agapeima · 27 days
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agapeima · 27 days
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my faith is weak, i need his strength
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agapeima · 27 days
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agapeima · 27 days
Teenagers sick day.
My poor baby is so sick. She got up in the morning and didn’t even realize she was sick until she went to her bf’s house who was also really sick. She called me to tell me she had food poisoning. She came home half an hour later because she obviously couldn’t go to school. We sat and chatted about the weeks plans while I made her some tea. She wanted to borrow the car sometime this week to finish the water ballon wars shes a part of. Then she got cozy on the couch to play some video games and relax so she could recover. She was so considerate and avoided all her violent vomiting while anyone was home. Heck she avoided using the bathroom for the most part while we were home and we’ve been home most of the day! 
She kept her mind off her suffering body by chasing her chickens, even tried to give one a shower (they really don’t like to be handled much yet, she’s working on that with them). She found some old tree bark and put it in the food processor to try and make paper, she’s so creative. She was so exhausted though she couldn’t even manage to pick up the candy wrappers off the floor where she was snuggled watching her movies. Poor thing is just dying, she says so.
We had a little tiff about cleaning up after ones self because she did seem to be feeling better, she was all ready to run to the store because she wanted to bake something. That’s when she verbally reminded me of how horribly sick she was, but she did manage to drag herself out and pick up a little bit before she retreated to her room to paint on her canvases. 
She must have been famished because she was quick to the table for dinner. Steak, asparagus, mac and cheese and dinner rolls. Then she crawled off to her room to play on her computer. Who knew being so sick involved such a myriad of activities, I truly hope she feels better tomorrow.
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agapeima · 3 months
Mom's Snowday
What a chaotic morning. I seem to say that a lot. I am so blessed that my chaos is so full of love and compassion. It’s full of my favorite people rushing through the day all trying to better ourselves and each other. I could not be surrounded by a better group of people (though I may be a bit bias on that). So one of my young blessings has had a stall in her drive to volunteer. She just is a…
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agapeima · 4 months
Yes, I am a Green brother fan! So when I heard Hank mention the "how to adhd" page I had to check it out. Turns out the way it's done intrigued my 11 year old adhd girl. She was already hyper so I didn't think she'd even watch the whole thing but she loved it. The light that went on when she saw other people were just like her was awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6WCkTwW6xg
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agapeima · 4 months
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Feeling so blessed. I pray you are her Always and Forever <3
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agapeima · 4 months
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agapeima · 9 months
Where does the trash come from
I was fiercely passionate about this a while ago and seeing a graph of it just gets me back there. It's not about people it's about resources. Those that can manage their trash well end up with it not in the ocean, it comes down the mostly 3rd worlds that don't have those resources/manpower. Just something to think about.
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agapeima · 1 year
Summer chaos and blessings
These last few weeks have been nuts as I’m sure most people who have kids in school will agree. My eldest is in a JROTC program that hasn’t done much the last few months but decided to make up for it the last week of school. Events literally every day. Then the week after was full of struggles and blessings. Our summer usually involves weekly hikes, daily reading challenges, math and handwriting…
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agapeima · 1 year
Routine, Parenting, ND
I'm a little conflicted today. I know of a kid who's parents don't really get the ADHD thing. Like they just leave them alone to flounder and then get mad when they can't function on the level they think they should be. Mom was ecstatic that summer break is just around the corner. Mostly because she doesn't have to get the kids up for school anymore. I'm going out on a limb and say that is part of the problem. She will leave for days at a time year round for work, there is no routine, schedule, guidance.
One of the most important things a parent can do for a Neurodivergent kid is help them with their routine. Something that will help them thrive at school and in the workforce. Something as simple as going to bed at a certain time and getting up at a certain time is huge! These kids need a little more encouragement, examples, guided help.
And please remember as parents or mentors. How we speak to out young people tends to come back as their self talk. If you are constantly degrading them and putting them down, that's how their inner voice will most likely sound. We don't want that. Speak all things through love and healthy examples.
Be blessed y'all. Love well.
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agapeima · 1 year
DIY carpet cleaner
Well this was a project from yesterday. Needed to get the carpets done asap and it's a week till payday. One of my chickens had a runin with the dogs that made her quite sick. Lessons learned all around but now to clean up. Not to mention this stuff is a bit teuer. Glad to say that it does seem to work well as long as you keep the bubbles down.
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agapeima · 1 year
Home Hens
Trying this today. Growing some extra grains for the couple of backyard hens we've gotten. We've accumulated lots of dried beans through-out the years so lets see if any of them sprout.
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agapeima · 1 year
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Just don't get addicted to it! Relationships are the hardest because of this. I was in honeymoon mode for 5 years and then hit the crash. It wasn't anyone's fault. Just how my brain worked. With God and a beautiful community (and an extremally patient/stubborn) husband, we've made it 18 years. You have to regulate yourself!
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agapeima · 1 year
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I have to share this story. My 16 y.o. deals with ADHD and has gone through a long season of depression. She recently started dating a guy. I'm not sure what I think. I'm very protective because of the things she has gone through, but I'm trying to be supportive. It helps that he's supper sweet. Anyway, she's sick and can't see anyone today. I walk into her room this evening and find her cuddled up on her bed (with a blanket he gave her for christmas) and he's on speaker reading Bambi to her. She has always loved listening to stories. It just really touches my heart. He seems to 'get' her, in that special way. Nothing makes me so happy as to see her so happy. Thank you William.
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agapeima · 1 year
Preserving and DIY's of the day
Preserving and DIY’s of the day
Today is the first Monday of Christmas break for my kids. So no running around trying to get everyone out and off on time. Yay! I love the busy sounds of my kids at home. It just makes life better. We started off by tossing our chickens left over scraps. Score 1 for the zero waste movement. Then started digging out the fire pit to add ash to the garden for spring. But it’s too dang cold so I’ll…
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agapeima · 2 years
Lets do it!
Kids have been back in school for a month. What a crazy adventure that is in of itself. I miss homeschooling, online school had it’s ups and downs and full public is often little more than a glorified baby sitter for the most part. Which is why we still do some stuff at home that I doubt they get much of at school. But that’s for another day. This past few weeks have found me in the see it and…
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