear and mistrust of everyone, essentially bargaining with and finding loopholes in oaths and institutions in order for her and her child to survive (born into a family that mistreated her -> forced into a violent marriage -> escapes to the White Tower which however won't allow her to keep her son -> eventually swears oath to the Dark). Her allegiance is not with any place she's been in, although her belief in the Red Ajah's "mission" is likely sincere; there's always, however, a more basic math at play I think. The Tower forced her to live without her son, and so Liandrin will never put the survival of the Tower, much less its rules, above her own. As a related note, I think the power of what Lanfear offers to Liandrin is precisely that it is, for once, more than survival through nominal observance of random rules. Lanfear already knows everything there is to know about Liandrin, so Liandrin doesn't need to fear discovery anymore. If she lets all her other secrets go (her fondness/animosity for Moiraine the most prominent among them), then Liandrin will be unfettered—although still bound by her oath to the Dark. But Liandrin has never known an oath-free life, has never lived without someone having the power to force her to obey. There's never been a true way out for her, so a little more (apparent) wiggle room is incredibly tempting for her.
The ungenerous interpretation is that this whole thing will turn into a sketchy distinction between two types of victims, the good virtuous ones and the bad ones, Liandrin belonging to the latter. Maybe there's a case to be made about victimhood being weaponized (I feel like it matters here that Liandrin is played by a white actress), but is it something that a fantasy show like WoT can do well without falling into easy moralizing? Again, I don't know.
ETA: I'm allowing reblogs now, but please keep any eventual addition on topic; also I kindly ask to not minimize my concerns in additions or in tags.
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wolfpupsblog · 2 months
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U know shits going down when he catches u doing something u shouldn't do.
U try to leave the house and he's like and where do u think ur going little lady? As he deeply says with a tence stare in ur soul.
Then u say I'm going out with my friends?.
He looks at u and says sweety it's a school night u need to be in ur room getting on homework.
Then he realizes ur wearing something revealing and he goes oh your not wearing that. Jamas then school work!
Then u go to ur room lock the door then u get a text from a friend uve known since preschool and he says wots taking so long.? And u reply I'm not going I got home work.
His answer is oh then should I save u a dance then?
U laugh then u say with a teary eyed emoji I wish I could but my dad has me on a curfew because the Empire placed one on all citecins remember?
Well then we could sneak off someplace just u and me?. Plus when has the Empire stopped us before?!
Then u try to sneack out ur window and..
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Suddenly caught by ur dad's husband ur other dad.
Wot do we have here?! Trying to desert ur own fathers I see? And still in that awful skimpy outfit I see!? School night means school night! Non of this run away shinanegins shit!
And then he sees ur talking to the friend u knew in preschool. And u go daddy I have a confession u know my friend grem from school?
That boy u played with as a kid? Yeah I know him know how close u were with him. Why?
Things with him have come closer dad. And plus this girl at my school yelda she thinks she's hot shit. And stuff always gets her way gets the fame glory popularity in class and on social media and she's got this party going on to showcase her and her families new house and just to have more attention cus rampart is her dad.
And she said if I'm not there in a hour that grem was hers and shed tell everyone how.. Then u pause and he says how u flunked math? I know. He puts u in the comfort of his arms and says non of that matters and u love him truly then tell him!
I'll handle the bully situation and also ur grounded for dis obeying orders and trying to wear something that u think can one up MS popularity and cus I love u.
And something else ur super smart. So dont let that girl take that from u. And I'll help u with ur homework. Cuz we got ur report card the other day and u got a c. So try getting it up to a b and we'll see wot happens and something else I need to confiscate ur phone.
So next morning u ur dads and ur mom r at the breakfast table eating and next thing u know it's some guy walking to the door and it's someone u rarely see anymore. But with the accent u remember him all to well and a deeper voice. Your dad slick. Came by to take u to school. And as ur in the land speeder with him and the radio going he notices quite a tude to ur voice. And with how you posture urself before getting in.
And he's like tft a real rebel like ur dad and I back in the civle war. Got quite a tude to u today kid wot is it.?
As. U slump down and u see her yelda in a neon pink land speeder with grem in the passenger side. And u slump down farther so she can't see u. As ur at the trafic light she rules the window down and is like hey loser heard ur daddy grounded u. Ha ha stupid inferior clones! And u call ourselves the better soldier?! Please! And she throws her soda at ur head! Bye now and vssoom! Speeds past u and as ur crying ur heart and eyes out slick then calls u off school takes u to his apartment on the other side of galactic city back on coressant and he gets u cleand up and he says
So that's wot ur deal is. I'll get her expelled for this. As he kisses u and while a ur tears and says amphiritite u know we're here for u. As he carried u to ur new room layd u in bed turns the light off and then closed ur door
Then gus calls.. Where the hell is she?! In a fit of rage!
Gus calm down please I called the school called her off brought her to my place.
Gus well the teach nor any of us here were notified of this! The hells matter with u slick Oberon?!
Chopper the overly aggressive but sensitive and understanding type he is.. Give me the phone.
Slick babe please tell me she didn't skip school.?
No hun she didn't I was on my way to take her there and kinda get her take on this whole situation and ramparts daughter showed up beside us and was with the boy our girl was falling hard for the one she new since preschool grem?. Yeah well he was with her and she threw her coak at our daughter. And mocked her! So I brought her here called her off just for the day no homework non of that. She needs to decompress.
Sigh.. Ok slick good call then.
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day0walkersdrafts · 8 months
kinktober day one - high
Matilda always told Xavier that his worst habit, when it came to weed was not holding the blunt too long in a circle, or letting the end get moist with spit, or dropping it when his fingertips went weed high numb.
It was that Xavier could never truly tell someones tolerance level; and tended to figure everyone could smoke the same amount as him.
Which is why Benji ends up on the couch, almost sunk in like he’s melted. Puddle like, his arms around his torso, his red eyes blinking at the movie on the TV. The lights are flicked off, so it’s just the technicolor vibrance in the room flickering across them. Xavier’s tired, sleepy eyes blink in slow motion. He imagines hearing them cccreeeaakk like they need to be oiled and it makes him laugh.
“What?” Benji asks, head slumping to the side to look at him.
“Wot?” Xavier repeats, his own head turning. Crrrreeaakk. It makes him laugh again, the back of his hand slapping Benji’s chest as if he’s in on the joke. The world feels hazy and tingly at the edges, rippling like it’s underneath static filled water. His eyes blink more rapidly in an attempt to clear up, because Benji is looking at him, with that big unfiltered smile.
“You havin’ a laugh at me?” Benji’s arms unfold from around himself, untuck and open, inviting despite the gentle ribbing. Xavier feels tugged forward immediately, his body making that decision before his weed addled mind could even catch up. One minute he’s folded on the other side of the couch, the next he’s slinking forward, settling down into Benji’s lap.
Xavier’s long arms wind around Benji’s broad, strong shoulders. Their noses brush together. He finds it impossible to stop smiling—remembers the first time they ever got high together and how he’d woken up the next day with a sore jaw. From smiling. They’d not even been together back then; which feels odd to think about. Sometimes Xavier quantifies his days as Before Benji, because they seem so distant and out of touch now. If he thinks hard enough, he could conjure memories of them together that don’t exist, but feel like they should.
His eighth birthday party where he got sick from eating too much cake. Learning to drive, in an old beat up jeep his sister owned. Math class, where he puts the pieces together too quickly and the teacher makes him feel stupid for it. Benji could be in them, if he imagines it. And when he’s high like this, he can. Rewrite memories, just for fun. For comfort.
Instead he presses his lips to Benji’s. Their mouths open, tongues rolling together in an obscenely quick mess. His hips jolt forward as he settles further onto Benji, knees open, and Benji’s hands make a quick home in his back pockets, pulling him closer still. Their heads tilt in tandem, pushing and pulling each other in different directions. They devour, hungrily. Teeth bite lips here and there, Xavier’s hand slipping up to bury and tangle into Benji’s hair. Both of them moan into each others mouths, the vibrations sending little waves of pleasure down Xavier’s whole body.
They part just to breath and when they do, spit connects their mouth—and Benji dives in to lick it off Xavier’s lip. Blood pools down inside Xavier, hot and desperate for touch.
“Feels good,” Benji throatily purrs, as Xavier tilts his head back to expose his throat for more directed kisses. The brush of Benji’s lips there make him shiver, make his hips grind down harder. The syrupy honey warm feeling of being high heightens how good it feels to be touched. His cock strains against denim, his body feeling electrified at every point where they touch.
“You know what else feels good when you’re high?” he asks breathlessly, chin dipping down so he can look Benji in the eyes. They’re watery and red, but his beautiful brown irises stand out in stark contrast. Xavier cups Benji’s cheeks, hips undulating forward.
“Dude, what the fuck?”
Xavier’s laugh is hard and immediate. His body falls forward, with his face pressed into Benji’s neck. He needs to shave, Xavier realizes, as his cheek brushes against short, rough hairs. His laughing makes his whole body shake, and Benji laughs just as hard. Flat palms brush up and down Xavier’s back. They laugh harder together, inebriated and confused. Xavier pulls back (even if he’d rather stay tucked into Benji’s throat like that where he smells the fucking best) and blinks tears of laughter out of his eyes.
“What are you fucking talking about?”
“A’ve had to piss for like an hour—n’your pressin’ on me,” Benji explains, little giggles escaping as he gestures to where Xavier is pressing his hips forward. They’re both obviously hard, outlined tents in their jeans, but instead of feeling that sweeping, almost painful heat of arousal, Xavier bursts into laughter again. His head lolls back, hands curling into Benji’s shirt.
“Go piss, Benji—what the fuck?”
“I couldn’t g’off the couch, mate, I was stuck.”
“You need snacks to sober up.”
“M’not tryin’ to sober up, just tryin’ not to piss myself.”
It sets them both off, Xavier sliding sideways until hes laying on the couch. He’s hiccuping with laughter as Benji starts to unravel himself. There’s a little stumble to him as he balances with arms held out that only makes Xavier’s hyena laughing get harder. Benji catches the wall as he walks, presses his forehead flat to it, side eying Xavier as he fights to stop his own weed giggles. Xavier flaps a hand.
“Please—Benji, I’m dying—go—”
“Piss off.”
Xavier nearly kicks himself off the couch, it overtakes him then, laughter so loud that he feels faint with it.
They move to the bedroom next.
Their hands roam across each other, shoving clothes away. Kissing places other than just each others mouths. Benji’s lips seal around Xavier’s nipple, make him whine in a high pitched, pathetic way. He retaliates by putting a dark, bruising kiss to the hollow of Benji’s throat that he knows he’ll be obsessed with in the morning. They tangle together in the bed, blankets messy around them.
Sometimes, he feels like he can’t tell them apart when they come together like this. Feels like one big sensation. Hands, lips, teeth. Benji flipping him onto his stomach and kissing the back of his neck. Moving his hair to the side—the tickling feeling making him laugh again, threatening to set him off. Benji’s tongue points, draws down his spine and makes him moan helplessly as he reaches for a pillow. His hands curl around it, his face burying. Feels good, feels so good.
He hears a crashing sound and lifts his head from the pillow. Xavier glances over his shoulder to Benji behind him. Usually, that’s a stunning enough fucking image that Xavier can feel an orgasm pulsing up his spine—close, just from the vision of Benji kneeling behind him, broad chest heaving with breath. Instead, Benji is looking at him with giant eyes, mouth flat in a suspicious line. His hand hovers above the desk beside Xavier’s bed.
“Dude,” Xavier says softly, voice scarcely above a whisper, as he looks at the scattering of legos across the floor. “Dude, my Death Star.”
There is a beat of silence. Benji’s other hand—the one not trying to find the little bottle of lube on the desk—drums fingers softly against the crest of Xavier’s bare ass. Time had moved liquid strange, so he didn’t even realize how close they were to the actual act until just then. Benji’s pressed against him, warm and flush and close. Xavier feels that trembly pliant sensation of being ready to be fucking taken. But his eyes dart back to the legos and then up to Benji.
Who explodes into laughter. He falls forward, with hands on Xavier’s waist. The feeling of them curling around and holding makes Xavier’s cock twitch.
“Benji, do you know how long it took me to put that together?”
“Your fucking Death Star—like the world’s endin’ over that—”
“The whole fucking galaxy almost ended over the Death Star, Benji.”
Their bodies slide together as Benji’s laughter gets louder. Xavier braces himself up on elbows, suddenly on his back. He blinks sleepiness from his eyes, this rising sense of weed depleted exhaustion. He grins, ear to ear, lips twitching as he watches Benji wipe at his own eyes in laughter. It feels intimate, to be completely naked, hard, in bed together. Laughing fucking relentlessly. Xavier’s hand flattens to Benji’s chest, uses that as leverage to push himself off the bed.
He avoids the legos carefully as he finds his laptop.
“Oh, bend over more when you get it, yeah?”
“Dude, fuck yourself,” Xavier mutters as he pulls its out of the laptop bag Yasiel had insisted he use. He pads back to the bed and settles in, yanking at the blankets that had gotten tangled up from when they’d fallen in together. Benji lays on his stomach, with a pillow pulled up underneath his chest. The curve of his spine is so beautiful that Xavier thoughtlessly draws his hand up between his shoulder blades.
“You’ll like Star Wars.”
“I really won’t,” Benji replies in a sleepy, satisfied voice.
“Han Solo was definitely a bisexual awakening for me,” Xavier says sleepily. Somehow, Benji had found his way half underneath him. The purring vibration of his breathing makes Xavier feel almost lulled to sleep. He keeps an arm around him, fingers idly petting the soft hair at Benji’s torso, his other hand on the laptop to skip the scenes he already knows the other man won’t care about. Which is admittedly almost half the movie.
“He seems like an arsehole. Princess could do better.”
“Oh, yeah, he fucking sucks, but he’s hot. You’re into Luke, aren’t you?” Benji doesn’t answer right away and it makes Xavier laugh into his hair. The curly strands tickle, but he refuses to pull away from them, because his high is wearing off and the comforting smell makes him feel warm. Benji slaps a hand back against his bare thigh in soft retaliation and he laughs again.
Time slips a bit again and they’ve changed positions to be more chest to chest, heads tilted toward the end of the movie. Xavier yawns into Benji’s throat, shifts a bit, feels their bare bodies sliding and then jolts.
“Oh.” He sits up.
“Alright?” Benji rolls onto his back. Xavier can see that dark, pretty mark he’d put there hours ago. He lingers on it, remembering the taste of his skin, the feel of his moan on his lips with his lips there. Xavier winds a hand down Benji’s stomach, watching skin ripple and dance.
“We forgot to fuck,” Xavier says sheepishly, grinning crooked, toothy. The movie credits begin to roll, so the room goes even darker without the lighting from cinema. Benji’s eyes go dark as well. Pretty. He slinks his hand over Xavier’s, pulling it up higher on his chest.
There is one final pause before he snorts. That cute little exhalation of air.
“Fuck yeah,” Xavier purrs in response, sliding forward to lay over top of him. “I’ll be like, soooooo horny in the morning and soooooo not sleepy, and soooooo not as high.” He arranges himself into the bed, tucked leg between Benji’s. The pillows get situated, as Benji does most nights, the blanket getting tucked, because one of them has a habit of stealing from the other.
It’s almost noon on the lazy off work Sunday Xavier has. His hand makes gentle caresses through Benji’s curly hair as he lays in his lap. Both their heads are tilted toward the phone in his hand, as a video plays. This time, Xavier had learned from Matilda had always been trying to tell him—not everyone needed as much weed as Xavier. So Benji had only gotten a few hits off the joint. Enough to make him mellow and relaxed and warm. And Xavier hadn’t rolled himself a second, so he lingers in that space between sober and high nicely.
He wraps a curl around his finger and then lets it bounce away. He repeats it a few more times.
“This is fuckin’ mad,” Benji murmurs at the video.
“I love How It’s Made,” Xavier replies, his voice equally as soft and quiet. “We should watch the bowling ball one next.” There’s no reply except a content sound as Xavier parts Benji’s hair and begins to braid a strand of it. He blinks down at the curls, his eyes slowly roving over to Benji’s eye brows, the curve of his nose. Down to his neck. He slaps a hand on Benji’s chest.
“Dude,” he says.
“Yeah? S’mad, like I said, I didn’t know that’s how they made—”
“We didn’t have sex this morning,” Xavier says, leaning over Benji to make them look at one another. Benji blinks a few times, then he grins, a curl of his lip up.
“You wanted donuts.”
“You have to get there like, right as they open, or they’re not fresh.”
“Xavier.” Benji lifts a hand, cups his chin. Gives him a small, sweet little shake. “I love you.”
That feels better than any orgasm, feels more like an explosion to every sense he has than any orgasm could ever hope to be. Xavier melts against his hand, tucks his nose into Benji’s palm, smiling softer and softer until the smile becomes a kiss. He wiggles until he’s pone, head on Benji’s shoulder, his much longer limbs wrapping around the other comfortably. He’s lulled to silence as the video plays. Then he shoots up, shocked.
“I love you, too,” he says, blinking his mild weed high from his eyes. Benji’s resulting grin is wide and unabashed and truly so Benji.
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