#zelinka finds out
avauntus · 2 years
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I found the next Kingdom Hearts DLC...
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ache1978 · 3 years
TNT - The People Network - directors cut from The Panics on Vimeo.
Amsterdam agency Etcetera turned to The Panics director Mischa Rozema to take on the challenge of their hugely ambitious Human Network script. Central to the integrated global campaign for TNT, is a stunning 50 second television spot highlighting the delivery giant's far-reaching network of dedicated couriers. With an accompanying tvc cutdown of 30 seconds, personalised video for TNT's existing clientbase and several key print visuals, The Panics took on producing the main bulk of the integrated campaign followed by localising to 32 countries.
The hugely ambitious script appealed to director Rozema's taste for taking on the epic, "There was just no way to turn a script like that down," says Rozema "Even though it had ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ written all over it. The complexity, the size, the craziness. Maybe that’s what really pulled me in to this. I just loved stepping into the unknown and finding out how we could make this work."
For Rozema, the biggest challenge was how to avoid the vfx becoming the focus of the tvc. "The Panics is set up differently then most production companies because we have our own in-house post production team which works instinctively with the directors. The temptation would have been to apply all that specialised knowledge and make this into a vfx fest but actually we threw out a lot of vfx when we started the project. We stepped into this trying to create as much ‘in camera’ as we could." This meant the production company had to set up major shoots in 5 locations across Europe ranging from live action drone-powered aerial mountain road scenes to complicated motion-capture acrobatic performances. Rozema, "We decided to really push what could be achieved in camera by actually creating a full size human truck on the set. It worked by having a huge, truck-sized, metal rig that could be pulled by an actual truck. We then filled it with an incredible Czech stunt team (famous for big Hollywood blockbusters) that had been rehearsing for weeks and gave the whole project a realistic approach. To be honest in the end, we used more VFX in the backgrounds (creating a non-existing airport, alpine road-tunnels and cities) than on the actual vehicles where you’d expect them."
Agency: Etcetera Concept : Peter van Leeuwen, Markus Ravenhorst Art Director : Peter van Leeuwen Copywriter : Markus Ravenhorst TV-producer agency : Robert Roosenstein
Date shoot : July 2014 Locations/Studios : Prague, Austria, Belgium & Amsterdam Film / Video-Material : digital (Epic Red Dragon)
Production Company : The Panics Director : Mischa Rozema Executive Producer : Jules Tervoort, Annejes van Liempd Producer (Liege) : Liene Berina Production Assistant : Kristian Stoykov
Post Production: Post Panic Head of PostProduction : Ivor Goldberg Supervisor on set : Chris Staves, Matthijs Joor
Line Production Company : Savage, Prague Executive Producer : Klara Kralickova Line Producer : Vojta Ruzicka Art Direction : David Baxa Stunt Team : Filmka stunt team, Czech Republic Stunt Coordinator : Jiri First Making of : Jan Svejkar
D.O.P. : Jon Gaute Espevold
Grading : Scott Harris @ Glassworks Off-line edit : Post Panic Editor off-line : Benjamin Putland On-line edit : Post Panic
Music composition & Sound Design: Pivot Audio / Guy Amitai Sound Mix: Lawrence Horne
Stills Photographer : Jiri Svorc Image manipulator : Nick Strong
Marek Zelinka : TNT driver, Daan Daams : wink guy, Sabina Feldmanova : customer woman, Petr Kocourek : truck driver, Mikulas Matous : Kid 1, Matej Splichal : Kid 2
Post Production team The Panics
VFX Supervisor : Ivor Goldberg, Chris Staves Assistant Post Producer : Liene Berina 3D & VFX Artists : Matthijs Joor, Jeroen Aerts, Chris Staves, Marti Pujol, Dimos Hadjisavvas, Juri Agostinelli, Dieuwer Feldbrugge, Guido Ekker (intern), Francois Heysen (intern) 2D/3D Artists : Doma Harkai, Erwin vd IJssel, Stefano Paron, Donat Aron Ertsey, Hubert Heutinck (intern) Matte Painting : Marco Iozzi, Marti Pujol Tracking & Match Moving : Giso Spijkerman
Additional Post Production:
Additional VFX support : Andrea Staiano, Thiago Porto, Dennis Volkerts, Glassworks Rotoscoping : Dot VFX, Roto Art Studios Motion Capture : Stepan Kment, Bohemia Interactive a.s.
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Charney Report
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/charney-report/
Charney Report
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What if all leaders and nations had proves climate cheanges because of human emissions of CO2?
We all know that climate is changing. The “game” between environmentalists and world leaders under the pressure of multinational companies regards the causes that have produced and that are accelerating these changes. In other words, global warming is a phenomenon the origins of which are anthropogenic, that is caused by man?
Nobody talks about that, but there is a scientific evidence that global warming is caused by an unnatural desire to produce (and sell) more and more: the proof of this relationship dates back to 40 years ago. A group of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States led by meteorologist Jule Gregory demonstrated that the average temperature of the planet would be increased, and why (and much more accurate of what is said during such historical events as the meetings of the Kyoto or the COP21, Paris): 40 years ago, at the end of July 1979, researchers published a report in which it was highlighted the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and climate change.
The results which were arrived were so devastating that researchers scurried to communicate tothe White House, even before that to the media.
Strangely, no one, neither the White House nor other branches of the government, said anything about the the study received. They simply forgotten it. It was a period of “hot” news: Russia had invaded Afghanistan; in Italy, only a few years before, the referendum on abortion had marked a moment in history and, just a year before, in 1978, was kidnapped Aldo Moro, and soon after, in 1980, it came to pass in the disaster of Ustica, who triggered controversy in the international is not just with France, the USA and Libya; in Spain, had just been launched to the Constitution. The whole of the international policy was focused on a series of events that had blinded the heads of state and had permitted, perhaps, to realize that they were in the act changes that would have changed the planet in a few decades. Even in the USA, the government preferred to look the alrta part: the rest had just been re-established diplomatic relations with China, was launched as the first revolutionary Shuttle and Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev had signed the agreements SALT II.
May be it was this the reason whay no one took the trouble to investigate the consequences of the thesis of a group of american researchers.
Later, in 2005, other scientists confirmed the accuracy of the forecasts reported in 1979: basing on three of the most large set of satellite data used by climate scientists over the past 40 years, results reached the ”gold standard” of certainty (the third had him in 2016). The forecasts reported in the study of the seventies were so precise that, thirty years later, in 2009, Raymond Pierrehumbert, professor of geosciences at the university of Chicago, was obliged to acknowledge that “nothing of all the knowledge achieved in recent decades has been able to contradict the conclusions of the report, Charney”.
(A sign that even then someone had tried to contradict that, which was not a theory but a thesis demonstrated, but without success).
This means that, already in 1979, scientists had demonstrated the impact of humanity on climate changes. But it also means another thing, far more relevant: that world leaders, who knew it, decided not to do anything. And they ketp doing (or better not douing) for forty years.
For all this decads research Charney ended up in oblivion. But the report had too much weight to remain hidden: the Charney report explained that “some changes in the composition of the atmosphere can change its ability to absorb the energy of the Sun”. If world leaders had devoted the attention they deserved to that research and if they had acted immediately, today the world would not find itself managing an emergency of epochal dimensions.
Why didn’t they do anything? Yet the document in the hands of world leaders was clear: “We have irrefutable proof that the atmosphere is changing and that man is contributing to this process. The concentrations of carbon dioxide are constantly increasing, which is linked to the combustion of fossil resources and the exploitation of the soil. Since CO2 plays a significant role in the thermal equilibrium of the atmosphere, it is reasonable to assume that its increase will have consequences on the climate ”. What consequences? Also in this respect the researchers, in 1979, had provided extremely precise data: Carl Wunsch, one of the authors of the Charney report, demonstrated the thesis of global warming of anthropic origin does not require complex calculations and models and predicted that a doubling of the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere would have led to an increase in the average global temperature of between 1.5 and 4.5 degrees Celsius, due to the different scenarios considered. Exactly what has occurred in recent years!
World leaders gathered in Paris come to mind at the end of the COP21 work. All smiling, between a dinner and a group photo, while presenting the “new” plan to contain the increase in global temperatures and save the world (a plan to be implemented who knows when, especially after Trump’s decision to pull back).
Instead, all of them already knew the causes and the extent of rising global temperatures very well. And not for a short time, for decades. “The main findings of the report have aged very well,” said Mark Zelinka, a climate scientist at LLNL, who also coauthored the document. “The story that scientists don’t know the cause of climate change is wrong,” Benjamin Santer, lead author of the study, “We know it” told Reuters.
As Pierrehumbert pointed out: “Political decision makers have not taken these forecasts into account and have not acted preventively”. Indeed, even today they pretend not to know with certainty the relationship of cause and effect between the increase of CO2 emissions, increase in global temperatures and climate change!
The point is that, after reading the report, and especially after seeing that the predictions of scientists have already become reality, their choices can no longer be hidden behind a sort of poor knowledge. Or of ignorance. There is no doubt that those who have governed in recent decades have not considered the common good or the preservation of the planet as primary: they have ruled with only the economic advantages of a few at heart. Now, forty years after the publication of the Charney Report, he can no longer deny it.
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entirebodyexercise · 6 years
10 health tips from one of Canada`s fittest women
If you're trying to find exercise motivation, look no additionally than Canadian Olympian Jessica Zelinka. In the last two Olympic Games, Zelinka, who has a chiseled physique that puts several a Greek statuary to embarassment, accomplished three top-10 surfaces in heptathlon (seven track and also field occasions over 2 days) and hurdles.
When asked for her insight on just how to get in wonderful form, what came mind was her three-year-old child: the fit ideas she suggests for grownups comply with the exact same philosophies moms and dads make use of to ensure they increase strong, healthy and balanced youngsters. That claimed, considering her partner is fellow Olympian Nathaniel Miller (water polo), that must be one healthy and balanced household.
Read on for Zelinka's top healthy and balanced living suggestions:
1. Eat your veggies " We always attempt to eat them at every dish and also at snack time,' she states making the asset that if you typically aren't eating veggies for your treats, after that what it is you're replacing them with? Probably something not-so-healthy.
2. Chew your food " After having a baby, chewing my food is something I forgot to do," Jessica claimed. "I stopped taking notice of what I was eating." She communicates the significance of reducing, resting at the table during normal dish times as well as in a social setting with family rather than in front of the TV. "Do not drink your calories either," she said advises.
3. Go outside and play " It aids with digestion and also gets you fresh air. It's a very easy thing to add into your routine." Jessica is a large fan of after-meal walks too!
4. Self soothe " Choose a run, do push-ups, play proactively. Find a method to burn that anxiety and also stress in a way that makes you really feel great."
5. Schedule play time " Set a time in your daily regimen to exercise. Make certain absolutely nothing else is a disturbance." And also don't let other points interfere with your arranged physical fitness time advises Jessica.
6. Live in the moment When you're working towards improved physical fitness, it's important to concentrate on the task handy. This is something that Jessica understands well from living a life of sports competition, however it's also great insight for the average person that wants to push physically as well as accomplish a personal finest. It has to do with practicing mental and physical discipline to do your best.
7. Learn your numbers " Emphasis on the numbers in your training program as well as understand what you desire to accomplish. Whether it is weight to be lifted, number of representatives, seconds for holding a stance, rate for a race or range run, it's all important." Those that track their progress in regards to boosting physical efficiency have higher adherence rates for exercise.
8. Say you’re sorry " Forgive yourself if you don't fulfill your objectives. Stay clear of the all or absolutely nothing mentality. Do not feel guilty and also just start again tomorrow."
9. Stick to a routine " Regimens for both adults and kids, give a complacency and predictability that provides us a sense of control as well as self-confidence that we could not only manage our lives, yet prosper!"
10. Take a time out " When you really feel overloaded, take a mental health break. Tranquil yourself down by taking some silent time and also concentrating on your deep breathing."
The average individual will certainly never ever compete in the Olympic Games, but this is solid guidance to achieve our very own individual bests whether it's shedding the last 10 extra pounds or finally registering for that course you have actually always wanted to do.
Follow Jessica here:  twitter.com/JessicaZelinka
James S. Fell, MBA, is a licensed stamina and also conditioning expert in Calgary. He writes the syndicated column" In-Your-Face Fitness” for the Chicago Tribune and also seeks advice from customers on critical preparation for physical fitness and health and wellness. Obtain your free Metabolic rate Credit report below.
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Charney Report
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/charney-report/
Charney Report
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What if all leaders and nations had proves climate cheanges because of human emissions of CO2?
We all know that climate is changing. The “game” between environmentalists and world leaders under the pressure of multinational companies regards the causes that have produced and that are accelerating these changes. In other words, global warming is a phenomenon the origins of which are anthropogenic, that is caused by man?
Nobody talks about that, but there is a scientific evidence that global warming is caused by an unnatural desire to produce (and sell) more and more: the proof of this relationship dates back to 40 years ago. A group of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States led by meteorologist Jule Gregory demonstrated that the average temperature of the planet would be increased, and why (and much more accurate of what is said during such historical events as the meetings of the Kyoto or the COP21, Paris): 40 years ago, at the end of July 1979, researchers published a report in which it was highlighted the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and climate change.
The results which were arrived were so devastating that researchers scurried to communicate tothe White House, even before that to the media.
Strangely, no one, neither the White House nor other branches of the government, said anything about the the study received. They simply forgotten it. It was a period of “hot” news: Russia had invaded Afghanistan; in Italy, only a few years before, the referendum on abortion had marked a moment in history and, just a year before, in 1978, was kidnapped Aldo Moro, and soon after, in 1980, it came to pass in the disaster of Ustica, who triggered controversy in the international is not just with France, the USA and Libya; in Spain, had just been launched to the Constitution. The whole of the international policy was focused on a series of events that had blinded the heads of state and had permitted, perhaps, to realize that they were in the act changes that would have changed the planet in a few decades. Even in the USA, the government preferred to look the alrta part: the rest had just been re-established diplomatic relations with China, was launched as the first revolutionary Shuttle and Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev had signed the agreements SALT II.
May be it was this the reason whay no one took the trouble to investigate the consequences of the thesis of a group of american researchers.
Later, in 2005, other scientists confirmed the accuracy of the forecasts reported in 1979: basing on three of the most large set of satellite data used by climate scientists over the past 40 years, results reached the ”gold standard” of certainty (the third had him in 2016). The forecasts reported in the study of the seventies were so precise that, thirty years later, in 2009, Raymond Pierrehumbert, professor of geosciences at the university of Chicago, was obliged to acknowledge that “nothing of all the knowledge achieved in recent decades has been able to contradict the conclusions of the report, Charney”.
(A sign that even then someone had tried to contradict that, which was not a theory but a thesis demonstrated, but without success).
This means that, already in 1979, scientists had demonstrated the impact of humanity on climate changes. But it also means another thing, far more relevant: that world leaders, who knew it, decided not to do anything. And they ketp doing (or better not douing) for forty years.
For all this decads research Charney ended up in oblivion. But the report had too much weight to remain hidden: the Charney report explained that “some changes in the composition of the atmosphere can change its ability to absorb the energy of the Sun”. If world leaders had devoted the attention they deserved to that research and if they had acted immediately, today the world would not find itself managing an emergency of epochal dimensions.
Why didn’t they do anything? Yet the document in the hands of world leaders was clear: “We have irrefutable proof that the atmosphere is changing and that man is contributing to this process. The concentrations of carbon dioxide are constantly increasing, which is linked to the combustion of fossil resources and the exploitation of the soil. Since CO2 plays a significant role in the thermal equilibrium of the atmosphere, it is reasonable to assume that its increase will have consequences on the climate ”. What consequences? Also in this respect the researchers, in 1979, had provided extremely precise data: Carl Wunsch, one of the authors of the Charney report, demonstrated the thesis of global warming of anthropic origin does not require complex calculations and models and predicted that a doubling of the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere would have led to an increase in the average global temperature of between 1.5 and 4.5 degrees Celsius, due to the different scenarios considered. Exactly what has occurred in recent years!
World leaders gathered in Paris come to mind at the end of the COP21 work. All smiling, between a dinner and a group photo, while presenting the “new” plan to contain the increase in global temperatures and save the world (a plan to be implemented who knows when, especially after Trump’s decision to pull back).
Instead, all of them already knew the causes and the extent of rising global temperatures very well. And not for a short time, for decades. “The main findings of the report have aged very well,” said Mark Zelinka, a climate scientist at LLNL, who also coauthored the document. “The story that scientists don’t know the cause of climate change is wrong,” Benjamin Santer, lead author of the study, “We know it” told Reuters.
As Pierrehumbert pointed out: “Political decision makers have not taken these forecasts into account and have not acted preventively”. Indeed, even today they pretend not to know with certainty the relationship of cause and effect between the increase of CO2 emissions, increase in global temperatures and climate change!
The point is that, after reading the report, and especially after seeing that the predictions of scientists have already become reality, their choices can no longer be hidden behind a sort of poor knowledge. Or of ignorance. There is no doubt that those who have governed in recent decades have not considered the common good or the preservation of the planet as primary: they have ruled with only the economic advantages of a few at heart. Now, forty years after the publication of the Charney Report, he can no longer deny it.
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