raw-nutrition · 10 years
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This is something I stumble across everyday working within a gym environment. So many people tell me how much WEIGHT they have lost or a NUMBER they would like to get down to. Sure I have a number which I roughly would like to sit at. But If I got to a point where I was 100% happy and I wasn't at that number, it wouldn't be the end of the world. So many girls especially want to lose the numbers but health is about having a good amount of muscle for strength and metabolism and general health and we all know muscle weighs more then fat. I know for me the scale hasn't budged in months and I am still sitting at 69kg but I have put on muscle and lost fat.. To be honest, I am pleased.  You should be proud of your achievements and how far you have come. Don't stress about some little number flashing on a little piece of plastic. It isn't everything, trust me. 
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
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It feels like forever since I last posted. Probably because it has been. I can't explain how busy life has been with so much on the go at once. This is the first chance I have had to sit and post.. and to tell you the truth I am actually at work!  I have been finding it really tough being all over town and not knowing where I will be eating next and food prep has gone out the window. My saviour has been frozen meals that I have prepared in the weekend. Being busy definitely has its perks but it also has made me tired and feel like giving up at times.  Being back at study is amazing, I love my routine and I am also learning sneaky tips that i will be able to share now I can get back on a bit:) Keep you posted! E xx
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
Feeling accomplished!
Just launched a wee healthy raw baking business through the gym I work at. Only small and word of mouth but put my first order sheet out today with some free samples and already have 6 or 7 orders and heaps of compliments so I am feeling pretty chuffed. It's such a good opportunity to get my name out there and earn a bit of pocket money!
Hope you all had a good day!
E xx
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
From unhealthy to healthy, my journey
So it was probably the end of year thirteen (last year of high school) when I started to understand something needed to change. When I broke my back for the second time horse riding earlier in September and from September on I struggled to get back into exercise and found myself eating and not healthy eating either. Throughout that year I had eaten terrible as I didn't understand how important nutrition was. So as you can guess, the weight piled on and summer rolled round. Going away with friends was hard as everyone had tried so hard to do the get in shape for summer thing and here I was looking far from my best. I struggled and was down a lot. That January (middle of summer here) I decided I was going to turn my life around. Healthy lifestyle, no diets, no crazy fitness plans, just healthy eating and smart training. Since then, it has been a huge journey with many slip ups and many times where I felt like giving up. Fast forward one year to when I had been training and eating well, I had lost a lot of weight and also know I needed to finally have my back surgery that I had been putting off for so long. So May rolled around and in I went in for a lumbar disectomy and spinal fusion. At 20, such a serious surgery was scary and I knew I had a long road of recovery ahead. It was hard to go from training 5-6 times a week to not even being able to walk more than to the toilet. Mentally, this was challenging and again, many slip ups. Since then it has been a slow process of returning to walking 12 weeks post surgery, then jogging at 4 months post surgery. I started light weights at 6 months and now 8 months later I am training as my usual self. I do have to be careful as I can't do any exercises that load my spine but considering my surgeon said I would never lift weights or run I feel like I am doing pretty well.   So here I am, still going, slipping up, but I have come further then I thought I ever would. I started at 85kg and am now down to 69kg. For me, it is not some crazy amount but it definitely has made the biggest difference. Plus I don't really take on board the number, I like to now it but because I have put on a lot of muscle, i don't find it a fair representation. I still feel like I have a long while to go, but to me this isn't something I reach and stop, I want to maintain and my goals are forever changing. But i am PROUD and have worked hard so to anyone out there reading this and struggling, just know if I can go from eating blocks of chocolate and bottles of coke and lollies etc etc to healthy and fit and eating well, anybody can. Really. I have learnt so much and am so grateful I realised when I did. So I want to help others and educate so they can also go through their own journey.  Love E xx
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
Go on, ask us!
We would love some more questions to answer! As well as posting stuff we love to write about we also want to know, what you want to know!
Ask us absolutely anything, no question to big or small. 
Go on!
E & H xx
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
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The more I get into 2014, the more I get motivated. Usually it is the complete opposite but why question it?
I have sat down and written out a small list of goals simply for me to track and know where I stand. Whether you write out goals or just have them in your head is up to you but having goals is the key. Not having anything to works towards makes it much more challenging.
One of my goals is to run in a race, a small race first. Since my back surgery I haven't run as much as I used to and what better way to get back into it properly. So I registered for the 6km City2surf and roped in Hannah too (although she is amazing at running and will smoke me).
So keep goals, work for them and you will get results.
Emma xx  
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
Ahh, I find this so so sad.. I struggle to feel ok watching so many children taking such heavy drugs. Some of these drugs not even being tested on children younger than 18 years. I totally understand the need for change but are drugs really the answer? It seems like more and more children are being diagnosed with these types of disorders, but why? This is such a field of interest for me and it makes me wonder what has changed for such an increase in cases? Could it be an increase in processed foods, technology, or something different again? 
Something to think about, definitely worth a watch if you have an hour to spare, or just watch some
- E xx
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
This is exactly what we are all about. Both Hannah and I are going through our own journeys and although similar are so different. We both want to educate, share and inspire those who need help, motivation, support and more. If we can help just one person that would be amazing, more.. even better. I know I have people in my life who inspire me for different reasons, whether it be their body, their mind or spirit but I think it is so important to have these people to keep trying to strive for more. This is all sounding very cheesy but I am a huge advocate for it. Hope you all have these people in your life, if not find them!
E xxx
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
The dreaded water bloat..
I'm sure everyone can relate to this.. After a week of letting my food slip a little I have a bad case of water retention and woke up feeling gross. I know with a few days back on track I will be fine. It's that whole mental thing though, "I am bloated, I must've gained weight". I know perfectly well I haven't but its hard to get that in your head. So, to those of you in the same boat, stay motivated it is just a small set back. Green tea will be my answer today to try and rid some of the retention and toxins floating round.
Drink up
E xx
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
I would love to drop everything and take a year long holiday to right here.
E x
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
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21st over! Had the most amaaazing night! It feels like it was over so quickly though. Here's one of the snaps with my cousin on the left and myself :). I feel so blessed to have so many people care about me and feel so spoilt. I am excited for a positive year with new opportunities appearing each day. Will keep you updated as things unfold. Food has been a bit indulgent this week so going to rein it back in with juicing tomorrow. I feel so organised at the moment ticking off all the odd jobs I have meant to do for the past like six months. Hope you are all having a good day! For us it is Waitangi day - a public holiday, I am stuck working but time and a half!
-E xx
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
Love this. Last year i was offered a conditional enrollment offer to my nutrition degree. This meaning i could start my degree last year but over the summer holidays i would have to take a short bridging course to get my chemistry knowledge up to prerequisite level  (i never took chem at school). SO i just sat my exam and i'm fairly sure i smashed it - Take that chemistry! Now i have 2.5 weeks of holidays before i start properly for the year. I plan to use this time to organise my entire life (LOL i love organising) and working out! So excited!!!!
H :) xx
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
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raw-nutrition · 10 years
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