Shop that Op! 💃🏡
Moving out for the first time? Cat knocked off one too many glasses and now you can’t share a bev with mates?
Op Shop! 
Some people aren’t in to the second hand business, and that’s okay! But I encourage people to take a sneaky peek in to the wonders of this world, it’s not always about clothing (even though you can spot some pretty mint clothes time to time), BUT, it’s also an amazing resource for household essentials!
My housemate scored an awesome crockery set to store all her baked and dry goods in the pantry which were about $10 each, for vintage flower pattern ceramic clasp jars that’s pretty good. She also snapped up some new small breakfast bowls for $1 each, I’m pretty sure that’s even cheaper than Ikea...
Minus the packaging!!
Sounding enticing yet?
I managed to get us some second hand glazed plastic glasses (to stop the glass-knocking game the cats are sporting at the moment) which are actually still quite modern looking and fit the aesthetic of our house. 
Below you have probably noticed a photo of my housemate walking amongst the Autumn leaves, she’s hitting two birds with one stone, getting some daily exercise (reducing emissions) while also wheeling along her mini jeep carrier which is so much more efficient than saying “yes I’ll have that single- use bag!” 
For my Aussie Tumblr pals here are some great Organisations that provide a solid Op- Shop service in your local area 🍁
If you’re fortunate though, you may have a few niche Op- Shops in your town that specialise in a particular aesthetic in the goods they seek and provide!
Also, organisations such as these generally all have a cause they work for in purpose of obtaining funds from your purchase, so really you’re doing some ‘double good’ out there with your wallet. Yes, you can also support their cause by donating your own old used or unwanted goods! Give the bin a miss next time and exchange it for a smile from workers as your rid your old stuff in to the next person’s treasure trove! 🌱
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Not feeling very Iron Strong lately? 💪
It’s not always easy being a student or vego/ vegan student for that matter keeping that iron status at the top of the ‘yasss’ meter, so here’s some info about products/ iron rich foods that may give you the boost you are cravin’
I recently discovered chelated Iron (vegan/vego friendly) which costs much less than other iron supplements at a local Vegan Market.
I haven’t tried it but it could be a development in the cost effective iron hunt for students in need for a boost?
Here’s a link for online purchase if you want to have a sneaky peek..
There’s no better source than the raw source 👌, however if you’re looking for a non- meat (cheaper) option of the raw source to getting your daily iron hit, you can’t go wrong with lovely leafy greens, grains, beans and seeds such as:
Chard, Spinach, chick peas, lentils, pumpkin seeds, kale and broccoli and so many more!
I highly recommend a cheeky google on foods rich in iron! 
Vitamin C can also help with the uptake of Iron in the body x
As always I am an open door to feedback, advice or information you would like to provide or see on this page! Opinion and option is everything! 💚
Do you have any iron- rich recipes you would like posted?
Feel free to submit word on foods you love! 😋
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Cheesy Twist in Melbourne 🐭 (Vegan)
Hello all!
A great workshop held in Melbourne has come to my attention which is a fantastic way for vegans to produce their own cheese in bulk!
Click the Facebook event link to view the workshop!
It’s only $15 per ticket to learn!
When: Saturday 8th June
Tickets: Click link to purchase tickets
Hosted by Unwrapped Pantry (credit to!)
- Less packaging with bulk production of homemade vegan cheese
- Less trips to the shop for vegan cheese
- Less searching for vegan cheese brands- the power is yours to make your own!
- Meet others that are cheese- aholics
- Support small business supporting the environment
- Not too pricey for the knowledge you may receive!
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“Your turn to buy cling wrap”..unless 🐝
Do you hear that buzzing?
The non- crap wrap! Bees- wax is the bomb- diggity for those looking to save a dollary- doo or two on that single use cling wrap in your draw, yes the packaging you’re always wondering is at the end of it’s roll... any day now.. *shudders*
Here are a few Aussie Bees- wax wrap providers:
Feeling picky? If you’re design savvy you can always check out and support small businesses on Etsy that sell Bees wax wraps for a more personalised design option! 
Feeling that DIY jam? 
(There’s also a VEGAN 🌱 alternative to beeswax included) 
(Credit to Biome- Published December 20th, 2018)
I also would like to promo the importance of supporting the silent soldiers of your honey and all- important eco system by listing some delicious flowers to provide our buzzy workers with to snack on between jobs x
Sweet Alysum
Thyme Flowers
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Starting Beautiful 🌿
Did you know you can grow half the ingredients to better skin integrity?
Aloe Vera! The wonder plant is out there!  
Here is a great recipe I’ve found (two- ingredient recipe) 
(UNLESS you would like to add essential oils for the aroma therapy benefits 😍)
*Always check ingredients on essential oil packaging for on- skin application safety and instruction 
Just Aloe Vera from your own home plant + Unrefined Coconut Oil and you’re set for ten days! (store in fridge)
Recipe Link
Credit to Creator 💚: Perpetually Paula
(She has some other wonderful DIY’s)
Video Published: July 11, 2016
Benefits: Less chemicals applied to skin, less harmful to environment from wastage, contains vitamins, lovely indoor decor plant, no preservatives, no unnatural colouring, refreshing, cooling on the skin, historical use on burns to soothe. 
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Feel free to suggest any sustainable posts, recipes, low cost recipes, low waste tips and tricks as well as any creative inspirations x 🐢💚
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