rebel666 · 4 years
This should help me so much in making my Revenant!
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rebel666 · 4 years
In light of Greg Ellis’ recent tweets in support of JK Rowling’s anti-trans remarks, I present to you more fuel for the fire. He is a horrible, toxic human being who takes great pleasure in mental manipulation. He was very vocal for the not-all-men movement and let his true colors fly at MCC.
So I have to ask... What happened at MCC with Greg Ellis? Either way, I'm pretty sad that he's acting like this. I love his voice and work but I don't really want to support people whose actions suck. It's not like this was *the worst thing ever* but if he constantly causes drama I will stay away. Sigh.
Whew. Alrighty, anon. This is going to take a bit of explanation so in the words of Short Round - 
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Also if at any point you would like my words verified, other tumblr users were there as well who can be asked about this. @sakura-kagurazaka and I were there together and I believe @cullenstairshenanigans was there as well. Okay, so…. Last year at Magic City Con 2017, Greg Ellis was the VIP guest of honor. If you bought VIP tickets, you got into two events with him - a trivia night/Q&A session and a poetry reading/Q&A/hangout session. The first session wasn’t too bad - mostly just trivia and fun. When people started asking him questions, however, he sorta…danced around them. He never really answered anything and had this sorta smug look like he was so clever for answering the way he did. He was eccentric to be sure, but he didn’t really seem toxic. Yet.
On Saturday, we all showed up to his Poetry/Q&A event to find the coordinators basically running around like chickens with their heads cut off, saying he’d switched everything on the programming last minute because he had something he wanted to show us. So, after about 45 minutes I think, we all go in and sit down. 
Ellis does a quick Q&A with us, answering a few questions about his career and what-have-you then plays Save Myself on piano.
He then told us that he wanted to share with us a podcast that he’d been making about his life, his struggles with emotions, how he’s learned about them, etc. We agree and so he starts the first podcast (which I believe can still be found on Reesispositive.com, as much as I hate to drive traffic to that website), telling us to close our eyes and “feel” (as a survivor of a cult which used similar tactics, I will admit that my stomach sort of did this nauseated twist at that moment, but I digress).
Anyway, in his podcast, he talks about how his parents wanted a daughter and how that shaped a lot of his emotional life. He also addresses emotional baggage and how it can limit us in our lives and how we have to open up and allow ourselves to feel these things so that we can move forward. He talked about childhood trauma (not entirely in depth) and sort of teased the rest of the podcast. This went on for… at least 15 minutes, probably longer. 
At the end of the podcast, he turns the lights back up and looks around the room, asking what we’d thought of it. Most of the room at this point is emotional, if not in tears, to the point that a Cullen cosplayer literally walked around the room to give us all Kleenex. A friend of mine was so emotionally impacted by what was being brought up that she had to leave the room.
So…after this bomb about emotional and mental health that he was not licenced to give and that no one coming to this Con had expected or was in any way prepared for, he then starts to discuss how he’s been reading things about psychology and human emotions and about this epiphany he’s been having. At this point, I’m going to bullet point some things he said because if I keep writing like this, I’m going to write a mini-dissertation. Keep in mind that these are all his opinion and definitely NOT my own.
 “Mental wealth” issues (mental illnesses, trauma, etc) can be cured by us coming to terms with our emotions and learning not to suppress them.
Mental illnesses do not require any sort of psychotropic medication. Medicines made for the purpose of mental health are only made to keep people from dealing with their emotional problems.
Terrorism could be solved if we all just sat down and talked (good luck with that, mate)
Keep in mind, he’s saying this to a mixed room. There were people in there, like myself, who were attempting to come to terms with their own mental illnesses before this event. Not only that, but there were also people in that room who were currently on medication for mental illness There’s already a stigma around taking such things and with no medical training at all, he proceeds to tell everyone that these medications are “unnecessary” if we just allow ourselves to feel (the danger of that statement alone..Christ). 
On top of that, he potentially reopened the wounds of those who had dealt with childhood trauma or abuse in what was an emotionally unsafe environment.And for what, you may ask?
To push his counselling website - ReesIsPositive.com - which we all received handouts for. On top of that, the website never took off. No one who ever submitted a form to his webpage ever got a response (at least, not that I’ve heard. And honestly, that is probably for the best). And after that, the whole website became focused on men’s issues (which is fine) and…very oddly misogynistic (which is not so fine).
A few weeks after we’d all had time to think about what had happened, we all discussed what had happened and our feelings about it on it in the MCC Bioware page on facebook, basically coming to terms with the shitstorm that had been that event. Ellis had started to decline noticeably by then, so some of the Cullenites in that group decided to try to contact (tweet) Ellis, showing him some screencaps of the discussion we’d had to tell him we were concerned for him.So he vague-blogged about us, lol. 
And even now, those of us who’ve dared to speak our minds about how he’s acted in this latest tweet storm are being blocked one-by-one. This includes a trained counselor who was at the show and tagged him, saying that telling people not to take their medication could have been potentially dangerous. He blocked her on all of his social media accounts.
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Is this the behavior of someone emotionally stable who cares about their fanbase as people? Or someone who just wants attention without taking responsibility for his actions?At any rate, that was the shitstorm that was the MCC 2017 VIP event with Greg Ellis. I will admit, it’s been hard to see the Cullen character quite the same afterward. Though I know the VA and the character are obviously different people, it’s still his voice coming through the screen - the same voice who, in my opinion, minimized the struggles of others for his own gain.Needless to say, any respect I had for the man is absolutely gone.TLDR: People should not speak on mental health and mental health issues to a room full of people when they do not have the proper training or education to do so.
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rebel666 · 4 years
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I'll be back tomorrow to stream the DLC from Mass Effect 1 and then it's off to Virmire! I am playing ME1 with a ton of mods that you can stop by to check them out or ask me any questions you have about them. The biggest one is the texture mods and the difference is night and day! Afterwards I'll be continuing with the rest of the Mass Effect games then Dragon Age and then Witcher (all with mods). I mostly cannot wait to start ME2 and introduce everyone to the Archangel drinking game!
My Twitch Channel - RebelATS
Mods used:
ALOT for ME1 Textures
ALOT for ME1 Update
ALOT Improved Static Lighting
ALOT Videos
ALOT ME1 Better Hair/Bun Textures
ME1 Recalibrated
Faster Airlock
Faster Elevator
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rebel666 · 4 years
Confessions of  a Joann Employee
UPDATE: If you want to send more confessions and/or report what’s happening at your Joann anonymously, there’s EmployeeJoann on Twitter that is responding to messages. They are constantly sharing and updating more as it becomes available to them!
A confession from a Joann employee that is in one of the Covid-19 effected areas and has so much to say about it:
-We are staying open until told by the state otherwise. Even though they declared a State of Emergency and all non-essential businesses must be shut down by 5pm on Saturday 3/21, our company is refusing to. Because Joann themselves is trying to deem Joann as an "essential" store. They even put it all over their website that we are here for the people making masks and small businesses who need fabric to continue. They quote that we are here for the customers and that we as United States Americans have a responsibility to fill this need. They aren’t looking at curbside only as an option, they aren’t looking at offering more benefits for shopping online, they want us open and people in stores. They are sending us emails with pieces of paper (unofficial, not state made) to print out and put in our cars to say we are on the way to work at an "essential retailer." Anything to make it so we can remain open.
-This sucks for employees and here’s why: The way Joann is set up is if we get sick, if we have to leave to take care of someone who is sick, if we want to self-quarantine (because of our health or the health of our loved ones), we either quit or ask to be put on Leave of Absence and cannot return without medical clearance. If we come into contact with someone who has Covid-19 (even if they came into the store), they request we stay home while the rest of us have to work even if we were standing right next to them. As long as we don’t display symptoms, we are expected to show up or we can request LoA. LoA does not pay us. The only way we as employees will be taken care of is if the store closes AND if we have two weeks of schedules set up. I was hoping the company was on the path to this when they had us cancel all the classes until May and then limited hours but all that went out the window today. Right now Joann is doing everything to prevent us from closing and in turn take care of their employees. Every single time I bring up our well-being, I get reminded that we need to think about the customer first.
-Our store is step up to have daily conference calls to talk about the current status and to express any concerns we have. I brought up the status about my county (our major has declared everyone be shut down as of 5pm tomorrow or the police will be involved) and that I am deeply concerned for us and they told me that we have a responsibility as a leader to keep everyone calm and to keep working through this. ***When I asked what if everyone in my store requests a Leave of Absence because we are all very much concerned about our health, they said, "We will replace you with team members from other stores. There are service industry people and travel workers looking for jobs and we will fill your positions with people who will work it."*** They straight up told me that we are replaceable/expendable because they value their "customers/money." It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been with the company. It all means nothing to them.
-They are sending out emails about what Joann is doing as a whole for Covid-19. Saying we are cleaning every hour and whatnot. What they fail to mention is we are a fabric store with no means of washing fabric. I see people on a daily basis cough into, wipe their snot on, kids place in their mouth, and all sorts of other nasty things into these bolts of fabric (seriously, wash the fabric you buy from Joann before doing anything). We have the basic cleaning supplies to wash floors and wipe counters with but that’s pretty much it. They are telling us as employees to bring in our own supplies if we can. An employee brought in gloves long ago just so we can use them to clean the bathrooms. Today I provided face masks for my fellow coworkers. Our store may look clean but we know its dirty little secrets.
-We are supposed to follow the whole 10 people rule but they do nothing to stop or limit people at the door and won’t do anything to enforce it. All while wanting us to cut hours to which is barely 2 people running the whole store for smaller Joann locations. It’s not safe for us to be on a bare-bones crew especially if they want us to remain an essential store.
-Joann before this was a great place to work. At least for my store. I love my store, I love the people I work with. Other stores I have heard horror stories from but mine was one of the good ones. I see them being bombarded on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to close. Not just by employees and families of employees but by concerned customers. And this pleases me because they need to take this seriously. What they do in the next 3 days will speak volumes on how much they listen to and care about us. This is a serious issue and we as employees are suffering.
As they report more, I will continue to add to this.
UPDATE 3/21: They emailed and made copies of this for employees to carry with them in their cars:
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Now the CEO of Joann is also a piece of work. All you have to do is google his name and you’ll see the Walgreen’s lawsuit, his DUIs (yes, plural), and his impact on Joann since joining - which includes increasing prices because of the tariffs. One employee confirms that when tariff thing went into effect, the entire store was repriced. Some markups were a few cents but some were a few dollars. Since then the prices continue to fluctuate.
There is also a petition going on Change.org asking for Joann to Close Their Stores And Pay Employees
If you get a chance, read some of the comments people are putting in support of this:
I no longer feel safe in my workplace. The greed is sickening.
My employees deserve to be treated like people and make a livable wage and have benefits! Our health over their profit!
Staff at my local store have been asked to bring in their own gloves for cleaning. Hand sanitizer expired in 2012. Employees are reporting little to know cleaning supplies in a store that targets the elderly as a primary demographic. The material used in the masks is not medical grade. This company is shamelessly profiteering from the pandemic.
As a former employee and manager I know the company does not follow any real cleaning guidelines. They understaff their stores, overwork their employees and frown upon time off. Fabrics and crafts are not essential items at this time and since the majority of the clientele there are elderly i think they are creating more risk. Finally do something good for your employees and send gem home with pay
As a previous manager, I'm sad to say that this company does not value its workers. To see that they are putting their workers, and others who visit, at a continued risk is unbelievable and is extremely selfish. Now is the time to act and stop the spread of COVID-19 and to keep Joann's open does not help stop the spread in anyway shape or form.
Over the last two days, my local store decided to carry on with inventory. They brought in an inventory team from the area of our state with the vast majority of cases. It's one thing to not close and continue to expose the public to the risk, but decisions like these show that Jo-Anns has a blatant disregard for the wellbeing of its employees and customers. Even more telling is the fact that we know that you are seeing our pleas to do the right thing, but continue to ignore us on social media. There is only one reason that you are pushing to categorize Jo-Anns as an essential business, and that is greed. In fact, I had to spend my own money on gas to drive all over the city looking for more cleaning supplies after my manager ordered me to. Your employees do so much for you, and we are compensated very little. I have been at Jo-Anns long enough to know that you would never compensate us for our time off, but at least join the other non-essential business and shut down for the time being.
joann’s customer base is primarily elderly or otherwise at risk people, and many employees are also older or immunocompromised. employees are overwhelmed as we can’t keep up with the cleaning guidelines while also taking care of customers, not to mention we’re severely lacking in cleaning supplies in the first place. joann is encouraging people to come in for supplies to make face masks, yet these masks aren’t sterile since people touch and breathe on the fabric all day, and it’s then laid on the counter to be measured and cut. employees themselves aren’t even allowed to wear masks or gloves. joann cares more about profit than the safety of both their team members and customers.
There are so many comments I want to share. These are just a few. This is Joann. They care more about their image and their financial gains than the backbone of their stores. The people who put up with their ridiculous requests day in and day out are now at risk and putting others at risk. Places like Hot Topic closed down and took care of their employees, places like Joanns should too!
But also lets not forget, Hobby Lobby is also not taking Covid-19 seriously.
UPDATE 3/22: “We have signs saying we're cleaning more but found out Friday that we're out of supplies in the distribution center. They claim they will send them out once they receive any but I found out today from a truck driver the company that supplies everything for Joann (from inventory to store use items) is closed for 2 weeks... because of this they're telling us to use the bathroom cleaner as a substitute.”
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From Joann Employee Confessions on Twitter:
Confession 17 - Our Joann was closed! We received a C&D from the Chief of Police! We were so ecstatic as employees when they came in and told us to cease all business operations! Not even curbside! BUT then we had to tell our District Manager... and everything changed.
Our DM told us to come back to work tomorrow because he was going to have Joann's lawyers work on it. My heart sank. Them being open was more important. So I went into work and it was so nice not being open to the public. We finally caught up on recovery and cleaning! All things we have neglected the past week because it's been too busy for us to keep up! All of us were in great spirits and it was the best day ever. Until our DM called... and he told us to section off all the "non-essential" parts of the store.
Fabric and sewing notions were deemed essential and we would be open to the public the next day. No curbside only. Nope. People were to come right back in and nothing about limitations. Nothing about cleaning our disgusting fabric. Just to section off half the store so the public could come in and buy all the fabric and sewing supplies they could want. And to add to that... they are doing a remnant promotion where all the spare pieces are free to the customer now! Another thing for our already spare crew to do when we don't have time!
I am honestly so shattered over how the Chief of Police who seemed so interested in our well-being backed out of this. We are exposed once again. 3 of us tonight took Leave of Absence papers tonight because we don't feel safe. This was the final nail in the coffin.
UPDATE - My coworker messaged me, “Got up at 10:00 to get ready for work. A text came in saying the store is closed and I don't have to come to work. Seems there was a conference call. It appears the state is involved and overrode the mayor!” But Joann is still fighting it. This is a day by day thing. They are telling us if we want hours we have to go to another store. If not, we have to put in our leave of absence. 
More articles coming through right now: 
These Retailers Refused To Close During The Pandemic, So An Illinois City Shut Them Down
Joann Fabrics' mask-making promotion raises questions
Gregory said the masks were being donated to Rush Oak Park Hospital in Oak Park and to Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital in Geneva – but spokespeople for both those hospitals said it was not true.“Due to infection control measures, Northwestern Medicine cannot accept donations of handmade masks, gowns and other medical supplies,” according to an email from Kimberly Waterman, spokeswoman for Northwestern Medicine Delnor. “Only factory-made, hospital-quality supplies, including N95 masks, face shields, gloves, gowns, sanitizers and swabs can be donated.”
“There is no barrier,” White said. “Once [handmade cloth masks] get wet, I don’t think they’re that effective.” (I can confirm. A RN confirmed with me that cloth masks collect moisture which acts as a magnet for infections.)
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rebel666 · 7 years
Want to donate some of your Halloween candy?
Have extra Halloween candy you don't want and want to donate it?
Here's three ways you can:
Ronald McDonald House Charities: Most locations accept unopened candy for the families and severely ill kids they are helping.
Operation Gratitude, Soldier's Angels, Operation Stars and Stripes, Operation Shoebox, and Any Solider: These organizations collect and send care packages to troops overseas (and some to first responders stateside).
Halloween Candy Buy Back Program: Some dentists accept candy in exchange for toothbrushes, coupons, and sometimes cash. Definitely call ahead since some dentists have rules in place.
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rebel666 · 7 years
The Stages of NaNoWriMo
October: I am going to do NaNoWriMo next month!
Day 1: NaNoWriMo! LET’S DO THIS!
Day 2: I got this! I can totally reach my goal!
Day 5: Maybe if I spread out how much I write throughout the day...
Day 12: Bippity boppity words. As long as I write something right?
Day 15: HELP! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. (hit the wall)
Day 16: *inserts character falling into story*
Day 21: I’ll be happy if I can make it halfway to the goal!
Day 25: I’ll be happy if I can make it a third of the way to the goal!
Day 28: I’ll be happy if I can make it a quarter of the way to the goal!
Day 29: F it. I’ll just write whatever the next chapters are supposed to be and come back later to fill in the rest.
Day 30: DONE. I’m done. Never gonna do that again. I wrote what I could. I don’t care if I made the goal. I don’t even want to look at it anymore.
October the following year: I’m going to do NaNoWriMo next month!
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rebel666 · 7 years
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Fanfiction Club: The Rules
This idea came to me when I woke up first thing this morning.
Part 2: “I want you to write me a fanfic.”
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rebel666 · 7 years
Cosplay goals...
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rebel666 · 7 years
I’ll put up a Ferengi flag and be like, "A Ferengi chooses no side but his own." I’ll also have a Rules of Acquisition sheet at the ready (with no small print).
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Neighborhood feud. My wife and I have a United Federation of Planets flag hanging on our house. My neighbors just hung a Klingon flag on theirs.
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rebel666 · 7 years
oh my god sad blokes are actually trying to argue that because they’re called Time Lords it means they are all men and that is why the Doctor can’t be a woman
oh my god
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Missy is judging you
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Romana is judging you
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The Rani is judging you
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The General is judging you
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Romana is judging you AGAIN
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rebel666 · 7 years
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To my fellow Whovians:
Do not forget that every time there is a new Doctor announced there is always a bunch of people revolting saying, "What a horrible choice!" or "I'll never watch Doctor Who again!" It happened with Capaldi, it happened with Smith, it'll happen after Whittaker too. You cannot please everyone and there will always be people there to rile our feathers. Especially with our new Doctor being a woman.
The rest of us Whovians are just happy to have more episodes to watch, more planets to explore, more characters to become attached to, and simply just more of the Doctor.
And to anyone who wants to keep bitching otherwise, I will pass on to you the great words of the 12th Doctor, "Fuckity Bye."
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rebel666 · 7 years
VOTE! <3
Select which Lovestruck route you’d like to see more screencaps from!
Was there a character you wanted to see more from? Are there any particular scenes you want? Now is your chance to help choose what I post!
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rebel666 · 7 years
I’ll take “Things That Make The World Burn” for $1000, Alex.
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Someone give this man a megaphone.
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rebel666 · 7 years
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Every time I start the read through Hades’ story arc in Astoria Fate’s Kiss, I have Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden playing in my head. I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, Be everything that you need I'll love you more with every breath, Truly madly deeply do I will be strong, I will be faithful, 'Cause I'm counting on A new beginning, A reason for living, A deeper meaning I wanna stand with you on a mountain I wanna bathe with you in the sea I wanna lay like this forever Until the sky falls down on me
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rebel666 · 7 years
Hey guys! I got accepted into Awesome Con's Pride Alley! To help me know what prides to make crocheted items of, I made a quick and easy questionnaire for people to share and fill out anonymously. Thanks! <3
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rebel666 · 7 years
LGBTQIA+ Question
What do you identify as?
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rebel666 · 7 years
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Did somebody say LEEEEEERRRROOOOYYYYY JEEEEEENNNNKKKIIINNNSS?!!?! Cosplay by Rebel Among The Stars Photo by Phosphorescence
Celebrate Leeroy Jenkins Day by reliving one of the internet’s finest videos
It’s hard to remember, but there was a time when the name “Leeroy Jenkins” didn’t elicit knowing nods and sage murmurs among every living human on the planet. But it’s true: It was 11 years ago today that an impetuous World Of Warcraft player was caught on camera bellowing his name, storming into battle, and getting himself and his entire team killed in a glorious mélange of chaos brought on by his impulsive action. Today we honor that fallen hero by watching—some of us for the 11,000th time—the beautiful behavior that sent him plunging forever into the annals of meme history.
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More at avclub.com
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