thvnderstrck · 5 years
Um, hello ??? For once, I come prepared with an intro, the start statistics and a few wanted plots that I will finish . . . later . . . ; my excitement levels have been through the roof and I’m super excited to get this RP started !!! My name is Effy, also known as Admin Peach and I’ll be playing Han Beomgyu, member of The Kings and resident asshole who is 99.9% done with life & the people around him. INSPO , INSPO , INSPO , INSPO , INSPO ( tw: flashing lights ) ! And here you can find his BIOGRAPHY &  ( unfinished asdfghjkl ) STATISTICS &  ( unfinished asdfghjkl ) WANTED PLOTS & QUICK PLOTS I haven’t entirely fleshed out !! Smash that cute little heart (  ♡   ) and I’ll come slide into your ims or feel free to hit me up on d*scord , just ask for it because i have to hunt down the correct email address connected to it !!!
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┅ ☆ ★ ✮ ∟ ‖ kim taehyung. 23. cismale. he/him. ‖ — dancing with the devil , a game of russian roulette , an inability to kick bad habits. 」did you hear that   HAN BEOMGYU   is a member of the   KINGS   ?!   i guess that’s how they’re able to afford the  PURPLE BUGATTI CHIRON   i always see them in.   who would’ve thought being a      STREET RACER & BARTENDER      paid so well   …   i know people say they’re really   ZEALOUS , MELLOW & ALLURING   , but don’t you think they come off way too   SARDONIC  ,  CAPRICIOUS  &  SYBARITIC ? i can’t help but thinking of them whenever   BADBYE   by   RM   comes on shuffle.   you know what they say ,   live fast , die young   ;   but i hope this one makes it. ┠ effy , cst , 24 & she/her ┨
    TW: substance abuse , alcohol abuse , suicidal references , child abuse , violence
Born in Daegu, South Korea on October 31st to parents addicted to alcohol and narcotics.
Growing up, they were very poor due to funds going to fuel his parents addictions.
He has a little sister and he tried his best to protect her from their parents when they were younger.
His father was prone to violent fits of rage, and often times it was channeled onto Beomgyu. His mother was prone to turning a blind eye.
Because his father was also physically abusive to his sister, often times he’d purposely make himself a target in order to spare her.
Life was super hard for him, he had to take car of his little sister so he really couldn’t just be a kid. Never harbored any ill feelings for her though, because at the same time she was the one thing who made life better for him.
Still, he wasn’t a happy person and felt like he had to hide that fact from his sister because he didn’t want to worry her. Became accustomed to wearing masks.
When he was seventeen, he came home and found his father beating his sister ( he’d find out it was because she came home “ late “ despite having come right home from school ).
Absolutely enraged, he ends up killing his father. His mother, however, cleans up the scene a bit, cleans him up and makes it look like she did it. She takes the fall and in sentenced to 16 years in prison with a manslaughter charge.
After their aunt is given custody of them both, he ends up running away with nothing but the clothes on his back. Their aunt is nice and he reasons his sister will be happy, so he doesn’t need to stick around any longer. Does not keep in contact with either.
Finds himself in Busan, South Korea doing absolutely nothing good with his life. After picking a fight with a man, he gets beat up but he doesn’t care. The man ends up giving him a helping hand, and is the person who gets him into the KINGS.
Once he starts raking in cash from being a street racer and winning, he starts sending his sister money, but he rarely ever calls her.
Despite only wanting to protect her, he’s recently discovered she’s come to Busan to find him, and has ended up with the HELLCATS. He’s super upset because he wanted her to do something good with her life. Also feels like she’s paying him back from leaving without at least saying bye.
To put it simply, Kang Beomgyu is an asshole and he knows it.
Uses sarcasm and nonchalance as a defense mechanism, and generally is not afraid to be mean.
The size of his ego is massive, he’s entirely full of himself.
Puts up a lot of fronts and likes others to believe he does not give a shit, really doesn’t give a shit, but at the same time he does care about certain things and people, he’s just not super open about it.
Certified heartbreaker, but he doesn’t try to hide it. He’s really upfront about his intentions solely being him wanting sex, and it’s not his fault if others delude themselves into believing it could turn into something else.
But he’s passionate and attentive and the kind of lover a person can get addicted to, so he’s not surprised when people start thinking maybe they’re special to him. No, he’s just not selfish in bed and perhaps wants them to be thinking of him the next time they’re with someone else.
Likes being in control, becomes frustrated when someone takes the reigns from him. Unless you’re a close friend, then he just goes with it because there is not a lot of people he can be honest with and rely on, so it’s nice to be able to.
Petty and bitter, he can hold a grudge for a lifetime. But he’s upfront and painfully honest, so he’ll insult people to their face.
He’s kind of spoiled? The man who took him under his wings has a pretty high position in the KINGS so he was given a lot of special treatment, and he is one of their best racers so he’ll complain if he’s told to do something he really doesn’t want to do.
ACTUALLY A REALLY GOOD FRIEND. He might complain and call his friends annoying, but catch him lowkey acting protective. If someone’s a really good friend to him, it usually means he thinks he can trust them 100% and, like, he’ll die for them.
On the flipside, if someone is a really good friend to him and then they stab him in the back, he’s absolutely crushed because he doesn’t invest in people easily and it just hurts, man. Catch him moping about it even when he’s sixty.
Relationships and him are not a good combo, honestly. Usually ends super messy because he has a habit of falling in love and then getting hurt, he doesn’t pick ‘em well and tends to be given a dose of his own medicine ( heartbreak that should’ve been obvious ).
Oof, he’s lazy as all fuck. Which sucks because if he applied himself, he’d do really well in life. But he’s only interested in being zealous when it comes to the things he likes. Everything else can fuck right on off. Also, sleeps way too much and, perhaps, he will turn into the biggest baby when someone attempts to wake him up.
Massive sweet tooth. Uncontrollable craving for sweets, will dig through drawers and cabinets and get pissy if he can’t find anything sweet. The easiest way to his heart is to provide him with something sweet. Likes food in general, really. Good food. He’s an excellent cook himself because he cooked all his family’s meals, but he’d prefer it if someone else cooks for him because he’s lazy and doesn’t want people pestering him to cook more. Loves animals, especially cats. Has a cat he calls a “ stray ” but it’s named Crank and he buys it toys and treats and lets it in once it starts scratching as hit window or door. Definitely not his cat, though. Just a stray. Hates losing and hates the HELLCATS who have beaten him. Just. Cannot deal with it. He’s used to being one of the best, if not the best, and being beaten by a new gang that’s still wet behind the ears? Does his pride the fuck in. Maybe because he was poor the majority of his life, but right now he splurges on clothes. Fashion icon, honestly. Likes buying really nice things and likes when others give him really nice things. Currently his hair is dark brown, but he tends to dye it often. He cycles through black, platinum blonde, cotton candy pink and ash brown. He’s fucking bad at following the rules, thinks as long as he doesn’t get caught it’s fine. A bad fucking fighter, he tried once and got knocked the fuck out. Was super pissy for like a month because of it, and he’s never tried again because he’s damn good racer and he claims he’s too worried he’ll mess up the only thing God gave him -- good fucking looks. On the real, though, he’s just too prideful to lose again otherwise he’d have kept trying.
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
But darling what do you do when it’s 3 am and the only person you have to talk to is the demon in your head?
What do you do when it’s all too real to be so fake? (via s-o-reckless)
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
I can’t handle feeling like I haven’t been giving everything I could. The feeling I could have been more, better, prettier? It’s killing me.
t.k. (via timbllr)
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
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taehyung for anan magazine
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
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ohh? my god.
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
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I’ve been giving Fiona money for the bills, so has Lip, she just hasn’t been paying them.
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
Purchase from Itunes here
Goodbye Horses - Q Lazzarus
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
Okay, so I’ve read y’all’s thoughts and I think a soft revamp would be best !! I think I’m going to work on the theme ( maybe, I like the theme but changing it to be more vibrant might help ) and the plot, I won’t change the plot much but I’m going to try to make it a bit more appealing. Please keep threads going in the meantime ! I'll also try to get replies out soon. Also thank you for the kind messages y’all are too sweet. :( I’ll try my absolute best to get this group going again ! And I’ll reply to messages soon, I’m just very tired today, but I read them and asdfghjk. It’s soft hours for me !
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
I’m going to be real, I’m not sure if we’re staying open? I’m really thankful to the members who have been active, but I’m doubting people are going to return and be active before the 30th and if that’s the case we’ll be losing like half our members. I’m also not sure if my co-admin is coming back. And even before the holidays there wasn’t much interest in the group any longer even when the promo blog was running. It really sucks because I love roleplaying with you all, but I feel bad interactions are so limited. I’m not sure what I should do. I could try a revamp? Or I don’t know if anyone would be interested, but I have other plot ideas so maybe I could just do something new and start a new RP and yet y’all reserve characters and stuff? I really don’t mind slow activity, but it’s disheartening seeing only a handful of people even on the dash anymore. And I know with the next activity check, a lot of plots will be lost and I feel bad for that too. I’m sorry, I’m just pretty bummed out because I really love this group, but it feels like it won’t be able to stay afloat.
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
sorry about the sporadic activity on the main and this account, there’s too many birthdays in december for me and then there’s christmas i can’T with time !! but i’ll finally not be busy on the 27th !! and i’ll promote like crazy again asdfghjkl. Also a reminder that anyone inactive and not on hiatus come the 30th will be reopened. No 24hr warning this time around !!
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
                                              「 » 𝓈𝓊𝓃𝑔𝒿𝒶𝑒 « 」
“The answer is definitely both because we know how much of a sweet tooth you are, but in your defense, I drink it with no sugar or cream so it’s for tough guys only,” he says playfully, adding more emphasis than he probably should to the end of his sentence simply because he wants to watch the look of offense on Daegeun’s face. Sungjae is well-known for being sassy and for liking to draw a reaction from people for amusement purposes only and he knows the other delivers – as he just did – and he is pleased. “Consider it done, I just need to add the right emojis to it to display the right feel because just ‘hero’ won’t do you justice.” He throws the bait and waits for the younger to bite it which is not hard at all, considering Sungjae likes to play the one in need of pampering and care. His puppy eyes tend to do wonders when it comes to the other and his earnest requests rarely go unheard or ignored. Sungjae loves to be indulged so the acceptance is pleasant to the ears and makes him shift closer. “I want you to make me something even if it’s tea. I’ll drink it for you.” The other knows that’s not his go-to drink, but he doesn’t mind drinking it since he’s been refused coffee as an alternative. “Of course I still have the tea! It was a present, I keep my presents. I’m saving it, I’m saving it.” he offers the lame excuse, but adds a sheepish look and tone as if needed to be forgiven for it. “But you know, I found out this peppermint flavored hot chocolate that is right up my alley because it’s not too sweet, you know, in case you’re having trouble thinking about what to give me for Christmas this year.”
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The others words draw out an instant reaction, eyes narrowing in clear offense as his lips twist into a cross between a frown and a pout; he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with sugar or cream and it certainly doesn’t make him any less of a tough guy than Sungjae. It was just the fact their physical capabilities were staggeringly different, but he could present himself as tough and it worked a good portion of the time. Or so he liked to believe. ❝ You should change that, add some sugar and maybe you wouldn’t be nicer. ❞  He says it jokingly, scrunching his nose at the other for a moment before laughing.  ❝ I want a heart, explosion and cat emoji, please and thank you. ❞ In all honesty, Daegeun doesn’t mind indulging the other even during those times he sighs and makes it out to be such a pain ; if it really was, he simply would refuse and he’s pretty sure Sungjae knows that just as much.  ❝ Oh, you’ll drink it for me ? ❞  he grins and shakes his head,  ❝ or do you mean you’ll take one sip and then forget about it ? Well, either way. Remember how nice I am the next time I do something that really annoys you ! ❞  He stands up, stretching his arms above his head before making his way to the kitchen.  ❝ I’m saving it, I’m saving it , ❞  he tries his hand at an imitation of the others voice.  ❝ You’re lucky I like you, otherwise I’d leave all your texts on read. ❞ Pouring water into a pot, he turned the stove on and set it on top of the burner, digging around cabinets until he found the expensive tea unopened , shaking his head to himself before setting it on the counter and re-taking his seat on the couch after checking the time on his phone.  ❝ I already know what I’m getting you for Christmas. Well, one thing is a gag gift. But it’s still was expensive so you better use it, ❞  and yet he approve of Sungjae’s taste in hot chocolate, so he nodded.  ❝ But that sounds good, so I’ll get you some, too. Ah, how can a person as good and kind as me exist ? Oh, and I’m so handsome. ❞
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
                                              「 » 𝓈𝓊𝒷𝒾𝓃 « 」
          EVERYTHING HE DOES IS PREDICTABLE     and  it’s  a d o r a b l e ,  the  way  his  expression  flashes  with  p a n i c ,  the  way  his  body  tenses  underneath  him .  it’s  familiar in  a  lot  of  ways ,  it  strikes  him  that  he’s  just  a w f u l to  the  street  racer ;  he  doesn’t  deserve  it ,  not  at  all ,  but  subin  is  no  H E R O  and  so  his  conscious  is  g u i l t  free.    “   want  me  to  call  you  b a b y ?  does  it  still  make  your  heart  race ?  ”        he  tilts  his  head  to  the  side ,  fingers  combing  through  the  front  of  his  hair ,       “   you  know  i  could  get  you  in  the  mood  e a s i l y .  ”       he  knows  that’s  not  what  daegeun  is  talking  about ,  but  he  still  makes  a  point  by  rolling  his  hips  s l o w l y .
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         “   did  you  think  we  use  to  be  friends ?  ”      a  s w e e t  smiles  spreads  across  his  face ,  head  tilted  as  he  leans  in  until  their  lips  are  barely  brushing  against .         “   i  just  liked  what  you  could  do  with  your  mouth .  i  liked  you  so  much  more  when  it  was  filled,  otherwise  you ’ re  just  saying  a n n o y i n g bullshit .  ”       sincerity  drips  from  his  words ,  he  makes  it  a  point  to  get  across  to  daegeun  that  that  was  all  he  ever  saw  him  as ;  someone to fuck ,  or  fuck  over  ——   any  camaraderie  felt  was  one - sided .  leading  him  on  was  just  some  e x t r a  fun .       “   who ’ s  the  son  of  a  bitch ?  at  least  my  mother  loved  me .  o h ,  maybe  that  was  too  harsh .  sorry ~ .  ”
The roll of his hips makes him exhale, tensing further at the proximity of their faces, and so he stands, allowing the other to either fall to the ground or stand from his movement. He doesn’t have time to think, Subin’s words are like gunshots next to his ears. There is a considerable amount of hurt that bursts on his face , he’s been hit plenty of times but he rarely has had the wind knocked out of him this much. It’s uncalled for and he ducked his head down , even though he’s heard similar things before he doesn’t think it’s ever been put as bluntly and he’s already a mess from things that don’t involve the other , everything is just squashed together and it’s too much. No matter what , Subin was someone who was important to him at one point , he’d spilled his entire soul out to a person he thought was his friend , but that fucker ripped his heart out of his chest and squeezed it.  ❝ That’s not true , ❞  it comes out because he needs confirmation ,  ❝ we were friends. ❞  The wave of anger that hit him is replaced with sadness , finally daring to meet the others eyes again.  ❝ Why are you like this ? ❞ The other part hits him harder , his reaction is to fight so that’s what he does , hits the other across the face with a clenched fist. It hurts , the contact leaves his hands aching and his knuckles throbbing.  ❝ Fuck you, okay ? You might think my life is funny, but you know what ? I think yours is miserable. “ It’s the truth, just as Subin had allowed sincerity into his words, Daegeun matches it, the anger on his face swirling with something akin to pity.  ❝ You know, I knew you were a shit person and I still loved you. Yeah, that makes me beyond stupid, but one day you’re going to regret hurting everyone who cared about you. You’ll be alone. ❞ He knew what that felt like, being alone, he felt alone after he left his sister, before he met the kings, and sometimes he still felt it — but he knew he wasn’t. Subin, on the other hand, he’ll burn all his bridges and be lift to drown.  ❝ It has to feel terrible. How can you stand knowing people only like a fake version of yourself ? That you have to fake it for people to like you ? Really, I feel sorry for you. ❞
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
                                              「 » 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝓈𝓊 « 」
                                            closed starter @thvnderstrck
              the stars were out, bright little dangling of constellations when minsu pushed his way through a steel door marked EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY, climbing up the stairs of the fire-escape. it works in his favor that daegeun and jiwan live in the same apartment complex. before everything they met on neutral grounds, but after everything, minsu can’t even visit a 7-eleven without the presence of a watchdog. he never considered how his friendships with the kings would be viewed. never cared enough. never allowed anyone to control his life and who he hanged out with, and for a long time, no one dared to question his loyalty. not just because his uncle had done so much for the hellcats as a mechanic, but with minsu’s reputation no one had a desire to play with fire. until recently when it all changed because the cobras messed with his playground.
minsu comes to a stop in front of his friend’s window that had been left unlocked in advance. he put his palms on the window panes, pushing upward, the window slid open enough for him to pull himself up onto the ledge and into the living room. dr. martens hitting the floor loudly, making his presence known. snatching a bottle of leftover soju off the table, he drops himself on the couch, unscrewing the cap and taking a generous swig of alcohol that burns sweetly down his throat. hand moving to the pocket of his jeans, he removes a pair of handcuffs, dangling them on his fingers and softly rotating, “here, a souvenir.” it was the same pair that had been on his wrist from the almost arrest, removed in the early hours of the morning with a bobby pin. “kept it for you,” he added, teasingly grinned.
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The apartment becomes his solace and despite the hours he sleeps away, he doesn’t remember a time he’s ever felt this exhausted by life ( other than years ago when his family circulated around his head ) and he wonders why that is, when all he does is stay in bed and listen to playlists that keep him in a horrible mood. He needs an outlet, but his care is gone and races have been put on hold and stealing cars isn’t fun because he knows he isn’t returning home to his own, he’s just looking for a temporary replacement alone and that sucks. He’s never had healthy coping mechanisms, but he figures sleeping and drinking is better than getting back into the heavy shit he used to do. The sound of his window opening catches his attention, the person being at least a glimmer of something positive; Minsu brightens his mood, even if he deadpans at his bottle of soju being stolen. Well, he should have seen that coming anyway.  ❝  Does Satan have any idea you’re sneaking out ?  ❞  The question rolls off his lips before he can correct the name, hand waving once he’s finished.  ❝  I mean Jiwan. ❞  Same difference. Daegeun’s nose scrunches up as soon as he sees the handcuffs, eyes rolling when the other opens his mouth, arms crossing over his chest as he glares — but it’s halfhearted, the corner of his lip slightly raised.  ❝  Are you sure you don’t want to keep that ? You’re the one under lock and key. ❞  He teases him back, proud of his own joke and it shows when he laughs at himself, but then he’s almost sulking.  ❝  I thought about it a lot, but I think they’re being outrageous. I mean, if you weren’t loyal would’ve switched sides the moment you realized how cool I am. ❞  He’s joking, but he figures humor lessens the weight of the situation.  ❝  I wish I could help. ❞  He wasn’t there when Doyeon was fighting, he didn’t agree with the decision to fight and stayed at the bar out of spite, but how could anyone not act if their friend was getting hurt right in front of them? Daegeun would have done the exact same thing for Minsu. Reaching over, he snags the handcuffs from Minsu and absentmindedly fiddles with them.   ❝  Well, I owe you one for bail so if you need anything, let me know. ❞ 
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
                                              「 » 𝓈𝓊𝒷𝒾𝓃 « 」
            A CAT AND A MOUSE     is  the  prologue  to  their  story ,  one  chasing  and  the  other  one  running away .  a  power  struggle ,  but  poor  kang  daegeun  was  never  advantageous  in  this  game  subin  is  so  keen  on  playing .  “   what ’ s wrong ,  g u e n i e  ?   ”  the  concern  in  his  voice  is  b e t r a y e d  by  the  smile  on  his  face ,  any  attempt  at  s i n c i r i t y  sabotaged  by  his  own  inability  to  keep  amusement  from  slipping  past  his  cracks.
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            “   you ’ re  usually more .  .  . f i e s t y .  ”      it  is  a  purr ,  body  sliding  until  he’s  comfortably  seated  on  his  old  friend’s  lap .  m e m o r i e s  should  soften  him ,  but  he’s  the  one  who  r u i n e d  the  foundations  of  their  friendship  in  the  first  place ,  and  he  always  did  find  that  broken  expression  on  daegeun’s  face  alluring .  “   i  like  when  you ’ re  like  this ,  but  i  don ’ t  think  i ’ m  the  cause  of  it  this  time  ——  i ’ m  so  c o n f l i c t e d .  ”
It’s not a bar he frequents because he needs at least one place that’s just his — a small, dingy place full of people just like him , basket cases trying to drown their sorrows. It took him longer than usual to get to the place , feet dragging across concrete until he got tired of walking and hot wired an old car ( he feels bad about it for once , he doubts the real owner has much else , but Daegeun’s own self-thrown pity party outweighs the guilt he feels ) and sped off , uncomfortable in the shell of a vehicle while is own darling was gone , how could he let that happen ? Zoned out , he’s only aware of someone else’s presence once their weight is on top his lap , a fraction of a second he assumes it’s an employee trying to get extra tips , stupid , thinks as soon as his voice hits his ears and registers. There’s a moment his breath hitches , panic flashing across his face as his mind blanks and he tries to recover ; he isn’t expecting to see the other , anyone , he hates appearing weak in front of anyone , but Subin is high on the list of people he hated seeing him weak — he liked it , laughed at it , rubbed salt into his wounds.  ❝ Don’t call me that , ❞  it’s hissed out between clenched teeth , there’s an urge to hit him — slam his head into his nose , but despite their different in height , he has too many memories of being over powered by the fighter — more taunts , God , he hated that laugh. It’s strange how someone could go from being the nicest person , to an absolute demon ; but it’s just like him to get involved with someone who ends up crushing him.  ❝ Subin , get off. I’m not in the mood to deal with you. ❞ Daegeun’s jaw clenches alongside his fists , nails digging into the palms of his hands as he tries to resist the urge to swing ; but their position puts him at a disadvantage , worse with the fact he’s not good at fighting and would be hitting someone who is. He doesn’t like when people make his pain out for their amusement , he should be use to it from the other , but it hurts all the same — does he want to get hit ? Is that his game ? He wills himself to calm down , fixing a glare on the other.  ❝ Don’t feel conflicted , we’re not friends anymore ; you can fuck right on off , you sadistic son of a bitch. ❞
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
                                                    「 » 𝒿𝒶𝑒 « 」
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“Hey! I was really drunk too,” J argued right back, raising an eyebrow as a type of challenge towards Daegeun. They could continune the small bantering all night, and J would be content. As long as he wasn’t threatened anymore. He still wouldn’t take too kindly to it, but he was sure Daegeun had learned his lesson. Hopefully, he had, at least. Though, at the topic of fighting, J gave a small shrug. “Technically, yeah. But I can’t fight. I would kill the person. Which is actually against the rules in the fights. Surprise, surprise,” he chuckled, a bit bitterly. Truthfully, J had thought about becoming a fighter. He still did. He knew he had the guts, will, and stubborness for it, but the control? No. He would never have that.
J shifted on his seat, eyes never leaving sight of Daegeun. He knew the staring would get on his nerves. Maybe that was why J was doing it. Or, maybe he just enjoyed taking in all that he could while he could. “There’s plenty of stuff you could do that isn’t fighting,” he replied nonchalantly. “Like, I don’t know, for example, taking your anger out on me by fucking me, which, you can hit me, and it’ll be completely fine in that situation. It’s a wonderful stress reliever. Hell, you don’t even have to pay.” he offered, a half shrug following up the words. He knew Daegeun wouldn’t take the offer. He was only half serious anyways. “But I suppose that’s all that matters, to you. I’m petty, but I don’t care that much about something as simple as who gets the last laugh when you were obviously in the wrong with threatening me and expecting me to not punch you. Like, I get if you were expecting me to fuck you or something, but no, you were just expecting for me to leave and follow your word. When I hadn’t done a damn thing. That’s stupid, pussy cat, and you know it.”
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Well , he couldn’t deny that the other was also drunk ; he could falsify memory and claim he couldn’t remember, therefore J’s claims were up in their air , but he wasn’t going to do that — even he knew how stupid that would be , and he was keen on any more nicknames from the older male.  ❝ Whatever , ❞  Daegeun huffs lightly as he says it , shrugging his shoulders.  ❝ I was probably drunker and I’m younger , you should have took that into consideration. ❞  He does listen to the other’s explanation , a brow raised as he takes it in. It was already bad enough when fighters seriously injured their opponents , of course killing them was not allowed , but he sounded bitter so a part of him wondered if he’d enjoy fights if he could , he guessed , control his damage output.  ❝ Well , that sucks. It’d be fun to see someone mess your face up. ❞  It’s said almost jokingly. Almost. ❝ I mean , I only fuck people I want to fuck. Do you think you’re appealing enough to catch my interest ? ❞  Daegeun turns in his chair , allowing his own eyes to trail the length of J’s figure. He was attractive , it kinda pissed him off , but whatever.  ❝ I like getting the last laugh , and the last word in. ❞  It was true , but he never claimed he wasn’t childish ; he liked winning , even at the little things , so it couldn’t be helped. Even if he was in the wrong ( and hindsight told him threatening J in particular was very stupid ) , he still wanted to come out on top.  ❝ The only stupid thing is that stupid name , I should be calling you that , I’m not a hellcat. ❞ He grumbles, leaning his cheek into the palm of his hand.  ❝ ... Don’t you have a chair you should be scratching , “ he squints ,  ❝ I’m not drunk enough to be creative. ❞
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thvnderstrck · 5 years
                                                    「 » 𝒽𝓊𝒶𝓃 « 」
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    “i got it, finish up with the rest.” he moves and makes way to the center of the bar. it was some devil’s hour, late at night ( or perhaps debatable and it was early morning ? ) and his bar was now closed. the closing times specific and strict to all customers. aside from one lost kid. it was a familiar scene nonetheless: sometimes people would just be long gone, buzzed and unable to exit checkmate. ( what can he say ? his bar only provides the best) but perhaps he should open up a drunk taxi service. now as brown orbs glance at the sitting duck at his bar, the male hums. “sir, checkmate is now closed. if you would take your leave, that would be appreciated.” he speaks, using his ‘business voice‘. a unconscious move that always comes into play when he’s attending customers.
“i can of course also provide you an uber if you inform me of your house address.” huan glances at the vague, familiar face. perhaps a local visitor. regardless the other was young looking.
It takes him several minutes for him to realize the voice is addressing him , head lifted up from the cool counter top he’s close to passing out on top of , but the prospect of leaving causes him to stir , the remnants of of the drink in his glass finished of with gusto before he’s asking for another one , lips curling into a frown when it becomes apparent he’s not going to get his way.  ❝ That’s not fair ,  ❞  it is entirely fair , even in his state he’s aware of what time checkmate closes and he knows it’s time for him to leave , but he’s not ready.  ❝ I’m not finished drinking , just one more ? It’s not even that late ...  ❞  He goes to check his phone and drops it , groaning because it’s harder to stand up to than he’d have thought. So he just lets it stay on the ground , pouting as if that’ll rewind time and give him another chance to check it without dropping it.  ❝ Do you have any food ? I’m hungry ...  ❞ For a moment he forgets he’s supposed to be leaving , or at least is being asked to , allowing himself to relax back on the bar counter , eyes sliding close because despite how uncomfortable it is , he’s comfortable. The mention of a uber catches his attention , eyes peaking open to weakly glare at the other.  ❝ My addresses is the closest bar still open , if you won’t allow me to be a paying customer then I’ll take my service elsewhere !  ❞ It sounds more childish than he intends , but he’s drunk so whatever. More than likely , he won’t remember the entirety of their conversation when he wakes up. He’s already barely remembering that this man is also a king , but they’re not close so it’s not forefront on his mind.  ❝ — where’s my phone ?!  ❞
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