fusionnukacola · 1 year
I’m not familiar with your ocs could you maybe give me a quick rundown of each of them so I can do an oc ask?
Hi! Yeah, of course, I was so tired when writing that I didn't even realize you guys knew nothing about them. There are three, two for New Vegas and one for 4.
New Vegas is Taisiya Suvorova and Laurentia Maxim, and 4 is Adriene Kensington.
Quick rundown: Taisiya was the subject of long, long, worldbuilding from trying (and succeeding) to implement the Red Room from Marvel into Fallout. I cannot begin to tell you the amount of lore I made up.
Here's one of my favorite pieces I've written for her, (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iDEeQW1LTK7xgyEsMD46DWm8Nc0xPGtVGgE3xwH53mk/edit?usp=sharing)
But basically, she's been alive for over 10 decades and she finally thought that was it when Benny shot her in the head but unfortunately, God won't let her die. I actually have a fic for her! https://archiveofourown.org/works/37363216, not at all yet completed but I'll get there someday.
Laurentia is a legionary, of sorts? She was born in the Legion to an insane father who believed her to be a daughter of Mars himself, and so he took it upon himself as a high-ranking member to teach her everything and more. It's easy to see why he believes her being a daughter of Mars, as she's 6'10 and like. 260 pounds of pure muscle. She was, essentially, born to lead an army that refuses to accept her.
And, Adriene. She's pre-war military, and she was really good at it. The gal practically breathes in U.S. Army, and never wanted a husband nor a kid, thinking it was too dangerous. Of course, it happens anyways when she's forced to retire after getting shot in her left arm, the bullet barely hitting her radial nerve which almost severed her control over her left hand. Months went by and it was slowly getting better, regaining some control and feeling. By the time the bombs drop, it's about halfway healed. She keeps trying to flirt with Paladin Danse but he's not getting it. They kiss, at some point, I think.
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
Whatever it is, it's not enough. That's for sure 😔
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Oh yeah, definitely. Maybe around 500 caps a month? I'm not sure. Sorry, I haven't been that active, something happened at the place I work which... wasn't pleasant. I work as an EMT currently, and I'm just getting back into it after medical leave, and God, let me tell you, being on bed rest is the worst experience ever. But I'm hoping to get some asks done today!
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
sixty more OC asks 📝✨
What’s the one thing they would save in a fire?
What’s their biggest regret?
How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Where do they see themselves in five years? Ten?
What’s their most useless, weirdest, or least marketable skill?
What are they like in the bedroom — well-rounded lover or wooden plank?
Have they committed a crime before? Which one(s)?
If they were an animal, which one would they be? Which one would they think they’d be?
Do they cheat to win or play by the rules?
What do they fantasize about?
Who’s the most important person in their life?
What’s their ideal vacation like?
What is/was/will be their college major?
What’s their favorite book genre, if they enjoy reading at all?
How would they describe themselves?
How would others describe them?
What’s the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever spent money on?
What’s their dream job?
How’s their financial situation?
Who’s their go-to person for advice?
What’s one secret of theirs that could potentially ruin a relationship they have?
Are they a dog person or a cat person — or something else?
What’s one childhood memory they’ve never forgotten?
Do they have any phobias?
What’s one thing they’re utterly incapable of doing without the help of someone else?
What’s one topic they could never get tired of researching or learning about?
What’s their favorite genre of music?
Who, if anyone, do they dislike most?
If they could change one thing about themselves, physical or otherwise, what would it be?
What’s their political stance?
Are they religious?
What were they like in high school?
What’s the worst injury they’ve ever had?
Do they work to live or live to work?
Do/did they want children?
What’s their favorite thing about themselves?
What’s their favorite thing about their significant other, if they have one?
If they hear something go bump in the night, do they get out of bed to check it out or do they stay put?
What’s one skill they wish they had?
What do other people find annoying about them, if anything?
What do other people love most about them?
What’s the typical first impression after meeting this person?
What do people notice first about them, as far as their appearance goes?
Does this person try their best to be honest or are they not above lying to get their way?
What kind of movies do they like?
Are they the life of the party or a wallflower?
Are they an early bird or a night owl?
Are they a good kisser?
Do they think about what they wear or do they throw on whatever they find first?
Do they have any insecurities?
What is their favorite thing about themselves?
What’s their diet like?
If they could only eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would it be?
What’s their body count, if they have one?
Who do they look up to most?
What do they smell like?
How do they feel about drugs?
If they could change one thing about their life, what would it be?
What motivates them?
What are some of their simple pleasures?
Go crazy.
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
Companions + characters as funny tiktoks! I got bored at my shift (don't say the Q-word) so this is my own request. Links because too many videos :(
Part 1:
Cait: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYY53Ybp/
Curie: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYY5toUV/
Codsworth: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYYa1Tdr/
Paladin Danse: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYY5CSAh/
Deacon: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYYa5Jx5/
Gage: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYYaL4Ha/
Hancock: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYYarH6W/
MacCready: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYYauMb5/
Piper: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYYaf8Sj/
Preston Garvey: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYYaBRXX/
Strong: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYYa6F8K/
X6-88: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYYaLhcD/
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
.....now I'm obligated to request more underpaid babysitter Danse. Please and thank you.
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How much is he even get paying? I know somewhere he says something like "I'd bet a month's salary on that"
Paladin Danse sighed as he entered the Prydwen's lower foredeck.
Sole and Haylen got together to throw a little party on the Prydwen due to low morale amongst the soldiers. He tried to think on the bright side, something like this would most likely improve happiness.
That still didn't change the fact that a male Knight had foregone his uniform, and was currently trying to strip around one of the small poles. He wasn't succeeding, by the look of it.
Sole was engaged in a drinking game that looked like they were making up the rules as one did two shots and then another kissed the person next to them.
Rhys was even there, and he and Haylen... switched clothes?
The room went quiet as soon as the partygoers saw the Paladin.
Danse closed his eyes.
"Go on, I guess..."
They all cheered.
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
I headcanon that Nick hates rollercoasters because the one time I played any of NukaWorld I took him there and tried to make him get on one. He acted like I was telling him to steal shit. "Not a chance." "I don't do that." "No."
You're so right. He just does not understand how anyone would go on those things after 200 years of no maintenance. He probably remembers the time he and Jennifer got stuck on one of the rollercoasters and if they didn't work well then, they definitely don't work well now
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
Danse is just an underpaid babysitter tbh 😔
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Man I know right,
"poor very tired commanding officer deals with police station when table is caught on fire and explodes"
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
Yesssss.... (Again, feel free to stop/start ignoring these whenever lol)
Now how about....
"It's just us. Here. Together. Why can't you just be happy?"
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I was going to be too busy crying with the angst so I wrote some fluff! Well, crack, but still!
It had been a peaceful evening at the Cambridge Police Station.
Sort of. 
Well, not really.
It had been a peaceful night. Before the table caught on fire and exploded. 
Some of the Knights and Scribes were around one of the tables, playing poker. They were wagering caps, alcohol, cigarettes, and other stuff. Mostly alcohol. The victorious Knight was hoarding what he’d won from the first round, he already had a cigarette in his mouth. 
Knight Rhys was attempting to balance on a chair, standing on the chair while Scribe Haylen assisted him, pushing the chair forward so that it was only on it’s front two legs.
There were two drunk Scribes playing ping-pong over another one of the tables.
Paladin Danse was sitting in the next room with Sole while they attempted to flirt with him, (C’mon, it’s just us. Here. Together. Why can’t you just be.. ‘happy’ with me?). He wasn’t getting any of it, when a loud bang went off. 
Everything had gone off at the wrong time. Everything went wrong at the exact same time.
One of the Initiates had knocked the open bottle of vodka down, spilling the alcohol all down the table and onto the floor. The Scribe playing ping-pong has missed her shot completely, hitting the gleeful Knight, and he lost grip of his cig, sending it flying into the spillage. Haylen inched the chair too far, and Rhys hit the floor with a grunt. Then the table exploded with the mix of the two very flammable things mixing together.
There was a lot of screaming. And yelling.
Danse quickly entered the room, his lazer gun out with the safety off. He was expecting ghouls or raiders but this? Sole came in a second behind him, their knife out. 
They both put away their weapons when they saw the scene.
Danse sighed, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. He turned to them, “This… this is why I can’t be happy.”
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
Sole using those two handles on Danse’s power armor to be eye level with him. I can just imagine him getting all flustered lol
Oh my god. I accidentally deleted the original response to this and it was 90% done and I just....
Well, starting over! Think of it like my second draft. Love the ask, thank you.
"Hey," Sole started. "You have some dirt on your forehead."
Danse frowned. They were walking back to the police station after taking care of the ghouls near there when Sole pointed that out.
He tried smudging it with his hand, and Sole shook their head. "Here, let me."
His eyebrows furrowed.
"But, how are you going to-" Danse let out a surprised sound, Sole just took hold of the handles on his power armor and lifted themselves up.
He watched as they used the hand not holding on to bring it up to his forehead and properly wipe it away.
After a few moments, they dropped off.
"There you go." Sole grinned.
Danse's face was entirely red as a tato, the blush fading down the exposed neck while he stuttered. "Uh.. thank you."
"No problem." They continued on, seemingly not as affected by the situation as he was.
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
I'm feeling super bored, and in the writing mood, so please send all your asks!
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
same anon who asked for the companions favorite songs, could you do what songs fit the companions this time? thanks again <333
Of course anon! I love asks like these. I'm super tired so I'll list the lyrics and songs, not explanations for now. Sorry :(
Cait: Cinderella Man by Eminem
"There's a storm comin' that the weatherman couldn't predict I start to bug, prick, you better flee, 'cause I get ticked It's a wrap, I was down, when I was down I was kicked I got up, I'm back to punch you to the ground, you're tricked"
Curie: Fourth Of July by Sufjan Stevens
"Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head Was it all a disguise, like Junior High Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction Now, where am I? My fading supply
Did you get enough love, my little dove Why do you cry?"
Paladin Danse: My Body Is A Cage by Arcade Fire
"I'm standing on a stage Of fear and self-doubt It's a hollow play But they'll clap anyway
My body is a cage That keeps me from dancing with the one I love But my mind holds the key
You're standing next to me My mind holds the key
I'm living in an age That calls darkness light Though my language is dead Still the shapes fill my head"
Deacon: Freaks by Surf Curse
"My head is filled with parasites Black holes cover up my eyes I dream of you almost every night Hopefully, I won't wake up this time"
Desdemona: The President Has A Sex Tape by K.Flay
"The president has a sex tape The oceans all dried up The devil got the dealer The dealer got the dollar Don't tell me I can live off love The president has a sex tape Your daughters aren't safe at night I got a feeling that my body is owned A feeling that my body ain't mine"
Hancock: The Other Side Of Paradise by Glass Animals
"Bye bye baby blue I wish you could see the wicked truth Caught up in a rush, it's killing you Screaming at the sun, you blow into Curled up in a grip when we were us Fingers in a fist like you might run I settle for a ghost I never knew Superparadise I held on to But I settle for a ghost"
MacCready: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant
"Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked Money don't grow on trees I got bills to pay I got mouths to feed There ain't nothing in this world for free I know I can't slow down I can't hold back Though you know I wish I could Oh, no there ain't no rest for the wicked Until we close our eyes for good"
Nick Valentine: Time Waits For No One by Freddie Mercury
"Time waits for no one We've got to build this world together Or we'll have no more future at all Because time It waits for nobody Nobody
You don't need me to tell you what's gone wrong You know what's going on And it seems to me we've not cared enough Or confided in each other at all It seems like we've all got our backs against the wall
Time waits for nobody Time waits for no one We've got to trust one another Or we'd have no more future at all"
Piper: Cigarette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant
"You can drive all night Lookin' for the answers in the pourin' rain You wanna find peace of mind Lookin' for the answer
Funny how it seems like yesterday As I recall, you were lookin' out of place Gathered up your things and slipped away No time at all, I followed you into the hall Cigarette daydream You were only seventeen Soft speak with a mean streak Nearly brought me to my knees"
Preston Garvey: ...History Has Its Eyes On You.... from Hamilton..
"I was younger than you are now When I was given my first command I led my men straight into a massacre I witnessed their deaths firsthand I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me And even now I lie awake, knowing history has its eyes on me History has its eyes on me"
X6-88: Oh No! By MARINA
"I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy Oh! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no, oh!
One track mind, one track heart If I fail, I'll fall apart Maybe it is all a test 'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst So I always act like I'm the best"
Elder Maxson: Viva La Vida by Coldplay. I can't help myself
"It was a wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn’t believe what I’d become Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king?"
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
Honestly? Loving the soulmate AUs at the moment. If you don't mind, let's keep it up :)
How about a Soulmate AU for "I thought I knew you. I thought I could trust you." ?
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Absolutely anon! I'm loving them too. "I thought I knew you. I thought I could trust you!." For...
Elder Maxson!
The fall of the Institute had come quickly, and every Initate, Scribe, Knight, and Paladin was celebrating. The joy and excitement and the feeling of fucking finally were all around.
Only two people hadn't joined in on the fun.
The Sentinal and the Elder.
No one had seen either of them as far as the soldiers heard, even though more than a few went looking.
Sole was out on the flight deck, overlooking Fort Strong. They were avoiding Maxson, as they both knew the first thing Sole did after the destruction of the Institute was go visit the former Paladin Danse.
The Elder is surely upset at the information, judging by the way every time he saw Sole, he started to march towards them until the Sentinel found a new place to hide. But, it seemed, they were out of luck as Maxson appeared by their right, leaning into the rail just as they were.
No one spoke for a few minutes until the Elder of the Brotherhood did.
"I just..." He turned to look at Sole. "I thought I knew you. I thought I could trust you."
They continued keeping their eyes straight, not looking back at him even once. "I know we're soulmates, but... you can't expect me not to go to him. I loved Danse before you, and then you ordered me to kill him. You do know me, but I'm not the person you idealize in your head. And you know that too."
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
Oooh! I love it!
Let's see.... What next.... How about....
Another Soulmate AU (can be the same concept if you want) based around "But there's no way I could love you" ?
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Aww, anon you're gonna make me cry. This prompt :(
Institute Aligned!Sole with Preston Garvey!
The second Preston knew Sole was his soulmate, he felt lost.
They... were in no way meant for him. Sure, he liked them in the start, but slowly their opinions started coming out, and he found himself distancing himself from the vault-dweller. The way they talked about synths and ghouls, how the Commonwealth was corrupted, he was eager to spend every second away from them.
Soon, Sole talked about the Institute being good for the people of the Commonwealth, that they would save them all. About how synths were never meant to be free.
Preston felt disgusted with them and disgusted with himself.
Sole was his soulmate. He was their soulmate.
Fates that had been meant to intertwine, to love, to nurture. But how could he ever love someone like them? Someone who wants to hurt, not heal. Someone who genuinely believes the Institute will save the Commonwealth.
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
I've got you.
Let's see.... You like soulmate AUs... Soo....
How about a Soulmate AU scenario based around "(You) can't hide scars forever" ?
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Hello! I do love a good Soulmates AU so. much. Thank you!
"You can't hide scars forever" With...
Paladin Danse!
Sole knew their soulmate was dead. They watched their partner die by Kellogg's hand, after all.
What they didn't expect was to get a new soulmate in the shape of "Brotherhood or nothing", Paladin Danse.
They knew the second they got punched by that feral in the Cambridge police station, and the mysterious Paladin also flinched at the hit. But when they connected the dots, he didn't. It was really obvious, but the Paladin just didn't seem to get it.
Even after the Prydwen arrived, and they went on various adventures together, he just didn't get it.
It didn't make sense. Everyone else saw it, Scribe Haylen was the first to bring it up with Sole.
"He won't realize it unless you bring it up to him." The Scribe said as she walked into the room.
Sole sighed. "Yeah, I'm starting to understand that."
Knight Rhys realized it the second he saw Sole and Danse with matching bruises, looking between the two with bewilderment. Sole just shook their head at them.
Elder Maxson knew it. Procter's Ingram, Teagan, and Quinlan noticed it. Captain Cade asked about it.
Everyone knew except for him.
Eventually, they got tired of his bullshit and approached Danse out of the blue while he was on night watch. Sole stormed up to him, took the glove off their hand, and showed the Paladin the scars on their knuckles they got from old fights, the scars that never faded.
Looking up at him, they spoke. "You can't hide scars forever."
Danse looked shocked, his eyes switching between the scars that matched his to their annoyed face. "You're.. you're my soulmate?"
They rolled their eyes. "Yes, Danse. Haven't you noticed that whenever I get hurt, you get hurt in the same place? The bruises I have are identical to yours?"
"I- I never thought about it.."
The Paladin still looked like Sole had dunked him in a vat of cold water. Sole wrung their hands back and forth before thinking 'fuck it' and reaching up to the handles on his power armor, bringing him into a small kiss.
Danse quickly reciprocated, a blush deep on his face.
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
I saw a promt from a quote list you shared and imediately forgot, but it was about turning off a scary movie. I doubt Hancock find them scary, but its fun to think he was 👀
Thank you for the request! I think the quote is "This movie is too scary. Turn it off." For Hancock! I don't know, I think if he's pretty chilled out he'd get a bit of a scare if it comes out of nowhere. I'm not sure if you wanted this R! or P! but I'll go sort of in-between!
Hancock was doing perfectly fine. He was settled on the couch in his office, and it was the beginning of a peaceful night.
Unfortunately, Sole had discovered a old movie from pre-war times and immediately ran off to Goodneighbor to show him. Hancock liked to think he didn't get scared easily, but this movie had quickly been changing things.
Sole giggled every time he held in a small flinch, to which was responded with an exasperated look.
It wasn't until the killer came on screen, jump-scaring them both, that he let out a small yelp and tightly gripped Sole's hand.
Looking at them, he spoke seriously. "This movie is too scary, let's turn it off, huh?"
"So you WERE scared?"
"...No, I'm worried about you."
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
I'm feeling super bored, and in the writing mood, so please send all your asks!
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
Hmm... How about....
💥 🦋 🦈 💌
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Hello again anon! Thank you for the ask :)
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Colonel Hsu not being a more important character. I don't care about canon I love him with all my heart. I also wish you could kiss him on the lips.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
I know this is an OC, but my FNV Courier Taisiya Suvorova! Absolutely love writing for her, here's a sneak peek at one of my favorite pieces I've written for her:
[Taisiya, at that moment, feels angrier than she’s ever felt. Her lips twitch and she unclenches her fists. Looking up at the blue sky, where ‘He’ supposedly resided. She scoffed, and her eyes drifted to the man preaching in front of her, and Taisiya thinks, who the fuck is he to speak about God’s plan?
Who the fuck is he to stand before her, younger and thinking that he was wiser than she ever could be, and preach that every bit of suffering she’s ever been through has been at the will of his God?
Taisiya was older than he ever would be, she has decades of experience above him, she watched him rise to power- no, she let him rise to power in the Legion because if she so wanted, Taisiya could’ve taken him out the very second he became Legate. 
She was there when he fell, and she didn’t. 
So who does he think he is, spreading his unwanted gospel to her?]
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Honestly, Elder Maxson. I feel like I can never get his mannerisms right.
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Soulmate AUs! Absolutely love them.
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