wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
Still drunk and bored, so :)
1. Intelligence and an open mind
2. Conservative , racist , sexist , self obsessed men
3. I look on the whole appearance , with focus on the face. Found attractive when person has a strong aura
4. Travel. Long talks, try out new things, have a drink and some exciting food, talk about our deep desires and wishes
5. Andrew Scott xDD
6. Too much routine, not being valued and loved any more , no action or development in relationship
7. Head for mindbreaking experiences together that bring us closer to our goals
8. Does not matter actually. But I slightly prefer bearded men with short dark hair and green or brown eyes
9. Food, a gym membership (I am so health obsessed), a visit to an exhibition, event or concert
10. Like I said, I like men with dark hair , some muscle. Esp love it when they have some kind of aesthetic look to them or some unusual features in their faces or figures
the anti boyfriend tag
the questions
1. What is the one (most important) quality you look for in guys?
2. What quality is a turn off?
3. What physical feature do you notice on the opposite sex first?
4. Describe your dream date.
5. Who would your celebrity boyfriend be?
6. What is your relationship ‘deal breaker?’ (Something that you might end a relationship because of)
7. What is your relationship ‘deal maker?’ (Something you would like a guy to do in a relationship)
8. What eye and hair color do you prefer?
9. He buys you a gift. What would it be?
10. Would you say you have a type? If so, what is your type?
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
I think I've had a little bit too much yesterday... god I'm dying
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
So true 😂
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
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Dominant: Extraverted Intuition Auxiliary: Introverted Thinking Tertiary: Extraverted Feeling Inferior: Introverted Sensing
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
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Friday night, let’s get pissed!
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
MBTI Andrew Scott
INFJ here. Now that I have deeply connected with my own MTBI’s strenghts and weaknesses, I’m trying to find out other people’s types.  For Andrew Scott I think he is an ISFP. At first I thought he might be an INFJ like me, but I watched a lot of his interviews and stuff and  I noticed though we are very similar (introversion, appreciation for arts, values, harmony, emotions), there are some things that make me almost certain he’s ISFP.: - He is an actor. Many ISFP’s are actors or artists. Andrew is a very aesthetic being with a a huge appreciation for art, design, clothes. - ISFP’s are very aware of how things look in their environment. They notice and appreciate things right away, things I would never really care for. I noticed when I read through some of your reports after you met Andrew in persona (soo jealous btw) - He always seems to compliment people immediately on looks and cool stuff they own. 
- In almost every interview Andrew has a hard time expressing himself. He has problems articulating things, not just simply because he’s nervous. He just can’t :D Especially when it’s about some kind of complex topic, whereas, INFJs - who also have a hard time articulating themselves are somehow better at it because they see the bigger picture and are pretty good with abstract concepts. INFJs just think they havn’t said it all  because there is so much to say, ISFPs can’t think of words. BUT when an ISFP is really really passionate about something, those word barriers are broken and suddenly there is a real word flow. That’s what I’ve noticed with Andrew too.  - He is so goddamn emotional, it’s incredible! As an INFJ I also feel very deeply but it’s mostly about ideas and imaginations that I connect on a deeper level. On the other hand Andrew FEELS the emotions in all it’s shapes, he expresses himself through actions rather than words  which leads me the my next guess: - He lives in the present, this is why he is so fully aware of his emotions. I , unfortunately , am very future orientated, I have 10000 things going on in my head , I am non-stop planning for the future or daydreaming what an upcoming event would be like. When Andrew is asked what his next projects are, he probably doesn’t know too much about it. He only wants to make something new, exciting, fun, but he generally does not like to plan ahead. __ So what do you think about my assumptions? Feel free to criticise or add something on if you feel that’s missing.
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
What the fuck is this 😂😂😂 He's sooo emotional omg
Someone’s in a bad mood!
I’d tickle him.
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
Sometimes I wish I had lived in the 19th century. Had studied chemistry, medicine and philosophy, was lured into the dark secrets and rituals of our world, smoked opium and was a highly valued member of private clubs. But because surpressing women policy etc- you know - I consider being male was the most important thing to get access to all these things 😤
friendly reminder that the age of technology is coming to an end and a new age of blood magic and dark rituals will take its place
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
I honestly adore Andrew's roles he's playing. Wo-ah.
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
I can just picture it :D
accidental sheriarty meeting at the sexy shop headcanons:
sherlock needs a new ride crop, jim is looking for a new sex toy. they haven’t noticed each other and then they suddenly lift their heads at the same time and they just…. keep staring at each other for a solid minute. i mean how do you approach your nemesis when he has a bright pink dildo in his hands?
jim is the one who approaches sherlock, with a grin on his lips and the sex toy still in his hand. and of course he teases sherlock because he’s an asshole. sherlock wants to leave because he’s embarassed and a little uncomfortable but he’s too proud to walk away first so they just keep teasing each other and bickering.
there is…………. a lot of tension. and the people who work in the shop are kinda annoyed because yes, they sell sex toys but sherlock and jim look like they could fuck at any given moment, so they get kicked out lmao
“it’s your fault” “no, it’s your fault” for like a solid 5 minutes
sherlock is super annoyed because he needed that crop. when jim points out that he’s not the only one, sherlock replies “oh really??? i need it for an important case, what do you need that dildo for????” and jim just……………………. stares at him and starts laughing so hard there are tears in his eyes.
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
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Get your juices flowing. Sherlock wants them both - you've got to admit that's sexier. [Gifs not mine]
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
indeed, indeed
Reblog if you need more Moriarty in your life
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
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Well, for me as a tongue loving human being it's a real pleasure to watch Moriarty and his oral fixation! [Gifs are not mine ]
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
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wildthingsandcrowns · 7 years
Is there any footage or version of Birdland, starring Andrew Scott that can be found online? Or is there a DVD to buy ? I really really want to watch it!
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