yazsanchez-a · 3 years
😃 for Gus
😃 : a happy voicemail // @gus-amado​
Gusamundo! How the fuck are you?! Oh, fuck, this voice mail shit again. Pick up your phone! Anyway, I just got off the phone with  my manager, long story short my piece did really well, they wanna see more, blah blah blah, point is: I’m getting drunk and celebrating tonight, and you’re coming, so get your ass out of that RV and meet me at the local at 8 - no excuses. Love ya, bye.
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
😟 (from penny!!)
😟 : a worried voicemail
yo, Penny! Pen? Damn, fucking voicemail. Where the hell did you go last night? You get home okay? Do I need to come rescue you from one of your boytoy’s apartments? Say the word and I’ll be there. I know krav maga. Call me back, yeah? 
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
Shura - religion (u can lay your hands on me)
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
 closed // @tabbycatsilver​
“Tabs?” Yaz called out tentatively as she walked down the halls of Tabby’s apartment, carrying large bags of comfort food in her arms. When she found out her wife was sick, Yaz had taken it upon herself to look after her, the only issue was sick people freaked her out and she had no clue how to take care of them. But after a trip to the store, where she brought way too many unnecessary items, and multiple freak outs (which convinced her how well she did at looking after Tabby would directly correlate to how good she was at a girlfriend), Yaz finally made it to her wife’s apartment. “How are you feeling?” she asked the woman once she found her, holding up the bags of groceries, “I bought supplies.”
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
closed // @agcntwarren​
It was rare for Yaz’s life to be so… uneventful. There was of course her stress about Eleanor, and the constant undercurrent of self-doubt that came with dating someone so different, but all in all, things were good. How fucking strange. With one quick knock on his door, Yaz let herself into Alexander’s apartment, just as she had when they were teenagers and he would come home to find her chatting shit to Alycia. “Alexander Warren, you better be fucking decent, I’m coming in and I’ve got a buttload of ice cream for you,” the woman called obnoxiously as she entered his home, immediately dropping to the ground to greet her best friend’s puppy, “hey cutie,” she scratched the puppy behind his fluffy ears, before leaning over to mock-whisper loud enough for Alex to hear, “if you ever want to live with your cool aunty Yaz, let me know, hun. I got you.”
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
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the nicola that was sitting by the bar now…she had been a little bit different to the one that yaz has met all those years ago, the only person who seemed to have the guts to bring up how everything was for her before, surviving something, a mistake that has been motivated by her emotions after the death of her wife, which not really much people knew, not even the journalist who has tried to get a story out of her. yet still…not a word has come out of her mouth about it. “it seems like fate has decided to make our paths cross once again, miss sanchez.” she greets the brunette with a smirk before finishing the rest of her drink. “a figment of your imagination? that would be such a shame if i was…” she turns to one of the other bartenders to serve her another drink. “well, now…since you’re here….what can i do for you?”
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“So you remember me? I’m touched.” Yaz didn’t bother to hide the smug tone in her voice, to know she’d left as much of an impression on Nicola, as the woman had on her. “God, I can’t decide if fate’s a bitch, or if I love her… or both,” Yaz joked dryly, dark lips sipping her whiskey “it’s probably both.” Nic’s impassive nature unnerved her, intrigued her, frustrated her. And it seemed nothing had changed since the years they last saw each other. Yazmina still didn’t have her answers, and she hated not knowing.  “Would it be?” Yaz countered, eyebrow raised, eyes lasering through the other woman, “can’t a girl just get a drink in a strip club by herself and not have any underlying agenda? Jesus.”
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
“You do not have to apologize to me for that! I understand how work can take up more of your time than you expected it to. Please tell me you have been resting anyway.” As Eleanor expected, the smile on Yaz’s face quickly disappeared and a frown took its place. She hated that she caused that change to happen. “I am not going anywhere. I am just packing some of my things up so that if the time comes that I change my mind about that, I’ll be a little ready.” As if that will make Yaz feel better about seeing her things packed. She knew that it wouldn’t but she didn’t want to continue to keep the possibility of her leaving from her friend. “No, of course not! I promise you that if it comes to that, if I do decide to leave, I will not do it without saying goodbye to you.”
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“Rest? Fuck that,” Yaz brushed away Eleanor’s concern. On the weeks where her deadlines ruled her life, rest was not an option. She functioned on late nights, early mornings and a whole lot of coffee to get her through. Lack of rest didn’t help her mood as Eleanor tried to explain the boxes, Yaz’s expression stormy as she took in the room, “nobody packs there bags just in case something happens… unless something did happen that you’re not telling me.” As she jumped to the worst conclusions, Yaz softened, concern taking its place, “is it him? Your ex? Did he find you? If it is, you know I’m not against fucking him up. You could stay at my house, ever since Adrian moved out it’s been empty as hell-  is that it? You need a place to stay?”
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
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Watching from the side lines wasn’t Yaz’s preferred method of investigation. She preferred jumping into the pack, being amongst the story herself, but surprise and history had her standing back - letting the events unfold. It wasn’t until the man seemed to get the hint that she moved from the side lines, into Nicola’s view, giving the woman a slow clap from dramatic effect. “You still got it, huh?”  Yaz smirked, sliding into the seat beside Nicola and ordering herself a whiskey, unsure if Nicola even remembered her. Yaz herself hadn’t, who could forget an expression that... blank? Or the promise of a story untold. “I’ve gotta say, I didn’t expect to see you again,” she hadn’t quite looked at the woman yet, instead staring off at the bartender working, “kinda thought I’d gone all Fight Club and made you up in my head: this aloof woman with a busted lip, too badass to be real.”
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“i suggest you let the poor girl do her fucking job.” nicola says as she puts down her drink, staring at one of the customers in the eyes, sternness evident in her tone. they have been bothering the poor bartender non-stop, and she could just sense the uneasiness in her features. the club owner just couldn’t tolerate entitled clients like this, especially the ones in her own place. the woman took a long hit of her vape pen and stares at the security detail who are not really that much far away as the watched the commotion went on. she just went down from her office at this of night to enjoy some mojito while she was checking on her dancers herself, it seems like the stranger isn’t aware that she’s the owner of the place. “just because she’s being nice to you doesn’t mean she’s interested, now, i would advice for you to either stop disturbing my employee or i’m going to have you dealt with. you choose.” @codstarters​
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
𝖳𝖤𝖷𝖳 ⇾ 𝖸𝖺𝗓𝗓 𝖧𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗌🔥
Jo: that's what i'm here for
Jo: "i fucked someone" "omg WHOOO?" "myself... and i did a goddamn good job", kinda like where that conversation would lead ngl. and THAN YOU i agree. who fucking cares about your favorite movie, CAN 👏 YOU 👏 COMMUNICATE 👏WITH 👏 YOUR 👏 PARTNER 👏 IN 👏 BED 👏?????? or in general really but yknow what i mean
Jo: lmao nah thanks man i don't need more reasons to hate myself i can't dump me if i fuck up, i'm stuck with me. if people actually did that, do you think there'd be any couples left?
Yaz: see, that's some feminist shit right there. If you can't fuck yourself, how the hell you gonna fuck somebody else???
Yaz: PLEASE. I'm a grown ass woman, I don't have time to figure out what you want or read between the lines. just TELL ME. i can handle it! but if you think masturbation counts as cheating, that's it, we're over lmao
Yaz: that got dark, jesus. love yourself, bitch, i dare you. I do kind of understand tho, I'd probably take pity on myself and stick around too.....i can't believe our best option is to bang then GHOST ourselves. yikes. fuck, now you have my head spinning. In a perfect world, yeah, you'd like to think it would lead to some sort of self improvement. but you're right, ppl suck, there'd be no couples left we'd all just be too fucked up from dating ourselves
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
At this point in their friendship, Eleanor was used to Yaz checking up on her when she does not expect it. She actually was relieved and even comfortable everytime she was in Yaz’s presence. After Valentine’s Day, however, she was not exactly looking forward to her friend showing up at her apartment, not when there was something she was hiding. That was why it took her a while to open the door. “I was wondering when you were coming over.”, she said with a quick laugh. “That’s perfect, thank you! And oh no, you never have to apologize to me for that. I missed you just as much.” She took a step to the side so that the brunette can step inside. “I can explain.”, she mumbled, referring to the moving out boxes that were in her living room.
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“Sorry it’s been a while between visits, deadlines have been kicking my arse,” she said easily, sauntering into Eleanor’s place with the same confidence she always did. Then she saw the boxes. As someone who made a habit out of ditching cities, she knew immediately what was happening. Dark eyes snapped to Eleanor, the easy charm disappearing completely as she frowned at her friend. “Where are you going, El?” All attempts to keep her voice light failed as hurt and sadness seeped in. Placing the bottle of wine on the kitchen counter, Yaz stared dejectedly around at the half-packed home of her best friend, “what is this? Were… you gonna tell me, or were you gonna do a Sanchez and leave without saying goodbye?”
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
Yaz tapped her nails on the bottom of her cocktail glass, considering Sol’s question. “So I think it has less to do with how old you are, but more how cool you are. Personally,” she paused to sip her martini, dark lipstick staining the glass, “you’re too fucking cool to play bridge. But if you use it to get in with the other mums, then I think you should do it.” The woman decided, decisively answering her friend’s question before smirking across at her, “however, if you find a group of mums that do salsa and Texas Hold ‘Em, then fuck Bridge, join them. Better yet, start a gathering of your own. What have you been wanting to get into that you’re too scared to try? I bet you could get a whole group of women in their late thirties to forties joining you.”
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“Ok so I’ve been asking various people this, because I’m genuinely curious. Is there a certain age that people start playing Bridge? Because one of the moms from Rose’s school asked me to a game of Bridge with some other moms and I told her I’d have to check my schedule. But am I too young for that game? Or is there even a right age?” She asked in a ramble, taking a long sip from her margarita in order to curve her spew of words. “My mother is of no help since the only thing she took up when she got older was salsa lessons and Texas Hold ‘Em, so I can’t exactly ask her. What do you think?” Sol paused, turning to the person next to her with a soft expression. “I probably sound nuts but ya know, the question’s been nagging at me for some reason.”
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
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“Listen, it’s better than dining at every 5-star restaurant in the city and rippin’ off the best items on their menu. At least this way, I’m not at risk of getting in shit or losing hundreds of dollars,” Devon countered, dark eyes challenging the woman seated across the table. He would never admit it out loud, but this was easily the most stimulating conversation he’d had all night. But then again, was he surprised? It was Yaz, after all. “It would be very fun. Pretty sure they’d have to re-brand and call it the Green Light Party, but there’d be way more people in here and far fewer suits and ties. Which, frankly, would do some people a favour. Take that guy,” he nods in the direction of the dance floor. “He’s dripping in sweat.”
“Always the tone of surprised with you, huh Yaz?” He taunts, shaking his head in disbelief. “You can admit that I’m good at a few things - nobody’s here to hear you. But lucky for you, I’m willing to prove you wrong.” His words are lighthearted, but there is some truth to them. There weren’t’ many things Devon wouldn’t do to prove Yaz wrong, and dancing with some nameless female was one of the easier things on the list.
“Beef Ragu," he repeats, lips pressing into a polite smile though his eyes giveaway the laugh that’s threatening behind his lips. "Excellent hangover food. If you throw in a little cheese and slow cook the beef and you might have a half-decent dish on your hands. Honestly, my experience with beef rage is limited, but I’m sure whatever you make is delicious.” Dev lifts his glass to his lips, sipping on the dark liquor as he contemplates his next words. 
“You two should have dinner at the restaurant sometime. My treat.”
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The unspoken rule between Yaz and Devon was to never admit they were having fun. It was a perpetual game of chicken, like the first to admit they enjoyed the other’s company would immediately lose the game. It didn’t matter how much she enjoyed verbally sparring with him, admitting it was against the rules. “That’s not what I’m talking about though, I’m just saying that you’re better than what Becky with the green wristband thinks classifies as gourmet. Fucking bring some creativity to the table, mix up your flavours, your cuisines, fusion. Stop settling into this boring little box of – what was it? Oysters and steak? I’m losing my appetite just thinking of it.”
Another eyeroll came from Devon’s words, though she couldn’t hide the smirk on her lips. “Pretty sure that’s just the Albion on a regular night then,” an unexpected snort left her as Yaz’s gaze landed on the man in question, “Christ, look at him. Maybe that’s your target? You could go dance with Sweat Man over there.” It would be more challenging than the nameless females Devon boasted about dancing with. She didn’t even bother acknowledging the rest of his challenge with a comment, knowing there was no way in hell he’d get her to willingly compliment him on the things they both knew he was good at.
Pressing her own lips into a hard line to hide her embarrassed smile, Yaz nodded, “yup. I said what I said. Though she likes everything I cook for her,” the woman boasted, false smugness shifting into outright surprise at Devon’s next offer. “Fuck off,” she laughed. “What’s your plan there? Suss out the competition? Steal her away? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.”
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
libra, uranus & 2nd house
describe your dream partner.
This is loaded. I have shit taste, I shouldn’t be trusted to choose my dream partner, because I’ve mostly only dated arseholes. I’ve given up on the idea of the perfect partner, or plans, or what the ideal relationship should look like. Just, you know, someone I genuinely like, who gives a shit about the world, and doesn’t make me hate myself, that’s it.
are you rebellious?
We’re not born to follow the rules, that’s boring.
if you could only keep one of your personal items, what would you choose?
The Old Faithful, my car. She’s the most important thing I own.
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
📞+😠 for Devon
😠 : an angry voicemail
Jesus Christ, Douglas, don’t you ever fucking answer your phone? Or are you screening my calls? Pretending you have something better to do? I know you don’t, arsehole. fuck ...Wait, why did I call? Oh, yeah, shit. I’m bringing Tabby tonight, don’t make it weird. And none of that steak and pasta shit. 
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
closed // @eleanordemarquis​
Yaz tried to never go too long without seeing Eleanor. From experience, she knew how hard it was living alone, especially with a bucket full of issues to deal with, so she made a habit of checking in on her friend, on bringing her wine and a friendly face to talk to whenever she could. It wasn’t just for Eleanor though, Yaz needed these catch-ups too. Rapping her knuckles on the door to her friend’s apartment, the woman leant against the frame, grinning brightly when Eleanor finally emerged, “hey, pretty girl, I brought wine. It’s some fancy French shit I bet you’ll love,” she waved said bottle in her hand, “sorry for crashing, I missed you like hell and figured we were due for a catch up.”
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yazsanchez-a · 3 years
𝖳𝖤𝖷𝖳 ⇾ 𝖸𝖺𝗓𝗓 𝖧𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗌🔥
Jo: ... fair. i'll hand it to you, you ARE hot.
Jo: ok but do YOU classify it as such? i know people who think masturbation equal cheating which... sounds fucking dumb in my head but you never know, right? one can only expect their partner has a brain and uses it but you never truly know ig
Jo: lmao have you MET me? no of course i wouldn't date me. i'd fuck me senseless, but after that i'd ghost the shit out of them because dating me sounds fucking exhausting and terrifying and now i understand why i'm single.
Yaz: thnx for your validation hun xoxo
Yaz: I like the idea that every time I masturbate it counts as sex. Sounds empowering as fuck. but I've never given it much thought beyond that, no. Masturbation /shouldn't/ count as cheating, but each to their own. I think we start normalising asking these questions on the first date. What's you career? Are you close with your family? Where do you stand on fucking your clone self and/or does masturbation count as cheating? get it all out in the open.
Yaz: lmao true. you could do it as an experiment - date urself just to figure out EXACTLY WHY you're single. might get depressing as fuck though
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