mavetxt · 2 years
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gaster / undertale fanart in the good year of lord and saviour 2022? well according to me binging all of handplates 3 days ago: yeah oopsie
[ id: two near identical digital drawings of Gaster from undertale, a skeleton with holes in both his hands, and two cracks on his face: one under his right eye and one above his left eye. He is wearing glasses, a plain oversized black sweater, black pants and nondescript boots, and a long red scarf that's tattered at the ends and is modeled after Papyrus' sweater. Gaster is posed faced away from the viewer, looking over his shoulder with his right hand raised behind him. There is a swirling orange mass drawn behind him that appears to be spiraling in from where his hand is resting, implied to be his magic. There is light cyan lightening crackling over the magic, and overlaid his hand. As well as lightening drawn into the upper corners of the piece. the first piece shows two distorted 'shadows' coming off of Gaster's figure that ressemble him, to visually show that his figure is being distorted by his own magic. The second piece lacks these shadows. end id. ]
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mavetxt · 2 years
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i just started watching saiki but im convinced w/the whole 'cant see movies so i gotta watch tv to actually be surprised by something' thing would lead to a chronic tiktok addiction in the future.
[ id: a collection of plainly coloured pixel sketches of saiki k on a plain pink background. on the right is the most detailed sketch, a fullbody of saiki wearing an oversized long sleeved hoodie with a cat pattern on the front resembling music. he's wearing headphones, with the cord visibly reaching down to the phone in his hand. his feet are back awkwardly, with one posed up in the air, and the other lifted like he is stepping, buth are positioned to reveal his shoes have heelies on the bottom. he is looking off to the right. on the left are a collection of 3 seperate sketches depictiong saiki's life. sketch 1: a simple chest up sketch of saiki holding his phone, which has a sun (daycare attendant from Security Breach) accessory attached to it. there is a spoon in his mouth, and a cup of coffee jello sat infront of him. above his head is text that reads: "Son! can you help me and your mother for a bit?" in response to above text, saiki is shown thinking: "Of course, my parents get excited when i express interest in anything, up until it stops them from using my powers for their benefit." there is a sound bubble coming from the phone that says: "*slime sounds* *doja cat song* *obvious thirst trap* sketch 2: a very simple sketch of kokomi faced away from the viewer, and turned towards saiki who looks excited and is holding a box. there is a close up drawn of the box that reveals it is a figure with the words 'limited time' and 'special offer' written on the side. kokomi is shown speaking in blue text that reads: "to commemorate our 2 week anniversary, I got you that figure you kept talking about!" in response, saiki is shown to be thinking: "I should be worried that she thinks we've been dating for 2 weeks, but I'm so happy right now I don't want to ruin the moment." sketch 3: a more detailed sketch then the last 2 that shows saiki looking annoyed, he is wearing a simple cardigan and shirt, and the straps of an undershirt are visible. on his cheeks are two small heart shaped stickers.
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mavetxt · 2 years
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hi saiki k fans do you accept outsiders? [ id: a digital collection of water-coloured sketches on a plain teal background. the sketches are various images of saiki k, a pale person with short bright pink hair, and green glasses that obscure his eyes. the main focus of the sketch page is a fullbody of saiki standing, and looking towards the viewer. he is dressed in a hoodie themed after psyduck, where the hoodie has been pulled over saiki's head and the bill is resting on his forehead. to the left of the fullbody is a chest up bust of saiki grabbing the psyduck bill of his hoodie and pulling it further over his face. there is text above him that reads: "this has got to be the lowest moment of my life." to the right are two drawings of saiki as psyduck, where saiki's green glasses and pink 'hairpins' are drawn onto psyducks design. in the first drawing he's standing looking annoyed, and int he seconding drawing he is on the floor looking angry as a poochnya modeled after shun stands on top of him. end id. ]
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mavetxt · 2 years
Commissions open!
i need to save up some cash so i'm opening up my commissions! i'm only accepting through paypal right now! please contact me on discord (kali#1507) or toyhou.se (ambros1a) if you're interested! please do NOT contact me if you are looking for nsfw art. i can do humans + flat faced anthros, as well as duo art!
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all art includes colour + minimum shading!
duo art must be fullbody/halfbodies! an extra character is half the price + the base price (i.e fullbody would be roughly 60!) examples:
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mavetxt · 2 years
An open letter to the artist community (from a disabled artist)
I’m not really someone who likes making PSA type posts, as I like to keep my existence mainly quiet but with some consideration I’d like to cast my stone in the water today to talk about the entitlement of able bodied artists towards disabled folk.
I want to express foremost that I AM disabled, I AM an artist. I’ve been doing art since I was 9, and have been taking it as a serious career possibility since I was 10. I’ve been doing this for a long time, and while I might not be in the same business as many other artists, I absolutely get the right to talk about our own community.
I’ve gotten into the ID scene more recently than I’ve been an artist. I am not a perfect product of IDers, but I am someone I consider knowledgeable on the subject and want to share part of my insight for other artists, young and old.
What are IDs?
IDs, or image descriptions, are text additions onto a post that describe what is going on in the image or video. These IDs are here so people who have visual impairments, who cannot see the image, or otherwise do not understand what is going on can gain access to the post and understand what is going on.
IDs ARE necessary, because not everyone on the internet is able bodied, and disabled people shouldn’t be excluded from enjoying the posts or art we enjoy. If you think disabled people don’t belong on the internet, or that adding IDs are a waste of time, or make a post look ‘ugly’, you are ableist. 
They are valuable tools that disabled people need, and as a community we should all work towards adding more IDs to our posts, or reblogging posts with IDs in the notes. Many of us are not asking you not to post ever unless a post as an ID, and we’re not asking everyone to start adding identifications (though it would be deeply appreciated!), we’re asking you to be more conscious of these usual tools so that other parts of the community who are otherwise excluded from your normal posts, can be included!
Art entitlement
Okay, great! Cool! We know what an ID is, and why they’re important, but what’s the tie into art? Very glad you asked! You see, most art is a visual medium that has traditionally been only accessible to those who can see it. Thanks to the internet, art has become a more widespread medium that anyone can enjoy!
That’s why, in more recent years, accessibility blogs have been reblogging art with image descriptions so that those who might not be able to access art in its image form, can still enjoy what an artist is trying to communicate with visuals.
IDs on art can be VERY helpful tools, especially for people who might consume similar content to you, but can’t always enjoy the exact same content as you due to outside factors. 
It’s why, as an artist, you should be conscious about posting art, or reblogging others' art.
Now, like above I am NOT saying you cannot post art ever unless you have an image ID. However I am saying that when you believe in full truth, that you as an artist are entitled to being reblogged for your time and effort, you are disrespecting several ideas.
You are disrespecting the idea that people OWE you something, when they don’t. As artists we often need as much attention as we can get on our art if we want to make big money off our work. However, as artists we are also often freelance. 
We have no employers besides ourselves, and our occasional clients. When we offer our work to others, our clients do not owe us to accept our services. They are entitled to say no. It’s the same in reblogs.
You are offering your service (art), and if a client for whatever reason doesn’t want to reblog your art. They don’t have to. You are not entitled to telling people what they do with their own autonomy. 
Additionally, when you are not providing accessibility to your art & are demanding/begging for people to reblog your art over liking it, you are digging your own grave here.
No one OWES you that reblog, but when you are purposefully excluding an entire community from your post, you are making it harder for people who DO want to reblog your post.
As someone who is disabled, I have very limited spoons. I take it out of my day to go online, and spend 5-20 minutes writing up an image description for posts I want to reblog. I cannot work endlessly reblogging posts with my own image IDs, but in most cases I have to make my own IDs because no one else has. 
Not every artist is able bodied, but a large majority of you are. It often takes much less effort and energy than it does for someone like me, or my friends, to make a short image description. 
If you are unwilling to do that bare minimum, or are unable to at that moment, you do not get to feel entitled to people reblogging your work. You do not get to shame your other community members, or your clients, for not reblogging your work ever. Period. 
I am tired of having to hear people complain over and over again, shaming their fellow artists for being the ‘weak backbone’ of their community for not reblogging each other's art. I am tired, I am disabled and I’m an artist: and I need you all to give a damn about adding image descriptions to your art/reblogging posts of art with image Ids.
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mavetxt · 2 years
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hilbert! bilhert. [ ID start: a three digital drawing of Hilbert, an original character. Hilbert is a white person, with very light skin, and short white hair that comes down in two strands on either side of their face. They have blue feathered ears, and two small feathered wings. The drawing on the left mirrors the drawing on the right, as it is a fullbody reference showing off Hilbert's clothes. The left piece shows Hilbert wearing long blue pants and boots, with a dark teal shawl with a hoodie that is trimmed with fur. Their hair is swept to the side, reveling only one eye that is magenta. Oppositely, the mirrored image on the right show's Hilbert's outfit with out the shawl, where it is revealed their parents are being held up with suspenders, and they are wearing a light blue sweater. Their had has flipped over, revealing their other eye is blue. In between both outfit references is a fullbody drawing of Hilbert curled up tightly, turned away from the camera. Their face is obscured by their hair, besides a bit of their nose poking out from the side. From this angle you can see their wings, which appear to be undergrown and quite small. The drawing has a melancholy aura to it. End ID. ]
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mavetxt · 2 years
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i have a massive backlog of art i need to post, so take this.
[ ID start: two digital sketches of February, an original character. It's a black person with curly pink hair, and red eyes. In the first picture, which is more sketchier then the second, it shows a full body of February's outfit which is a white scarf with golden dots on it. A shawl-like blue cloak that hands off it's shoulders that has a second layer attached with a cream under coat. A white shirt is visible beneath the cloak. It's also wearing dark blue pants, cut off by what looks to be leg guards around where the knees would be. It's feet look like tree roots instead of feet. The second drawing, is a close up sketch of February, looking towards the right, with a blank expression, in this drawing you can get a more visible look at February's horns which are shaped like tree branches. End ID. ]
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mavetxt · 2 years
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new oc
[ id start: a collection of three digital drawings of Ivy, an anthropomorphic lynix original character all set on a plain peach background with little white dots spread in two ribbons for decoration. the first drawing is a fullbody of Ivy standing with her body facing towards the camera, she is wearing a pair of jeans and an oversized brown crop top hoodie. Ivy's blonde hair is pulled back into a ponytail. she is looking away from the camera, while holding a cup of boba tea in her hand. she is smiling. the second to the right of the first trying is a simple coloured headshot of Ivy smiling with her mouth open and her eyes closed. beneath the second drawing is the third and final drawing, which is a fullbody of Ivy sitting on the floor holding a pillow. her left ear is tilted down, and she is frowning, looking slightly unsure or confused. in this piece, her hair is let down. end id. ]
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mavetxt · 2 years
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FNAF at Freddy's
[ id start: a compilation of digital sketches of Security Breach's glamrocks animatronics on a plain white background in magenta pen. top the left is a fullbody of Glamrocks Freddy, drawn to look more anthro then animatronic, wearing a shirt and high waisted pants. he is smiling, looking off to the right while his paw is being held by Gregory, a young boy wearing a hoodie fashioned to look like Glamrocks Freddy. to their sides are a verity of half-vody sketches of Glamrocks Bonnie holding a bowling ball looking surprised, Glamrocks chica who's turned to the side, Montgomery Gater, who is without his glasses and lastly Roxanne Wolf. end id ]
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mavetxt · 2 years
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his name is walnut and he has every disease. [ id start: a digital fullbody drawing of Walnut, an furry character with cat features and a long tail that tappers out in the end with a large mass of blonde fluff. Walnut has white fur, with beige and cream splotches that show up on his right foot, thighs, tail and hands. he has fluffy blonde hair with small brown sticks in the curls. he is wearing a white mask with a smiley face, a hoodie with a box that resembles himself, a dark brown stocking and a knee brace. walnut is posed with one paw up and the other raised to his mouth like he is laughing. end id. ]
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mavetxt · 2 years
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i have a biology exam tomorrow
[ id start: a simple uncoloured digital drawing of wilbur and tommy on a white background. wilbur is staring confused, with a scrunched up annoyed his expression, at tommy. he is drawn from the torso up in a chibi style. he is wearing a beanie, and big glasses tinted slightly red. beside him is tommy, who is drawn shoulders up, and has long hair, that covers oneside of his face. tommy also has two horns and a small devil tail. below wilbur is a text bubble that reads "how did you get into my house?!?!?" and above tommy is a text bubble that reads "can i get a wilburger?" end id. ]
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mavetxt · 2 years
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hiii so @/ghostly-tart's 3ghostsau gave me brainrot so here's the ghosts + one man bonding with tommy :) [ id start: multiple uncoloured digital sketches on a blank beige canvas. the first drawing on the left is a fullbody of tommy turned away from the camera, he has long hair, and a devil tail and is holding his arm. he is framed to look like he staring into the distance, where pogbur, a version of wilbur from his pogtopia days as a ghost, and ghostbur are standing. ghostbur has one arm looped around pogbur's arm, and is raising his free arm in greetings. there is a speech bubble above his head that reads "Hello Tommy!" the second set of sketches are a messy comic that shows tommy sleeping in bed with his tail sticking out of the covers. there is a sound bubble above his head that reads *shuffle*. in the second panel, he is sitting up, head half turned to the camera to show his hair is down. he is saying "hello?" in the last drawing, it shows a line up of pogbur, lmanbur and ghostbur all standing side by side. beside them is text that reads "who's there?" and below are three arrows pointed at them, above the text "broke in". the next sketch beside the comic is of tommy, resting against revivebur's shoulder with his eyes closed. revivebur is wearing big red glasses, and a beanie, and looks content as he rests his head against tommy's. around revivebur's arm, you can see tommy's tail curl around the bandage tied to his coat. below that sketch is another drawing, this time of tommy hugging lmanbur. lmanbur looks stiff and awkward, with one hand hovering over tommy's back, and the other curled into a fist. he looks confused by the action. on the fair right of the page is a drawing of all four wilbur's hugging tommy, who is in the middle. at the front of the hug is ghostbur, who is grinning and has one visible hand wrapped around tommy. there is a hand on his back that belongs to pogbur, who is behind ghostbur. his face is mostly obstructed by ghostbur's hair, but you can see one of his eyes as he looks at tommy. opposite of pogbur is wilbur, who's eyes are closed and his head is tucked next to tommy's. on his back is lmanbur's arm, who is in the back of the hug, his head just peeking above tommy's head. below the hug pile is the final sketch, which is a chibi drawing of revivebur smoking a cigarette and looking tired. he has eye bags, and is starring off into space. end id. ]
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mavetxt · 2 years
artists on here that like but don't rb are the weakest link
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mavetxt · 3 years
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did i ever tell yall about how i have ocs. because i have them ! :] here's three of em! [ id start: three digital drawings of original characters in a cartoony style. the first one is comprised of three drawings. the first is a fullbody of Autumn, a black man with dark purple pig legs, ears and small tusks. he has long pink hair, covering one of his eyes. he is wearing a split dress with a blue, red and yellow ribbon tied around the waste, the inside the dress is coloured with the same colours of the ribbon he is wearing. in his hair, around his neck, and around the back of the dress are multiple bows. he is posed looking off to the left of the viewer. the second drawing on the image is a close up of his eyes to show that one is blue, and the other is brown. the last drawing is a close up of the bow's he is wearing. second image is comprised of six drawings. the first is a fullbody of Bermuda, a white man wearing a maroon sweater over top a bright green turtle neck. he has long dark brown, almost purple hair , with bright multicoloured tips. around his neck is a cross and a pair of glasses. beside him his a smaller drawing of himself, posed to look shy. below him is a close up of his eyes, where one pupil is a purple star and the other is black with a yin-yang looking pupil. at the bottom of the image are drawings of a dark backpack with star patterns on it, and a tape recorder. next to them is a messy drawing of a brown haired character in a cream sweater standing next to a happy looking bermuda. there is text on the drawing made to look like writing that reads "my name is bermuda! i am 19" next to an arrow pointing to the messy drawing that reads "me and my friend mads :)" last drawing is a simple fullbody drawing of nutmeg, an anthro pig with a similiar colour palette to autumn. it has mid-length pink hair, and two toned eyes where one is blue and the other is brown. they are wearing a cream poncho over top a dark blue sweater and a white collar shirt with a small blue bow around the collar. it is looking off to the bottom left of the screen. end id. ]
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mavetxt · 3 years
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trying to do smthing different with my art so i drew a scene i wanna add to my wip fic when i get there :] !! [ id start; digital fanart of dream smp characters philza minecraft, tommyinnit, technoblade and wilbur soot. philza is curled up on a tree trunk in the bottom left corner of the screen near the foreground, his legs are crossed and he has two large wings, one of which is curled and blocking the bottom corner. he is staring to the top right corner of the screen, smiling. sitting next to him is tommy, holding a pencil and book. he is staring at his book like he is thinking on what to write. in the background we can see the back of wilbur, he has two big wings and four smaller wings coloured to look like a night sky. he is flying, faced away from the viewer to look at technoblade. technoblade is sitting on the silhouette of a tree, grabbing it's tip like he is standing ontop of it. he has long pink hair, and two big pink wings. the entire drawing is lined in red and is coloured using red tones. end id. ]
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mavetxt · 3 years
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haven't posted in awhile ,,, here's some tommey art
[ id start: a digital drawing of tommyinnit from DSMP. he is facing the camera with a bloody nose and clothing. he is wearing a green sweater and a scarf, and has long hair pulled into a pony tail on the left side of his head. the background is dark, with a box filled with static behind him, casting a green haze over the piece. at the top of the drawing is faded text that reads "I'm your friend Tommy. I can kill you. Whenever I want. I've been nothing but gracious to you." There is a smile in the top left side of the box. end id ]
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mavetxt · 3 years
dunno if anyone else has made a list but as an inniter it's my civic duty to present you all with my tommytober prompt list I'm gonna be using for art/writing this month !! If anyone else gets inspired by this list feel free to tag me, I'd love too see what y'all make :)
1.) War
2.) Seasons
3.) Brother
4.) Peace
5.) Healing
6.) Pain
7.) Ghost
8.) Music
9.) Animal hybrid
10.) Injury
11.) Fear
12.) Family
13.) Reverse
14.) Sleep
15.) Rot
16.) Religion
17.) Fae
18.) Tarot
19.) Forest
20.) Flowers
21.) Robot
22.) Anger
23.) Rings
24.) Animal crossing
25.) Lost
26.) Celestial
27.) Deep sea
28.) Tears
29.) Home
30.) Teeth
31.) Clock
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