#you can maybe tell i was loosing steam at th last page or so
zrllosyn-art · 1 month
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Happy birthday to!! my own oc!!
(May 8th is Haru's birthday)
He gets to have some introspection. This references a whole bunch of character arcs he's gone through that uh. I haven't, posted, anywhere.
But its mostly coming to terms with loss and lingering attachments, and learning you are loved, in the end.
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naturepointstheway · 5 years
“Coffee” #BATB14Fics
Another day, another fic response to the #BATB14fics prompts challenge. Belle and Adam talk of books, stories, constellations, and memories over morning cups of coffee. Takes place during the curse. 
@tinydooms @lumiereswig @sweetfayetanner @astudyinchocolate @rose-of-the-underworld @batbobsession @morgaine2005
Twin curls of steam swirl from the cups of coffee cradled between Belle and the Beast’s hands. Belle stretches her legs out under the table, wriggling her toes and stretching her ankles to chase away the last of sleep’s aches. Her hair is loose about her shoulders, and Adam has a hard time not just staring at how, though unbrushed, it frames her face in such a way as to accentuate her strong chin and high cheekbones. He marvels at how lovely she looks--if only he could look that good waking up, even when he had once been human. Then again, Belle never, as far as he knew, woke up with face paint smudged over half his face, and lipstick smeared from having rubbed his face in the night while sleeping. 
Adam twitches, blinks, steadies his coffee in time. Belle has caught him staring. Suddenly self-conscious, he busies himself with a sip of coffee, holding it carefully between his paws, claws clinking against the ceramic. He forgets to blow on the coffee in his flustered moment, and he winces as it burns his tongue. 
“You...you look beautiful for someone who just woke up.” 
Belle arches an eyebrow, but says nothing. Adam isn’t sure, just looking at her face, if she has taken offence. 
“I mean it as a compliment,” he hastily explains, “You don’t want to know what I looked like waking up.” 
“Today or...” 
“Either way, I always seem to wake up...beastly, these days.” 
One corner of Belle’s mouth twitches in a hint of a smile, held back, as though trying not to laugh at the rather lame pun. 
“Are you joking again?” 
He shrugs, but can’t help a sly sidelong smile at her. “Maybe.” 
“I’ve finished that book you loaned me,” Belle says after an interlude of silence, the only music the melody of birdsong. 
“Loaned? They’re your books as much as they are mine.” 
“Still, it’s polite to give people back their books, preferably in the condition it was before.” 
“Speaking from experience, Belle?” 
Belle leans back on the plush sapphire-hued cushion at her back. “Lucky for me, no, but I’d be very annoyed if someone to return a book to me in worse condition.”
“My father loved to throw any books I was reading across the room, breaking their spines,” Adam confesses, and he tries not to let his bitterness show, “He hated me reading in my own time.” 
Belle’s jaw drops open, the picture of one utterly appalled. “He did?” 
“I couldn’t hide all the books I liked most from him, especially the ones my mother had loved.” 
Adam doesn’t know what’s making him open up like this, as he never had before. Belle has shifted around, so she directly faces him, listening, bringing her coffee up for another long sip. 
“My mother...she loved to read me to sleep.” 
“I expect my mother did too, at least when I was a baby.” 
“I like to think all good mothers do.” 
A genuine smile, one so warm that Adam thought it might almost melt the winter’s curse right there and then. 
“And good fathers too. Good fathers.” 
“Your father read you to sleep?” 
“Well, not read, per se, but he told me so many stories.” 
“Oh?” Adam forgets his coffee, still held in his palms, all his attention on Belle. “Do you mind telling me what they were?” Hurriedly, not wanting to appear rude, he adds, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” 
“Oh no, it’s fine,” Belle lays a hand, soaking warmth through his sleeve from having been wrapped around her cup, “He always told me the most wonderful stories--of adventures, of my mother--not often, but occasionally--of fantastical lands he once heard about, of many things.” 
“He writes stories?” 
“No, he draws them, in his paintings, and creates them in his crafts.” 
There is poetry in the way Belle says that. And--and her hand! Her hand still rests on his arm, unafraid. Unafraid. How could she be so unafraid of him? 
“Have you written stories before?” 
“I don’t think I have,” Adam admits, trying to cast his mind back as far as possible, “Or maybe I have, but they’re probably burned anyway.” 
“Father.” Just one word, flat and without emotion, suppressing black memories. “It wouldn’t surprise me.” 
“He would burn your stories? Don’t tell me he burned books too!” 
“Wouldn’t be shocked.”
“That’s terrible!” 
Adam shrugs in the dismissive way one does when they’ve long accepted their lot in life, but it still hangs, nonetheless, over their shoulders and hides in their nightmares. 
“It was what it was, I suppose. He wasn’t exactly...friendly.” 
“That’s so horrible,” Belle’s hand squeezes firm on his arm, and his heart aches with some years-long yearning, “I’m so sorry. Everyone should read what they desire, especially children.” She drains the last of her coffee, and takes his empty cup, ready to take them back to the kitchen. “Humans need stories so much. So much that we made stories out of the stars, created constellations to tell them.” 
“That’s true,” Adam agrees, remembering how he had learned all the constellations in the night sky as a child. He’d loved how Lumiere had dramatised all the tales written in the Milky Way’s pages. 
Belle stands up, careful not to drop the cups as she places them down on the table, straightening up again. The weak, but soft nevertheless, sunrise suffuses her hair in a heavenly halo. His heart skips a beat at the sight, thrums in his chest. He thinks he could be falling in love already, but he quashes that in a moment, convinced it still an impossible happily-ever-after, at least for him. 
“I’m taking these back down to the kitchen,” Belle nods at the cups, and then approaches him and, to his shock, bends down and wraps her arms around his shoulders, best she can, in what is unmistakeably a hug. The first hug he’d ever had since...since...
“Th--thank you...” he whispers, staring at her as she stands back up out of the hug. 
She nods, gives him another warm smile, picking up the empty cups again. 
“You’re welcome. See you at breakfast.”
How is she not afraid? She is a miracle. 
Adam is still staring after the door, long after she has exited, the aroma of coffee still hanging about him, the ghost of her arms around his shoulders still warm on his shirt. 
So when the door opens again, he jumps in fright, although it is only Plumette wafting in, apparently searching for Belle. 
“Have you seen Belle, Master?” Plumette stops midway between the door and the couch where he is still sitting so still, still stunned, “Have you, by chance, seen a ghost or two this morning?” 
It takes at least a couple very deep breaths before he can trust his voice not to shake when he answers her, vivid memories of when they once were children, and she’d had the softest hugs ever, the hugs of a sister to her adored younger brother. 
“She hugged me,” his voice is barely above a whisper, and Plumette moves closer, so she might hear better, “Belle hugged me. I’ve almost forgotten what that felt like.” 
He doesn’t trust himself to say any more, least he lose his composure, least his voice crack. 
Plumette, bless her, seems to understand all the same, and she moves closer to him, touching his hand with a wing, as unafraid--at least for now--as Belle had been. She doesn’t say a word, but she doesn’t need to, for she knows him so well that no words are needed. 
Such is the strength of a friendship when one can talk without a word. 
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prussianvenom · 5 years
Alfred walks in on Kiku during her quality alone time, things escalate
Nothing had been happening all day. Absolutely nothing. It was a boring, bullshitty kind of day. Alfred sighed and tossed on his couch some more. All his other friends were busy doing something, too busy to spend any time with their good friend Alfred. The blonde attempted to entertain himself throughout the day but it was pointless.
Movies, comics, porn. It was all just bleh.
So he figured to waste the rest of his day numbing his mind with computer-generated fun times. What should it be today? Mass Effect? World of Warcraft? He was feeling particularly lonesome so he figured an MMO or something should do fine. So the chubby American sits down and boots up some good ol Overwatch.
He was feeling good. Had some good games, good matches, managed to keep his main for most of the matches. But...And there's always a but when it came to this game. It started with someone bagging his main. No big deal, he was pretty alright with Reaper and D.va, he could deal fine. BUT. Then everyone refused to be a healer, causing everyone else to get more aggravated as the match went on. To top it off the person who stole his main couldn't play him worth a shit!
He had enough. He needed his ace in the hole, the Zenyatta master of disaster, Kiku. He did a quick check to see if she was online. She was, of course, and quickly sent her an invite.
‘Hey, Kitty Kik!!! You wanna help me with some OW matches? Ppl are taking 76 and taking the piss, I need to level up ykno???? And I know you need to level up too! Get them loot boxes!! Get that new bitchin Dva skin right??? If you help me out I'll buy it for ya ;))))’
That should do it. He knew Kiku was dying to get all the skins, being the completionist she was. She was itching to get one of those shiny bug ones for Dva, being the last that she needed.
Alfred went back to his game and waited for Kiku to reply. A good half hour passed before he went to check his messages. Maybe she was having computer troubles. It didn't say what she was playing. She could also be working of course. What other reason was there? She would never leave him hanging like this, especially when it came to gaming and the promise of skins.
He should help her out! What kind of friend would he be if he let his best friend and her computer suffer? So he jumped in his super sweet ass and car and sped off to the rescue.
When he got to Kikus apartment flat it was….unusual. There was…an aura surrounding the door. Alfred began to feel nervous. No, no way, we’re talking about the great Al of the amazing US of A. He's not nervous. Just... Increasingly concerned for his friend. He knocked and got no answer. He knocked louder and got no answer again.
Okkkk, he was nervous. This was even less like Kiku. He knew she was home, her bike was out front. What's wrong? Was she in the shower? Did she leave her laptop open? No, someone as meticulous as Kiku wouldn't let her computer on and out like that. What if….What if there was some sort of crazy ax murderer in there right now holding sweet precious Kiku captive?!?!?!
Alfred ready to barge through was about to shoulder through the door, but when he grabbed the handle it was unlocked.
An ax murderer would have locked the doors right?
Kiku would too though….
The plot thickens.
Alfred peered in and tiptoed into the small living space. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary. He snuck around some more, on the off chance there was some sort of ax murderer just chilling. Shit! What would he do if there was some sort of psycho in here?!
A sound.
A soft groan came from the direction of Kikus room.
Alfred froze. It came again louder this time. It didn't sound like a big ax-wielding murdering man. It was too soft to really discern what it was. It did sound like one of distress. Alfred willed himself, sure that he would be able to take on whatever foe there may be. Alfred sprung into action and busted through the bedroom door like a bat out of hell.
At this moment Alfred realized a couple of things. She could be busy, didn't notice the message, could have been on a walk. Could've been home this entire time and didn't have to answer him. Also, this had to be some form of breaking and entering. It was at this moment Alfred realized why she was not paying attention to his messages.
She was indeed busy with other things… at the… moment….
There, disheveled on the floor, loosely covered in a blanket, pink and sweating in front of her laptop was Kiku. The laptop displaying very...detailed...intimate...actions.
The two froze, mouths gaping and staring blankly at each other with large owlish eyes.
Kiku squeaks and pulls the blanket to cover her body before choking out high pitch explanations and apologies. Alfred listens for a split second before the sounds started buzzing out into white noise.
It was a Kiku he had never seen before. Her black hair was matted to her sweaty red face. The red traveled from her face down her neck to the pale skin of her collarbone that she neglected to hide with her blanket. Als eyes continue to wander to laptop she was previously staring at. On the screen was a sex scene from the perspective of a girl riding a man that looked to be a classmate of hers. The classmate kind of looked like-
Kiku noticed his line of sight and slammed the laptop with such force he was sure Kiku had broken it.
Kiku stopped rambling. Her fingers clutched the blanket tightly while the other stayed shaking on top of the laptop. Her face was drawn tight and she looked like she might self ignite if she was left a second longer. It was almost cute.
Wait, no. Alfred quickly corrected himself.
Kiku was his friend.
One of his only chick friends at that. She was a good friend too. He couldn't ruin that friendship, not with those kinds of thoughts. This was a tricky situation. She was small and vulnerable in front of him. He had to handle this situation with care.
Kikus face was flushed and scrunched, her black eyes looked starry with unshed tears. Alfred could hear her soft breaths coming through her pink, teeth worried lips. He noticed the blanket was small and did not cover up all of her. A pale calf was stretched out from under the blue comforter.
Alfred's eyes unwillingly followed up the patch of skin- There's a pillow. There's a pillow? Why would she have a pillow in between her legs instead o- OH!
The last of the light bulbs lit up in Al's head. His face flushed darker when he grasped the situation. Oh god. Oh GOD! Al couldn't stop the flood of images and scenarios of the lithe girl in debauched and lewd ways. Damn him, damn his imaginations. It escalated to the point of him imagining himself in place of the pillow.
Kikus face shifted from quiet panic to astonished embarrassment.
He was hard.
He was fucking hard.
As if this situation could be any worse. Way to go dick. Way to fucking go, you ruin everything.
He wanted to bury himself under a rock, as he imagined she probably did too.
“Umm,” Al floundered, finally breaking the silence. “So uh, you...You weren't answering my messages. So I, uh, I got worried. Th..Thought something happened.”
Alfred felt so stupid. It sounded so dumb when he said it out loud.
Kiku blinks before opening the laptop to check. There on the steam page was a slew of messages from her blonde friend in varying degrees of concern. She chuckles quietly and holds her face in hands.
“I...Was too distracted to notice I guess.” Kiku answers jokingly.
“So..What uh, what were you playing?” Kiku slapped her laptop close in a knee jerk reaction and looked off to the side.
“I'm not going to make fun of ya, if that's what you think.” Alfred fiddled with his fingers. He looked a bit like a kid Kiku thought.
“It...It's a dating sim.” Kiku admitted.
“That didn't look like dating.” Kiku huffed out a breathy laugh.
“That's what people do when they date, don't they?” Al bit his tongue.
“W-were you, um, I mean. Was I…Did I walk in on you, y'know...having a good time?” Alfred was going for nonchalant when he asked. Tried to keep it cool and friendly as they both were trying to avoid the staggering amounts of elephants in the room.
Kiku groaned and pulled the blanket over her face.
“You came to check on me right?! Y-you did, I'm fine! Now you, you can go home!”
Alfred was sure she was trying to sound angry but to Alfred it almost sounded like she was embarrassed and even...pleading?
No. Al needed to stop. He needed to leave now..but...he needed to confirm one thing before he left.
“Ok, ok, but hey...It might be my imagination...but...that uh, character, was it meant to look like me?”
Kikus head shot out of the blanket
“Is it a coincidence? Or?”
“W-what?!” Kiku looked horrified. “N-no, I, I.” Kikus face had millions of emotions breaking across it. Her face somehow managed to get redder.
“Merely a c-coincidence. I assure you.” Kiku meekly answered. She was lying. She never had a good poker face. It only made it harder for her to maintain good face when it came to embarrassing things like this.
“Kiku? Its, ok, yknow if it was.” Alfred offered soothingly. Kiku looked down at her fiddling hands. Guilt was struck in her features. It hurt to see her upset.
Alfred got on his knees to level with the small Japanese woman. Emotions he shoved down, dormant, began to swell again in his chest.
“Were you imagining me? With you?” Alfred felt like he was reaching.
His chest was tight. She was his friend, she would never be interested. That's what he kept telling himself. That was the only reason she was special. That she stood out.
That all went to hell when she looked up at him with honest, glassy black eyes.
He had a crush on her. He probably always did.
He inched a little closer when Kiku said nothing. She leaned forward to reach him.
“Well...You, you are an attractive, outgoing man. Or at least I think so, a lot of women, would, would…”
Alfred jumped out of his skin when Kiku gently pushed her lips against his. As soon as the connection was made it ended.
“I love you,” Kiku confessed abruptly. A beat passed.
Kikus face showed a spectacle of emotions as her brain caught up with her words. Before she could duck away into the blankets in embarassment Alfred grabbed her excitedly by the shoulders.
“Holy shit Kiku!!!” Alfred exclaimed, face lighting up in pure joy. “Dude! I love you too!” He pulled the now laughing woman into a warm embrace. Kiku was still laughing when he pulled back and kissed her again.
When they pulled back the awkwardness was beginning to worm its way back into the situation.
“I guess that answers my question huh?”
“Oh..” Kiku laughed bashfully and nodded.
“So…” Alfred inched closer, their knees bumping together, “Were you thinking about having sex with me?” Al winked.
Kiku giggled and slots her knee in between his. “Perhaps.”
“Perhaps? I doubt that pillow will say the same.” Al stared pointedly at the abuse pillow still squeezed between Kikus pale thighs.
“Kiku~ Do you want to ride me like that?” Al pointed to the laptop.
“I, no, I mean-”
“Kiku, Kiku,” Al stroked her neck gently. She jumped at the touch. He could feel her heartbeat hammering in her veins. “All you have to do is ask.”
Kiku smiled weakly at the others playful attempt to ‘woo’ her. Kiku leaned into the palm at her neck. It was surprisingly cold compared to her heated skin. She moved off the pillow to be slotted at the knees with the other. She mimicked the movements of the other. Moving to caress the blondes cheek and neck.
“You did not give me the impression that I could until now.” Kiku attempted to copy the sly smirk. Alfred in turned blushed. Kiku felt goosebumps rise under her fingers.
“Well, the answer is yes if you are asking.”
“I...I am asking.” Alfred's hand began to quiver against her nape.
“Fuck Kiku.”
Feeling emboldened and dumb from the blood rush, Kiku surged against the man. Their mouths clashed together. Years of repressed feelings and tension between them flooded forth. Al felt light headed. He would never tell the small beauty this, but he imagined this sort of moment so many times in his lonesome.
God, she was so much softer than he imagined. He felt her fingers curl into his t-shirt and christ almighty he was barely able to restrain a moan...Barely. The hands curled and pushed the shirt up incessantly. She pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting him and her wet lips.
“Can I?” Kiku asked quietly while tugging at Al's shirt.
Al nodded dumbly and lifted his arms to allow the girl to pull off the offending article. Kiku sat back for a moment and stared. She wasn't sure what she was expecting. The last time she saw him shirtless he was chubby and well, looked like what you'd expect for someone who gamed and snacked all the time. She wasn't expecting lean muscle and sun-kissed skin.
“When did, I mean,...wow.” Al looked confused before looking at himself in understanding.
“Oh, yeah, I uh, got a little self-conscious towards the end of high school. Wanted to do better for myself, impress the ladies and stuff y'know. Did, did it work?”
Kiku smiled and held the blondes face in her hands . He was a prideful guy. Always was. Boastful and cocksure for as long as she knew him. She never thought that he'd ever take someone's words so serious. Kiku kissed him gently.
“I am indeed impressed...I always was impressed. You changed yourself for your health and that's amazing, but...I've had a crush on you since we were sophomores Alfred. I don't need to be impressed by anything, I'm attracted to you in any form.”
Al looked heart-stuck. He was playing with her but her unbidden praise caught him off track.
“Woah, Kiku, I-” Kiku pressed a finger to his lips.
“I...I've been wanting this for years, Al, please.”
Kiku raised her arms. Al caught on quickly and lifted the crumpled tank top off. Fuck, oh fuccckkk, Al felt like he got the wind knocked out of him. She had nothing underneath the shirt. She was sitting there in all her glory. Pale, glowing and untouched. She was perfect. Soft around the edges. Airbrushed and pink.
“Holy shit.”
Kiku giggled and kind of covered herself awkwardly with her arm. Al frowned and tried to soother her arms down. The did and she pushed out her chest slightly as she did so. Alfred wanted to believe she was doing it on purpose. She leaned back on her hands, back curving forward towards Alfred's hands. Alfred locked eyes with her to get some sort of permission. Kiku smiled . Al tentatively reached out and barely touched the soft swell of her breast. She shuddered slightly but said nothing. Al took it up a notch and cupped both of her breasts. She wasn't bursting at the shirt seams by no means like a lot of the other girls they knew, but it was her. She might've had a smaller cup size, but, Alfred was enjoying himself. Boobs are boobs. And hers, hers were so so soft. They were soft and warm and Kiku began to react so nicely to him. She began to moan softly and move into the hands as they kneaded into her flesh. Playing with her nipples teasingly through his fingers. He pinched and twisted the hard pink nubs between his thumbs and forefingers. Kiku gasped and groaned.
Alfred moaned quietly. He was feeding off all her delicious reactions. Kiku grasped one of Als hands and bucked her hips. Without the pillow she had nothing to find purchase on as he assaulted her chest. Every reaction set him further on fire. Each gasp and cut off whine pushed him farther up the wall. Her pale porcelain skin was worked to a deep blush by his hands.
It wasn't enough
He leaned forward and took one of the dusky pink nipples into his mouth. Kiku squeaked in surprise. He swirled his tongue around the nub, occasionally teasing it in between his teeth. Kiku whined and threaded her long fingers into Alfred's hair, gripping it tightly when he began to really bite. He bit into the plush soft skin of her breast. He bit her collar bones and sucked. He bit her neck, working her into a frenzy. He didn't stop until she was covered in spots and she was limp and spazzing in his arms.
“Al, Alfred.”
“A-Ah? Sorry I got carried away Ki-” Kiku pressed her finger back to his lips. It lingers this time though, tracing his puffy wet lips, and teased the seam of his mouth.
“I, I would be embarrassing for me, if I was done in by just this.” Al looked lost once more before he laughed in realization and crashed down on the woman in a crushing hug.
Kiku squealed and laughed. They held each other in a sweet embrace. Their hands mirroring each other as they traced the segments of each other's spines, feeling every indent and groove. She could feel his heartbeat against her breast, could feel how hot his skin was, could feel his arousal a breath away from her own.
“Kiku, if that wasn't an invite, holy shit, I don't know what is. Did you mean that? Could I make you…? Just by kissing and biting you?”
Kiku nodded and Alfred groaned against her throat.
“Alfred,” Kiku breathed against the shell of his ear. “Aren't there other ‘parts’ you'd rather pay attention to?” Kiku pulled herself away.
She guided the hand from her back around her chest and lead it down her stomach and back up to the inside of her thighs. Stopping inches away from her heat. She looked up at Al from under her eyelashes and let go, hoping Al caught on. A noiseless ‘oh’ passed through Alfred's lips. He bit his bottom lip and continued up the inside of the brunettes warm thigh. Kiku shook gently as she opened her thighs to accommodate Al's body mass as he moved closer. Al choked on a held breath as he brushed his fingers against the lips of Kikus sex. Her hips lurched up toward the fleeting touch.
“Holy shit Kiku. Your-You’re so hot, “ Alfred crawled a little bit closer and pressed his thumb against Kikus clit. Kiku hips bucked up and she choked out a moan. “So, so fucking hot.” Al whispered.
His breath was hot against Kikus ear. Al pressed his thumb down more and moved it in a circular motion. Kiku fell back onto her hands and threw her head back. Alfred had to hold back a groan as he saw one of his best friends rock up against his hand.
Hundreds of emotions gushed to the surface. He wanted to, had to give this woman every bit of pleasure she deserved.
He removed his thumb. Kiku mewled for a moment before Alfred slid a finger inside her. Both moaned at the sensation. His fingers were thicker than hers and she was tight. Tight, soft, and so much hotter than he'd ever imagined.
“Oh, oh fuck, Kiku. You're so tight.”
Alfred pushed his finger deeper and wiggled it slightly. Kiku moaned out a gasp and wrapped her arm vice-like around his shoulder. She used or tried to use, the position to rut down against his hand. Alfred was enthralled, so enthralled in fact that up until this point he had neglected his own arousal. It was brought back to his attention when Kiku bumped his crotch with her knee while she was moving about. Alfred hissed and was now violently aware of his erection, as was Kiku now. Purposely this time she slid her knee against his groin. This position had her straddling his knee while awkwardly trying to keep his fingers inside of her. Alfred found it endearing as well as extremely hot. Even if it was awkward and unsatisfying.
The blonde pushed his index finger along his middle finger. Kiku grunted, voice pitching into a quiet scream when Alfred scissored his fingers apart.
“A-al~.” Kiku moaned breathlessly and clutched helplessly at the blonde's shoulders.
Al's erection was borderline painful as it strained against the clothes he still had on.
Kiku was shuddering and thrusting her hips wildly, keen on fucking herself open on his hand. Her back arched and she gripped Al's wrist in an attempt to ground herself. The action stopped Alfred From moving his anymore and slowed her hips to a near halt.
“What? Did I do something wrong?: Al quickly tried to withdraw his hand. Kiku laughed and smiled.
“No, no, not the case at all Alfred.” Kiku smiled bashfully. Her eyes wandered downwards before shooting to somewhere else.
“Hm?” Al tilted his head, “Ohhhhh,” He laughed and leaned back. “Ready for the beast I see?” He proclaimed in flagrant mock boistery.
Kiku tried and failed to suppress the surge of laughter that bubbled out of her chest. Al laughed along with her. It felt natural. Laughing naked and breaths apart. When the laughter stopped and silence fell over them again a much more comfortable air surrounded them.
Kiku wrapped her arms back around Alfred's neck and pecked the blond's cheek.
“Yes, I am,” Kiku giggled. “I am ready for the ‘beast’.”
Alfred was bursting at the seams with joy. She was perfect. She was perfect in every way. He kissed her. He kissed her with every ounce of passion he had to show. Kiku keened and reciprocated as such. With one hand holding him up he pulled down the last remaining piece of clothes between them. He sighed against Kikus lips as his erection was finally released. The girl returned the pleasant sigh when she felt his sex slide against hers.
“P, Please Al.”
Alfred held his composure the best he could as he breached Kikus insides. Her arms back were drawn taut and her fingers dug into his back like vulture claws. Alfred was a restrained pent up mess. Kiku was purring, her body humming and tight with excitement as he pressed all the way in. Alfred was losing his mind. He had to wait. He had to give her the time to adjust. The heat, the heat and the tightness, almost like a vice, was driving him quickly insane.
Kiku, sweet Kiku was so beautiful and enrapturing. She was barely recognizable. A whole new person unfolding themselves to him. He ran his hands across her back and kissed her throat until he felt her arms fall slack.
“Are, are you-?” Alfred began to ask tentatively, choking on each word that passed his lips.
“Yes!” Kiku shouted, momentarily scaring Al. “Yes, yes,” She repeated, hurried and quietly into the skin of his neck.
Heat rushed to the blondes head. He felt light headed. He, maybe too eagerly, pulled near all the way out before quickly thrusting back in. Kiku squealed and Alfred mumbled apologies under his breath. She felt so good, too good. He paused, fearing he was close to losing his composure and then again pulled back to start a steady and slow pace. Kiku made quiet noises and arched into Alfred's chest like a cat.
He could feel her heartbeat against his chest. Beating wildly like a hummingbird's wings. She moaned softly, quietly, breathlessly into the junction of his neck and shoulder. Her breath was hot and uneven. She was warm putty molding against his body, she fit him like a puzzle piece. He had never felt so complete. He leaned back so she could control the speed and tempo, he couldn't be trusted not to lose himself in her. Also, this way he could focus on touching her without the worry of dropping or misplacing her. Kiku took the freedom immediately and found that the new angle allowed her to take the blonde even deeper than before.
“Fuck! Kiku,” Alfred groaned. Kiku was picking up the pace. Her voice got louder the faster she went. Alfred grabbed handfuls of her ass to help her keep up the pace. “God, Kiku, Kiku, you're so hot. So fucking hot.” Alfred rambled
Kiku threw her head back again and Alfred followed. He bit and licked, in varying degrees to gauge her reactions. Anything that was able to leave a mark drove the brunette crazy.
“So, so fucking beautiful.”
Alfred off balanced Kikus pace with his own. Kiku didn't seem to pay it much mind thought. She was more focused on losing herself in his embrace. He wrapped one arm back around her to pull her back against his chest.
“I always thought so. Ffuucckk.” He cried out. “ you're so tight, so wet,” He paused to hastily and sloppily shove his tongue into Kikus mouth. “I love you Kiku, love you so much.”
Kiku moans and laughs, giddy, between breaths.
“I love you, I l-love you too Alfred,” Kiku attempted a more refined kiss, with fail. “You, y-you feel,” Kiku bit her lip on particularly sharp thrust. “You feel s-so good.” Kiku whimpered breathlessly.
It was said so cutely, almost shyly and full of such pure raw emotion.
Alfred felt his dick throb, positive that Kiku felt it too. Kiku ran her fingers through Alfred's blond hair, pulling softly as she did so. Alfred hisses and bucks up harshly. When she accidentally pulls too hard both moan loudly. They shared a knowing look, asking each other what they already knew. Kiku tested the waters and pulled his hair harder. In return Alfred tilted his head back with her hands, eyes closed an mouth open and agape. She continues pulling, spurred on by the rough moans coming from deep in Alfred's chest. He grapples at Kikus back as his thrust grow progressively wilder.
“I'm, I'm, cl-close Kiku. I, I-” Alfred cried out, frantic.
“O-on me.” it was barely audible.
“W-what?” Alfred slowed in confusion.
“On me, c-come on me.” Kiku repeated louder. She dug her fingers deeper into his scalp and slapped her ass against his hips brutally.
“Fuck!” Alfred nearly screamed.
He pulled the woman up and off him as quickly as his orgasm ripped through his body. The line of white hit Kikus stomach. Kiku didn't have a chance to recuperate as she was toppled by the large body man.
She was about to question what he was doing but when her mouth opened all that came out was a high pitch squeal. Alfred had three fingers immediately insider her, pistoning as fast as he could go. The other hand was spreading cum across her torso lewdly. Kiku gasps and hides her face in her hands. She feels Alfred's breath ghost over her breast before wet warmth envelopes it.
“A-Alfred, slow down.”
“No, I want to see you, want to see you come Kiku. I want to see you come on my hand. Come on Kiku, don't you hear how wet you are? Come, please.”
To emphasize his point he speeds up. The obscene noises coming from her own body made her head swirl. Kiku screams as a jizz covered hand strokes her clit in tempo with the fingers inside her. Her body runs tight as her orgasm brutally overtakes her. Her body is rod straight and jittery when it finally passes.
A moment passes. Nothing but the sound of their panting and deep breathing. Both of them were breathing sporadically, dazed, shuddering and sated. Kiku finally moves her hands and lets her body down to the floor. She caught the blonde gazing down at her pointedly. She became very aware of how she must look and felt very self-conscious about being naked and trashed in front of her crush. Boyfriend? It was hard to say. Things had moved in very rapid succession in the last hour.
“Alfred, you're staring.” Kiku mumbled. Alfred snapped out of his reverie and looked up at the ceiling. His face and neck broke out in a red flush.
“Ah, sorry, you just uh,” Alfred glanced down. “Oh shit, you're just uh,” He runs a hand through his sweat-drenched hair. “You just look, so freaking hot. I'm trying not to uh, to get hard again.” Alfred laughed awkwardly.
Kiku looked down at herself again and kind of laughed. She supposed she did indeed look a little provocative. She crossed her ankles and leaned back on her elbows to gaze up at the blonde.
“I get that same feeling when you look at me like that.” Alfred blushed and covered his face.
He laughed and sat down on the hardwood floor.
“Gosh, how are you a real person.”
Kiku laughed and picked herself up into a sitting position. She grabbed the nearby forgotten comforter and wrapped it around herself.
“Nah, cuz I know what's under there now. Know what all the good stuff looks and feels like and what not.” Alfred joked and winked.
Kiku smiled and pulled the blonde into the cocoon of the comforter.
“We have a lot of time to catch up on these things,” Kiku got up and pulled the other to the bed, laying down and taking the other with her. “But you need a moment yes?” Al smiles.
“Just me?”
“Ah, yes, I could use a minute or two. My legs are still shaking.” Kiku giggled.
The two laid next to each other, wrapped around themselves, silently drinking in each others warmth. It was like that until Kiku couldn't take it any longer. A question pressed to the forefront of her mind, insistent to make itself known.
“What….what are we now?” Alfred's face fell a bit.
“What..do you want us to be.”
“I love you, Alfred, I meant that. I would like to be with you.” Alfred let out a comic sigh
“Oh thank god,” He laughed loudly. “ I thought you were asking that because you might be having second thoughts or something.”
“Of course not.”
“Much better than those 2D guys right?” Kiku busted out in a loud laugh, before turning red and giggling to herself.
“Ahh, yes, of course, by a mile.” She leaned in to kiss him. No longer heated, shy, but filled with docile affection. Alfred's heart swelled. He kissed her forehead and held her tight. A 2nd round didn't happen, didn't need to. The two lulled off to sleep. Content, happy, and peaceful.
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