cowboylikelyric · 11 days
would you all be interested in some hockeyrry???
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cowboylikelyric · 16 days
In love with crystal!! I’m excited to see where you’ll take this story!! Are you thinking short story? Or a full fledged fic?
im so glad you loved it! i was thinking of making it a short little series, something i’d come back to every now and again if everyone likes it enough!
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cowboylikelyric · 16 days
welcome to cowboylikelyric's masterlist!
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hi everyone! i'm lyric and i write everything that goes on in my insane brain. this is where i am going to put all of my writing so that no one has to scroll through my entire page.
i will update as i upload!
too much wine
Camilla and Fallon's girls night takes a steamy turn as they discuss relationships and desires over wine. With Camilla's guidance, Fallon explores her attraction to women, leading to a passionate encounter witnessed by Camilla's fiancé, Harry. Their night of passion brings them closer together, blurring boundaries and igniting newfound desires.
riding lessons
Where a tense Harry gives riding lessons to some you would have never expected. When jealousy takes over, Harry reassures you of his love.
Harry, a serious journalist, is taken to Club Chrome and becomes captivated by a dancer named Clara, known on stage as Crystal. Despite feeling out of place, Harry's flirtation leads to a deep connection and an invitation to walk her home. Their chemistry intensifies, revealing a side of Harry that contrasts with his usual nature.
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cowboylikelyric · 16 days
crystal (journalist!harry x gogo dancer)
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Summary: Harry, a serious journalist, is taken to Club Chrome and becomes captivated by a dancer named Clara, known on stage as Crystal. Despite feeling out of place, Harry's flirtation leads to a deep connection and an invitation to walk her home. Their chemistry intensifies, revealing a side of Harry that contrasts with his usual nature.
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving)
A/N: i know this isn't harry x reader but it was something that i really loved writing and i hope that you guys enjoy reading it. it isn't something that i've ever read before so i hope that you love it. let me know if you enjoy this because i'm thinking about making it a series.
April 10, 1962
I step into Club Chrome and immediately I feel a heat rush over me. People crowd everywhere around and Will nudges at my back to push me further in. 
“C’mon, man,” He takes a grab at my shoulder and directs me toward the bar, “I needed a drink yesterday.” Will wears his shirt barely buttoned and his corduroy flares tight to his thighs. His hair looks like he hasn’t styled it in a week. I look down at my brown suit and tie with my quaffed hair. I’m completely in the wrong environment. I follow William to the bar, not aching for a drink in the slightest. 
“Let me get two Old Fashioneds.” He slaps his money on the bar top and turns to watch the stage, or hanging platform rather.
The lights blare on the high stage, twinkling against the dancers. Do You Love Me by The Contours is the soundtrack to the three dancers' moves. Two of the girls stay in cages as they dance to the beat, while one of the girls remains free swaying her hips devilishly. She wears a silver bodysuit with glittery fringe dangling against the very tops of her thighs. She’s electric as she grabs one of the bars of the other girl's cages, slowly dropping her body down it.
William slaps my side. “What a fox, am I right?” He points to where she shimmies in her knee high gogo boots. Will hands me a drink, “You’re welcome, stud.”
My brows pull together in confusion. “And what exactly would I be thanking you for?”
“Getting your ass out here tonight.”
Sighing, I stretch against the office chair and drop my pen on my desk. I grab my mug and take a sip of my coffee, trying to find any motivation in the world. 
At 7:30, I hear my apartment door slam shut, shortly followed by the yell of my best friend.
“In the office, like every other time, Will!” His footsteps track toward the room until he’s standing at my doorway. He sees my notebook on my desk and that I’m still in my work clothes, his expression automatically dropping.
“Does work turn you on or something?” He shakes his head. “‘Cause I just don’t get your constant need to fuck your social life over.”
I turn my back to him, “Some people like to pay their rent, unlike you William.” 
“Oh, my rent’s paid, Harold,” Not my name, “The ladies pay real nice.” He winks at me.
“Even better, “ I smile with sarcasm, “You’re a whore and a jobless loser.” Sadly, this doesn’t even discourage him, instead he just smirks.
“Being a man of the night, while uncommon, is still a job, Harry.” Yeah, my best friend’s a prostitute. Where have I gone wrong? “Besides the point, you need to get out of that chair and go somewhere that exercises your sex life.”
“I’m not practicing your lewd ways, Will.” I drink the rest of my coffee. “And even if I did want to leave the house, I’m not going because I need sex.” Sex wouldn’t hurt.
Will scoffs, “Well, then get your ass up for a drink, you look tense.” I grind my teeth. It’s not respectable to punch your best friend, it’s not respectable to punch your best friend. 
“If I go, will you shut up?” A smirk paints his face again. Impossible. He nods quickly. I point past the doorway. “Fine, but get out.”
“Perfect, I’ll be here at midnight.” He slaps his own ass before leaving.
“Jesus Christ.”
“Whatever,” I scoff. I take a sip of the drink and feel the burn down my throat. I don’t fancy drinking, but I suppose some whiskey won’t hurt. Drifting closer to the stage, I leave Will behind. If I’m here against my will, I’m at least gonna try and enjoy it.
The lady on the stage’s eyes scan the crowd while everyone continues to dance and pay no mind to the beauty of the women on the platform. But when she finally meets my eyes, there’s a spark and my stomach drops. A wicked smile graces her face and she tiptoes herself to the edge of the platform.
She shouts down from her spot, “And who might you be?!” The corner of my mouth ticks up.
“Harry!” I yell up to her. She stops her dancing, which saddens me a bit, but she begins talking to me instead.
“You new around these parts, Harry?! Don’t think I’ve seen ya before!” I can’t stop focusing on the way the light bounces off her incredible body suit. She sits herself on the edge of the platform, coming closer so that we don’t have to shout.
“No,” I admit, “This just isn’t my scene.” 
She laughs. “Baby, this is anyone’s scene once you’ve had a few drinks.” She extends her hand out to me. “Clara, but everyone here knows me as Crystal.”
I take her hand in mine and shake it. “Like Clara Bow.” Her smile twinkles.
I point to her fellow dancers beside her. “How come they don’t put you in a cage?” This sinister smirk spreads across her face at my question.
“Nobody puts Crystal in a cage.” Just the way she says it sparks something within me, making me want to reach forward and pull her off that stage and take her home. Clara runs her hands across the bedazzled fringe that covers her thighs. “How could I shimmer behind bars?”
“That’s a good question.” I reach and grab the heel of her white boot. “I guess we’ll never know.”
She smiles. “I like you, Harry.” Clara pokes my dimple that makes a rare appearance. “You’re different from these other fellas.”
“Oh yeah?” I hand my drink to her and let her take a sip of it. She hums and nods. “And how’s that?”
“Well, for starters, most of them are the fuzz and they’re all trying to cheat on their wives.” Then her eyebrows raise. “Please say you aren’t married,” Clara grabs my hand, “don’t be all show and no go, Harry.” 
I raise my left hand and wiggle my bare ring finger. “Nothing to worry about.” She lets out a sigh of relief.
“Phew,” Clara pretends to wipe sweat from her brow, “I didn’t want to have to shoot you down.” I chuckle and she sets my drink down beside her on the stage. “What do ya say we cut outta here?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be dancing?” She places her hands on my shoulders, beginning to slide off of the high stage. I grab her waist and bring her safely to the ground. 
“They won’t mind.” She grabs my hand and starts pulling me further into the club. At some point, I lock eyes with Will and he sees Clara, offering me a wink. When I look back at her, Clara’s blinding me with a smile as she pulls me. “Hurry! Hurry!”
“Why in such a hurry?!” My shoulders keep knocking against others as we finally approach this door in the back of the club. 
“Time is of the essence, Harry!” She pushes the door open and the cold air outside slaps us. Clara finally quits her pulling and lets the door shut behind us, leaving us outside. She reaches her hands up to grab my face, pointing it down toward her. “Why haven’t you kissed me yet, Harry?”
My breath catches in my throat. I rest my hands on her hips and press my forehead to hers. “Wasn’t sure you wanted me to.”
“Of course I want you to.” She presses her lips to mine and my tense body automatically relaxes. I pull her in closer by her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck. Her lips taste like cherries, making me groan.
“Taste so good.” I growl as her tongue skates across my lips, getting access to my mouth. She moans against my lips and I feel the sound in my cock. I try to gently back her up against the brick wall of the building, lifting her leg to wrap around my waist as I grind my hips forward. Clara gasps at the feeling, pulling away from the kiss. She has that sweet as sin smile on her face again.
“We shouldn’t do this out here.” She pushes at my chest before sneaking around me and walking forward along the sidewalk. “Now be a gentleman and walk me home, Harry.” Clara looks back over her shoulder. “Maybe you’ll get lucky.”
I jog up to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder as we continue to walk in the cold night. In return, she wraps her arm around my waist. 
“So what does a man like you do for work, Harry?” I notice how she likes to say my name at the end of every sentence. It makes me smile. 
“I’m a journalist.” When she looks up at me, Clara gives me an amused look. “I know, go ahead. Call me a square. Will does all the time.”
She shakes her head. “No, you aren’t a square. It just makes perfect sense.” She leans to press a quick kiss on my shoulder. “Who’s Will?” 
“The bane of my existence.” Her brows scrunch in confusion. I offer her a smirk. “Kidding. Unfortunately, William’s my best friend.” 
Clara giggles beside me. “And what does Will do that’s so much more exciting than journalism?” 
I clear my throat, not expecting her to ask that question. “He’s, um, a… man of the night per say.” My cheeks burn as if I’m talking of myself. Her brows rise a touch before she bursts out in laughter at the color of my cheeks I assume. 
“Why so flustered, Harry?” I watch as she shivers just a touch. I peel my suit jacket off of my shoulders and drape it over hers before holding her again as we walk.
“Not sure.” I look down and her beauty strikes me in the gut. “You just make me so nervous.”
When she tips her head up to catch my eyes again, something in her gaze digs so deep into my soul. “Well, you make me feel brand new.”
“Brand new?” Clara nods. “In what way?” She stops walking and turns to face me.
“No part of you seems to be bothered by my work.” Her dancing. 
“That’s because I’m not.” I grab her cheek and bring my nose to hers. “Your dancing amazes me.” Her eyes sparkle.
“That.” She emphasizes. “You’ve just made me brand new.” Clara pecks me quickly before looking past my shoulder. “This is mine.” 
I turn around and try my hardest to not let my jaw drop at the house before me. No, the mansion in front of me. 
“Yeah, trust me, I get it.” I look back at her and she nods at my expression. 
“This place is…” 
“I know.” She looks down at her feet. “I live alone.” She pulls my arm to follow her up her driveway. Clara sighs. “Daddy doesn’t really approve of my work, so he pays for me to live somewhere separate.”
“You live alone?” I could never live in a place like this all on my own. Too much of everything and not enough people. She nods softly. 
“Yeah, it has its ups and downs.” When we reach the front door she turns back to me and presses her lips to mine quickly in a soft manner before turning back to lead me inside. I feel a flush on my face at her gesture. 
“What are the ups?” I ask, not seeing how it could possibly be enjoyable to live in a house this big all on my own.
A wicked smirk spread on her face. “I get to be as loud as I like and no one can hear.” She wiggles her brows in a suggestive gesture. 
My cheeks heat as we enter the house and I have to stop myself from gasping. Above us is a large, glittering chandelier and around us is a space larger than my entire apartment. 
But when I look back down to Clara, she’s looking up at me with the same expression. 
“What?” I ask. She shakes her head with a smirk.
Taking a firm grip of my shirt, she pulls me into her. “Nothing. Now kiss me you hunk.”
And of course I can’t say no. I grab her chin harshly and pull her lips to smash into mine. Clara moans against my lips as I migrate my hands to her hips and then her ass, squeezing.
She sheds my suit jacket from her shoulders before running her hands all over my body, all while kissing me. Clara began pulling me toward the couch, pushing me onto it. Before I know it, she's climbing onto my lap and connecting our lips again.
Clara takes complete control over me, and I can’t say that I hate any of it. In fact, I think that it’s making my cock throb even more. 
Her fingers work at the buttons of my shirt as she presses continuous searing kisses on my lips. As soon as she’s got it unbuttoned, she’s throwing it behind her. However, she pulls from the kiss, groaning, when she realizes I’ve got on an undershirt.
“Are you trying to kill me, Harry?” She giggles into my shoulder. 
“Never,” I say, sitting back a bit to peel the tank top over my head, tossing it beside me. “Better?” 
Clara bites her lip with a smile, nodding, “Much.” She runs her fingers over my abdomen, a darkness tinting her eyes. They run all the way up my chest until her fingers grab at my chin, tilting my head to look at her. 
Her eyes are this intense shade of blue that I’m sure only exists in the deep depths of the ocean. They punch me in the gut, rendering me speechless. 
Clara smirks at the look on my face, I’m sure. She then takes my hands and leads them to her back where there’s a zipper waiting for me.
“Be a doll and unzip me, would you?” I nod like a helpless puppy, running my fingers over her skin before reaching for the zipper and slowly trailing it down her spine.Once it’s down far enough, I slide my fingers to the straps, slipping them down her shoulders. Clara helps me out, tugging down the front of the bodysuit, rendering me speechless as her breasts come into view. 
Her tits sit up nice in front of me, her nipples flushed and hard as I reach for them. “So pretty, baby,” I whisper as I pinch her nipple between my calloused thumb and pointer finger.
A sweet moan leaves her lips, making me yearn for more noises. I lean forward and bring my tongue to her chest, licking my way all around her one tit, still using my fingers to stimulate the other. My lips wrap around her nipple, sucking in hopes of hearing more of her pretty noises.
“Harry,” A gasp leaves her throat as she tangles her fingers in my hair. 
“What is it, baby?” I tease before switching my mouth to her other nipple. Her hips have a mind of their own as they begin grinding against mine, causing me to groan against her. Clara uses her hands that are in my hair to pull me from her chest. 
Taking them out of my curls, she uses her hands to push herself off of the couch, before pulling her bodysuit the rest of the way down her body and stepping out of it. My cock twitches as I get sight of her fully naked body, the only thing left on her body is her gogo boots.
I reach forward and grasp the back of her upper thigh, pulling her directly in front of the couch. She looks down with a genuine smile, her hands resting on the sides of my face. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I whisper. 
She snickers, “Quite the language you’ve got there.”
I shrug, “Can’t contain myself around someone as stunning as yourself.”
It was sweet, if you wanted to know the truth. The way we sat here in this comfortable silence after meeting only an hour prior. Sweet and sultry. 
Clara takes my hand and pulls me from the couch, before turning her back to me and leading me through her house. It gives me the perfect opportunity to lower my eyes to her perfectly rounded ass. The way she sways her hips as she walks leads me to believe she knows exactly what she’s doing. I can barely pay attention to where I’m going with that thing in my face.
“Right here,” Clara drags me out of my daze as we enter what I assume is her bedroom. It’s a spacious room with not much in it beside a large bed pressed against the wall, an armoire, and a side table. “It’s not much I know, but I don’t need much.” 
I look at her with a smile, placing my hands on her hips, and pressing my forehead to hers. “You know, it’s funny that you say that, because neither do I. Just need you in this moment.” And because I’m too impatient, I lock my lips with hers and begin pushing us in the general vicinity of the bed. Eventually we make it there and Clara tips back as her calves hit the edge. She laughs and pulls from the kiss, pushing herself up the bed. I kick off my shoes and shed my trousers before following after her.
She rests back on her shoulders, her chest rising as she breathes deeply. I unzip her boots and throw them beside the bed. I sit on my knees and rest on my calves as I let my eyes run up and down her dancer body. 
“Hey, baby?” The word makes my heart jump.
She drags her foot down my chest to my boxers that hold back my very evident erection. “M’feelin needy.”
I grab her ankle and crawl closer to her, wrapping her leg around my hip. I offer her a faux pout, “Need me do somethin’ about it, baby?” 
Clara nods. I smirk and take her hips, lifting them up abruptly. She squeaks at the movement, soon moaning out as I plant my mouth directly on her sopping pussy. I drag my tongue up her folds, huffing out a laugh. 
“Shoulda told me you were this wet, honey,” I mumble against her cunt. Her chin is dropped to her chest as she watches me lap at her arousal. Bringing my lips around her clit, I suck on it making her groan. 
“Oh my g- goodness,” Her teeth chatter as she speaks out. The desperate tone in her voice makes me thrust my hips against the mattress, looking for friction of any kind. I notice her hips start to grind against my face, moving them to her liking. 
Bringing my fingers to her center, I run them up and down her folds, hearing her gasp. “Want my fingers?” 
She nods, insistently, “Mhm!” I press one into her slowly and her back lifts off the bed, arching. 
“Yeah?” I give her a second one and she’s squealing into a moan. I allow my tongue to continue working on her nerves as I fuck my fingers into her. Her cheeks are flushing as her eyes begin to shut and god, is it a sight to see. 
I curl my fingers inside of her and feel around for the spot within her that will drive her crazy. When Clara gasps out suddenly, I know I’ve found it.
Her legs begin to shake and her cunt squeezes my fingers like a vice. “Gonna cum, Clara?”
“Yes, Harry,” Her eyes wired shut, “Yes!” 
“C’mon, baby,” I keep my fingers at their pace, my tongue flat over her clit so she can ride it herself.
She lets out a stretched out moan, her back arched beyond belief as her hips continue to grind against my face through her orgasm. It has got to be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Her cries only get louder as my fingers continue to fuck her through that high. When it becomes too much, she grabs my wrist, pushing my hand away. 
I crawl up over her, softly kissing her cheek then down to her lips. “Feel good, baby?” 
She nods and lifts her arms to pull my hips closer to her. “Very good.” Her sneaky fingers tug at the waistband of my briefs.
I pull my face back a touch. “What’re you up to, crazy?” 
Clara bites her lip, trying to hide her suspicious smile. “Wanna make you feel good.” 
I grab her wrists and pin them above her hand, placing my lips beside her ear before whispering, “Oh, trust me, I’m gonna feel real good when my cock is drowning in your pussy.” 
She gasps into my ear, but when I pull back to watch her face, she’s got a wicked smirk on. “Such naughty things you say.” 
“I’m a journalist, baby.” I smile. “Wide vocabulary.” 
I peel my briefs down my legs, kicking them from my feet. I sigh at the relieved feeling my cock experiences as it’s freed. When I look back up to Clara, she’s got wide eyes and blushed cheeks.
“I- I, uh,” She shakes her head, “I don’t know if that’s going to fit in, um, me.” 
“It’s okay,” I bring my hand to my cock, giving it a few strokes with my that’s soaked in Clara’s arousal, “We’ll make it fit.” 
She gulps in the way a cartoon character would, where you can watch the bump travel down her throat. I run my opposite hand up and down her hip. 
“Relax, baby,” I kiss her cheek again.
Clara nods and brings her hand in front of her face, spitting on it, before wrapping it around my cock to join my own. A deep groan travels up my throat as she squeezes it slightly. 
“Perfect,” I growl, “You’re perfect.” 
She shakes her head, “Not a singular person is perfect,” Clara brings my tip to the mess of her wet cunt, dragging it through it, “But together, we could be perfect.” 
She lines me up before I nudge my hips forward, slowly feeding my cock into the tightness of her pussy. Her jaw drops as she lets out a sound I haven’t heard from her yet. 
“Fuck,” I whine out as I continue to slip into the wetness of her. Her arms reach up to rest on my abs while her legs wrap around my waist. 
When I give her the last bit of my cock, submerging myself fully, her nails dig into my abdomen and her voice turns shaky, “Oh my- you’re so deep.”
I took a firm grasp of her hips and started to give her gentle thrust, not trying to overwhelm her too quickly. But, god, was it hard to hold back.
“You feel so good, baby,” I whisper beside her ear, “Nice and wet for me, squeezing me just right.” 
Her face screws up in pleasure as she whines, “More, please.” And of course I can’t say no to her.
I pull my hips back until all that’s left inside her is the tip before thrusting back into her. She cries out, her hips grinding up to meet my thrusts. I move one of my hands to her ass cheek, giving it a tight squeeze as I give her harder thrusts. 
Clara starts laying kisses on my neck, her tongue dragging against the spot beneath my ear, making me growl, “Driving me fuckin’ crazy.” 
She giggles, quickly cut off by a moan, “Good, I like my men wild.” 
“Yeah?” I tease, taking the back of her thigh to push her knee to her chest, putting us in a position that allows me to slide deeper. “Well, I like my women tight and dripping so I guess we’re both in luck.” 
Her brows furrow as uses her fingers to tweak her nipples, moaning softly. 
“Be loud, baby, wanna hear you.” I pick up the pace of my hips and she sure does let go. Her cries grow louder and longer, especially when I reach my thumb down to rub over her clit. 
“Oh sh- shoot!” She shouts, squeezing her tits. I laugh at her choice of words. 
“Such a good girl, aren’t you?” She nods desperately. “Won’t even swear while I’m inches deep in your pussy.” 
She whimpers as I press my thumb firmer to her clit. She also clenches around me and I nearly cum right there. It’s then that I think about the fact that I’m fucking her bare. Fuck. 
Clara’s walls continue to flutter around me, signaling to me that she’s going to cum again. So I keep my pace steady and keep pinching at her clit. 
“I’m gonna-“ Her eyes squeeze shut and her fists clench beside her. 
“Give it to me. And I want you screaming my name when you do.” And scream she does. We may be alone in this huge mansion but I’m sure someone miles away could hear how loud she’s being.
“Harry-“ Her thighs start to shake and I feel a certain feeling climb up my spine as my thrusts begin to lose rhythm. Her back arches as high as it can with her knee still to her chest as I continue to pound her through her high. 
“That’s it, baby,” I talk her through, feeling as my high starts to make its way to the surface soon after hers. My chest rises and falls as I try to control how fast it comes on to me. But it has been months since the last time I had sex, and my hand can only get me so far. 
When her orgasm recedes, I pull out of her, giving my cock the proper strokes as she lays there is a post-orgasmic bliss. “Where do you want my cum at, darling?” She’s a bit slow to answer, saying nothing, just opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out. My cock twitches in my hand at the sight in front of me. “In your mouth?” 
She nods with a smile on her face, tongue still out. I grab the back of her head and lean her face closer to my cock. She touches her tongue to my tip as I stroke it and something about the way she looks up at me with a sweet look in her eyes has me done for.
“Shit, Clara,” I groan as I shoot ropes of cum onto her tongue. She snickers as I do and it drives me insane. I milk out every last drop into her mouth and watch as she enjoys every bit of it. I tap off any last drops then pull away as I start to slowly soften. Clara closes her mouth and swallows my cum before smiling. I lazily lay my body on top of hers, burying my face in her neck. 
She rubs her hands up and down my back, speaking up, “Harry?”
“Mhm?” I barely hum out.
“My leg’s starting to cramp. Could you move it please?” Oh, yeah. I still had her leg folded like a pretzel against her chest. 
“Shit, yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t even think-” I pull away from her, an embarrassing flush coating my face as I let her leg down to hit the mattress. She gets a smitten smile on her face.
“It’s okay,” Clara reassures, “Don’t get all shy on me now, you’ve already done me in.” That is what I’m going to guess is her clean version of saying I’ve already fucked her.
“I know,” I put my face back in the crease of her neck and shoulder, “Just feel like such a square around you.”
She laughs, “Nothing about what you just did to me was square, Harry. And maybe I like squares. Did you ever think of that?” I shrug, wrapping my arms around her waist to pull myself closer to her.
“Explains why you brought me home.” She scoffs, but doesn’t continue the conversation any further. We bask in this comfortable silence for a good while. A romantic silence even. Clara has her hands in my hair, massaging my scalp, and I have my hands rubbing her hips. How come I’d never experienced this before? Every other time I’d been sexy with a lady, she’d kick me out immediately, embarrassed, I assumed. But Clara was in no rush for me to leave.
“I’d like to see you again, Harry.” She breaks the silence. “I’d like to see you a lot.”
I huff out a chuckle, assuming she’s joking until I hear no laugh from her end. I pull my face from her neck to look at her. “You serious?”
She bristles at my question. “Of course, I’m serious. I’m no jokester.” 
My brows furrow, “Well, why’d you wanna see me again?”
She rolls her eyes as if it’s obvious, “Because I told you, you make me feel brand new. Like I-” She takes a deep breath, “Like I can be who I wanna be.” She bites her lip, getting visibly nervous. 
“Shouldn’t everyone make you feel like that?” I ask.
“They should, but they don’t.” She frowns.
I close my mouth and stare into her eyes. I run my hand up to her cheek, brushing hair from her face. “Then, yes, I’ll see you again. I’ll see you a lot.”
A bright smile takes over her entire face as she plants a peck on my lips, “Cool.”
I nod, “Cool.” 
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cowboylikelyric · 17 days
im so so sorry it’s taking me so long but i will have something for you guys tomorrow, i promise 🫶
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cowboylikelyric · 19 days
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its the way i just fell to my knees
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cowboylikelyric · 21 days
MULLET AND MUSTACHE? he wants me dead
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cowboylikelyric · 21 days
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cowboylikelyric · 23 days
aw tysm! you’re so so sweet! please if you have anymore requests lmk 🫶
Okyy not be greedy but what about H nd his wife being pregnant nd some lovey dovey sex?? Nd then she Starting crying in the end cause u know hormones nd all nd H takes care of herrr!! If you don't wanna write its okay tooo!!:)
You are such an amazing writer ndd that cowboy H has became my fav!!💖
you are literally the sweetest 🥲 since im new here all the love my writing has been recieving has been making me so happy! also, anon, i love your ideas, you should send me a message sometime, id love to be moots!
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cowboylikelyric · 23 days
Bestie I'm one the who requested the idea nd the you have written soo goodd!! Ahh the smut I'm not okayyyy please it was the bestt!! Nd the way you have added cowboy H has a character ahh perfect!! Thank you writing it!!:)
aw tysm! you’re so so sweet! please if you have anymore requests lmk 🫶
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cowboylikelyric · 24 days
riding lessons (cowboy!harry)
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Summary: Where a tense Harry gives riding lessons to some you would have never expected. When jealousy takes over, Harry reassures you of his love. Based on this ask.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: 18+, angst, smut, oral sex (female recieving),
A/N: i have been dying to do some cowboyrry so here you guys go! and if anyone is wondering, i am totally picturing harry with his current mullet cause duh. please let me know what you think! love you guys the most!
      “Harry!” You squeal as Harry peppers kisses all over your face, his fingers tickling up your sides. 
      “Hmm, what?” He manages to get out between kisses, a smile painted on his face. You plant your hands on his chest and try to push him away. 
      Harry had woken up in an excellent mood this morning, full of smiles and love. He had clung to you since the moment you woke up, laying constant kisses on your lips and now all over your face. 
      He ran his hands up your bare stomach under his shirt that you were wearing, his kisses slowing just slightly. 
      “Baby,” You push at his chest, giggling. 
      Harry pulled away with a cheeky smile on his face, resting his forehead against yours. He looked into your eyes and there was that look he always gave you that made you blush.
      “You’re so fucking gorgeous, honey.” He went to take another kiss from you, which would have probably led to much more than a kiss, when his phone buzzed, pulling a groan from him. 
      He buried his face in your neck, mumbling, “Don’t wanna go.”
      You thread your fingers through his hair, pulling his face back so you can look at him. “Lessons?” You ask, a frown appearing on your face. Normally Harry loved giving riding lessons. 
      Ever since you met Harry four years ago, he’s lived in the same place, doing the same thing. Harry grew up on his family’s ranch, and never left. Once he got old enough, his dad let him start running the horse riding lessons because that was exactly what Harry loved to do. He still hadn’t taught you, but that’s because you had never really asked him. It just wasn’t something that you felt the need to do, ride a horse that is. 
      You didn’t grow up here like Harry did. You grew up in a city about two hours from the ranch. You and Harry met on a random Sunday at a grocery store when he was visiting family. The moment you met him you knew you had to see him again. And of course you did, you were persistent. 
      Now, four years later, he was your best friend as well as your husband. You both live on the ranch in a sweet little farmhouse that he and his dad built together.
      But the point was, Harry loved giving riding lessons on the ranch, so you couldn’t quite figure out why he sounded so against it today.
     Harry nodded and placed a kiss on your nose before climbing off your bed. He had dressed himself earlier, so all he had to do was tug on his boots. He grabbed his cowboy hat from the side table, placed it on his head, and came over to your side of the bed to lean over you.
      “I’ll be home for lunch, honey,” he says before giving you one last kiss, then grabbing his phone to check the message he got earlier. 
      As soon as his eyes hit his phone his body tenses, but he moves past it as if nothing happened, sticking his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. 
      “I love you,” You call out as he starts to make his way out of the bedroom.
      He looks back over his shoulder and puts on a fake smile, nothing like the one he wore earlier, saying, “Love you more,” before leaving the room.
      What the hell was up with him? 
      You tried not to think too much about it, getting a shower and getting ready before making your way to the main farm house on the ranch where Harry’s parents lived. 
      As soon as you stepped in, you could smell the delicious breakfast that you knew Ronnie, Harry’s mother and your mother in law, prepared. 
      You turned the corner to the kitchen and saw the spread of breakfast foods across the kitchen island. Pancakes with blueberries and ones with chocolate chips, fried potatoes, bacon, and everything else you could imagine. Your favorite was her hand squeezed orange juice that she made you a new jug of each week. 
      “Ronnie, you really do know the way to my heart,” you say and watch as she turns around, smile bright just like Harry’s.
      She held out a full plate in your direction, “Good morning, sweet pea.” 
      “Morning,” You took the play from her and sat at the island, digging in. And then of course you got to thinking about Harry’s strange mood this morning and it had your stomach turning all over again. So, you asked your mother in law, “Do you know who Harry’s giving lessons to today?” 
      She hummed, shaking her head, “M’not sure. Why’re you asking?” She sets a full plate in the microwave, for Chris, Harry’s father, before coming to sit and eat her own breakfast with you.
     You shrug, “He just didn’t seem too excited to get out there today is all.” 
      Ronnie got a confused pout on her face. “Well, if anyone could figure it out, it’d be you, Y/n.” 
      You nod and stab at the pancake on your  plate, hoping it was nothing major.
      Later on, as the clock struck twelve, you began to wonder where Harry was as lunch sat on the counter. So you took a trip out to the training ring. Sometimes Harry got so enthralled with the horses that he wouldn’t realize the time had passed. Other times, he and Chris would take their horses down the trails for an afternoon stroll. Either way, this wasn’t unusual for Harry.
      The ring wasn’t too far from their house, about a five minute walk. Chris and Ronnie had gifted you both a four wheeler last Christmas to travel the ranch with, but you enjoyed taking in the scenery. 
      As you approached the arena, you watched as Harry rode his horse, Kalli, beside someone else who you could tell was riding, Milo. Milo was patient, so he was often used for lessons. 
      You stepped a touch closer, trying to see who the student was. It was definitely a woman, but her face was turned away from your view so you couldn’t tell. 
      You couldn’t see how Harry was feeling as Kalli trotted along. The both of them rounded the ring and you finally caught sight of her face. Ada.
      After being with Harry for four years, being married for almost one, nothing really sparked jealousy within you anymore. But as you caught sight of his ex riding beside him, your stomach slightly dropped. 
      Ada lived in the same town as you guys, so it was almost guaranteed to come across her a few times in a year. You’d never really acknowledge her, but the two of you had no bad blood. Harry never talked extremely horrible about her, only that their relationship had always been quite… miserable. 
      So why was he giving her lessons? And why hadn’t Harry told you?
      She laughed beside him and he cracked a slight smile before they started making their way toward the stalls, which were in your direction. You were quick to move out of sight, not wanting to make a big deal of this. So, you headed back to the house and tried to shake the enormous feelings that were piling in your gut.
      Harry had never taught you how to ride, but now he had taught Ada. Why did that bother you so much? Harry didn’t even like Ada, afterall, he married you. But did he wish you had more enthusiasm when it came to riding? You loved the horses like they were your own children, you just never wanted to ride them, that was Harry’s thing. 
      Your lip quivered, but you shook your head, stepping back into your home, heading straight for the kitchen. You took a deep breath as you sat at the table and painted on a smile, beginning to eat your lunch. 
      The front door clicked as it shut, his voice ringing through the house as he called, “Honey?” 
      “Lunch is ready!” You controlled the shake in your voice as you shouted. 
      Harry walked through the doorway, sweat soaking through the collar of his t-shirt. He smiled at you as he crossed the kitchen. He approached you from behind your chair, leaving a kiss on the top of your head. 
      He sat across from you where his food sat, removing his hat from his head, sitting it on the table. You cleared your throat, “How were the lessons?” 
      You stared down at your plate as he answered. “Yeah, they were fine. Got to see Willow again. She gets better everytime I see her.” 
      Willow was the daughter of a friend of his, he’d been giving her lessons since she was five. But you weren’t really hoping to hear about Willow. 
      You hummed, “Anyone new?” 
      Harry forked some food into his mouth. “One new student today.” 
      “Sounds exciting.” You say, not meeting his gaze. 
      “Is everything okay?” He asks. Yeah, everythings great, just the fact that your new student is your ex. 
      You look up, nodding, “Yup, think I’m just tired.” 
      He pouted slightly, taking your plate. “Well, go up and take a nap, honey. I’ll clean all this up. Gotta head out to tidy up the stalls then I’ll come back right back to you.” 
      Harry came over to place a kiss on your lips, whispering, “I love you,” before staring over to the sink.
      You padded up the stairs, going along with the whole nap idea. Except you could nap. All you could do was roll around the bed and shut your eyes, picturing them riding together. 
     You groaned and stared up at the ceiling. For once in your life, you had all the motivation in the world to go out to the stalls and saddle one of the horses. That was never something you wanted to do before. You had no idea why. Maybe you were scared or maybe you were just self aware. But now you wanted to, or you thought so.
      You slide off the bed and hop on one of four wheelers, zipping to the stalls where you hoped Harry would be. 
      “Baby?!” You call out as you park the wheeler, stepping to the stalls. 
      “Milo’s!” He yells back and you make your way there. When you get there, Harry’s brushing Milo with a smile on his face. “Hey, honey. That nap was fast.”
      “Yeah, I’m rested and refreshed. Feeling better than ever.” Not. “Hey, uh,” Harry looks up from Milo, “Can I ask you something?”
      He nods, his brows furrowing, “Course you can, Y/n, you know that.” 
      You clear your throat, nodding to yourself. “Great, good, well,” You shake out your hands that feel like they’re getting sweatier by the second, “I was, uh, wondering if you’d teach me how to… how to ride.”
      Harry’s face pulls back, surprise written all over it. “Really?”
      “Yeah.” You nod, taking the brush from his hands and placing it in the basket. “I want you to give me lessons.” 
       The furrowing of his brows returns yet again and your heart drops: He shakes his head in confusion. “Why?” 
      You frown and scoff. “Do I need a reason?” 
      “No, it’s just you’ve never asked me before-“
      “Well, I am now,” You walk closer to him, whispering, “I want to learn how to fucking ride.” 
      Hurt spreads across his face as you spit the words. “Y/n, are you okay? What’s up w-“
      Flashes of what you had seen earlier seep into your mind. Ada laughing beside Harry, him smiling, him not telling you.
      Anger rushes over you as you bring your hands to his chest, pushing him back a few steps, yelling, “Just teach me how to ride, god dammit!”
      Then, you’re stuck in place and so is Harry. You let out heavy breaths, your shoulders tight as your stomach turns. Silence fills the air as you both stand in front of each other. What had you just done?
      Finally, the emotions that you’d buried deep down earlier had erupted and you look like an asshole. But you still felt hurt. But he was the only thing that ever healed the hurt inside of you. So, right in front of Harry, you broke down. A sob rushed out of your throat, tears falling as you stepped over to him, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his chest. 
      Harry wraps his arms around you and slowly rubs his hand up and down your back trying to soothe you. “It’s okay, honey, you’re okay.” He laid kisses on top of your head as you cried out into his chest. That was something that you loved about Harry. He didn’t need to know what was wrong, only that if something was wrong, he wanted to fix it. 
      You cried out every single tear you could until his shirt was soaked and your face was drenched. He pulled your face away from his chest to get a good look at you. He stared into your eyes, hand cupping your cheek, asking, “What’s hurting you, honey?” 
      You bit your lip staring at him, debating whether or not you wanted to tell him. Of course, you wanted to tell him, but you didn’t know if it would make you sound like a crazy jealous wife. Because maybe you were in the wrong. What if this was just all in your own head? Wouldn’t you look stupid.
      You took a deep breath, “I know you’re giving Ada lessons.”
      Harry’s face morphed into an expression that you couldn’t read. His mouth dropped open a touch and you thought that maybe it was guilt that you saw. 
      “Y/n,” He shook his head, “I’m so sorry.” He was sorry? Did that mean he had done something? “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” 
      “No, it’s okay,” You try to fan your face to dry the tears on your cheeks. “I’m sorry I acted this way, it was stupid-” 
      Harry grabbed your face again, “Don’t you ever say that. It wasn’t stupid. I’m stupid. I’m so fucking stupid because I actually believed her.” Now, you were confused.
      “What?” You asked. What the hell was going on right now?
      Harry sighed and grabbed your hands. “I didn’t wanna teach her, but she came to me with this sob story,” Shaking his head, a look of disgust washed over his face. “Told me her dad said she needed lessons cause of she didn’t learn how to do something around their farm soon, he’d kick her out.”
      A wave of relief crashed over you. You had no idea she still lived with her dad and you were assuming Harry didn’t either. Ada’s dad also had a farm, but it wasn’t nearly as big as the Style’s ranch.  
      Your shoulders dropped. “Oh.” 
      Harry nodded, “Yeah, accept he didn’t say that. She just made up the whole goddamn story as a way to get to me. I mean,” He motions behind him, “I’m sure you saw her out there. She knows how to ride a fucking horse. I feel so stupid.” He grabbed your face again. “You know she means nothing to me. Nothing else in the goddamn world means a thing to me if I don’t have you. You know that right?”
      “Of course, I do.” You pressed your forehead to his, placing a soft kiss on his lips. “But why didn’t you just tell me?” 
      “I don’t know.” He shakes his head, “Honey I wish I had a reason, but I don’t. God, I’m so fucking stupid.” He gave you a quick kiss. “Forgive me, baby.” 
      You nod. “You’re forgiven,” You wrap your arms around his neck, “But you’re still gonna have to make it up to me.”
      Harry pulled his face back, a mischievous smirk planted on his face. “Right here?” He asked, gripping your hips and backing you up and out of Milo’s stall, before shutting the stall door. 
      “Harry…” You whispered. The dimples grew on his cheeks which you knew meant he was up to no good. “What are you doing?” You asked as he began trailing his lips down your neck.
      “Shh, trying to make it up to my wife.” He slurred against your neck, as if he was drunk off of the feeling. You giggle at his tone but push him off.
      He groans at you but you just roll your eyes. “Down boy, you’ll get what you want. But I don’t really feel like giving the horses a show.” You grab his hand and pull him from the stalls quickly, scanning the ranch for a secret hideaway. 
      Harry tugs you to the right, saying, “The barn.”
      You shake your head quickly. “Your dad!” You whisper shout. What was he thinking?
      “Is done for the day.” He finishes, dragging you over to the big red building. As soon as you get in, He pushes you up against the wall, his lips immediately pressed to yours and his hands feeling all over your sundress. His hands slip beneath the material, going straight for your ass, squeezing it. 
     His tongue slips across your lips, making its way into your mouth as your hands make their way up to his hair at his neck. Your fingers tangle in the curls as you moan against his mouth. You were feeling the effects of his actions already as your arousal began to soak your panties. He pulls away from the kiss, breathless and a lust drunk smile on his face. He pulls his cowboy hat from his head, setting it on yours.
      “Hold this for me?” Harry starts to lower himself onto his knees. “Wanna have a taste of my sweet, sweet Honey.” 
      He lifts your dress up to your waist, looking for you to hold it. You do, grabbing the hem of your dress as a breeze blows over your legs. Harry kisses the inside of your thighs, trailing up to the very apex. You let out a small gasp, your stomach caving in as he pressed his lips over top of the center of your panties. 
      “Oh, baby,” He placed a long lick along your covered center, “So worked up.” He hooked his fingers into your underwear, sliding them down your legs. He tucked them in the back pocket of his jeans before lifting one of your legs and placing it on shoulder. He locked his eyes on yours as he latched his mouth onto your cunt. 
      “Oh my god,” You sigh as he slid a hand back to hold your ass, pushing your pussy further in his face. Harry wrapped his tongue around your clit, sucking at it, sending zaps of pleasure through your body. He groans against you, his tongue moving to fuck into you. Your head starts to lull back at the loads of satisfaction you’re feeling but he’s quick to reach up and pinch your thigh, getting your attention. 
      “Eyes on me,” He speaks sternly against you. You nod and watch as he drowns himself in your arousal, exploring every inch of your pussy. “Ya wear dresses like this more often and I’ll be on my knees forever.” 
      It was one of the simple sun dresses that you had in your closet. You had no idea that it drove him this crazy, but you made a mental note.
      You started grinding your hips against his face feeling the tingles climb up your spine. Harry nodded and kept himself still, letting you decide what felt good. “That’s it, honey, take what you want.” So, you did. Your hands dropped the bottom of the dress that you had been holding, sticking your hands in his hair and pushing his face against you. 
      “Harry,” Your voice grabbing onto a high pitch noise as your high started to creep up on you. Your head dropped forward as you watched him, his hat that sat on your head dipped forward over your face. 
      “Go ‘head, honey, come for me.” He his nose rubbed at your clit while his tongue continued fucking into you, making you moan out and pull his curls.
      And all of a sudden, you were being pushed over the cliff and your high washed over you. Your legs shook as he lapped up every drop of your arousal like a puppy. You hoped that you weren’t too loud, but you couldn’t help yourself as he began to suck at your clit again.
      You yelped and yanked at his hair, shaking your hair, “Too sensitive.”
      Harry chuckled as he removed your leg from his shoulder, rising off his knees. He placed a kiss on the tip of your nose. “Feel good, baby?” 
      You hummed and nodded. “Just like jelly.” 
      “Ready for some more?” He picked you up from your ass and wrapped your legs around his waist, jogging you both to the house, leaving you squealing.
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cowboylikelyric · 25 days
came to your page to find more of your writing to see this was you’re first post!!! WHAT!!! it was so so good, excited to see what you write next😁
omg!!! that is so sweet and really means a lot to me 🥲 im working on my next post as we speak and it will be out so so soon! thank you so much again 🫶
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cowboylikelyric · 26 days
guys… im so excited about what im cooking up… lemme just say… yee haw
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cowboylikelyric · 27 days
Hii bestie!! Loved your new one shot it was so good!! No pressure for writing tho!! But would love to read it you will write!!:)
Can I request an blurb idea?? Like some angst but ends with happy ending so like harry ex came back into his life but he is in a healthy relationship with reader but when reader got to know that his ex is trying to win him back she gets insecure that she is not enough nd all!! But H assure her that she is enough for him nd yeahh!!
hi!!! im so glad you liked it! all the love its recieved is actually warming my heart cause writing is my favorite thing to do
i love this idea and will definitely get to cooking
thank you again bestie 💋
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cowboylikelyric · 28 days
too much wine
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Summary: Camilla and Fallon's girls night takes a steamy turn as they discuss relationships and desires over wine. With Camilla's guidance, Fallon explores her attraction to women, leading to a passionate encounter witnessed by Camilla's fiancé, Harry. Their night of passion brings them closer together, blurring boundaries and igniting newfound desires.
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, threesome, degradation, spanking, daddy kink, voyeurism
A/N: hi guys! this is my first time posting one of my oneshots EVER! so please be kind and if you don't like it, don't read it! please let me know your thoughts!
Camilla had too much wine. She knew it for a fact. She also knew that Fallon had far too much wine. 
Tonight was girls night, so Harry had been booted out of the house while Cami and Fallon had their glasses of wine, watched Jeopardy, and gossiped. Tonight was white wine with a side of sex talk.
“You’ve just gotta guide them. If he can’t eat you out now, he’ll never be able to eat you out if you don’t teach him.” She took a sip of her wine. “Talking Harry through it worked like a charm. He's a pro now.”
When she and Harry had first gotten together in college, he was a little… rusty. But he was always really good at taking constructive criticism and applying. Now she was getting what she wanted when she wanted and they were both in this so-called heaven. 
“Ugh, I guess.” Fallon fell back on the couch, almost spilling her wine. “It’s so conflicting because Cody’s such a wonderful guy, he just gets so lost and it's frustrating.” 
“Like i said, you gotta be a teacher.” Camilla nudges Fallon's shoulder, “Miss. Parker.” They both giggle and focus back to Jeopardy.
On the show, they read, “The chapstick Katy Perry tastes in her single, I Kissed A Girl.” 
Fallon shouts, “What is cherry?!” Eventually, one of the players on the show also answers, earning 300 points. She sighs. “Maybe I should just switch directions.”
Cami's head spins, “What?”
“Ya know, tryout for the other team.” Fallon shrugs.
“Yeah, I got it. but, I mean… are you serious?” Camilla wasn’t being judgmental at all, she had dipped her toes before. College was the time for experimenting and things of that nature, so she took the opportunities presented. 
“It wouldn’t hurt, woman anatomy and all that.” Camilla raises her brow at fallon. She huffs. “I’m just saying the a womans gonna know how to eat me out for gods fucking sakes.” 
Camilla was stunned at the frustrated girl sitting in front of her. But then their eyes met, and suddenly Cami understood. They had way too much wine. Definitely. 
Cam shifted towards Fallon, resting her hand on her thigh over her flannel pj shorts. “Take a deep breath.” She rubbed her hand up and down. “So frustrated.” She taunted and felt as Fallon shivered. Camilla traced her finger up the inside of her thigh. 
“Cam…” Fallon whispers. 
“this is what you want, yeah?” Fallon nods her head insistently, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth. 
“Cody hasn’t been doing his job, has he?” She shakes her head. but something flashes in Fallon's eyes and she grabs her wrist.
“Harry,” is all Fallon can mutter.
Camilla was confident this wouldn’t bother Harry. They weren’t insecure in their sex lives together. They had been engaged for almost a year, but still loved to wade in the water of others. And Harry loved it. But the thing he loved the most was seeing the girl he loved being absolutely devoured with pleasure. So nothing about this situation scared her. She would tell him as soon as he got home and he would get that dark look in his eyes and take her to their bedroom. The only thing they didn’t do with others was kiss them. That was something only for them.
“Shh, it's okay.” Camilla lowered to her knees in front of the couch. “Now how about I get to my job?” 
She lifted Fallon's shirt and kissed down her soft stomach and the hem of her shorts. Fallon’s breath trembles the closer she gets. 
Camilla dips her fingers underneath the waistband of both her shorts and her panties. She brought them down just a touch before kissing her way down to the apex of her thighs. 
Fallon took in the sight of absolute hunger on Camilla’s face while Camilla couldn’t stop admiring Fallon's pretty pussy. Cam brought her finger forward and swiped it down through the bits of hair on her pubic bone to the wetness of her eager cunt. 
“Please.” Fallon whimpered.
“Please what?” Camilla hummed.
“Please, need you.” Fallon thrust her hips forward needily, just begging for the touch of Camilla. That was all Cam needed to dive forward and plant her mouth on Fallon's pussy. 
Fallon squeezed her eyes shut and let out a shaky moan as she kitten licked at her arousal. Camilla wrapped her lips and tongue around her clit, sucking at it before flicking her tongue. 
“Mmm, so sweet, Fal.” Cam tucked herself in further, using her tongue to fuck Fallon’s cunt and her nose to nudge at her clit. “How could Cody not devour something that tastes so good.” 
“Fuck” Fallon ran her fingers through Camilla’s hair, tugging at it. Cam groaned into her pussy, sending vibrations through her. “More, please.” She begged.
Cami pulled herself away, “You want my fingers?” She nodded feverishly. “Maybe if you were this mouthy with Cody, he’d give you what you want.” But still, Camilla ran her fingers through her arousal and fed her one finger. 
“Holy shit,'' Fallon keels over, her chin to her chest. Her head feels like it's spinning with the way Camilla precisely tongues at her versus the way Cody blindly dips in. 
While Camilla only buried herself deeper, Fallon heard the click of the apartment door and looked up to see Harry entering the living room. She let out an involuntary gasp as Camilla teethed at her clit, completely unaware of her fiancé’s entrance. 
Harry felt a desire bubble in his abdomen at the sight in front of him. He leant against the doorway to the living room, keeping eye contact with Fallon, a stoic look on his face. 
Camilla had no idea of his entrance, and if she did, she had no plan of stopping. As she added another finger, her stamina had Harry stiffening in his pants and biting the inside of his cheek. 
Fallon’s abs clenched as she felt herself tiptoe to the edge of her orgasm, especially being watched over by Harry. She lifted her finger tips to her tits, kneading them while also grinding her cunt into camis face. 
“Oh, just like that,” Fallon pushed her face against her, “Fuck”
“Come for me” Camilla mutters against her pussy, shaking her from side to side, her nose nudging her clit even more.
Fallon started to see white as her orgasm took over her entire body. For the first time since Harry walked in, Fallon took her sights off Harry and closed her eyes in pleasure. 
As Fallon slowly came down from her high, Camilla pulled her head away from her pussy, chin dripping in her juices. Harry felt himself twitch in his pants at the pure desire in her eyes. 
Suddenly, Harry began a slow clap and watched as Cami finally realized his presence, previously drowning in her work. 
“Hi baby” Camilla says to Harry, with a sickening smile, arousal still dripping from her face. Harry slowly inched forward, approaching Cam.
“Hello, darling” Harry grabs her face, pulling it upward and off her knees, onto her feet in front of him. “Have fun with girls night?” Harry starts licking Fallon's cum off Cami’s face, making Fallon shiver as she watches. 
“Mm yeah” Camilla hums, “loads” 
He pulls away from her face “Have a sweet treat?” He caresses the side of her face, running his fingers through Camilla's hair. She nods. 
“Was real tasty” She leans up on her tiptoes and smashes her lips against his, both of them acting as if Fallon was not even in the room.
He hums on her lips, pulling away. “Can taste it on your tongue,” He grabs her chin forcefully, making Camilla look at him. “Was she good for you?”
Camilla smirks then looks at Fallon “The best.” 
Fallon starts breathing heavily as they stare at her. 
Camilla nods to Fallon, “You gonna show him how much of a good girl you are?” Fallon bites her lip, slowly nodding. 
“Go on,” Harry says to Fallon, “Touch yourself for me”
Harry and Cami held each other as they watched Fallon slide a hand down her body, slowly making it to her soaked folds. Cami got on her tiptoes again and began to kiss and nip at Harry's neck as he watched Fallon. 
“Gimme a peek,” Harry said and fallon slid two fingers between her lips, spreading them for Harry to see. “Mmm,” he hummed, “Such a pretty pussy baby.” He grabbed Camilla’s hips tight as she continued to kiss his neck. He turned to Camilla, “You just can't wait, can you, baby?” 
Cam shook her head, “No,” She leaned up and bit his bottom lip, “Need you now. Fallon got me so wet.” 
Harry shook his head, feigning disappointment, “Such a needy slut.” He pushed his hand past the waistband of her pants, beginning to rub her clit over her panties. 
He looked back to Fallon, nodding her on. “Touch yourself while I touch Camilla.” Harry watched as Fallon ran her fingers up and down her folds. Fallon had never been more aroused in her life, she was practically dripping onto the couch.
Camilla moaned into Harry's ear, Harry's cock twitching behind his zipper. While he watched Fallon, he blindly tugged at Camillas' pants. She kicked them down her legs, and Harry turned his attention back to Camilla. 
Smashing his lips against hers, he brought his fingers to her sopping pussy, dragging them up and down her folds. 
“Want my fingers baby?” Harry asked. Cami was quick with a high pitched ‘mhm,’ already grinding against his hand. 
Slowly, he fed one finger into her cunt, fucking it in and out. Then he peered over to see Fallon mimicking his actions on herself. 
“Look at you,” Harry mocked, “so pathetic and needy” That didn’t even come close to stopping Fallon, in fact, it made her go faster. 
Camilla was a mess at the way he was speaking to her and Fallon. She was begging for more from him.
“Want me to fuck you?” Harry taunted Camilla. She nodded feverishly. “Course you do, you little slut.” 
Harry brought them both down to the floor as Fallon continued to fuck herself. He popped the button to his jeans open and ripped his shirt off over his head. Camilla dragged her nails down his abdomen, Harry letting out a moan at the pain.
Fallon was turned on beyond belief, watching how in tune the couple was with each other.
Harry pulled himself from his briefs, sighing in relief. Fallon's eyes widened at the size of his cock, not believing her eyes. 
He gave himself a few strokes as Camilla removed her shirt and showcased her tits, pushing them together, accentuating their fullness. 
“Fuck, darling,” Harry moans and Fallon watches as his fist tightens around his dick. Camilla reaches down to rub her clit at the sight of her fiance, melting at her fingertips.
“Please” Cam whimpers, pulling at Harry's hips, trying to get him closer.
Harry turns to fallon who is writhing on the couch. “Gonna watch me fuck Camilla?” 
“Yes, yes!” Fallon bent her knees and placed her feet flat on the couch, giving him a better view. 
“Good girl” He turned back to Camilla, swiping his cock up and down her pussy, his tip circling her clit. “Ready for me to stretch this pussy baby?” He whispered.  
“Mhm” Camilla hummed, looking up at him with this look that made Fallon's stomach turn.
Harry slowly inched his cock inside of her, Camilla moaning at the stretch, Harry moaning at the hug of her cunt. 
“Ooh, shit,” Camilla wrapped her legs around Harry's waist and arms around his back, his cock reaching deeper. 
“So wet,” He pulled his hips back, slamming his cock back into her. “Who got you this wet?” 
Camilla got this smirk on her face before she answered, “Fallon” 
This made Fallon gasp, throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes shut, that is until she hears Harry say “Open your fucking eyes, Fallon” 
When Fallon opened her eyes, Harry wasn’t even paying attention to her, but she obeyed his wish. 
“Fallon got you this wet?” Harry wrapped his hand around Camilla's throat. 
“Ye- yes” She could barely spit out the word between moans. Harry presses his thumb against her clit, halting his hips from their thrusts. 
“Then why isn’t she fucking you right now?” Camilla whined at the loss, clawing at his biceps. 
“Harry…” She begged. 
“If you want me to fuck you then tell me the truth.” Camilla squirmed at the pressure he had on her clit, no longer being able to take it.
“You! You did!” Harry smirked at her confession, looking over at Fallon as he continued to pound into Camilla. 
“Damn right I did.'' Harry leaned down to take Camilla's nipples in his mouth giving them equal attention, all while holding eye contact with Fallon. 
Fallon was falling apart, her legs trembling at the energy in the room and the punch of her fingers to her g-spot. She wasn’t worried about what her and Camilla's friendship would look like after this, all she could comprehend was the metaphorical mountain she was climbing to her high. 
Harry pulls out of Camilla, flipping her around and slapping her ass before entering her from behind. 
“God, I love this pussy” Harry had a strong hold on her hips, his balls tapping her ass as he pounded into her. “‘s all mine, isn't it? All mine to fuck and use.”
“Yes, all yours, Harry” Fallon watched as Camilla drooled onto the floor as she backed her ass onto him. 
“Who?” Harry spanked her. 
Camilla moaned, “You,” He spanked her again, “Daddy” 
That sent Fallon over the edge, screaming as she clenched around her fingers. 
Harry's head snapped to her, his brows furrowed. “Did I say you could come?”  
“N-no” Her thighs shook, abs clenching as she rode through her high. 
Harry shook his head as he quickly pulled out of Camilla again, Camilla rubbing her clit to ease the emptiness. Harry stalked over toFfallon, grabbing her face as he stood in front of her. He grabbed his cock, still sticky with his and Camilla's arousal, slapping Fallon's cheek with it. He pushes his tip against her lips. 
“Suck it, slut” Fallon wrapped her lips around his tip while Harry held his cock at the base.  She sucked lightly, making Harry groan. With his opposite hand, he threaded his fingers into her hair and slowly pushed her further.
“He really likes when you take him to your throat, Fal,” Camilla commented as she pushed a finger in her entrance, “Then you swallow around him” 
And so Fallon did. She followed the push of his hand on the back of her head until his cock poked at the back of her throat.
“Just like that, fuck-“ Harry moaned as Fallon gagged around him. His jaw dropped to his chest, abs clenching, before he pulled his dick from her mouth, a strand of spit connecting the two. 
Harry returned to Camilla, admiring the sight if her grabbing at her tits and fucking her fingers. 
“There's my pretty baby” He grabbed her face and smashed his lips against hers. she took his cock and pressed it against her opening, letting him push back into her. 
Harry felt how Camilla immediately clenched around him as he pushed into her. 
“You gonna cum, baby?” He pounded into her faster than before, her nails digging into the muscles of his back. 
“Yes daddy!” She shouted “Please don’t stop, please.” She lifted her hips to meet his every thrust.
“Let go, baby,” Harry whispered as he lifted her calf to his shoulder, “Give it to me” 
Camilla felt the tingle in her spine explode as Harry slipped even deeper than before. She clenched around his cock and threw her head back, Harry quickly laying his hand between her head and the wooden floor. 
Harry's thrusts started to lose rhythm, pleasure starting to cloud his brain. 
“Cum in me, daddy,” Camilla whimpered, “Please” 
Harry lost it, growling, “Fuck, gonna give you my cum, baby.” His legs trembled as he shot ropes of cum into her pussy. “Take it, take it all.” He moaned beside her ear, burying his head in her neck. 
Fallon’s heart was beating fast as she watched him unravel in front of her, wondering how the hell she was gonna fuck Cody after this. 
Everyone sat quietly in the living room, aside from the deep breaths as everyone settled from their orgasms. 
Harry starts to chuckle into Cami's neck as they all sit quiet. 
“You guys should invite me to girls night more often”
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cowboylikelyric · 29 days
hi freaks!
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i'm very new to this so please forgive me!
but welcome to my page! i'm lyric and i write literally every thought i have so i figured that tumblr was the perfect place to spit it out. i write what i like and if you don't like it, simply don't read it. positive vibes only please! if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please let me know!
now lets have some fun!
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