vinepsychic · 7 months
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Valuing the Essence of the Child - Earth Seer Vine
2023 Reflections & Christmas Blessings
2023 has been a challenging year for many people.
Many are suffering from the Earth climate changes my Higher Guardians have been warning about for many years and which are now plain for all to see.
All around the world we’ve had fires, floods, storms and droughts exacerbated by climate change. And wars that seem to serve no end other than to benefit the deceivers who make money out of selling weapons and fossil fuel. Many others are indirectly affected by all of this, with high interest rates and low wages.
All of these problems (added suffering) are connected.
These dark-energy deceivers think they can avoid the effects of their antiquated fossil-fuel-burning schemes. They think their money will save them. They have yet to understand that we are all ONE and what they do to others, they do to themselves, and what they allow to happen to other people's children, they allow to happen to their own child.
But Christmas is traditionally the time we celebrate the coming of the Light (Winter Solstice), and the healing power of Mother Nature (Summer Solstice).
And so now we celebrate a time when the greed, selfishness and deception of the dark-energy deceivers will be a thing of the past, when the Light will return and all of the Rainbow Warriors of the Earth will heal and restore our diminishing connection with Mother Earth.
This Christmas, as we look forward to new beginnings that encompass our WHOLE existence and the Healing Power of Mother Nature... Listen to good music. Treat yourself with goodies. And if you need help, reach out.
Love & Light Earth Seer Vine
You can Book a Psychic Reading with Vine here
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vinepsychic · 1 year
Becoming an Earth Seer
Vine's new YouTube video has been released!
In 2023 Vine is demystifying the traditional spiritual arts.
Vine was spiritually guided by her higher guardians that this knowledge about consciousness would challenge everything you think you know about our existence on Earth. Vine has now released the first instalment in her new video series... "The Day I Became an Earth Seer" in which she reveals how in 2007 her Higher Guardians first convinced her of the importance of channeling Earth Changes Spiritual Prophecy. This is the first of many videos Vine will soon be publishing about climate change Earth Changes and why we are facing them. 
You can book a Psychic Reading with Vine Here
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vinepsychic · 2 years
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Spring is in the Air!   This Spring, for spiritual truth, peace of mind and real clarity, book a reading with Australian clairvoyant medium Vine... https://www.vinemedium.com.au
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vinepsychic · 2 years
My Psychic Puppy Chai - A Gift of Life with Spiritual Powers
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My new little bundle of fluffy spiritual puppy joy - Chai.
My Higher Guardians introduced Chai to me as a normal puppy (if there is such a thing), but I quickly realised that Chai is a spiritual little puppy who loves to invite other spiritual puppies into our home.
She seems to be like myself, able to lift out of her body and even invite spiritual animal visitors to come say hello.
The spiritual meaning of her name is: the energy of life and she sure lives up to it. She is full of life and has no fear.  She loves to fly in our arms when we pick her up and fly her around.
Anyone who has experienced an out of body experience (OOBE) can share how exhilarating the sensation of lifting from the body is and now that Chai is in her puppy armour, she loves to test out those exhilarating experiments with height.
I'll share more photos of Chai soon.
Love and Light Vine
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vinepsychic · 4 years
Vine Psychic Announcement - Our New Spring Photos to Bring Hope for all Spiritual Tribes
Australian Vine Psychic is releasing our new Spring photos to bring a sense of hope. We’re concentrating on all the different spiritual tribes and your talents that you bring to our world.  Our intention is to uplift your spirit. Look out for them. Here’s the photo we have dedicated to creatives.
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vinepsychic · 4 years
Coronavirus Predictions: How Australian Vine Psychic predicted, and worked behind the scenes to share higher realms prophecy with World Leaders
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In 2010 Australian Vine Psychic was spiritually guided she would publish important channeling to help our world deal with Earth Changes. In 2019 and 2020 Vine was actively involved in trying to get governments and the World Health Organization to take the higher realms psychic predictions seriously.
The coronavirus seemed to come out of nowhere. But Australian Vine Psychic was not only prepared for new types of diseases coming, she was also trying to warn about the consequences of allowing the climate crisis to worsen and what that would mean to our world health when the pandemic finally struck.
You read reports of late psychics predicting severe pneumonia like pandemics, but when you try to find credible data where a psychic is forewarning about what is about to happen, it can be lost when we search online for real spiritual premonitions.
Vine was spiritually channeling about a new disease in November 2019. The same time her birth country, Australia was dealing with out of control fires. She attempted to explain that the deterioration of our environment and ecosystems would bring out of control diseases. In particular, she warned about new diseases because permafrost would cause unusual phenomena.
When Vine was made to be aware of the dangers to the global public, she started to use her social media profile to warn China to stop their citizens traveling during the Lunar New Year. Not long after her spiritual channeling warning China enforced the lockdown in Wuhan.
But she was spiritually guided it would not be enough to stop further global outbreaks. This is when Vine started to use her social media platform to warn about countries that had travelers visiting and why they needed to do temperature checks and begin to shut down air and ship travel.
Vine stepped up to get the pandemic warnings acted upon, to get appropriate medical response by experts and regularly provided direct guidance from the higher realms.
Everything Vine Psychic did over the last few months is on her Twitter feed. Nobody can accuse of her self promotion during a health crisis, because she was forewarning way before global leaders and intelligence brought in tighter restrictions.
Did a psychic predict the pandemic or any global diseases in 2020? Not only did Vine spiritually predict what was to come, she actively got involved to help her Australia and worldwide customers and followers prepare for what was to come. Even Vine’s 2020 Spiritual Prophecy referred to Ode 38 from the Lost Books of Eden, that guides about plagues. We know skeptics love to  point out there is no evidence to support psychic predictions.
It is going to be really hard for any skeptic to explain how Vine knew so much, if she didn’t get the guidance from the higher realms because all of her warnings are dated on Twitter. Let them try and explain that.
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vinepsychic · 5 years
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Phone Psychic Readings Australia - Important Notice for 1900 Vine Psychic Customers 
Australian-born clairvoyant medium Vine was the first online phone psychic reading line to introduce secure prepay PayPal bookings for phone psychic readings in Australia over 13 years ago. This was to ensure our customers had a secure ethical payment booking system.
This announcement is for our 1900 phone psychic customers who enjoyed the convenience of calling Vine directly. Telstra is closing down the 1900 premium services on the 30th September 2019 and we’re notifying all of our customers of these changes.
It is all Good - Vine Psychic Line is Using World Best Practice Online Bookings
The great news is our customers have been booking online using Vine Psychic Lines confidential payment system for years and you will be able to utilize the same booking service.
Vine PayPal Prepaid Phone Psychic Readings are consistently rated by Australian and International customers as the most authentic reading they’ve ever had. Vine is an expert clairvoyant medium (Seer) with over 36 years of psychic reading experience and her business reputation is built on demonstrating incredible heightened psychic abilities.
Vine Psychic Reading Line Online Bookings - Confidential, Secure & No Prior Customer Service Screening
Unlike other phone psychic lines, no-one requests your credit card details. You aren't screened by customer service staff where they write your details down. Vine's Psychic Reading Line provides a private, safe and secure payment system via PayPal. You can make a payment by credit card or select the payment option that you prefer.
To Get a Phone Psychic Reading with Vine
If you would like to book a phone psychic reading with Vine, please use our online booking platform. You are in charge of your own booking details and your readings are 100% confidential. This is why Vine Psychic Reading Line is a trusted, world best practice, phone psychic reading service.
We look forward to your custom and please don’t hesitate to peruse Vine’s website.
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vinepsychic · 5 years
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The Real PSYCHIC SOURCE and Genuine Psychic Readings by Australian Spiritual Medium Vine - When you book an online reading with Vine, you speak with Vine.
“Explore the Possibilities of Booking A Psychic Reading With Vine” - yeah, forget that PR jargon, that’s not Vine’s style
Vine provides a different take on spiritual readings. Her unique breath spiritual readings have assisted thousands of customers Australia and worldwide.
Without having to resort to entertainment, Vine uses natural spiritual clairvoyant and empathic senses to help you navigate the real (reality) of your situation. She doesn’t use any type of tools to assist her  readings. This is why so many psychic companies try to replicate what she does (with little success).
How Vine Helps You Get Real Clarity?
When you look for a psychic reading you want real insight. Vine knows you deserve honesty and not fluffy feel good readings that fail to touch on what you need to know.  This is why she takes her spiritual vocation seriously and works under the Akashic Laws.
In Australia we’re currently contending with a slowing economy and recession. Vine helped her customers prepare for what was coming, years in advance. This is why Vine is highly respected by clients, who know she’ll give it to you straight.
Vine predicted the Australia Wide housing decline years in advance. She helped her customers buy, sell and downsize their homes taking into consideration what she was spiritually predicting. Vine did the same thing for clients who were not preparing for a rainy day. She warned about buying extravagant purchases that her clients would find difficult to pay off when the recession occurred. She helped clients get their financial and banking details in order.
Customers Who Send Emails of Gratitude about Vine’s Guidance
Grateful customers regularly email Vine, thanking her for helping them negotiate the economy slowdown. They know Vine helped them navigate the worst of the slowing economy. That’s real true life clarity that benefited her customers. This is what you should be looking for when finding a credible psychic.
Of course, there were clients who chose to ignore Vine’s guidance believing they were on top of their finances. Vine will be the first to guide, you can only relay guidance, you have to take into account the free-will of your client. You have to respect that your client has the right to pick and choose what they will take away from a psychic reading. It saddens her to see some of her clients are now struggling financially, but she’s always sending out love and prayers and hoping they get back on their feet.
That’s because Vine genuinely cares about her customers well-being. This is why you are in good hands with Vine, and when you book a psychic reading online, you will always speak with Vine. If you would like to know how Vine can help you, please peruse the website and read about her spiritual background and testimonials.
To Book a phone psychic reading with Vine use the secure PayPal platform. Vine takes your security seriously. You are required to provide basic details and select which type of payment method you would like to use on the PayPal booking form. It is that easy!
Vine welcomes your custom...
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vinepsychic · 5 years
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Happy New Year!  Australia’s Vine Psychic Reading Line wishes you a joyful 2019 year.
We are thankful for your continued loyalty and entrusting your spiritual health.
The 2019 year is welcoming new beginnings. Vine’s 2019 Spiritual Channeling from the higher realms tells us to hold onto hope. Every year Vine’s higher guardians have been helping humanity navigate ‘Earth Changes’.
Vine’s 2019 Psychic Prediction introduction allows eager followers worldwide to track what is guided, and then to verify the accuracy of Vine’s psychic predictions.
Vine’s proven accuracy is astounding and its why she has converted followers all over the world to believe in the traditional spiritual arts. Surprisingly, even skeptics who initially didn’t believe in spiritual prophecy have come to realize Vine’s heightened angelic senses are real.
Vine shares spiritual knowledge that is previously unknown to anyone and then we wait for it to come true. Even journalists follow Vine because some of the guidance she shares can be researched and identified if it exists.
Every detail Vine has published about Donald Trump and Putin relationship; every person Vine guides about, every joining the dots published about Brexit and the 2016 United States election so far has come true. This is because Vine’s spiritual guardians reveal the truth. They use Vine as a spiritual conduit to relay their knowledge.
If you would like to learn more about Vine’s Psychic prediction background and the proven accuracy of Vine’s historical Australian and world prophecy refer to published psychic predictions on the website.
To book a psychic reading with leading Australian psychic medium Vine, visit the booking webpage and select from the booking and payment options.
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vinepsychic · 6 years
Australian Real Estate Psychic Vine reveals the money laundering secrets about why Australia’s housing prices are now out of reach of young people.
When you are seeking real estate or property psychic help, you will find no one better than Vine's psychic expertise. She is spiritually informed about the latest issues you are dealing with and is able to tune into your individual circumstances.
To book a phone psychic reading with Vine in Australia you can call                         
1902 242 800 (call costs apply)
please ensure when phoning you listen to voice announcement and agree by pressing the button
or alternatively you can visit her website on https://www.vinemedium.com.au and follow the instructions.
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vinepsychic · 6 years
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Australian Vine’s Psychic Prediction Accuracy
Melbourne Natural born spiritual medium Vine has wowed her global readers with the accuracy of her psychic predictions about data mining and fake news behind Cambridge Analytica, Facebook and the Brexit & US Presidential elections.
Journalists have now investigated many of the things Vine predicted, and everything Vine guided has been proven to be true.
Have a look at Vine’s psychic predictions… they are amazing!
If Vine can help journalists discover information about such important events happening in the world, what can she do for you?
Vine’s Phone Psychic Reading Accuracy
Literally thousands and thousands of people have already discovered that Vine’s phone psychic readings are just as amazing as her psychic predictions.
Vine uses a unique breath technique, gifted to her from the higher realms, to connect with your spiritual aura and higher self.
The fantastic thing about Vine’s breath connection gift, is that the higher realms have given her a way of connecting with your aura over the phone, from wherever you are in the world.
Vine’s  Gives You Clarity and Direction
People who seek out Vine’s help often tell her they are blown away by the accuracy and clarity of her phone psychic readings.
Vine specializes in helping with grieving after the loss of a loved one, and giving you real help with your love relationships that clarifies where you are and where you’re heading.
Vine gives you the guidance that you need.
Many others sugar coat their readings and only tell you what you want to hear. You know… the type of reading where you get off the phone and feel good for five minutes, before your real issues return.
That sort of reading is like eating chocolate. It feels good at the time, but eventually you need to sincerely address your true needs - That’s when you call Vine.
In her phone psychic readings, Vine REALLY helps you.
When you call Vine’s psychic line or book a reading, you always speak to Vine. So you can always be sure of getting the same amazing accuracy and help.
For online help with relationships, work, psychic readings and all things spiritual, check out Vine’s Psychic Editorials.
To book an Australian or International Psychic Reading with Vine, go to Vine’s Booking Page.
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vinepsychic · 7 years
Best Clairvoyant Psychic Predictions by Melbourne Vine Psychic
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What makes Melbourne Born Vine Psychic the best clairvoyant prediction expert in Australia?  Noteworthy psychic prediction accuracy has Melbourne born Vine Psychic one of the most respected Australian clairvoyant mediums in the world.
Why are Global Psychic Prediction Enthusiasts following Vine?
Global psychic prediction enthusiasts are following Vine’s Donald Trump Psychic Predictions, especially because she predicted the close association of Putin (Russia) and the Trump Administration (prophecy about the elite deceivers). 
Now this prophecy is coming true. Vine released spiritual prophecy that identified Trump and some of the hand selected Republican administration would come under enormous controversy about the way Trump became the 45th President of the United States of America.
Vine released spiritual prophecy that identified there would be enormous controversy in how Trump became the President of the United States. Now her prophecy is being shared all over the globe because everything she prophesied is coming true.
How Accurate is Vine's Prophecy?
Vine's prediction prophecy accuracy is so good, some skeptics are now becoming believers.
Much of Vine's 2017 prophecy has already been fulfilled. In 2016 Vine was sounding the alarm that there was something underhanded occurring behind the scenes when Trump was elected as the Republican candidate and then elected as the 45th POTUS.
Incredibly, Vine was spiritually warned as early as 2011 that Donald Trump would be a danger to world peace. Now world political leaders and the global public are  seeing how volatile and unpredictable he really is.
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How Can I Find Vine's Psychic Predictions?
You can find Vine's published prophecy in her world psychic predictions web page and discover how Vine recorded her spiritual clairvoyant visions in so much detail.
Vine's Prophecy Has Helped Global Journalists
People who follow Vine's psychic predictions often point out how she has helped investigative journalists discover the truth. Her prophecy was found before the US election and  shared all over social media to a large global audience ever since. Vine's prophecy may also have helped intelligence agencies.
It is important to note that Vine's prophecy was published years before the predictions came true. She has even gone out on a limb to declare that Donald J Trump is an illegitimate President / Commander and Chief of the Free World. 
Vine was spiritually guided that Hillary Clinton was the real winner of the United States election because of the underhanded dirty political tactics conducted behind the scenes from the Trump campaigners and Russia.
This is why the FBI and CIA have been investigating Russian intervention in the 2016 United States election. Trump’s recent  removal of FBI Director, James Comey  after he refused to drop the (Trump Russia) investigation, further points towards Trumps illegitimacy. Vine warned the world about fake news sent through social media and now the FBI are investigating hacking, data mining, fake news and several people of interest.
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You Can Trust Vine's Natural Clairvoyant Ability
Do you think it is important to know if online Australian psychics have natural born clairvoyant skills? There are so many people calling themselves psychics and declaring they are naturally gifted clairvoyants, without being able to demonstrate it. You see it all the time. They even advertise that they are fifth generation psychics, or release frivolous media predictions that never seem to come true.
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Vine is Interested in the True Spiritual Arts, not Psychic Industry Awards
Vine shies away from Psychic Industry Awards where psychics select who they believe should be the most acclaimed psychic for the year. Her spiritual work is all she cares about and she is keen to help the public understand the difference between the original spiritual arts and the entertainment psychic industry.
There's simply no comparison to Vine's divine clairvoyant prediction accuracy and tarot reader or entertainment psychic reader promotions.  With Vine, her prophecy stands on its own. Her predictions are completely transparent and available for customers to make up their own minds.
To Learn more about Vine's Spiritual Background or to Book a Reading go to: https://www.vinemedium.com.au
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vinepsychic · 7 years
Australian Vine Psychic Reading Line is Evolving on Our 10 Year Anniversary
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Melbourne Born Vine Psychic was spiritually guided to open her own online business 10 years ago. This means all up she has been working in the spiritual sector in Australia and globally for 35 years.
Now Vine’s received important spiritual channeling to evolve the psychic business to help men and women find useful spiritual information for the changing times we are encountering.
Have no doubt this Australian spiritual website will be unique and it has been inspired by Vine’s angelic guardians. If you are a regular customer or newbie you can still book a phone psychic reading with Vine by going online or calling the Aussie 1902 242 800 psychic line.
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vinepsychic · 8 years
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Australia Vine Phone Psychic Readings | Our Latest Christmas and Holiday News For Your Perusal
Yes, Australia and Global Phone Psychic Reading Clients, Vine will be taking a break over the holiday season. This means you need to BOOK NOW!!!
How to Book Discounted Phone Psychic Readings & Christmas Gift Vouchers
Vine’s discounted credit and debit card bookings are available using the secure PayPal booking form by filling in first name, day, time of booking (ensure you do Step 2 and pay).
Repeat clients, please follow same procedure you used before.
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New Customers Make Sure You Pay When You Book
New customers if you fail to make a payment when you book we will not class that as a complete booking. Because we are trying to get a speedy customer turnaround, incomplete bookings will not be processed. Please ensure you fill in the booking form and pay. Any issues get in touch by using our Vine Psychic office contact page here.
Flexible Psychic Reading Bookings Help Speed Up Bookings
If you are flexible with your psychics bookings please mark this on your booking form. Sometimes we have customers who have to change bookings for a variety of reasons. Vine will normally call the next available customer if you are available to take the call.
Will Vine be available for Urgent Psychic Readings during Christmas Holiday Season? Yes.
Vine will set some time aside for urgent psychic reading bookings on the 1902 242 800 Phone  Psychic Reading Line during the holiday season. Check @VinePsychic Twitter Bulletin Board on our web pages to see when Vine is available for calls. Vine understands if you have lost a loved one or are grieving a loss of relationship, or going through a family crisis you still need help. She’ll set time aside to help you through these difficult times. Remember check Twitter bulletin board.
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Christmas Gift Vouchers - Book Early to Avoid Cut Off Date
Vine Psychic Reading Line often gets a lot of Christmas Gift voucher bookings from customers. This is why we can only accept gift voucher bookings for the first 3 weeks. Our graphic artist needs to place the recipients name on the voucher. We send the vouchers back to your email before December 20th. Please ensure you use the Christmas voucher booking option. 
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Cellular Cleansing Psychic Reading Services Start in 2017
If you are wanting to book a cellular cleansing psychic reading they are starting again at the start of the new year. Vine will need to check if you are suitable to have the cleansing. This means you must book a 20 minute reading to check suitability. Please refer to cellular cleansing psychic reading web page here.
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Work for Vine Psychic Reading Line
We have received hundreds of requests to work for Vine Psychic Reading Line this year. Vine is grateful for the job applications but unfortunately at this time we aren’t hiring psychics or new office staff. We thank job applicants for applications but have not been able to respond to emails because of publishing demands. Please accept our apology if you did not get a reply to emails. It has been an extremely busy year. We have regularly placed thank you notices on our Twitter bulletin board.
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Personal Email Psychic Prediction Requests
At Vine Psychic Reading Line we are breathing a huge sigh of relief after the United States election. It would be an understatement to say our workload increased ten-fold with all of the interest Vine’s psychic predictions generated. Unfortunately our office hasn’t been able to reply to psychic prediction queries. Vine doesn’t take requests for psychic predictions as they are spiritually guided from the higher realms. Thank you for getting in contact and sharing how accurate Vine’s prophecy is. It has been greatly appreciated.
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Vine’s New Psychic Predictions for 2017
Vine Psychic Reading Line will place a notice on the Twitter Bulletin Board if and when Vine is spiritually guided to release new spiritual prophecy for 2017. Every year she is given spiritual guidance which she transcripts. Keep an eye on Twitter Bulletin Board for date release. Please note Vine doesn’t accept prediction requests.
Thank You for Entrusting Your Spiritual Health to Vine Psychic - Have a Wonderful Christmas and Holiday Break
Vine Psychic Reading Line would like to thank our loyal clients and social media followers for your overwhelming sense of trust and loyalty. Melbourne born Vine Psychic is heading into her 35th year of doing psychic readings and it will be her Ten Year Psychic Anniversary in 2017. None of this could have happened without you.
Vine is touched by your unwavering loyalty and support. We intend to keep improving our spiritual services. There is some exciting news we’ll be sharing with you all soon. Have a wonderful Christmas and family gathering. Enjoy your friends and social activities and have a fantastic 2017 New Year.
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vinepsychic · 8 years
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vinepsychic · 8 years
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Australian Vine Psychic - Australia’s Leading Psychic Expert, who has accurately predicted major world events for six years.
Vine stands up for the real spiritual arts. You can be guaranteed Vine will help you get clarity in all aspects of your life.
If you are feeling confused and need answers, you have come to the most renowned world psychics who has demonstrated natural born skills to thousands of clients.
Find out what a real psychic does, compared to an entertainment psychic.
To book a discounted psychic reading go directly to Vine’s ONLINE booking page. http://www.vinemedium.com.au/index.html#Book
No sign-up website which requests all of your personal details (that’s something to be wary of in the psychic industry).
Vine has eliminated psychic screening and doesn’t require upfront questions. No wide range of unknown psychics to select from psychic chat companies that don’t reveal real owners and hide behind proxy web locations that’s something to be wary of in the psychic sector).
Vine is a real psychic, so when you book or call, you get Vine. That’s unheard of in the large entertainment psychic chat lines that are regularly hiring unknown people off the street.
When customers find Vine, they don’t go anywhere else!
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vinepsychic · 8 years
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Australian Vine Psychic Reading Line Spiritual Tribute to Prince the Musical Lightworker.
Was Prince a Spiritual Musical Lightworker? Vine shares how she came to realize Prince was a lightworker when she first encountered his musical genius watching him perform live in concert. Was Prince otherworldly? According to Vine, Prince was in touch with heightened senses and the music and him were one. Read what Vine revealed about Prince’s unique energy field and so much more...
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