theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
Give me a character and I will answer with a sample of how I would RP them?
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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Not sure of how to reply to such a comment, he managed to respond with a simple "How do you do?" and "Good afternoon."
But the awkward feeling soon passed, and Rabbit was relieved to hear the chipmunk only needed some description of the place--which he was more than eager to give.
"Oh, yes! This is the Hundred Acre Wood. Have you lost your way?"
theyellowrabbit started following you
"Wow, you’re a really large rabbit." Chip looked up at the fuzzy-cheeked stuffed rabbit.
Speaking of large places, this woodland forest was rather enormous to him. It’s been a long time since the chipmunk felt this sort of.. nostalgia. Especially a location that felt so near and dear to him, one like this where he had grew up in. ”Yellow, too.”
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"Tell me, do you know where I am? At all?"
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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"How silly of..."
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"Look pal, I’m not fruit.   What kind of food has one eye and talks??  I eat avocado for dinner. Do I look like a cannibal to you??”
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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"Surely not, as I can't think of anything else. If that's the case, I'm not so sure I'd have managed on any of your 'ex-pos-itions,' ah...Miss Captain...ma'am."
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"Chin up, my man! As I said, we’ll be back where we ought to be in no time. And anyway, there are worse places to be than a desert. I’ve been to worse places, I really have."
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
have you ever left the 100 acre wood?
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"Something always convinces me to come back."
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
Hey Rabbit? I've heard about your adventure to Skull to save Christopher Robin. That must have been one tough adventure... did you ever feel sad that Christopher Robin was gone? Did you ever think that he really left on his own free will? Just, what was that journey like for you?
Dear Someone,
       First, I must admit that while I most certainly did miss and worry for Christopher Robin, the person who I believe took it the hardest out of all of us was Pooh Bear. They are best friends. That being said, it was especially difficult to understand what had happened since none of us even really knew what a Skullasaurus was! Owl seemed really excited for reasons unknown, but after we found out what Skull—school, really was…I sometimes wonder if he had known what the note had said all along.
      I thought it may have been possible Christopher Robin was growing up a little and had other things to do than to play with us. Though Pooh may have not necessarily caught on (he is a bear of very little brain, afterall), that isn’t to say no one else had. Owl had scared us into thinking he’d actually been kidnapped by Skull, so I don’t think he’d left on his own. Perhaps something had taken him, but then I wondered if he’d gotten away and decided not to tell. Maybe it would have been easier to do that instead of explaining grown-up things to us.
       However, this wasn’t the case. Oh, no. It was all a misunderstanding, and thank goodness for that! Everything is right, right now. Our adventure had been very rough, though.
                        "Adventure is a wonderful thing!" says Owl.
   How dreadful! I’d rather stay grounded…right here…with my garden.
But I learned that I can be smarter than I think, and following rules by the book isn’t always the best thing to do. You should come up with your own ideas, since the truth doesn’t always have to be printed in ink. You should trust your ears, your nose, your eyes before anything else.
I also learned not to not always trust Owl to read things correctly…but I think we’d all forgotten when he mentioned the Backson!
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
boops your nose! :3
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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"Melodramatic? I have perfect reason to be upset! Barely lost is more lost than I'd like to be. Just look around us--sand, sand, and more sand! We're doomed! You know what they say about deserts, don't you?"
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"Oh, stop being so melodramatic about it. Everything will be fine. We’re only barely lost! A few more minutes and we ought to be reunited with civilization.”
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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"It's the end, I tell you! Lost, frrr-ied in the desert sun! Scorched in the searing sands--parched in a waterless wasteland!"
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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Rabbit took the map from around his shoulders and turned it this way and that in order to read it. Maps were supposed to be dependable! He vaguely wondered if it was that he couldn't read Owl's handwriting properly. "Even if Skull is bad, he's got us to answer to! But a trade? We don't even know what a Skullasaurus is, Pooh, so how would we know what it wants? Socks? Hunny, even? I suppose if it came down to it, we could try making an offer. Yes. I'd say it has to appreciate something we can give. That could very well be what we must do.
With a dismissive sort of grunt, he shook out the map. "You might remember...whatever-it-was-you-forgot in the morning, so maybe you should get some rest. Check your ears for fluff."
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“No Rabbit,” Pooh responded quietly, shaking his head. There was no way he could believe that, nor could anyone they were with, he was sure. “That’s not true at all. Why, we wouldn’t have gotten as far as we have without you! We might have ended up back where we started or not where we are.” He moved a little closer to the edge, watching his friend down below, “There is something Christopher Robin told me, I just cant remember what it is I’ve forgotten. But when I do, it will help us find him too.”
With one last look up at the sky, Pooh started down the tree slowly, “Do you think Skull is really as bad as Owl said he is? And if – if we cant get him back, we could maybe do a trade?” It wasn’t like they had much to offer a Skullsaurus, but he was certain they could think of something.
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
🐰 30 Days of Character Development: Day 3 🐰
3.)Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?
Considering all the dim-witted danger he's suspect to in the Hundred Acre Wood, it would be surprising if he didn't have any scars. Falling off branches and cliffs, being injured in schemes, being tackled to the ground by Tigger, getting blown up by Gopher, etc...
But since Rabbit is canonically a children's storybook character...and children's storybooks do not typically try to harm characters overmuch, his scars will heal and vanish--or at the very least...he can brush his fur over the offending marks.
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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"Yes, you are a rather monstrous vegetable...er, fruit. Remarkable. If only I could grow something as large as you.
Could you perhaps leave me your pit when you've finished with it?"
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"Look, I haven’t got time for this.  I’m a monster.   You should be terrified.”
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theyellowrabbit-blog · 10 years
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