daxxxxuke · 11 months
"I'm sorry, but I can't disobey my alpha's orders."
"I hate being an omega sometimes. It feels like I have no control over my own life."
"I don't care about your alpha status. I won't let you hurt me or anyone else."
"You smell amazing. Why haven't we mated yet?"
"I need to mark you as mine. Will you let me?"
"I know I'm an alpha, but sometimes all I want is to be held and comforted like an omega."
"I never thought I would fall for an omega, but you've captured my heart."
"I know we're supposed to be ”
"I can sense your heat coming on. Let me take care of you."
"I know you're an alpha, but sometimes it's okay to let your guard down and show vulnerability."
"I'm an omega, but that doesn't mean I need an alpha to protect me. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."
"I never thought I would find an omega who could handle an alpha like me, but you surprise me every day."
"I love the way your alpha pheromones smell on me. It makes me feel safe and protected."
"Even though we're both omegas, I still want to take care of you and make sure you're happy and comfortable."
"As an alpha, it's my duty to protect you, but as your mate, it's my pleasure to love and cherish you."
"I don't need an omega to complete me, but with you by my side, I feel like I can conquer anything."
"You may be an omega, but you're the strongest person I know. Your resilience and determination inspire me every day."
"I may be an alpha, but when it comes to you, my omega, I am nothing but gentle and loving."
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daxxxxuke · 1 year
Bakugou's birthday
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I was woken up by a finger tapping my cheek until I opened my eyes to see my handsome and gorgeous explosive boyfriend talking
"You're finally awake I was bored without you fool"
I was confused, he never woke me up before, letting my sleep most of the time, even when I were late, so why today?
”W-What? What's going on Bakubabe?” I spoke was not very awake
“Nothing don't worry” he smiled at me and kissed my cheek “I'm waiting for you in the kitchen” and that's what it do coming out of his own room since you spent the night together as usual
Y/N took his phone from the nightstand and looked at the time when suddenly his eyes fell on the date «Thursday, April 20» Katsuki's birthday" !!
Oh my god I completely forgot oh I know I'm going to dress up and go out with him luckily I had a present prepared in advance!!"
I rushed to get dressed in a beautiful outfit for him and take Katsuki's birthday present carefully wrapped in a beautiful orange and black wrapper hidden in my office, I grabbed it and hurried down to offer it to katsuki
”KATSUUKIIIIIIII!!” I screamed so loud we could be sure the birds flew to a quieter place
Katsuki looked surprised seeing me running when I got out of the elevator
“Y/N? What are you doing here ? Finally I want to say that you have never been so quick to get dressed when you have just woken up ”
"I just wanted to wish you happy birthday"
I kissed katsuki and placed his package in his hands.
”I love you Katsuki Bakugou”
He sighed and chuckled softly
”I love you too Y/N L/N”
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daxxxxuke · 1 year
Shouto's Birthday
Heyy guys today it's Shouto's Birthday
Happy birth love that my first time here so be nice and sorry if my English is bad it's not my mother tang
Soo go guys.. I'm so shy for my first time 😳
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Gif by katsukiwifey
I look my phone to see the time and I see that today is January 11 Which means today is my boyfriend Shouto Todoroki's birthday that little angel heart ! I take a look at the "to do list for my future boyfriend's birthday"that i did when i was 11
Make him his favorite dishes
Tell him he's beautiful all day long
Wake Him Up With A Video Greeting Plan
A Spa Day
Let him choose what he wants to do
Cooking together
Book a karaoke booth
Relive your first date
The compliment
"God I really wanted a boyfriend .Oh I know I'm going to start by making pancakes with maple syrup.Ungh" you sighed "I don't know how to doooo... I'm going to set the kitchen on fire for sure. Well, it doesn't matter, it's the intention that counts! Not true ?"
"He must have the best birthday ever !This cute boy with the perfect body must be having the best day he's ever had!And it's me [name] who will organize the best of birthdays for him! I'm awesome !"
"Well first I have to have the ingredients? Logic !" Do you say while reading the recipe on the internet minutes later Bakugo comes home from his morning jog seeing the kitchen burned down , And you on the ground half crying.
"What the fuck is it going on here?" Said the explosive blond
"I wanted to make pancakes for Shouto for his birthday" said you crying, Bakugo come to see you and kneel at your waist. It didn't really bother him as you're his childhood friend you've known him for most of your life. And having seen the burnt kitchen he knew what was happening he already knew your quite... special cooking skills?
"I'm not going to help you for him you're the only person in the class that I support more or less is it normal to do that? I guess ? "
It had been 20 minutes in total since he had started to cook the pancakes, having finished he put them on a plate. Let's be clear, I'm not doing it for him, it's for you "Yes if you want thank you I do not know what I would have done without you!" Do you say more than happy to have received his help
"Alright go join him" Say the ash blond
You went to join him and put the dish of food at the foot of his bed, starting to caress his face.Shouto it's time, get up you said starting to kiss his nose seeing that he wasn't getting up.Shoutooo happy birthday gorgeous boy kissing his scar come on it's ur birthday monochrome eyed boy starting to laugh at the repetitive kisses
"Alright it's ok I'm wake-up look" he said yawning "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" you say while kissing your boyfriend
"hey love how are u today ?" asked the boy with monochrome eyes
"Well thank you look what I have!" Says [name] taking the plate of food with a spoon.
"Oh wow thank you did you do that?" Asked the boy hair of two different colors
Hum..Well no but I wanted to make you something amazing for breakfast but I don't know how to cook so I wanted to make pancakes
And then they are very successful and very good said your boyfriend tasting the pancakes
That not mine...It's want from Bakugo he helped me make them after my try and after burning the kitchen you said with a little sad face.Hey my love it's not your fault you have lots of other abilities like um.. you're pretty you're very good at growing plants and you managed to make friends very easily and a boyfriend who loves and cherishes you every day
"Thanks Shouto to me!"
"What are you talking about ?"
It's my turn to compliment you! "I really like your scar" you say kissing his scar you are very cute and you really have a Awesome style of clothing
"Thank you [name] !"
I wanted it to be the best birthday ever! The best you've ever been has always been but it's missed I'm sorry !
"[Name] ! Look at me ! Love ! Having you by my side on my birthday is the best gift you could give me! Thank you my love he said cupping your chin and kissing you
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daxxxxuke · 2 years
Strudents U.A
🤍 Todoroki Shoto ❤️
Shouto's Birthday
🥦 Midoriya Izuku 🥦
💥 Bakugou Katsuki 💥
💪 Kirishima Eijiro 💪
⚡Kaminari Denki ���
🩹 Hanta Sero 🩹
🏃 Iida Tenya 🏃
👱 Monoma Neito 👱
🦾Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu 🦾
🧑🏿‍🦳 Kuroiro Shirai 🧑🏿‍🦳
General class Strudents
🧠 Hitoshi Shinsou 🧠
Big 3
🐙 Amajiki Tamaki 🐙
🍖 Shishikura Seiji 🍖
League Of Villains
✋ Shigaraki Tomura ✋
🌫️ Kurogiri 🌫️
🔥 Dabi 💙
🎭 Mrs. Compress 🎭
👬 Twice 👬
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daxxxxuke · 2 years
Personnages de BNHA x reader qui a peur du noir
Synopsis : Le courant est coupé et vous avez terriblement peur du noir.
Personnages : Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki
A/N : profitez des headcanons !
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku savait que tu avais légèrement peur du noir, tu courais toujours dans les escaliers après avoir éteint les lumières, il trouvait ça plutôt mignon.
Il ne savait pas que la peur était bien pire que ça.
Pendant une tempête, il y a une coupure de courant, vous étiez en train de regarder un film et tout à coup il fait vraiment noir
Le fort tonnerre n'arrange pas les choses pour vous.
Vous vous accrochez à Izuku et pleurez dans ses bras, il prend son téléphone et allume la lampe de poche,
et reste avec toi jusqu'à ce que tu te sois calmée.
Katsuki Bakugo
Il était conscient de ta peur mais s'en moquait parfois.
Tu sautais toujours sous les couvertures dans ses bras quand tu entendais un bruit, ce qu'il trouvait mignon.
Alors qu'il travaillait sur quelque chose sur son ordinateur, le courant s'est soudainement arrêté.
Il t'a entendu l'appeler et pleurer.
Il a pris une lampe de poche et est allé te voir immédiatement.
Tu l'as suivi dehors pour rétablir le courant, en serrant sa main pendant tout ce temps.
Une fois le courant rétabli, il t'a tenu dans ses bras jusqu'à ce que tu t'endormes.
Shoto Todoroki
Il ne savais pas que tu avais peur du noir, il a été tellement choqué quand il a réalisé à quel point tu avais peur.
Il n'a pas fait attention quand l'électricité a été coupée, il est allé chercher des bougies et est allé te chercher.
Tu étais dans le salon, cachée dans un coin en train de pleurer.
Shoto a posé les bougies et a rapidement couru vers toi, pour te réconforter.
Il est resté avec toi toute la nuit, te faisant des câlins et te parlant pour te changer les idées.
Traduit du compte de @tsunshunnn
Oeuvre originale
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