tomatosoupgroup · 3 days
y'all already know what time it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
screenie saturday time
what have i done this week?
well, not much. i just COMPLETELY redid the debugging system
(forgive the dark screen in the middle, i STILL haven't incorporated a proper back button lmfao)
i actually have a pretty good reason!
you may have noticed that the menu has a distinct y2k-esque style. i plan to use this style to make the ACTUAL menus in the game.
this is just a test to see how i do in this style.
next question: HOW did I do this?!
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Yes, that's right. This entire menu was made using the method I discussed last week.
It's always been Blender. Always has been.
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(and Aseprite for the cool dithering lol)
now, you may be wondering: why is there a monkey in your debug menu?
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let me raise you this. why DON'T you have a monkey in your debug menu?
That's what I thought.
oh also the debug system wasn't just VISUALLY overhauled. oh no no no no no my dear friend
i rewrote that WHOLE code, this time using dictionaries instead of match statements.
so yeah!!! i take this as a win
unfortunately i am INCREDIBLY tired so i have to end it off here
see you next week !!
love you all
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tomatosoupgroup · 10 days
hello screen shot stans it is saturday once again
OKAY so if you follow me on twitter (which you likely do, if you're seeing this. but if you aren't, my handle is @/CalendarCursed) you may have seen this:
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believe it or not, i've been thinking of using this style for certain graphics!
but how do I achieve this style???? hmmmm......
make a model in blender
animate said model
export as image sequence
import into aseprite
set palette to pear36 (the palette all sprites in the game will use)
reduce size (if needed)
set color mode to indexed
apply white outline
yeah so i probably won't use it for too many graphics, cuz it like. takes forever lmao.
i've made a couple more of these! don't know if they'll be used in the final game, but it's good practice.
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and here's an example of it working with an environment with multiple objects:
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pretty cool, huh?
ANYWAYS i think i'm gonna be able to get more work done this week. kinda have a free schedule iirc
sorry for the short update
cya !!!!!!!!
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tomatosoupgroup · 17 days
screenie satudrdauty. time.
what am i bringing to the table today? well...
this week i became ART GOD
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if you're curious, this sprite will appear next to the gui when a character's hp goes below a certain threshold
a threshold which shall be henceforth known as...
the only problem is i'll probably have to redraw some of the gui elements i had already drawn
because they're uh
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(don't mind the other languages, i translate shit in my free time lmao)
OKAY these aren't BAD per se
but they're a bit...
at least when compared to the one i made recently.
i think it would be cool to continue this grafitti-esque style throughout the battle gui
my only fear is that it may conflict with the vectorheart-esque style i was tryna do
but yknow! i was never really known for my consistency, so i think it'll be fine.
what else?
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i've made a few updates to the damage formulas! and i started graphing them!
now, whenever i try to explain these past their basic descriptions, my brain hurts. but i will explain a bit!
x = turn number
y = damage dealt by enemy (without taking player defense into account)
this means that the damage an enemy deals oscillates in a negative cosine function
adrenaline (or k) is a value that affects the wavelength of this function
that is, of course, not everything. but my head is already hurting so imma stop
unfortunately, no programming this week.
it is going to take me a LOT of time to get even like
a semi-functional version of the battle system
it is for that reason that i thank you all for your patience.
i will not let this project be left by the wayside.
love you all
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tomatosoupgroup · 24 days
i am SO sorry for the late update i got totally sidetracked
it is almost midnight for me so im gonna have to make this a quick one
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okay so i actually think this might be the solution to the layering problem i mentioned a couple of posts ago
before, i was drawing all the buildings using tilemaps. this was inefficient....not gonna lie....
but then i saw how deltarune's structures were drawn and had a fucking epiphany
INSTEAD of drawing them using tilemaps, i just straight up draw the building in aseprite!!! lmao!!!
fun fact: i based the structure off of this building i found on google maps
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holy fuck it's real
for all the tilemap stans out there: DO NOT WORRY
we'll still be using tilemaps for some things!!!! just not for *every* thing, haha.
at the time of writing it is 11:55 PM and i need to get this out before midnight or else i'll DIE so
love you all!!! sorry again for the late post
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tomatosoupgroup · 1 month
screenshot saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so uhh
this'll be a short one
for example....
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you might be wondering what the hell this is
this is a background for the visual novel aspect of the game!
well, an unfinished one.
i based it off this screenshot i took off google maps!
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some of the things i need to add are
pretty much everything lol
but let's be more specific:
you see how in mine, all the textures seem flat, while in the real photo, the textures are defined?
bit funky innit
the thing is uh. i have no idea how to add texture like this in pixel art.
ive tried many times and it just looks really bad lmao
so i've done some research, and i think what i'm looking for are called "clusters"
never heard of those before
also whenever i look up a tutorial for drawing them they just basically say "just draw these funny shapes!" and i'm like "okay but wHERE. YOU CANNOT JUST TELL ME TO DO THING. I NEED CONTEXT FOR THING. OOGA BOOGA BANG ROCK WITH STICK"
completely unrelated but i've noticed that whenever i get two ads on youtube, i can't skip them both at once
like when i press the skip ad button, it just goes to the next ad
don't know if this is only happening to me but it is REALLY annoying
fuck you youtube
i suppose i should dedicate the end of my post to the project itself.
Q: Will you charge money for the game?
A: Complicated question.
this game is the epitome of a passion project in my eyes. it is a story i am telling not for any of my own personal gain, but simply because i feel like it is a story that needs to be told.
but enough of all this sappy shit, i'll just explain it simply:
when this game eventually comes out, i will either:
a: open the game up to donations (like the "name your price" thing), the majority of which will go to charity and anyone who helps on the project or
b: make the game 100% free.
Q: Do you accept fanart of the characters?
if you draw my characters i will literally go bonkers /pos style
i unfortunately don't have an official ref sheet for any of them yet, but i'll be able to provide substitutes if asked
i think it would be cool to feature some of the fanart in the credits! (with permission from the artists, of course!) but that may take up too much space so i'll have to think it over.
tldr i fucking love fanart
Q: What about NSFW?
A: ...
I HIGHLY advise against it. I'm a minor and that's just like. weird.
Even after I turn 18, it'll still be weird because they were characters I first drew up when I was 16.
but at the same time, i accept that this is the internet, and that some gooner supremo will eventually stumble across this game :/
so i just have one definitive request.
for example:
You may remember Silhouette.
they are CANONICALLY 13.
so like. keep them out of it.
i don't care if they're "just a character". you could say my fist is "just a body part" right before i bash your face in
if you want, i can provide the ages for any character you ask. i have a whole spreadsheet!
so please.
anyways that's gonna do it for today
to everybody who isn't youtube: i love you and thank you for being here
i will see you next week!
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tomatosoupgroup · 1 month
welcome to screen shot saturday video gamers
it's ya girl
let's get right into the updates!
i. i had a VERY busy week. school has been metaphorically beating my metaphorical ass metaphorically
so i uh.
don't really have a lot to show this week.
so what do we do??? do we cancel screenie saturday???
you FOOL
and i have an idea for how it could!
remember these equations?
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these are the equations for the amount of hp an enemy spawns in with and the amount of exp an enemy gives upon defeat respectively
the first and third from the top are the originals, while the second and fourth are simplified versions.
this may seem complicated! that's probably because it is.
you know i'm not constantly doing the same equations by hand. that would be fucking terrible. so how do i do all this?
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it's a bit complex, but it can all be explained in this four step process...
it'll ask for all the important variables. (min/max lvl an enemy can spawn with, min/max effort values, infection status, etc etc)
then, it'll run them through the equations, and output the result!
that's it!
no seriously. that's it.
also apparently i wrote an equation for how much damage an enemy can do, but it seems like i didn't write it down for whatever reason...?
thanks past callie you rock
i guess i'll spend the rest of my post talking about a bit of a concern of mine.
you may have noticed that when I'm writing, I write properly. but when i'm typing my tweets or gamedev updates, i kinda...don't.
that has made me feel a bit conscious, i may be implying that i'm not the one writing, or something like that.
let's clear things up with a little QnA with yours truly!:
Q: Why do you type properly when writing, but improperly when posting?
A: writing stuff out takes time! i usually feel like posting (ESPECIALLY tweeting) is like a spur-of-the-moment kinda deal. like it's a quick thought that i convert to words.
Q: But why the gamedev updates?
A: first of all, i feel like there's two types of brand (Disclaimer: Tomato Soup Group is not a legally defined brand.) accounts:
the ones who act all professional and proper
the ones who act silly to gain attention
while i can see the approach for both options, i'm not really a big fan of either one.
but you see, dear reader. i have been blessed with an aspect that i have not revealed to you yet.
when companies (Disclaimer: Tomato Soup Group is not a legally defined company.) try strategy number 2, they're trying to appeal to a specific audience.
y'know, "hEy!!!!!!!! we're cool too!!! we're just like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! buy our product"
let's call this audience the "twitter freaks" cuz this mainly happens on twitter
i mean, i would know.
AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE (Disclaimer: Tomato Soup Group is not a legally defined brand, business, and/or company. For that reason, the main head of the group, Callie, is able to remain as a part of her own audience. This is literally just how she acts.)
Q: Do you use AI for any part of the project?
A: i use it to clean up spotty code occasionally.
it's always a last resort. like an "UGHHHHHHHHH IM SO TIRED BUT I GOTTA GET THIS WORKING BEFORE I GO TO BEDDDDDD" situation.
the code the ai generates is also seen as a "placeholder" of sorts, as most of that code must be rewritten for it to work perfectly.
tldr: i use it for quick patches to my spaghetti code, and that's about it.
Q: Do you use AI to write your work?
A: NO. i would never let my work be tainted by soulless hands.
Q: Do you have other writers?
A: nope! i will accept suggestions, but ultimately, all writing will be done by me and me only.
to clarify, i'm not against the idea of having other writers!! that's fine and valid.
but i feel like (and this may sound silly) i'm the only one who truly understands these characters.
although it may not seem like it right now, these characters have an EXTREME amount of depth to them.
so much so, that i feel like their story is worth sharing.
that's why i always sound so excited when updating!!!!! because it's actually how i feel for these characters.
i hope that one day in the future, i'll be able to show you the true magnitude of the depths.
Q: Why do all the characters have Japanese names?
A: oh, that's a simple one! a lot of the game is inspired by jpop, and the names are just kind of a reference to that.
i'm not intending to misappropriate a culture i am not a part of, i'm just a really big fan of jpop. i put it on whenever i do any work.
and then i do that neurodivergent thing where i imagine an animated music video involving my characters
like, for example:
i've been listening to お気に召すまま by Eve. (Also known by its English title: As You Like It) a lot lately.
i recommend you give this a listen:
from what i can tell, the song is about the complex emotions that the main character experiences when trying to confess to a girl. the hand man represents a part of him he doesn't like, the other versions of himself represent the other sides of his personality, etc. etc.
now THIS COULD BE WRONG. but if it's true, then i feel like this song would really resonate with rikiyo.
he would relate to how the main character's emotions seem to get in the way, because he's going through something similar.
he's scared to tell toshi he loves him for many reasons, one of which being his own emotions.
oops! hope i didn't give too much away there!
anyways thatll be it for tonight
sorry for the lack of progress, i'll try to get some done during this week!
love you all
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tomatosoupgroup · 1 month
to answer your question, i made the spreadsheets on google sheets! would definitely recommend fuck microsoft excel
ALSO. sorry if i'm not replying to this the correct way, i don't use tumblr that often and the whole difference between reblog and reply feature confuses me haha
thanks for stopping by!!!! :]
sorry for the late post. no excuse this time i just got distracted lmao
but!! screenshot saturday!
lets get right into it.
so if you follow my twitter, you may remember seeing this on your timeline:
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this, of course, is me working on ui elements for the rpg battles. they look pretty unfinished here.
well im proud to say that...
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(well, sorta.)
as you can see, the rpg ui as a whole is still clearly unfinished. because of this, this battle screen is completely non-functional.
none of the actual math for the battles has been implemented.
take a look at this
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although the equations haven't been implimented...
some of the equations have been written!
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i would love to explain these, but at the same time i really don't wanna
my brain hurts just looking at these fucking things UGHHHHH
so what else?
...oh yeah! i've also made a list of enemies...
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AND some new dialogue for the intro...
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(no peeking! at least for now. i'll give you a glimpse eventually...)
theres also this!
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i'm not exactly sure how to explain this, but i'll try my best! this is gonna be a guide for when i implement the save mechanic. it shows what data goes where.
i'd say that's it for now!!! pretty good screenshot saturday, if i do say so myself!
cya next week!
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tomatosoupgroup · 1 month
sorry for the late post. no excuse this time i just got distracted lmao
but!! screenshot saturday!
lets get right into it.
so if you follow my twitter, you may remember seeing this on your timeline:
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this, of course, is me working on ui elements for the rpg battles. they look pretty unfinished here.
well im proud to say that...
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(well, sorta.)
as you can see, the rpg ui as a whole is still clearly unfinished. because of this, this battle screen is completely non-functional.
none of the actual math for the battles has been implemented.
take a look at this
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although the equations haven't been implimented...
some of the equations have been written!
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i would love to explain these, but at the same time i really don't wanna
my brain hurts just looking at these fucking things UGHHHHH
so what else?
...oh yeah! i've also made a list of enemies...
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AND some new dialogue for the intro...
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(no peeking! at least for now. i'll give you a glimpse eventually...)
theres also this!
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i'm not exactly sure how to explain this, but i'll try my best! this is gonna be a guide for when i implement the save mechanic. it shows what data goes where.
i'd say that's it for now!!! pretty good screenshot saturday, if i do say so myself!
cya next week!
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tomatosoupgroup · 2 months
welcome back to screen shot sat ur day
sorry for the late post today, i was getting laser hair removal (it FUCKING HURT)
so, what's new?
now you may be wondering:
"callie where the FUCK is rikiyo i NEED HIM PLEASE"
first of all CHILL THE FUCK OUT
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for some reason the pathfinding script (appropriately titled "goobers2.gd") freaks out when this scene starts
i have NO clue why it does this. it does NOT do this in the other test room.
pretty silly if you ask me. is he stupid?
anyways, lets move on:
here's some art i've had on the backlog for a while
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who is this character? i aint telling u bitch. HHAHAHAHHAHAHA
(if i released art of this character previously, no i didn't <3)
okay, i'll give you a few tidbits about his personality:
he's like a uh. like a chill old guy.
he's integral to the plot of the story
his vessel model looks a bit different than the others. what's that about?
he's straight (sorry men)
he's not looking for a relationship (sorry women)
anyhoooo i think that's good for now.
im actually kinda surprised how quickly i was able to get the stairs working. pretty cool!
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tomatosoupgroup · 2 months
what is UP silly squad
now, you may be wondering why i'm posting an update on sunday instead of saturday.
y'see, there was an internet strike for palestine this saturday, and i thought it would be a good idea to reschedule the update to today to comply with that.
SO we have screenshot sunday this week.
but what do i have to bring to the table…?
(okay, so I have a video demonstrating the dialogue system here, but it won't send. i'll edit this as soon as i can!)
so, what now?
i mean we got dialogue. we practically have a full game here right?????
we STILL have some problems.
for example…
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(sorry if this looks weird. i had to convert this to a gif because i can't post two videos in one post.)
the black flashes are me restarting the scene. every time i do this, rikiyo does this weird teleport thing
i have NO idea why he does this. is he stupid?
also his animations STILL don't work. like come on mannnnnnn COME ONNNNNNNNN
i also gotta get stairs working
and those are gonna be SO much fun to code. (fun fac t: this is sar chasm)
I accomplished something this week and I'm PROUD
anyways that's all for today
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tomatosoupgroup · 2 months
HELLOOOOOOOOOOO tomato soup groupers
sorry for the late post!!! i wanted to get a few things done before the post.
one of the things i wanted to do was get the RPG dialogue working. and...
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i did!
well, sort of.
it only plays the first dialogue inputted, and doesn't advance to the next.
i hope i'll get that fixed by next week. no promises tho lmao
yknow, this whole thing is kinda funny. i originally wrote the code to work for an RPG-like environment. (the first iteration of this code was made for a rpg diminish fangame, which i kinda shelved cuz i wanted to work on more personal projects)
it's been adapted SO many times since then. because of that, i now have to REIMPLIMENT the rpg dialogue.
my journey thus far has been VERY tedious.
originally, the dialogue box would only show this.
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this is an error message that i wrote into the code. whenever the dialogue box appears without any sort of pre-determined scenario, it'll show this.
i saw that for like. hours. lmao.
then this happened!
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so uh
this only happened once.
when i tried it again with the same code, it didn't do this
don't you love it when you're trying to make a game and a ghost fucking possesses your computer
game development is SO FUCKING FUN man
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there's also this variable in the global singleton called "donkeyKong"
i have absolutely no idea what it's supposed to do! woohoo! thanks past me
anyways, that's gonna be all for today. sorry if this wasn't as insightful as you hoped it to be
i am VERY tired right now because i spent like the whole day trying to make the code type out the dialogue and at this point i think i deserve to rest
love you all
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tomatosoupgroup · 2 months
welcome to screenshot saturday BITCHES
i've got some cool stuff for yall this week
so I was looking through my old FL Studio files earlier, and I came across this:
(if you're curious about the "PLAGUETECH" thing, thats the name i use whenever i make music. i dunno why i do that lol)
i don't remember why i made it. it definitely wasn't for the game, though. (the metadata for the flp file reads Friday, June 17, 2022 at 1:08 PM, which predates the project)
regardless, i think it would be cool if i used it for the game!! i would of course have to extend and remaster it, but i could use it as a base or something.
i've also got a battle sprite for y'all
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(well, technically i made this like weeks ago, i just forgot to show it lmao)
this is silhouette btw!
while we're on the topic of silhouette, i'm not sure how i came up with the name silhouette
i know it definitely doesn't have anything to do with the color of their fur (?), because:
that, combined with them being a villain, that may imply some prejudicial mentalities on my part (fun fact: racism, or any other kind of intolerance is scientifically speaking fucking dumb. if you hold those beliefs, get the fuck outta here)
the name silhouette actually dates back to before i finalized the colors on their design. here are the first ever designs for the character:
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(the japanese text シルエット here translates to "Silhouette". the text under it is the same, just written in a conlang.)
the sketches on this page were drawn between February 1st, 2023 and February 22nd, 2023, as can be seen down here:
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so yeah. unfortunately i forgot where the name came from. but it's a cool name, so it'll stick.
lastly, i'll show another piece of spritework
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this is an attempt to recreate the HP icons in my sketches last week. i imagine that the bars would appear to the right of this. it's not exactly as i imagined, but it's good enough, at least for now.
aaaaand that's all! no programming this week, but i'll definitely have at least some next week.
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tomatosoupgroup · 3 months
sorry for the late post folks! i've been addicted to playing pokemon mystery dungeon lmao
this week's gonna be another concept art week.
to start with:
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i've had this idea in the back of my head for a while
basically, when you pause the game, an interface styled like a flip phone pops up
don't know HOW the hell i'm gonna implement this, but it would be pretty cool if i did
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as you can see, this battle format is VERY much inspired by earthbound
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i inspired this graphic based on the wipeout logo
no, not the show! this:
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looks a bit messy on paper, hopefully it'll look better in game lmao
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ok now THESE
these hp bars
i've been trying to implement them for a while, but whenever i draw them in aseprite they never come out right
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there's this!
this is a list of names that i could use for songs in the soundtrack
specifically for ones relating to silhouette
for some reason, the ones i thought of were in french. i dunno why that is lol
and thats all!
i had more for this week than i did last week, but i still wish i got some more programming done...
hopefully i'll get some done by next week!
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tomatosoupgroup · 3 months
welcome back!!!
UNFORTUNATELY i had a bit of a busy week, so I wasn't able to get much work done. so this one will be very, very short!
in fact, the only thing i was really able to get done is this concept art of silhouette:
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sorry about that. i'll make sure to have something for you next week, though!
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tomatosoupgroup · 3 months
welcome back to screenshot saturday motherfuckers
We've got some updates to talk about!!!!!!!
So, I mentioned in the last post that I was looking for a way to have an npc follow the player...
Well I'm pleased to announce that I GOT IT WORKING!!!!!
Well, sort of.
As you can see, Rikiyo's sprites are a bit...broken. I'm still figuring out how to get that fixed, so you may see that for a few updates.
Another thing that I'm still trying to fix is tilemap layering. Now THIS is a really annoying issue.
Here's what I mean:
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As you can see here, the characters and the bushes are drawn on the correct layers. Everything's good!
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Here's the problem, though. When we go behind the bushes, the characters are still drawn over them.
The problem can also be seen while trying to walk into an alleyway, like so:
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If anyone knows how to solve this issue, I'd love to hear it! I'm using Tiled Map Editor to make these tilemaps, by the way.
Lastly, I wanna talk about something a bit more on the "internal" side of things.
I've got somebody to help me program the game! Also, they helped me figure out how to use GitHub!
I forgot to ask them if I could mention them by name in these posts, so they'll be anonymous for now.
Anyways, I think that'll be all for today. Sorry if this was shorter than you hoped, I'm still a bit new to this, haha.
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tomatosoupgroup · 3 months
So here's the dealio:
I'm going to try to update you all on a weekly basis. When I can, I'll post progress on the game project.
When I can't, I'll just post concept art.
Also, I may censor some things that may be viewed as major spoilers. Don't worry! If and when the game officially releases, I will release all of the uncensored images.
Without further ado, lets go!
So if you've been following my Twitter, you may have seen some of the work on the map: This is what it looked like 5 days ago.
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And THIS is what it looks like today!
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As you can see, I've added some more little decorations, and I've worked a bit more on the infrastructure.
One of the criticisms I have is that it's a bit too bland in terms of colors. I'm using a color palette called Pear36, (can be found here btw https://lospec.com/palette-list/pear36 ) and I'm not using the palette to its full potential.
Also I'm probably going to have to redo the bush tiles because they look pretty bad lol
I haven't figured out how to transfer the map from this program to the Godot Engine, but the online documentation implies that it's possible, so I'm not worrying about it too much.
Speaking of the Godot Engine, I'm having a bit of trouble with something: implementing a party system. (More specifically, making a character follow the player character.)
I guess what I'm looking for is something similar to Deltarune's system. Like how the other characters follow Kris and all that. Does anyone know how to pull this off in the Godot Engine? Feedback appreciated.
Unfortunately, school has been a bit rough for me this week, so this is really the only work I was able to get done.
I know, it's a bit anti-climactic. You'd expect my first Screenshot Saturday to have something extravagant or something. Sorry, but nah.
I'll (hopefully) have something better for you all next time, though!
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tomatosoupgroup · 1 year
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oh yeah i forgot i had this account haha
im making a gay robot visual novel/rpg now
here's some concept art and the most recent screenshot
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