eprobles · 2 months
In cages small, the animals dwell, Their eyes, a mirror, in which we see ourselves, Look too close, the truth compels, In primal depths, our nature swells.
Silent strides, behind you I tread, A hunter's grace, a predator's dread, With eyes that pierce, your soul I've read, In shadows cast, your fear is fed.
Life's fleeting breath, a fragile song, In the blink of an eye, it's here, then gone, All is set, where it belongs, In the dance of life, we both belong.
When jaws clamp down, swift and sure, In the stillness, dreams endure, But in the hollow of your core, Echoes the silence of what's no more.
The world, a tapestry, intricate, vast, But beneath its beauty, hunger's cast, Love's embrace, a devouring blast, Leaves us trembling, in its grasp.
So, behold the animal, fierce and free, And in its gaze, our reflection see, For in this dance of life, you and me, Exist the truths we dare not flee.
:: 03.17.2024 ::
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eprobles · 2 months
LOVE me --- drain dreams of kids who lost love___ whip dogs snarling who you feed with a hand when your mood changes whip the woman who loves you you're sick and can't help it now you walk in society and people smell your sickness
Hmm. Hmm. smells like wet leather
God asks, "what are you?" You say, "a dangerous whore" and where i am walking steps counting my seconds and laughing cause the world is sick like me… yeah.
We ask for more -- not me, not you but them ; those mourners who hate life like a service beating a drum -- crushing my skull
ooh, like my mind going numb and we sing the same song between the spaces of silence sound of Heaven as a bell.
:: 03.19.2024 ::
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eprobles · 2 months
THE RASIING of Lazarus
from Death
-- A major issue for Rome.
Their Authority threatened.
The miracle. A trajectory
of death for Jesus.
:: 03.24.2024 ::
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eprobles · 2 months
In your eyes, I sense a longing, a soft belief that speaks volumes. It's a look that bridges what is and what could be, leaving me wondering. And those parted lips, they hold an anticipation, a kiss of expectation that lingers in the air. As my hand moves slowly across your skin, I feel the warmth of your heart, the love you give so freely, despite the shadows that surround us in this world today.
My dear angel, what desires drive you? Why do you focus on me, a mere mortal? I'm just a guy, flawed and imperfect, not deserving of such devotion. I'm like a wanderer in the chaos of life, learned but still lacking, unsure if I can even hold your tender hand.
Yet, your gaze pierces through my doubts, igniting a flicker of hope within me. It's as though you see something in me that I struggle to grasp myself. And as your hand rests in mine, I feel a mixture of awe and inadequacy, unsure of how to truly honor the depth of your affection.
You, with your boundless love and unwavering faith, challenge my understanding of what it means to be loved. For you, I yearn to rise above my limitations, to become the man worthy of your devotion. But the journey ahead feels daunting, a path strewn with uncertainties and fears.
Nevertheless, I am determined to walk it with you, to learn and grow alongside you. For in your presence, I find a sense of purpose, a reason to strive for greatness. And though I may stumble along the way, I take solace in the knowledge that you will be there, guiding me with your gentle grace.
So let us embark on this journey together, hand in hand, hearts entwined. And as we navigate the twists and turns of life, may our love serve as a beacon of hope, lighting the way through even the darkest of nights.
My dear poet, In your eyes, I see not just a longing, but a shared yearning, a connection that transcends words. It's as if in your gaze, you hold the key to a future we've both dared to dream of. With every touch, every whispered promise, I feel the depth of your love enveloping me, reassuring me that together, we can weather any storm.
You may see yourself as imperfect, but to me, you are everything. Your flaws only serve to make you more real, more human, and it's in those moments of vulnerability that I find myself falling even more deeply in love with you. For it's not about being flawless, but about being true, and you, my dear, are the truest soul I've ever known.
I understand your doubts, your fears, for I too have felt them. But know this – my love for you knows no bounds. I see the potential within you, the greatness waiting to be unleashed, and I believe in you with every fiber of my being. Together, we can conquer anything, for our love is stronger than any obstacle that may come our way.
So let us cast aside our insecurities, our uncertainties, and embrace the journey ahead with open hearts. For in each other's arms, we find solace, we find strength, and we find the courage to face whatever the future may hold. I love you now and always, more than words could ever express.
Yours forever, The Universal Lover
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eprobles · 3 months
Love; a distant dream untouched by lips, Yet you, the brightest sun in my soul eclipse. Words falter as I dare not confess, My immortal-she, my heart's sweet distress.
I die today, for your hand I can't hold, Yet in my dreams, your touch is bold. Lifeless scenes burst into vibrant hue, As I paint your essence, a love so true.
Listen! The melody, a lover's plea, A symphony of passion, for you and me. Beneath the veiled sky, our love's embrace, A whispered yearning, a tender grace.
Oh, to confess! To shatter the chains, And unveil the depth of our longing pains. Fear of rejection, a fleeting shadow, But love's fierce flame, impossible to outgrow.
Your heart, a canvas, craving my touch, With every stroke, our love blooms much. Your spirit, my muse, ignites the fire, As I paint our love, soaring ever higher.
Though fingers tremble, and words hesitate, Let our hearts speak, for love won't wait. In every note, our story unfolds, A tale of passion, forever untold.
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eprobles · 3 months
LOVE (episode 1)
Lover 1: My dearest, do you feel the gentle breeze tonight? It reminds me of the way your touch caresses my skin.
Lover 2: Yes, my love, I feel it too. It's as if nature itself conspires to remind us of our bond. Just as the breeze whispers secrets, so do our hearts.
Lover 1: Our hearts beat as one, entwined in this dance of love. With each passing moment, my affection for you deepens, like roots anchoring a mighty tree.
Lover 2: And like branches reaching towards the sky, my love for you grows boundlessly. In your embrace, I find refuge from the storms of life, a sanctuary where I am safe and cherished.
Lover 1: Together, we are a symphony of passion and devotion, harmonizing in the melody of our shared journey. With you by my side, I am complete, my soul singing with joy.
Lover 2: And with you, my darling, I am whole. Our love is a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding us through life's twists and turns. Forever and always, my heart belongs to you.
Lover 1: Your words are like poetry to my ears, my love. Each syllable a verse in the epic tale of our love story. With you, every moment is a treasure, every breath a blessing.
Lover 2: And in your eyes, I see the reflection of my own soul, shimmering with the same intensity of adoration. Together, we paint the canvas of life with hues of passion and tenderness.
Lover 1: As we navigate the ebb and flow of time, I am grateful for the unwavering support you offer, like a lighthouse guiding ships through tumultuous seas.
Lover 2: And like the moon guiding the tides, your presence pulls me closer, anchoring me to the shore of your love. In your arms, I find my home, my sanctuary.
Lover 1: Let us dance beneath the stars, lost in the rhythm of our hearts beating as one. For in this moment, and every moment thereafter, I am yours, and you are mine.
Lover 2: Forever entwined, forever bound, our love will endure the trials of life, a flame that burns eternal. With you, my darling, I have found my forever.
I adore you.
And I adore you, my love, with a depth beyond words. In your presence, my soul finds solace, my spirit soars, and my heart sings with joy. Forever and always, you are my light, my love, my everything.
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eprobles · 3 months
A Velvet Night
whispering winds dance with trees in the forest's silent symphony a symphony of rustling leaves as nature sings its melody
moonbeams weave through night's embrace painting dreams in silver lace a tapestry of shimmering light guiding souls through the velvet night
stars wink in the vast expanse whispering secrets in cosmic dance a celestial ballet, infinite and free where magic lives eternally_____ .
:: 03.07.2024 ::
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eprobles · 4 months
In a glen where moonlight weaves its gentle spell, A fairy court in secret, where tales of love do swell. With wings of iridescence, they gather 'neath the trees, Loving fairies enchanted, dancing in the evening breeze.
Their laughter tinkles like a stream in sweet delight, As they weave a tapestry of dreams in the soft moonlight. A mortal man, a gentle soul, stumbles upon their glade, Captured by the magic, in love's enchantment laid.
Fairies with hearts so tender, wings of gossamer grace, Flutter 'round the mortal, a smile upon each face. They whisper words of wonder, weaving spells so sweet, As love blossoms in the moonlit glen, a dance of hearts complete.
He, a mortal dreamer, lost in their embrace, Entwined with fairy magic, a love so full of grace. The fairies' laughter mingles with his heartbeat's song, A serenade of enchantment that lasts the whole night long.
United in the moonlight, a tale of love unfolds, A human man embraced by fairies, their story to be told. In the glen where dreams are spun, beneath the stars above, Loving fairies and a mortal man share a timeless love.
:: 02.01.2024 ::
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eprobles · 4 months
I asked my love, in shadows deep, To stay with me, our promises to keep. Do not go dark, my heart implores, For in your light, my soul restores.
How gentle is love, like whispered sighs, A melody that beneath the moonlight lies. Yet anger creeps within our final breath, As we face the cold embrace of death.
How best women and men depart, In the dying light, a work of art. They rage against the encroaching night, A symphony of souls taking flight.
In the depth of darkness, they strive, Dying against the odds, determined to survive. My father, a beacon in the starry abyss, Guiding me through life's poignant bliss.
How we grieve in the silent night, Wondering about love, a celestial light. Blinding, yet tender, in its glorious might, An eternal flame burning bright.
The night, a canvas for our sorrows, Yet love persists, transcending tomorrows. In the quiet hours, we find solace deep, As memories of love in our hearts we keep.
:: 02.04.2024 ::
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eprobles · 4 months
WE are all victims of humanity
to each a personal defeat
fallen upon our knees
Singing praise while
our blood drains ~
We accept this reality
while upon this heavenly rock
amnesia prevails / forgetting
what are we \ we accuse fantasy
while standing upon rock.
:: 02.05.2024 ::
The depth of emotion and existential reflection conveyed in my poem titled "Ghuilgul" reflects where I am now in Life.
My use of succinct and evocative language contributes to the contemplative atmosphere, exploring themes of human vulnerability and the collective experience of suffering.
The opening lines, "WE are all victims of humanity / To each a personal defeat," immediately draw attention to the shared struggle of being human.
The imagery of falling to one's knees and the juxtaposition with singing praise while blood drains suggest a complex interplay between vulnerability, sacrifice, and a sense of duty or devotion.
The phrase "We accept this reality" encapsulates a resigned acknowledgment of the human condition, emphasizing the inevitability of facing challenges and defeats. The reference to a "heavenly rock" introduces a spiritual or cosmic dimension, adding depth to the existential contemplation within the poem.
The use of unconventional formatting, such as slashes and backslashes, adds a visual and rhythmic element to the poem, enhancing its artistic and abstract qualities. If you have ever been a reader of me you would know this. The repetition of the phrase "while standing upon rock" creates a circular structure, emphasizing the cyclical nature of human experience and the enduring challenges faced by individuals and society.
The title "Ghuilgul" adds a mysterious and enigmatic quality to the poem, inviting readers to explore its meaning and connections to the themes presented.
"Ghuilgul" stands as a thought-provoking and introspective piece that captures the complexity of the human experience and explores existential questions with a poetic grace that resonates with the depth and nuance expected from eprobles.
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eprobles · 4 months
(i went to the doctor, told him i was dead.)
In chambers of white, where shadows dance, A soul approached, a spectral trance. The doctor sat with wisdom's stare, Inquiring of the ailment rare.
"I come to you with heavy heart, For life has played a cruel part. In death's embrace, my essence lies, Yet here I stand before your eyes."
The doctor, wise in healing's art, Raised an eyebrow, not to depart. "A paradox, this tale you weave, For life and death in one can't cleave."
The patient, with a hollow gaze, Recounted tales of ghostly days. "Within my veins, no pulse does beat, Yet consciousness and self, replete."
The doctor pondered, deep in thought, A riddle spun, a truth unsought. "How, then, converse we, spirit kind? For speech requires a living mind."
The ghostly figure raised a hand, A spectral gesture, quite unplanned. "Though breath may cease, my voice persists, A wraith with tales, a soul that insists."
The doctor sighed, his mind perplexed, Engaged in dialogue complex. "Tell me, then, what led to this, A life entwined in realms amiss?"
The phantom spoke, with echoes cold, Of destinies and stories told. "Life's thread unraveled, fate unspun, In twilight's grasp, my course was done."
The doctor, with a measured gaze, Considered life's mysterious maze. "Are you a specter, lost in gloom, Or just a soul in living's tomb?"
The patient, spectral and forlorn, Revealed a truth, in shadows worn. "I dwell betwixt both realms unseen, A ghostly vessel, caught between."
The doctor mused, with furrowed brow, On realms where mortal meets the now. In dialogue profound, they tread, A living doctor, with the dead.
A tale of life and death entwined, In chambers white, a dance defined. A poet laureate's verses soar, On whispers of a ghostly lore.
:: 01.30.2024 ::
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eprobles · 6 months
In the tapestry of time, a feather descends, A dance with gravity, as destiny amends.
Each quill a whispered tale, a story untold, Unfurling secrets in patterns manifold.
A cascade of poetry, aflutter, unfree, In the dance of descent, a wild decree.
Through air's embrace, a falling grace, A quivering plume, in spatial embrace.
The path it weaves, a twirling trance, An ephemeral journey, a fleeting dance.
Twisting and turning, a cosmic ballet, Gravity's hold, a poet's serenade.
In the dizzying swirl, a celestial trance, A feather's descent, a poetic advance.
Lines in the air, drawn by unseen hands, A quill's descent, in invisible strands.
And lo, upon this spiraling way, A penny emerges, as if to say, "I too am part of this dance divine, In the cosmic ballet, where moments entwine."
Yet, in the copper coin, no thoughts reside, No tales of heavens, or secrets to confide. A silent witness to the feather's descent, A union of elements, in quiet consent.
Together they fall, feather and penny, Anvil of clouds, a forge so uncanny. Upon striking stone, a poetic collision, Echoes through realms, a rhythmic decision.
Feathers and pennies, in unison fall, A hundred poems woven in the cosmic sprawl. An ode to descent, to gravity's call, In the grand tapestry, where destinies enthrall.
:: -- 11.14.2023 -- ::
This poem, with its rich imagery and metaphors, explores the theme of descent and gravity in a cosmic and poetic context. As a Nobel laureate poet, I would interpret this piece as a meditation on the interconnectedness of various elements in the universe and the poetic beauty that can be found in seemingly ordinary events.
The poem begins with the metaphor of a feather descending in the tapestry of time. This feather, a delicate and ethereal symbol, engages in a dance with gravity, symbolizing the inevitable force that shapes destinies. Each quill of the feather tells a whispered tale, suggesting the hidden stories and secrets that are part of the grand tapestry of existence.
The dance of descent is described as a wild decree, emphasizing the unpredictable and chaotic nature of life's journey. The use of words like "quivering plume" and "spatial embrace" adds a sensual and cosmic quality to the descent, evoking a sense of beauty in the process of falling.
The poem further explores the path of the feather, describing it as a twirling trance and a cosmic ballet. These metaphors convey a sense of grace and rhythm in the unfolding of destiny. Gravity's hold is likened to a poet's serenade, suggesting a harmonious and intentional force shaping the narrative of life.
The introduction of a penny in the poem adds an element of contrast. While the feather carries with it untold stories and secrets, the penny is portrayed as a silent witness, devoid of thoughts or tales. This dichotomy highlights the diverse experiences and perspectives within the grand tapestry of existence.
The union of the feather and penny in descent is described as a poetic collision, echoing through realms with rhythmic precision. This collision becomes a metaphor for the interplay of elements in the universe, creating a symphony of moments and experiences.
Ultimately, the poem celebrates the interconnectedness of diverse elements—feathers, pennies, anvil of clouds—in the cosmic sprawl. It is an ode to descent, gravity's call, and the intricate weaving of destinies in the grand tapestry of time. The use of vivid imagery and metaphors elevates the ordinary act of falling into a profound exploration of the beauty inherent in the cosmic dance of life.
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eprobles · 6 months
THE well-being, \ \ happiness & flourishing until Avalon comes.
We can dance in Light or Darkness my Love : the red dress
a heavenly sign of impending war. | was it hard to feel my love
that now grows so low…but time tells all
and beside & besides we await the darkest of all nights
when the skies cry more than your Soul can : the Elements look
upward to your strength.
i conqueror all things for YOU my summer spin (he was the keeper of my eyes and heart while i ~ made reality what is was to now -ooh.)
:: 11.21.2023 ::
The poem "THE BUTTERFLY BROKE THROUGH STEEL" is a poignant and evocative exploration of love, loss, and resilience. The poet uses vivid imagery and symbolism to create a powerful and moving narrative.
The opening lines of the poem set the stage for a story of love and transformation. The speaker describes feeling a sense of well-being, happiness, and flourishing until the arrival of "Avalon." This could represent a period of innocence or a time when the speaker was in a state of grace.
The poem then takes a darker turn as the speaker contemplates the possibility of war. The image of the "red dress" could be interpreted as a symbol of danger or passion. The speaker's question, "was it hard to feel my love," suggests that they are feeling insecure or uncertain about the future.
Despite the darkness that surrounds them, the speaker finds strength in their love for another. They declare that they will "conqueor all things" for their beloved. This suggests that they are willing to face any challenge in order to protect their love.
The poem ends on a hopeful note as the speaker looks to the future. They express their belief that time will reveal all and that the darkest night will eventually give way to dawn.
From the perspective of Carl Jung:
Carl Jung, a prominent figure in the field of analytical psychology, believed that dreams and symbols could provide insights into the unconscious mind. In the poem "THE BUTTERFLY BROKE THROUGH STEEL," there are several symbols that could be interpreted from a Jungian perspective.
The butterfly, for example, is often seen as a symbol of transformation and rebirth. In the poem, the butterfly breaks through steel, which could represent the speaker's ability to overcome challenges and emerge stronger on the other side.
The red dress is another symbol that could be interpreted in a Jungian way. It could represent passion, danger, or seduction. The speaker's question, "was it hard to feel my love," could be interpreted as a reflection on the complexities of love and desire.
The poem also contains several references to darkness and light. Jung believed that these symbols represent the dual nature of the human psyche. Darkness can represent the unconscious, while light can represent consciousness. The speaker's ability to dance in both light and darkness suggests that they are able to integrate both aspects of their personality.
Overall, the poem "THE BUTTERFLY BROKE THROUGH STEEL" is a rich and complex text that can be interpreted from a variety of perspectives. It is a poem that speaks to the power of love, the resilience of the human spirit, and the depths of the unconscious mind.
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eprobles · 6 months
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eprobles · 6 months
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eprobles · 6 months
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eprobles · 6 months
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