#yay back to my vela save
raye-sim · 7 months
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a girl and her dog.
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lune-la-chanson · 3 years
yes please tell us your aphrodite monologue
Aphrodite’s Monolougue
I don’t remember all of it but I’ll make die with what I have. (Gonna include some obscure might not even be in the original Greek history stuff)
I was born in a world run by men, and where being a woman didn’t even get you your name on your grave. When I was born, there was no love, only like. People left their newborn babies on rocks to see if they would survive, and I was a baby left on a rock for two weeks until Chaos instilled a tiny bit of love in my parents and they remembered me and brought me home. But as soon as I was safe, that love left.
I met a boy, that boy was the love of my life, my everything. We were the only two people to feel love and we love each other. But he was soon dragged into the military and I was soon after getting marriage proposals, the sad thing is my family would have to pay my husband so that he would marry me, I was being sold like a prize cow, sold from one owner to the next.
I faked my death not long after and I wished to join my love, to be with him forever. I begged and pleaded with Chaos, or anyone that would listen to make me a man so I could be with my love. No one answered. I begged and pleaded and physically maimed myself just so I could be with my love, and I joined the military.
Soon a war came. My love and I fought side by side, together in this, before a spear shredded right through his stomach and clean through. My love died in my arms that day, and that was the day I became a god.
I became a god because of the pain I felt, that empty yet so full of emotion pain, the suffering knowing that my love was dead and I could do nothing to save him. My pain and anger and love made grief, the first person to feel grief. Being a god is painful, knowing that anything you loved could die from a common illness and that hurts. I felt my love’s soul leave his body and I felt my soul die, for without my soulmate what am I?
I became a god that day and I killed everything that tried to harm my love. I became the embodiment of love and beauty, for love is beauty and beauty is love. But even my now holiness my love would not come back, but the gods must have pitied me for they brought my love back, but in the shape of a dove, my sacred animal.
And because of my pain and love, love was felt by the entire world. Children would never have to grow up the way I did, forgotten on a rock.
“Tell them the First Noble Warrior is dead, tell them that he died a noble and honorable death” and I left the war and I released my five and dove into the sea and turned into foam.
I grieved and grieved and decided to come home. The three seasons found me and dressed me as brought me to Olympus. My dove was there. I was going to only love my dove, but Zeus had other plans.
I was to be married off to Hephaestus because I was too beautiful, and I cried. I cried because I was back to where I started, forever in a loop of being sold to the next husband. I cried so much I drowned my dove, and I turned him into stars. The constellation Vela.
I truly loved Hephaestus, but only as a friend. But I tired to love him, but he was married to his work. I was abandoned by my husband so he could fix a necklace. Ares saw this vulnerability and took advantage of it. Made me believe there was nothing wrong with cheating, I was simply loving another.
Because of this, I became the laughing stock of Olympus. The shallow goddess, goddess of beauty, never love and beauty, only beauty.
And Chaos likes to mock, for he reincarnates my love and kills him in front of me, and I know this will be forever. I cannot ever be in love, never tell my love that I love him, do egg second I do, he dies. 700 times he has reincarnated and been killed, never getting Elysium only pain. I am killing him, for I am selfish in wanting my Love.
Love hurts, but so does life.
I... surprisingly remembered a lot more of this than I thought I did.
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