harrysscheshirecat · 4 years
The one where H reassures Lenin’s risqué fashion choice. Lenin also finally agrees to a date! (Fluff)
Word Count:  1.3k
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“I’ll be only a moment.” she called from her closet, unseen. Harry moseyed into the room and sat down on her bed to wait. He took a big bite of the apple he brought in with him. He knew he wouldn’t be eating for at least the next few hours. Pre-event snacking was paramount.
Lenin walked into view pulling at the lapels of her oversized suit jacket, trying to cover the sheer lace camisole underneath. 
Harry sat himself upright, quickly forgetting about his snack. “Wow.” Lenin looked up to him with wide eyes, coming to stand in the doorway of the closet. She had a sort of ‘deer caught in the headlights’ type look about her. He suspected it had something to do with the aforementioned garment. It was lovely, really, just something a bit more risqué than what he was used to seeing on the reserved Lenin. She tended to opt for more classic looks so there was something inherently shocking about seeing her rock such a bold look. 
“I’d been so busy, I never got around to okaying the outfit,” she explained quickly as she fumbled to button the velvet jacket up, covering her midriff. “I-ah-he’s usually so good-I mean, this is good too. He kept saying it was a bit more daring.” she closed her eyes and shook her head, “I should’ve okayed the outfit. Always. I didn’t even have a fitting, stupid.” Lenin disappeared back into her closet but continued to ramble on about the clothes, “I mean, they said the top was eyelash lace, but I assumed they were talking about the trim, not the whole thing! Maybe I can find another shirt?” she was panicking.
Harry left the bed to check on her. He hovered in the doorway she just occupied as to not intrude.
“They sent over a dress as well, but I’ve also been told someone else is already planning on wearing it.” She stood in front of the full length mirror fidgeting with the jacket. “I’m not sure I’m meant to wear it this way. Do you think the designer will be offended?” She was rambling. He was getting anxious just listening to her. 
“First of all,” Harry stepped behind her, “You are thinking entirely too much.” He wrapped his arms around her waist for a reassuring squeeze, “Secondly, you look,” his eyes met hers in the mirror, “magnificent.” His hand expertly undid the buttons at her front. Harry carefully monitored her reaction in the mirror.
She bit at her bottom lip and watched his every move with wide eyes but made no attempt to stop him. In fact, she seemed to appreciate his touch, leaning back into him while his deft fingers continued to work. Her jacket fell open and Harry fought the urge to run his hands across the delicate lace that adorn her taut stomach. They both stared at her in the reflective glass. 
“Its not too much?” her fingers ghosted at the dramatic v-neck. 
He brushed Lenin’s wavy curls behind her to reveal even more of her. “You’re allowed to go out and show off every once in a while, you know.” he was quick to whisper words of encouragement, as if he could read her doubtful mind. “You might even like looking back on the look when you're older.” he mused. 
“Hm,” Lenin contemplated the outfit. It occurred to Harry that it would probably be an appropriate time to let her go, but he just didn’t want to. Everything was telling him otherwise. She had her favorite perfume on- which had become his favorite some time ago as well, her hair smelled of honey. Even her suit of soft velvet, begging to be caressed. Lest not forget the way she was leaned into him. “You look good too, Har.” He looked up to meet her gaze in the mirror. She bit back a bashful smile, her cheeks were stained a beautiful pink. 
“We look good together.” he commented, leaning down to rest his chin on her shoulder. He had an almost overwhelming desire to kiss away her concern, so close to her, but he couldn't. Because they were just friends. “Why won’t you let me take you out again?” 
 She tried playing off his question with a laugh, which only irritated Harry. “Don’t be silly.” Like it was so preposterous. She wriggled away from him and fled the closet. 
He tried not to get too offended at her dismissal of the proposition and followed her back into the bedroom. “Why is it silly?” That definitely wasn’t the way he wished for Lenin to view the prospect.
Lenin stood by her dresser on the other side of the room, busying herself with a necklace, head cast down as she blindly struggled with the clasp behind her neck. “Harry…” He knew that tone, she was still trying to shut him down. Her condescension towards the matter was beginning to wear on him. 
“Why is it silly?” Harry was once again behind her. He took the tiny clasp from her hands and with a little concentration made quick work of it, “Why is even the idea of us together such a terrible one?” 
“It’s not terrible.” She stepped away from him and fixed her hair. “You want to have this conversation now?” It was moments away from when they were meant to be leaving, admittedly not opportune. As if on cue, Lenin’s phone rang, presumably having to do with the car service she had ordered earlier. She ran into the closet and came back out not a moment later with flats on and a pair of red bottomed heels in hand, “We need to go.”
There was never going to be a good time for it, now was as good a time as any. “I just want an answer.” he trailed behind her down the hall. “We get on well, we have fun when we’re together, we looking fucking good together, I quite fancy you, and I know you like me too. So why?” 
“I do like you, Harry.” she insisted. “We’re just at different stages in our lives.” she tried. They were of the same age, had both attained a certain level of success, and both seemed interested in committing more to their respective personal lives. They were perfect for each other on paper, even better in person, Harry thought. He honestly couldn’t see her point, why she was so against the idea of them as a couple. If he could just understand, the ‘no’ would be easier to take.
Lenin seemed to sense his displeasure. She stopped what she was doing and made her way over to where he sat on the bed. She stood before him and he parted his legs for her. She stepped into the newly unoccupied space. He wasted no time wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him. “Harry…” she reached out to caress his cheek, he leaned into her touch. “I…” It wasn’t often he found Lenin at a loss. He patiently waited for her to continue, “I couldn’t possibly keep up with you.” She was being maddeningly vague again, though from the context clues he could take venture an educated guess. She wasn’t referring to his touring schedule. 
“Do I get a say in the matter?” Harry interjected.
Lenin thought about it for a moment, “What do you say?” she asked skeptically, as if she didn’t like it she would just as easily disregard it. 
“I say, ‘you’re thinking too much again.’” 
“I can’t be- I’m not-“
“I’m not asking you to.” Harry insisted. “But I want this. I want you.” he laid his head against her middle. She combed her fingers through his hair, tipping his head back with it, “Let me just have a night to show you what it might be like, together, just one night… Tonight.” It was a great opportunity but her silence spoke volumes. “It won’t be that different than usual.” They already operated as such a couple when they were together, the only thing missing was the title.
Another ping from her phone. “Fine, as long as we can leave now.” Lenin checked her phone, “Please, Harry.” she held a hand out to him waiting in the doorway.
A/N: Inspired by Zendaya’s bomb ass outfit, here. Feedback please!
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
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Harry yesterday in NYC - June 29 (via @irwinsflicker)
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
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Harry at a restaurant in New York City today - June 28 (via @plleaser)
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
“In the position that he’s in, he can’t really say a lot, but you know, he chose a queer girl band to open for him. I think that speaks volumes,” Maskin says about Styles. She tells a story about how the band accidentally got Styles a rare Robert Mapplethorpe book from Amazon as a tour gift, but when they got the book, it turned out to be almost entirely photos of Mapplethorpe’s penis. “He’s probably like, ‘The MUNA girls are fucking freaks. They gave me this insane book,’” says McPherson, laughing.
MUNA for The Face Magazine (via harrystylesdaily)
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
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Harry out in London - June 6
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
i was drunk when i read your ‘kiss’ imagine and i literally thought i was reading a fic about harry having a girls night with soviet leader vladimir lenin and i was like woah this is a super niche ship lmfao 😂😂😂 i’m such an idiot lol but i wanted to share that coz i thought it was funny but i’ve read it again now completely sober and i just wanted to say that i really enjoyed it! keep up the great work! xx
My HarryxLenin ship is officially my second favorite HarryxLenin ship after reading this lmao thank you so much for sharing!
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
I’m a little confused about your BYT series... are there chapters missing or how does it work lol?
Sorry for the confusion! I originally started posting on here just to get the ideas out of my head and written. There are definitely parts missing but I try to keep the ones I’ve already posted in order in my Masterlist. 
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
JustFriends! Harry has a movie night with mates that ends with a sweet drunken kiss. (fluff) 2.9k
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Harry knocked on the door.
“Come in!” 
He entered the warm flat and shrugged his coat off to leave it hanging on the rack in the hall. He also toed his boots off before going in search of his host, “Where are you?”
“Kitchen!” Harry followed her voice further into the flat. He arrived in the doorway just in time to see her pop up from behind the island with a bowl. She looked comfy. In leggings, a vest, and and an oversized cardigan that couldn’t seem to stay on her shoulders. A smile overtook her features when she saw him, “Hey!” They exchanged all the normal pleasantries with a hug. Then Harry offered his help, which Lenin was having none of. “Go make yourself comfortable. Pour yourself a glass of wine.” she instructed, shooing him into the other room, “I’ll be right there.” 
He would’ve insisted if there was any more to do, but with her pulling the freshly popped bag of popcorn from the microwave, it looked like she had it sorted. “Sure there’s nothing I can do?” Harry wandered into the family room.
“Pull the movie menu up, maybe?” Lenin called out from the kitchen.
The telly was already on with the DVD previews playing. Harry grabbed the remote and sat down in the middle of the couch whilst searching for the menu button. He loaded the title screen with enough time to pour himself that glass of wine; taking note of the other two half-full glasses, and kick his feet up, making himself comfortable as previously instructed. 
Lenin scampered out of the kitchen with snack in hand. She sat herself with crossed legs at his side. Ashley came bounding down the hall soon after, blanket wrapped around her shoulders like a cape. She seated herself on the other side of Harry and promptly laid her long legs out across his lap as her greeting. Harry usually didn’t mind such gestures but it seemed a dangerous liberty to allow someone like Ashley, a slippery slope. But he didn’t want to make anything weird so he said nothing of it. 
He started the movie. It was recent but rolled through some of the credits before it began like the classics used to. The mischievous model to his left made a few small shifts that could be played off as settling in. Though it wasn’t long before there was a pretty steady movement in Harry’s lap. Ashley was slowly rubbing her feet together against his thighs, brushing over his cock every so often. He was only human. Enough friction in that area would make any red-blooded man excited. “Stop. Wiggling.” he warned, grabbing ahold of her feet through the blanket draped over them. 
“Sorry,” Her Cheshire grin gave her away. She wasn’t sorry at all. “A.D.H.D.” Bollox. The only thing that was hyperactive was her libido. She knew exactly what she was doing to him. 
“She’s like a child,” Lenin leaned over to explain, “just ignore her and she’ll leave you alone eventually.” But she didn’t feel the way Ashley moved her ‘restless’ feet in his lap. Trying to get a (literal) rise out of him, he reckoned. It was like sitting between a bloody angel and a demon. 
“Hey!” Ashley feigned outrage. “Rude.” The blonde used the opportunity to start her troublesome wiggling again. Harry exchanged a sharp look with her. He wasn’t sure what she was playing at, in front of Lenin like that.
“But true.” Lenin pushed at her friends’ feet, the move somewhat vindicating Harry. He leant forward to discard the remote and moved Ashleys’ feet with him, letting them conveniently fall off his lap as he reached a little further than he needed to. When he leaned back, Lenin handed the bowl of popcorn to him to place on his lap. Hopefully Ashley got the hint. Lenin eventually slipped further into Harry’s side. He tucked her small form under his arm and reverted his attention back to the screen, far more comfortable than before.
He hadn’t even asked what they were watching. He didn’t care, really. He was just happy to spend the night in with mates. It was some dark drama about a street gang in the 1920’s. A smoky Jazz club and Tommy guns making for a shocking introduction to the film. 
“You worked with him, right?” Ashley tipped her drink towards the screen, towards whom Harry deduced was the main fella. A tall gent in a finely tailored three piece suit. 
“Mhmm.” Lenin didn’t elaborate, but Harry didn’t miss the way she brought up her glass of wine to hide the smile produced at the mention of that guy.
More of the movie played, with the firefight spilling out onto the street. “Isn’t he…you liked him!” Ashley shrieked when there was a close up. That was enough to pique Harry’s interest, like it wasn’t already. He was a striking lad. With deep blue eyes that captivated even Harry and a bone structure that belonged on the glossy pages of some high fashion magazine. Lenin was conveniently finishing her long sip of wine in that moment. 
She shook her head, “He has a lovely wife, and children.”
Alexis rolled her eyes, “I didn’t ask if you were marrying the guy.” She watched the actor in question on screen, and snapped her fingers as she recalled, “Jazz hands!” 
“Jazz hands?” Harry peaked down at Len. He had to know the origin of that nickname. He was paying more attention to the girls than the movie at that point, sipping on his wine as he did so. 
“They did a movie together, her first, and he took Lenin out-” Ashley continued. Lucky bloke.
“He takes all of his co-stars out. It’s a good way to start a shoot.” Lenin tried to reason. 
“It was just the two of you that time, no?” Ashley was quick to point out. It was like watching a tennis match with all the back and forth they had. “So she comes home that night all goo-goo eyed over this guy. ‘he’s so handsome, he’s so smart, he’s so funny!’ Ashley teased, clasping her hands together and batting her eyelashes. 
Lenin sunk deeper into Harry’s side. “See if I tell you anything again.” she grumbled. Harry was sure to give her a reassuring little squeeze. 
“Anyway, “ Ashley continued, “Jazz was one of this guys’ big influences, he played the jazz guitar in a Jazz band. Now in a movie about Jazz.” she pointed towards the screen, her drink sloshing around dangerously in her cup. He was impressed she had somehow managed to keep it all in the glass thus far. “And you know what they say about musicians.”
“What do they say?” Harry dared to ask. He knew he was only encouraging bad behavior. 
“They’re good with their hands.” Ashley knowingly implied, with a smile. Harry didn't miss the pointed stare at his own hands either. “The dexterity from all those instruments.” The blonde wiggled her fingers. Surely she was someone’s dream girl. With so many double entendres it made his head spin.  
“For the record, I never used the moniker.” Lenin chimed in, trying to distance herself from the nickname. and Ashleys’ dubious definition.
“But never disputed it either.” Ashley countered, tipping her wine glass towards her friend. 
He could also sense Lenin’s discomfort. He figured they had teased her long enough, “So what’s this movie about?” he interjected. The girls settled again, with Ashley momentarily satiated with her glass of merlot. 
Lenin whispered a thank you for the distraction. 
“‘ course.” Harry held off for as long as he could, but that didn’t end up being very long, just long enough for Ashley to loose interest in the period piece and divert her attention to her mobile. “So…you like musicians, aye?” he extended the arm that was wrapped around her to show off his hand. He had never been so proud of his long fingers and wide palms. It was stupid and juvenile. But so was he, sometimes. 
Her eyes widened with an innocence that never got old. “Stop it,” she scolded with a light slap to the chest before pointedly turned her attention back to the movie.
“Kidding…” he murmured, pulling her back to him.
Ashley left some time ago. Had some club opening to go to. She invited them, tried admirably to talk them into it. But Harry was all set for a night in, and it seemed Lenin felt the same. Harry would take the washing up with Lenin over clubbing any day of the week. They had a nice system going. Harry washed the popcorn bowl before handing it off to Lenin. She sat on the counter beside the sink and proceeded to towel dry the bowl. “So, did you really fancy that actor fella?” he cringed internally when he heard how bothered he sounded, failing spectacularly to hide his unwarranted jealousy. 
“I did quite like him.” she admitted thoughtfully with a beautiful blush growing, placing the clean bowl to the side. “A crush, I suppose.” she offered, “All innocent, of course. Because- married.” Harry smiled as he listened and started on the wine glasses, “He was kind to me. He treated me like a peer, not just ‘that rockstars’ kid’ or ‘that Actress’ daughter’.” He could hear the fondness she still felt for him, “And when we worked together…” Harry watched Lenin in his peripheral play with the drying towel in her lap while she mused, “I was so nervous. He must’ve picked up on that, went to the director, and within 10 minutes, the set was almost entirely cleared. He told me what a closed set was and to have my managers have them written into any future contracts. He was very helpful. And sweet.” It was endearing, really. Like listening to his girl friends in secondary school gush of a crush on a teacher. 
He handed her the glass. “You sound positively smitten.” Again with the jealous tone, despite his best efforts to keep it light. Thankfully, the slightly intoxicated Lenin didn’t seem to pick up on it. He busied himself with the second glass.
“Not hard to do.” Lenin responded, drying the glass. “If you’re my friend it means I already like you. Doesn’t take much more for me to become smitten.” she thought out loud, finishing the glass and setting it aside. She normally wasn’t so revealing. It was nice to see her less inhibited. She was cheekier as well, sharing increasingly flirty touches all night. Harry certainly didn’t mind that. “I fall in love with my friends every day.” Lenin smiled shyly and absentmindedly wrung the towel in her lap, “A personality flaw.” she laughed.
“Nothing flawed about it.” Harry insisted, paying little attention to the third glass. He understood. Friends were easy to love, as you already did in some regard or another. Harry was often guilty of turning to friends for comfort. It was easy, and he knew he could trust them. “So does that mean you’ve ever fallen for me?” His cheeky side got the better of him and he had to ask. “As a friend.” he handed the last glass off to her and turned the tap off.
“Sure.” But there was no further explanation. She dried the glass, set it aside, and reached for the half-empty wine bottle discarded behind her. Lenin placed it between her thighs and proceeded to struggle with the wine cork. Harry tugged the towel away from her to wipe his hands dry, a little dumbfounded, while the poor buzzed girl continued to inadvertently wedge the cork further into the neck of the bottle, adorable pout and all. 
“No…” She was messing with him now, surely. Getting him back for earlier in the evening. “You didn’t.”  He stepped in front of her and tossed the towel back into her lap, gesturing for her to hand the bottle over, “Here.” Lenin handed the bottle over, then reached back for the glass they just cleaned and held it up to her chest, waiting. Harry had the thing open and was pouring her a generous glass within the minute.
“Thank you, kind sir.” she raised the glass to him before nursing the red. “I used to have such a crush on you.” she continued without prompting.
Harry took the glass in one hand for a swig of his own and leaned over Lenin to put the bottle away at the same time. He could feel her gaze, so close, penetrating him. She extended an arm and brushed his hair back. She gave a slight tug at the end that had Harry’s toes curling in his socks and he couldn’t figure out if she just got her fingers caught, or if she was playing. Either way, she was going to drive him mad like that. 
What were they talking about again? Harry waded through his increasingly clouded mind to find a coherent thought for the conversation at hand. “You ‘used’ to fancy me.” he reiterated her specific choice of words. Lenin held the full glass out to Harry to offer him some. He took the glass and a swig. “Am I that bad now?” Harry handed the drink back. They got a wee bit closer when the glass was exchanged.
Lenin smiled ruefully, “Everyone ‘fancies’ you.” 
“Ah, the jealous type.” he ribbed.
Lenin shook her head again, “Do you remember those first few months, where were just kept running into each other in LA?” He did. It seemed every week, almost. He always saw it as sort of serendipitous. “I was…so into you.” she shook her head like she was trying to shake the idea out entirely, all with a sheepish smile. She would never be so candid sober. “And every time there seemed to be yet another girl with you.” She pushed the wine off to him, “straight off whatever lingerie fashion show runway they wandered off from.” He didn’t realize she was paying such close attention to his dating history.
He took a swig and tried to think of how to explain. He wanted no misconceptions, to tell her he hadn’t slept with all of them, but that was a sorry defense. Especially considering how many of them he actually did bed. “Let me take you out.” He couldn’t be faulted for his dating history prior to her. Everyone had a past. And he knew if she allowed him to properly take her out, he’d win her over. Or at least he sincerely hoped. The glass exchanged hands once more.
“What about the models?” Lenin feigned a gasp, before finishing the wine. Harry didn't much mind her jealous streak. 
“I only see them because you won’t have me.” H countered without missing a beat. 
There was a long silence before Lenin broke it with a light, tight laugh, her nervous laugh. “Oh, hush,” she underhandedly grabbed the thick material of his jumper and pulled him into her. Harry shuffled closer and Len’s mouth found his. Her supple lips ghosted over his, back and forth, teasing him before she finally took pity on him and let their lips meet fully. She tasted exactly how he imagined she would. Warm, and still sweet from the wine. 
It was all so innocent. With one peck quickly followed by another. His mouth opened for her when her tongue swept over his upper lip. Her little fists kept a tight grip on either side of his jumper kept the space between them nonexistent. She wasn’t fighting fair. He still wanted an answer. But the conversation was all but forgotten with just a slight shift of her hips into him. She felt so good agains him, her taut body inviting him to explore more. But it was never far from his mind, even slightly buzzed, why it was all so innocent. Because she was so innocent. He reckoned, unlike her minx of a mate earlier, she really had no idea what she was doing to him.
She was his mate. Someone Harry had grown to like to share his day with, and liked to tell important things to. That was far more important than what his cock wanted right now. “I should go, Len.” He selfishly hoped she would ask him to stay. 
Lenin pouted and let out the tiniest moan that almost broke his resolve right there. “I’ll walk you to the door.” she said, hopping off the counter. Harry’s hands instinctively went to her waist to keep the tipsy girl steady. Lenin slipped out of his reach just as quickly. 
The short walk down the hall was quiet. Harry’s fists clenched and unclenched with every step, actively resisting the strongest urge to reach out for her hand. But he knew he wouldn’t stop there. Fingers laced together would undoubtably lead to a goodbye kiss. However well intentioned it was, it seemed entirely counter-productive to him leaving, so he kept his hands to his sides.
“Tonight was fun.” Lenin commented when they reached the door.
“Yeah. It was.” he agreed, sliding his trainers on, then his coat.
“Text when you’re home safe, yeah?” her kind words caused a fondness to bloom for her that made it all the harder to walk away from. 
Harry nodded, “yeah, ‘course.” and risked that goodnight kiss after some more careful deliberation. It wasn’t as quick as the others that came before it. They both lingered, because they knew what came after.  And when it did end, it didn’t really. With her plump lips lightly grazing back and forth across his, just like how she started the kiss, before she finally, slowly pulled away. 
“Goodnight, Harry.” He couldn’t take his eyes of her lips. The way she sucked her bottom lip in. He couldn’t help but wonder if she felt the same tingle after that kiss that he was left with.
“Night, love.” Harry opened the door and forced himself through. The brisk air hit him like a cold shower. It was a shock to the system, and probably exactly what he needed in that moment.
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
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Full picture of Harry arriving at the Gucci Cruise show - May 28
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
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Harry___#35mm by Myles Hendrik
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
In a new campaign envisioned by Alessandro Michele, Harry Styles returns as the face of Gucci Tailoring. Captured by film director and screenwriter Harmony Korine, Harry plays an eccentric yet nonchalant character accompanied by a gang of animals. Music: “Shower In The Rain”
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
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Harry Styles fittings for the Met Gala 2019
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
I really liked the y/n imagine it was really good, I think you should write more of them!
Thank you! So happy you liked it!!
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
please make a series out of the ‘met’ it was so good !!!!!!!!
Glad you liked it :) But I’m really not sure where the story would progress from there…Any ideas??  
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
The one where H makes a new friend, (Y/N), and they sneak away for a bathroom quickie (1.8k) (SMUT)
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“Hmm?” (Y/N) leaned into Harry. Her hand found his bicep. “I wish there was somewhere quieter we could talk.” still having to shout over the party chatter. 
Harry had to chuckle at the use of ‘the line’. He was known to’ve used it on more than a few occasions, but (Y/N) beat him to it in this case. At any rate, he knew a place. There were the public bathrooms, which were sure to be packed. But Vogue had cordoned off another set a little more out of the way for staff and designers. Alessandro had pointed them out earlier in the evening. 
Harry led his new friend the same way. He only hoped his title as chairperson granted him access to the more exclusive area, not just when he was with the creative director of Gucci. He breathed a sigh of relief when the nearby security not only didn’t bother them, but adverted their eyes at the sight of the couple. Anna had them well trained. Even when (Y/N) teetered in her sky-high heels and their drunken giggles echoed through the otherwise quiet museum hall. “Sure you don’t want to take those off?” Harry teased, keeping her steady with with his hands on her hips. He was just happy for a reason to hold her, which he only stopped doing when he had the door to open for her. “M’lady.” 
“I’ll leave them on, thanks.” Her eyes narrowed at him but her smile told him she wasn’t too mad. “Sure you don’t want to take yours off?” she quipped without missing a beat, playfully kicking at his own heeled shoes on her way in. 
Harry followed close behind. He was sure to lock the door behind him before he started making his way to the handicap stall but (Y/N) grabbed his hand and pulled him to the sinks. 
“I want to watch.” was the only explanation she gave. Harry didn’t need another. Their lips met in a feverish kiss whilst they stumbled to the massive mirror that hung above the washbasins. She tasted warm and sweet, of the fruity cocktails she had earlier. It just made him want to taste the rest of her. His lips hungrily worked across her jaw, and down her neck. 
“-There. Right there.” she breathed when his lips dragged over the base of her neck. She swept her hair to one side and tilted her head to grant him more access to the sensitive patch of skin. Harry happily indulged. Meanwhile, (Y/N)’s deft hands worked between them, undoing his shirt buttons. Then the button and the zipper on his high-waisted trousers. She sure didn’t lack any confidence, which had always been a turn-on for Harry but this was all happening so quickly. He needed to take some control back. 
“I thought you said you wanted to watch.” Harry panted, twirling the girl around so they both faced the mirror. She looked stunning under the lights. Her dress glittered and accentuated another curve to be appreciated with every move. “That is a magnificent dress.” he commented in her ear, his hand splayed across her crystal encrusted stomach.
“230,000 crystals.” she moaned out as they swayed together. Harry’s hand slid down her sides and he started bunching the fabric up her hips. “Careful. This is going on display tomorrow.” she warned with a sly smile. It only made it all the hotter. Harry separated and squatted down to gather the delicate fabric of the dress and worked it the rest of the way up her gorgeous legs. He payed extra care at her hips, the fabric becoming exceedingly tighter with her curves. As soon as the fabric was past her hips, it easily fell to rest at her waist. 
She had a cute, tight little bum he was sure she worked hard for. And when he ripped her blush colored knickers down, it revealed a glimpse of a pussy that deserved far more time dedicated to it than a bathroom quickie could possibly provide. He could take her back to his place but the 30 minute ride to his hotel seemed like a bloody eternity. Harry straightened up and reached around her front. “Ohh.” he groaned as he slipped two of his fingers against her slick folds, wet already. (Y/N)’s legs spread wider at his touch, his fingers swirling across her clit. 
“Mmm.” she voiced her pleasure, her head tilting back to rest against his shoulder whilst she watched his hand work in the mirror. “You’re good at that.” Her hips rolled forward to meet his hand, then back, her bum pushing against his happy cock. 
Fuck it, they’d get a quick shag in here, they both needed it. Then Harry could take her back to his for round 2. He’d eat her out until the sun rose. Harry guided his cock from where it stood proudly erect against his stomach to (Y/N)s pussy. He dragged the head of his cock up and down her slick folds to lube himself up. He teased her clit with it too before finally, slowly, burying himself deep inside his new friend. 
She moaned for every inch, her back arching as she fell forward to grip either side of the sink, whilst he did the same with her hips, making sure she didn’t get too far away from him. Harry liked to savor the moment, and this was a hell of a moment. Balls deep in a girl more gorgeous than the designer crystals her body was dripped in. But (Y/N) was already swirling her hips against him with what could only be described as a satisfied grin. She was getting hers, grinding herself down on him. “Mmm. I wanted to do this the moment I saw you on the carpet.” she told him.
“ ‘m I as good as you thought I’d be?” Harry wondered out loud with a smirk, ego easily taking over the conversation as (Y/N) took over his every sense. 
“Better. So much better.” she moaned. Her encouraging words coaxed a harder thrust from Harry. They both had the same goal. He concentrated on her face in the mirror as he did so, watching for a flutter of her eyes or furrow of her brow to let him know he was hitting the right spot. “Faster. Faster” she pleaded. He obliged, fingers digging deeper into (Y/N)’s beautifully fleshy hips and quickening what he already considered a decent pace. Her swirling eventually turned to a short bounce. “I’m gonna… I gonna cum for you. All over your big dick.” Jesus, the mouth on this girl made Harry’s head spin. 
“Ohh yeah.” He felt her tighten all around him as her head lulled forward. For the first time that night she had no smart remark or quip. He fucked her through her orgasm at a frantic pace, feeling his own orgasm starting to build in his lower stomach. “Come ‘ere.”  Harry pulled (Y/N) back up against his sweaty chest and wrapped a supportive arm around her to keep her ever closer. His hand ended up resting at the base of her neck. He just needed more of her skin on his. He could feel her heart thundering against her chest. He watched as her eyes fluttered shut in the new position. He didn’t like that at all, her eyes told him so much. “Open.” Harry panted with a thrust. “Open your eyes.” he gently urged. 
(Y/N) did as she was told. Her expressive eyes fluttered open for him, brow immediately furrowing, mouth popping open. He was doing that. The noise of their bodies coming together filled the bathroom. Mixed with his low determined grunts with every thrust and her eventual sweet chants of the word, “yes”, it was a melody Harry could easily get lost in. 
“‘m gonna make you cum again.” he promised. His thrusts were erratic at best, Harry loosing more control by the second. He was close, but so was she, and he was determined to fulfill his promise. His head dipped back to the spot on her neck she liked kissed so much and his fingers found her clit and circled the sensitive bundle of nerves. Her pussy spasmed around him, begging for his cum. He couldn’t resist it if he wanted to and let the orgasm wash over him with her. 
“That was…amazing.” Harry fell back against the bathroom stall wall to catch his breath. (Y/N) was already back in front of the mirror wiping the corners of her mouth. He was almost offended. “You have an amazing recovery time.” he huffed. 
(Y/N)’s gaze met his in the mirror and her sly smile returned, “I crossfit.” 
Harry laughed but made serious note to up his cardio. And look into Crossfit whilst he was at it. “Did you want to go get dinner or something?” He dragged a hand through his hair and spotted (Y/N)’s long-forgotten knickers on the floor. He reached down to retrieve them for her without much thought.
(Y/N) busied herself with her dangle earrings. “A nice thought,” She fluffed her hair, “but I have a deadline.” There went his plans for the night.
“You’re leaving already?” He couldn’t hide his disappointment. 
“My editor is probably already waiting on me. I just needed to make an appearance in this thing.” she tugged the dress back into place. “Do you have the time?” (Y/N) turned to face him. She looked as breathtaking as ever. 
Harry pulled out his mobile to look at the clock. “Half one. Can I get your number?”
(Y/N) whirled around to face him. “Don’t worry. If we’re meant to see each other again, we will.” 
Harry nodded slowly. He wasn’t used to being rejected. And it only made him want her that much more. “You could’ve just said ‘no’.”  
(Y/N) sauntered up to him with her lips pushed out in an exaggerated pout. “Don’t pout. I’m sure you won’t be alone for long.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek that felt an awful lot like a consolation prize. “Have a good night, Harry.” (Y/N) disappeared leaving a faint waft of her perfume as his only reminder of her. He didn’t even have the chance to give her back her knickers. She left him with his trousers unzipped and the reality of the situation quickly sinking in. He was in a public bathroom alone, half dressed, with a pair of random knickers in his hand and the door now unlocked. He could hear people outside. Harry stuffed the kickers in his pocket and fumbled to zip the long zipper on his trousers.
This has no real beginning but it’s been in my drafts for way too long, so I’m posting it now, rough and unedited. Apologies. (Y/N)’s dress is loosely based on Rihanna’s Swarovski crystal dress. First ‘(Y/N)’ blurb, let me know if I should do more! Any feedback is always appreciated. 
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harrysscheshirecat · 5 years
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Harry Styles at the MET Gala: Notes on Camp
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Harry Lambert posted this of Harry’s outfit for the Met Gala!
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