#and also you. if youd like it
zrllosyn-art · 28 days
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Happy birthday to!! my own oc!!
(May 8th is Haru's birthday)
He gets to have some introspection. This references a whole bunch of character arcs he's gone through that uh. I haven't, posted, anywhere.
But its mostly coming to terms with loss and lingering attachments, and learning you are loved, in the end.
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titanofthedepths · 3 days
Yes you’re not fatphobic but are you capable of talking about fat people in a positive manner without saying somft/round/rotund/squishy/tumby/chumby/any other variation of the sort. Are you capable of talking about us in a positive manner without it being about beauty or attractiveness. Are you able to talk about fat people in general without being dehumanizing or infantilizing. Can you treat fat people with respect.
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meringuejellyfish · 2 years
is herobrine behavior/lore not common knowledge anymore .... has the world really forgotten about the 2x2 tunnels .. trees with their leaves all gone ... the sand pyramids in the ocean ... the herobrine shrine that would apparently summon him ... the lost to time brocraft hoax livestream that further popularized herobrine as a concept (of which herobrine was just a painting from a texture pack, later removed to which the streamer would continue to act freaked out until the end) .. the original forum post from sometime in august 2010 that detailed encounters with a pseudo-player in the distance on a singleplayer world which included this screenshot
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does anyone even care at all. about a herobrine so small
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crunchchute · 6 months
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billymarvel · 1 month
There's had to been a day where Billy transforms in an alley where a few stray animals are scavenging n fucking makes their fur stick up on end. They run off, terrified by the abrupt lightning, and random onlookers from down the road just see a bolt of lightning, a red blur fly across the sky, n three singed cats running while screaming like no tomorrow.
The people of Fawcett probably think some weird animal torturer is on the loose, or that the electrical lines are playing up, but no, it's just their local hero calling the wizards name in the most desolate places.
Someone sends a letter to whiz radio asking Billy to tell Cap to Please Be Careful Of Where You Call For Lightning, These Cats Only Got So Many Lives. It's embarrassing. It's humiliating. He cannot let the Justice League find out about this.
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faynke · 6 months
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Kid Killer actually kills Kid
Happy Holidays everyone!! Here is my piece for the @dcmkkaishinevents for @miss-emotion
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implied-divinity · 11 days
im feeling sappy tonight. shoutout to the baby tboys begging to be forcemasced. one day you will become the man you want to be. within the kink its wonderful when another man grabs you by the shoulders and pushes you headfirst in. its wonderful to share in the joy he felt when he started. in reality know youre afraid. it takes guts to let yourself be who you want. dont take your feelings lightly and let yourself explore. you are not alone but its also up to you. take care. much love.
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silvercrane14 · 3 months
Commissions for Palestine!
If you send me proof of a donation of any amount, I'll draw you something!
For donations below 3 USD, It'll be a pencil sketch. For donations between 3 and 5 USD, it'll be a pencil sketch with pen lineart. From 5 to 7 USD, I'll draw a highlighter drawing with pen lineart. Anything above 7 USD will be a fully colored alcohol marker drawing.
I will also be including an image description with your drawing.
I'll accept donations to anything as long as it goes to Palestinian aid and you show me proof. I'll even accept donations to Sudan or Congo, but this is mostly focused on Palestine.
I suggest this fundraiser if you don't know where to donate, it goes to a mutual's family.
I'm not comfortable drawing NSFW or gore. If I feel like I can't draw your request in a satisfactory way, I might ask you to make another request.
You can make requests in my inbox or by DMing me. Please send proof of your donation along with your request.
Requests through my inbox will be posted on my blog, while requests through DMs will go either in your inbox, or simply through DMs. Please notify me if you want them delivered some other way.
Here are some examples of my art:
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[Image ID: A pencil sketch of Segoku Shinobu from Ensemble Stars. It has minimal shading. It depicts him from the chest up. /End ID]
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[Image ID: A sketchy pencil drawing of a lolita. She is depicted full body, one leg crossed in front of the other, one hand pulling her skirt to the side. The dress has lots of detail, but her body doesn't. You can still see several sketch lines. /End ID]
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[Image ID: A pen and highlighter drawing of Maruyama Reo from Paradox Live. He is depicted from the chest up, winking and posing with his hands on his cheeks. His jacket and hair are pink, and his jewelry is yellow. /End ID]
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[Image ID: An alcohol marker drawing of OP's OC. She is depicted from the waist up. She has olive skin and wears a light blue hospital gown. Her hair is blue. /End ID]
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[Image ID: A full body alcohol marker drawing of Es from Milgram. They are depicted as Lady Justice, holding a sword loosely in one hand like a cane, and lifting the other up with a scale in it. They wear their prison guard uniform and a blindfold. Their uniform is various shades of grey, with gold accents. They have pale skin. /End ID]
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abueloier · 9 months
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twitter is good sometimes
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Thing is if any debut song was on folklore then yall would EAT them up
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chalkeater · 6 months
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Karaoke wippp
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velvetwyrme · 11 months
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( ❌ ) Sorry! That name is taken :(
Figuring out a username is tough. So... why not outsource it ;)?
The upcoming chapters of Flipping Fate require Edge to have a username, so we figured we should open that up to y'all to decide! This is all for fun, so go buck wild! Do you want to give him the coolest, most badass username? Or perhaps you want him to be embarrassed to even type it? (Maybe his brother got into his account and changed it?)
We'll hold another poll with your submissions once this poll ends so that you guys can decide what username he gets stuck with >;3c
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voltstone · 2 months
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what the fuck.
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atoriv-art · 6 months
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viperbooty · 8 months
Back to talking about the Fantasy Fandom and the racism that tends to be part of it!
I genuinely think if Wyll were white he'd get way more attention and love. He'd have sparkle flower crown edits saying "My sweet cornball!!" "My boys got daddy issues!!". Also Warlock is a class beloved by many. And as someone who plays a warlock in bg3 having two of them fucking ROCKED, I always had spells at the ready. So really saying "buh! buh! two warlocks is just bad!" its really not, short rests and cantrips out the asshole really make it easy.
If Gale were black he would be fully ignored and people would, in masses, complain about how annoying he is, how useless he is, how he doesn't really fit in with the rest of the "way more interesting cast". How he's so unbearably straight because all he talks about is his ex.
Lemme keep on this though because if Shadowheart was a Black Person she would have been fucking Crucified for the way she talks about other races, other religions, and just in general the way you have to pull information out of her like pulling teeth. Also if she were a black woman she'd be reduced to "uncaring boss bitch who "dont need no man"" or "unbarable bitch who needs to be Killed"
Am I getting my point across enough?
Wyll was shafted by the game by having literally less content than the rest of the party. Wyll DOES have an interesting story. Wyll is also corny, he's funny, he's so sweet, and his conversations with Karlach are soooo great and yet it's all abandoned because he's generally viewed as "boring".
And by the way. You are allowed to like and dislike characters. But I see a lot of people side stepping the Fantasy Racism to say "but hes just boring thats why I dont like him". Like sure, if you gave Wyll an honest chance and still found him boring then that's your opinion and choice! HOWEVER!! We CANNOT ignore that he is being LEFT OUT of edits, of fan art, of character discussions. When I see posts that are the entire cast MINUS Wyll it tells me everything I need to know about you.
Also one last thing... I cannot imagine being Wyll's VA and seeing how many times you are being left out on purpose. How so few add your character to edits, or fan art. It has to be crushing to some extent, even if you expected it.
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suddenlyschwinn · 5 days
i finally watched the finale and honestly the way majority of bddies are disregarding SO MANY different storylines and only talk about ONE scene that was like 30sec is kinda...
like yall claim to hate tommy but the way you obsess over his every move is kinda giving fan behaviour. you dont like tommy? then shut the fuck up about him and lou especially.
not acknowledging the amazing perfomances that were given to us throughout the whole season but especially this episode just because yall aint grown enough to not act like a bunch of bitches when a character you dont like is on screen is giving "idc abt the show at all im only watching it to see two men fuck!!"
grow the fuck up and start consuming media like a normal fucking person. so loud and so wrong all the time.
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