Hello! A Discord has been made! Come join us to chat and post and love our little intergalactic show. <3 (If the link doesn't work, DM me to get a new one.) Hope everyone is well!
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thecaseforspacecases · 3 months
The Space Cases cast reunites again! This time Kristian Ayre (Radu), Rahi Azizi (Bova), Paige Christina (Rosie), Anik Matern (Thelma) and Cary Lawrence (TJ Davenport) talk about the episode “Both Sides Now” and how the cast bonded on and off set.
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thecaseforspacecases · 11 months
S01E05 Forever Young
Time to make Goddard and Davenport more relatable to the youth...
Trivia and behind the scenes info can be found at spacecasetv.com.
Link to the ep and my thoughts while rewatching below the cut!
Oh, fun, the original story outline was written by Kristian Ayre (Radu).
I love the practical jokes, so obnoxious.
The generic opening theme with no singing is such a downgrade. Whyyyy did they change it on subsequent airings?
Ohh wait, I love these different planetary/affiliation icons for each of the characters:
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Earth/Harlan. Also appears on the sleeves of Goddard's and Davenport's jackets.
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Android??? Christa???/Thelma
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Davenport has always had that awful hair-do, even as a child. What a tragedy.
Radu would absolutely wreck all of them at this food/pillow fight double feature. The episode guide on the official site calls this "Radu's incredible disappearing strength."
I like Neinstein's spinning faces. Low-budget and still nightmare-ish.
Using Bova an an electrical conductor is my favorite Bova related trope.
How can Davenport use one of the command stations when the Christa never bonded to her? What upgrades did Neinstein make before it left??
Not much to write home about in this ep, but it was perfectly serviceable and entertaining.
Ok, I'm watching the ending credits and....
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What?? I never realized Walter Emanuel Jones (Harlan) was singing on the closing theme. But I think I can kind of hear him in the background now that I know. Neat!
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thecaseforspacecases · 11 months
I love these magazine photos!
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Been re-watching Star Trek Enterprise so naturally I remember Space Cases out of no where. I miss that show, back when Nickelodeon was SO good.🧡
🎶 Once upon a time in a school in outer space,
There was a class of misfit kids from all around the place.
They snuck aboard a mystery ship,
Which soon slipped through a spacial rip,
And now they're stuck on a long strange trip.
Harlan Band leaps before he looks,
Commander Goddard does not go by the books.
Radu tries to get along,
Thelma functions mostly wrong,
Bova's cloudy, Rosie's sunny,
Davenport is not too funny.
Catalina's best friend Suzee isn't there...
They're Space Cases!🎶
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thecaseforspacecases · 11 months
S01E04 Spung at Heart
Ok, back at it again!
In this episode, we get introduced to the big bads: the slaving, misogynistic, war mongering, Spung. Cardassians with tails. But first, we fall in love with their rebellious, fortune-telling princess, Elmira.
Trivia and behind the scenes info can be found at spacecasetv.com.
Link to the ep and my thoughts while rewatching below the cut!
We start with Radu and Harlan alone on the bridge (love it), getting a distress call from a ship with a lone passenger, and bickering (LOVE IT). The voice is female, so of course we get them fighting over a girl without knowing much about her (A TREND).
What an introduction shot, though. Elmira, you have my whole heart.
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So Radu is pissed, and we learn that the Spung enslaved his people and started the Spung-Andromedan war. The tension! And Radu and Harlan are fighting over Harlan's prejudices towards Andromedans. It's such a good scene!
And Catalina remains the Eye Roll Queen every time Elmira calls Harlan "captain."
I do like that Elmira is an oracle, what a unique character trait. I like to headcanon that her mother was one as well, but she died during the war. Without her mother's protection, this left her more vulnerable to having her gifts abused by her father, Warlord Shank.
Elmira to Catalina: No one can see who's coming here, but Catalina disappears.
At this point in the series, the creators were already suspicious that they were going to lose Jewel Staite to the Disney channel and so this was a bit of foreshadowing to Catalina's eventual departure.
Goddard is always fixing something, does the Christa need you poking around in her all the time SIR?
Elmira to Goddard: Not many Stardogs live to say, they've seen what you will see today.
I'm really intrigued by the fact that the Spung Killcruisers were so deadly, everyone on the UPP side who ever encountered one was killed. And the Spung still lost the war!
I'm not even going to comment on Davenport, she is so goofy.
Radu's fortune is, of course, the best. And hints at a storyline they never got to tell:
Elmira to Radu: Fire and darkness you will tame. Hero added to your name. Noble Radu, worthy and brave. Those who scorn you, you will save.
And I couldn't quote this episode without including more fawning over my OTP:
Elmira: Harlan Band doesn't hate you Radu, he's afraid of you. Radu: Afraid? Elmira: Yes. Every time he looks at you, he's afraid that everything he knows is wrong. And so are you, every time you look at me.
Ok, listen, I know that's very much meant to be a Radu/Elmira moment - a ship which was almost certainly going to be endgame - but hear me out. Harlan having feelings for Radu, someone he considers an enemy, the same way Radu has feelings for his enemy in the Spung princess. An awful lot of angst in this love triangle all around. It feeds into my headcanon that Harlan is positively TORTURED by his eventual romantic feelings for Radu for multiple reasons. Maybe I'll get more into my shipping headcanons some day BUT MOVING ON.
Ok, and it's also just a great scene and a great message about prejudice in a kids' show.
I really want to know more about the Spung ruling structure. Is Shank the only Warlord or are there others? Is he the leader of a nation, of the whole empire, or just the military? If he's just a high ranking commander, like the wiki says, why is Elmira considered a princess (which is something we learn in Season 2, I believe).
Also, George Takei, phenomenal get. And the Star Trek reference, *chef's kiss*.
In the end, Elmira returns to her ship and distracts Shank and the killcruiser long enough for the Christa to escape through the White Circle and back where they began - 7 years, 4 months, and 22 days from home.
Great episode! Can't wait until we get to see Elmira again!
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S01E03 A Day in the Life
Ah ha! So this was actually supposed to be the second episode, but Nick execs wanted the more action heavy "Who Goes Where" to air second in the season. This is day 5 of the Christa's 7 year journey back to the Sol system.
Trivia and behind the scenes info can be found at spacecasetv.com.
Link to the ep and my thoughts below the cut!
Rosie's little helmet: so funny looking, so unexplained. I'm sure it has something to do with heat retention but gosh is it strange.
Excellent guest stars in Bill Mumy and Mark Hamill. And the Lost in Space robot.
I just had to get a screenshot of Radu's uniform. Look at the rainbow details on the sleeves and the up the front of the jacket. What do they meeeeaaaaaan? I love them though, what flair.
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Imagine having to spend your 7 year trip in these dormitories. I would find a closet to sleep in.
Ahh here we have introductions to Catalina's sonic scream, Radu's super hearing and strength, Bova's electricity. Big second episode energy.
Radu walks in on Harlan recording in his journal about his stardog father - We learn that he was killed by Andromedans during the Spung-Andromedan war and that's why he and Radu are always on "shaky ground." I really want to know more about the war and the circumstances of Harlan's father's death - and what makes him a "legendary stardog."
Catalina's dead parents! 😭
Thelma's charade gag is gold.
Look at Catalina's little non-hug with Thelma! So interesting and cute and also why?? Jewel Staite is just so good as Catalina. All of the child actors are really good - I think in comparison, Goddard and Davenport can be a little too hammy at times.
I also think it's interesting how much they are trying to show that Harlan and Catalina have a lot in common. I headcanon it as them eventually growing in to a really good command team - though considering that this IS a TV show, they are teenagers, male and female, butt heads a lot...probably leading to a future will-they-won't-they romance that was cut short by Jewel Staite leaving the show.
Another good ep - nice to learn more about the crew and we got some Harlan/Radu tension which I absolutely eat up.
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S01E02 Who Goes Where?
On to episode 2! A Radu-centric episode that I love, but feels a little weird as a second episode? Everybody seems pretty chill about being on a new ship with a 7 year journey ahead of them. But, I know these episodes were filmed out of order with the network wanting to be able to run them in whatever order they pleased.
Trivia and behind the scenes info for this episode can be found on spacecasetv.com.
Link to the ep on youtube and my thoughts below the cut.
RADU get back in the ship you CRIMINAL.
The theme song rocks. This particular ep has the second version of the season 1 theme, but clips of Suzee from season 2. Why????
Radu's "I heard that! I heard that, too!" is so fucking done. I love him.
Ahhh this is the Saturn Rejoicing Festival episode! Catalina's outfits! (Did the Christa just have these for her??). And where we get "Zabagabe!" - the rallying cry of Casers everywhere!
Hmm, yeah, this definitely feels out of order and like they've been on the ship longer than a second episode would warrant. Harlan and Goddard talking about "weird" Andromedan biology and Radu having previously vented steam from his ears. It's cute though! I love when we get to learn about the Andromedans.
Thelma: His temperature is 35 degrees Celsius. Low, even for Andromedans. Oh, and his barometric pressure is dropping. I think he's going to snow.
Why does this alien ship have books from Earth on it??
I like to woobify Radu as much as the next Caser but he is a MENACE. "I was just trying to be a tough guy...like you." Manipulate mansplain manwhore
Davenport and Goddard are such good teachers. And Goddard trying to help Harlan work on his relationship with Radu? A+
Davenport: Radu did this? I can't believe it. It makes no sense!
Goddard: Believe me, Ms. Davenport, I fought Andromedans during the war. With their strength and endurance, they don't have to make sense to be deadly.
Davenport: It's a good thing Harlan isn't hearing you spout such rubbish. What with the bad blood already between him and Radu.
Goddard: This isn't about people's feelings, Ms. Davenport. It's about survival. If Radu's turned against us for some reason, the blood's going to be a lot worse than bad.
What an interesting scene! Clearly Goddard still has prejudices from the war. They're talking about one student, a child, and they still have no clue yet that he's being infected by an alien disease. And yet Goddard is looking at this situation like a soldier going up against the enemy.
I'm also super interested in just how the Spung-Andromedan war was fought. It's a space-based war, but fears about the Andromedans' physical abilities makes it seem like there were face to face engagements. Boarding parties? Is that how Harlan's father was killed? And we learn in later episodes that very few people ever saw a Spung killcruiser and lived to tell about it, so what were the Spung doing?
The darker pink around Rosie's eyes is very cute.
OK, you know I love the Harlan/Radu fight. The airlock scene. I am LIVING.
Also, Harlan's "I'll get you for this" as he about to be blasted out of the airlock. Like, bby, u say the dumbest things sometimes.
The dance at the end! Loving that for Davenport/Goddard shippers.
Another episode, another banger. Lot of Radu, and we learn a some interesting things about Andromedans, Saturnians, and Mercurians all in one ep.
Thanks for reading! Drop me a reply or an Ask if you want to talk Space Cases! Ep 3 coming soon.
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if you're not obsessed with anything weird and niche please try harder. stop going outside for a while. consider getting weirder about the things you already like
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S01E01 We Gotta Get Out Of This Place
First off, apologies to the 12 people who followed this account back when I was camping on a SpiderDevil themed Marvel account name. This is now a Space Cases tumblr, feel free to unfollow if you're still around.
I decided to start writing here because I am, to this day, still in love with the 1996 Nickelodeon kids' show Space Cases. I'm a.) starving for content and b.) desperate to put my thoughts down somewhere and so here we are.
I'm going to use this space to do an episode-by-episode rewatch, go though the official website and show bible, find and curate other content I stumble across on the internet, post some old magazine scans I have that haven't seen the light of day since Livejournal, etc etc.
Today, I'm starting at the start and watching S01E01 "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place." I have the old VHS rips saved to my computer, HOWEVER, for this I'll be watching the uploads on the youtube channel "thespacecases" (link below) which has them in much better quality. My thoughts under the cut!
I'm going to be scribbling down my thoughts as I watch:
(For trivia and behind the scenes info, check out the episode guide on spacecasestv.com)
I'm trying desperately to read the Starcademy motto but I can't make out the first word. So something Sine Fronteras - ...Without Borders? I took a quick look around the wiki and spacecasestv.com but couldn't find it. Darn!
The opening intro to the characters is ICONIC. I can still quote it to this day.
Davenport: I believe in regulations and procedure, Mr. Band. If you added those two words to your vocabulary you could...
Catalina: Double it?
Hello, police? I'd like to report a murder.
Here we learn that Radu is the first Andromedan at Starcademy and it seems via context that he is the only one. Probably hasn't been there too very long. What a difficult thing to do, and then to end up in the remedial class at least partly because the students are prejudiced against Andromedans because their parents fought against them in Spung-Andromedan War. I believe I also read somewhere (maybe in the show bible??) that he was chosen to go by the other Andromedans because he didn't fit in with them. Maybe I made that up.
Anyway, fair warning, Radu has always been my favorite and I'm endlessly fascinated by the potential I saw in developing the Andromedan people.
I've also developed a soft spot for Harlan and his character development/potential for growth, and the development of his relationship with Radu, who he initially hated due to his prejudices against Andromedans. And I also ship it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(@shmeiliarockie posted their thoughts after a season 1 rewatch awhile back and has a head-canon that Andromedans don't have gender which I LOVE and have not stopped thinking about. Click this for the post.)
Ok, I have got to be more brief I think, I'm only a minute and a half into this episode. BUT THIS EP IS SO GOOD.
Davenport: The vacuum of space isn't fair either, Mr. Band. It can destroy anyone who doesn't have what it takes to survive. And...none of you has what it takes.
I want breakdowns of all the different symbols on their uniforms and what they mean. Maybe the prominent shoulder ones symbolize the planet they come from? Harlan has three polyhedral like pillars which I've only just now thought may stand for Earth and the Lunar and Mars colonies.
Catalina is the eye roll champion.
Radu's "What is your problem?!" to Harlan. Yes, bby, don't take his shit.
Yes, why IS the Christa named after an Earth teacher, why IS Thelma a Techno-HUMAN emulating machine?? I do wonder if the creators knew or if they were just planning to figure it out if they ever got that far.
Personally, I subscribe to the time loop theory wherein the crew in the future sends Thelma and the Christa back in time to pick up their younger selves.
Thelma has the best gags.
Goddard: Band, Helm. Catalina, Engineering. Rosie, Bova, Scanning and Tactical. Radu, take Navigation.
I love this scene, chills.
They end up going through the White Circle anyway: 7 years, 4 months, and 22 days from home. Definite Star Trek: Voyager vibes, which had begun the year before in 1995.
Davenport is complaining that she had theater tickets for tonight. Where, ma'am?? The wiki says that Starcademy orbits Pluto.
Harlan is yelling at Radu and Radu looks INDIGNANT. I love him.
Goddard: I was three weeks shy. Three more weeks and my career as a teacher would have been over. I'd have been back out in space with a crew. Instead I'm...
Catalina: Back out in space.
Radu: With a crew.
Interestingly, a similar line was used against me in a DnD campaign when my ship captain then-Warlock was bemoaning his fate. :)
This episodes rules. What a great start to a series. The creators wanted Space Cases to be a "Star Trek for kids" and as someone who is also obsessed with Star Trek, well, well done, you hooked me as a child.
If you've made it this far, thank you very much for reading. And if you want to talk Space Cases, feel free to reblog/reply to this post or send me an ask. I'd love to chat about SC!
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Space Cases: Season One - Part Two (Part One)
Episode 7 - Desperately Seeking Suzee
Episode 8 - It’s My Birthday, Too (Yeah!)
Episode 9 - Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Court
Episode 10 - Prisoner of Luff
Episode 11 - The Impossible Dram
Episode 12 - Break On Through to the Other Side
Episode 13 - On the Road to Find Out
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Space Cases: Season One - Part One
Pilot - Breath of a Salesman
Episode 1 - We Gotta Get Out of This Place
Episode 2 - Who Goes Where
Episode 3 - A Day in the Life
Episode 4 - Spung at Heart
Episode 5 - Forever Young
Episode 6 - Nowhere Man
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