maverickstudio · 1 year
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Headshot commission for @ian-hawke of Mr.Blackquill! She wanted him to be happy because he deserves it. 🥺
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maverickstudio · 1 year
i was rewatching your beanix speedpaint and all i wanna say is, like, you're mad talented bro. look at the shape of that face. look at that anatomy. look at those colors and that composition. i probably sound deranged right now, but that one layer painting makes me go fucking insane. i don't know where I was going with this i just needed to say it.
This.. this means a lot to me, thank you so much. I'm so glad you enjoy the speedpaint clip and took the time to tell me all this. You're a real one and I appreciate you. ❤
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maverickstudio · 1 year
May I ask how you shade skin? No worries if not!! Im obsessed w the way you render
Well thank you very much, I'm flattered. Sure, I'd be happy to try and share my skin routine with you!
I think one of the main things I began doing a while back with painting skin that's really helped it look more lively is diversifying the colours you can see on it. Adding various warm and cool tones can really help emphasize any shading! I'll use my Klavier and Daryan illustration to show what I mean as I still have a layered version.
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Above are the boys with a 50% grey base layer. Notice the hints of blue, red, and yellow about the skin that can't be seen on Daryan's jacket, for example? That is what I'll be referring to!
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I'll typically start with basic skin tones for the character (above) and on two separate layers begin to paint on some variations of red, orange and/or yellow (layer 1) and blue, teal, and/or purple (layer 2). I typically already have the opacity on these layers down, but just to kinda show you the types of colours I may use and where I place them, this is the kind of monstrosity I create:
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In my experience, Yellow is a good neutral zone addition, Red is great for places with a lot of blood flow like cheeks or fingers, and Blue is good for areas that may not get full exposer to the light source(s). I was first taught a real simple gradient down the face of yellow (brows), red (cheeks/nose), and blue (chin, jawline) for faces. Then as you get more comfortable with slapping them on the canvas, go a little wild with it and start intermingling the colours like adding blue on the eye lids or red on the lips, for example.
For Layer 1, or our warm red/orange/yellow colours, I typically set the layer style to something like a Multiply and lower the opacity to 15-30% depending on the skin tones and image's lighting.
For Layer 2, or our cool blue/teal/purple colours, I do a highlight layer style with Overlay typically being a nice safe pick. For this layer I generally stay around 20-45% opacity. After you have that all set, you'll get something like this:
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Which is thankfully not quite as jarring as the other version haha. From here, I start shading normally! I typically use 2-5 shading and highlight layers, depending completely on the lighting of the piece. For skin specifically, I try to keep a smooth gradient or matte look to these areas with a soft brush and blending. Back lighting and colours from the surroundings generally seem to bounce off skin well so I tend to utilise a lot of that too.
In the end I wind up with the top(which I now realise was a pretty bad example image to use as they are in a SPOT LIGHT I'm so sorry) and also added the version without the extra colours for comparison(bottom):
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I know it's nothing SUPER noticeable in this piece if you're not looking for it, but that's also the point! It's a little bit of flavour without being a distraction. I've personally really enjoyed the overall look of the skin I've painted since incorporating this.
On the other hand, when it comes my single layer paintings (using my recent painting of Beanix as an example,) I couldn't really tell you my process besides throwing colours at the canvas and seeing what sticks. I still try to incorporate the "sway my colour towards yellow here, change the hue to a bit more blue there," but there isn't much method to my madness outside of that. Just have fun with it!
I hope all this gave you some insight or helps in the slightest! If I didn't answer the right thing, you have any other or more specific questions regarding how I paint skin, feel free to ask them at any time. I'm happy to help where I can.
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maverickstudio · 2 years
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Testing the pastel tools in Rebelle 5 with my favourite rebel. ♠
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maverickstudio · 2 years
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Make a wish on our sorry little hearts Have a smoke, pour a drink, steal a kiss in the dark Fingernails on my skin like the teeth of a shark I'm intoxicated by the lie
I.. was really surprised people enjoyed my sketch of these guys fighting?? I had a couple other sketches from that same drawing session so I decided to throw them all together for anyone interested; hopefully Daryan fans won't mind some unstyled takes on his mane.
The song referenced is "A Love Like War" by All Time Low. It was my 'on repeat' while sketching these. Obvious hinting at casual pre-4-3 Klavdar (sorry if that ain't your cup of tea) but hopefully they are fine stand-alone sketches as well.
Thank you all for showing interest in the original post and giving me the courage to post the rest of these. I put my thoughts behind each sketch in the descriptions. Enjoy!
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maverickstudio · 2 years
Hey I have a question fo requests happen to be open I would really like something please
Hey there, Anon! I apologise for the delayed response. You all are more than welcome to add a request into the hat I pull suggestions out of if you'd like! Just know that I do them whenever I have spare time and that there are no guarantees I can get to it in a timely manner as there are still other suggestions in the hat as well.
Also, Oct-Dec is my busiest time of the year so requests may be slow rolling for a bit. Either way, thank you for the interest!
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maverickstudio · 2 years
He likes to chew Simon Birdquill's jackets and has flown close to MANY flames
No, Mothpollo, nooo! Don't fly too close to the sun! (a lit birthday candle)
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maverickstudio · 2 years
Mothpollo eats his own shirts and flies into the courtroom lights
This is 100% accurate and there is no room for doubt. Court is adjourned.
For real though, I'm cracking up over this. Can. Can you imagine? Having to call a recess because the defense won't stop bonking into the overhead lights mid-case. Typical Ace Attorney high jinks.
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maverickstudio · 2 years
Mothpollo is so insanely cute too bad he'd be so tiny (normal for him) and fragile (normal for him)
Y'all have some genuine takes about mothpollo and I love them. I wonder if he'd have like a complex where he forgets how small and fragile he is compared to others and just tries to do whatever on his own. Trucy notices him trying to organize case files on his desk, asks if he wants help moving stuff, and a tiny mothpollo can still be heard squeaking yelling, "I'M FINE!"
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maverickstudio · 2 years
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...You know what, Anon? U rite. Here's a little treat for bravely speaking up.
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maverickstudio · 2 years
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Pursuit music plays in the distance. Somewhere a carrot sweats profusely.
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maverickstudio · 2 years
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Full body commission for Duchess on PI. Enjoy!
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maverickstudio · 2 years
Oh maybe some klapollo for sketch requests?
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Man, you really struck my inspiration well, Anon. Thank you so much for this request. I hope you're able to see this and like how it turned out!
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maverickstudio · 2 years
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..You know what, Anon? Same. I hope you like how he turned out!
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maverickstudio · 2 years
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"Achtung, baby! Let's rock!"
Can you imagine giving a flawless 2 hour performance and then your friend's dumb stunt causes you to mess up the finale? Rage.
(A huge thank you to @baratrongirl for commissioning me to finish this piece I shared a while back. It was a joy to work on and I'm so grateful for the opportunity.)
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maverickstudio · 2 years
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Don't forget to check what flavour nail polish you got. :)
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maverickstudio · 2 years
Hello, you wonderful beings! I'm running low on Ace Attorney related prompts if anyone wants to add some to the hat I pull from for sketch requests. Just toss me an ask with what you might like to see me draw!
(No OCs or other fandoms at the moment, please. Also, if you've sent in a request that isn't AA, don't worry, you haven't been forgotten. My inspiration is just fickle. Apologies!)
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