ultimatndon · 5 years
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ultimatndon · 7 years
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look i made a meme thing 
(Art by @ask-drunk-chara / @hawker-rawr )
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ultimatndon · 7 years
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Art by @hawker-rawr / from @ask-drunk-chara
Lazy text edit is done by me :P
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ultimatndon · 7 years
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Sorry,if I am late,but… Time passes so quickly! It’s 1-year anniversary of an adorable blog @ask-drunk-chara !!! I really want to thank @hawker-rawr for all inspiration and positive emotions she shared with us during this time!
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ultimatndon · 7 years
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ultimatndon · 7 years
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Here is chara from @ask-drunk-chara i just wanna draw that.
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ultimatndon · 7 years
Don't worry about the reblog. Smashbits has credited every model used, and the videos will go back up March 10th. They even offered the original creator a donation for their troubles.
Oh good! people should spread that around on the original post
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ultimatndon · 7 years
what’s next? ultima and now these...pepole(to be a bit nice to them)
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A big to-do about SmashBits Animations
4 months ago now, SmashBits on Youtube started a series in order to cash in on the Undertale craze. If Undertale was Realistic. For a while, I saw it in my recommended, but paid it no mind.
It wasn’t long after the video was booming that I got a message from my friend @pipann about how the series was using her Undertale Models.
Not only was this done without her permission, but they were monetizing on it through Patreon, and while they gave credit to their animators and voice actors, there wasn’t a single line of credit to be found regarding the modelers and the models SmashBits ripped from the Steam Workshop.
Contact was made, disappointment was expressed, and at the end of the day, all that could be offered to Pip and the other model makers was that they would be publicly credited for their work. The project would continue to be funded through Patreon, so the animators and voice actors were still being paid. The modelers were not. This was ignored for the time being.
Recently, however, SmashBits got a sponsorship, and have injected a minute long product placement ad into their latest “If Undertale was Realistic” in order to earn even more money through their sponsors on top of revenue from clicks and their Patreon. They were continuing to make even more money off the backs of modelers who’d done the time to sculpt, map, and rig these models that were meant to be used on terms of the modelers (whom mostly allowed these models to be used for fun, not for profit).
Through encouragement of myself and others, Pip issued a DMCA and marked all points in the offending videos of the series in which her model(s) were present. She got the attention of one of the partners of SmashBits and they had been in the middle of finding a solution that would make both parties happy. But the moment the head of Smashbits decided to Counter Claim the DMCA, any negotiation went out the window.
Pip has attempted to leave comments about the situation on SmashBits’s page, both when the DMCA was first issued, and after the Counter Claim was made.
As of now, the comments have been deleted by someone at Smash Bits [Right click -> view image in new tab for full view]
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This was to keep the now angry mob that is Smashbit’s fanbase informed as to what was going on in order to keep accusations from flying.
But with SmashBits having deleted the comment, their fanbase is left in the dark to continue being angry.
I, myself, have also left a comment.  [Right click -> view image in new tab for full view]
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But lo and behold it is no longer there when I go into Incognito Mode
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The comments still appear for both myself and Pip due to Youtube’s cache being a bit slow to update for us. But it’s confirmed SmashBits is trying hardcore to cover their ass over the fact that they are making money using assets they have no right to, and even after several people have contacted them angrily about it when it all started, they doubled down to get even MORE money through the sponsorship without having consulted any of the artists.
I have even been outright muted to keep from posting any information on their discussion page. They themselves have not made any comment regarding the scenario other than “the videos will be back soon”.
I normally am against callout posts, but this is a case where the offending party (Or at least the head of the party) is very much in the wrong, and it needs to be known. The artists are not the bad guys for wanting to be properly respected and to not be seen as just a tool that gives people free assets to make money off of.
Smash Bits does not deserve to go unscathed from this. Spread the word. Inform the fanbase of the hacks they actually art.
At least until they either fully demonetize the projects in which they do not own all of the assets to, or they hire artists to make assets specifically for them to use.
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ultimatndon · 7 years
I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
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Trevor Project 866-488-7386 Trans Lifeline 877-565-8860 National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255 #ProtectTransKids #ProtectTransYouth Help them stay safe, brave, and make them feel like the beautiful beings they are.
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ultimatndon · 7 years
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a drawing of asriel from undertale
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ultimatndon · 7 years
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drawing of my Animal crossing villger.
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ultimatndon · 7 years
yo just going to reblog this i don’t know what to put in the tags what ever *reblogs*
(Edit1) right i was just going to reblog this send go to bed but i want to add something....i’m a bit Skeptical...but my hatred for react™tion channels make me believe you (by you i mean 8 people) .
(Edit2 jan/24/17 2:31 AM EST) i’m trying to say is i want this to be real because my hatred of react™tion channels.
Warning: Please don’t listen to the audio if you are in any way uncomfortable with sexual things. This Audio was included as part of proof in a call out post I should’ve made a while ago.
I’m sure everyone knows the story of how I met Ultima. It’s quite a funny story actually, I insulted his teeth on a livestream and that led to us getting an interview arranged. Shortly after he interviewed me and Vade, we starting talking a decent amount. It was clear he wanted to date me, and I told him that that summer I just wanted to focus on my studies, but he insisted that we give each other a chance. So I agreed, and we started going out early August. There were a few things that made me uncomfortable in the relationship, but nothing that I thought was damning. He was very insistent that we sext, even when I repeatedly told him no. However I figured it was just a thing that happened in online relationships, since I had previously never had one, and went with it. Nevertheless, we dated for about a month until I fully realized that this wasn’t attractive to me, and that he as a person wasn’t attractive to me, and I tried to break up with him.
I’ll say now that I was definitely not sinless in this relationship, and didn’t stand up for myself in times that I should’ve. I let things happen that I shouldn’t have let happen, and for that I do apologize. I’m obviously not very experienced, and he took advantage of that. When I tried to break up with him, he said a lot of things that set off the Psychologist alarm bells in my head. He told me only he would ever treat me well, and that I would never find someone who would give even half the same kind of love of respect. I’ll find the exact quote: “The worst part of all of this is that YOU are the one who will be losing the most in this situation. I will move on and you will be the one who has a higher chance of regretting the decision to just let me go.”
He then said he would forgive me for this “mistake” if I just agreed to drop it and get back together with him. I insisted that this was my decision that I wanted to make and that was that. A few days later, he contacted me saying that he wanted to get back together. I declined. A few weeks later, he again insisted that we get back together, and that even if we didn’t he asked if he could fly up to my apartment in December and have sex. I again declined. By this point I was dating hawker, and specifically told him we were together. He again asked if we wanted to get back together. I told him quite forcefully that I was dating hawker, and insisted he stop asking.
He still asked occasionally, but it wasn’t until December that I really realized what was going on. Ultima sent me an audio. Remember, this is about 2 months after me and hawker started dating, and he was fully aware of this fact. He sent me an audio fantasizing about having sex with me, completely out of the blue. (AUDIO IS INCLUDED ABOVE). REMEMBER THIS WAS AFTER I HAD REJECTED HIM AND HE KNOWS IM GOING OUT WITH SOMEONE ELSE. It was around that same time I got some more information.
Jenn came to me and asked a question about Ultima. She told me what had happened (see her blog), and I immediately told him that both the audio and the fact that he did this to Jenn really made me uncomfortable, and I didn’t want to be in contact with him further.
A bit of time passed, and more inconsistencies started to pop up. Upon asking around, both Camila and others he had interviewed had a similar experience. Then, when I confronted him about him pestering other people to date him as well, he blatantly lied to me, saying that they were the ones who had pursued him. Then things began to unfurl, and I realized he had been manipulating and pestering almost every woman he had interviewed.
I didn’t want to make this post to be a vindictive bitch, or to throw him under the bus or anything. I just really wanted to warn people about what type of person he actually is. By all means, if you like his content, watch his content, but don’t think for a second that he is the person he says he is.
I honestly was fooled by his nice guy approach. When Vade and a few more friends told me that he was doing some really questionable things, I defended him. Even now, I’m still feeling a little bad for doing this. But I also got into this mess by not saying what I needed to say when I needed to say it, so I’m going to do that now.
If you are a woman that he’s interviewed and he asks you out, think very carefully about if you want to say yes. Don’t let him pester you, and don’t let him get his way. If he sends you explicit pictures, block him and report him. 
This is also hopefully to show him not to do this in the future. I’m sincerely not trying to ruin his life, and I’m pretty torn up about doing this, but it needs to be done. 
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ultimatndon · 7 years
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this is my first drawing with a mouse.
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ultimatndon · 7 years
i was the anon Btw. just asked as a joke.
Tu vieja(You know you fucked up when the mum speaks her native tongue)
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ultimatndon · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9RQB6DQ0d8) HAHAHAHHAHA
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ultimatndon · 8 years
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Tumblr:“Take a spoopy selfie”
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ultimatndon · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPMDCJrRpT8)
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