disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Frozen
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Sorry this has taken me longer than normal, it's been a combination of not having any time and the fact that I was trying to avoid watching this as much as possible. Beware, this is my least favorite Disney movie. Don't @ me.
1. This opening song is not good. They're singing about ice. 2. Where are Kristoff's parents? Or at least someone who was watching him? Who let him just run away to live with rock trolls? 3. I will say that little Anna is pretty cute when trying to wake little Elsa up. 4. This is the only part of the movie besides Olaf that I enjoyed. Because there's  nothing more adorable than Disney kids. 5. There's no way their parents heard Elsa calling from that room. 6. That's pretty powerful magic to be able to alter memories like that. 7. I've said this before but I do love the irony in Disney movies that leads to the ending, such as Elsa being told she will be dangerous so she grows up to be dangerous. 8. "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" is a pretty good song, and I did tear up when I first saw it. BUT. Surely there are plenty of other people in the castle. Guards, the parents until they died, etc. Anna could've him out with anyone but just chose to sit around and wait for Elsa to come out of her room. 
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9. Kristoff not only talks for Sven in that weird voice, he also eats the carrots after Sven does. I can see the drool. That's not okay. Kristoff is kind of gross. 10. Anna waking up like that is definitely relatable. 11. "For the First Time in Forever" was catchy but it lost me when Anna said "gassy". Unnecessary. 12. The other best part of this movie is seeing Rapunzel and Flynn walk by. 13. Now I'm suspicious that Hans ran into Anna on purpose. I'M ONTO YOU HANS. 14. I'm awkward, too, Anna. I think most of us are. 15. Though if having an evil dude run into me on his horse is the only way to get me a man, I'd take it. 16. I never noticed Anna had freckles on her shoulders that is some grade A animation I won't lie. 
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17. I love Alan Tudyk as much as the next person but I really don't like the Duke of Weselton. 18. I'm sorry, but "Love is an Open Door" is one of the worst Disney songs in existence and that is what happens to love songs when Alan Menken doesn't write them. 19. Fun fact: Anna is the only princess to ever sing a duet with a villain. 
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20. "You can't marry a man you just met" Disney bashed itself in its own movie and I am here for it. 21. Even though I do love the original tale of the Snow Queen, I do appreciate Elsa and her struggle with her powers and trying to keep everyone protected even if it means being alone. 22. Alternatively, I also like that Anna didn't care about this side of Elsa that she didn't remember and went after her and understood that she was scared. 23. Can Anna even put Hans in charge? Shouldn't there be someone else to take charge in case something ever happened to both Elsa and Anna? 24. Despite the amount of times "Let It Go" was overplayed, it is a wonderful song and Idina Menzel's voice is just pure magic. 25. Also this is one of the most visually appealing scenes in Disney history. Second only to the lantern sequence in Tangled. 
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26. I love how sassy Elsa got as soon as she forgot about everyone else. 27. I wish I had ice powers to make me an ice castle like that. 28. It's really a miracle Anna didn't get hypothermia. 29. Convenient that Oaken had only one winter outfit and it was just perfect for Anna. 30. It is a crime that they got Jonathan Groff to be the voice of Kristoff and didn't let him sing something other than this nonsense reindeer song. 31. How did Kristoff already know about Elsa when it just happened a few hours ago? 32. They snuck in a joke about foot size. I see you, Disney. 
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33. Sorry, Frozen, I saw this scene with wolves in Beauty and the Beast. 34. This was really beautifully animated I will say. 35. Josh Gad is phenomenal and I love him as Olaf. His one liners are so on point. 36. I like the Mary Poppins reference in "In Summer", it was very cute. 37. I'm glad Disney didn't do the obvious thing and make the Duke the villain, have Hans with Anna, and Kristoff with Elsa (because of the whole ice thing). 38. How does the Duke even know that killing Elsa would make the ice go away? 39. "Oh look at that. I've been impaled" is the best line in this movie. 
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40. Sven is cute and everything but he's kind of like a discount Maximus. 41. Again, I do like that Anna maintained Elsa's innocence and loved her anyway and never thought she was a monster and that she still tries so hard no matter how many times Elsa pushed her away. 42. I always love when they do nods to the original story, and the Snow Queen's thing in the Hans Christian Anderson tale was freezing children's hearts. 43. I want a Marshmallow to keep people away from me. 44. Kristoff was so adamant that you can't fall in love with someone in a day and now here he is in love with Anna. 45. It REALLY makes me angry that Kristoff remembers that he's seen the trolls fix someone before but he can't remember it was Anna. 46. Why wouldn't the trolls wake up as soon as Kristoff walked up to them? 47. "Fixer Upper" is another song on this soundtrack that I can't stand and will be skipping over. 48. I want to believe that the trip from the castle to the ice palace would take way longer for everyone to be getting back and forth so quickly but at this point I'm not sure if I care. 49. Why does everyone want to be a straight up murderer in a Disney movie? 50. Marshmallow fell into the cavern and I am not okay with that. 51. This scene is pretty intense I mean everyone's just trying to kill each other and this is like such a pivotal moment for Elsa it's crazy. 
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52. Why would Hans save Elsa just to want to kill her later? He could've saved himself a lot of trouble. 53. Olaf bodysurfing down the mountain is something I really want to do I'm not gonna lie. 54. All I want is a man to give me his beanie in the winter, LBH. 55. Kristoff brought back the princess, you'd think they'd at least let him in the building. 56. I don't like this movie, but my god was I shocked about Hans. I loved that twist so much. 
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57. This is one of the more clever and better villain's plans there's been. 58. No one finds it odd that Hans just left Anna's "dead" body in the room? 59. Olaf's pep talk is beautiful and I want Josh Gad as my bff. 60. Is there anything that hurts your heart more than when an animal is potentially injured? 61. I mean didn't everyone see Hans trying to kill Elsa? They have a clear view. 62. There is no ending in Disney history that makes less sense than this. 
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63. I will say this as many times as I have to: you cannot act of true love yourself. If Elsa had sacrificed herself to save Anna, or Olaf, or literally anything else, fine. But the act of true love has to be done to you or for you. 64. Regardless this whole "love makes everything better" thing is a good message. 65. I want a personal flurry. I can't wait for your short, Olaf. 66. I would love to punch this movie in the face but I guess I'll settle for Hans. 67. Fun fact: the characters make up Hans Christian Anderson's name- Hans, Kristoff, Anna, Sven. 68. At least Anna replaced his sled.
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Tangled
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1. Warning: this is my absolute favorite Disney movie so there's a good chance this will be loaded with a lot of squeals, a lot of GIFs, and a lot of facts. Don't @ me. 2. This is Disney's 50th animated feature which makes it even more special. 3. It's also the first all CGI film. 4. I can recite Flynn's entire intro. 5. Who am I kidding, I can recite the entire movie. 6. If I found a magic flower I'd probably hoard it too. 7. Pascal is on baby Rapunzel's mobile and there's nothing like Disney does better than hidden Mickeys and foreshadowing. 8. I know Mother Gothel is the absolute worst- she's a kidnapper, she's abusive, she's selfish- but she DID attempt to only take a piece of her hair first. 9. I see a lot of people always saying how Mother Gothel should've just told Rapunzel her birthday was on a different day but I honestly believe that she didn't think Rapunzel was smart enough to put two and two together. 10. Pascal. Is. The. Best. 
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11. Highly recommend watching his origin story episode on Tangled the Series if you haven't. Your soul will be crushed. 12. The fact that Rapunzel gets up at seven am and accomplishes all this stuff in like two hours is more than I can even do in a week. 13. Fun fact: Rapunzel's hair is seventy feet long. 14. Zachary Levi is absolute perfection in this role and if Flynn is not your favorite prince, you better get with the program. Unless your favorite prince is Aladdin then I understand. 15. Even in the original story I was always impressed that she could lift the witch. I can't even lift my laptop. 16. She charts the stars, you guys. She's just so amazing. 17. Fun fact: not only does Mother Gothel refer to her as a flower, she often is always talking about her hair when she's being endearing.                                 18. Can we talk about how this shot of Rapunzel’s hair floating out of the tower is just freaking gorgeous. It’s one of my favorites. 
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19. They just can't get his nose right. 20. Maximus is the best horse and never buys into Flynn's hijinks. He just wants the satchel back for the kingdom. 21. I can safely say that if I came across that tower, I would not make it five feet off the ground, let alone all the way up the tower. 22. Can we just talk about how incredibly brave Rapunzel is. She's never seen another human besides Mother Gothel and yet she has no problem going on the defensive right away.                                                                                           23. Let it be known that any time I say "surprise" now, I only say it the way Mother Gothel says it.                                                                                           24. Fun fact: they had a "hot guy" conference at Disney so that women could talk about what made a male good looking to ensure that Flynn was hot. 
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25. They succeeded. 26. More princes need to be as sarcastic and wonderful as Flynn. 27. I also love Mandy Moore. 28. Fun fact: if you watch This Is Us, the best new show on TV with Mandy Moore, it was written by the same man who wrote Tangled. 29. I wish I had a Pascal to tell me when to pick fights. 
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30. I will keep saying Rapunzel is the best, because she is. She's brave, resourceful, loyal, and doesn't buy into anything Flynn says even though he's charming and good looking. How many princesses can we honestly say that about? 31. Also her following her dream is mad inspiring and it's been the basis of my life since it came out. 32. Here comes the smolder. 
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33. What is it about the reprise of a song that makes it so much better? 34. It would be fun to slide down all that hair. 35. Mother Gothel didn't even make it that far and she's been walking for at least a few hours. 36. I love that Rapunzel thought to put pillows under her covers. Classic. 37. I still want to eat at the Snuggly Duckling regardless of the Pub Thugs. 38. Flynn's one liners are just so on point. I love this movie. 39. I also love that Rapunzel got a group of rough men to to sing a song even though she was scared of them two seconds ago. 40. And Flynn's face during this entire song. 
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41. How did they find the guards so quickly? This seems like a bigger city than that. 42. I wish I could take away from this to be nice to everyone but I'm way too cynical. 43. I love Flynn getting to know Rapunzel because even though it still takes only three days for them to fall in love it just seems more real and natural than other Disney movies. 44. She doesn't care that he's a thief and he sees that she's a good person who's also had a hard life and it just makes me all warm inside. 45. This is so action packed and then trying to get out of the cave gives me so much anxiety. Especially when they just resign themselves to dying. 46. Flynn's reaction to Rapunzel's hair gives me life.                                         47. She just so easily starts calling him Eugene and it's so freaking cute.         48. Mother Gothel is such a master manipulator it's insane.
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49. Okay but having magic hair that heals would be so useful to me since I am clumsy AF and get bruises all the time. 50. You can just see Flynn falling in love with her and it's beautiful and magical and if the way he looks at her doesn’t make your heart warm and fuzzy, you’re dead inside.                                                                                                         51. But real talk, how can Rapunzel find a man in a tower and I can't even find one on the street. 52. Rapunzel standing up to Mother Gothel is such a growth for her. 53. Where does she stash the satchel when they go into the kingdom though? 54. Pascal woke up red and alert and he's my favorite sidekick ever. 55. Rapunzel is so pure and innocent that she can calm down a restaurant full of thugs and a rogue horse and I'm so here for it. 56. I can't even properly French braid my hair but those girls braided her hair so fashionably. 
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57. I just want to point out that Flynn has been actually buying things for Rapunzel all day instead of stealing them and I can't get enough. 58. And him getting the boat was SO ROMANTIC I get chills. 59. Rapunzel talking about how she might be let down by the lanterns and what will happen after is so relatable. 60. Everything about her trying to live her dreams and doing anything she can to get there is just so inspiring. 61. The heartbreak in King Frederick's eyes kills me.   62. "I See the Light" is the best song in any Disney movie and I tear up every time. 
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63. This whole entire sequence is so visually appealing that I just cannot, so prepare for all the GIFs right now. 64. Fun fact: the lantern that Rapunzel pushes back up is the king and queen's. You can tell cause it has Corona's logo on it (the sun). 
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65. Fun fact: there's over 45,000 lanterns used in this sequence. 
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66. Fun fact: while Mother Gothel only cares about Rapunzel's hair, Flynn always looks right at her and pushes her hair back. 
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67. DON'T GET OFF THE BOAT FLYNN. 68. This manipulation is just so deep I mean Mother Gothel had to think about this as soon as she saw the Stabbington Brothers which was an entire day ago. This woman is insane. 69. Rapunzel lime green light is bad do not go to her. 70. As soon as Flynn woke up his only concern was Rapunzel and even though Maximus doesn't like him he believed his cries. 71. At least Mother Gothel acknowledged that Rapunzel was a pure bright ray of sunshine. 72. The fact that Rapunzel had been painting suns in her paintings without realizing it is such a brilliant plot line that I can't even be mad that she shouldn't have remembered it since she was only like a day old. 73. Flynn also only knows a minimal amount about Mother Gothel and still realized that she was in trouble. PROPS. 74. "You were wrong about the world. And you were wrong about me. And I will never let you use my hair again" favorite line in the whole movie. It just shows how far she's come and how brave she is and how quickly she figured everything out and didn't even care what Mother Gothel's explanation was. 
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75. If someone ever tries to murder me you best believe I'm grabbing a frying pan. 76. I love that they included the "Rapunzel let down your hair" line from the original. 77. He just free climbed that like a boss. 78. It is at this moment where I start to cry every time. 
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79. Mother Gothel kicked Pascal and that was so awful I want to punch her. 80. Rapunzel not caring about what's going to happen if she goes with Mother Gothel and her only concern being about Flynn is just heartbreaking. 81. And then Flynn sacrificing himself to save Rapunzel the two of them are seriously just so perfect for each other. 
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82. Mother Gothel turning into dust is so savage. 83. I don't care how many times I've seen this I never sob as hard as I do when Flynn is dying and they tell each other they are each other's new dream.         84. Fun fact: in the original story Rapunzel cries into the prince's eyes and it heals his blindness just like Rapunzel's tears bring Flynn back to life.               85. I literally yell YOU GO GIRL every time Rapunzel kisses Flynn first. Including at their wedding. 
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86. Fun fact: the king and queen don't have any speaking lines at all the entire movie. The queen has a line in Tangled Ever After and they speak in the show but not in the film. 
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87. It cracks me up that they replaced swords with frying pans. 88. Pascal turns red every time they kiss and it's so cute. 89. They're such a realistic couple, more than any other Disney couple I think. If none of you have watched the hour long special that takes place after this but before they get married, you should. Rapunzel turns down Flynn's marriage proposal which makes sense because at the end of this Flynn said he asked for years and years. You thought he was joking. 90. This is the best Disney princess film ever and I'm so happy I watched it. 91. I hope this was entertaining and not annoying. Sorry for all the GIFs, and that they were mostly of Flynn.                                                                           92. Now go watch the show. 
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Princess and the Frog
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1. I can't believe it took eleven years to make another princess movie. 2. I love that Tiana and Charlotte are being read a fairy tale. 3. Especially because it's the Frog Prince. #foreshadowing 4. Definitely one of my favorite stories. 5. Tiana and Charlotte are definitely friendship goals. 
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6. I cannot stop smiling at everything young Tiana does. She's adorable. 7. Her parents are so supportive but realistic but so encouraging and she's such a dreamer and I'm not crying you're crying. 8. If only the stars listened to my wishes then I would be in a relationship with Zac Efron. 9. Fun fact: Tiana has the most outfits, with nine changes throughout the film. 10. Dr. Facilier and his shadow are one of my favorite villains. 11. Tiana's friends are so rude to her. They all should aspire to be as hardworking as she is. 12. I've never wanted anything more than a stack of Tiana's beignets. 
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13. "Almost There" is my favorite song in this movie. It's so inspiring. It almost makes me want to get off my couch and do something with my life. 14. Honestly I would be impressed by a magician too, Naveen. 15. Is there a creepier villain song than "Friends on the Other Side"? 16. I love his shadows. 17. This was such a good concept and location for a Disney movie. I love New Orleans and voodoo and the 20s and I'm obsessed. 18. I feel like a lot of people don't like Charlotte and while she is a tad dramatic she's entertaining and a really good friend to Tiana. 19. I love the parallels this movie has. It's just so clever. 20. I feel like at this point I would need to kiss a frog to find a guy. #foreveralone 21. Naveen cracks me up. 22. Fun fact: this is based on a book series, The Frog Princess, and I highly recommend checking it out if you love this movie. 23. The music in this is so much fun. 24. I think we can all agree that Lawrence is the worst. 
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25. It bothers me that everyone seems to know who Dr. Facilier is but it seemed like he was unaware of Big Daddy and his riches even though he's apparently always in the paper. 26. Tiana not falling for Naveen right away is my favorite thing. 27. I'm confident that if I turned into a frog I would have been eaten by those alligators immediately. 28. "When We're Human" is a seriously catchy song and a lot of fun to sing. 29. I support your dream to be human and play jazz music, Louis. 30. Charlotte and Lawrence (as Naveen) make me so uncomfortable. He's so creepy. 31. Jeeze, Charlotte. I know you want to get married but planning a wedding in a few days flat does not seem like your style. 32. How does Louis know about any of these foods? 33. I would rather be eaten by an alligator than eat flies as a meal. 34. I love Jim Cummings and I love Ray and I want a pet firefly. 35. "Gonna Take You There" is a beautiful sequence with all the fireflies. 36. I think out of all the villains who have powers, I'd want to be able to talk to the other side the least. Those are things you do not mess with.
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37. I don't know why, but for some reason, the three guys that try to capture Naveen and Tiana remind me of the crows from Dumbo? 38. For supposedly being a guy who parties a lot and generally takes the easy way out of everything, Naveen is surprisingly resourceful. 39. So earlier Tiana was able to understand Stella when she talked, which means that animals talk. But then Tiana talked to the frog capturers and they understood her, so shouldn't humans always be able to understand animals talking or is just because they're human? 40. I can't cook a frozen meal from Publix let alone make my own gumbo from ingredients I found in the forest. 41. If Ray loving Evangeline doesn't melt your soul, you have no heart. 42. Tiana and Naveen win the award for fastest Disney couple, falling in love in under a day. 43. I'm positive Peter Pan would really love to fight these shadows. 44. I need a wise Mama Odie in my life please. 45. I like that even though Tiana is such a hard worker, they also stress that work isn't everything and she needs a life as well. Balance is key, y'all. 46. I want to go on a river cruise. But only if Louis is there to play the trumpet for me. 47. Okay, under a day or not, I died when I saw that Naveen had a ring for Tiana. 
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49. But I also love that Naveen loves her enough to let her dreams come first. 50. I also ALSO love that the star they've been wishing on this whole time was Evangeline. 51. I'm not sure how Tiana actually thought Charlotte was marrying Naveen when she a) knew there were two Naveens in the beginning and b) she's still a frog. 52. This is actually giving me major Ursula/Vanessa vibes but with a dude. 53. If you're not sobbing your eyes out when Dr. Facilier kills Ray, there is seriously something wrong with you. 54. Tiana has some will power, I probably would've taken Dr. Facilier's deal. Probably why I'm not a princess. 55. Dr. Facilier literally being dragged to the underworld is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. 
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56. Reason number 2827038 why I stay away from magic. 57. LOL Charlotte has no care in the world other than to have a prince. 58. I aspire to have those dreams. 59. But her trying to kiss Naveen even though she doesn't get anything out of it is the kind of friend I am. 60. Fun fact: this is the first time a princess' villain is actually shown killing someone.  61. Firefly funerals are beautiful. #ripray 62. And now I'm crying even harder because RAY IS A STAR NEXT TO EVANGELINE AND THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL 
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63. And now we know how Neverland was created. 64. I'm not gonna lie, when I first saw this, I was confused AF as to how they became human again. 65. But then they explained it so I'm good. 66. I literally never noticed Naveen's parents standing there. 67. Her frog wedding dress was much nicer than her human wedding dress IMO. 68. I really would love to eat at Tiana's Place.
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Mulan
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1.Fun fact: Mulan is the only princess who's not actually a princess- she has no ties to royalty whatsoever and is only part of the official lineup because she embodies the traits of a princess. 2. I've never been to the Great Wall of China, but I feel confident that it would be difficult to catapult over the wall. 3. Does Shan-Yu scare anyone else? 4. It's very noble of the Emperor to not want any protection for himself. 5. Mulan writing the answers on her arm were goals for my math tests in college. 6. Little Brother and Cri-Kee are two of my favorite sidekicks. 7. I wish my dad would pray for me not to be single anymore. 8. Grandmother Fa is hands down the best character in this movie. 9. Mulan is upset that she's getting a bath and a makeover but I would gladly take a free makeover. Preferably from MAC. 
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10. She definitely started the wave of bad ass princesses and most relatable. 11. I am also clumsy AF so I feel this scene with the matchmaker. 12. Fun fact: the singing voice of Mulan is the same woman who was the singing voice of Jasmine. 13. Even in cartoon form China looks beautiful and I can't wait to visit both Disney parks there. 14. I like how the town has a guy who sits in a lookout tower just for the purpose of telling you when the government is on the way. 15. Mulan: the OG Katniss volunteering to go to war in her father's place. 16. I'm not sure how her father can try and put her in her "place" when he's known her for sixteen years and knows how independent she is. 17. I wish I could cut my hair like Mulan cuts hers with a sword and also look that good with a bob. 
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18. But also she had great hair so it's kind of tragic. 19. Eddie Murphy is the greatest thing to happen to Disney since Robin Williams. Get this man into the Disney Legends stat. 20. Why did the ancestors choose this prayer to answer instead of allowing her not to be clumsy for the day? 21. Are we going to ignore the fact that it seemed like somehow Mushu got someone decapitated? 22. If this statue was supposed to wake up, does that mean Mushu killed the Great Stone Dragon? 23. Mushu translating for Cri-Kee is giving me major R2D2 and C3PO vibes. Or Han and Chewie. Or anyone who has this type of translation relationship. 24. Have I mentioned that Shan-Yu is scary? 25. Mulan practicing her "man" voice is what I sound like when I try to sing in lower keys. 26. Khan is one of the prettiest Disney horses out there and I want him. 27. DISHONOR ON YOUR COW. 
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28. Cracks me up every time. 29. With the advice Mushu originally gives, I'm surprised no one punched Mulan in the face. 30. It should bother me that the men in Disney movies increase in handsomeness because they ARE cartoons, but it doesn't. They're hot. Sue me. 31. Why is Mulan's armor different than everyone else's? 32. Mulan thought of everything from cutting her hair to looking like a man but she forgot to think of a name. 33. I would love for someone to wake me up with a happy face of eggs and bacon. 34. Mushu is a great motivational speaker and I need him in my life. 35. I feel like since the Huns have already invaded they don't really have time to train warriors but okay. 36. I say this about one song every post, and "I'll Make a Man Out of You" is this movie's: are you even a Disney fan if you don't belt this out at the top of your lungs whenever it comes on?
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37. "Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons", "I'll make a man out of you" this song is just full of metaphors about Mulan. 38. YOU MUST BE AS SWIFT AS A COURSING RIVER. 39. The music overtook me again. I'm back. 40. Mulan not doing well in the first half of this is what I look like at the gym. 41. Shan-Yu is low key plotting to kill a child and he's just so evil. 42. I would not wanting to go swimming with naked men, either, Mulan. Unless that pool was filled with Zac Efron, Idris Elba, and Stephen Amell. 43. It's nice that Mulan likes Shang even though he's been so tough on her. 44. This scene change from "A Girl Worth Fighting For" to the ravaged camp and dead soldiers is such a quick transition from happy to depressing and I am not here for it. 45. Does Shang automatically become the General or does lineage not matter? 46. I still would like to know what exactly Mushu did to shoot off the canon that gave away their location. 47. Mulan picked up Mushu but not Cri-Kee even though Cri-Kee is too small to run after them. 48. I'm not sure if I'm more scared of the Huns, Shan-Yu himself, or Hayabusa (his falcon). 49. For those wondering, no I did not look up the name of the falcon. I am just full of Disney knowledge. 50. Mulan has excellent war strategy for never being in the army. 51. Can we pause for a second and look at how beautifully filmed this scene was?
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52. Even the avalanche. God I love animation. 53. Knowing all the animals survive this does nothing to lessen my anxiety about them getting crushed by the snow. 54. Honestly Mulan has some strength. I would've passed out from a paper cut, let alone a sword going through me. 55. I never noticed that the doctor probably told Shang that Mulan was a woman before he went in the tent. 56. Taking her hair down does not prove that she's a woman. Shang has long hair. 
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57. Mulan is way too hard on herself. I can barely get out of bed let alone impersonate my father for war. 58. How on earth did the Huns possibly survive that avalanche. 59. "They popped out of the snow! Like daisies!" Mushu shares my sentiment. 60. How does Shang know Mulan's name? 61. Honestly, I'm with Shang. There's a big different between trusting her and trusting Ping. She lied to him the entire time. 62. Where did they get those dresses to dress up in? 63. Chien Po saving the Emperor gives me life. 64. How did Mulan get her shoe back after throwing it at Shan Yu? 65. These are the questions that keep me up at night. 66. Mushu and Cri-Kee just made a Batman and Robin joke and I've never laughed so hard or loved Disney so much. 67. Mulan getting the sword back from Shan Yu was awesome. 
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68. But I'll be honest, shooting a firework into someone is a pretty violent death. 69. Chi Fu yelling at Mulan after she just SAVED CHINA is too much. 70. The Emperor gets it. She literally saved the country she should be bowed to. 71. But really, who turns down a position with the Emperor? She has guts. 72. "You fight good", an accurate depiction of me trying to flirt. 73. The Emperor scolding Shang for not being with Mulan is fabulous. I need him to go yell at all the guys that have turned me down. 74. "Would you like to stay forever" I need more Grandmother Fa and so did this movie.
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Pocahontas
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1. I said this about Aladdin but opening with a song just gets me in the mood. 2. Why doesn't John have an English accent. This is going to bother me. 3. I'm sure every dog wishes they could be carried around like Percy. #petgoals 4. Ratcliffe was still walking into the ship when it was pulling away but okay lol. 5. Nothing like a storm and a daring rescue to show off what a hero John is. 6. This is definitely not a scene I remember at all. 7. Ratcliffe is unimpressed by heroics even though he literally did nothing to help the ship. 8. Have you seen hundreds of worlds, John? You seem a little young to have gone on that many voyages. 9. The scenery of this land is beautiful. 10. "She goes wherever the wind takes her" I guess that's why she dedicated a whole song to it. 11. Can we talk about how this cliff looks like Pride Rock? 12. I wish I could a) be as rave as Pocahontas diving off said cliff and b) look half as graceful doing anything as Pocahontas looks falling.
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13. I don't know how Flit landed in the water when he can fly. 14. We need more friendships in princess movies like Pocahontas and Nakoma. 15. Pocahontas says she's been having strange dreams and thinks something exciting is coming, which makes her psychic in my book. 16. Get you a friend like Meeko who knows when things will disgust you, such as not wanting to marry Kocoum. 17. I literally never remembered that her necklace was her mother's I just thought it was part of her outfit. 18. This film isn't my favorite in terms of the songs, except for "Colors of the Wind" of course. 19. I really like the way they animated Pocahontas though. 20. She takes the zig zag path instead of the straight one and if that doesn't make me question my life choices, nothing does. 21. I would love to find out how Pocahontas found Grandmother Willow and if she freaked out when she first met her. 22. Everyone is telling her that marrying Kocoum is a bad idea. I need a Grandmother Willow to guide me. 23. How did Grandmother Willow become sentient? I have so many questions. 24. Honestly if someone heard me talking to the wind and asking it questions I'd probably be committed. 25. Good thing Pocahontas was in a position to see the boats just in time. 26. Percy's face after John pet him is what I look like when people think it's okay to pat my head because I'm so short. 27. The absence of John's accent is still bothering me. 28. I've never been to Virginia but I hope it's as magical as it looks. 29. This is kind of giving me Tarzan vibes with the whole living in the forest and a bunch of English people come and try to take what's yours thing. 30. John says Meeko is strange looking but do they not have raccoons in England? 31. Why does John have so many crackers on him? 32. Meeko grabbing up all the crumbs is so relatable. 
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33. How did the rest of the village know that the British were there? They were nowhere near the river. 34. Everyone should watch this movie right now because it is majorly relevant. 35. If only we could all bathe as luxuriously as Percy. 36. Meeko is kind of like the mice in Cinderella, his main goal is eating. Same, Meeko, same. 37. The map that Ratcliffe has has Florida on it but Virginia is a few states away. You might want to redraw that. 38. There's been about five songs already and it's only been like twenty minutes. That's intense. 39. Technically all that gold belongs to the King, but sure, it's yours. 40. That must be some real clear water to see Pocahontas all the way up on that cliff. 41. Beauty should not be the only thing stopping you from hurting Pocahontas but okay John. 42. "I'm not gonna hurt you" says John, WHO JUST HAD A GUN POINTED AT HER. 43. Meeko knows what's going on. 44. I want to hire a Wiggins. But not for my dog, for myself. 45. I know Pocahontas did not learn English in the space of an hour. 46. I love Flit. 47. London is where British people come from. John is not British. I can't stand this. 48. I wish I could climb trees as agile as Pocahontas can. 49. "Colors of the Wind" feels much more like Alan Menken than the other songs in this film. 50. This song has such a strong message and I am here for it. 51. If I were Ratcliffe I'd be much more concerned that my poor dog ran away. 52. Great best friends know when their friends are hiding something and when 53. not to go running to the chief about seeing John. 54. But really, how did he know where the village was? They met at the river, which Pocahontas had to kayak to get to. 55. John probably thinks he ate some bad biscuits which is probably what I would think if a tree started talking to me. 56. I can't braid my hair half as good as a raccoon can braid hair and that makes me sad.
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57. Now Percy has just been left in the middle of the woods and I just want to save him. 58. They only want to kill you because you want to kill them, Ratcliffe. 59. I'm pretty sure all the gold was in California, not on the east coast. 60. I know Nakoma was trying to protect Pocahontas buuut she probably just made it worse. 61. I don't remember Kocoum dying at all. 62. I don't think it's Pocahontas' fault that Kocoum died but. 63. They captured John because you killed Kocoum, Thomas. Don't go blaming the villagers. 64. I'm not gonna lie, Ratcliffe has one of the best color palettes of a Disney villain. 65. I like that Percy and Meeko are friends now. 66. There is so much symbolism going on this movie I can't. 67. I know this is a thing in Disney movies, but sometimes I just don't believe that you can love someone in a day. Pocahontas and John are one of these moments. 68. But props to Pocahontas for making everyone see the love and not the hate. Pocahontas would make a great leader. 69. Fun fact: Pocahontas is the only princess who doesn't end up with her original love interest.
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Aladdin
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1. Going right into a song is such a strong opening. 2. It's hotter than hot where I live, too. 3. I would 10/10 buy something from human Genie. He's a great salesman. 4. Did anyone else notice the man who gave Jafar the beetle to the Cave of Wonders said he had to slit a few throats? I hope he was joking. 5. I've always wondered what made Aladdin the diamond in the rough. I mean he's a thief, so what makes him worthy of the treasure? 6. "I think I'm gonna have a heart attack from not surprise" Iago is me. I am Iago. 7. Abu: one of the best sidekicks in Disney history. 8. “One Jump Ahead” is the best song in this movie, don't @ me. 9. This is the only princess movie where the princess is not the central character of the movie. 10. Aladdin is probably worthy because he gave his bread to these poor children. 11. I forgot how wonderful he was. He could move up my list for favorite prince. 12. He might be poor but he has a great view of the palace from where he's living. 13. The law says Jasmine has to be married by her next birthday, and the Sultan says she only has three days. What's with Disney movies and people falling in love in three days? 14. Anyone who looks at Jafar can see he's a creeper, WHY would anyone think he could be trusted?
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15. If I had a staff like Jafar's, I would hypnotize people into giving me free food. 16. Why hasn't Jasmine ever been outside before? Surely she can go with guards or something. 17. Rajah is the cutest pet. Can I have a Rajah please? 18. This market looks like a lot of fun, tbh. 19. Find you someone that looks at you the way Aladdin first looks at Jasmine. 20. Aladdin is so savvy. I would not have come up with the story about Jasmine being my sister. 21. Jasmine leaping over the wall is so bad ass. She is a great princess. 22. I love that they understand how the other feels even though they're in totally different situations. 23. Jasmine's first few hours out of the palace and she's already about to kiss a stranger. Can I have some of that luck? 24. Jafar: master of sass. 25. You know, in all my years of watching this, I don't think I ever once realized it was Jafar that had Aladdin arrested so he could get him to the Cave. 26. Why is Aladdin only allowed to touch the lamp? If he's worthy enough to be in the Cave, he's worthy enough to take some treasure. 27. "Don't touch anything" says Aladdin, whose foot is touching Carpet. 28. I really really want a magic carpet. Especially one as cute as this one. 29. I am such a sucker for inanimate objects being sentient. It's the thing that Disney does best for sure. 
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30. This scene with the Cave collapsing and Aladdin trying to escape is so visually appealing. The animation is amazing. 31. Doesn't Aladdin know how a lamp works? I feel like it's common knowledge that when you rub a lamp a genie comes out. 32. Robin Williams really was truly brilliant in this role. 33. Fun fact: the animators animated Genie around the things that Robin said and it was mostly all improv. 34. “Friend Like Me” is so catchy. It makes me want a genie for myself. 
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35. Aladdin tricking Genie into getting them out of the Cave is 10/10. Love. 36. It's really amazing what goes over your head as a kid. Like the fact that Iago's idea is to kill Jasmine and the Sultan. 37. Or that Genie turned into Pinocchio for a second. 38. There are too many great lines for me to keep up, but everything Genie says is making me crack up. 39. If Jafar can hypnotize anyone with his staff, why doesn't he just hypnotize Jasmine? 40. "But you're so old" YAS, Sultan. 41. I could never decide if I liked "Prince Ali". I guess it's a catchy song but i always felt like it slowed the movie down. 42. The Sultan is easily impressed with all of the fun things Aladdin brought with him. Same. 43. I feel like he should know all the princes in the land though. There can't be that many. Surely royalty knows all the other royalty around. 44. "If she found out I was a street rat she'd laugh at me" not really, dude. She liked you in the market before.                                                                            45. Jasmine’s face when Aladdin is talking is my face whenever a guy tries to hit on me, too. Probably why I’m still single. 
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46. If a stranger showed up on my balcony with a magic carpet I'd probably go without asking any questions too. 47. I'm afraid of heights though so this would probably be a bad date idea. 48. If you don't belt out "A Whole New World" when it comes on, are you even a Disney fan? 49. That was also a gorgeously animated scene. 
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50. Is it just me or does the place where Aladdin and Jasmine end up look like the ending of Mulan? 51. Fun fact: whenever Aladdin lies, the feather on his hat falls down to cover his face. 52. Why do the guards listen to Jafar anyway? Why does he have any kind of power? He's just a royal advisor as far as I know. 53. Genie and Aladdin's friendship gives me life. 54. "Speechless, I see. A fine quality in a wife" damn, Jafar. That's savage. 55. Aladdin figured out in two seconds about his hypnotic staff when he's been using it on the Sultan for years. 56. Abu, Carpet, and Genie being all sad makes me so depressed. Stop being mean Aladdin. 57. No one wants to check where Aladdin came from to make like a royal trade or agreement or something before he gets married to Jasmine? What if he had commitments or actually had to rule a place? 58. I feel like Jafar should not have been able to have Genie grant him wishes or become his master when Aladdin still had wishes left and was still the master himself. 59. I went to Disney and met Aladdin and Jasmine once and I had a toy tiger for them to sign and the Aladdin was like "this looks like the time Jafar turned Rajah into a mini Rajah" and it was the greatest moment of my life. 
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60. Jafar outed Aladdin like Jasmine would actually care, since she liked both him in the market and him as a prince. 61. I would not survive ten seconds in snow like that even in a fur coat. 62. I think this is one of my favorite climaxes in a Disney movie. It's so intense. Jasmine flirting with Jafar is honestly super brave. He's so gross. And creepy. And old. And evil. 
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63. If I saw a snake that big I would run for my life and forget about Jasmine. 64. I know this is like the tenth time I've said this, but Aladdin really is so clever. I feel like he doesn't get enough credit for it. I could never think of half the things he did. 65. Jafar as a genie might be more terrifying than Jafar as a snake. 66. But also baby Rajah is so freaking cute. 67. Jasmine loves Aladdin after one date and like two days? While it's cute and I love heir romance it's a little weird. 68. Aladdin wishing for Genie's freedom makes me cry every time. 69. His happiness makes me happy. 70. I wonder why he never developed friendships like this with any of his other masters. 71. The Sultan is adorable and I love him. 72. Genie wanting to travel the world is actual goals. 73. What a honeymoon on Carpet, am I right? They can literally go anywhere. 74. Wow this was a short film. 75. This was so much better than I remember and might make my top five Disney movies now.
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Beauty and the Beast
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1.I'm sure everything I'm going to say has already been said but yolo. 2. The Beast's castle is definitely one of my favorites. 3. Stained glass goals. 4. If Adam had until his twenty first birthday to fall in love, and this was ten years ago, then Adam was eleven when he was cursed. 5. Kids are bratty, but not they-deserve-to-be-cursed bratty. 6. And don't tell me they were frozen in time because then how would his twenty first birthday arrive? 7. I think "Belle" might be my favorite song on the soundtrack. Don't @ me. 8. These people are all singing about how strange she is in front of her face. 9. I would've told everyone off by now. 10. That's a lot of books and a large bookstore for a town where no one except Belle reads. 11. As an avid reader myself, I would not be offended by people telling me I always had my nose stuck in a book. 
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12. I was super upset that they took this scene with the sheep out of the live action version. It's so cute. 13. They just showed Gaston shooting a duck. I did not need to see that tbh. 14. I still can't believe that NO ONE in town can't or doesn't read. 15. "How can you read this, there's no pictures" lol and you want Belle to marry you, Gaston? 16. Honestly, I like this version of Maurice way better than his character in the live action. He's adorable. 17. I want Maurice to invent me something. 18. "Where have you taken us, Philippe" says Maurice who wanted to go down the dark and spooky path instead of the bright, lit path that Phillippe tried to drag him down. 19. Why are these wolves always hanging around outside the castle? Don't they have better places to find food than a place that no one comes out of? 20. I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't be mad if my furniture talked. Especially if I had a cup like Chip, the cutest character in the movie. 21. Cogsworth has always been amusing but who put him in charge? 22. Not letting a stranger in the house is what got you into this mess in the first place. Try being a little nicer, eh, Adam? 23. You can't just set up a wedding and expect Belle to say yes just because it's there. 24. If someone put their muddy feet on one of my books you best believe they wouldn't still be sitting there, let alone still talking. 25. Belle is handling this much better than I would. 26. Gaston is the worst kind of man. 27. Belle says she wants more than her provincial life and that she wants adventure but then marries Adam and stays in the castle. 
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28. Belle leaves the castle gate open so that the wolves can get in later. 29. This is how all horror movies start, Belle. Stop exploring the abandoned castle. 30. The Beast hesitates to let Belle stay even though she's a girl and can break the curse, as opposed to Maurice who is an old man and...cannot. 31. I don't believe that after all these years of built up anger, the Beast would even feel slightly bad about keeping Belle when he could've let her go. 32. "Gaston" is a very catchy song and I enjoy it. 33. Does he own this tavern? Or does the bar just let him decorate the place with his portrait and antlers cause they think he's awesome? 34. I know no one believes Maurice that Belle is locked away, but don't they think it's suspicious that she's missing? 35. Is it a coincidence that Mrs. Potts is named Potts or do you think she was turned into a teapot BECAUSE her name was Potts? 36. And I wonder what injury Chip had to relate to being chipped. Or if he was chipped as a cup what it would translate to when he's human. 37. And similarly to Mrs. Potts, was his name Chip before or was it a result of his cup being chipped? 38. This movie has the biggest plot holes of all the Disney movies. 39. "She's so beautiful and I'm...look at me." Well isn't that the point of the curse, Beast? That she doesn't care what you look like? 40. Sometimes the Beast runs on all fours and sometimes he walks like a person. This annoys me. 41. Belle started the revolution for independent bad ass Disney princesses. 42. I know the whole point was that Adam was arrogant and selfish but I'm sure he still remembers how to treat a lady. He's still a prince. 43. Even if he was only ten, he would've had etiquette lessons. 44. I want a talking wardrobe. It would stop me from looking like a twelve year old when I left the house. 45. Why are all of the enchanted objects the only French people in this entire French town? 46. I'm not gonna lie, if I were Belle, I'd let everyone stay enchanted. I mean, who wouldn't want dishes that move on their own or a stove that cooks for you? It's a lazy person's dream come true. 47. "Be Our Guest" is a fun song too and I like the dance sequence. Thank you, Alan Menken, for all you have done for Disney music. 48. Does anyone else think this song would make a great club banger if it were remixed? I'd dance to it. 
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49. After all of that, she didn't even eat. I would never let that food go to waste. 50. "If it's not baroque, don't fix it" all of these classic lines are cut from the live action and I didn't know I missed them until now. 51. Honestly, I'm a curious person too, and I'd definitely go up to the West Wing to explore. 52. The promise of a library would distract me more than my need to find out what was in the West Wing. 53. I still don't know why Belle would take the glass off. It's protected for a reason! 54. On the other hand, it IS enchanted, so nothing probably would've happened. 55. Look how easy it is for her to leave. 56. Was Philippe out there the whole time in this blizzard? That is not safe. 57. There really are a LOT of wolves in this forest. 58. The wolves waited until the Beast showed up to attack his gigantic self, instead of attacking a tiny girl when they had the chance. 59. Belle yelling at the Beast as he yells at her is so me. 60. She's not my favorite princess, but she is certainly the one I identify with the most. 61. Sorry, Gaston, but throwing Maurice in an insane asylum won't make her want to marry you more. 62. I want a puppy slash foot rest. It's the best of both worlds. 63. "I've never felt this way about anyone" says the Beast, who has we know was ten when cursed. And in that time, he has been a beast. So when would you have had time to fall in love? 64. Honestly a library would get me. Especially that one. It's freaking gorgeous. What I could do with a library like that. 
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65. Men, if you have a library, I'm available. 66. I wonder how long it's been. Has she been gone for a day? A week? I need answers. 67. I know he's been an animal for ten years but I'm sure he remembers how to use a spoon. 68. "Something There" is actually an adorable song. 69. Cogsworth says they have twelve hours to create the most romantic setting before the last petal falls, but there's no way the rest of the movie takes place in only twelve hours. 70. Why do only some of the objects in the castle have faces and can talk? 71. I have the extended edition with the bonus song "Human Again" and I highly recommend listening if you haven't heard it. 72. Does anyone else think it's a recipe for disaster that a candle is in love with a feather duster? The Enchantress is a troll.  73. There's like five petals left on the rose. I just feel like I should point that out. 74. "Beauty and the Beast" is yet another iconic song by Menken and the animation in this scene is absolutely gorgeous. 
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75. I wish I could pull off that kind of yellow without looking like a pasty child. 76. If I had a mirror that showed me what I wished to see, I would use to spy on Zac Efron. 77. Belle leaving doesn't necessarily mean she was never coming back, she just needs to go save her father real quick. 78. Also we already knew she loved him at this point so the curse should technically be broken. Maybe she has to say it. 79. The owner of the asylum is the creepiest man ever. 80. Maurice sees all these people mocking him yet still chooses to rant about the Beast. 81. I think it's cool that the only reason Gaston wants to go after the Beast is because Belle would rather fall in love with someone who looked like an animal than someone who was handsome. 82. This scene with all the furniture attacking the villagers is the best. 83. Chip saves the day and cements his place as my favorite character in this movie. 84. Gaston has a bow and arrow instead of the guns he talked about having which is great for us watching but not efficient for Gaston's plan. 85. This fight between Gaston and the Beast is seriously intense. 86. Fun fact: you can see skulls in Gaston's eyes as he falls off the tower. 
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87. Belle saying "it IS you!" is the dumbest freaking line in any Disney movie. HE CHANGED RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE. 88. God that part always annoyed me, especially because she knew he was cursed, saw his portrait as a human so she knows what he looks like, and, once again, changed right in front of her. She's not stupid and I'm not sure why the animators made her say that.                                                                             89. Sorry, I have a lot of feelings about this.  90. I wonder if Belle still would've chosen to kiss him if he was still covered in fur. 91. 10/10 would watch a movie of just Lumiere and Cogsworth. 92. I would ship Mrs. Potts and Maurice, not gonna lie.
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching The Little Mermaid
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1. Before Tangled came out, this was my favorite movie. I'm so excited to watch it. 2. I can't believe this is the first princess movie in thirty years. 3. And so begins the classic castle start to princess movies instead of the books. So sad. 4. I wonder when they stopped doing the books in non-princess movies. 5. Eric's ship looks like a lot of fun tbh. 6. He really is an attractive cartoon. 7. One of his shipmates mentioned Triton, I see you movie. 8. I've never wanted to deep sea dive more than I do when I see this intro to Atlantica. 9. I aspire to be a mermaid and be pulled by dolphins. 10. Fun fact: Sebastian was supposed to be British. I can't see it. 11. I feel like if I were Ariel's sisters I would be bitter that my father clearly loved her more than us. 12. I can't tell if this is a performance for the king or a coming out thing for Ariel. 13. Ariel loves the sunken ship but it looks like there are several sunken ships around that area. 14. Flounder pretends to have a cough but can merpeople and fish even get sick? 15. I would be Flounder in this situation 100%. Ariel is too adventurous for me. 16. But also Flounder is so loyal, going places with her even though he knows he'll be scared. 17. I want to get that excited about a fork. Excuse me, a dinglehopper. 18. Ariel is remarkably calm that this shark is attacking her. 19. This scene is so awesome. Such excitement in the first ten minutes. Disney really revamped their princess movies.
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20. Her bag should have fallen apart by now from being underwater like that. 21. I've always wondered where Scuttle learned his words. He obviously spies on humans. Has he never seen someone use a fork? 22. Let it be known that I haven't called a fork a fork in years. I use dinglehopper in every situation. 23. Ursula is also one of my favorite villains. I love Pat Caroll's voice. 24. I would 10/10 watch a movie about her days in the palace and what made her the way she is. Is she Triton's sister? Niece? Cousin? I NEED ANSWERS. 25. If this concert was the pinnacle of Sebastian's career, he shouldn't have counted on Ariel to be the star when she didn't even go to rehearsal. 26. Flounder telling Triton the story of a shark attack is how my mom tells stories. (Badly). 27. Jk i love you mom 28. "I'm sixteen years old I'm not a child" I’m twenty three years old and I’m still a child. 29. Okay she's sixteen years old but she doesn't need a babysitter. That seems excessive. She's just a little rebellious. 30. I need a cave for all of my collectibles tbh. 31. If you don't sing at the top of your lungs when Part of Your World comes on, you're not a Disney fan. 
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32. I'm pretty humans would like to know how mermaids live. 33. "Bet you on land, they understand- bet they don't reprimand their daughters" LOL girl no. 34. I would probably get sick of swimming too. 35. This song is amazing. Alan Menken at his best. Besides all the other brilliant songs he's written. 36. I wonder how long Ariel has been collecting stuff. This is a really impressive cave. 37. I wonder how Max smelled Ariel. Does she smell like a fish? 38. The way Ariel looks at Eric is me when I look at pizza. 39. This scene where the ship is in the storm is why I'm terrified to go on boats. 40. This is actually way more like the original story like I thought and I am so into it. 41. This is such an action packed movie. I love it. 42. I can't believe Ariel swam all the way to shore basically carrying Eric but his crew couldn't even wait for him to resurface. 43. This reprise of Part of Your World might be better than the regular song. 44. I DONT KNOW WHEN, I DONT KNOW HOW, BUT I KNOW SOMETHING'S STARTING RIGHT NOW!
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45. Sorry, the music overtook me. 46. I just bought a shirt from Hot Topic that had these lyrics on it. I'm obsessed. 47. Look at all the souls Ursula has collected. I'd love to know what they wished for. 48. Out of seven girls, how is Ariel the only one that ended up with their mother's red hair? 40. Under the Sea. Another freaking classic song and beautiful sequence. 41. "Up on the shore they work all day" you know what Sebastian, you make some good points. Where can I find an Ursula to make me a mermaid? 42. Or a Morgana. Points to anyone who gets why I said that. 43. Ariel did look really into this but then she just swims away in the middle of all the fish being awesome musicians. How rude. 
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44. The king says lately Ariel has been distracted and daydreaming a lot but it's literally been half a day since she met Eric. 45. Flounder really is a great BFF but how did he get Eric's statue into the cave? 46. Sebastian telling Triton about the cave was SO low. I know he didn't know he would break all of her collectibles but still. 47. I do love this movie and like I said, Ariel was my favorite princess before Rapunzel came along, but it's so silly that she loves him. She saw him for like ten minutes. 48. Triton destroying Ariel's stuff destroys me. I would die if someone did that to me. 49. Flotsam and Jetsam are such creepy sidekicks. 50. At least she tried to resist. A for effort. 51. Poor Unfortunate Souls. Great villain song. 52. Have I mentioned how great these songs and Alan Menken were? I could go on forever about him. 53. "Now it's happened once or twice, someone couldn't pay the price" Ariel look at how many souls she has she is LYING girl. 54. Ariel considers never seeing her father and sisters again and decides Eric is worth it after never even speaking to him. 55. I wonder what Ursula would have taken from her if she didn't know Eric loved Ariel's voice. 56. I get goosebumps every time Ursula starts the spell to take Ariel's voice.  
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57. Disney villain laughs are my favorite thing ever.                                           58. Her fins splitting into legs looks like it would be really painful.                           59. Sebastian is the best. He's so funny. 60. At least Max smelled her before or he wouldn't have recognized her. 61. "You can't speak? Then you couldn't be who I thought" MAYBE SHE HAS LARYNGITIS ERIC. 62. Ariel would be horrible at charades and I would not want her on my team. 63. She's so excited by the bubbles in the bath but she did all this to get OUT of the water. 64. I really love Eric's castle. I'd live there. 65. Eric thinks Ariel is beautiful and is excited to see her but still won't let the girl who sang to him go. 66. Grimsby is such a curmudgeon. So cute. 67. I feel like Chef Louis is probably an accurate portrayal of French chefs. 68. That is an excessive amount of knives to throw at a small crab. 69. If you don't get the warm feels when Eric and Ariel look at each other you're heartless. 
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70. Since Eric is a prince I feel like he should have guards. 71. Kiss the Girl is another iconic, classic, beautiful scene and is definitely one of my favorite songs. 72. I know I keep saying that. This whole movie is my favorite don’t @ me. 73. I wish someone would take me on a romantic boat ride. Maybe I'll go hang out by a lake. 74. "The little tramp" says Ursula, who told Ariel to use her body language. 
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75. I know throwing away his flute was symbolic but like that's your flute man. 76. I wonder what Ursula put in the potion to hypnotize Eric. Was it just Ariel's voice or something else? 77. Eric SOUNDS like a robot, why does Grimsby not notice this 78. A sunset wedding on a boat? Seriously, where can I find a prince? 79. Ariel sitting alone on the dock crying is so sad omg. 80. I LOVE that shot of Vanessa looking into the mirror and seeing her Ursula self. (I couldn’t find a GIF. So sad).  81. Sebastian is such a good delegator. He should have more responsibilities. 82. Vanessa just straight up KICKED MAX IN THE FACE. That is more villainous than anything she's done so far. 83. All of the villains' eyebrows are so on point though. 
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84. Eric is not shocked enough about Ariel being a mermaid. Or Vanessa turning into a purple octopus. 85. I do think it's cool that even Triton's trident (lol) couldn't destroy the contract. 86. So if Ursula lived in the palace maybe Triton took the crown from her somehow? Or she was bitter that he was next in line instead of her? 87. There's no way Eric could dive down that deep without equipment and hold his breath. 88. Can you imagine if a life sized octopus like that existed? I would stay as far away from the water as humanly possible. 89. I'm not gonna lie though, having all that power and the trident would be pretty fun. I could make endless food appear whenever I wanted. 90. I think this is the most action packed princess movie there is. 91. Second time out of two that a villain has died because a prince stabbed them. That's so dark, y'all. 92. I think Triton could've given Ariel the power to turn back into a mermaid whenever she wanted so she could come see him. 93. I love her purple sparkly dress. Where can I get one? 94. I'm really glad Alfred Angelo makes princess inspired dresses instead of exact copies because those are some very poofy sleeves. 
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95. I really would not be able to leave my family or my best friends for a guy. She has some resolve. 96. What do the townspeople think of Eric having a bunch of fish at his wedding? 97. I still love this movie. 10/10. Excuse me while I go listen to the soundtrack on repeat.
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Sleeping Beauty
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I will say this until they stop: i lovelovelove the old school intros.
This book is bedazzled. I'm into it.
I want to have a song written about me that hails me.
The colors in this film are beautiful.
It always cracks me up to see people in the background not moving. Animation has come a long way.
Super glad we stopped with betrothing babies. Although maybe that would have helped me with my single status.
If fairies were real I'd want them to all come in primary colors.
I feel like giving the gift of beauty is a waste because she's probably already going to grow up to be pretty. Look at king Stefan and the queen.
A gift of song that she only used once, Fauna, but okay.
Maleficent is 100% one of my favorite villains hands down. She's bitter because she didn't get invited to a party.
The queen just called her your excellency, so why wasn't she invited? She's obviously a powerful fairy, there's no reason she couldn't have come.
Fun fact: the voice of Maleficent is the same voice as Lady Tremaine from Cinderella.
Although I think it works much better this time around. Every time she says "fools" or laughs, I get chills.
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    14. It's a good thing Maleficent came when she did or Merryweather's gift could have been the gift of cooking.     15. We've already established Maleficent is a powerful fairy, did they really think burning all the spinning wheels would work?     16. "I'd like to turn her into a fat old hop toad" I love you, Merryweather.     17. "She always ruins your nicest flowers" lol Maleficent is really just a troll.     18. Fauna is the only one excited to raise a baby like it's super easy.     Especially without their magic, which they've never gone without.     19. The castle that Maleficent lives in would make a great edition to the Haunted Mansion ride.     20. Maleficent is upset that her henchmen are dumb because they've been looking for a baby, but why haven't you checked in on this once in the last sixteen years?     21. Diablo gets it done right.     22. I love how villains' pets used to literally be named after the devil.     23. The fairies are sending her out barefoot. It's a forest, y'all, it's probably dirty.     24. If they've never sewed or cooked, how does Briar Rose have clothes? And have they just been living off berries for the last sixteen years?     25. This whole scene with Fauna trying to bake and Flora trying to make a dress is hilarious.
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    26. Since Ariel is the next princess, I'm pretty sure this is the last movie that involves singing to birds to get their help. How tragic.     27. Briar Rose is a brave woman to walk across that branch.     28. Phillip is entranced by Briar Rose's singing voice but that does not sound like the singing voice of a sixteen year old girl. It sounds like the singing voice of an opera singer.     29. Briar Rose keeps saying things to the animals in such a way that the owl can ask "who" which is super clever.     30. "They say if you dream a thing more than once it's sure to come true". You and Cinderella should start a club.     31. There's a Tsum Tsum of the owl dressed in Phillip's clothes and I've never needed anything so much in my life.  
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    32. LOOK AT IT.                                                                                                       33. Anyway.                                                                                                             34. Is it cute or coincidence that she dreams of Phillip, whom she's only met once as a baby?     35. I love singing along to Disney movies.     36. Briar Rose is extremely freaked out to see Phillip and she has the right idea.     37. But it's still really cute to watch them dance. I love "Once Upon a Dream".     38. Briar Rose pulls a Cinderella and runs away from Phillip before giving him her name, but at least she told him where she lived.     39. Merryweather is actually me IRL.     40. I always want magic when I see fairies in Disney movies. It's so convenient. And I would love to be able to get brooms to become sentient to clean my house.     41. The fight between pink and blue is honestly my favorite thing about this movie.
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    42. I almost feel bad that Diablo found them when they were so careful about trying to plug every hole so the magic wouldn't show.     43. Good thing she's in love with the boy who she's betrothed to.     44. "BTW you're a princess and your name is not Briar Rose." How have they not told her in sixteen years who she is? She probably would've been excited to go back if she knew.     45. King Hubert is also me when food is around.     46. I feel like this scene with Hubert and Stefan is the most accurate portrayal of life in the 14th century- eating, drinking, wanting to marry Aurora and Phillip ASAP...     47. Hubert is trying to stab Stefan with a fish and that is why you should not drink and fight, kids.     48. "Now, father, you're living in the past. This is the 14th century!" So modern, Phillip.     49. I love how Aurora's dress is blue but ended up pink in merchandise and stuff because they didn't want her to look too much like Cinderella.     50. Maleficent in the fireplace is scary as hell.
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    51. I always love irony and events that lead to what they were trying to avoid in the first place. Like if they had just told Aurora who she was, she wouldn't have been upset, and she would've been reunited with Stefan instead of going with Maleficent.     52. Aurora following the ball of green light is so suspenseful and creepy and I am here for it.     53. They could've waited five more minutes to leave for the castle and the sun would've gone down and the curse would've been broken.     54. Fun fact: Aurora only has eighteen minutes of screen time in the whole movie, despite it being about her.     55. I thought it was pretty smart of the fairies to put everyone to sleep. I would not have thought of that. Probably why I never got my letter to Hogwarts.      56. Phillip going to the cottage and Maleficent saying come in is giving me such "Little Red Riding Hood" vibes rn.     57. Did I mention how much I love Eleanor Audley's voice?     58. I'm not sure how Phillip's hat means Maleficent took him to the forbidden mountains, but maybe fairies are secretly detectives, too.    59. I wonder what kind of animals these henchmen are.    60.Some sort of pig creature maybe.
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    61. If I may say so, Aurora is quite a beautiful cartoon.     62. I love that they mentioned the 100 years thing that was in the original story, but I don't think Phillip would be alive to do what Maleficent wants. But that is some grade A torture and I love it.     63. I want a sword of truth. Idk what I'd do with it, but I want it.     64. Even though Diablo deserved it, I'm still always sad when he gets turned to stone. He's still a precious animal!     65. I need Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather to help me out in my daily life. They seem like they could really do a lot for me.     66. If I saw those thorns, I'd probably forget it and just leave Aurora be.     67. Maleficent is surprised Phillip got through the thorns even though he had a sword.     68. Maleficent as a dragon. That is all.
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    69. She really is my favorite villain, I think. I mean she curses people for no reason, she has the best laugh, she can turn into an awesome dragon...     70. This is only one of two times a villain has died by the hand of a prince or princess.     71. That was probably a nice little nap for everyone. Where can I get a sleeping curse?     72. I love how now all of a sudden Aurora is chill with being a princess now that she can marry who she wants. Freedom of wills, I suppose.     73. At least Maleficent died so that she can't interrupt this party she wasn't invited to.     74, No one notices her dress changing from pink to blue lol.     75. I love Aurora and Phillip dancing in the clouds. It's such a pretty scene/ending.     76. And they lived happily ever after.
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P.S.: I went a  little overboard on the GIFs today, but they were all so relevant. Sorry not sorry. 
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Cinderella
I’m going in order of when princess movies were released, so today’s movie is Cinderella! The cartoon, not the live-action version. 
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I know this is the ending, I just couldn’t find another GIF. Go with me.
Again with the old school intros. I love when it used to say "Walt Disney presents".
Although it does take a minute and a half to actually get to the movie. That's a long intro.
But I still love the book and the "once upon a time.."
He loved his daughter but he still named her Cinderella.
Honestly when you first see Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, and Drizella they just look mean.
I feel like I wouldn't have needed to wait until the father died for their true nature to be revealed. I see you.
"And she was bitterly jealous of Cinderella's charm and beauty". Sounds like someone else we know, eh, Evil Queen?
Cinderella's goodness is definitely something I've always admired.
Again with the birds though. It's like an early Disney princess requirement.
If a dream is a wish your heart makes, if I dream of Zac Efron will it come true?
Cinderella yelling at the clock tower is me every morning to my alarm.
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    12. Although I would not be that happy making my bed and getting dressed to do housework.     13. As much as I love Jacques and Gus Gus, it's odd that this is the only princess movie where the animals actually speak and the main character can understand them.     14. I would not give mice that I found in my house a name, let alone clothes.     15. Lucifer sleeping on a cat bed reminds me of my best friend and her cat.     16. This portrayal of a cat always cracks me up. I'm a dog person all the way.     17. "Lucifer mean" Jacques says, presumably not knowing that Lucifer literally means devil.     18. I would watch a movie with just Bruno and Lucifer fighting.     19. The passages that the mice have created throughout the house are seriously impressive.     20. Jacques choosing his own tail to sneak past Lucifer is classic. Just like this scene.     21. Do cats even drink milk? I've heard this is not a thing.     22. Gus Gus taking all the cheese is me at buffets. 
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    23. It still makes me nervous every time I watch the mice run past Lucifer.     24. Ugh, if someone summoned me like that I would probably spit in their tea.     25. Cinderella is always so nice to them for no reason. I'd be like "do your own ironing”. Yet they still think she's the worst person in the world.     26. At least she doesn't put up with Lucifer's attitude.     27. Lady Tremaine's room is goals though.     28. I always have a hard time choosing the worst villain because they're all so awful in their own way.     29. Cinderella should just not do half of these things asked of her because you know LT wouldn't even notice.     30. I've always loved the king and Duke's scenes.     31. How did they put together an entire ball in half a day? This is not even enough notice for my friends to tell me we're going out.     32. I know I keep talking about different scenes but this one when she sings "Sing Sweet Nightingale" and all the bubbles come up is absolutely gorgeous and classic.     33. The king JUST told the Duke about the party five minutes ago and they already have invitations? The king knows how to get things done.     34. I'm not sure why the family thinks Cinderella can't get all her chores done. She's never given them a reason to think she wasn't efficient.     35. "Cinderelly" is such a cute song.     36. I wonder who voiced the mice.     37. It is impressive that a bunch of tiny mice could make her dress.     38. The stepsisters are complaining because they have nothing nice to wear but isn't the family in a dire state because they kept buying nice things?     39. I do love the lengths Jacques and Gus Gus are willing to go through and possibly risk being caught by Lucifer just to help Cinderella.     40. It's already 8pm when people start arriving to the ball. How late were these guys?     41. "Why, Cinderella, you're not ready child" so much sass.     42. She just wants to dance, you guys, jeeze.     43. I have ALWAYS hated when they rip up her dress. It makes me sick. It's really one of the worst scenes in Disney history because it's just so unnecessary. It was her MOTHER'S.     44. If they had just let her go, the prince wouldn't have even noticed her probably because she wouldn't have made a grand entrance or had a flashy dress. So this is really all their fault.     45. Where can I get myself a fairy godmother?     46. Bibbidi. Bobbidi. Boo. That is all.     47. Did you know that Cinderella's dress change was one of Walt's favorite scenes he ever animated? Same, Walt, same.
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      48. Honestly this whole movie has the most iconic scenes in any princess movie.     49. I can't stop smiling. I really love this movie.     50. It really looks like all these girls are just wearing the exact same dress in different colors.     51. The prince is so bored but I think that's what my face looks like on a daily basis.     52. It amazes me that people were always upset that Cinderella's step family never recognized her but I know when I get glammed up I look way different than when I have Dorito dust all over my face.     53. I really don't see how they can just let them dance away. Where are all the guards?     54. Just like when I watched Snow White, I wish it were as easy as dancing with someone to have them fall in love with you. 
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    55. Okay but how did Cinderella really not know he was the prince? Surely when men get dressed up they don't wear royal looking outfits. They probably just wear suits.     56. "I don't even know your name, how will I find you?" I will edit my previous comment and say that no matter how dolled up you are, you are still recognizable when you're in every day clothes. That has always bothered me and I'm glad they fixed it in the live action adaptation.     57. Why do the horses chasing Cinderella look like they belong in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow?     58. Do you think the animals were upset they weren't humans anymore?     59. "But sire, this shoe may fit any number of girls" lol I missed that the previous times I've watched this. You go, Duke.     60. The king replied to that, "bring them all in" so I guess it's a good thing Cinderella had the second shoe otherwise the prince may not have placed her from all the other girls whom the shoe fit.     61. I love how Lady Tremaine guessed it was her just because she was humming.     62. LOL the Duke SHUDDERED when he saw Anastasia and Drizella.      63. The scene where Jacques and Gus Gus get the key from Lady Tremaine's pocket to give to Cinderella was always one of my favorites and I was sad they took it out of the live action.     64. The stepsisters' feet are alarmingly large.     65. Tripping the footman so he would drop the slipper is first class level of petty.     66. "I have the other slipper" YAAAAS girl you tell them.     67. Lol and then they just get married okay.     68. Once again I have to say I love this movie. It's just so uplifting and smiley.
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
So I watch Disney movies practically every day, and I have a lot of thoughts on them, and I figured I’d start doing this. Hopefully you find them entertaining, and maybe you even agree with what I’ve said! First I’m starting with princess movies, so feel free to chime in! Thanks for reading. 
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Wow I miss these old school intros with the big book and old English font
And how you had to read the intro to the book. Can we bring these back?
Even though animation is amazing now I still love the drawings. I mean they made drawings MOVE.
I wish I had a magic mirror. That would really help me figure out what's going on in my life.
The line is “magic mirror on the wall”, how did it get changed to “mirror mirror”?
I want to be as regal as the Evil Queen.
I can almost guarantee the answer would not be me if I asked a magic mirror if I was the fairest one of all
The Evil Queen seemed surprised that it was Snow White even though the mirror gave her a description.
I'm kind of glad I didn't grow up in the 30s if this is what people's voices sound like.
The princes are ALWAYS coming by at just the right moment.
"Did I frighten you" I mean you climbed over the wall. Shouldn't there be guards?
I actually dig his voice.
Apparently so does Snow because she's smitten even though she just ran away from him.
The dove that blushes would definitely be me as a bird.
He sang a song and then she just closed the curtain on him.
Hiring a huntsman to kill a fourteen year old just because she's prettier than you has always seemed extreme to me.
And why would you want her heart? What are you going to do with it?
It seems odd that the queen would even give Snow her iconic dress when she wants her to be an ugly maid.
I wonder what the huntsman said to her to make her go into the forest with him.
"Hello princess would you like to go pick flowers with me, a stranger”
I wish I could run like that in heels.
This forest is still horrifying AF even though I'm twenty three.
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23. I would've thrown myself onto the ground crying long before that. Kudos to you Snow. 24. As badly as I want to be a Disney princess, I don't think I'd want the whole "she can attract all the animals". 25. Having birds drag me through the trees is my worst nightmare. 26. Those animals seemed to live a long way from the dwarves' cottage. How did they know it was there? 27. I love how she knocked, determined there was no one there, and still went inside. 28. If Snow wants to come to my house and clean it, wash my dishes, and do my laundry while I'm not home, she is more than welcome. 29. There are so many jewels in this mine. Can I go work with them? 30. What do they even spend it on? It doesn't seem like they need all these diamonds. 31. If I had a job, I would sing high ho every day on my way. 32. Yet they're singing "it's off to work we go" but they're coming home. 33. This turtle biting his way up the stairs is so cute and resourceful. 34. LOL they said "jiminy crickets!" When they saw the lights on. I love it. 35. Dopey is still so adorable. 36. Do you think they're all brothers or maybe cousins? I just want to know how they're related. 37. Once again, I have to say that if someone broke into my house and cleaned it, I would not be mad about it. 38. I feel like I used to relate to Happy but now I strongly identify with Grumpy and his cynicism.                                                                                                   39. I love that they thought Snow was a dragon. I would've thought she was a ghost.                                                                                                                  40. They keep using “jiminy crickets” as an exclamation and I am so here for it. I’m gonna start using it instead of oh my god.                                                    41. I wish I was so attractive that people stopped in their tracks before clubbing me to death.                                                                                                         42. If Snow was in the process of waking up she would've heard them talking.     43. Snow is such a confident woman that she's not even sorry she broke in and slept in their beds.                                                                                                   44. She said "oh you must be grumpy" so sassily. I love it.
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45. How do random men in the woods know the Evil Queen possesses dark magic but Snow, who lived in the castle with her, is surprised? 46. I love how all these grown men are listening to a fourteen year old girl about washing their hands like she's their mom. 47. I don't like washing my hands either but if my hands were that dirty I think I'd be in the hospital. 48. The dwarves arguing about whether to let Snow stay or not is me having discussions with myself about letting people come over. 49. The Evil Queen's eyebrow game is so on point. 50. I really like the box she has to hold the heart. It would be a nice one to hold jewelry. 51. The way her cape flows around her when she runs down the stairs is how I feel every time I wear a snuggie. 52. I know she doesn't want Snow to see who she really is, but someone who is so vain should not be that okay with suddenly becoming an ugly old woman. 53. This scene where she's making the potion to become the old woman is honestly one of my favorites in Disney history. 54. If the queen truly wanted Snow to die, she probably should've chosen an apple that actually made her die instead of "sleeping death". 55. This scene where they're all dancing and singing is so cute. 56. If only falling in love was as easy as singing a song to a hot guy. 57. Someday my prince will come is the story of my life right now. #singleaf 58. That's nice they gave Snow their beds but there's seven of them and one of her, plus she needs three beds to sleep. Now there's seven men fighting over a couch. 59. Now I really want one of those cool candy apples they sell at Disney with the design of the skull on it from the poison apple. 60. It's funny that the queen didn't think there was any possible way true loves kiss could revive Snow even though she saw the prince sing to her. 61. Who is this random person in the dungeon who died and is now a skeleton? I'd like to know that backstory. 62. "Beware of strangers" Doc literally told you the Evil Queen could be disguised. YOU HAD ONE JOB, SNOW 63. That pie looks good but I'm not sure I could eat it knowing birds stepped on it. 64. When the Evil Queen showed up at the window I jumped. I've seen this so many times but that never ceases to not creep me out.
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65. This is not a sweet little old lady Snow, she LOOKS like a witch. 66. I still can't get over how the dwarves found these mines or why they need to work there or how they're the only ones. 67. TBH if someone told me they had a magic wishing apple that could make my dreams come true I'd take a bite. 68. Fun fact: this year was the 80th anniversary of this movie. 69. It may be 80 years old and the animation may be dated, but the queen falling over the side of the cliff after the lightning strikes is still so scary. 70. I don't think anyone would think a woman so beautiful as to kiss her in death just to see what would happen. 71. It said that the prince searched far and wide for the girl in the glass coffin. How did he even know it was Snow? 72. And now he's just carrying her off and leaving the dwarves. Although I don't think I'd need to talk either if a prince came and got me. I mean, he IS a prince. 73. I don't get why everyone hates on this movie. It was the one that started it all. I enjoyed it, even after all these years.
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