fitmints · 4 years
Aug 09, 2020
Lmao I'm still working out. I'm actually working out more regularly, but I'm just not logging it anymore
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fitmints · 4 years
June 19 2020 - sunday abs abs abs
I did each exercise until I couldnt anymore, for roughly 3 sets (I didnt do each exercise 3 times, but i did most of them 3×) :
Weighted russian twists
Plank twists
Leg lifts
Side plank crunches
Side plank hip dips
Alternating bird dogs
Standing cross body "crunch" (touching right elbow to left knee and stretching back up again)
Mountain climbers
Knee push-ups
It's currently Tuesday and my abs still hurt. Dont forget to stretch!🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
July 16, 2020 - second post today haha
I worked out my abs a little bit today! I did at least 10 reps of each, but no sets.
Jumping jacks until breathless
24 crunches
24 weighted sit ups
10 side plank dips per side
Leg raises
Russian twists (I did 3 sets, weighted and unweighted, but I dont know how many)
Elbow plank reaches
Mountain climbers
Weighted chest press
Leg raise variation (like I didnt touch my feet to the ground, and i hovered them front, left, and right, while bringing my knees in between reps)
It was a really hot day today so I cooled off with a cold shower afterwards. Be sure to keep cool! 🌼😎
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fitmints · 4 years
July 16, 2020 - Thursday and not a workout day!
I just wanted to apologize for literally not posting anything all week I havent been working out, but I havent been sedentary either. I went on walks and outings multiple times since the past time I logged anything and each one burned at least 200.
How you're getting sun and scenery! 🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
July 09, 2020 - thursday, not normally a work out day!
I just felt like working out my arms today. I didnt count my reps, but I did:
8lb chest flies
8lb chest press
8lb hammer curls
8lb bicep curls
8lb shoulder raises
8lb upright rows
8lb bench rows
8lb shoulder press
I also walked around the city a lot and burned ~500 calories. Hope you're all getting a bit of sun these days 🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
July 08, 2020 - wednesday, normally a core day
I've been feeling a bit down again lately. I've lost my appetite again and I have no energy for anything. However, I went on a 10 minute jog today for the first time in a very long time (like, a year) and I feel proud of myself.
I'm gonna take some melatonin soon and I cant wait to sleep a good amount. Hope you're all getting rest 🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
July 07, 2020 - tuesday! Not normally a workout day!
I was super busy yesterday and I didnt have time for any workouts. Today I did a back exercise, but I didnt do it as much as the original workout asked for because my back started to hurt. I might work on my core a bit more later, but for now I feel good about my small workout. Source: bethyred (IG), Back Bodyweight Workout, posted today.
My watered down version:
10× diamond pushups
10× alternating bird dogs, per side
20× supermans
20× high plank arm raises
I'll update this later if I work out more. If not, this is it! Hope you guys can get a small work out in, even if its tiny 🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
july 4, 2020 - saturday and not normally a workout day!
-but I ddint work out Wednesday or friday, so i decided to do a small one today instead.
Aside from the first exercise, I didnt count any of my reps. However, I did:
10× elbow side plank hip dips, per side
Single 8lb russian twists
8lb chest press
8lb chest fly
8lb overhead tricep dip
8lb rows
8lb shoulder press
8lb bicep curls
8lb shoulder raises
8lb extended arm hold (not very long)
8lb hammer curls
Single 8lb glute bridges
I wanted to see if I could start incorporating 8lb dumbbells for a while now, and I'm finally at the point where I can increase my weight! I'm so happy, I cant wait to get even stronger!
I also went for a walk this week and burned 400 calories. My glutes have also been on fire for the past 2-3 days because I decided to do some squats while brushing my teeth a few days ago.
Heres to toned arms and a plump butt! 🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
June 29, 2020 - happy monday!
So today I did a mix of an upper body workout on the nike training app and a few weighted exercises. The workout I did was called Upper Body Core blend and its normally 26 mins long, but I could only get through about 12 mins.
In order, this is what my workout looked like (including modifications and warm up):
30s Jumping jacks
20s high knees
30s low plank
30s single leg raises, per leg
30s glute bridges
1min walkout pushups from standing
20s shoulder gators
1min low plank on knees
1min bird dogs
40s reverse crunch
40s sit ups
1min twisted sit up, per side
1min "horse stance, push and pull"
20× chest press (2×8lb dumbbells)
10× slow punches, per side (2×5lb dumbbells)
15× tricep dips (2×8lb dumbbells)
20× flyaways (2×5lb dumbbells)
Now that I'm all cooled down, I'm going to have a bit of a protein shake. I'm slowly trying to incorporate 8lb dumbbells into my workouts and I think it's going great. Hope you guys get to achieve your goals too! 🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
June 25th, 2020 - Thursday and not a workout day!
However, I burned upwards of 900 calories today walking around for hours. Normally, ppl burn around 100 calories for a 20 min walk. This doesn't include hills, how hot is it, and other sorts of factors like that. It was so hot today! I was sweating and there were many hills. I also didnt eat much at all which kinda sucked. I've lost my appetite a lot recently and today was the worst one yet
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fitmints · 4 years
June 24, 2020 - normally a core day
..but I never got around to it. An emotionally wired day, I'm gonna at least do some stretches tomorrow to help make up for it.
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fitmints · 4 years
June 23, 2020 - not a workout day!
Nothing super major, but I had to walk to the store today. I burned about 400 calories on my walk because its as little far and theres a lot if hills in my area.
Hope you guys get to enjoy the weather 🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
June 22, 2020 - upper body monday!!
I havent been very productive today at all. I woke up and sat on the couch for 5 hours while eating a grilled cheese and not even paying attention to the TV. After a while I finally mustered the energy to get up! I decided to do a workout so the latter half of my day could be more productive than the first half; Better late than never. This workout only took 8 mins and I pulled it from the Nike Training app. I probably could have done more but my roommate just got home.
I warmed up my shoulders with some backwards arm circles, which the workout called for
2 sets of 30 sec each:
Low plank*
Hammer curls
Alternating bicep curls
Mountain climbers
Modified press-ups (bent knee pushups)**
Overhead tricep extensions
*The workout originally called for high planks, but my wrists arent very strong and I think I'm on the verge of tendinosis (like chronic tendonitis).
**I swapped out the second set of pushups for another low plank because my wrists were starting to die from the press-ups and mountain climbers
I did this workout while a hair mask was setting in my hair and now it's time to rinse it out! Hope you guys are taking care of yourselves today, and every day. 🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
June 19, 2020 - happy lower body friday!
To start my routines, I usually do a bunch of jumping jacks and/or high-knees to get my heart rate up.
50 can openers per leg
50 raised can openers per leg
50 inner leg lifts per leg
25 leg lifts per leg
10 kettlebells using 2×5lb dumbells
40 glute bridges with a 5lb dumbbell on my hips
2×20sec glute bridge holds with the aforementioned dumbbell
20 donkey kicks per leg
It took about 10 mins but I'm sweaty. It isnt even 7am yet, I just havent been able to fall back asleep after waking up at 1am.
Hope you guys have a good start to your friday in one way or another 🌼🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
June 17, 2020 - abs and core day wednesday!
I'm still feeling super down tbh. I just finished crying for like 4 hrs straight and so this workout wasnt very intensive.
25 russian twists (weighted with a 20oz waterbottle)
25 under leg circles (guided with a roll of toilet paper)
10 sit-ups
12 twisted sit-ups
~50sec elbow plank (bc my wrists are awful)
🌼 I hope you guys are staying safe and keeping happy 🌼
Remember that sometimes all you can do is manage and that's totally okay. Please don't compare yourselves with my productivity levels (whether you're bashing me or yourselves); I definitely dont normally work out on days where I'm typically sad, but I'm glad I was able to do a little bit today.
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fitmints · 4 years
June 16 2020 - happy Tuesday!
No workout yesterday or Friday. I've been really down lately and I've just needed some time to manage and do nothing else. However, I was able to hang out with a friend for a cute walk an old childhood park of ours. It was absolutely lovely and we burned roughly 600 or more calories. The fresh air felt so nice.
Hoping you all get some fresh air and sunshine soon 🌼🌼
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fitmints · 4 years
June 11, 2020 - not a workout day, but I burned 300 walking with a pal that I havent seen in a while. It feels so good to get fresh air and to be in good company.
Hope u have some good vibes soon 🌼
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