#yes this is a terrible idea but i havent broken anything so far!!!
destrachan · 5 months
me, very unfit and prone to injury due to Problems: I have decided to become a Figure Skater
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silverpaintedstars · 3 years
Well, here’s a first chapter for y’all! Disclaimer it’s a little long, so be prepared for scrolling. I had a lot of fun writing this one
(if you havent read the prologue might wanna do that)
Chapter One: A Meal, An Encounter, and A Walk
He should be dead.
Somehow, though, he was alive.
But it felt like the opposite.
There was the left-over pain from the shadows, and on top of that, his face stung terribly. But he was alive, and he’d take that. Elliot didn’t open his eyes yet, still getting used to the fact that there was more life to live, and how he was going to use it.
It felt like he was laying on grass, or something of the likes. At any rate it was quiet, and he needed this moment of peace. He was lucky to snag them whenever he could, few and far between.
Finally he groaned and wrenched his eyes open. Grey sky greeted him overhead. He was laying on damp brush, rough and overgrown. Not too far from his original guess. A few trees dotted the land around, but he saw no other living form on this desolate wasteland.
Mustering all his energy, he slowly sat up, his head throbbing from the effort. He still had his traveling cloak over his shoulders, but whoever had put him here didn’t think to give him a bag or something?
Whoever had put him here…
Elliot looked around, then yelped.
On a rather large rock to his left, a black-clad figure sat, watching him. He wore a rather curious black mask around his eyes. A few strands of white hair peeked out from under his black hood. A scarf waved in the breeze, and a sword was buckled at his side.
All in all, he looked quite impressive, and like he could kill Elliot any second.
The black-cloaked young man quirked a small smile, his eyes completely concealed so Elliot couldn’t see any emotion from there. Clearly he knew Elliot had seen him but made no move towards his sword.
Elliot remained perfectly still, eyes wide and heart thumping. Did this person bring him here? Or simply stumble upon him? Not knowing made him feel even more helpless.
After a moment of the two staring at each other, the young man deftly hopped off his rock and strode towards Elliot, quickly closing the few yards between them. His boots flattened the tall grass, forming a temporary path.
Elliot swallowed, knowing he should run, but he was half curious what this stranger wanted, plus he doubted he could run faster.
The stranger stopped right in front of Elliot, who was still on the ground, staring up at him.
What he could see of his face betrayed no emotion as he reached a hand down, in the direction of his sheathed sword.
Elliot squeezed his eyes shut, frantically trying to shuffle back in the process. But when he heard no telltale shhhk of the weapon being drawn, he cautiously opened his eyes again.
A grey-gloved hand was outstretched in front of him.
Confused, ELliot looked back up at the stranger, who nodded his head towards his hand.
After a moment's hesitation, Ellliot limply grabbed it, his joints popping as the stranger pulled him to standing. Elliot dusted himself off, wobbling a bit. His face still hurt and he was terribly sore, but it was something he could bear to live with.
“Careful, traveler. Might get stepped on down there,” the stranger said. His voice didn’t quite match the rest of his outward appearance. Lower, a little hesitant but still confident. Elliot didn’t yet know if he could trust this stranger, but a part of him very much wanted to.
“Uh--em--tha-thank you,” Elliot warbled out, rubbing at his hands.
The stranger tipped his head slightly to the left. “And you are welcome.”
“Wh-who are you?” Elliot asked, knowing that stereotypical question had to be asked at some point.
“Around here you can call me Reaper.”
Elliot blinked. “Around here?”
“Yes.” He offered no further explanation. “I trust you are in need of food?”
Elliot hadn’t gotten there in his train of thought yet, but when it came around he found he was quite ready to board the car of food. His stomach grumbled hard when he found that inside this car were piles of food-breads, fruits, soups, and sweets. “Yes,” he said aloud, adding a hasty, ‘sir,” because it sounded safer.
Reaper smiled, pulling a wrapped parcel out of a bag hidden under his cloak. Inside were contents that added more memories to his car of food. A loaf of bread with a bit already broken off, a chunk of cheese, and an apple. He sat on the hard ground in one swift motion, crossing his legs underneath him and spreading the food on the paper, placing it on the ground.
Elliot clumsily sat across from Reaper, hungrily eying the food as more items filled his car as he looked at them.
Reaper tilted his head, as if studying him. “Go on.”
Elliot grabbed at the bread, tearing a hunk off and stuffing it in his mouth. He tried to go slow, act like he had some idea of manners, but the food tasted so good in comparison to what he was used to. Fresh bread--a rare thing for him. He was more used to barren soups, thin, watery things. This tasted a thousand times better, and Elliot felt himself feeling a sense of peace--despite dining with a stranger.
“So tell me,” Reaper said, watching Elliot eat, “how a High Elf like you wound up sixty miles from Orlem.”
He was that far away?
Elliot glanced down at his left hand, which bore the mark of a High Elf--black swirls along the side. He rubbed it. “I don’t know,” he said truthfully. So then, Reaper hadn’t brought him here? Just...found him? He reached for the apple and took a meek bite, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.
“Quite a scar,” Reaper said after a few more minutes of almost quiet, save Elliot’s chewing.
Elliot trailed a finger along the ridge, not trusting himself to be able to say anything. He ducked his head, letting his long hair hang over his face. He had finished eating and stared down at the ground, his head aching not just from physical wounds, but from memories triggered by it. Terrible memories. He willed them away, but it didn’t really go away. Just retreated until another vulnerable moment.
Why was he here? He was certain his father--no, the king--had killed him. He didn’t deserve the title father anymore. Elliot could bear king but not father.
And who was Reaper? Why was a random stranger being so kind to this small Elf boy? Elliot didn’t deserve this. He’d never even had someone really be nice to him before. Except Moss. But she was gone.
“Wh-where are we?” he asked Reaper, dragging himself out from his maze of thoughts.
“About a mile from Holden,” Reaper answered.
Holden. A town. Elliot had never been there, his few leavings of Orlem, the capital of Lucero, north rather than east, where Holden lay. He’d studied the geography of Lucero and the neighboring kingdoms, Chexon and Andromarche, before, so he vaguely knew the rough area.
What was so important about Holden? Was there a reason he had woken up here? Or was it simply...more convenient? He could think of plenty of wasteland around Orlem that would’ve suited the same need, but was closer.
“So…” Elliot started, trying to order his thoughts. “You--found me?”
Reaper nodded. “I was headed to Holden and came upon you. I couldn’t exactly leave someone in your, ah, condition.” For some reason Elliot got the feeling he didn’t mean his wounds.
Reaper rubbed his neck in an almost grabbing way. “To put it this way--most you meet will not sympathize with you. Since Loot has the throne, life has been difficult for most people, from cause of Elves.”
Oh. Elliot let that sink in. Because...of his father, people just associated elves with bad? And Reaper didn’t even know his father was the king.
“You’re lucky I found you,” Reaper added, snapping a twig in his gloved hands and making Elliot jump.
The world suddenly seemed a very messy place, and he’d been thrust in headfirst with no warning. He wasn’t quite sure what to do or say, so he just took another bite of bread.
“Now I know you probably don’t completely trust me,” Reaper continued, “and you just met me twenty or so minutes ago, but we can’t stay here very long. Benedons roam these parts, but the closer we move to Holden, the safer we are.”
Elliot definitely didn’t want to have to encounter a Benedon, a fanged, sharp-clawed creature. And there was a part that desperately wanted to trust Reaper. If he’d wanted to kill him, he could’ve. Elliot didn’t doubt that. But he hadn’t--and he’d given him food. So he had at least one good reason to trust him. But was it enough? He didn’t know who lay behind the mask. For all he knew, they were nowhere near Holden and Reaper was really leading him to his death.
He could never know.
But there was only one way to truly be sure.
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll go.”
“Good,” Reaper said, looking around. “Because I doubt you have a choice.” He looked back at Elliot. “Rest a while longer--you don’t yet look strong. Then we will leave.”
Elliot nodded, wondering how he was supposed to rest.
Turns out he didn’t have to think about it, for he lay back in the grass and promptly fell asleep.
He woke up some time later to see Reaper anxiously studying the sky, where the grey had grown darker. He hadn’t noticed Elliot was awake.
Slowly he sat up, rubbing the cloud from his eyes and head. Reaper looked over and saw him. “Good, you’re awake,” he said. “We should be off. If it stays clear we should make it before nightfall, but it looks like storms. Though I know a shelter if we need it.”
Elliot listened to his words in silence. When Reaper had finished he made his way to standing with an amount of effort. His legs were sore and his head began to hurt again, but he made it. Reaper nodded.
“You seem well enough to walk. You feel so?” he asked, shifting the sword scabbard around his waist.
“I-I think so,” Elliot repeated, trying to convince himself that the words were true.
“Then off we will be,” Reaper replied with a readiness to his voice that Elliot couldn’t quite match.
They began to walk east, though it was hard to tell with the clouded sky, but Reaper seemed to know the direction, which didn’t really surprise Elliot. His strength still was weak, but he managed to get in a groove to walk, heaving breaths but refusing to ask for a rest, wanting to prove he could do this.
Yeah, well, he wasn't convincing himself.
At all.
They walked in silence, Reaper still kept looking at the sky, making Elliot start to worry himself if they would get caught in the rain. They had been walking for about forty-five minutes when Elliot felt it.
A drop of wet.
At first he thought it was a bead of sweat from how hard he was pushing himself, but when he felt another, he looked up, confused. Another drop hit him right between the eyes. “Um-eh-Reaper?” he said in a quiet tone. Reaper didn’t hear him. “R-reaper?”
Reaper looked at him. “Yes?” He wouldn’t feel the rain with his hood and cloak, Elliot figured.
Elliot opened his mouth to speak, when the whole sky opened up. He was drenched in approximately twenty one seconds.
Reaper let out a frustrated huff of air, the first time Elliot saw him drop the calm facade. “Come on--there’s a place just over this next way.”
“How far?” Elliot asked, but was lost in the torrent. He followed Reaper, almost running in the rain. His cloak was soaked through, his hair dripping rain in his eyes. He could barely see ten feet ahead of him, but he could see Reaper’s scarf, and followed that blindly like a lighthouse on a ravaging sea.
He squinted, rainwater running into his eyes and his strength almost completely gone, but if Reaper promised shelter--he would push himself as much as he could to get to it and out of this rain.
Finally he saw a blur of yellow. He wiped his eyes and it focused into a small building that was just coming into view from behind a small hill. “I-is that it?” he had to pretty much shout to Reaper over the wet.
“Yes,” Reaper called back. “We will stop there.”
Elliot let out a breath of relief. Finally, he could rest. He could stop and maybe, just maybe, feel safe. Of course, that was making a rather large assumption, but one could dream, couldn’t they? If you weren’t even safe enough to dream, then you were truly cut off from your largest freedom.
Then a crack of lightning struck somewhere close and he jumped, knocked from his thoughts yet again, remembering that he was still in the middle of a storm.
The building--or whatever--was closer now, and thanks to the light from within, he could make out Reaper, the clouds completely snuffing out the natural light. It wasn’t quite nighttime yet, but it was darkening towards it.
Elliot wrapped his dripping cloak around himself, utterly miserable in the wet, feeling like a cat out here. Finally, finally, he and Reaper stepped onto the small porch of the shack, sheltered after what felt like an eternity.
Reaper threw his soaked hood back, his white-grey hair also dripping into his black mask, but he kept that on. “We may have to stay here through the night,” he told Elliot, looking out at the desolate, wet land around. “Walking around in this isn’t quite my fancy, though we are not far from Holden.”
Elliot only nodded, trying to peer through one of the windows that opened onto the porch, but there was a cloth thrown across it on the inside, blocking his view. “What is this place?” he asked Reaper.
“Think of it like an inn for us...vagabonds,” Reaper said. “But less ravish.”
“Oh.” Vagabonds? Was he considered that now? Reaper definitely fit that category, at least from the time he’d known him. But he wouldn’t have labeled himself one before, but maybe now.
“Well then,” Reaper said, wringing the end of his cloak off and dripping into small puddles on the ground, “shall we go inside?”
Elliot definitely had no idea what to expect in this ‘inn for vagabonds’, in Reaper’s terms. But he supposed he would have no idea what to expect of anything he encountered from here on out.
“I-I guess we will,” he said, swallowing and moistening his throat, ironically enough the only part that seemed dry.
Reaper opened the wooden door, and it whined on the hinges. Then he and Elliot stepped inside, out of the external terrors, and into the internal mysteries.
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wokebutsleepy · 5 years
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
i havent read a book in a while :/ ill take recommendations tho!
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
not usually because they’re usually too small
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
my family went to pick out a puppy
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
to not get too lazy over the winter
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
yeah probs
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
i mean not like in advance but yeah
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
cold and tired but overall good
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
I remember having one where i was shaving my legs at work lol don’t know what that was about
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?
juice tbh
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?
i like girls with kinda deep/scratchy voices, and maybe unpopular opinion but I don’t like choking during sex
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why?
uh i think maybe a couple of months ago when my brother got engaged. We were all very happy
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
nah, because they never think they did anything wrong
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
lol lick. I’m not a mad man
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
Changes all the time but I really like Catch Me if You Can
desert rose; do you like yourself?
yeah I’m alright overall
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?
Me and Gene Simmons shared an understanding nod when an elevator was too full
night owl; how many countries have you visited? I think 7
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle? Yes and they are built for short people
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
asked a girl out lol
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?
trying to think of christmas gift ideas
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
I’m 5′11″, I’m the youngest in my family, I have 5 tattoos, my eyesight is terrible, I’ve only broken one bone when I was 3
daphne; do you believe in karma? yeah in a real general sense.
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
no :(
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
probably my mom because she is very kind and giving
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
I don’t know, a Little Critter book maybe
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
not in the haunting way but maybe some spirit/energy kind
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
probably not too far back. Maybe just like 1970
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?
only if I stopped aging, I’m too curious as to how things are going to turn out/what new things people will discover
primula; what makes you sad?
dumb ‘friends’ on fb falling for troll articles
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
not really because I didn’t have to work today so it was different than my normal routine
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
My sister. She’s maybe the best in my family for keeping my secrets
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
a bagel
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
oh yeah bud, plenty
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
currently? probably the She-ra universe i guess lol
violet; favorite tv show?
the Office
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne Gretzky” -Michael Scott
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
Sleeping in, followed by a lazy day, and then play some games with friends
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
I like drawing a lot
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
I don’t have one
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
Generally around my age
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why?
My family. They’re just awesome
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?
Honestly, ‘The Giver’
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
Shego from Kim Possible because she was instrumental in my lesbian awakening
magnolia; coffee or tea?
tea. I hate Coffee
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
realistically, I’d rather be extremely loved
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
dog 100000% although I’m just an animal lover so cats are great too
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
of course
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
yeah! we’ve only grown closer as we gotten older
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
oh definitely a night person. I hate mornings
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
clover; how would your friends describe you?
quiet, funny, kind
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?
oh definitely an introvert
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
fanfiction lol
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.
lotus; best memory as a child?
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
My eyes are hazel and my hair is a dark brown
dahlia; do you like crystals?
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
the distribution of wealth
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?
I have no idea
calendula; biggest pet peeve?
loud chewers
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?
probably stay at home
blazing star; share a secret.
I think I’m going to get a lip tattoo next year
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?
definitely happier
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
maybe my brother? because it took him a little bit to get focused in life and it reassures me that I don’t have to have my shit figured out yet
bluebell; do you wear glasses?
oh hell yeah
nymphea; forest or river?
river running through a forest
orchid; do you like exercise?
hate it. Although I know it’s important I get too bored with it
pansy; do you like poetry?
morning glory; any special talent that you have?
I can solve a rubiks cube in under 3 mins
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Explaining the Psychology of The Housewife Bimbo fantasy. 
Explaining the Psychology of The Housewife Bimbo fantasy. 
Your intellegent, thats a given, probably to smart for your own liking, ignorance is bliss means alot to you. I think you feel that if you where ignorant , then you would be happier, and thats why its a fantasy. 
Your a feminist. Let me clarify. Your fine with strong and powerfull women, you think women have the right to equality and to choose, you also think that traditional gender roles should be just as valid of a choice as being a badass independant. 
The bimbo idea really really appeals to you. Its almost a guilty pleasure. Id say this probably is the thing that resonates in you stonger then anything else. To be a dumb and clueless thing who just does what they are told.
You know that its not real. You know you could act the part, but it would be an act, and you would retain your ability to observe and process information. 
I think for you , its choice you want removed. I know "duh" right? But let me try and explain. Housewife for sure, and i want to make that clear. Wife, you want claim on the man that has claim on you, you want to be emphatically everything they need. 
Your ideal situation is complete removal of choice, but the illusion that its there. Your given things like a list of chores. Clean the house, cook the food, do the shopping, make sure tomarrows clothes are out and folded the night before. You can pic what you want to wear that day, you can pick what chores to do. You have just enough freedom to prove yourself and do good, make a choice in a list of thing that have been chosen for you. You can do whatever chores you want, but the chores have already been chosen. You can wear anything you want , but everything you own was chosen or approved for you. You can cook food based on a list of recipies that where approved for you.
You have that freedom, but its not really freedom, you dont have to think any deeper then shallow choices. Your still useing your brain, but preventing it from really diving deep into anything that matters.thats his job.
You want to be sexually objectified. You know sex always is to much for any couple. Its too draining. However you feel that part of your responsibility to him is to work him up and get him off. Not just for the sexyness of it, but to keep him satisfied and to keep him yours. If he is walking around horny and unsatisfied then you havent done your job, as soon as he has a thought about fucking you should be trying to satiate it. So you want to be pretty , you want to be sexy. The brainpower you currently have you want to put into your body, how you can do your makeup, how you can excersise, what parts of your body need work and which ones need maintained to meet his ideal. Being sexy to him makes you feel sexy , and wanted, and secure, and provides a source of pride. 
So if he isent in the mood its your job to get him in the mood, and once he is, to take full responsibility. And by full responsibility i mean not saying no. You know you have limits, you want them pushed. Not completely broken, that would be betrayal. 
If you dont like anal, you want him to request it, you want him to be dissapointed in you if your resistant or deny him, because you know guilt will push you harder to open yourself up then him just taking you. 
Bondage and bdsm is interesting but not because you want to be held down. You dont get into sub space by being held against a bed. You get into sub space when he is selfishly useing your body for his deep desires and reaching his maximum pleasure. The satisfaction of being able to provide that to him far exceeds physical pleasure you may have from the act itself
You are 1000% his, its important to you to make the sacrifice of your standars to meet his, thats how you prove yourself. Once you choose your man, once one has earned the right to call you his. Then you have chosen the man you would give everything for. 
You have limits, things you like and things you dont, the man you choose will have the opportunity to blow all of them away. This makes you suspicious and carefull with anyone you might concider as a possible partner. Your not to terribly shy about saying who you are and what your interests are. You do have a problem with it being a fantasy. You couldent roleplay this with apartner. It is or it isent, your his or your not. Playing the part is a cheep immitation of being the part. 
All in all, you know your not a dumb girl. Your not gonna be. What you want is to be locked into a lifestyle that will make your intellegence irrelevant, to let you focus your brainpower completely on superficial things and choices that dont matter. To be completely secure in the power of your man and sacrifice everything you can to make him happy, as that will make you feel fufilled and wanted. 
You want every consequence of what that means. You want that to mean cooking dinner in pretty dress and him grabbing you and kissing you with every word he cannot say to tell you how much you mean to him. You want that to mean sitting in the backseat of the car sucking his cock parked outside the resturant so he can get his days frustrations out before being out in public, not because you decided to, but because he asked and thats all it takes for you to make it reality. And him asking and you providing can soak your panties faster then any porn. Even if it means you might have to spend 10 extra minutes redoing your makeup in the car and worrying slightly about the few drops of cum that managed to make it on the bust of your pretty dress, that is far less important then saying yes.
It means laying with him on the couch just enjoying the fact you can be so comfortable together doing nothing. Just as much as it means walking around fully dressed in the house in a pair of heels and tauntingly sexy atire all day shaking your sexy ass infront of him wondering at what point your going to get him so hard he shoves you against the dining room table and shows you how much he needs you. 
Your a housewife, who wants as simple of an existance as possible. You want to be pretty and usefull. If it means cooking a nice dinner, or spreading your legs for him whenever he wants it in whatever way he wants to. You want him to take every responsibility from you but one,make him happy, no matter how depraved or silly or humiliating things you have to do to make him happy. And the more rediculous and humiliating and demeaning it is, the better it feels to you because it is the absolute proof of how far you will go to fufill the one responsibility your given. Make him happy
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
The Legend of the Titanic & Tentacolino
Hello! Me Hello there, night human! thenightetc So... I haven't heard of this. What are we in for...? Me A mess. thenightetc *anticipation, yet trepidation also* thenightetc Quick, put it back-- Me Nothing to see here. thenightetc 😬 And he just happens to sit there! Me What a coincidence! Jalaperilo yo! Me Jalaperilo human! Hello! Jalaperilo i have 0 work tomorrow so i can hang all night! thenightetc Hello! Nice. Me Glorious! You won't want to miss a second of this one.
The Ramsey human can smell lies. Jalaperilo the ramsey human is one of the best of us. tells professionals when they are idiots, encourages those that are learning Me Exactly the way it should be. thenightetc ...Alright, I know how food looks doesn't necessarily indicate how it'll taste, but Jalaperilo what the f are chitlits? thenightetc They're... pig intestines Jalaperilo ah thenightetc Boiled and fried Jalaperilo and microwaved apparently thenightetc Oh! THAT'S where that's from! Me I always wondered! Jalaperilo he's so different on american tv thenightetc Red velvet cake is delicious Jalaperilo it is I'm gonna cry thenightetc ....:< Me I like to think I've learned to spot a good human, and he was one. thenightetc Yeah. Jalaperilo oh yes his acting is amazing Me It really is. thenightetc They may not be effective at villainy, but they make a wonderful band. Me We'll just...pass on the video where he's singing on his death bed. Onto the giant octopus movie? thenightetc ...Yes, let's. Jalaperilo what is this? thenightetc Hello! eggshellwhitesucks Hi! Me Hello! Jalaperilo yo! eggshellwhitesucks I’m the anon who demanded a terrible movie and I’m pleased Me """"Whistle"""" thenightetc We just started. Me Happy to deliver! Thank you for prompting this awful thing! eggshellwhitesucks Why are there so many movies about mice being put into terrible situations Me Maybe the mice deserve it for some ancient atrocity? eggshellwhitesucks hey look it’s discount marissa faireborn Starscreamapillar Oh good, I did not miss the madness. Me Unicron forbid! thenightetc Aw, he even has a little sailor suit. eggshellwhitesucks that’s just lazy writing thenightetc What is that hat Starscreamapillar Someone ate part of it. They are rodents. Jalaperilo they said they wwere in england, but if theyre picking up europeans, they'd be in france thenightetc That's right, this is a soccer movie now Me This certainly has something to do with anything. Starscreamapillar Mouse soccer definitely belongs in a titanic movie. Jalaperilo they had to fill the movie with innanity cause the story is lacking thenightetc Oh! Cats! Starscreamapillar Who could possibly be the bad guy. It is a mystery. Jalaperilo just her hand? thenightetc Looking forward to this descending into a horror movie as the cats hunt down and brutally murder every single mouse character eggshellwhitesucks I hope this ends up like the bee movie and she falls in love with a mouse Me Oh look, it's the personification of Vos. Starscreamapillar . . . Me Well, the fun part, at any rate. Starscreamapillar Good save. Jalaperilo nut him! she looks so generic eggshellwhitesucks OH was that completely necessary Jalaperilo nothing in this film is Starscreamapillar That is unsettling. thenightetc Well! Nothing distasteful about THAT. Me Close your mouth. eggshellwhitesucks Because everyone knows who that is thenightetc Oh, so he's saying his boss is too special to follow the rules. Jalaperilo looks like the animators cant animate dialogue, everything is spoken off camera Starscreamapillar Classy. eggshellwhitesucks The best part of the movie thus far Jalaperilo why havent they set off yet? Starscreamapillar They have to wave in three frames of animation per second. eggshellwhitesucks is this movie even about the titanic Jalaperilo this offends me eggshellwhitesucks tag urself I’m his eyepatch Jalaperilo i'm the entire cast being american Starscreamapillar Exclusive. Worldwide. Whaling rights. Because surely one man can grant those. Me I'm the wistful she-human in the painting. thenightetc Now that you mentioned the dialog thing I can't stop seeing it I'm the lamp. Starscreamapillar I am the broken CGI. thenightetc .... Jalaperilo haha! thenightetc That uh certainly is something. Jalaperilo this is where the dialogue animation budget went thenightetc Probably half their budget eggshellwhitesucks ...there’s still an hour left thenightetc oh my god THEY WERE JUST FLAT TEXTURES Jalaperilo oh god egg, why did you do thuis to us? Me Why is soccer mouse afting around with him anyway? He's not staff. thenightetc "mouse inspection board" Jalaperilo i'm not scottish, and this accent offends me to my soul thenightetc I'm pretty sure none of these mice are staff, per se eggshellwhitesucks he’s the spike witwicky of the movie Starscreamapillar Is he the one that sinks the ship, then? eggshellwhitesucks No that’s the iceberg, the best character thenightetc They're all stowaways. They're all stowaways. Starscreamapillar Are they even speaking actual words, or just vague, word-like noise? thenightetc ...What did her hair just do? You all saw that, right? Jalaperilo i was distracted by smut on my other screen eggshellwhitesucks I was going to respond to that with a comment but I’ve got nothing Jalaperilo then tey all die in the icy water eggshellwhitesucks I’m so proud of the icy water It deserves an award Me It's doing good work. Ew. Jalaperilo was this film originally another language? thenightetc .... Starscreamapillar A racist. Jalaperilo hahah! thenightetc So this IS like Bee Movie Starscreamapillar Only if it is reciprocated. eggshellwhitesucks Oh great they sing Starscreamapillar Those dolphins, and their fifty foot leaps. thenightetc Hoverdolphins. Starscreamapillar And floating. eggshellwhitesucks They escaped from Seaworld. Jalaperilo fuck off i hate everything that was just said eggshellwhitesucks Bad comment my apologies thenightetc Magic. Jalaperilo what you say? Me I laughed at it. eggshellwhitesucks Oh it’s an educational film it has nothing to do with the titanic If they all live at the end I riot Starscreamapillar I think she is just insane, and there is no dolphin magic. Me I want all these characters to watch each other die. Jalaperilo she was prob high on mescaline as it was in most medicine back then eggshellwhitesucks That would certainly be more entertaining thenightetc hahahaha eggshellwhitesucks I like how you keep checking the time just to remind us how much longer we have to endure this thenightetc Getting some more mileage out of that model, I see Me Oh, it does that when I archive the chat. Starscreamapillar .... The frag is that? thenightetc oh my god A... shark-man. With a hat. A prison hat? eggshellwhitesucks I want to see him face off against the sharkticons Me I too want to see him die. thenightetc With any luck, "face off" is what would happen oh my god She just rolls with it Starscreamapillar Did she not tell them what she thinks? Me Mescaline: not even once. Starscreamapillar Two mice, truly the backup she needs to turn the tide of her unwanted marriage. thenightetc "Now that I know a couple of talking mice I just met are on my side" Jalaperilo youre on the same ship in the middle of the sea eggshellwhitesucks I just missed a good two minutes because I got a phone call. Can I have a recap? thenightetc "fascinating charisma" Jalaperilo ah, this was original italian thenightetc Well, the minion guy apparently is in league with sharks, and the mice revealed themselves to this lady and offered to help her get out of her engagement ThebesAce Sorry I'm late--whoa, is this the second animated Titantic movie? MAKES IT EASY Me It is! Starscreamapillar Well then. Problem solved. Jalaperilo the besace! thenightetc Oh, god, he's still got her glove. Starscreamapillar Stop smelling that glove, it is weird. ThebesAce Jalapero! eggshellwhitesucks Titanic 2: the boat is back this time with vengeance thenightetc I bet smelling isn't all he's been doing. Me He's doing all kinds of things to that glove. ThebesAce (I know it's jalaperilo but I like going jalapero in my head) (SPICY DOG) Jalaperilo knock out, please, i'm trying to eat ice cream i got it lol ThebesAce I mean, it's not wrong okay, it's wrong, but it's not incorrect thenightetc ...So he CAN talk Starscreamapillar And then he ate those mice. eggshellwhitesucks He believes in a functionalist society. Me Smiley believes that some bots should be smelted for the greater good. ThebesAce or he doesn't want humans asking questions about him coughing up sailor outfits thenightetc Now, what about the cats. Oh, god, the soccer thing's going to die into it eggshellwhitesucks I’m thinking of a particularly horrific scene from the great mouse detective Starscreamapillar Oh yes, the tiny, mouse sized soccer ball sent him flying. Jalaperilo what is actually going on, cause i keep looking away for a few seconds and i have no idea whats happenng ThebesAce shenanigans shenanigans are happening thenightetc I think it was a regular soccer ball that the mouse somehow kicked hard enough Starscreamapillar It is all nonsense, even when one tries to pay attention. eggshellwhitesucks All that matters is they are en route to a giant ice berg Jalaperilo cant come quick enough THERE IS A SEQUEL ThebesAce YUP TENTACOLINO Jalaperilo tentacle what? eggshellwhitesucks i‘m so buying these films on dvd ThebesAce the sequel, it's called Tentacolino Jalaperilo thats up knock out street Me Don't tempt me into streaming it. ThebesAce You mean you don't want to stream the tale of toyland Atlantis? Me ... Starscreamapillar . . . thenightetc voyeur mice Me Well, we're watching it. And I've no objections to watching it tonight, if no one else does. thenightetc Let's do it! Me Beautiful! thenightetc Was that a pun? Jalaperilo might as well, we've come this far thenightetc Mice-tro Starscreamapillar Sure, I have not suffered enough in my lifetime. Jalaperilo this is our collective punishment for the terrible things we all did in the past eggshellwhitesucks I’m home alone all weekend to watch the dogs and my mom is gonna be like “what’d you do last night” I can’t wait to introduce her to this wonderful world of cinema Me I like how he seems to have given up on the female mouse and settled for her brother. eggshellwhitesucks Iceberg. Roll credits. Jalaperilo can he understand them? Starscreamapillar I have been exploded from the inside out, and I still count these films as more painful. ThebesAce I am also in for the sequel and apparently yes Yes he can Jalaperilo he didnt cry in the moonlights into the sea or whatever the fuck it was ThebesAce no but true love or some crap like that thenightetc I think the mouse was saying something about how if he marries her, he'll be able to understand them? eggshellwhitesucks Oh great. I’m so glad Smiley gets a girlfriend because we totally needed that. thenightetc I'm just glad there's not going to be a human/mouse romance after all eggshellwhitesucks Oh I completely forgot about the eyepatch villain Jalaperilo i thought the sailor mouse and the football mouse were a couple ThebesAce this movie isn't nearly that interesting eggshellwhitesucks Time to write fanfiction Jalaperilo the only piece of fanfiction to be written of this eggshellwhitesucks Didn’t they like just meet Starscreamapillar Have they actually said a whole sentence to each other? thenightetc I'm not sure they have. Me True love means never having to say literally anything to each other at any point. Jalaperilo theyre from the romeo and juliet school of romance thenightetc He had his dog steal her glove, he kept the glove to... smell... and then they danced eggshellwhitesucks The mice are the real villains. They just interrupted Smiley’s wonderful sleep. Me He was dreaming of a better movie! thenightetc Oh. New characters. Hooray. Jalaperilo cant wait to see these gypsy stereotypes eggshellwhitesucks Boyfriend. Smiley gets a boyfriend. Me Well, that's refreshingly...something. thenightetc "Mice! Wearing little clothes!" Jalaperilo gotta get back to my comics eggshellwhitesucks Well that’s totally a good idea thenightetc Please let them electrocute themselves Jalaperilo so, god i must be really flakey tonight. WHY do they want her to mary the eyepatch guy? Me This won't backfire at all. Starscreamapillar So that is why the ship sank. Evil mice sabotage. eggshellwhitesucks YESS THE ICEBERG thenightetc The eyepatch guy wants her father's whaling rights eggshellwhitesucks I’ve been waiting the entire movie for the iceberg thenightetc Again, why does the shark have a prison hat and patch Jalaperilo the iseberg is here to cleanse us of our sins thenightetc And hands? Starscreamapillar Because he is a bad guy. ThebesAce THAT'S HOW SHARK-HUNTING WORKS wait how did they understand the sharks, anyway Starscreamapillar Moonbeam slag. thenightetc He has stripes, too eggshellwhitesucks So this was the inspiration for finding nemo Jalaperilo why come up with the moonbeam shit if everyone is gonna understand animals thenightetc How is the hat styaing on Who put a shark in jail Starscreamapillar Because the humans who made this are also high on mescaline. eggshellwhitesucks Magic Jalaperilo haha i feel im on mescaline Me I like his large, visible claspers. thenightetc ..... eggshellwhitesucks I want you guys to know my dog is equally as disappointed in this film as me thenightetc *eyebrows* eggshellwhitesucks She fell asleep Jalaperilo your dog is a good judge of character and film thenightetc *eyebrows* eggshellwhitesucks She fell asleep Jalaperilo your dog is a good judge of character and film Me A very good dog. Jalaperilo many pets for doggo eggshellwhitesucks do they not realize that if the titanic sinks they too will die because of the icy cold waters or are they hoping to survive off of the marvelous breadfish thenightetc So he's like. A baby giant octopus Jalaperilo WHAT IS GOING ON??? tantacles. finally something for KO Me I'm in serious danger of losing my taste for tentacles. eggshellwhitesucks The shark is officially my favorite character. His manipulation tactics are wonderful. thenightetc And who can blame you? Jalaperilo i hate this octopus it looks fucking freaky thenightetc Got a little... dog nose ThebesAce don't worry, he suffers thenightetc nooooo, poor cat eggshellwhitesucks Death to the mice via the introduction of cat? Starscreamapillar Is he going to murder that old man? Jalaperilo we can only hope eggshellwhitesucks Man this really....sinks Starscreamapillar . . . Jalaperilo booo eggshellwhitesucks Almost as bad as the joke Ice to see eyepatch man again This movie is whaley bad Jalaperilo what they making him sign? Starscreamapillar A will. ThebesAce This script needs a tuna-p. Me They should have cetacean-motion a better one. thenightetc Wait, the hat wasn't stuck on? ThebesAce Eh, I'd probably clam up about my involvement in this, unless I was a real sucker. eggshellwhitesucks I can’t believe they’re sinking the ship. It’s clearly octopied. thenightetc Hhahahaha Jalaperilo YOU CAUSED A MASACRE KID thenightetc And nobody saw fit to tell him before he did it This is a pearl of a movie. Me "LOT OF POOR PEOPLE AND CHILDREN, KID." ThebesAce it is when they manage to coral their animation and tell the story eggshellwhitesucks I do wish I knew what type of mascara the captain uses Jalaperilo they served a lot of nice drinks on the titanic. they all went down well with ice Me HAH! thenightetc I mull-ask why anyone thought this was a good idea. eggshellwhitesucks This movie just got good. Because they’re all going to die. Jalaperilo ssoon we will be free of this awful movie Me And onto its sequel. Its awful, awful sequel. Starscreamapillar Ah yes, plenty of room for everyone. That is historically accurate. ThebesAce Don't want to bring the mood down, talking about the TITANTIC TITANIC* eggshellwhitesucks Well, ship happens. Jalaperilo how do you do a sequel? do they do a return trip on the lusitania? ThebesAce If it mast, it mast thenightetc I'm getting a sinking feeling about this. eggshellwhitesucks I heard the salads on the titanic used excellent iceberg lettuce. Me The script just falls a-port. thenightetc Well, I am looking forward to the sea-quel Starscreamapillar I hate all of you. thenightetc 😁 Starscreamapillar He's dead. Excellent. thenightetc What an electrifying solution. ThebesAce Guess we really sunk your opinions of us, huh eggshellwhitesucks Icee dead mice. Jalaperilo cant wait for this to fin-ish thenightetc That is definitely how octopi move, galloping across the ocean floor. eggshellwhitesucks Wait the octopus’ name is literally tentacles? Jalaperilo they dead eggshellwhitesucks That’s REALLY lazy writing. Me Casual sexism, lovely. Jalaperilo elizabeths full name is elizabeth human-woman Starscreamapillar Finally, someone acknowledges that it is a mouse. thenightetc And that there's something weird about that. eggshellwhitesucks Row row row your boat gently down the freezing waters you’ll inevitably die in Starscreamapillar The Titanic kraken. How could we forget? Jalaperilo didnt half the people die in the sinking? ThebesAce so do dolphins just. Fly? thenightetc ...Did he just Take a breath Me He did. Starscreamapillar Yes. eggshellwhitesucks Oh by all means save the instruments for incidental music thenightetc Well, THANK GOD everyone's safe! Starscreamapillar And then no one died. Except for that one mouse. And I guess those three idiots. Jalaperilo i hate this ThebesAce my, I feel such tension for their safety thenightetc I'm glad nobody died in the MOST FAMOUS SHIPWRECK OF ALL TIME. Me I certainly care what happens to them. eggshellwhitesucks Jut say “I never want to let go” and get it over with ThebesAce I am so invested in this cardboard cutouts of people and animals Starscreamapillar DEad. Jalaperilo where the fuck did this whale come from Starscreamapillar No such thing as hypothermia. Jalaperilo deus ex whales eggshellwhitesucks Hear that kids? The next time your boat sinks in freezing cold water jump in and die of hypothermia instead! Jalaperilo lemme guess, thats the uss california ThebesAce well I mean that did actually happen historically, but it sure didn't end happily Jalaperilo *ss Starscreamapillar I am glad he is dead. No.... eggshellwhitesucks He comes back as zombie octopus in the sequel thenightetc Well then ThebesAce the sequel is a hot mess of acid-fueled bad ideas eggshellwhitesucks And this film wasn’t? thenightetc Oh, so it's in the spirit of the original. ThebesAce no, compared to the original, the original is boring thenightetc noooooo, the cats ThebesAce the sequel's where they put the HILARIOUSLY bad ideas thenightetc ...His name is "Don Juan"? Starscreamapillar Of course it is. ThebesAce yes, because this is an Italian production, and they thought that was appropriate thenightetc Welllllll I'm sure their marriage is going to be just fine. Me Smiley and his boyfriend are the only acceptable couple in this movie. eggshellwhitesucks I concur thenightetc Thank god they gave that mouse tits. eggshellwhitesucks Wow this films soundtrack sure is wonderful Starscreamapillar But only two. Instead of the twelve she ought to have. Jalaperilo HAHAHA eggshellwhitesucks Hahahahaha....no Jalaperilo threesome eggshellwhitesucks I just heard the cinema sins laugh play in my head Me Beat the horses to make this tragedy right! ThebesAce I feel like Cinema Sins' sin counter would combust trying to tackle this movie Jalaperilo why is this film still going? thenightetc Oh good, more terrible CGI Starscreamapillar An unmoving mannequin crowd. Jalaperilo eat them eggshellwhitesucks I....I’m boycotting for the lack of death thenightetc And nobody's concerned about a giant octopus grabbing people out of the crowd Jalaperilo beig fukken stoned eggshellwhitesucks I didn’t need to see that the animated mouse ass Starscreamapillar That mouse made all that up. Me Sometimes they meet up for "fishing trips." thenightetc That explains a surprising amount He didn't want to upset the kids so he told them nobody died. ThebesAce yup. Starscreamapillar They also lived for eighty years. ThebesAce lot easier than telling him he was a stowaway shiprat who clung to a liferaft until he saw the shore thenightetc ...THIRD animated Titanic Movie? eggshellwhitesucks I’m switching to a computer because the sheer horror of this film killed my phone’s battery Me As well as something precious inside of all of us. ThebesAce YUP COME JOIN US IN ACID FUELED SEQUEL LAND thenightetc Oh, good, they kept the CGI model. Starscreamapillar I am fairly certain it is known where the wreck of the Titanic is. No searching necessary. thenightetc ...oh, they're just recapping for the credits. nevermind thenightetc "It's in just the right position now!" teehee Jalaperilo i had to go deal with some noisy ass bug in my room what did i miss? ThebesAce absolutely nothing Jalaperilo oh good lol ThebesAce they recapped, then bathysphere to find the Titanic Jalaperilo bathysphere? Starscreamapillar Somehow, despite the entire lack of quality of the first film, this one manages to look worse. thenightetc Why's his hat different ThebesAce it's that round diving thing with the lights coming out Me I miss Smiley's accent. And "Y." ThebesAce you attach it to a ship, dip it down as far as you can get it, then winch it back up Starscreamapillar It is a different dog, Smiley did and was replaced with Smile. thenightetc Wow, they extended themselves to ANIMATE the cgi! Jalaperilo so theyre going to go get the titanic? Me He ran off with his Scottish beast of a boyfriend. Jalaperilo are they gonna thenightetc Uh Jalaperilo ............ ThebesAce SO WHO WANTED THIS TITANIC MOVIE TO BE A MUSICAL thenightetc Where did he get that shirt ThebesAce BECAUSE YOU'RE GETTING A MUSICAL Starscreamapillar Oh good. It is a musical now. Me I like that this is apparently almost two hours long. Jalaperilo thebes, you sneak 2 hours to go get the titanic eggshellwhitesucks Oh this one's a musical. Wonderful. Jalaperilo his fin is unfortunately placed thenightetc Everything about this is unfortunate. Where did the hermit crab get glasses eggshellwhitesucks I can't wait to perform in this show. Jalaperilo haha thenightetc He IS half yellow eggshellwhitesucks Almost as much as I hate eggshell white Starscreamapillar That is why he has yellow on his stolen clothing. thenightetc Why is he stripping eggshellwhitesucks Clam down guys. ThebesAce why was he wearing clothes in the first place Jalaperilo whats with the oyster chorus ThebesAce now hold on, it took a lot for them to come out of their shells Jalaperilo wait, did i miss something, is the football mouse a girl? thenightetc Sharks hugging. eggshellwhitesucks The original voice actor came to his senses and decided he wouldn't do the sequel for purposes of his career. Jalaperilo why was there no background music thenightetc Why DOES he have a different hat than the other sharks Shouldn't there be water cominb in? Jalaperilo sharks arent evil thenightetc Isn't one of those things an air hose or something? Why are bubbles coming out of the sphere itself eggshellwhitesucks Because I'd much rather watch this film than Shark Week thenightetc Why does he need them to come with him to brush his--oh, of course, he can't reach his own teeth with his weird finhands Jalaperilo where is the music? what is the purpose of this scene? thenightetc Wow, everything about this makes sense Jalaperilo its too complicated and nothing is happening thenightetc So, all the air's definitely leaked out, right .................. Starscreamapillar . . . . Sure. Jalaperilo whaaaat thenightetc This sure is how everythign works Starscreamapillar The air they are wasting currently. Jalaperilo when does james cameron appear? thenightetc From the top. Jalaperilo haha Starscreamapillar I wish this was the undersea crevice Megatron was chucked into. He deserved this madness. eggshellwhitesucks I think I like this Tentacles a bit more. thenightetc Ha! Me He's got a pinch more grit. Jalaperilo its 3am and ive lost the plot Me Aerosol cans. Because of course. Starscreamapillar That is how bubbles work. thenightetc Sure is. That, too! eggshellwhitesucks OH MY GOD SEAHORSES ThebesAce THAT GALLOP WHAT Me "Oops." thenightetc "what's a dog" Jalaperilo they dead? Starscreamapillar If only. thenightetc Couldn't they just carry them up to the surface instead of taking them to Atlantis? Starscreamapillar No. They have to kidnap them. thenightetc Of course the octopus has trouble squeezing through slightly tight spaces. ThebesAce WELCOME TO TOYLAND ATLANTIS Starscreamapillar Wasn't there a Titanic involved in this search for the Titanic? ThebesAce YOU ARE ABOUT TO FIND OUT WHY I CALL IT SUCH eggshellwhitesucks "I'm dead" if only Jalaperilo but all dogs go to heaven Me I think I like this Smiley. ThebesAce You are doomed to eternal bathtime, Smiley Me New theory is that Smile is Smiley and Bow Dog's disappointment of a son. thenightetc Are these coffins Jalaperilo hahaha! headcanon accepted Me Oh no. Jalaperilo why she got a cowboy hat? thenightetc What, haven't you ever seen a nurse before? Minidress and cowboy hat are standard Jalaperilo oh no yeah, i remember my mum wearing a cowboy hat for the last 37 years thenightetc Um UM Jalaperilo WTF eggshellwhitesucks that's uhhh horrifying Jalaperilo WHY IS IT MOVING ThebesAce and we now enter the terrifying toyland-esque parts of the movie Me "The treatment" eggshellwhitesucks why does he have no face Jalaperilo the 'treatment' is a transorbital lobotony Starscreamapillar Kidnapped forever. thenightetc Uh Me "They go in through your nose and they let you keep the piece of brain they took out." thenightetc Why does the evil fish have a spring, though Jalaperilo what is it thenightetc Why is the Jalaperilo what is it thenightetc creature Jalaperilo i hate it thenightetc following him around "you know.... in case you want to sit on me" Jalaperilo DONT SIT ON IT Starscreamapillar Sit on his face. thenightetc SITS Jalaperilo it talks ThebesAce "You're trusting this to the pogo-ride freak of nature?!" "Hey!" "Pingo, you can bounce away your worries, but you can't bounce away the truth." thenightetc He's... "made of" silver? eggshellwhitesucks so he's a revolutionary thenightetc "oh we kill everyone who finds out" Me The surface is literally right there. eggshellwhitesucks They serve human beings who find Atlantis. as food ThebesAce the sound of a man who faces eternity with Pingo Starscreamapillar Certain Things. thenightetc "your... parties are always fantastic, sir" eggshellwhitesucks I want to shamelessly see her on a seahorse. Starscreamapillar That is a cowboy hat headscarf. thenightetc "It's such a pretty color, it must be safe!" Me Eight minutes later, they were all dead. Jalaperilo dont drink the coolaid Starscreamapillar Atlantis the mini-mall. eggshellwhitesucks So this IS a hallucination? Me Atlantis is tacky. eggshellwhitesucks the lost city of disappointment thenightetc So... are they underwater, or not? Jalaperilo ok.im tapping out. its 3:15 and nothing is happening in this movie Me Good call. Jalaperilo ciao! thenightetc Goodnight! Me Good night! Starscreamapillar Rest well. eggshellwhitesucks Hope you dream of the Titanic and mice! thenightetc That is some bad interlacing Jalaperilo why curse me like that eggs? bye! thenightetc Toys. Me I like how we never did learn what "the treatment" consisted of. thenightetc They're human-sized? eggshellwhitesucks .......Zlatko.... Detroit: Become Human. Starscreamapillar I'd rather not know what the Treatment entailed. eggshellwhitesucks I'd like to see their names on a tombstone. thenightetc "very personal" eeeerrrrrrrr.... eggshellwhitesucks Smiley's okay. He's got a boyfriend back home. thenightetc Please don't be an orgy Did one of the dancers just disappear? Me "It was not strong." thenightetc ..."always stay awake" Starscreamapillar . . . . eggshellwhitesucks I think Soundwave would enjoy this number. Starscreamapillar I am not high enough for this. Me ...I'm sending it to him. CONSORT. Starscreamapillar That is not how to break the kidnapping gently to them. eggshellwhitesucks Tentacolino- Pingo's Song Tentacolino- Pingo's Song - Got to be one of the worst musical numbers within a film I've seen. From the movie 'Tentacolino'. thenightetc Right? "mythical" Hahhahaha Starscreamapillar Don Juan is much too high for this. thenightetc Either they're taking this remarkably well, or they're sucking up so he won't suspect they're going to try to escape eggshellwhitesucks NO SMILEY HAS A BOYFRIEND. Starscreamapillar Not anymore. Me No, no! Remember? He's Smile, their garbage offspring. thenightetc Uh eggshellwhitesucks Oh. I missed that plot aspect. thenightetc Just... what this movie needed Starscreamapillar Sure, trust the rodent with the hook hand and eye patch. thenightetc ...How many rats are down here, anyway? Actually why are there ANY eggshellwhitesucks I also don't trust the extremely feminine dog. thenightetc Is this a honeypot Me If it's not, then what the scrap's going on here? And this is *why* he's their disappointment child. eggshellwhitesucks Oh that's ruff. Starscreamapillar Aren't they dead yet? eggshellwhitesucks Buster wouldn't pull a stunt like this. wait.... there's water underneath the water? Spongebob logic, great. Starscreamapillar They keep Atlantis full of air, for no good reason. thenightetc Maybe they... still have to breathe air some of the time?? Me GAH. thenightetc Uh Is he SHAVED eggshellwhitesucks This is definitely an image that will haunt me.... for the rest of my life. Starscreamapillar How are they prisoners? They left. thenightetc Can't they just swim up ThebesAce you'd think! okay, this rat is talking sense Starscreamapillar He's not wrong... thenightetc A bit, yeah eggshellwhitesucks He can't be any scarier than this movie. or the shaved rat thenightetc Feh, they only "saved" you so they could kidnap you. You don't owe them anything. Wow, mean. Starscreamapillar Why must it grunt while it follows him? thenightetc It wants to remind him it's there. Following him. In case he wants to sit down. eggshellwhitesucks but screwdrivers are useful thenightetc Uh Starscreamapillar . . . . I hate this. All we have to do is win. Yes. It is that easy. thenightetc Wow, I didn't know you could just *opt out* of losing! Starscreamapillar If only us Decepticons had known. thenightetc I bet you feel silly now. Starscreamapillar Immeasurably. eggshellwhitesucks You just needed to steal the elixir of life. thenightetc "Everything?" the dog asks uncomfortably, thinking back to his encounter with his lady friend eggshellwhitesucks Back to his old habits I see oh my god this movie is longer than the first Starscreamapillar The suffering can never end. thenightetc The wink. thenightetc The other rats didn't see him clearly holding a duplicate flask? Starscreamapillar No. Because they are stupid. eggshellwhitesucks They went to the Atlantian school of being good at something. eggshellwhitesucks Be in this movie. That's what you did to deserve this. Me ...Well, then? thenightetc There's no lid on that flask eggshellwhitesucks And then there'll be an excellent third installment in this series Starscreamapillar No. I will fling this planet into the sun before I allow it. eggshellwhitesucks ah yes the alternate universe where rats and sharks rule the universe, sounds ideal ThebesAce well. compared to Pingo eggshellwhitesucks how did they survive.... didn't they almost drown in the last film Starscreamapillar This is a different one eyed man. He has a different name. thenightetc What, really? eggshellwhitesucks I missed so much of this movie's non-existent plot. Starscreamapillar Sadly so. thenightetc That would be "hitting", Smile. eggshellwhitesucks There's still 40 minutes of this movie left. Shorely we can come up with some great puns to pass the time. Starscreamapillar Men in barrels! The most deadly foe. Me This movie deserved to end an hour and five minutes ago. thenightetc I wonder if they feel gill-ty about conspiring to keep all those rats there against their will. eggshellwhitesucks Stop TOYing with my emotions in this way. thenightetc Wow. Did you know... that clothes can be removed...? Starscreamapillar What the frag is this nonsense??? He did it. The curse is broken. Me What a character arc it was. thenightetc He could have taken that wig off at any time. eggshellwhitesucks I think he looked fine before. ThebesAce this is like a rejected pokemon movie or something at this point eggshellwhitesucks I still can't figure out what the yellow thing is. thenightetc That's the laziest fucking wave animation loop eggshellwhitesucks Is he an otter? Starscreamapillar I think a stingray. thenightetc I thought a manta ray? eggshellwhitesucks Oh makes sense. thenightetc With uh arms for some reason eggshellwhitesucks It's the Titanic. Starscreamapillar Convenient amnesia ray. So the kidnapping was very deliberate. eggshellwhitesucks the Titanic 2: electric boogaloo Me Titanic 2: Titanic Junior, Son of Titanic thenightetc I think he already knows how to punch you on the nose. eggshellwhitesucks Poor Representation matters? ThebesAce WELL THAT'S NOT GRAPHIC Starscreamapillar No they won't, they They're rats. thenightetc "haha, oh, the treatment kills you if you go to the surface." eggshellwhitesucks "wear my non-existent faaaaceeee" Me "I'm only 38 years old!" thenightetc hahahaha eggshellwhitesucks like this film? A piece of trash? Me Hah! His laugh makes me feel unclean. And not in a fun way. eggshellwhitesucks ...Huh sounds familiar Starscreamapillar I have seen far too many rat nipples today. thenightetc A couple hundred rats are going to have a hard time doing that even if they ARE immortal. Me One rat nipple is too many. Starscreamapillar Drown that old man. thenightetc Wait. I thought they'd already been dosed with the elixer when they arrived? eggshellwhitesucks the elixir of false information thenightetc It's almost like they know it's fake. Me "Who wants to see an old man die?!" thenightetc Ha! eggshellwhitesucks It's almost like they know they're in a terrible movie. Starscreamapillar Watch him drown. thenightetc But, don't the Atlanteans give all their """"guests"""" the underwater breathing stuff? Starscreamapillar Wasn't he fussing about screwdrivers earlier? ThebesAce yup Me "Or something." Starscreamapillar Those were surface rats he tried to drown. thenightetc Well, that's not sinister eggshellwhitesucks oh my god thenightetc But why would surface rats be down there? eggshellwhitesucks They seriously just did that. Starscreamapillar They escaped. eggshellwhitesucks They're giving them the Titanic. Starscreamapillar Please do not force me to recall more of this nightmare than I have to. eggshellwhitesucks Can't wait for the third installment to come out thenightetc The boat was ripped in half They... fixed that? eggshellwhitesucks Nah. It's just that no one cares about continuity. Me Screwy. Starscreamapillar All fixed. They even got rid of the skeletons in the lower levels. Me Those child skeletons, always cluttering things up. thenightetc What skeletons, there weren't any skeletons! Everyone survived! Starscreamapillar Ah good. Still kidnapped, but now you're alone and kidnapped. Also, did the sailor mouse not marry some girl mouse on the mainland? Me He's got her brother, he'll be fine. eggshellwhitesucks Smile's a disappointment. Me Smile's got his fathers back home, but he was a neglectful son who never called, so no loss. thenightetc So... everyone came with them...? eggshellwhitesucks ...did she just laugh without opening her mouth thenightetc Ah. So they're kidnapped on an island all alone and isolated, but they get Skype, so it's okay Uh Starscreamapillar Oh good. The Treatment makes you insane if you escape. Me Well, that's not horrifying. ThebesAce barking rats, huh thenightetc That's... even creepier than my suggestion eggshellwhitesucks OH GOD Starscreamapillar NO. thenightetc Uh Me UNICRON. eggshellwhitesucks NOT THE HAIRLESS RAT thenightetc NOPE eggshellwhitesucks and this film just turned into a horror film thenightetc Wait, why is he unaffected? Starscreamapillar As it was always meant to be. eggshellwhitesucks oh god he's gonna start singing again Starscreamapillar Our enemies are in an insane prison forever? Celebrate! Me And at last, we're free. eggshellwhitesucks You know there's a reason those actors were never heard from again. This film ruined their careers. Starscreamapillar But are we really? The memories will never fade. thenightetc ...😔 eggshellwhitesucks Anyways, uh, I hope you guys have lovely.... seafaring...dreams.... about sinking ships and mad mice. Me Yes, that. ThebesAce clearly, we had to hear THIS song again Me It was a need. thenightetc Of course. eggshellwhitesucks It's my new ringtone. thenightetc There are ten minutes left?? Oh. Starscreamapillar Well, it has been a nightmare. Thank you for hosting this terrible time. thenightetc Why, though Me Always a pleasure. May the Allspark forgive me. thenightetc There, there. eggshellwhitesucks Have a good evening. Thank you for showing such a wonderful, feel good film. Starscreamapillar Until next time. I will never rest soundly again. Me Good night, everyone! ThebesAce good night, Knockout! thenightetc Good night! And thanks for hosting. 😃 It IS fun, despite the movie itself. Me You're very welcome!
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battlewhiskers · 7 years
I wish to give up. I wish to cancel. I wish to go back.
I wish I were a cis person, I wish I didnt have to adjust myself. I wish I was happy with the body I was born with, but im not. I’m tired of having to adjust my voice, not that i do everywhere but still. I’m tired of spending hours to find pretty clothes thats always too small. I’m tired of feeling like a burden, so fast someone have to adjust something for me i feel completely trash and not worth the effort.
I feel bad when people call me she/her at work, I feel like I dont deserve it. I felt worse when they mentioned that i will get my own dressing room eventually. I feel bad and awkward when people say my new name, feels like .. wrong, as its just made up and you can hear on the other person that they’d prefer saying my old name, I know people trying to adjust but.. yes that, someone adjusting themselves for me. I dont deserve it, i wish i felt i did.
Just.. thinking about how nice it would be, not having to shave daily, not having to put up my hair. Not having to speak a certain way, not having to feel fear or sick when being in a locker room. Not having to do.. anything.
That would be amazing, I wish to give up. Just, stop everything, go back to how it uses to be.
That sounds amazing.. doesnt it? Oh gosh I’d love to!!
I cant.
you see.. I’ve gone so far with all this, I feel like.. im “just” a woman..im tired, i want to be held and get comforted. I’m too tired to stand up for myself People say you can always stop since im not that “far” into this.. but, I am. Or like,I know who i am, but I feel like i cannot express myself?
Daily im fighting with myself, feeling sick when i see myself in a mirror, I cant look for too long or i’ll feel beyond the level of crying, I cant cry, I just..feel terrible. I’m fighting with my sdfjadsif curly hair that makes me unable to style it.
But yes.. being myself, or at least trying to. Also tempted to just give up....But I cannot be someone who im not. I’m just a broken girl.. questioning my own purpose of continuing. Yet.. I shall continue, im worn, im tired, but... fck >> It sure is a weird feeling when you’re like.. Hey i dont deserve it, but you know. I’m a girl and I’m sure af about it.
Plus.. people
M, thank you so much for calling me queen instead of king at work, it means a lot to me even if i dont show it F + M, I know you dont refer me as a woman, I would correct you if I had the energy for it, but. You two never said my deadname, even before you knew im trans. J, Youre an amazing boss and im so pleased to work at your company, its very nice of you to check in with me in the beginning how things went. Also that you actaully brought it up to the others that im a girl A, I was rather surprised when you mentioned men AND women when introducing us to new employees. Im very greatful for it
I hate to favorite people, im just a lovestuffed pile of trash who gets too much feelings for my friends.
My friends are amazing, extra kisses and love to those who I came out to first. I wish to show my appreciation more, but I dont want to accidental looks like your girlfriend lolllll ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Life is tough and terrible, yet i refuse to give up because.. what am i supposed to do? throw confetti and blow kisses ??
No, I have to stand and fight...because...because. I’m actually trusting myself at this point; I’m a stubborn and i >must< reach my goal.
And I have friends many friends and apparently I have people who look up to me, I have no idea why you do that but thank you.
Thank you so much. I’m not the strongest woman on earth, I’m not a hero either im just.. someone trying to become her true self.
Love you all ❤ (This post probably got messy at the end, but its 8pm and I havent had dinner yet, just stuffed myself with chocolate when i got home)
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joplayingjaks · 7 years
85 Things
Rules: Answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
I was tagged by @lonerofshalott! Thank you!! These are always really fun :)
The Last 1. Drink - Coke 2. Phone call - Mom 3. Text message - @atomicody 4. Song you listened to -  5. Time you cried - Its so often idk lolol 6. Dated somebody twice - Never have 7. Kissed somebody and regretted it - Never happened 8. Have been cheated on - Never 9. Lost someone special - Ahh yeah 10. Been depressed - Lol as if there was a specific last time I was 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - Lmao this has never and will never happen
Favorite Colors 12. To wear - Black, grey, red/maroon, pink 13. Shade of blue - Deep, dark royal blues and pastels 14. Shade of pink - No salmon or hot pink, almost any pastel pink, as long as it’s not too purpley or bubblegummy
In The Last Year Have You 15. Made new friends - Yes :) 16. Fallen out of love - No 17. Laughed until you cried - So much, yes  18. Found out somebody was talking about you - Yes, but not in a bad way tho 19. Met somebody who changed you - Absolutely yes <3 (but also i had a couple cool coworkers and professors that where kinda influential)  20. Found out who your friends are - I suppose yes lol 21. Kissed somebody on your Facebook list - Lol yes
General 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? - Almost all of them. any ones i dont im gonna be introduced to eventually through the bf 23. Do you have any pets? - SADLY NO, not yet 24. Do you want to change your name? - Nope 25. What did you do for your last birthday? - Hung out with friends 26. What time did you wake up? - Today i woke up at noon, and the only reason i managed that was becase i set an alarm lmao 27. What were you doing at midnight? - Talking to bf <3 28. Name something you can’t wait for? - My trip to michigan!! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom? - Last night 30. What are you listening to right now? - The fan in my brother’s room down the hall 31. Have you ever talked to somebody named Tom? - Like, several different people yeah 32. Something that is getting on your nerves - Not having the funds to pay off loans and fix my car and go on my trip 33. Most visited website - Facebook and pinterest 34. Hair color - Ashy blonde 35. Long or short hair? - Usually as short as possible tbh (i have my sides cut to a 1/4 in) but actually i think im gonna work on growing it out a little because i want an audrey hepburn pixie cut <3 36. Do you have a crush on somebody? - I have a big giant crush on @atomicody! heck i guess the jig is up, confessing my love right here right now 37. What do you like about yourself? - Im a meme with a good #aesthetic and i guess im p decent at the music thing lol 38. Piercings - Two on each earlobe and a ring in my nose 39. Blood type - Absolutely no idea lol 40. Nickname - Jak, jo, jay, jordo, jardin, bun, bug, and many more. idk why im so nicknameable lol 41. Relationship status - Taken :3 43. Zodiac - Scorpio 44. Pronouns - She/They 45. Favorite TV shows - Preacher is top tier rn, but tbh im really far behind, i havent been watching any tv much lately 46. Tattoos - I want so many, but thatll have to wait a while ;-; 47. Right or left handed - Right 48. Surgery - Only a few minor things like wisdom teeth and tonsils 49. Piercing - #38?? 50. Sport - I watch mma sometimes, but i am not about that #SportsLife 51. Vacation - Idk how im supposed to answer this? my next vaca will be my trip to michigan hopefully soon 52. Pair of trainers - I love me my black hightop converse 53. Eating - ?? okey im not eating currently? i would love to be tho, i gotta drag myself outta bed and go eat some cereal or pizza or something lmao okay actually i did go downstairs and get a bowl of cereal im gouda 54. Fave drink - Hmm.. strawberry soda, creme soda, smoothies, milkshakes and malts, milk, orange juice, and baja blast freezes 55. What you’re up to - This 56. Waiting for - Michigan trip/visiting Codyyy 57. Want - The end of bigotry and oppression and violence, for less “value” to be placed on physical wealth, for people to not have to suffer for or without basic needs, for people to use green energy because gdang its been ready for ages, to live my life contentedly and without regret, to be with the people i love, to move out and begin my life, to be able to fulfill my passions 58. Get married - Lol no 59. Career - Well, i went to school a little bit for graphic design, thats not happening it looks like. so far my employment history is McHell and a gas station and next is looking like walmart... sooo hopefully i actually have some miracle happen + hard work and i can do music 60. Hugs or kisses: Both pleassse 61. Lips or eyes - I mean, i know someone with really really pretty eyes :33 62. Shorter or taller - I dont have a preference for anything lmao (but he kinda smol lolol cute) 64. Nice arms or nice stomach - :33 I mean both, but those arms tho lol 65. Hook up or relationship - Relationship 66. Troublemaker or hesitant - ? 67. Kissed a stranger - Lol no 68. Drank hard liquor - LMao nope 69. Lost glasses/contact lenses - OMg yes, i lost my glasses a couple times and i was like, Oh god please dont make me go through this day without being able to see or judge distance please 70. Turned someone down - Few times 71. Sex on first date - NO lmao no 72. Broken someone’s heart - Probably, but hopefully not 73. Had your heart broken - Not romantically, but people who said they were my friends and family, yes 74. Been arrested - LOLL no 75. Cried when someone died - A few times, yes 76. Fallen for a friend - I mean kinda since i was friendo first with the bf lol
Do You Believe In 77. Yourself - Lol 78. Miracles - No 79. Love at first sight - No 80. Santa Claus - Nope lol 81. Kiss on the first date - Personally no, but you do you 82. Angels - Nope
Other 83. Current best friends names - Cody, kayla, ryan 84. Eye color - Blue 85. Favorite movie - TREASURE PLANET always
Tagging: @atomicody, @starsarelimitless, @captainsprklz, @ameliabedeliagoesonline, @nuttysaladtree, @ anyone who wants to, please im really terrible at tagging people because i dont want to seem weird lol
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meanderfall · 7 years
//puts chin in hands and stares at u adoringly, for the cute questions: 1 - 6 - 13 - 15 - 42 - 74 - 91 - 120 - 128 - 133 - 136 - 144 and 147!!!
ajflsdhfalkhf adri you spoil me rotten!!!! Thank you my love!!!
(this is going under a read more bc holy shit)
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
I’m pretty sure it was when I met up with one of my friends after her class in summer school?? we just sat down together and like held hands while we talked. And I think that was the person bc tbh it is entirely likely i’ve held hands with my younger siblings between then and now (I guess i might not have a specific memory about it bc i havent seen my siblings in like 2 weeks ;;A;;)
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Honestly, I love passionate people, the people who adore things and others with everything they have, and people who are clever (which doesnt mean being good at school), and those who are a little bit snarky and a lot silly (well silly at the right moments i guess, there’s a time and place for everything!!! //whispers professor oak taught me that). People who take themselves too seriously aren’t for me.(Also, on a more “oh that’s really hot!” level, competency?? at anything, just having something you are really good at, and just how focused they are and absorbed in what they’re doing, and the concentration, all those things are so attractive omg) 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
oh god, i have the emotional memory of a gnat. This summer… was pretty terrible tbh, but a good thing that happened was the time I spent with you?? like overwatch (and I finally started to enjoy playing it!!!) or when we watched rvb together (and drace!) and then the next day when we spent like six hours listening to music, that was fantastic! Besides that, I’m happy I’m getting closer with @anthcny-stark and @theaussiedragon too, and like! those two days I spent with my older brother and we just hung out and watched stuff together and my younger siblings! We binge-watched things together and had a blast!!!! so i guess a lot of good things have happened this summer, it’s just hard to remember when life in general is awful.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Depends! And it’s hard to tell because I’m a pretty quiet person in general. Pretty sure most of my family would assume that I’m snarking in my head, but I would say most of the time when I’m quiet, I’m just spacing out, just staring into the distance with my mind blank. Other times I could just be exhausted or have a headache. Though, if I’m with a group of friends that you know I’m usually comfortable and loud with and I’m not saying anything, I’m likely going through some kind of depressive spiral where I feel like nobody would actually miss me if I was gone and even if they did, I could be easily replaced and basically I’m not really important to anybody, and I could disappear and they wouldn’t really care.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Two. The stuffed fox and a unicorn that has not left the box I put it in when we moved. (I had???? a shitton of stuffies but I gave them away when we moved bc I had never mastered the art of sleeping with stuffies so they were mostly a nuisance when they were in bed with me, and like I get stupidly and easily attached to anything so of course I loved them to death, but really my comfort object has always been my blankie, who is now ridiculously tiny for my size and I basically ball up and cuddle with when I sleep if I need that comfort.)
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
No. I think I would only feel that way if I was angry and I’m not angry about anything atm so no.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
I used to be! Had a nightlight and everything. Now the only thing about the dark I’m scared of is the possibility of walking into something. I actually really like the dark (well as long as it’s in an environment I know lmao dont knock me out and put me in a pitch dark basement in the middle of nowhere)
128. Would you change your name?
If I could find a name I liked and felt a connection to, ye! My name is just… cumbersome and unwieldy to the tongue and it’s… pretty hideous tbh. I don’t know how to put it, ever since I was a kid, I always felt like my name was unique but not in the good way. It stuck out like sore thumb, and was stupidly long, and like, I would look at it and recognize as mine, like felt a connection to it? but it wasn’t a fun connection. It’s like those moments when you look at yourself in the mirror and it’s like you’re realizing that that’s what you look like to other people, that is your physical form, and there’s a weird disconnect between the two, and it’s fucking weird.
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
adri you hate me dont you, do you have any idea how hard this question is!!!!! how am i supposed to choose??? (the answer: I’m not. I’m choosing all of them. All of my favourite lyrics right now. I hope you’re happy adri)
“Oh everything’s a messAnd all these sorrows I have seenThey lead me to believeThat everything’s a mess” Dream by Imagine Dragons
“Happiness, feels a lot like sorrowLet it be, you can’t make it come or goBut you are gone - not for good but for nowAnd gone for now, feels a lot like gone for good” Happiness by The Fray (the part that really hits me is italicized)
“Make my messes matter.Make this chaos count.Let every little fracture in meShatter out loud.” Jupiter by Sleeping At Last
“Stitch by stitch I tear apart.If brokenness is a form of art,I must be a poster child prodigy.Thread by thread I come apart.If brokenness is a work of art,Surely this must be my masterpiece.I’m only honest when it rains.If I time it right, the thunder breaksWhen I open my mouth.I want to tell you but I don’t know how.” Neptune by Sleeping At Last
I can’t pick a favourite so, all of Saturn by Sleeping At Last. All of it.
“Much too tired to try,Much too stubborn to quit” Hit or Miss by Sleeping At Last.
“maybe distance is the only cure?Far away from hurt is where healing occurs.But all you really want to do is make them proud,Don’t you? don’t you?It must be so hard, in the mess you’re always cleaning up,To believe in the ghost of unbroken love.But I promise you,The truth is that you’re loved. so loved.” Silhouettes by Sleeping At Last
“Cry heart, cry yourself to sleep, cry a storm of tears if it helps you breatheIt helps you, if it helps you breathe” Homesick by Sleeping At Last
“Show meHow to struggle gracefullyLet the scaffolding inside of me be strong enough to hold this tired body upOnce more […]
So I will try, try, try to breathe‘til it turns to muscle memoryI’m only steady on my kneesBut one day I’ll stand on my own two feet
And I’ll run the riskOf being intimate with brokenness […]” Son by Sleeping At Last
“They say don’t let them inClose your eyes and clear your thoughts againBut when I’m all alone, they show up on their own […]They say “Just push them down, just fight them harderWhy would you give up on it so soon?” […]
Life is pain, life’s not fairSo angels please, please stay hereTake the pain, take the fear” Inner Demons by Julia Brennan
“Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever didLooking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kidAnd I’m still standing after all this timePicking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind” I’m still Standing (the cover by Taron Egerton)
“I feel fine enough, I guessConsidering everything’s a mess.” Pinch Me by the Barenaked Ladies
“I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desertBut I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime“ In a Big Country by Big Country
(yes i know about 90% of these is SaL, but they have some of the best lyrics ever???) (also true story, the moment i read the question, i forgot every song i ever listened to lmao)
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Unless it’s a hot and/or humid night and I need the airflow, the door is closed. Leaving it open makes me feel vulnerable?? (and that’s true throughout the day as well, if my door is open it’s bc I’m feeling open and wouldn’t mind people coming in to talk to me). Not to mention I usually sleep naked.
Fun fact! In the old house, I would sleep with the door open (mainly in case my cat wanted to come sleep in bed with me), but what ended up happening, bc I’m a paranoid and suspicious fuck, I would immediately awaken whenever someone would go to the bathroom (bc there was only one bathroom (for seven people!) and it was right across the hall from my room), and I would look to see who it was (which often resulted in awkward eye contact) before rolling over and going back to sleep. According to one sibling, the fact that I was always awake when they went was “really fucking creepy”. (I DIDNT DO IT ON PURPOSE THOUGH!!!!! I WOULD HEAR FOOTSTEPS AND AWAKEN, NOT MY FAULT!!! the worst part is that I can sleep through anything else. Cat sleeping on my face? no problem. Thunderstorm? Can’t hear a thing. My cats duking it out with an owl, which apparently woke up the entire house? sleeping like a baby.)
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Sorry, I read the question and started drooling. Um, definitely have to go with milk chocolate. (White is a close second! Dark chocolate is too bitter for my tastes.)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Mars. (I do not like peanuts in my dessert. Or nuts in general.)
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