khatal-blog1 · 4 years
They really refuse getting it...
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khatal-blog1 · 4 years
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¡Si se puede!
-Una chica invisible. 
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khatal-blog1 · 4 years
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Limbo (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/IqRfXDZ3m8 Anna acaba de morir. Se encuentra a sí misma en este sitio extraño y en sus memorias difusas solo está la imagen de su madre con las manos ensangrentadas. ¿Por qué buscó a la mujer que le heredó aquella maldición? ¿Por qué buscarla cuando la dejó en su más tierna infancia? Nada tiene sentido mientras busca salir de ese Limbo siendo guiada (y a veces desviada) por diferentes personajes, luchando en contra de su propia oscuridad, descubriendo los secretos de su maldición y esperando llegar nuevamente al mundo de los vivos para salvar a su hermana menor.
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khatal-blog1 · 4 years
The conversation surrounding cultural appropriation has been so severely mutilated by white “allies” that the original intention behind that conversation has become almost unrecognizable in most social contexts.
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khatal-blog1 · 4 years
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Universo de Papel - Relatos Cortos - Raizan y Terani (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/TBeK62Iai8 Serie de relatos cortos que escribo cuando voy creando historias y a sus personajes. Cada capítulo es una historia diferente.
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khatal-blog1 · 4 years
Frase de Oscar Wilde.
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
As a feminist
As a feminist I think women should also be drafted if necessary.
As a feminist I think women should not be given a lighter sentence compared to a man who did the same crime.
As a feminist I think female abusers should be held at the same level as male abusers
As a feminist I think male rape victims are just as equal as female rape victims and deserve the same attention.
As a feminist I believe in complete equality between genders even if that equality isn’t always “beneficial” to me
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
I want a Pokémon Center here T_T
First look at the touchscreen Pokédex in the  newest Pokémon Center DX in Tokyo.
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
No recuerdo muy bien en qué pensaba cuando lo empecé, pero aún creo que le daré un final feliz.
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
“Shaman King New Chapter”
Far from a confirmed name, and maybe we’ll learn more on the 17th with the next issue of Shonen Magazine Edge…
But… Hiroyuki Takei’s editor for Nekogahara in Shonen Magazine Edge, has updated his Twitter profile to include the title  『SHAMAN KING新章』 or “Shaman King New Chapter.” He also added he’s in charge of the 20th Anniversary Events for Shaman King as well.
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
I hope a lot of people read this
One thing I think is useful to conceptualize when thinking about the severity of depression is figuring out what counts as a ‘task’ to your brain
for example, healthy people outlining the tasks they need to do that day might be something like 
- class - work - homework
if a healthy person is having a low energy day, maybe it becomes 
- make breakfast - go to class - class - go to work - work - come home from work - work on an essay - do 2 readings 
a depressed person, on a high energy day will probably see that same day as 
- make breakfast - eat breakfast - take meds - shower - get dressed - walk to bus - take bus … etc
a depressed person, on a low energy day will see that same day as
- wake up - get out of bed - walk to bathroom - use bathroom - stand back up - walk to kitchen - open fridge - take out juice - set on counter - go to cabinet - reach up arm - take down glass - unscrew lid of juice carton - pour juice - drink the juice - finish the juice …etc
the sort of chronic exhaustion manifests in how each ‘task’ takes a certain amount of energy and when you have depression, what begins to take that amount of energy- and thus, cognitively count as a ‘task’- are smaller and smaller subdivisions of what other people consider tasks. 
And the more ‘tasks’ you do, the less energy you have, and the smaller the subdivisions must be to take equivalent amounts of energy. And the longer that “to do” list of tasks is, the more exhausting and overwhelming and hopeless it feels, which creates a feedback loop of dysfunction.
So say our depressed person on a low energy day gets all the way to finishing their glass of juice. They’ve actually gotten through a lot of tasks! They’ve tried really hard. 
But to a healthy person, even on a low energy day, that probably looks like not having done anything- not having gotten through any tasks. And when our depressed person is surrounded by healthy people, they will likely internalize that they haven’t done anything, and further that they can’t complete any tasks no matter how hard they try. And that feeds worthlessness and suicidal ideation 
That, I think, is why it’s so important to encourage your depressed and chronically low-energy friends when they accomplish tasks, even if they’re operating at a level of subdivision that you don’t recognize. It is an accomplishment to get water and actually drink it for some folks. It is an accomplishment to get to class or to work. 
And acknowledging how hard someone is trying and how much energy they’re putting towards accomplishing those tasks can make a huge difference in whether they feel worthless and hopeless or whether they feel like it’s worth it to keep doing what they can.
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
The funniest homophobic notion out there is the whole, “you’re just a lesbian because you can’t get a man” thing. Like, do you have any idea how easy it is to get a man? It takes a smartphone and ten minutes of time while trying to get a girlfriend is like trying to win the lottery with a single ticket you found on the sidewalk. 
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
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A great mind has passed away today.
I had hoped that Stephen Hawking would live to see us discover life on other worlds, maybe even set foot on Mars. Thank you for everything, for the discoveries you’ve given us, and the inspiration that you gave to young Cosmos lovers. Rest with the stars, Hawking. May your travel to the Universe be Exhilarating.
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
i am more than just someone’s sister daughter niece aunt mother
i am more than just someone’s friend coworker neighbor
i am more than just some girl
i am more than just somebody’s i am more than just some body i am somebody and that is enough of a reason for me to matter
(cc, 2018)
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
Hana’s trainings
Why do I have to train with her?
The young heir of the Asakura family was completely furious with his mother for sending Alumi to torture him and, of course, no one was doing something about it. Why? Anna Asakura's orders. But she and her stupid husband were arriving today and she would listen to him! She could not be this abusive with her only child!
He wasn't an idiot, it was clear he could not yell at her or something like that, he was not suicidal. But, she would definitely listen to him and that situation had to change!
They arrived by dinner time, he keep it cool, acted to please her with his behaviour and have a reasonable, safe and mature talk, but mostly safe.
"What is it?"
She took him by surprise with her question, but it was a good chance. Hana looked at her, she was in her tipycal pose of 'you are hiding something', a single cold sweat drop rolled from his forehead to his neck until get lost in his shirt.
"Why are you asking?"
"You haven't yelled or kicked your father. Something is bothering you."
"Well, since you ask." He shrugged and tried to look relaxed, "I think the training with Alumi is not ok."
She raised an eyebrow.
"I know, you trained my dad because he was -actually is- too lazy and also because you are stronger, but it doesn't mean it has to be the same story here."
Anna studied him with her eyes, she seemed to be thinking about his words. A long silence was settle, Hana could swear she was hearing his heartbeats.
Say something!
She finally closed her eyes and relaxed her posture, then looked at him with a calm expression.
"You are right, there is no need for that."
Hana's mind performed an excitement scream, he would FINALLY, go back to Ryu's easy trainings. Anna walked to the door, and he thought the conversation was over, but he got it wrong, she stopped at the doorframe and glanced at him over her shoulder with a smirk.
"There is no need because you will be training with Yoh and me."
Then walked away, leaving an almost crying pale Hana in the living room. She spotted Yoh, he was chuckling and leaning in the wall, both walked to the dinning room together.
"You are so mean, Anna."
"I'm not mean. I'm just teaching him to appreaciate what he has."
Yoh laughed again. Yes, he would definitely love Alumi's training after those weeks.
Source: Me -> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12867912/1/Hana-s-trainings
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
This should have a picture of me xD So funny, but so sad at the same time u_u
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How to be a writer on tumblr
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khatal-blog1 · 6 years
The feeling of fear is never going to go away completely. When you feel fear, keep going forward. You are not a coward if you feel fear. You are only a coward if you give into that feeling. You can learn to do it afraid.
Joyce Meyer (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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