cuckoobananapeel · 5 hours
I understand if anyone hates batjokes. Like, seriously, I can see why. The clown can be so fucking annoying, and I say this as someone who enjoys his character.
But to go out of your way to shit on an artist who simply made batjokes art is such an embarrassing chronically online behaviour.
The "OMG how can you ship them??? He killed Bruce's son and paralyzed Barbara" crowd is so obnoxious.
Yes, I am fully aware. Being a scum is generally what villains do.
Do you know who else killed Jason?
Bruce. Fucking. Wayne.
when he threw a batarang into Jason's throat in his desperate attempt to stop Jason from killing his own murderer.
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And if that wasn't bad enough, in the aftermath, he went on to save Joker from being trapped under the rubble instead of looking for the body of his own son.
(The animation retconed this part so Batman wouldn't look like an absolute asshole, but this was how it went down in the comic.
I despised the change immensely as it shifted the blame onto Jason. They made him a bad son— a troubled child— poisoned by unjustified resentment as if he wasn't betrayed again and again by the person who should have loved him unconditionally so. And DC stopped trying to give his character any kind of closure.)
So, yes, I know— exactly and in details— the extent of Joker's crimes. I was born before the creation of Harley Quinn. I have been reading Batman for decades.
And I ship batjokes precisely because despite the atrocities, Batman still refuses to just...
You cannot look me in the eye and tell me Bruce is not in the least bit insane when he has fought against so many (sometimes even his family and allies) to protect his monster.
You cannot fault me for thinking these two deserved the company of each other.
And I wish people understand (impossible) that listing Joker's transgression upon Batman won't deter most of us from shipping batjokes.
If anything, it only makes Bruce sound more deliciously unhinged in his obsession.
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Oh, and stop blaming Lego Batman, please. The ship has existed before any of you were born.
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cuckoobananapeel · 22 hours
Yes! I do use Sketchbook. Krita has many flaws for mobile and since I've only been an 'artist' for a few months, Ibis was far too complicated. So I found my middle-ground with Sketchbook.
Do you use it too?? ☺
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cuckoobananapeel · 2 days
Yes! I do use Sketchbook. Krita has many flaws for mobile and since I've only been an 'artist' for a few months, Ibis was far too complicated. So I found my middle-ground with Sketchbook.
Do you use it too?? ☺
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cuckoobananapeel · 2 days
y e s
Happy Pride!
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cuckoobananapeel · 4 days
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cuckoobananapeel · 4 days
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cuckoobananapeel · 4 days
I noticed you might like Invader Zim lol??
I wanted to share some art! It's Invader Zim in MY artstyle!!
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And... the Dib-monkey.
Gir the autism creechur real
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cuckoobananapeel · 7 days
I am going to run over ben hope. Reblog to joinn me
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cuckoobananapeel · 19 days
Batman. It’s a word. It's a name. It’s a noun. But most importantly, it's a person and an ideology. Once a calm and humble place, fear and pain has turned Gotham City into a distorted, warped hive for homicidal maniacs and bloodthirsty convicts. This disturbed reality stems from Arkham Asylum, situated on the nearby Arkham Island, Gotham and Arkham connected by a road on a long bridge over the expanse of ocean between.It was meant to house and ‘cure’ its patients, but it only distressed and twisted them further. Even worse was that the patients were discharged in such conditions, though more commonly, they would escape and then be forgotten about and left to fester in Gotham. But that's why there is a Batman. Bruce Wayne. Most Gothamites - the unfortunate, ill-fated citizens of Gotham - will recognise that name. He's a multimillionaire, owning most of Gotham and funding its government and businesses. But what most Gothamites don't know is that he is a victim. For at a young age, he had his parents taken before his unexposed, innocent eyes. His parents had just taken him to the theater, and it being a cold night, they thought it best to take a shortcut. So they strolled down a small alleyway, when, from out of the darkness, a convict pounced, held them at gunpoint and demanded whatever they had. The convict was given over a thousand dollars in dollar bills, but with a mindset like his, it would never be enough. So he shot them. Shot them in front of Bruce. And laughed. Laughed. He laughed. He shot Bruce’s parents in front of his young eyes, laughed, patted him on the back and ran. Bruce hated this, it plagued him, haunted him. But he knew that this and similar things had happened many times before, and would again. So he adopted a persona, one in the likeness of a bat, a mysterious, elusive creature deep-rooted in folklore and used as a base for many supernatural beasts. He would use it to protect, guide and fight for Gotham's security. This persona was called Batman.
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cuckoobananapeel · 21 days
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funky jonker ref!!
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cuckoobananapeel · 21 days
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My Joker as Heath Ledger.
"I believe whatever doesn't kill the Bat makes me... horny~"
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cuckoobananapeel · 22 days
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I made a Dark Kknight Returns version :3
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cuckoobananapeel · 22 days
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I drew them in my *OWN* art-style! Batsy and Jonkler 4ever ♥️🏳️‍🌈
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cuckoobananapeel · 22 days
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This was about how Mark Hamill won't be reprising his role as the Joker, despite being the solidified voice for the character. But this was indeed caused by Kevin Conroy's devastating, crushing passing, so I typed up the message to thank him for his legacy.
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cuckoobananapeel · 23 days
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cuckoobananapeel · 23 days
I did another Batman villain from the 1966 show!
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The Penguin!
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cuckoobananapeel · 25 days
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More of my Elseworld Joker ☺ (He's trying to shove Batman of the pier.)
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