theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
I'm determined to try my hiatus will be over eventually
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
I'm sorry I haven't been on But I don't think I can do this anymore
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
Send in sexy pictures of your Muse to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts..
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
Freeze! You are under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other blogs who you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful ❤ ily
Eeep! Oh thank you darling, so much! ily too
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
Penny looked the man in front of her up and down again. In all fairness, there wasn’t really anything wrong with him, and he was kinda cute, though it could have been the accent. However, she’d be damned if she were to admit it. “He’s busy,” Penny replied with a shrug, “Just leave a message with me or whatever.”
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Vincent looked down at his clothes for a moment before looking up at the redheaded woman in confusion. “What’s– what is wrong with the way I look?” He asked, his French accent lacing his words as he looked around. “I need to talk to Mr. Gould. Please, I will only be a moment.”
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
“Right,” Adam said, not even trying to hide his smirk. “Bo, cute name.” They walked in silence for a couple of minutes, the intern checking the time on his phone, not realising how late it was. “Erm...” Was the response to the new guy’s question. It was hard to explain to people who just didn’t get it, “Apparently the term “intern” is synonymous with “slave” here. At least with me, Linda likes having me around. Though it’s scary, she always looks like she wants to eat me or something.” He shivered at the thought, knowing he just accidentally gave himself nightmare material. “Why are you here so late?” 
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His eyes widened then. Dammit. Damn Latin channel on the radio. Rhys blushed bright red. “Adam–” He’d remember that. Wait, he didn’t have to. He didn’t work here. Rhys’ eyes fell to the photo Adam was looking at. It was a cute dog. “Yeah.. that’s ah–Bo. That’s old Bo. Had ‘em for years, let’s go. We’re released from our shackles, right?” Rhys stood up from the space and quickly left, hoping the other was following right behind him–more importantly, hoping he was headed the right way. He was turned around now that he was caught. “Why are you here so late, anyway?”
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
If you read the rules and information of a rp page before interaction, can you reblog this, please? I want to see how many do.
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
If Penny knew there was a chance that the night of her father’s gala that there’d be a gas leak that would cause the New York City skyscraper to blow up and ther was a chance she’d die alone, she’d have never have ventured upstairs to her father’s office. There had been tension at home, rumours ranging from affairs to crimes involving money laundering, and if there was going to be any evidence, it’d be in the office of Mark Gould, CEO of Gould Enterprises. However, not even two minutes after managing to slip away from guests and getting through the office door was there a massive shake, and rubble fell on top of her, hitting her legs with a horrific crunch and causing her to screech in pain.
She had never been so scared in her life. The red-head needed to get out, needed to find out if her parents or siblings were okay. However, every movement caused her to cry out in pain, frustrated and terrified tears spilling out of her eyes, squeezed tightly as if it’d stop the pain. She was going to die alone, not even twenty-five years old, with no idea whether her family was okay. She shifted again, the pain either becoming bearable or her body becoming numb, and she could barely hear her screams over the fuzziness of her mind, lying back against the debris in total defeat.
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
She may have been dead, and a ghost, but she was still there and it was really rude to ignore someone, dead or alive (and somewhere her loser brother would get “the reference” to that phrase, because he was a freak who found pop culture in everything). “Excuse me!” She snapped, probably about the thirtieth time in half as many minutes. “If you ignore me again, you’ll wish you died the way I did!” When the person in front of her made no motion of paying attention to way, she screamed out -- high pitched and defeaning -- causing the nearest window to smash. “See, look. Hard to ignore that.”
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
“There’s no way you’re getting in there.” Penny announced, crossing her arms over her chest, standing tall and important, surrounded by the cubicle slaves of Gould Enterprises. “My fath-, ahem, Mr Gould, is extremely busy, and doesn’t need anyone taking up his time today,” she gave the person a once over, “especially someone wearing at least two articles of clothing containing polyester and looking and smelling like they just rolled off a garbage truck.”
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
There was something off about this so-called new guy, but Adam decided it was due to nerves and lack of experience at Gould Enterprises. It could get surprisingly dirty and mean-spirited in such a shiny expensive looking sky scraper. “It’s cool, I’m just an intern. I think it’s unspoken company policy that no one is supposed to know us. Mark Anthony though? Two very interesting combinations. Though it’s Adam.” He shrugged, eyes surveying the cubicle falling on a picture of a dog. It looked familiar, the picture, but that was probably due the subject of the photo, all dog pictures looked the same after a little while. “Cute dog.”
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Rhys spun in the wheelie chair, turning the computer monitor off in the process. His lips pressed together, his eyes fell on every surface of the tiny space he occupied and he prayed the name of the owner wasn’t female, or he’d have a lot of explaining to do. “Um.. I’m new…” he said slowly. “Just started ah, today, actually. And I was um, just brushing up on ah–protocol and.. rules.. things.” God, Rhys, shut up. “You know. The basics. I spent my lunch out at ah–Starbucks, naturally, and I ah–the weather’s lovely, right?” He sighed, cringing as he just couldn’t shut up. “Anyway, hi, hello, what’s your name? Mark, right? Anthony? I’m awful with names and faces.” 
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
"Being weird is a good thing, I guess," Was Adam's only reply to that comment with a grin, "And I'm glad you don't want my help. I'm only an intern, my knowledge of this place only spans to knowing Sharon from Accounting's coffee order -- and she's very fussy." His grin formed into a smirk when she mentioned going out after he was done. "Well shucks, are you asking me out on a date?" He teased.
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“Oh no, really you dont need to help me it´s my fault why I said yes to it so I also need to do this alone.” she answered him and then listened to him and then oulden help but laugh a little.”God you are so weird but its true the older people always only do boring things we still have a live and we want to go have fun and not sit here in a stupid office doing some stupid work.” she said and sighed lightly but then smiled again and listene to him once again. “Company sounds good thought, I would love if you could stay here then the time could pass by a little faster, plus when i´m done here we could maybe go out somewere just as a thank you for you staying here and keeping me company.”
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
Teddy heard shouting, muffled due to the ringing in his ears, seeing a silhouette moving debris, (literally) feeling the weight move off his chest, giving him a chance to breathe again. He felt fuzzy, and could hear sirens around him -- though if they were in the distance or right near him he couldn't be sure. "I..." He managed to choke out to the hero in front of him, eyes focusing on his dirty and ripped suit. God, his mom is going to kill him. "My parents!" He croaked out, looking around frantically, causing him to feel dizzier.
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Serenity was looking at the building and heard something, she saw a man under neath the rubble. “Hang on!” She shouted and ran to him, “I’m going to get you out of there, just hang on.” She said, as she started to clear off the rubble from over him. 
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
"I can't help it if my mom is a perfectionist." He pointed out, "Though I don't see why I need a new suit. I have practically hundreds back home -- they all look the same to me. I honestly don't think people will notice...unless it's the Weasley look. I'll be a laughing stock!" He smiled gratefully at Skeeter, flopping his arms down to his sides from his tense inspection. "Please." He said in response to her offer.
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Skeeter rolled her eyes. “Teddy, we have been here for the past two hours, just pick something!” She exclaimed. “Actually, you’re right, you do look like Ron.” She said, laughing in agreement. “Here, let me help you.” She offered, standing up.
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to come on for the last two days! I'll be on when I get home ❤️
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theocbreakfastclub · 9 years
Duck me
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