darksheir · 2 years
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darksheir · 2 years
reminder that neurodivergent (nd) is an extremely broad term
it was coined by kassiane sibley aka neurodivergentk aka @sherlocksflataffect on here
it’s intentionally broad. it simply refers to a brain that diverges.
and it does include mental illness!!! stop saying stuff like ND and mentally ill (because mentally ill people are already ND)
stop using ND to refer just to autism and adhd and maybe dyslexia. that’s literally what it was coined to end (people using neurodiversity to only talk about autism and maybe learning disabilities)
people with anxiety are neurodivergent
people with depression are neurodivergent
they aren’t trying to steal your word - they’re using one that already belongs to them
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darksheir · 2 years
People are shocked I never got COVID, but really I've been inside the house for more months than I can count so what do you expect lmao
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darksheir · 2 years
"I suck at apologies, so unfuck you... or whatever..."
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darksheir · 2 years
I will never understand why people feel the need to speak over a disorder they don't have. If you've done your research for years and from credible sources, good! If not, thanks for letting me know how people like me act and how am I supposed to show my symptoms, as if you're the one living with this daily (:
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darksheir · 2 years
Fill in the blanks (so we can get it right once and for all)!
PPD - SP (Safe Person)
SzPD - IP (Interest Person or Person of Interest)
HPD, NPD, BPD, ASPD - FP (Favorite Person)
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darksheir · 2 years
I hate how I have this urge to just simply post everything I've prepared for my social media without giving a damn about aesthetics, but then a certain personality disorder pops in and is like "have you perhaps forgotten about P E R F E C T I O N"
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darksheir · 2 years
Now this is legit the most felt text I've ever read
i hate how no one will ever be able to convince me that my "paranoia" is not real because they are probably lying. i hate how i never ever feel safe, not for a second, not anywhere, not even in my own head. i hate how i just have to live every second feeling like everyone hates me and is actively plotting to hurt me, how every small mistake or slip-up could lead to horrible things. its only getting worse but it's only logical to me. i am self-aware in the way that i "know" most ppl dont experience this but how could i truly know anything? even writing this is bad but honestly in a way the hopelessness kinda helps. if everyone is out 2 get me anyways then it doesnt really matter what i say.
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darksheir · 2 years
To be perfectly honest, yes
Tmw you create a paranoic conspiracy by just getting 1 bad comment and you suddenly believe everyone hates you just because you are weird
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darksheir · 2 years
i can’t eat or drink with others because what if they have drugged my food or drinks while i looked away
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darksheir · 2 years
PPD is flipping between between "yes my partner does find me attractive" and "he's lying to me. He's just playing a big nasty joke on me isn't he?"
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darksheir · 2 years
How is this so relatable
tw: unreality/delusions
When you are with a Safe person and then paranoia says "That's not them... DON'T LOOK AT THEM OR THEY'LL KNOW YOU KNOW"
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darksheir · 2 years
"I'm a prisoner, a visitor inside of my brain, and no matter what I do they try to keep me in chains."
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darksheir · 2 years
"Sometimes I think too much
Yeah, I get so caught up
I'm always stuck in my head
I wish I could escape
I tried to yesterday
Took all the sheets off my bed
Then I tied up my linen
With five strips of ribbon I found
Scaled the side of the buildin'
I ran to the hills 'til they found me
And they put me back in my cell
All by myself
Alone with my thoughts again
Guess my mind is a prison
And I'm never gonna get out"
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darksheir · 2 years
I have this talent where I manage to turn everything into a job, and then I get overwhelmed and feel guilty for not working enough.
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darksheir · 2 years
My feelings don't last.
They come rarely and they go fast.
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darksheir · 2 years
A post that is meant to be nice and supportive can turn into a nightmare for a paranoid person. Example:
"Know that you're not alone. I see you."
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