put down the chat gpt. consume too much caffeine and nicotine and write a paper that you barely understand while you approach hallucination territory from too little sleep and too much raging. engage with academia in the way god intended
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I was there 😭
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Hozier performing in Charlotte, NC
📸: artziety | 23rd April '24
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I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say
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Adding this here because there are a lot of “a whole basket of pears?” tags. Toddlers do this thing where they take one bite of everything. I’ve lost so many good bags of apples in a single toddler sitting. It’s not a phase that lasts long, but it is a phase that a lot of toddlers go through. Kid probably dug their little teeth into every pear in a basket but didn’t actually eat entire pears.
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Mugshot of a 2-year-old Francois Bertillon, arrested for eating a basket of pears
Follow for more 1800s nostalgia
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oh to be rejected by hozier
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Cishet Brad with a wife and kids at home but three more girlfriends because that’s how he “expresses his true self” is definitely super unconventional and queer. /s
I didn’t realise this was a debated issue until recently so can I just say that polyamorous folks are queer.
They are people living in an unconventional relationship that deviates from the societal expectation of one man and one woman loving each other and each other only.
Polyam folks are the queerest motherfuckers. Sending y’all some love!
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But they did call him Frauderick
I'm just saying; major L to the Fall of the House of Usher bastards that they didn't call him Fraudrick instead of Frogrick
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study conducted entirely by 50-year-old men who haven’t ever intentionally washed their hands
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It’s also inherently dehumanizing, and I’ll never understand why it’s just totally fine to so many people.
People react really badly to the suggestion that you should take ‘bitch’ seriously as a slur/censure its usage and it’s abundantly clear that it’s because they don’t take misogyny seriously as a form of oppression.
How many women have had that word spat at them as they’re hit, sexually assaulted or killed by men? How many women have had the word used against them as a degrading warning, to keep them in their place? How many women have had it shouted at them out of cars, to remind them that they’re part of a subordinate class?
Why is that substantially less serious than someone using another type of slur to degrade or terrorise?
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No offense to Stephen King, but I don’t want writing tips from someone who spent the majority of his kids’ childhoods using drugs and alcohol to the point that he can’t even remember some of the writing he did during that time.
Give me tips from Tabitha King, who kept what would become her husband’s first bestseller from the trash and helped him with the perspective that he couldn’t figure out, who had three kids she was raising while her husband had a drinking problem and cocaine addiction, who wrote books while she still had young kids, whose story continues to take a backseat.
I can use Tabitha King’s advice, not her husband’s.
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biblical manhood is getting cucked by your 12yo wife and a god who couldn’t find someone in his age range to knock up
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i started thinking about this years ago because of teeth. teeth are so interesting. you can just have spares for no reason? you can be missing some that never formed? most people have the same number, but there are some pretty common variations, and it turns out some other bones and body parts are like that too. sometimes shit’s just weird.
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I just noticed her mom said “now we’ll be able to afford Tammy’s medication” after Roderick gets that $500 and pay raise. She’s also the one crying nonstop in the first episode, and I’m wondering if she has something that contributes to her insomnia later. I would love to see Mike Flanagan’s planning process for her as a character.
Tamerlane was the most intresting Usher to me by farrr. Her whole thing is health and appearances! Her entire companies idea is to look at the individual customer, pick them apart, then send an expensive personalized kit to fix their ‘mistakes.’ I’m not sure if it’s her or Freddy that is the sick child in the flashbacks, but it would play into this idea even more if she had chronic illnesses as a child. That she sees herself as something broken that needs to fix/has fixed/has to pretend she’s fixed.
And she can’t enjoy the perfect life she has! That’s what I took the sex worker scenes as! She can’t enjoy her ‘perfect life’ with her trophy husband who is attentive and loving. She has to have another woman dress up and pretend to be her to enjoy the intimacy.
I know a lot of people found that disturbing but can’t we all relate to that to an extent? I feel like everyone has felt uncomfortable with personal intimacy at some point despite loving couples and romance on screen. But Tamerlane is an Usher so she never has to analyze this part of herself, she never has to question her intimacy and self esteem issues. She has the money and power to just craft an elaborate life to avoid feeling uncomfortable with herself at any moment.
Like, her spiral was seeing a proxy of herself finally watching her. She was forced to see ‘herself’ see herself! Her death was smashing the mirrors in her bedroom until the glass stabbed her!
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these silly little pumpkin men have my heart 🧡
October has been over for like forever and I still haven’t posted all the little pumpkin guys, but here are my favorites
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-Neal Shusterman
they should invent a way to self destruct that doesn't have any permanent consequences. a way to crash your car in a fiery wreck and walk away unharmed. a way to tear your organs out of your chest and be whole again by the morning like prometheus. a cigarette that burns your lungs but not your lifespan.
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Pumpkin man is taking time off to enjoy the beach and contemplate life. Let him rest.
I haven't seen dancing pumpkin guy ONCE this year, are you guys okay?
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you: hozier is a dryad
me, an intellectual: hozier is a minor greek god of music who loved medusa but was turned to stone. the gods had mercy on him and took him to an ancient forest where he lay until someone loved him again. his songs are devoted to medusa, his forbidden love. hey, look, a bug!!
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