toadxhunter · 15 days
“I hope this email finds you well”
First of all the only emails that ever find me well are from AO3
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toadxhunter · 2 months
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at 12 tonight, preorders for Crossroads will close 🎣🌕
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toadxhunter · 2 months
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scribbly killua and gon comic
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toadxhunter · 2 months
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toadxhunter · 3 months
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Preorders for Crossroads: A Hunter x Hunter zine are open!! From now until March 15th! ✴️🍀
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toadxhunter · 3 months
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WOAH COVER REVEAL!!! Preorder date post coming tomorrow! 70+ pages of hunter x hunter illustrations, comics, and fun merch are coming your way...
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toadxhunter · 3 months
Anyone else ever just thinking about the fact that gon’s challenge in trick tower was a candle that burned too brightly and quickly and he solved the puzzle by putting out his enemy’s even though he knew his would go out shortly thereafter, but it didn’t matter, because he would win. And if he won, it would help his friends. And it didn’t matter that he was getting hurt/burned during the process... because he would win. and then killua compares gon to light and gon is his light but gon is so talented and burns so brightly but perhaps too brightly like his candle in trick tower because he throws it all away to put out the light/life of his enemy despite knowing he will get hurt and his light will go out in the process because all that matters is that he wins, for his people, and to prove that he can to himself, because then it means something and he means something and he’s worth something
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toadxhunter · 3 months
Tough. Depends on the criteria. If I want to be technical, I think it was one of those plug-and-play joysticks with the preprogramed game you would play on the TV. Specifically it was this Spiderman platformer. I remember it being really good honestly, but I was like 6-7 to be fair. Now, the first game I remember playing that had a large impact on me was "Drawn to Life" on the Nintendo DS. I was enraptured by that game as a 10 yo kid. I became so attached to the characters, and so invested in saving their little world, I literally sobbed whenever I got a game over.
whats everyones first video game (criteria can be whatever you want but im going for the first game i remember playing as a kid) mine's harvest moon friends of mineral town
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toadxhunter · 4 months
Hi *drops this*
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toadxhunter · 4 months
Death of the author: Treating the author’s stated interpretation of their own work as merely one opinion among many, rather than the authoritative Word of God.
Disappearance of the author: Treating the context and circumstances of the work’s authorship as entirely irrelevant with respect to its interpretation, as though the work had popped into existence fully formed just moments ago.
Taxidermy of the author: Working backwards from a particular interpretation of the work to draw conclusions about what the context and circumstances of its authorship must have been.
Undeath of the author: Holding the author personally responsible for every possible reading of their work, even ones they could not reasonably have anticipated at the time of its authorship.
Frankenstein’s Monster of the author: Drawing conclusions about authorial intent based on elements that are present only in subsequent adaptations by other authors.
Weekend at Bernie’s of the author: Insisting that the author would personally endorse your interpretation of the work if they happened to be present.
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toadxhunter · 4 months
y’know what i’m gonna say it. tumblr is the superior social media site. follower counts are hidden/meaningless, there’s no way to make a profit and/or become an influencer. it’s just about looking at silly little images and making silly little comments. 
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toadxhunter · 4 months
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The whole previous Itajaga set has lovely art, but I'm still obsessed with these four cards in particular. So adorable!!!
(Sorry for the LQ images, it's hard to find bigger/better versions. Might try scanning mine sometime...)
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toadxhunter · 4 months
Let's chat about what's new for 2024
Hello everyone! We are so excited to share with y'all this year's schedule for the ninth annual Hunter x Hunter Big Bang, but before that, let's discuss what's changing for this year.
As I am sure many of you know a Big Bang is a collaborative event between writers and artists. Writers will choose a long-form story to write for the event and artists will create their works based on that.
To collab or not to collab?
This year, the HxHBB is returning to its roots and honoring a completely blind event once more!
This means that writers and artists will both remain anonymous and pairs will be revealed at the event's conclusion.
For writers, this means your completed works will be shared with your secret partners via mods. You will not be able to ask your artist for feedback during the creation period!
For artists, this means you will receive your secret partner's work via mods and will work independently until your reveal day. You will also hear from mods after first check-ins with a general status update, but you will not be able to ask your writer for feedback during your creation period either!
Only mods will know who is paired with who in this completely blind event. Surprises are fun, y'all!
Writer AND Artist role?
Due to how demanding both roles are, we will not be offering the option to be both a writer and an artist this year.
For any writers absolutely itching to create some art this year, feel free to sign up as a pinch-hitter instead! We always rely on our pinches as it is a very valuable role.
To be a writer and pinch hitter, you must be able to show mods that you've fully completed your story before you are offered a story to illustrate!
Beta word count?
The beta role will look a little different this year too, with every beta taking on the role of what a "secondary" beta has been in the past. This means that betas will only be responsible for things such as flow, spelling, and grammar, rather than being more involved with brainstorming and idea hashing.
To avoid overwhelming our wonderful betas, we are asking writers to only submit the first chapter of their work, or the first 5,000 words, whichever comes first.
Writers can absolutely secure their own betas if they want their entire work looked over—we are only limiting the official role requirements within the server!
With those big changes out of the way, get excited everyone!
If there are any questions leading up to the signups going live, please feel free to refer to our guidebook or send us an ask to this account! Our carrd also contains some useful links and nifty countdowns.
We can't wait to see what this year's Big Bang holds in store. Until then, happy hunting!
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toadxhunter · 5 months
So, regarding that ending
I want to deliver an interesting nugget. I'm being led to believe by translators in the r/HunterxHunter discord server (no longer associated with the reddit cause reasons) that the Japanese audience reaction has been more positive generally? I mean, obv it's entirely possible the Japanese fanbase has just as many if not more 'dudebros' who are just eating it up uncritically. I however am interested in the possibility that our rough translation is making it somehow even worse? Apparently, if the translators are to be believed in there, the image out right now was translated using chatGPT. So if it feels like it reads janky to anyone else, there's that. Said translators in there, (that mostly work on manga scanlations) are working on a hand translated version, so I'll share it when it's out! In the meantime, someone scalped this together somehow, it's the original Japanese text of Togashi's Letter to the program. Go nuts!
池のほとりで釣り竿を握り微動だにしない少女。突然竿が大きくしなり、少女が叫ぶ。彼女の名前はギン。ギン「来た来た来たァァ!!」池の主を担ぎ、得意気にギンは1人の女性の前に立ち言い放つ。ギン「約束通り主を釣ったよ!!お母さん!!」さらに女性に近づき小さな声でギンは続ける。 「これでもう二度と私にハンターになれとか言わないでしょ…!」仕方なくうなずく女性。ギンは主を担ぎながら去って行く。 母親「主を釣り上げることで狩猟(ハント)に目覚めてくれると思ったんだけど…ねぇ?」女性が隣の夫に同意を求める。父親「島から一生出ないで店を継ぐ…。それが現在(いま)のギンの希望なんだ。尊重してやろうよ」。 女性はまだ不満気だ。母親「まぁ、途中で気が変わるかも知れないしね。全くあなたもギンに何でそんなに…って、そりゃミト大ばあばとノウコばばの血筋よねェ…。」どうやらミトとノウコが血縁関係にないことを女性は知らないらしい。夫は静かにほほ笑む。あきらめきれず、女性は続ける。 母親「でも!ゴンじいは有名なハンターだったんだし…!あの娘(コ)だっていつかはきっと島を」 ギン「出ないからねッッ!!」姿すら見えなくなった森の奥から、両親のやりとりが聞こえるはずもないのに叫び返す娘。父親は楽しそうにつぶやく。父親「お見通しだね」 場面が変わり、ミトのころから続くお店。主はきれいにさばかれ全ての部位が下ごしらえされている。作業をしながらギンの独白。ギン(お母さんはわかっていない…)(じいがハンター時代の思い出を楽しそうに話す時、大ばぁばがさり気なく席を外していること) (ノウコばばの相槌が全て誰かからの伝言で、ばばがじじのそばにいられなかった寂しさを控えめに滲ませていること)包丁を持つ手でまな板を強くたたく。(私はまっぴらだ!!)(誰かの帰りを何ヶ月も何年も心が締め付けられる想いをしながら待つのも!!自分が誰かを待たせるのも!!)(私は…) 扉が開く音。のんびりとした穏やかな声が響く。小太りの少年が植物を抱え入ってくる。少年「山菜とったよ~ おおっすげ~本当に主を釣ったんだ!」「よ~し島民全員にふるまおうぜっっ」 ギン(私はずっと…ずっと一緒にいたい人と) 少年「皆の喜ぶ顔が目に浮かぶぅ」「さあ、始めよ~」 ギン(ずっと一緒にいる!!)「うんっっ!!」満面の笑顔で料理を作る2人。 島から一羽の鳥が飛び立つ。大空を鳥が舞う。鳥の下にはどこかの街。様々な人々。誰かの息子、誰かの娘、誰かの孫が色々な場所で暮らし、誰かと笑顔で交している。それはあのキャラの子どもや、あのキャラの孫かも知れない。鳥が空の彼方へ飛び去る。それを見送っている誰かの後ろ姿。 完
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toadxhunter · 5 months
after yesterday‘s leak being confirmed, I can tell there are a lot of people discouraged by the information (for a multitude of reasons)
I wanted to take a second to remind everyone that when going through the process of creating a long story without knowing exactly how it’s going to end, there is a large amount of brainstorming that has to occur when figuring out the resolution. sometimes that may lead to some really awful ideas being given thought, whether it’s because it’s what your brain came up with and you’re letting yourself go down that rabbit hole to “hear yourself out” or because you think it might be what other people would want to happen
it’s important to remember that we don’t know why Togashi considered this as a possible ending nor do we know why he scratched it off of his list. it’s obvious he has felt some pressure to create an ending that will satisfy his readers, or the very least, he has considered reader satisfaction while contemplating the ending
shockingly (i guess it’s not shocking when you really think about it tho), there are a ridiculous amount of people I’ve seen on other platforms who seem to like this potential ending, so for all we know, this is something his brain came up with because he knew it would be appreciated by a large number of the fan base
all we can say for sure is this ending did not resonate with him well enough to keep it on his list of potential endings. he even stated his favorite option is still on the running list even though he believes 90% of the fanbase will be unsatisfied with it. this would imply he was not satisfied with option D, which is why it’s been tossed
truthfully, I am still of the opinion that this was his attempt at a humorous response to a likely very irritating and stress provoking question he often gets. it’s hard to read tone in writing, much less writing that’s been translated from another language, but if I was being constantly nagged about the ending of a series and I had a god awful ending I scrapped even while knowing it would probably satisfy a large amount of fans, I would’ve answered the same way
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toadxhunter · 5 months
I'm in a pretty large HxH discord server. There's a lot of very serious fans in there, and by no means are most of them Killugon shippers. It'd be very generous to say people who are read up on that subtext and view Killugon as a possible canon thing make up 30% or so? But a lot of folks in there hate it. Leaving Killugon aside.. it's just.. lame Ass, even.
I honestly think the thing that's most baffling for me about the leaked ending isn't that Togashi thought about it (it's so cliche it writes itself) or any of the actual content of the ending (even though it's completely antithetical to everything I believe hxh to be)
... It's the fact that there is anyone, truly ANYONE on this EARTH that would find that to be a satisfying ending.
Even removing the factor that a lot of ppl who like it must like it, at least in part, for homophobic reasons - putting that aside, you're telling me THAT'S an ending you enjoy??? You're reading hxh and you think THAT'S an ending that suits it? That's good for you???? Really??????? You're happy with that???????????????????
???????????? ????????????????????
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toadxhunter · 5 months
The little girl from ending D might not be the child of Gon and Noko, and they may not be married either?
Someone I share a discord server with shared this post from a Japanese twitter user. The auto-translate is a bit rough but it seems they are saying they don't think this Jen/Gin character is Gon's and Noko's kid, nor do they think they're married? They are seemingly making an argument based off the text of the letter for this, but again it's hard to understand the auto-translate. This is what we're working with 1/2
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I'm pretty sure the message that is coming through here is essentially "Mito and Noko aren't related / connected by blood ties - therefore Gon isn't married to Noko" gonna be honest a lot of this is tough for me to make sense of. Here is the Japanese if anyone would like to give it a crack!
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