ac-disastrous · 2 months
Old Lighters 🤔
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ac-disastrous · 8 months
Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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ac-disastrous · 1 year
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ac-disastrous · 1 year
I want to say that with trans folk now being at risk of the fucking death sentence in Florida....
The time for community is Now. The time to start planning and organizing how to get our rights back is NOW. bring it up at your local LGBT craft events or book club or support group or whatever. Tell your friends. Spread the word. And maybe see which ones will have the safety and resources you'll need should a Lavender Hunt happen in your area.
And on the scarier end of reality....
This is fucking terrifying. Lots of people are at risk. Personally, I'm terrified this rhetoric will spread much like Trumpism did. I'm scared for my gf and I'm fucking scared for myself because we know historically that it isn't just trans folk on HRT or drag performers that they go after.
And you have every right to do whatever you need to protect yourself.
I'm not going to shame folks who quit HRT, who take the rainbows out of their bio, the people who start saying partner instead of revealing a gender, or anyone else taking a few steps towards the safety that the closet provides. WE shouldn't.
I fucking love you. And we'll be okay as long as we're together, okay?
We keep us safe
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ac-disastrous · 1 year
I was telling my mom about Takeda's route (ikesen) and how it ends and she's like "oh it was covid. He brought it"
I'm wheezing 😂😂😂
I love her hottakes on my fandom shit
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ac-disastrous · 1 year
Me: sitting on the couch next to my mom making weird screechy noises bcos ✨boredom✨
My mom: side-eyes me 'stop that'
Me: 'sorry sometimes u just gotta let those inner demons out'
My mom: 'yeah that's what I said when I gave birth to you'
Like damn
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ac-disastrous · 1 year
oh em gee thanks for all the likes 😍
Ahhh yeah sorry I have a bad habit of scrolling mindlessly and often forget I'm on a person's blog not the search page 😅
Sorry for the unintentional spam
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ac-disastrous · 1 year
me and my 10 self inserts with minor differences
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ac-disastrous · 1 year
Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol
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ac-disastrous · 1 year
Pleaseeee this is a whole masterpiece op
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No one talks about how sassy these two are with eachother so i felt i needed to contribute to the conversation. Dont feel bad for sabo, he deserves it with how much he puts Koala through The Work Place Wringer™.
I think Sabo’s insomnia would be caused by stress from his job, but it was manageable until The News Paper Incident ™. Sometimes i like to project onto funky fictional characters, pay it no mind~ Besides, Robin would join him in the morning hours and they would chit chat the night away together :)
This isnt ship art, but i dont mind if its tagged with saboala 👍 I don’t personally ship these two, i like them a lot better with an aroace/wlw friendship.
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ac-disastrous · 1 year
I know many of you out there are feeling a bit down. Have a crow to Wouldn’t it be Nice by the Beach Boys to lift your mood.
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ac-disastrous · 2 years
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A comic to try and sort through some difficult feelings about being an artist and a reminder to not forget who you are.
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ac-disastrous · 2 years
Intense little thing where Marco trains Ace in conquerors haki despite not having it himself…
They’ve been at it for hours, on a secluded little island void of civilisation, which is good seeing as Ace has burnt half of the vegetation to the ground both uncontrollably and in frustration
Marco standing over him arms crossed, expression bored, cruel and his tone harsh
“Again.” Marco snaps, his knuckles turning white as he resists the surge of pressure compressing around him. Waves of invisible force startle the steady blaze of his gold blue flames, but despite this doesn’t do more than stir his burning plumage, the force petering out into that of a gentle breeze.
“Is that all you’ve got?” Marco looks down at the man pinned beneath his serrated raptor talons. Ace glowers at him from between sharp birdscale toes, his expression nothing short of furious. He says nothing, instead drops his head back into glassy sand, soft sand that has been turned into blistering shards of quartz from the continuous bursts of enraged fire and desperate haki.
“Are you giving up, Portgas? I thought you’d be more of a challenge.” Marco growls, crouching down so he can press the entirety of his weight into the hollow of Ace’s taut stomach. He ignores the way powerful abdominals ripple under his talons, the steely surface of armament coating the younger commander’s torso halts his progress.
“If you think that can stop me you’re more naïve than I thought.” Marco almost stops at the short pained cry Ace gasps out when his own claws coat in haki turning them sharper and sharper until the very points pierced Ace’s weakening defenses.
“Fuck you—“ Ace snarls, bares blood stained teeth, the bruise on the side of his mouth—where Marco punched him earlier— blooms purple and red and the Phoenix has never seen anything more attractive in his life.
“You’re dead. Accept it.” Marco removes his talons from around Ace’s throat and backs up a few steps, looking at the younger man pointedly.
Ace rolls onto his front, spitting blood and thick saliva into the sand beneath him, he gets to his feet, expression tight and annoyed at his seventh loss in the past hour.
Marco doesn’t give him the grace period he’s been so generous to have for the last few hours. Transforming fully, he takes to the skies, circles the freckled man who staggers back in surprise, turning to keep him in his range of sight when Marco dives, wings snapping out at the last second to catch himself. Using the momentum, Marco transforms again, hybrid form, his dominant leg arcing down towards Ace who blocks him with a single arm imbued with poorly activated haki, poor yes but still haki nonetheless.
“Nice block.” Marco praises him, the first positive that day and Ace perks up, its a mistake, just because they’re training didn’t mean he had to go easy on the logia. Marco shatters Ace’s armament for the second time forcing him down into the sand just like all the times before this
Slamming a hand tipped with deadly claws over Ace’s heaving chest, pinning him down by his left breast, just over his wildly beating heart, Marco leans in close, “—I take it back. Focus,”
Ace scoffs at his words, clearly at the stage where only brute force would get through to him. Marco moves to let him up, watches the dark haired man take the bait and then kicks him down again, human footed this time, no talons, no haki. It’s a little concerning how Ace takes the hit, laying fully flat from the blow, his eyes glassy.
He almost calls it. Almost but when Marco starts to turn away Ace stops him.
Staring at the tall ring of scorching fire encircling their shattered battleground and blocking his escape, Marco resumes his stance, allowing Ace to pick himself back up just for this incredible display alone.
“Again.” Ace breathes, his angular jaw squared in determination, blood trickles down from a cut along his temple, no doubt from the shards of glass lying about across the sandy floor.
Marco opens his mouth to reply when the flames climb higher into the sky, their gold brilliance snuffing out the hot glare of the noon sun itself, Ace shrinks the flaming circumference, narrowing down their arena as the two commanders prowl the perimeter.
Ace lashes out first, hands cloaked in deadly gloves of fire, his movement is still precise despite his mounting fatigue, Marco would love to praise him some more, but not yet. Just a bit more— he grabs Ace in close, phoenix talon hands bypassing the inferno of the logia, healing the damage the second he takes it, secures his grip around Ace’s bicep and with his free hand goes in for the should be killing blow when Ace breaks his hold with a smart forceful palm strike to Marco’s forearm, breaking both ulna and radius bones instantly. The suddenness and pain throws Marco off course, wrenching back the Phoenix watches the logia warily, feeling his bones knit back together and marvels at how Ace had literally disarmed him from raw strength alone.
“Bet you didn’t see that comin’ huh.” Ace sneers, rolling his previously captive shoulder, Marco feels lightheaded at the sight of him standing, regardless of his wounds, the blood in his eyes. He loves him—it’s an error on his part, Ace took his lapse in concentration as an opening, slams into the blonde bodily, taking them both down into flaming sand. Marco hisses as he feels his back get sliced up by the hot glass and Ace leers at him from his perch on his stomach.
“Hurts doesn’t it?” Ace runs his bruised fingers over the curve of Marco’s throat, his blunt nails dig into his arteries meanly when the Phoenix attempts to throw him off.
“Hey. None of that now.” Ace murmurs condescendingly, hands turning to black unyielding steel when Marco attempts to flicker back and forth between his human, hybrid and full phoenix forms. The logia utilises his brute strength and haki to keep him pinned as he likes. Marco feels all the blood flee from his brains to fill his groin when Ace licks his lips, bares his sharp ivory teeth in show.
“You’re mine.” Ace growls and Marco has no choice but to submit when the force of the logia’s haki lays him flat, pulverises him into the silty ground, the looser sands vibrate under the pressure and Marco fights the heat liquifying his insides, grits his teeth against the ringing swelling sensation inside his head, he can’t breathe, he can barely think actually—squinting against the terrifying pulse of conquerors haki, Marco seizes up as he meets the other man’s gaze, loses it completely at the way steel eyes pierce through him as if he was worth nothing at all, and to Ace, Marco is truly at his mercy, pinned beneath his will of kings, a lowly subject begging to be consumed for his conquest
And just like that the force subsides and Marco chokes around the first clean inhales of sweet air when Ace closes in on him, his mouth, lips and hands hotter than molten iron consume him in an instant. He protests briefly and when Ace grabs him by the scalp and jaw both he submits to the wicked tongue pressing into his mouth, their kiss remains deep and fierce and full of blood
Releasing Marco at last, Ace wheezes out a painful laugh, his gaze blurs over and he surges back in for another helping, this time Marco meets him in the middle, frantically pawing at the buckle of the logia’s belt, urging him on, the prolonged fight had only forced them into the next best thing, and Marco would be damned if he didnt fuck Ace into the dirt right about now
“Yeah yeah—“ Ace moans, shoving down the thick fabric of his shorts to pull out his dick, fully hard like Marco and immediately beginning to rut against his abs, Marco bucks him off, rolls them both over until he’s got the younger commander caged between his elbows
“—Again?” The Phoenix whispers, full lips brushing against the logia’s blood sticky ones, smirks against the full gasp that trembles out between them.
“Again.” Ace agrees and the wall of flames extinguishes instantly as Marco pins Ace down for the nth time today.
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ac-disastrous · 2 years
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Video of Tama
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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ac-disastrous · 2 years
Ughhhhhhh my hearttttt
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accidentally seeing you in your wedding dress before the wedding
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↳ timeskip!suna, semi, akaashi
↳ wedding brainrot is competing with the baby fever rn :o
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• even though you had facetimed her many many times to ask for her opinion on every single dress, suna’s sister still ordered told you to come over to the family house to show her which one you had chosen
• since suna was living with you now, nothing and no one would interrupt you, except maybe his mom who was supposed to get off from work earlier than usual today
• which is why you weren’t surprised to hear the front door open around 5pm. suna’s sister even shouted that you guys were in the living room...
• except it wasn’t her mom...
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“get out” suna breathed out when he entered the living room, obviously addressing his sister yet still staring at you, “now”.
you had spent enough time with the two siblings to know that this question would’ve led to a fight if the situation hadn’t been so special. but suna’s tone was too categorical for her to even try to protest...
“look at you...” he smiled with wonder as he walked up to you, “so goddamn beautiful”.
“but rin, the surprise is ruined” you looked down, still trying your best to cover any fabric detail he might not have seen yet.
he clicked his tongue in disapproval, grabbing your hands to take them off of the dress and finally get to fully admire you. “nothing is ruined as long as i get to officially call you mine in exactly ten days and...” he looked at his watch, “...three hours”
a soft smile spread on your lips, matching his, as you leaned in for a kiss that you didn’t think would last so long... “you’re right” you chuckled when you parted, bringing your hand to his cheek, “besides, we still don’t know each other’s vows”.
eyebrows raised, he nervously scratched the back of his neck with a guilty chuckle, “oh, yeah... the vows...”.
your next words almost got stuck in your throat : “you didn’t write your vows yet?! rin! are you fucking kidding me?!”.
a lighthearted laugh bubbled out of his lips right before they met yours again for a shorter kiss : “you’re so naive, angel. i finished writing them a year ago” he assured you, pulling you a bit closer to him until you were just a few inches apart.
“‘finished’? when did you start?” you curiously asked, one hand resting on his chest. but the way he captured your lips a third time let you know that he didn’t feel like answering that...
after all, he couldn’t let you know that he came up with his very first vow right after your third date.
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• why did you suddenly feel the urge to try your dress on? it was a mystery
• but there you were - standing in front of your bedroom mirror while semi was playing in the basement
• the only problem is that you were so busy admiring the way the fabric fell perfectly on your body that you didn’t even notice he had stopped playing and was now walking up the stairs
• it’s hard to say which of you let out the loudest gasp when he entered the bedroom
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you let out a shriek, both because you got startled by the way the door suddenly opened (even though you were sure to have locked it) and because you realized what was happening.
“C-CLOSE YOUR EYES!” you exclaimed about five seconds too late. but he didn’t even move. “eita, close. your. eyes!”
he reluctantly put his hands over his eyes... but the gap between his fingers was more than obvious.
“baby come on, you can’t ask me to close my eyes when you’re standing there looking like this!” he protested, and eagerly walked up to you to put both hands on your cheeks “i know i said i’d marry you in sweatpants and a t-shirt, but... i think i changed my mind”.
his words made you chuckle as your hand quickly found its way to his - where one of his rings fit perfectly against yours. “i’m glad you like it” you smiled and kissed his slightly cold lips.
but your grin only grew bigger when you noticed the tip of his ears turning red. yet his voice was still confident when he told you : “like it? baby i’ve tried to imagine what you’d look like in your dress about a hundred times... and you didn’t even look that good in my wildest dreams. i love it”. tilting your chin up with the tip of his fingers, it was now his turn to kiss you as slowly as his heart desired to: “almost as much as i love you”.
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• the wedding date was getting closer, and you thought it’d be a good idea to check if the dress that you had bought five months ago still fit you
• akaashi wasn’t home so you didn’t risk anything,... but you got a bit too cocky and decided to use the living room’s mirror to take a few pictures
• little did you know that he had just come back from work and was currently in the kitchen, which gave onto the living room
• you froze, and so did he
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“i’m so sorry!” he apologized and forced himself to look away, « i should have told you i was home! »
it was tempting to go back upstairs and pretend like nothing had happened... but for some reason, you didn’t really feel that bothered by the idea of him seeing your dress before the ceremony.
“it’s okay keiji. actually... would you mind giving me your opinion?” you asked and spun around to let him see the dress from every angle.
allowing himself to look, his lips stayed parted for a few seconds - just enough for him to process the dreamy sight in front of him. but the hand he stretched towards your waist stopped before it could meet the silky fabric. “can i touch it? » he asked, knowing that it was a stupid question.
your only answer was to grab his hand and lay it on your waist yourself. he looked fascinated. “you’re... breathtaking. and i can’t believe that of all the people on earth, i'm the one who’s lucky enough to marry you”.
a few tears were already prickling the corner of your eyes - he was always the best at making you emotional. and what he said next didn’t make it better : “my suit’s in the trunk of my car. do you want to see it? you know... to make things fair”. you laughed as the first tear rolled down your cheek, before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“let’s keep this a surprise” you responded, voice muffled by your mouth against his shoulders, “but i’m sure you look incredibly handsome in it”. just imagining him with these clothes was enough to make you tighten your embrace. but not as much as picturing him on the altar did.
breaking the hug, you noticed that his face was now bright red. your soon-to-be husband could do many things, but handling compliments wasn’t one of them...
“i love you so much” he still managed to articulate, giving another glance at your dress « and i wouldn't want to give my last name to anyone but you » he finished with one last kiss on your golden ring.
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TAGLIST : @toworuu @catwithangerissues @ughgojo @livy384 @k0u-minamo2 @fullsundear @hsjvwq @melluv @hiraeth-z @velvetvirgos @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner @47meow @japanesevenom @geektastic84 @noir-blanches-blog @idontlikeyourjob @seiri-ami @atiny-grl-with-luv @admiringlove @nachotrash @kellesvt @aintyourholy @Moonlaeli @catchmewiddershins @duhsies @devilgirlcrybabiey @crystal-lilac @ijustwantfreenetflix @miw0 @maitenight @xomiya @shoyotime @borealis-tristesse @lilliansis @succulentmom @akkeyomi @koifish69 @itachislut
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ac-disastrous · 2 years
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OC: Guren Bakugou!!
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ac-disastrous · 2 years
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