9ineine · 4 years
❝ S L U M B E R . . . ❞ LUCIFER
— PAIRING ; lucifer x reader
— SUMMARY ; luci loves watching his mc sleep so calmly and peacefully.
— GENRE ; fluff but angsty undertones
✁ — — — — — —
— WARNINGS ; slight yandere themes, hints at hallucination
— TIME TAKEN ; about an hour
— WORD COUNT ; nine hundred fourty five
✁ — — — — — —
— AUTHORS NOTE ; ive had this idea for a while, i hope you guys like it <3.
Lucifer sighed softly and closed the door to the bedroom, letting his hand and crown of his head rest on the door for a moment. His eyes were shut, almost squeezed shut, in a hush attempt to calm the boiling anger that was filling in his chest. His fingers clenched harshly, enough to make the tips of them go numb from the tension. Lucifer let his hand fall before standing up straight.
He let out a breath of relief when he turned around and saw your peaceful form, the duvet covered up to your neck and your hair falling onto the pillow in a halo shape. You always looked so content, whether you were awake or in slumber. It always put his mind and heart at ease.
The demon removed his coat from his shoulders and quietly hung them on the coat rack that stood near the door and started working on removing his vest for easier movement.
The chair that remained next to your bed every night creaked as he sat down in it, him letting out an exhale of content from finally being able to relax after yet another troubling day. He peered at you through his lidded eyes, the faintest of a smile showing on his features.
Your lips were parted in the slightest, long eyelashes draping over your eyes as you stayed unmoving through your deep slumber. The moonlight from the nearby window only accentuated your silent beauty, the glow casting an eerie yet calm feeling over your form.
Lucifer hastily removed one of his gloves and brought it to your cheek, rubbing his knuckles against the soft and supple skin with a short and humorless laugh. His tired eyes gazed at yours, which were slightly sunken in. He frowned a bit, perhaps you were staying up too late from studying too much and your face was starting to convey that. He’d have to scold you for it once you woke up.
Lucifer clicked his tongue, pulling his hand back from your face and sliding it back into his fitted glove. He moved the blankets down a bit, so that they were instead at your waist. You wore a rather silky pair of pajamas— nothing sexual whatsoever, Lucifer just wanted to make sure you wore something to bed that you’d forever be comfortable in. He even let you pick it out yourself.
It was in your favorite color, and yet another faint smile showed on his face after remembering the way your face lit up once you saw it in the store. He recalled how you hastily picked it off the shelf and basically shoved it in front of him from how excited you were.
“Lucifer, Lucifer look! Isnt it beautiful? And it’s so soft too..” You pressed your cheek into the fabric, your smile slowly inching wider and wider as you engulfed yourself in the comforting and warm feeling the cloth gave you. You looked up at the man through your lashes. “Can we please get it?”
There was no way he could’ve said no when you looked at him with such purity in your eyes. So he bought it immediately. He actually almost forgot to buy it and nearly walked out of the store with it with the tag still on. Lucifer chuckled softly at the distant memory, pulling your sleeping frame into his chest while he moved off the chair and onto the queen sized bed.
Your head rolled onto his chest, almost nuzzling closer to him. He kept his face stoic as possible, though a short lived smile creeped onto his face. That smile was again, lost, when he realized how cold your skin was. You weren’t a demon like him, so there was no reason why your body should feel so chilly. Especially when you were covered in thick and fluffy blankets. He’d have to turn up the heater in your room later.
“How was your day, darling?” He spoke up quietly, his finger tracing patterns on your cheek soothingly to make sure that you don’t wake up. You didn’t answer, of course. You were always such a deep sleeper and he loved that about you. That just meant he could vent his feelings to you without you truly knowing, not wanting you to bare the weight of his problems.
“Mine was actually quite frustrating, Mammon tried to steal some of Asmodeus’ belongings and sell them, again,” He sighed and shook his head, looking up at the ceiling.
“I know you will never hear this, my darling, but talking to you like this, having you listening to me, is very,” He paused, his brows knitting together as he tried to think. “Therapeutic, in a way. I do have Diavolo to talk to but,”
He looked down at you, limp against his chest, unmoving and calm. “You’re easier. I don’t know what it is, perhaps it’s just how I know you’ll never be able to respond when you’re sleeping so well,” He brought his voice back to a whisper.
Lucifer laid you back in the position he first saw your body in, hair dancing around your head like a halo. Your eyes remained shut and unmoving, just like the rest of you as he brought the covers back up to your neck.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night, my darling. Sleep well.”
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9ineine · 4 years
❝ H U M A N . . . ❞ BELPHEGOR
— PAIRING ; belphegor x reader
— SUMMARY ; belphie loves admiring you from afar. and loves holding you close even more.
— GENRE ; fluff
✁ — — — — — —
— WARNINGS ; sexual themes if you squint, slight yandere themes if you also squint even harder, belphie being a cocky ass
— TIME TAKEN ; one hour and four minutes
— WORD COUNT ; six hundred ninety 
✁ — — — — — —
— AUTHORS NOTE ; enjoooooyyyy
You were just a mere human.
His shawl was wrapped around your body loosely, evidently too big for your smaller body. He watched as you leaned in closer to the TV in anticipation, how your eyes lit up just as being if not brighter than the screen itself. A small smile remained on your face and if anything it got bigger as each frame went by on the television in wonder.
Your hair fell loosely over the skin that failed to be covered by his shawl. Your locks were messy and curled at the ends from spending most of the evening with Belphegor in his bed, rolling around and watching movies with naps inbetween. It took everything in him not to reach out and gently run his fingers through your hair, suddenly missing the warmth of your body cradled against his chest.
It amazed him so easily humored you were just by some flickering scenes on an oversized cellphone. He watched as your face contorted to different emotions— shock, sadness, anger, everything was evident in your expressions even if they were subtle. The way your nose would scrunch up when a certain character you didn’t like appeared on screen, the way you backed up from the TV when something awful happened— he made sure to take note of it all. It was so humorous to watch humans, he almost forgot the feeling.
There was truly no reason why he should be so infatuated with you. But for some reason there was something inside of him that told him to never let go of you even if it meant risking his life as he knew it. So he stuck to it. He’d go through thick and thin with you, anything just to see your eyes light up the same way they did when they watched the screen. He wanted to be the one to cause your smile, your laughter— everything. He wanted you to be engulfed by him and only him. A warm feeling sparked in his chest.
Belphegor clicked his tongue and moved from his laying position to behind you, letting his eyes flutter closed and moving your hair to rest his head on your shoulder. When you acknowledged his presence, he just hummed and looped his arms around your waist underneath your shirt. You laughed lightly and reached up and back, tangling your hand through his bedhead while keeping your attention on the screen. Belphie grumbled. That wouldn’t do.
He placed chaste and lazy kisses along your shoulder, relishing in the rush of adrenaline he got when you shivered. He pulled you closer into his chest and smiled against your skin. You turned your head and he just stared up at you, his lips still in tact with your shoulder. He raised an eyebrow.
“What is it, Belphie?”
“Nothing,” He mumbled quietly, quickly resuming his kisses from the end of your shoulder to your pulse. He pulled away and lifted his hand, pressing two fingers to the spot on your neck that was linked to your heart. He smiled again, but that smile fell when you paused the movie and turned your body completely to face him. Your face was contorted in some form of annoyance, but he never took you seriously in the first place. Your cheeks puffed out and red from fluster and your eyebrows were knitted together, fierce eyes staring up at his unwavered ones.
“What?” He asked.
You huffed. “What do you mean, “What?”? Why did you start that?”
He held back a smirk. “Started what?”
“You know— The—“ Your cheeks flushed even more and you throw your head back with a groan. “Whatever! I’m going back to my movie so don’t distract me.” You turned your back to him.
His arms hovered around your body for a moment before he let them fall. He clasped his hands together in front of you, gating your body to him. Not like you minded anyway. Although his body was cold, and his overall aura was chilling compared to that, the way he always treated you made you feel warm. And he could say the same.
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9ineine · 4 years
❝ D I G N I T Y . . . ❞ W. USHIJIMA & S. TENDOU
— PAIRING ; ushijima x reader x tendou
— SUMMARY ; you & your boyfriends were supposed to be studying for the upcoming exam, but things got a bit out of hand...
— GENRE ; smut , 16+
✁ — — — — — —
— WARNINGS ; smut , double penetration , reader is submissive , public sex , blowjob , polyamorus relationship , threesome , teasing , all characters are 18 in this writing , crack & fluff at the end <3
— TIME TAKEN ; unsure
— WORD COUNT ; about two thousand six hundred nineteen words
✁ — — — — — —
— AUTHORS NOTE ; enjoy <3
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“Tendou, stop it, really” You whined as the redhead pressed another kiss to your shoulder. “We have to focus.”
“Youre the biggest distraction here, Y/n,” He pouted but complied anyway though his arm was still secure around your waist.
“You two need to stop it,” Ushiwaka said, looking at you both out of the corner of his eye. “We’ve been here for an hour and we have barely covered the first unit.”
“It’s not me! It’s Tendou!”
“It’s not my fault you’re so irresistible, Y/n-chan~” He got close to your face and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut your trap,” You pushed his face away with your hand and rested your head on Ushijima’s shoulder. He didnt seem to mind.
“Wahh~ Y/n-chan! Youre so mean!”
“Maybe if you didnt act like a doofus all the time, I’d be nicer,” You flicked his forehead and he pouted again.
Even though you put up a tough front, both boy’s saw right through it. They both were well aware how much Tendou’s words had an affect on you, from the way you gripped your pencil a little bit harder to how you kept crossing your legs over each other underneath the table. Nothing could get past them.
You readjusted the collar of your shirt to cover up your exposed shoulder, littered in pale hickeys. You closed your eyes as Ushiwaka continued to read from the textbook, almost falling asleep but waking up every time he shot a question at you.
“No falling asleep, Y/n,” He said nonchalantly. You mumbled a small protest before turning your head to kiss his cheek. What you didnt know, was he was turning his head at the exact same time to ask you what you mumbled— but of course he couldn’t when your lips were smashed together.
You blinked in surprise and he was caught a bit by surprise too. It wasnt like this was your first time kissing— that happened a long time ago. Even though this kiss was a bit unexpected, you melted into the feeling. Ushijima rested his hand on your thigh, gripping it softly as a gentle warning. You brought your hands up to tangle them through his hair and—
“Hey! I want to be in on the fun!”
Oh, right. Tendou.
He grabbed your chin and turned your head around to face him, capturing you in a sloppy and heated kiss. No matter how annoying he was, his kisses could always have you on your knees. His hand that was originally around your waist creeped up your shirt, groping your breast softly.
You could feel Ushiwaka’s intense gaze behind you and you could tell that Tendou had the cockiest expression ever. As if he was taunting him, saying ‘Look at how easily I reduced her to this. I bet you cant do that, huh Ushiwaka?’
Ushijima stood up from his seat and moved to the door of the private study room, locking it and moving back. This was a public library after all— if they got caught they would be in deep trouble. He walked back over to the two of you, and, gently but forcefully pulled Tendou’s face away from yours. You whined from the sudden detachment but cut yourself off when he leaned in to Tendou and kissed him.
Your jaw was on the floor. Never, throughout your entire relationship with the boys have you ever seen them kiss as passionately as they were now. By the looks of it, they’ve been doing it for a while from how unsurprised Tendou was.
Nonetheless, you got on your knees between the two guys. Tendou was still sitting down in his seat but Ushijima was standing up, so you focused your attention on Ushijima first.
He didnt notice that his pants were now pooling around his ankles, along with his boxers. And he wouldnt have noticed either if he didnt suddenly feel such a warm and wet feeling around his shaft. He visibly stiffened from the unexpected contact and groaned into Tendou’s mouth.
“Mmm?~ Ushiwaka what’s wrong?” Tendou grinned, faking ignorance. Ushiwaka’s intense eyes didnt change but his cheeks flushed lightly. “Is little Y/n-chan doing a number on you? She’s barely even starte-“
He sucked in his breath when you took his length out of his pants and squeezed it roughly. “You have no place to talk, you masochist,” You chuckled from underneath them and you could feel Tendou’s annoyance radiating off of him.
You pumped Tendou’s dick in slow, tedious motions and he restrained himself from thrusting into your hand for more friction. He knew you’d just pull your hand away when he did and that was the last thing he wanted at the moment.
You kissed along the side of Ushiwaka’s shaft and you took note of the involuntary shivers he made. You dragged your tongue all over it before taking him into your mouth whole. He let out a low groan and pulled away from Tendou’s gaze to look down at you.
His large hands gripped your hair as he threw his head back and struggled to keep his composure. Tendou smirked up at Ushijima, though his face was red and sweat beads were forming all over his face and neck. He gripped the sides of his chair so hard that his knuckled turned white.
“Oh, Fuck, Y/n,” Tendou brought his hand up and covered his mouth to keep himself from getting any louder. You pressed your legs together.
You pulled away from Ushijima’s cock after a while, giving your jaw a break and replacing your mouth with your hand. You looked up at him with a grin. His breaths were ragged and broken up and his hair fell in front of his face. You held eye contact with his intimidating gaze before you pulled your hand away and turned around, giving your attention back to Tendou.
“Y/n— that was cruel, even for you,” Tendou moved your hair out of your face as you took him into your mouth. He threw his head back and stifled a moan with his hand. “You better not do the same shit to me.”
You only giggled as an answer, sucking harshly on the tip to shut him up. He bit the inside of his cheek and shut his eyes tightly, gripping your hair and pushing your head down.
“Hey, babe? I’m gonna cum in your mouth now okay? Dont—“ He grunted, pushing your head down as you tried to edge him on. “—dont fucking waste any.”
No matter how hard you tried, his hands were way stronger than yours. Not that you didnt like it— you just liked teasing him as payback for teasing you so much.
Tendou released his load into your mouth, tears pricking your vision as you tried your best not to let anything spill out of your mouth. You pulled away from him, swallowing the sticky fluid and wiping your chin.
“Good girl,” He panted, bringing his hand to your cheek and kissing you. You laughed softly and turned to Ushijima, who had just finished from watching the two of you.
His cum shot out and a bit landed on your uniform. You stared up at him, before getting on your feet and unbuttoning your blouse.
“Y/n, what you did wasnt okay. You cant edge me on like that,” He watched as you tossed your shirt onto the table along with your bra, too. You were now only in your skirt, undergarments and socks— not much was removed but the sight made his eyes darken. “You know what’s coming next right?” He placed his hands on your thighs, reaching underneath your skirt and tugging your underwear down.
“You wont go unpunished,” He said as he discarded the underwear somewhere in the room and lifted you up by the waist. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his hips and looped your arms around his neck.
Tendou piped up behind, standing up from his seat and standing behind you so that you were sandwiched between the two volleyball players. “Oooh, this should be fun~” Tendou hummed, moving your hair and pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
Without warning, both boys slid themselves into your holes— Ushijima in your cunt and Tendou in your ass. Your breath hitched before you melted onto Tendou, letting your head fall onto his shoulder as you held back a moan from ripping through your throat.
Tendou kissed your cheek and started moving slowly after a while of staying in that position. No matter how many times you had sex with the boys, you could never get used to their contrasting lengths. They were both long, but Ushiwaka was thicker than average.
Tendou’s hand flew up to cover your mouth after you let out one particularly loud moan. Ushiwaka started moving at the same pace, at the same time, hitting the right spot immediately. They new exactly where to find your weak points and thats what made this situation all the more scandalous.
Your mind was a haze. The feeling of them both inside you at once was too much for you to handle. Tears pricked your vision as your mouth stayed agape under Tendou’s hand, though no sound came out. The shapes of their dicks permanently were imprinted in you and because of them, you just knew you’d never be satisfied with anyone else.
Tendou wiped away your tears with the same hand that was on your mouth. He left a couple of bite marks along your neck and shoulder, purposely leaving them too high and too dark to cover with a scarf or a turtleneck. Ushiwaka grabbed you by the chin and forced you to look him in the eyes. You felt like youd crumble right then and there from the amount of emotion pooling in his eyes at that moment.
In contrast to his hip movements, he kissed you delicately as if you would break at any second. His grasp on your thighs tightened as he made the kiss more and more sloppy.
Your whines and pants kept slipping out of your mouth, though the boys were doing a pretty decent job at staying quiet themselves. Their strokes were no longer identical— instead, Ushijima moved at a slow, steady pace while Tendou opted for a faster one. The contrast made the coil in your stomach tighten even more though you held it back from snapping.
The slight increase of your voice let the boy’s know that you were close. Tendou kissed the area behind your ear and left a hickey there while moving his hands to your breasts and groping the soft flesh in his hands. You bit your lip to keep from moaning.
“Y/n, are you close?” Tendou already knew the answer, he just liked teasing it out of you. He rolled his hips into you and— again— you let out a high pitched moan that was a bit too loud.
“As much as I’d love to hear you, babe, we’re still in a library,” He kissed your cheek and squeezed your tit as a warning. “Be careful.”
Ushiwaka’s death grip on your hips would definitely leave bruises in a couple of hours. Hell, youd be surprised if you could walk after you got out of the library. Ushiwaka was starting to lose his composure, the slow strokes no longer satisfying him. “Y/n,” He said lowly. You turned your face to him slowly with lidded eyes.
“Tell us where you want it.”
“Inside,” You said quickly, already feeling another moan stuck in your throat. “Please, I want it inside.”
They’d obviously been holding back a lot because your final plea sent them both overboard. Tendou released into you for the second time that day and Ushiwaka sighed onto your shoulder as he released as well. You fell onto Ushijima’s shoulder as your body gave out from so much pressure.
After a couple of silent moments, Ushijima lifted you up and off them both. It was weird, feeling so empty all of a sudden. The moment your feet touched the ground you sucked in harshly, opting to sit on the nearby chair.
They both leaned down and kissed your cheek softly and you smiled. “I love you both.”
After leaving the public library, Ushijima carried you in front of him with his book bag on his back. Tendou carried his own bag along with yours.
You had fallen asleep sometime during the walk home, Ushijima’s strong arms and soft heartbeat lulling you to sleep almost immediately. He pressed a kiss to the top of your hair and rubbed circles on your back so you could get some much needed rest.
“Mhn.. are we home yet?” You mumbled on his shoulder. Tendou shot him a glare that said ‘Great, now ya woke her up.’
“No, Y/n. Go back to sleep,” His low voice shook you a bit but the previous events had made you wide awake.
“We never did finish studying, did we?” You hummed and closed your eyes.
“Nope!” Tendou said quickly, walking ahead of you two with his hands in his pockets. “I dont think you would’ve been able to, with how quickly you were asleep Y/n-chan. We had to get you dressed all by ourselves!”
“I may not be able to walk right now but I can and will hunt you down the moment I can,” You turned your head towards him and stuck your tongue out at the boy. He grinned and shrugged.
“I look forward to it. What I dont look forward to though, is failing that Math exam.. the material was harder than usual and I dont know If I’ll pass!” He whined and readjusted his hold on your bags.
“I told you two to focus,” Ushiwaka almost chuckled, but kept his nonchalant expression and tone.
“It wasnt just me!” You protested, leaning back and playfully punching Ushijima’s chest with your fists. “I didnt do anything! Tendou was the one who started everything!”
“No I didnt!”
“Yes you did!”
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“Did not! You and Ushiwaka were kissing before I kissed you!” He stuck his tongue out at you and you did the same.
“Could you not tell that was an accident?!” You sighed and slumped on Ushijima’s chest.
“You looked like you liked it a little too much though,” He grinned and came closer to you, poking various places on your back to annoy you. You slapped his hands away and huffed.
“Well anyways.. we have to finish studying. My mom wont be back until later tonight so we can work at my place.”
Both boys raised their eyebrows.
“Not like that, you absolute horndogs!” You punched Tendou with your fist and slapped Ushiwaka’s chest. They were barely fazed by it.
“Okay Princess, whatever you say~” Tendou giggled and pinched your cheek, swiftly moving away from your hand when you tried to slap him. He had this shit eating grin that you wanted to punch off.
“‘Toshi, let me at em. He’s being a prick and needs to learn his place.”
“Why not?!”
“Do you really want to walk right now?” He arched an eyebrow and your cheeks flushed in embarrassment. You hid your face in his neck.
“Yeah! Didn’t think so, Y/n~chan!” Tendou laughed as he reached your front door. He took the hidden key out from inside the mailbox and opened up the door.
“Shut up, Satori Tendou.”
“Oooh full names now huh? Are you gonna say the same thing in bed?~”
Before you could speak though, Ushijima spoke up firmly. “We are not doing round two.”
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9ineine · 4 years
❝ H A N A H A K I . . . ❞ T. KUROO
— PAIRING ; kuroo x reader
— SUMMARY ; yn tells kuroo of her new blossoming relationship with lev haiba, but he doesnt take it too well . . .
— GENRE ; angst
✁ — — — — — —
— WARNINGS ; angst , hanahaki , descriptions of vomiting , descriptions of sickliness , descriptions of a panic attack , small amount of gore , gender neutral reader
— TIME TAKEN ; an hour
— WORD COUNT ; unsure
✁ — — — — — —
— AUTHORS NOTE ; enjoy 💕
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“tets,” you piped up. he gave you a hum as a reply and watched you as you got ready for bed. “i have the greatest news.”
he readjusted his position on his bed and nodded. “and that is?”
“so you know how i’ve liked haiba-san for a while...” a sharp stab to the chest. he grunted, his hand reaching for his chest instinctively. you looked at the camera.
“you okay?” “mhm, keep going. im fine dont worry about it,” he flashed you his signature grin although you didnt notice it was a bit faltered.
“well, ive liked haiba-san for a while,” kuroo let out a cough. you looked at him, worried for a moment, just to see he turned his camera away from himself.
“are you sure you’re okay tetsurou?” you sighed and moved from your dresser to your bed. “if you wanted me to stop talking about haiba-san, you couldve just said so..”
“nope, im fine, dont worry about it peaches,” his voice was gruff and he was clearly straining.
“get a drink of water or something... anyways. turns out he likes me as well! we’re going out to eat next saturday, isnt that amazing?” you continued rambling on and on about how excited you were to finally get a chance with lev, completely blind to the fact that kuroo had muted himself to hide his coughing fit.
“hey—“ he unmuted himself and caught your attention. “something came up. my mom.. uh.. she needs something. sorry. bye y/n.”
“oh okay- bye tets! see you tomorr-“
he quickly hung up and let his phone fall to the floor. his eyes were wide and filled to the brim with tears threatening to spill over. kuroo’s breathing was severely labored as he stared down at the assortment of blood splattered petals in his hand.
“what the fuck.. what the fu-“ he was cut off by another harsh coughing fit. hacking up another petal or two, he stood up abruptly and made a dash for the bathroom.
‘am i hallucinating?’ he asked himself immediately on the way to the bathroom. his eyebrows knitted together as he turned sharply into the bathroom and stared at the mirror.
he looked a lot more tired than usual. his face was a bit on the paler side, his eyes looked sunken in.. he just looked exhausted. his chest felt like it was being squeezed tightly by a giant fist. kuroo’s legs gave out from the lack of air.
his mind automatically went to you. did this have to do something with you? it couldn’t have, you were way too nice to ever poison him. it only happened when you started talking about lev.
‘lev.’ his eyes narrowed at the name and his hands balled into fists. just thinking of the name made him angry. how could lev, of all people, be better than him?
it didnt help that he didnt even realize he was hyperventilating. he stared up at the ceiling in a panic, eyes darting from one point to another. he wondered if this would be the end for him— it really seemed like it.
his body shook again as he rolled his head over and coughed a new assortment of petals onto the floor, a decent amount of blood coming along with it.
his eyes felt heavy as his body calmed down from undergoing such intense attacks at a rapid pace. he sat up from his laying position, already missing the cool feeling of the bathroom floor.
kuroo looked himself in the eyes through the mirror.
“what.. what the fuck was that?”
141 notes · View notes
9ineine · 4 years
kenma: y/n, do you know if kuroo is left or right handed?
y/n: *grabs their neck with left hand*
y/n: *grabs their neck with right hand*
y/n: oh yeah hes definitely a righty
143 notes · View notes
9ineine · 4 years
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another redraw✨ i accidentally made them look more worried than intense, oops
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9ineine · 4 years
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i drew that oya thing
yea this
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30 notes · View notes
9ineine · 4 years
— PAIRINGS ; daichi x reader , suga x reader , kuroo x reader , kenma x reader
— SUMMARY ; types of cuddlers kuroken and daisuga are <3
— GENRE ; fluff
✁ — — — — — —
— WARNINGS ; pure fluff, kuroo being lowkey horny
— TIME TAKEN ; unsure
— WORD COUNT ; unsure
✁ — — — — — —
— AUTHORS NOTE ; enjoyyy <33
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* he is literally so affectionate omg
* after a long day of practice he’ll just plop on the bed and say “y/n, come here”
* even if you dont want to, daichi’s Father Stare makes u feel bad so you caved 🗿
* you both will be leaning on your sides, facing each other, with your head on daichi’s chest
* sometimes its the other way around tbh
* sometimes he jus wants to be held and thats ok
* but most of the time its the former
* def the type to kiss your forehead and whisper how much he loves you and how proud he is of you even if you did nothing that day
* hes just great like that
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* suga has such a special place in my heart so this may be a bit long 💀
* hes lowkey touch starved. very lowkey tho
* while he’s studying and doing schoolwork you might have to slip into his lap and hug him bcs we all know hes Fucking Stressed
* your hugs are a rlly good stress reliever
* so he’ll sit there, resting his head on your shoulder as you guys just talk about anything in that position
* he appreciates it a lot
* he wont even tell you to get off after he feels better
* if youre in bed, suga likes to spoon you
* DE F I N I TELY plays with your hair yall cant tell me otherwise
* if he can’t fall asleep and you’re already asleep he’ll make your hair into lil braids
* make sure you thank him for them whether you like the braids or not >:(.
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* definitely the type to pass out on the bed and then you pass out on top of him tbh
* your chests will be touching, your face in the crook of his neck and your legs on either sides of him
* his arms will be around you rlly tightly
* sorry if you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night
* youre not moving anytime soon
* to help you fall asleep, he slips his hand under your shirt and traces circles on your back
* (sometimes his other hand will grab your ass oops)
* this position is v beneficial
* when he wakes up (most of the time he wakes up first) he can just wake you up too by picking you up in that same position and walking to the bathroom
* youll be so confused bcs one moment youre on kuroo and the next youre on kuroo but in the bathroom???
* if you dont wanna wake up yet thats fine
* but he wont put you down
* expect for him to get ready while still carrying you
* jfc my headcanons just keep getting longer and longer
* im not complaining
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* wont initiate any cuddling unless hes has a particularly bad day
* if he initiates it he’ll be rlly silent about it
* like youll be in the middle of making a bowl of cereal then he comes up behind you and hugs u
* hes basically a baby
* all the haikyuu boys are babies in one way or another i said what i said
* moving on, most of the time he’ll be sitting on the couch, playing video games with kuroo
* then you just kinda like
* slip behind him
* like that tiny crack between the back of the couch and his back?
* thats where u slip
* and then u hug him like a koala
* arms wrapped around his chest, legs wrapped around his waist
* wont complain, he missed you anyway to this is a W
* he likes resting his head on your lap while doing anything really
* using his phone, playing a game, reading, it doesnt matter
* your thighs are PILLOWSS 🤩🤩
* please read stories to him while his head is on your lap
* brings out the baby in him
* and it helps him fall asleep, hearing your soothing voice
* protect this quiet boy pls
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9ineine · 4 years
the only reason why im interested in sports now is because of haikyuu and free
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9ineine · 4 years
❝ J U S T A K I S S . . . ❞ T. OIKAWA
— PAIRING ; oikawa x artist! reader
— SUMMARY ; oikawa catches you drawing him after practice.
— GENRE ; fluff ig ? sum crack if u squint
✁ — — — — — —
— WARNINGS ; playful teasing
— TIME TAKEN ; around an hour
— WORD COUNT ; unsure
✁ — — — — — —
— AUTHORS NOTE ; reminder: never steal an artists sketchpad they will end your life then and there
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Oikawa had invited you to volleyball practice afterschool. You were surprised to say the least.
“Really?” You said, looking up at him with confused eyes. “But why?”
“Why not?” He shrugged, putting his hands into his uniform pockets. “If you came, I’d be way more motivated to play at my best, you know,” Oikawa shot you a wink and you huffed.
“Fine fine, I’ll come, but only for a short while. I have a test tomorrow in English and you know I suck at it,” You started walking to your locker and Oikawa followed beside you.
“Jeez, you’re so focused on studying and stuff, Y/n. Loosen up a bit, maybe you could join the girl’s volleyball team,” He chuckled. You grabbed your wrapped bento box from your locker and looked up at him with unamused eyes.
“Whaat? It’s just a suggestion.”
You shook your head. “You know sports aren’t my thing, Tooru. Thats your profession. Im not into that stuff.”
The two of you walked outside and sat at one of the benches beside the school. “No lunch?” You said.
He shook his head. “Nah, not that hungry.”
Oikawa rested his head against the side of the building and looked up at the sky. “So, I’ll see you at practice?”
You shoveled some rice into your mouth, then waved your hand at him. “Yeah yeah whatever. Sure. I’ll see you there.”
You sat in the bleachers silently, leaning forward in anticipation as you watched Oikawa and his teammates practice their spikes, sets, etcetera. You weren’t even sure if Oikawa knew you were there from how focused his face was.
“Woo! Go Oikawa!” You cheered and saw him look up at you for a split second, send you a smile, then go back to practicing.
You pulled out your notebook from your bookbag and a pencil, then started doodling mindlessly. Seeing Oikawa practice was nice to watch and all, but after a while it got a little boring.
You kept stealing glances of the brune, specifically when he was in the air spiking the ball. And soon enough your pencil glided a certain way across the paper to recreate that same image. The way his shirt lifted just a little, the way his hair moved, the power in his jump, everything. You made sure to do your best to capture all that power and emotion in your drawing.
“Whatcha got there, Y/n?”
You jumped and almost threw your notebook at the speaker, only to realize it was Oikawa himself. You sighed and let your body loosen, shaking your head. “Dont scare me like that.”
“Sorry. Were you drawing the entire time?” He smiled and looked over your shoulder to get a peak at your drawing. But you held it close to your chest to stop him.
He pouted. “Why cant I see?”
“I wasnt drawing the entire time,” You huffed, ignoring his second question entirely. “Only after like...10 minutes in.”
“I got bored okay!!”
He laughed heartily. “Well can I at least see it?”
“No. You cant,” You shook your head and brought your notebook down to your side. Oikawa’s eyes followed it in curiosity.
“Why not?”
“Because..” You started, your cheeks flushing as you thought of an excuse. “Whatever! You just cant see it, okay?” You turned away from him just as he started to smirk.
Swiftly, he snatched the notebook from your hand and held it high above your head. It took you a moment to realize what happened.
“Hey!! Tooru, that isnt funny! Give it back!” You whined, getting on the tips of your toes and outstretching your arms.
“My my, is this me? Were you drawing me, Y/n?” He looked down you with a grin, pointing at his face like a dork.
“You did a very good job at capturing my attractiveness.”
As if things couldnt get any worse, your face flushed even more. “Tooru, stop playing around! Give me my notebook back!”
He pointed at his lips and smiled. “Gimme a kiss. Maybe I’ll give it back.”
“You heard me,” He puckered his lips and got down in front of you tauntingly. “A kiss. Cmon.”
You crossed your arms and clenched your jaw, sending the boy such a spiteful glare you were sure that he would crumble under it. But to him you just looked like an angry puppy.
Your want for your notebook back was greater than your pride, so you took a deep breath in and pecked Oikawa on the cheek, taking him by surprise. Right as you pulled away his jaw dropped and so did your notebook from his hand. You caught it midair, closed it, and shoved it back into your bookbag.
You hugged your chest tightly, grunting and walking away from the boy. “Clown ass bastard..” You mumbled.
Oikawa’s shoulders slumped, and his hand reached for the spot on his cheek you kissed.
“Damn, didn’t expect she’d do it.”
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9ineine · 4 years
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hi <3
— my name is nine, and obviously i write fanfics :p
— this blog is mainly just for me to dump my writing, so it’s just for fun!! there will be no schedule or anything, im too inconsistent for that pff
— fandoms im currently in:
— Demon Slayer
— One Punch Man
— Bungou Stray Dogs
— Haikyuu!!
— Obey Me! Shall we date?
— Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
— My Hero Academia
— so expect some form of writing for those fandoms <3.
— i dont really ship characters, so youll mainly see x reader posts on here!!
— requests will always be open, im always open to writing new ideas and i need the practice anyways. nsfw or not, hit me with your best shot! (oh and if youre going to request be sure to include which fandom lolol)
— do keep in mind that i write for free, so i will do your request whenever i feel like it/whenever i feel motivated enough. my motivation comes and goes sorry lol
— i hope you enjoy my writing! thank you.
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