valonqarya-blog · 7 years
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Qyburn realised tonight that he hasn't pushed the envelope far enough. The limits he thought he was pushing are farther than his imagination allowed him to wonder. His character revolves around his unquenchable thirst for knowledge. His curiosity will possibly drive him away from Cersei in order to win the battle in the North and help the whole world survive very bad odds by discovering all that binds these new creatures he's never seen before. He now realises that magic exists and he will find a way to harness it. He might be the key to defeating the army of the dead, but especially the NK.
I think that at first he will remain in KL with the Queen but will conduct his new experiments in secret. Perhaps Cersei will actually commission him to do it if she's expecting to fight whatever amount of wights survive the Northern troops defence and thus Cersei might be able to defeat them with the cleverest man she knows...Qyburn.
Cersei has a lot of bad news coming tho, I think that even the way Euron looked at Daenerys and the way he was actually hoping for them to be the only two to survive Winter, so he could have her, was one of the cringiest exchange in this ep.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
My Big Fat Targaryen Wedding
I remember Benjen replying to Jon's views on having a family of his own with "..you would care if you knew what it meant." I think he will realise next year all that it means for him, for them.
I don't know how I'm going to cope for 12 or 14 months without seeing them look into each other's eyes so completely enchanted by one another, I don't think I've ever been so invested in two fictional characters since my early teens.
What an extraordinary couple! I'm so in love with their love story.
Imagine if we ever got a movie on Lyanna & Rhaegar's romance as well.. omg...her secret life as a knight and how she completely changed the Targ prince's life. How she revealed her identity to him after being chased when she won the joust, I can imagine so much of it and I want to know more about them. I need more books George!
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
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omg the ship that was promised... I'm so happy I really can't cope...it's too beautiful. Jon never wanted to father a child because he said in S1 that he wouldn't want his son to live a life as a bastard and it is all he thought he could offer, but he's the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne now, everything has changed. I am sure that now he will want to marry her to make sure his son will not be illegitimate at all. I want a big fat Targaryen wedding in S8. Pretty please...
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
omg I'm dead
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Okay, this one got me. 😂
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
I'm pretty sure that these two will become best friends in S8, they've basically got the same personality. Tormund & The Hound, I'd watch that spinoff in a heartbeat.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
not YET ;) ...but soon. The boy keeps upgrading. Stay tuned.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
GoT S7E6 don't read if you haven't watched the episode tonight.
so the NK was indeed waiting for something...the dragons. He waited until they arrived and tried to kill them all. He never tried to kill Jon with those spears, hey were ready for the dragons, when he was handed the second spear I was so afraid for Drogon.
V's death made me cry, it was horrible to watch him lose his fiery breath from the gash down his neck and the way both Rhaegal and Drogon screamed powerless as their brother was falling was heart-breaking. That scene was brutal because it felt so real and unexpected. Really well done. What an episode... I guess this is the equivalent of E9 in former seasons.
I don't want to seem oversensitive, but these magical creatures are the only three beasts of their kind on this continent and they're precious in many ways, losing one of three is devastating. It had been hundred of years since they last roamed Westeros.
If it was me I would have just waited for the NK and his ary at the Wall then fry them all as they approached, but from a safer position.
As a wise man once said "...sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing to do."
I love Tyrion.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
I love dresses, I've got so many but I love them all so much. This style is very much like mine <3 I guess I'm a Targ at heart... I thought I was a wolf :O
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What Rhaelle Targaryen / Baratheon would have worn, Elie Saab
Princess Rhaelle Targaryen was the youngest child of King Aegon V Targaryen and Queen Betha Blackwood. She was married to Lord Ormund Baratheon of Storm’s End. Rhaelle’s grandchildren through Steffon would be Robert, Stannis and Renly Baratheon. It would be young Lord Robert, who would eventually lead the rebellion against Rhaelle’s nephew, King Aerys II Targaryen. Thus, through Rhaelle, Robert Baratheon descended from King Aegon V Targaryen and therfore had a blood claim to the Iron Throne, which the maesters used to justify the outcome to Robert’s Rebellion.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
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Just like in our world, the land mass broke and drifted apart, but you can clearly see where it used to be joined. That was too long ago for the "Great Other" to have existed already, so considering the NK and his army can't swim I can safely assume they've never set foot on Essos.
What happens if the NK can board a ship or if he ever gets a hold of a dragon in the books? He would be able to fly in all alone to any continent on that planet then kill and build his army as he advances, although said army would still be unable to swim. He could then return to the other continents at a later date on his own and start his conquering when people will once again lose the memory of how to successfully fight them off.
If he notices he's about to lose everything he can simply fly away and escape to unexplored territories across the sea where he cannot be targeted for quite a while.
He could do that every 20 years or so, whenever Winter returns on what I believe to be a humongous planet.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
NK's dilly-dallying
There must be a reason why the Night's King and his army seem always so stationary. We saw them marching at the beginning but lately they're just waiting there.
imo the NK seems to be some sort of LF 2.0 at this point, unless this is just sloppy writing. Also, if his powers are similar to Bran's then he must know they're coming to fight them beyond the Wall... although I'm not sure about the extent of his powers 2bh, but still there must be something more to it that has kept them from advancing and I don't think it's the Wall and its magic barrier because they could have at least approached it.
Is he waiting for them to come North so he can add more corpses to his army before resuming their march to the South perhaps?
Is he aware that dragonglass is being harvested to kill his White Walkers and wights? If so, why wouldn't he wipe out the opposition before they could hurt him/his cause?
They say he brings the storm...then why does he still need the natural cycles of the planet and its meteorological conditions to help him bring Winter further down the map?
Is he only invincible on Tuesdays?
Plot holes everywhere.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
there's a new dragon in town
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
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Arya Stark, true Lord of Winterfell.
She looks and behaves so very much like her father.
Ned would be proud.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
we've known for quite a while that sugar feeds cancer af. Red meat and other foods promote an acidic environment where it thrives as well. Ofc, carcinogens in the environment can disrupt your genetic software whether you're disciplined or not, but unfortunately we haven't categorised all of them yet and we can only rely on what is already known in order to have slightly better chances until then.
My mother died at age 50 and never smoked, never drank. Her father died at 104 and smoked all of his life. Genes, even within the same family tree vary considerably and can make you or break you, but you can still live keeping in mind some discipline can protect your software from going cray. 
Refined sugar also promotes inflammation in the body which in the long term favours a number of chronic inflammatory conditions followed by neoplastic manifestation way too often, unless good undisrupted dna saves one from the latter stage.
Sugar is even in toothpaste and is very hard to avoid completely, but you really are what you eat and until all forms of cancer can be cured we might want to at least avoid the well known culprits favouring its development.  
This "map" could change the way we treat cancer
Researchers plan to use it to develop new drugs.
Researchers developed a map that tracks what cancer cells depend on to grow. They plan to use it as a way to develop new drugs to combat cancer at its roots.
from Popular Science http://ift.tt/2v2io2V
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
Some days ago I found this and I think I've played it a few too many times before bedtime. I think I just solved the mystery as to what has been going on in my dreams this week.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
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I dreamt of Jon Snow three days in a row. I think it's serious, I might need professional help to sort this out.
I swear if they don't fall in love before S8 I will riot.
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
...ok, I feel safe now, Dany and Drogon are coming.
You've been kidnapped but the main character of the last TV show you watched is coming to rescue you.
Who’s rescuing you?
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
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At some point we might see a montage showing us Bran lightspeed-warging into a number of creatures in the same location as to avoid being killed in the process.
Did you notice how he only seemed to be warging for a few seconds in each bird? I think it's a strategy to prevent the Night's King from pinpointing which creature to kill in order to eliminate the Three-Eyed Raven.
When the birds dispersed in different directions I thought it confirmed what I was thinking.
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