fangirlsover40 · 2 months
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(not be confused with John Jackson Miller's new book out on the 9th April - THE LIVING FORCE)
"The Living Force" (short short fanfic)
Jaron was determined.
Determined to be a Jedi. 
Like many Padawans in the Temple, Jaron had lived and been brought up here since he was a young child. But that is where his similarities with the other Padawans his age ended.
The other Padawans didn't struggle as Jaron struggled. They didn't have to wake each morning and meet with one of the Jedi Healers for two hours every day. They didn't have to come to terms with the fact that the longing to become a Jedi Master was something they would never, ever achieve - because they simply would not have the time. 
But the facts were - they did have the time. 
Jaron, did not.
Jaron had a disease. A disease that simply would hurt him from the inside out until there was no part of him that didn't hurt and his heart would stop. And there was absolutely nothing the Jedi Master Healers could do to stop it. They had tried to heal him completely, many times -  in fact, his favourite healer, Jedi Master Bar'Rue still worked relentlessly to purge him of the disease, but all she could do was make it manageable for Jaron to continue his training. 
It was Master Yoda who told him about his disease when he was to become a Padawan. Master Yoda said he could either return home and live with his family or stay at the Temple and continue on as best he could in the Force. 
Jaron chose the Force.
He would always choose the Force.
Because as long as he was living - he was the Force.
The End
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fangirlsover40 · 2 months
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Looks like it's all about the Dark Side this May the 4th Be With You day.
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fangirlsover40 · 2 months
When one-half of our FANGIRLSOVER40 doesn't know sh*t about Star Wars and you have to run them through REBELS in 10 seconds to catch up for AHSOKA.
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fangirlsover40 · 2 months
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When it comes to the MCU we have to thank Stan Lee and BLADE for kicking it into go.....The Blade Trilogy is one of the cornerstones of the great superhero era we've enjoyed over the last 20 years. LONG MAY IT CONTINUE.
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fangirlsover40 · 2 months
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We LOVE Eopies! Check out the book KENOBI by John Jackson Miller. A great story that precedes the KENOBI Disney Plus series. A must-have on AUDIBLE.
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fangirlsover40 · 2 months
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A Short Short Story.......
"I am one with the Force"
Kadera loved to go fast. 
She had no other speed. 
She walked fast, talked fast, ate fast - she even slept fast! 
That last one was only to be believed if you listened to her mother, and Kadera never did. 
Well, not never, but mostly never. And today was one of those days. Mother had told her she was not to participate in the Empire Day Celebrations, which Kadera could, for once, agree with her mother, but that meant she could not enter the Annual Empire Day Race either. And that is when Kadera stopped listening to her mother. She wasn't going to let an Empire sympathizer win the race. Not while she was alive and breathing. 
She snuck down with her newly repaired hover speeder pod and joined the starting line. She looked at the racers beside her. She took a deep breath stared straight ahead and whispered to herself...I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.
The End
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fangirlsover40 · 2 months
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HELLO THERE! We are here to share our wisdom from the days before...and learn a thing or two from you new "younglings". It's great to share in the fandoms that we all love!
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fangirlsover40 · 2 months
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We're NOT OLD - we're VINTAGE! Join us for all things fandom on our podcast FANGIRLSOVER40
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