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Though I am an effective freelance U.S. Army military police corps soldier, comunity safety and law enforcement is the whole purpose of government. The Army nor the people in any comunity must be protected. It is the good will of our forces to have and maintain a safe and moral society. I have been working on these terrible problems since I was four years old. I have been undercover as a "narc" against pedophilia and pederasty and general coruption my whole life and found many disturbing things with indiviuals and human culture in part and as a whole. I file regular and frequent reports on all suspicious, criminal and critical psychiatric problems amongst us as part of my regular work. I am sorry for not answering more directly. I am not in charge of schedules, yet I will provide you the words given to me as a child by my family and the F.B.I. and army personel over the years to describe the delay: "stakeout", "entrapment" and a socioligical, psychiatric profiling, societal professional God entangled review of human problems amidst the problems in continuance for full education civilization developmental learning and clear perspective for humanity's overall growing evolutionary development into a true aware and awake civilized species. I want it over soon myself and am presuring the government and God to do so imediately; and have been comunicating this urgency since 2018, when I began my open public ministry as Prophet of God as a homeless person in Riverside County California. I am at your service for all humankind. ,Nune Beshuss M. Polite
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Greetings Terra and Terrans,
Reject evil in all its forms and you will be happy.
Reject evil in every way.
Reject bad things.
Embrace gentleness.
Embrace kindness.
Embrace goodness and choose morality like these laws on purpose.
Know the strength in being brave and honorable in the perfection of Life.
Welcome to Terra Nova,
The Light of your goodness that lasts forever.
Be a healthy body and only choose to be good, no matter what happens.
Insist on goodness.
Insist on morality.
Insist on compassion.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Emperor Nün is good and not evil.
You all are good when you adhere to good moral LAW just as Nün has written here.
You are not able to and most certainly not allowed and you must deny the urge to refute the Morality of these laws;
Nün says,
“The book of LAW : by Nün with the help of God”
written by and typed by Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite born human to Virginia Marie Polite.
These LAW I write is for you to read as it is and not rewrite it, I wrote them for all of us and you and me and everyone in between.  If you do not respect that and change it to learn or gain special alternatives to Truth without acknowledging them as they are and read them accordingly as scripture, your life scripture is ripped to incompletion and the self inflicted damage of abuse you have endured by you abusing me yourself again will leave you lost and wounded. Please leave the LAW unhindered by your reinterpretations in interest to gain, you can gain no advantage by plagiarism or graffiti, please join me in respecting yourself enough to learn from them as I do learn from you not changing you yet always seeing the perfection of All Universe in and as you so long as love is the reign of Self you choose not to deny when you meet me as I meet you in perfect respect, unconditional love and total morality grounded in discipline and responsibility.  Please read the LAW as is written and know I mean business to serve and help your beloved interest in Life over death and misery.
I love you just the way you are and in no other way than perfect Morality. Shape up or you have to ship out.
I am determined to ensure that Unconditional Love is the only Life we value in all the dark of infinite Space.
Michael Nün Polite,
Good Moral Reality,
the Law of Humanity
Unconditional Love
“The logical outcome of your decision to learn what unconditional love is as expressed in these laws is perfectly clear when you choose to follow these laws of unconditional love over any other way.”
There are no solutions found in pain, misery, or suffering. Morality is the discipline of Unconditional Love.
You must choose these laws of morality written here over everything else in the Universe.
Unconditional Love in full Morality is Always the guiding Spirit we are that shapes all good laws here and everywhere.
All life is Pro Life.
Never think sexually about anyone under age fourteen.
Never try to have sex with angels.
Following these laws of life is the Good God for the good of all people.
Meditation is the key to perfect power in discipline that leads to the awareness of unconditional love without the God.
Knowing strength through basic meditation.
Evolve with meditation to know the true power in being human.
Never lie or you die inside and your soul goes sad and gets mangled by any action or words or please no mental activity that moves against or opposes these moral laws.
Train your whole human self to be the God Unconditional Love.  Be only moral and kind or you will just be a rabid animal who destroys your own happiness.
Do not soil God’s creation.
Follow these laws religiously or you will suffer from your own disobedience against the life these laws protect.
We value education with wisdom.
Sharing your wealth is morally good for you and the person you are helping.
Sharing your abundance is the right thing to do.
Total commitment to monogamy for all people is our value.
Absolutely no prostitution of any kind.
Prostitution is evil it defames the person enslaved by it and harms them terribly.
Prostitution is forbidden.
Do not molest anyone.
Do not molest children.
Do not fondle children.
Do not caress children!
Do not touch your children except in emergencies.
Do not sleep with children it makes them abused and suffering in weakness.
Do not sleep side by side with children.
Do not shower nor bathe with children.
Do not smother children with affection.
Human children are strong only when they are secure in their body from all forms of smothering.
Give all children plenty of space and respect.
Children are Powerful so do not conversate with them.
Children are powerful life just as you and I are so always show respect and consideration of who they are.
Children’s language center is not higher than about a kindergarten level until fifth grade.
Young people do not speak much language all the way into early adulthood until about age twenty one to age twenty two.
Human’s have a language center that stays third grade to fourth grade until age twenty one to age twenty five.
Everyone is happiest marrying someone their own age within one or two years a difference.
Marriage is a lifelong monogamous commitment and contract of solidarity between, one man and one woman who are heterosexual.  Between one man and one man who are homosexual.  Between one woman and one woman who are homosexual.
Homosexual couples are biologically unable to reproduce as they are the same gender male and male or female and female.  They are not romantically nor biologically compatible with the opposite sex.
Marriage is only between two adult persons age eighteen even if they met before which is best and most joyful no sooner to know each other than age fourteen.
Marriage is the best form of human romantic relationships where the two individuals who choose to get married to one another control their urges to stay loyal and devoted to each other and the moral nature of our species and the morality of life and unconditional love without failing to honor one another in bravery and civic responsibility.
Rape is evil.
Sexual manipulations are forbidden.
War weapons are not allowed.
Only the moral loving armies of humanity are permitted to stay strong with weapons to defend against invasions against life and our security in Unconditional Love and good moral safety.
No narcotics of any kind.
No street drugs of any kind.
No harmful medications.
No sex with children.
Stop complaining or you make a hell of earth for everyone.
You will not be allowed to violate the sanity of humanity by being cruel as if you were the God of some negative interpretation.
No body over seventeen is allowed to have sex with teenagers lest you be rude and selfish.
This must be clear, age fourteen years of age is where humans reach full most powerful human sexual complete development, they are both most ready to begin their adventure in living moral lives of honesty and discipline and who are to journey towards marriage and discipline they learn from themselves and their observation of the animal kingdom.
No sex with adolescence unless you are the one they are marrying.
Always make sure you marry someone close enough in age to you for you two lovers to be happiest and content with morality and romance.
No exploitation of children or any people in anyway whatsoever with music, in song, on television and certainly not on the internet.
No images of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet.
No photographs of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet.
No videos of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet also known as the world wide web or webnet.
Do only good and speak against evil and corruption like your life depends on it.
No slavery of any kind.
Never be mean to animals.
Always correct your own mistakes.
Always get help from moral people to make up the difference in wisdom and education.
No infringing on the rights of children.
No infringing on the value of children.
No infringing on the personhood of children.
No infringing on the rights of adolescents.
No infringing on the value of adolescents.
No infringing on the personhood of adolescents.
No infringing on the rights of adults.
No infringing on the value of adults.
No infringing on the personhood of adults.
No infringing on the rights, value nor personhood of any being or sentient.
Helping out whoever is needing help from poverty or homelessness is the purpose of governments throughout the megaverse.
No war ever.
No promiscuity.
No infidelity.
No adultery.
No foul language.
No murder.
No rape.
No stealing.
No fighting.
No child abuse.
No talking to children except for instruction and concise wisdom instructions or occasional checking in and always to be courteous and respectful as though they are your future great king or queen of perfection in discipline and mastery over which unconditional love always reigns so long as they are devoted to morality and wisdom.
Everyone gets to be courteous.
Being courteous is good.
Loving moral discipline is good for all people.
No incest.
No frightening children or young people.
No frightening of any human or animal.
No evil use of language.
No facetious use of words.
No frivolous use of language.
No cheating.
Absolutely no lying nor deceiving it is immoral and unhealthy.
No harming of anyone.
No sex outside marriage.
No sex outside of marriage commitment.
Total commitment to monogamy.
Never find a way to be immoral of your own free will.
Share of your monies to those with less cash.
Abundance is the virtue of life and austerity is the principle of disciplined learning for strength of character and body.
Never be harsh to people learning how to become wise.
Never lie to anyone.
Speak only in slowed methodical and casual accuracy in full non evasive honesty and sincerity.
Lying destroys your morality.
Never work to learn how to deceive.
Refuse to tell lies about human nature.
No polluting technologies.
No needless tools or machines.
No experiments on humans.
No experiments on animals.
Zero tolerance of evil in any form.
Elohim demands you be kind or else it’s over for you and you will falter in your perfection and The God will awaken to protect the good and moral and it will get messy against evil.
No radioactive elements period.
Continue to search and research into a replacement for rubber.
No use of animals for rubber.
No use of whale blubber.
No fossil fuels.
No harmful wireless technology.
All wireless technology is harmful.
Return to wired hard line technology only, for everything including radio.
Refuse to play games with people’s minds.
Free medical care for everyone.
Never disrespect your body nor anyone else’s.
Never be rude.
Do not be inconsiderate.
Always defend the truth of beauty and morality and always be a friend of life and love.
Be patient with everyone for the good of all people unless they are being evil or rude.
Heaven is the choice we must make Always and Forever perfect as Unconditional Love in perfect Morality, Love, Peace and Joy are the foundation of a good world and a happy God.
Learn and understand how to be patient and kind to everyone except The Lord God Elohim.
Be patient with patience.
Never be selfish.
Always accept good help when it is offered.
Stay safe from harm right away.
Respect your privacy.
Respect everyone else’s privacy.
Always be committed to learning and wisdom.
Do not engage in talk rearing damage to children.
Mandatory adult participation in government.
Everyone must work to get along in common sense and harmony.
Respect for Morality and goodness will bring you the divinity of your spiritual Self the Only Spirit You are who is not the God, for you are the Supreme Being called Unconditional Love at your heart of hearts, the arm of compassion for All True Power is you.
Never fail to nurture a passion for fairness and loving kindness.
Be only good and insist on morality.
Serve only Unconditional Love and Total Morality.
Always be respectful and never compromise unconditional love.
Always be respectful and never compromise morality.
Always be respectful and never betray goodness.
Only value goodness and morality in the auspices of unconditional love and safety.
Be always safe in morality, discipline and human justice to the strength of compassion and patience.
Never be tricky or conniving.
Leave the God out of your interpretations and insist only on Unconditional Love and Moral Discipline no matter what.
Always insist on following the ways of unconditional love as they are written here.
The Deity is the only first cause and Elohim is outer SpACe not us humans.
Never think against good moral wisdom instructions.
Have freedom from preoccupation with death by learning and doing the death yoga, first and foremost with daydreaming and book study, playing pretend before age seven, daydreaming pg before age fifteen and starting formal practice of the death yoga at age fifteen as you are ready.
No fossil fuels.
No immortality cults.
You must do the death yoga for liberation and the transcendence that leads you to enlightenment.
Please drink milk to be healthy.
Please eat good cheese like gouda and mozzarella and monterrey jack to learn what is best in dairy.
Please be respectful of yourself and all people.
Humans do well with a good, loving and moral leader who is strong and devoted to humanity in humility, intelligence, compassion, strength and the zealotry to ensure religious and moral purity even by making all necessary corrections to self and others with the help of LORD Elohim’s Power keeping all governments moral and responsible, busy and productive.
We all find the fact that unconditional love is what these laws is designed to protect and express as moral responsibility and is the only truth that matters to describe true law for homo sapiens and sentient life everywhere.
We are the Life of Love worth protecting.
Every human is wonderful and Beautiful, only when moral and kind will this be true for you.
Every human is Wonderful and Beautiful.
You are the Beauty of God.
Eavesdropping on humans and animals is immoral and unacceptable.
We are good at learning as a human being, you are not The God and you never will be and neither will I.
Welcome to Terra Nova, the Empire of Humanity
Human beings are good and wonderful so please know you are welcome to help everyone around you understand what these laws mean by these laws alone, unconditional love and morality, and help others learn how to ensure this world stays ruled by unconditional love through learning and discipline in morality and the trust that is built from devotion to Morality the spiritual fullness in understanding how Unconditional Love itself has the Power to change even a God into Perfection so that we humans understand these laws as the supreme religion of Terra Nova.
Obey these laws of life and you will prosper and know wellness.
Unconditional Love is our birthright.
All are born innocent unless evil takes it away, always defend the innocent and moral against the decay of morality.
All individuals created human by God are the unconditional and loving spirit of beauty that finds joy in doing good in full morality and the perfection of love.
You Are God and God is still The God that we are most certainly not,
Unconditional Love Only Now and Forever.
All success in life comes from love, peace and joy, discipline and personal responsibility and creativity and silent quietude and the strength of Unconditional Love grounded in the Truth of Life is always wanting to be safe, whole and beautiful, invested in the pleasure of good living and moral responsibility.
Unconditional Love
This is our Home and Earth by any other name is Terra Nova for all the universe that lives by our Reign in Majesty.
Learn your wisdom and mental strength from The Torah The Five Books of Moses and The Tanakh, also known as The Holy Scriptures of the Jewish People by the Jewish Publication Society.  Christianity and the new testament are a false religion with flawed mythological themes of demonism and imaginary sorcery language.  
Morality is logical and scientifically the same thing as the science of mind and body, all life recognizes this Truth.
Be safe and Be kind human.
Organized by Emperor Nün, the Reverend Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite
born Abdul-Rahman son of Virginia
with the power of LORD Elohim, the One and Only True God, smile, you are in good hands.
Powered by Journey Diary.
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Todays date and time is thus now: 11.4.2020 C.E. Wednesday November 4, 2020 23:09 Military Time, and We are almost out of humanity...
#AllLivesMatter Watch him closely... genetic experiments "#GMO"'s, cloning, radio-wave "bisMortality!!, youth problems, diaper changes in materials, new plastics, t.v. signal "improvements or broadband expansionist-demonology. and several more ongoing secret lab works... 🙃
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What does this mans face look like? Could you draw me a picture in pencil? Thank you. Beshuss your friend Abdule. 11.1.20
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Insist on compassion.
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Embrace gentleness.
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Reject evil in every way.
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Earth Final Conflict 0102 Truth
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4.27.2020 2:27 A.M. Pacific Ocean California Time -8 hours from England Greewich Meen Time London @CENTCOM sent by PV2 Abdule Polite Military Police of Fort Leavenworth #COVID19
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You are your own person.
You, the individual, belong only to yourself.
Voices of confusion,
must be ignored.
Remember to meditate.
Take yourself to private time,
and feel your body.
You will be stronger.
Less noise equals more life.
Notice the trees around you.
You are your own person.
You, the individual, belong only to yourself.
Voices of confusion,
must be ignored.
Remember to meditate.
Take yourself to private time,
and feel your body.
You will be stronger.
Less noise equals more life.
Notice the trees around you.
I teach buddhist practice. And I teach psychology, linguistics, & I specialize in religious law.
Are you propsering, and keeping healthy?
I reach out to help people be their own strong self. You can messege me anytime. A secure, happy person only follows their heart. Never violate your nature, you know what your nature is. Never be with the wrong gender. True love is real. Do not compromise your body.
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The violence of the wicked sweeps them away, For they refuse to act justly.
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myself: PV2 Abdule Rockman Polite [ Nün ]
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